
    Dare to Awaken

    Travis Eliot is an internationally known yoga instructor, meditation teacher and author. Every week Travis shares a thematic talk with inspiring stories, practices, and wisdom to help you navigate the highs and lows of life. This podcast is for anyone who dares to awaken to their fullest potential of growth, fulfillment and meaning. If you're ready to awaken, hit subscribe, and press play! Thank you for rating and reviewing the DARE TO AWAKEN Podcast. DONATE TO THE DARE TO AWAKEN PODCAST https://www.innerdimensiontv.com/donate/ Your donation helps us to cover the costs of bringing you weekly inspiration and wisdom. Any donation is greatly appreciated and keeps the wheels turning! Visit https://traviseliot.com/ to learn more about Travis. https://www.instagram.com/realtraviseliot/ https://www.youtube.com/user/traviseliotonline https://www.facebook.com/traviseliot108 https://twitter.com/traviseliot
    enTravis Eliot105 Episodes

    Episodes (105)

    The FOCUS Meditation

    The FOCUS Meditation

    If there’s one thing that separates the mediocre from the great it’s the quality of focus.

    Are you in control of your mind, or is your mind in control of you? It’s the difference between being a victim and being empowered.

    Travis will guide you through a repetition meditation, known as japa, as a way to enhance the muscle of focus in your mind.

    Hope you enjoy!

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    Working with Pain in Yoga

    Working with Pain in Yoga

    Pain is the body’s way of sounding the alarm that something is wrong. It is paramount that we listen to the intelligence of our body in order to avoid injury.

    In this podcast, we will explore the wisdom of pain in yoga and discerning the difference between good pain and bad pain.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

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    A Life of Vitality

    A Life of Vitality

    Vitality is the state of being strong and energetic. The greater your vitality, the greater your life experience.

    In this podcast, we will explore diet, detoxification and nutrition, including a special "7 Day Vitality Food Plan," to help you feel most alive.

    Be sure to CLICK HERE to receive the FREE "Life of Vitality" PDF.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Dare to Awaken
    enAugust 04, 2020

    Using R.A.I.N. to Change The Game

    Using R.A.I.N. to Change The Game

    When facing difficult situations we often become lost in confusion and stress.

    R.A.I.N. is a powerful acronym often used in the mindfulness tradition as a way to more gracefully handle intense emotions.

    In this podcast, Travis will share the four step process of R.A.l.N. as a way to change the game.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Finding the Right YOGA TEACHER TRAINING For You

    Finding the Right YOGA TEACHER TRAINING For You

    Every passionate yogi inevitably asks themselves, “Should I do a yoga teacher training?”

    Regardless of whether you want to teach yoga or not, I always recommend, “When the time is right, do it! It’s life changing and you won’t regret it.”

    With that said, a training requires an investment of time, energy and money. In this podcast, I will share 5 key tips to help you to find the right program for you.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!


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    Dare to Awaken
    enJuly 14, 2020

    Finding Freedom from Likes and Dislikes

    Finding Freedom from Likes and Dislikes

    Most of us are conditioned to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

    In order to find true joy we have to unlearn this basic reflex. It’s as if you are swimming against the stream of evolution.

    In this podcast, we will explore finding true happiness by giving up a temporary pleasure for something of an infinite measure.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Dealing with SELF-HATRED

    Dealing with SELF-HATRED

    Self-hatred is an underlying feeling that we are not good enough and worthy of love from another or ourselves.

    This causes us to be in a constant state of comparison, often pulling us into a downward spiral of negativity and self-abuse.

    In this podcast, we will explore where self-hatred comes from and practices to find liberation from this dark imprisonment.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Dare to Awaken
    enJune 30, 2020

    The FORGIVENESS Meditation

    The FORGIVENESS Meditation

    Forgiveness practice releases us from the chains of the past. It is an act of courage to let go of the things that are no longer serving us.

    In the temples, it is common for monks to repeat this practice hundreds of times until it feels natural and authentic.

    In the meditation, we will extend the power of forgiveness in three directions as a way to cultivate freedom in the heart.

    Hope you enjoy!

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    Healing Racism in America (and Abroad)

    Healing Racism in America (and Abroad)

    Following the unprecedented crisis of the coronavirus, the nation was upended when a police officer brutally kneeled on the neck of George Floyd, for 8 minutes and 46 seconds leading to his death. This act spurred nationwide riots and protests calling for the end of police brutality and systemic racism in the United States and abroad. In Travis’ most challenging and difficult podcast talk, he addresses the need to bring a loving awareness to the painful issues of racism and oppression of minorities.

    Dare to Awaken
    enJune 16, 2020

    The Importance of Good Sleep

    The Importance of Good Sleep

    The effects of poor sleep habits can be disastrous. Compromised brain cognition, depression, weakened immunity, and weight gain are just a few of the effects of improper sleep.

    The good news is all this can be avoided by building a solid sleep regime that will support your overall wellness.

    In this Be Ultimate podcast, “The Importance of Good Sleep,” (Ep75) we will explore the science of sleep and 8 key tips to ensure you are getting your ‘beauty rest.’

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    The 4 Pillars of Fitness

    The 4 Pillars of Fitness

    In order to achieve your optimal level of fitness there are 4 pillars to be aware of.

    Without these 4 pillars activated, you will never fulfill your potential.

    In this podcast, we will explore the importance of strength, flexibility, balance and stamina.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    The ENERGY CENTER (Chakra) Meditation

    The ENERGY CENTER (Chakra) Meditation

    In this meditation, Travis guides you through the 7 energy centers, or chakras.

    Each energy center is a vortex of information and is connected to various organs, emotions, elements, colors, affirmations and mantras.

    Using conscious attention, visualization, reflection and chanting, this meditation will activate and awaken each center in a balanced steady way.

    Hope you enjoy!

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    The Power of FORGIVENESS

    The Power of FORGIVENESS

    At some point we all face betrayal, wrong doing and even injustice.

    Without bringing mindfulness to these challenges we harbor anger, resentment and animosity which over time poison the heart and the body. They have the potential to make us sick and shorten our lifespan.

    Prolific teachers like Jesus and Buddha taught that through these difficulties there is another way — the way of freedom and peace.

    In this podcast, we will explore the powerful practice of forgiveness.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    The 7 Energy Centers

    The 7 Energy Centers

    Inside of the spine is a channel running from the tail bone to the top of the head. Within this channel are 7 energy centers which are like 7 brains — each being its own center of complex information. In this podcast we will explore how these energy centers are related to various organs, glands, emotions and much more. Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode! Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Understanding the MYSTICAL Experience

    Understanding the MYSTICAL Experience

    What is a mystical experience? Can anyone have one? Are they even real, or just some made up fantasy?

    In this podcast, we will explore the mystery, wander, and the mind blowing science of the mystical experience.

    Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!

    Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing, subscribing and sharing with your community!

    Power Yoga “8 Limbs of Yoga Journey” l Day 7 Digital Retreat

    Power Yoga “8 Limbs of Yoga Journey” l Day 7 Digital Retreat

    Congrats, you made it to the final day of our Digital Yoga Retreat!

    Welcome to Day 7 Power Yoga "The 8 Limbs of Yoga Journey" (90min.) and "Sleep Well" Meditation (20min.)!!!

    "8 Limbs of Yoga Journey"
    In this 90 minute practice Travis takes you on spiritual journey through the 8 Limbs of Yoga - yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Prepare to move through a combination of the Mountain Pose Series, Pranayama and Meditation.

    "Sleep Well" Meditation
    More than 40% of Americans have sleep deprivation. We are seeing similar or worse statistics around the world. Poor sleep is correlated with the worsening of anxiety, depression and overall wellness. Good sleep is important for renewal, brain cleansing, memory consolidation and cognitive maintenance. In this meditation, Travis will guide you through the perfect meditation to prepare for a good night’s rest.

    It’s been an honor to share these last several days together. Thank you for your practice.

    These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    See YOU on the mat!

    -Travis Eliot

    Dare to Awaken
    enApril 26, 2020

    Power Yoga “Eye of the Storm” l Day 6 Digital Retreat

    Power Yoga “Eye of the Storm” l Day 6 Digital Retreat

    Welcome to Day 6 Power Yoga "Eye of the Storm" (90min.) and the "Pause" Meditation (20min.)!!!

    Power Yoga "Eye of the Storm"
    This epic 95-minute power yoga class will take you through the storm of challenge and intensity. The greater the challenge the greater the reward. This practice will reward you with strength, muscle tone, and calmness. Highlights include Eagle, Warrior 3 Pulse, Yogi Squat wrap, Horse Stance Side Ab flow, and Martial Arts Stretch.

    "Pause" Meditation
    This meditation allows you to discover calmness, even in the midst of a busy day, by energetically pressing the pause button. Suitable for all levels, this guided meditation provides powerful training to dissolve stress and promote peace of mind.

    Excited to share this week long digital retreat with you.

    These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    See YOU on the mat!

    -Travis Eliot

    Dare to Awaken
    enApril 25, 2020

    Power Yoga “Humble Warrior” l Day 5 Digital Retreat

    Power Yoga “Humble Warrior” l Day 5 Digital Retreat

    Welcome to Day 5 Power Yoga "Humble Warrior" (90min.) and the "Courage" Meditation (20min.)!!!

    Power Yoga "Humble Warrior"
    In this power yoga class Travis starts you with a smooth transition into the flow. After moving through circular arms Sun Salutation As, and a Humble Warrior flow, the heart will be pumping and the blood flowing. Prepare to move through a reverse prayer standing pose series that is medicine for the shoulders and wrists. Toward the end of the class Travis sneaks in a little bit of core exercise before winding you down for Shavasana.

    "Courage" Meditation
    Courage can be defined as taking conscious action despite feeling afraid or vulnerable. The call to courage can also mean standing up for what you believe in, even though you may feel anxious and uncertain about the consequences. But sometimes, being courageous doesn't always come naturally. It can require cultivation, and in this meditation, you will learn how to manage fear and anxiety that arises and to help you show up in your most empowered, strong, courageous way.

    Excited to share this week long digital retreat with you.

    These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    See YOU on the mat!

    -Travis Eliot

    Dare to Awaken
    enApril 24, 2020

    Power Yoga “Gentle” l Day 4 Digital Retreat

    Power Yoga “Gentle” l Day 4 Digital Retreat

    Welcome to Day 4 Power Yoga "Gentle" (60min.) and the "Loving Kindness" Meditation (20min)!!!

    Power Yoga "Gentle"

    In this 60 minute gentle yoga class prepare for a sweet relaxing stroll. This class a slow meditation in motion through standing, seated and reclining poses."

    "Loving Kindness" Meditation

    Loving-Kindness practice dates back approximately 2,500 years. In this meditation Travis Eliot gently guides you through various stages of spreading compassion using images, feelings and the repetition of loving phrases. With an open heart, we experience more joy and a meaningful connection with ourselves and others.

    Excited to share this week long digital retreat with you.

    These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.

    THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community - and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.

    THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!

    See YOU on the mat!

    -Travis Eliot

    Dare to Awaken
    enApril 23, 2020