
    Data Lab Dialogues

    SAP Business Technology Podcast
    da-DKSAP SE31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    How Hard Can It Be

    How Hard Can It Be
    In a conversation with Jacob Lund, Senior Director, Data & Analytics Transformation at NTT Data Business Solutions we learn how NTT can help businesses make sense of their data and how to architect your organization and system architecture in such a way as to reap the full benefit of data, whether they are structured or unstructured. Jacob explains the concept of the Data Fabric and gives us at SAP some feedback on the maturity of the SAP solutions in this context.

    Pace Layered SAP Roadmap with Accenture

    Pace Layered SAP Roadmap with Accenture
    ​ In a conversation with Joakim Frisberg, Head of Nordic SAP transformation at Accenture we learn how Accenture help businesses reap the benefits of digitalization early on by intelligently de-composing their legacy solution architecture into a mix of cloud offerings and intelligent deployment of value adding services from the SAP business Technology platform. And in doing this they prepare for the shift to SAP S/4HANA, thus making the move much simpler. Accenture call this Smart field (As opposed to green- and brownfield).

    Cloud Mindset at Norsk Hydro

    Cloud Mindset at Norsk Hydro
    ​In a conversation with Martin Verlande, SAP Technology Architect at Norsk Hydro we hear how Hydro adopts new technologies using shaping and safeguarding processes. At Norsk Hydro IT has set aside time to ensure that the maturity of new technology offerings is continuously explored, so that the right technologies are always ready to be adopted when the business need arise. Martin gives a thorough analysis of the SAP Business Technology Platform. What is hot and what is not. We also discuss the key value add of classic SAP in terms of structured CI/CD processes and end-to-end monitoring of business process execution.

    Retail Data Management

    Retail Data Management
    ​In a conversation with Mikael Walsted, Enterprise Architect at Salling group we hear about a pragmatic approach to enterprise architecture focused on value creation and an ambition to match IT-cost to realized value. But we also learn how Salling IT has been pro-active in their quest to establish a foundation for value creation well in advance of the idea creation. We discuss how the business is active participants in data management topics and how Salling has become truly data driven and what this means to the business.

    Finance Transformation at SAP Nordic with S/4HANA

    Finance Transformation at SAP Nordic with S/4HANA
    ​In a conversation with Christian Pedersen, CFO SAP Nordic we learn a few basics on being a CFO and running a finance organization. A few details on a day in the life of an SAP CFO is shared. We learn how and why SAP has transformed their Finance processes and organization in the past 5-10 years and how S/4HANA has accelerated the change. We discuss the benefits of data transparency and how access to real time reporting simplifies finance execution.

    Conversion Factory and Business Transformation

    Conversion Factory and Business Transformation
    In a conversation with David Colgan from Deloitte we take the pulse of S/4HANA on the Danish market. We learn how the technical aspects of moving to S/4HANA has become so trivial that this is no longer a concern or risk. This means that we more often than not see businesses take on the additional challenge of implementing some sort of data driven business transformation as part of their S/4HANA project. We learn from David how Deloitte is a catalyst for such change. Hear David’s optimistic view on Danish business agility and readiness in the years to come.

    Democratising data using Catalogues

    Democratising data using Catalogues
    In a conversation with Martin Börjesson from TetraPak we hear about the TetraPak approach to data management and how data is catalogued and exposed in a fashion that enable true democratization of data usage. Learn how TetraPak has established a culture of innovation through creation of lean “Minimum Viable Products” to augment their business processes with data driven solutions. Learn Martin’s take on “Data Management” and the TetraPak enterprise data strategy, a multi-year program for data enablement that seeks to instill a cross departmental awareness of the poser of data.

    SAP Governance, Etik, Teknisk Gæld og Sprints hos ATP

    SAP Governance, Etik, Teknisk Gæld og Sprints hos ATP
    Thomas Hartmann fra ATP giver sit bud på god skik i en IT-organisation når det gælder rettidig omhu i planlægning af de forretningskritiske IT-systemer. Thomas beretter hvordan ATP har forandret en IT-organisation med klassiske halvårlige leverancer og en vis portion IT-teknisk gæld til en agil og forretningsorienteret sprint-baseret løsningsfabrik. Hør hvordan ATP benyttede S/4HANA til at simplificere adgang til nøgletal for finansfunktionen og dermed skabte grundlaget for simplere forretningsgange.

    SAP Integration - er CPI klar?

    SAP Integration - er CPI klar?
    En samtale om integration i SAP landskaber med Daniel Graversen, Mangeårig integrationsekspert og indehaver af FIGAF. SAP-landskaber bevæger sig lige så stille fra det monolitiske ERP-system hvor alle processer og applikationer udbydes fra centralt hold til et mere forskelligartet landskab hvor de brugervendte applikationer tilbydes i skyen både af SAP og af andre leverandører. Dermed øges integrationsudfordringen fra ”blot” at være overførsel af eksterne data til SAP og hovedbogen til nu også at være fra hovedbogen til alle interne og eksterne applikationer, der leverer procesunderstøttende funktionalitet og data. Hvad betyder det for integrationsspecialisten? Hør hvordan Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) giver nye muligheder men også udfordringer.
    Data Lab Dialogues
    da-DKNovember 06, 2020