
    Dare to Be Deliberate

    Dare to be Deliberate – Season 2: Cool Jobs Edition with Angee Linsey is a podcast for marketing and communications professionals who want to be intentional in their career. In this season, your host, Angee Linsey, an accomplished marketing and communications executive recruiter and career coach, gives you the opportunity to listen in on her conversations with communicators who are in those highly coveted roles in industries and organizations that many people describe as “cool.” She talks with her guests about if those roles are as cool as we think they are, but also some of the realities of being in those positions. Also, Dare to be Deliberate Wrap Up editions will provide a summary of various topics from recent interviews. If you want to learn more about the executive search and coaching services provided by Linsey Careers, visit linseycareers.com.
    enAngee Linsey101 Episodes

    Episodes (101)

    A Case for Mid Career Mentors | Ep #81

    A Case for Mid Career Mentors | Ep #81

    So many of us eagerly find mentors at the beginning of our career. But at the midpoint, we may find ourselves in a slump. That is when you need a mentor most. In this episode, Angee provides some startling statistics around how valuable having (and being) a mentor can be to your career.

    One fortune 500 company with a formal mentoring program in place tracked the career progress of 1,000 employees over a five year period. They found that both mentors and mentees were about 10% more likely to get a raise than people who did not participate in the program. Employees who received mentoring were promoted FIVE TIMES more often than those who did not have mentors.

    Even if you are in an organization that doesn't have a formal mentor program, now is the time to find one -- or even create your own personal board of directors. Angee shares who should be on that board.

    Listen in.

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    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enSeptember 01, 2021

    David Albritton, Nineteen88 Strategies | Ep #80

    David Albritton, Nineteen88 Strategies | Ep #80

    David Albritton's career has taken him from the US Naval Academy and serving in the Navy, to earning his way to the level of Chief Communications Officer at multiple corporations, and then serving as President of GM Defense. Some of his moves were planned and others were because of major business shifts, causing David to adjust more quickly. But when his adult daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia, David made the biggest shift by stepping back from his position at Amazon Web Services to focus on his daughter and grandchildren.

    In this episode, David tells how the Naval Academy has influenced his career, how he leads and how he looks left and right to those around him for knowledge, support and strength. He shares how his career moves were sometimes by choice and sometimes by chance - but at all times important to how the next move was shaped.

    Now leading his own coaching and consulting firm, David hopes to use those lessons to mentor and coach others as they navigate their careers. David's firm can be found at https://www.1988strategies.com/

    I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you!

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enAugust 11, 2021

    Choosing the Right Opportunity | Ep #79

    Choosing the Right Opportunity | Ep #79

    Anytime you are in a position of having to choose whether or not you will take a certain job -- or which job to take when given more than one choice -- it can be hard to know which one is going to be the BEST decision.

    In this episode, Angee walks you through a few exercises that will help you evaluate how each role aligns with your strengths, values, preferences, motivators and career vision -- as well as taking a bit more of an analytical approach. And of course, she had to throw in a little advice from her Mom.

    When you are making a decision about which job to take (or if you should stay where you are), this is the episode to download. You can also download the Values/Vision exercise on the Linsey Careers Website here

    I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you!

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enJuly 28, 2021

    Pay Attention to What You Pay Attention To | Ep #78

    Pay Attention to What You Pay Attention To | Ep #78

    For most of us, we go through our days just doing what needs to be done – but our attention is drawn to certain things. Those things that give us energy and make us feel more alive. Those challenges that are fun to tackle. Those areas of interest that just make us want to learn more and master that craft.

    Pay attention to what you pay attention to.

    In this episode, Angee shares a couple of examples of what candidates revealed in their interviews that made it clear that they weren't paying attention. Listen in to learn how to dare to be deliberate by focusing your energy on the things that interest you most.

    I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you!

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enJuly 14, 2021

    Kristin Graham Takes the Show | Ep #77

    Kristin Graham Takes the Show | Ep #77

    It's Podcast host Angee Linsey's turn to take the hot seat. In this episode, Communications Strategist, Keynote Speaker and self described word nerd, Kristin Graham, takes the mic and interviews Angee on how she has dared to be deliberate in her life and career.

    The two women, who have become friends as their professional paths crossed throughout the years, have a lively banter about life, travel, careers and being willing to take a few risks along the way. This episode will give the listener a little insight into how Angee has become so passionate about her work as a recruiter, career coach and world wanderer.

    I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you!

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enJune 30, 2021

    Do You Know What Success Looks Like? | Ep #76

    Do You Know What Success Looks Like? | Ep #76

    It's difficult to say yes to an offer when it is clear that the team that interviewed you is not in alignment with what success looks like for the role. How do you uncover what the expectations are for the role and if you are the one who can make it happen?

    In this episode, Angee talks about the time she took a job where this happened. Every stakeholder had a different idea of what she was supposed to deliver. The value of really understanding the business goals, and how you will help the team and organization meet those goals is a great place to start when uncovering what success will look like.

    Ask questions early and often to get the clarity you need to know if this is the job for you. The answers may not always be as clear if a team is new or evolving -- and that's okay for some. But if there's a nagging feeling that the job may not be set up for success because of differing expectations, it's worth asking for another conversation with your future boss before accepting the offer.

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    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enJune 16, 2021

    A Culture of Yes | Ep #75

    A Culture of Yes | Ep #75

    There are offices that are known for responding to nearly every request with an "it's not my job" sentiment. The result is that people find work arounds and alternate resources to solve the problems that should be served by that negative team.

    In this episode, Angee shares the story of how she learned that a "culture of yes" can change how others view your team -- and how in doing so, the work done by that team improves.

    She learned the concept from a Captain she worked for while in the Navy Reserve. His team had that "not my job" reputation until he took over. He introduced the concept of never saying "no," but instead, finding ways to say yes. Maybe it's by solving the problem in a different way -- or maybe it's pointing the person to the right resource when it really is out of their scope of expertise.

    The result of the shift to a culture of yes was remarkable. Better assignments and recognition came their way. And the team was having more fun.

    Listen in and learn how to adapt a culture of yes to your team.

    I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you!

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enJune 02, 2021

    That Conversation Before the Offer | Ep #74

    That Conversation Before the Offer | Ep #74

    If you’ve recently accepted a job offer, you've surely done a ton of homework on how to negotiate the salary and all the other things that might be negotiable. But what about that conversation before you receive the offer? This is your chance to confirm your own assumptions and ensure those things that could impact your new job are out in the open.

    In this episode, Angee walks through a few things to consider talking about with the recruiter as they put the offer package together. By sharing information like vacations that are already planned with tickets purchased -- but will be within the first couple of months on the job; or the fact that you won't be comfortable giving notice until your boss gets back from that business trip -- meaning the start date is a week later than hoped. These are things that are easy to manage if you talk about them up front.

    The conversation before the offer is just as important as the offer negotiation itself. It’s a chance for you to get clear in your head what you are asking for and gives the recruiter a chance to help you get the offer you want.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enMay 19, 2021

    Russell Newell, Director Executive Communications, United Healthcare | Ep #73

    Russell Newell, Director Executive Communications, United Healthcare | Ep #73

    Communications leader, Author, Ironman Athlete and family man, Russell Newell shares his story with Angee, proving that success can take many forms both on and off the job.

    Russell has traversed from being a communicator for government agencies in Iraq during the height of the war, writing for Disney-ABC Television Group's president, and now as the Director of Executive Communications for United Healthcare. But his identity is not just his career. He's completed multiple Ironman triathlons and just published an entertaining book about his misadventures joining that competition. All of this while being a husband and father of four young children. Through it all he reflects on the adventure, fun and lessons learned.

    Russell's book, Irondad Life: A Year of Bad Decisions and Questionable Motives-What I Learned on the Quest to Conquer Ironman Lake Placid was released on May 4, 2021 and can be purchased at any book retailer.


    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enMay 05, 2021

    The One About Adam Grant | Ep #72

    The One About Adam Grant | Ep #72

    Binge worthy podcasts are worth talking about. Adam Grant's Work Life definitely fits that description and is ideal for people who are daring to be deliberate in their career.

    In this episode Angee talks about a few of her favorite episode's of Work Life. Tips on salary negotiation in Science of the Deal remind us all that the one who speaks first is not necessarily at the disadvantage we may have been taught. Navigating Career Turbulence is a great episode showing resilience and willingness to shift gears when our careers get derailed due to outside forces. And then there is the totally entertaining nerd festival listening in on a conversation between Adam Grant and Malcolm Gladwell. In Angee's opinion, it doesn't get any better than that.

    Listen in to hear why Angee binges on Adam Grant, and how you may want to add Work Life to your podcast line up.


    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Dare to Be Deliberate
    enApril 21, 2021

    Setting Boundaries | Ep #71

    Setting Boundaries | Ep #71

    This pandemic has a lot of corporate professionals working from home, and it's going well. But the line between home life and work life have blurred and many people are feeling like they cannot push back when their boss adds another project to an already full plate.

    We all teach people how to treat us and that includes at work. Boundaries are important to maintain a healthy balance between work and home -- and that means setting boundaries with your boss when you're stretched too thin for too long.

    In this episode, Angee shares a few ways for you to have a conversation with your boss that doesn't make you the victim of being overworked. Instead, it makes you the problem solver by measuring work, prioritizing projects and partnering with your boss to ensure success for all.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Travis Parman, CCO AppHarvest | Ep #70

    Travis Parman, CCO AppHarvest | Ep #70

    AppHarvest Chief Communications Officer Travis Parman has had an exciting career that spans three continents, leading communications for major global companies. Prior to his current role, he was heading up North American communications for Nissan. His team was running on all cylinders and doing well. He was feeling a little restless and found his way to a company that was a far cry from the large organizations in which he had built his career, but that brought him back to his Appalachian roots.

    Travis shares his career journey and why he made some of the choices he made. He reminds listeners of the value of their network, and how those relationships will introduce us to opportunities we never thought possible. He reminds us all to be patient in our career path -- but not too patient.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Asking for Feedback | Ep #69

    Asking for Feedback | Ep #69

    Nearly 60% of employees said they would like feedback from their bosses on a daily or weekly basis. That number jumps to 72% of employees under age 30. Chances are you aren't getting feedback that often, so how do you ask for it -- and then what do you do?

    Scheduling regular conversations with your boss to specifically get feedback is the very best approach. It can be a weekly 15-minute feedback session on one project, or a longer discussion if you need help solving a problem.

    During those sessions, listen carefully and take notes. Process what you learned and what action items are needed, then follow up with an email outlining your plan. This gives your boss a chance to confirm you're on the same page -- and that you are taking the feedback seriously.

    Learning how to receive and act on constructive feedback is essential when daring to be deliberate and when leveling up your career.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Mindset Matters | Ep #68

    Mindset Matters | Ep #68

    Are you in job search because the role you're in just isn't a fit? Maybe you have a really bad boss, or you've just been unemployed longer than you expected to be. In those situations, it's easy to focus on all the reasons you need to make a change, and that often comes out in the interview, whether you mean it to or not.

    Flipping the switch from the pain mindset to the positive one means that you focus on what you are running toward rather than what you are leaving behind. Not only will it make your example story telling more positive, you will find yourself more enthusiastic about the role you are seeking.

    It's not always easy, but it will definitely make a big difference in your attitude and your results. Give it a try, and let me know how it goes.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Charles Poole, PooleProof Wisdom | Ep #67

    Charles Poole, PooleProof Wisdom | Ep #67

    In addition to being an accomplished marketing and communications executive, Charles K. Poole shares his PooleProof Wisdom with people whenever he gets the chance. Inspired by the lessons taught by his mother and other key figures in his life, he blogs, posts on social media and does a podcast of his own to share snippets of wisdom and encouraging words.

    Listen in to Angee and Charles as they talk about how PooleProof Wisdom came about, how Charles has used these lessons to fuel his own deliberate course in his career, and how you can, too. Writing and speaking about what he's learned is how he serves his purpose.

    You can find Charles and PooleProof Wisdom on social media including Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as wherever you get your podcasts.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Mastering the Digital Interview | Ep #66

    Mastering the Digital Interview | Ep #66

    If you're currently in job search, chances are you've encountered the dreaded digital interview where you're invited to answer a few screening questions via video with no actual person on the other side. It's nerve-racking and not the best candidate experience, but it's getting more popular and likely here to stay.

    It's time to get comfortable with this interview style and add it to your repertoire of job search skills. In this episode, Angee covers a few tips to nail the interview including:

    • Making sure your background is distraction free and simple
    • Having the right interview "outfit" that is one step up from the company culture's daily attire
    • Getting your story down and practicing by doing a self-mock interview
    • Checking your energy level to get the right balance of enthusiastic but not over the top

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    That One Small Thing | Ep #65

    That One Small Thing | Ep #65

    While celebrating 2020 being in our rear view mirror, our optimism may be clouded by simply being exhausted. Instead of tackling a list of big New Year's resolutions, Angee suggests picking one small thing to do each day that will help you dare to be deliberate in your career or job search.

    One small thing can be really small - update your LinkedIn profile picture, spend five minutes on social media and actually connect with someone you haven't spoken to in awhile. Like, really connect. Send a personal note just saying hello. Revisit your values and vision (use this worksheet to help). Angee shares a few ideas to get you started. By doing one small thing every day, you're making room for the big things that help you achieve whatever it is you're looking to do.

    What small thing will you do today?

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2021 Angee Linsey

    Curiosity and the Informational Interview | Ep #64

    Curiosity and the Informational Interview | Ep #64

    In the spirit of daring to be deliberate in your career, in this episode Angee challenges listeners to become even more curious about companies, career paths and possibilities they never even considered. A great way to do this is through the informational interview. You don't even have to call it that -- just have conversations with people in your network about their careers. Why did they take the path they did? What would they do differently? What do they love or dislike about their job? What do they love about their company?

    What if you said to someone when you met them, “Wow – that sounds really interesting. Would you be willing to grab coffee and tell me more about what you do?”

    Angee did that over a decade ago when she met a boutique search firm owner, and look what happened.

    Make informational interviewing one of your Career Action Plan items.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2020 Angee Linsey

    Taylor L Cole Longacre, Producer and TV Host | Ep #63

    Taylor L Cole Longacre, Producer and TV Host | Ep #63

    Taylor L Cole Longacre knew she would be on television when she was just a young girl as her grandfather told her it was surely meant to happen. In a conversation with Dare to be Deliberate host Angee Linsey, Taylor tells the story of her career journey -- from public relations leadership to now hosting three television shows.

    Whether telling the story of how she landed in communications (very intentionally, of course), to leaving the corporate world to pursue her television producer and host aspirations full time, Taylor shares the ups and downs of taking risks that have lead to the rewards of a fulfilling career doing what she has always dreamed of doing.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2020 Angee Linsey

    Grateful for Deciding | Ep #62

    Grateful for Deciding | Ep #62

    It’s Thanksgiving week if you’re listening to this podcast within a few days of release. In this episode, Angee shares her gratitude for those in her professional community. And she also offers a personal story of some changes she's made in her life as the universe makes it abundantly clear that you can't wait to pursue those things you've dreamed about, or wait to spend time with people who are the most important to you.

    After months of struggling to keep the positive attitude that is so natural to Angee in normal times, one day she woke up and decided. She decided it was time to take action instead of waiting for the world to return to what we knew it to be. Within days of making that decision - good things started to happen. It was as if the energy had shifted and momentum began to build.

    Through her personal story, Angee reminds us that our personal and professional lives are one. We bring our whole selves to the table every day. It's what makes us who we are -- and it's another way we can all dare to be deliberate.

    Visit https://linseycareers.com/podcast/ for show notes and other available downloads.

    © 2020 Angee Linsey