
    Date Your Wife

    Co-hosts Garrett J White and Danielle K White share in this weekly podcast, as a powerhouse husband and wife duo why date nights have become non-negotiable in their life. Garrett is the founder of Wake Up Warrior, a program for married businessmen to live the Warrior’s Way towards having a life of having it all, and Danielle is the founder of NBR Education and DKW Styling Salon. They will share how they have created success in every aspect of their lives after being willing to rebuild and heal from disconnection, and it all starts with weekly date nights.
    enWARRIOR EMPIRE100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Learning To Read Between The Lines

    Learning To Read Between The Lines

    Welcome to another episode of our podcast, where we're unlocking the secrets of better communication and personal growth in relationships. We've been on quite the journey ourselves. Back in the day, the smallest things used to set us off, creating a cascade of misunderstandings. But, thanks to therapy and some Enneagram wisdom, we've uncovered a superpower: the ability to tune into each other's vibes and unspoken feelings.

    Now, when a tricky comment or behavior arises, we handle it with understanding, leaving negative assumptions in the rearview mirror. We've learned to decipher the unsaid, and while we're big on giving the benefit of the doubt, we're not infinitely patient with repeated slip-ups. We're all about growth, and therapy and the Enneagram have been our trusty companions on this journey.

    Get ready for some game-changing insights – it's time to dive in! 🚀

    Date Your Wife
    enOctober 02, 2023

    Vices, Growth, and the Path to Stronger Relationships

    Vices, Growth, and the Path to Stronger Relationships

    In this episode of the Date Your Wife podcast, Garrett J White & Danielle K White delve into the complexities of human behavior and relationships.

    They explore our tendency to judge others for their habits while admitting to their own vices, from caffeine to alcohol and dietary choices. Throughout, they stress the importance of balance and avoiding guilt in pursuing goals.

    Beyond vices, they discuss personal growth challenges and the impact of judgment based on individual experiences. Open communication and accountability are key.

    They reflect on four transformative years, guided by a higher power, believing in unity's societal impact. Open relationships are touched upon, with reservations.

    The hosts focus on their journey towards honest communication in their relationship, highlighting vulnerability and truth for a strong connection. They discuss sexual relationship evolution, and emphasize avoiding extreme measures like open relationships.

    Their goal is to empower listeners to improve their relationships through open communication.

    The episode ends with exciting announcements about upcoming episodes of The Real White House and speaking engagements.

    Date Your Wife
    enSeptember 25, 2023

    Why Seeing Each Other Isn't Enough

    Why Seeing Each Other Isn't Enough

    In this episode of the Date Your Wife podcast, Garrett and Danielle White open up about their marriage journey.

    They explore therapy's pivotal role, the essence of deep connection, and the intriguing dance of sexual desires in a relationship.

    Danielle's analytical nature helps her understand the enigma of men. Her ability to relate to their perspectives enhances her connection with Garrett and enables honest conversations.

    Garrett and Danielle introduce the Date Your Wife Experience, a platform for couples to engage in group therapy. It emphasizes the need for active work on the relationship, providing insights from the Wake Up Warrior community.

    Danielle shares her quest for a deeper connection with Garrett despite achieving milestones. Therapy uncovers the importance of emotional and sexual intimacy.

    The two discuss the significance of open conversations about sexual desires. They share how it has positively impacted their relationship, emphasizing its importance.

    Garrett and Danielle's journey emphasizes therapy, honest communication, and addressing sexual desires in nurturing a fulfilling partnership. It's a roadmap for couples seeking connection and passion in their love story.

    Date Your Wife
    enSeptember 18, 2023

    Exploring the "Toxicity" of the "I Don't Need a Man" Mentality

    Exploring the "Toxicity" of the "I Don't Need a Man" Mentality

    In this week's episode, Danielle and Garrett White dive deep into the delicate art of juggling a career while giving your family the attention they deserve.

    Danielle opens up about her journey of kickstarting her own brand, DKW Styling.

    Her motivation?

    To gain independence and a high-quality lifestyle for herself and her children.

    She shares her belief in the importance of women having independence and purpose outside of their roles as wives and mothers and how pursuing her career and making money has given her a sense of freedom and fulfillment.

    However, she also acknowledges the value of having a partner who is a strong producer and provider.

    Garrett adds that men are not naturally built to be house husbands and that the societal shift towards women being more aggressive and masculine can create a clash in relationships.

    They chat about the importance of maintaining that balance between work and playfulness in a relationship, as well as the impact of societal expectations on gender roles.

    So, grab your headphones and get ready to be inspired as they drive home the point that it's absolutely crucial to find your own sense of purpose and independence, even if you're playing the traditional roles of a loving partner and devoted parent.

    It's all about creating a life that's uniquely yours, and these two are here to show you how it's done! 

    Date Your Wife
    enSeptember 11, 2023

    The Importance of Self-Care & Quality Time in Relationships

    The Importance of Self-Care & Quality Time in Relationships

    Join Danielle and Garrett, on a captivating journey through the streets of Paris in the latest episode of the Date Your Wife podcast!

    In this episode, they share candid conversations and laughter from their recent 20th-anniversary trip to the City of Love.

    Buckle up for a ride covering self-care, fashion, and the evolution of their intimate life.

    From the challenges of maintaining youthful appearances to sipping champagne in Paris, Danielle and Garrett infuse every moment with their wit and charm.


    Date Your Wife
    enSeptember 04, 2023

    Sedating The Truth: The Dangers of Avoiding Conflict

    Sedating The Truth: The Dangers of Avoiding Conflict

    Modern relationships are a delicate dance between love, personal growth, and the pursuit of success.

    In a recent episode of The Date Your Wife podcast, Garrett and Danielle open up about their own journey, offering a candid exploration of marriage, communication, and the dynamics that come with balancing ambition and intimate connection.

    Honesty is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and Garrett and Danielle emphasize its profound importance. Even when it's uncomfortable or may lead to conflict, the two stress the need to be open and transparent with your partner.

    Sharing your truth, even if it differs from your partner's perspective, fosters trust and deepens the connection. While honesty might be difficult, the couple underscores that it is essential to maintaining a vibrant and sustainable relationship.

    By prioritizing open communication, embracing vulnerability, and supporting each other's growth, couples can establish a strong foundation upon which to build a fulfilling and enduring relationship.

    So, whether you're a newlywed or have been together for decades, their wisdom offers guidance on the journey of love, growth, and connection.

    Date Your Wife
    enAugust 21, 2023

    The Fantasy of Being Swept Off Your Feet

    The Fantasy of Being Swept Off Your Feet

    In this episode of the Date Your Wife podcast, hosts Danielle and Garrett dive into the topic of seduction and connection within a relationship.

    They discuss the common fantasy of being swept off one's feet and the allure of certainty and adventure.

    They also explore the power dynamics in relationships and the importance of emotional connection.

    With candid and humorous conversations, they share personal experiences and insights on how to keep the spark alive in a long-term partnership.

    Join them as they navigate the complexities of seduction, connection, and the ever-evolving dynamics of love and desire.

    Tune in and allow yourself to be swept away!


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    Date Your Wife
    enAugust 07, 2023

    The Secret to Saving a Struggling Marriage

    The Secret to Saving a Struggling Marriage

    Welcome back to another episode of the Date Your Wife podcast!

    Join Garrett and Danielle White as they take you on a journey into the importance of dating your spouse and its incredible potential to revive struggling marriages.

    In this emotionally charged installment, Garrett and Danielle fearlessly open up about their personal experiences and the challenges they've faced in their own marriage.

    They candidly discuss the common obstacles that married couples encounter when trying to prioritize their relationship amidst the chaos of everyday life.

    From the guilt that arises when seeking outside help to the genuine fear of losing one's sense of self in the union, they bravely delve into the mindset shifts essential for nurturing a thriving marriage.

    Garrett and Danielle challenge the misconception that investing in your marriage is a financial burden.

    Instead, they highlight the true value of consistent and intentional efforts to keep the flame of love burning brightly.

    Join this power couple as they inspire you to challenge societal norms and embark on a journey of rekindling the romance and connection with your partner.

    Discover how dating your spouse can breathe new life into even the most struggling of marriages.

    Whether you're newlyweds or have been together for decades, this episode is for you!

    Tune in as Garrett and Danielle share their personal journey and impart invaluable insights that will transform the way you approach your relationship.

    Get ready to reignite the spark and strengthen the bond with your beloved.

    Date Your Wife
    enJuly 31, 2023

    The Power of Therapy: Healing and Growth in Relationships

    The Power of Therapy: Healing and Growth in Relationships

    Welcome to the latest episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast, where we dive deep into the transformative power of therapy and how it can revolutionize your relationship! Join us as we embark on a thrilling exploration of the benefits that therapy brings to couples like us.

    Therapy is where we find a secure space for reflection and communication beyond the confines of our regular date nights and financial planning meetings. It's like a portal that unlocks hidden doors, revealing the topics we never thought we could discuss.

    But therapy isn't just about managing conflicts or finding solutions to everyday challenges. It's about diving headfirst into the depths of our emotions and emerging with a newfound understanding of one another. We all know those moments when a conversation starts to escalate into a fiery argument, right? Well, therapy provides us with the tools to express our emotions and engage in conversations without letting anger take control.

    Now, here's where things get really interesting. Therapy has become our lifeline in the midst of our busy lives. With schedules packed to the brim and demands pulling us in all directions, therapy carves out dedicated time for these essential discussions.

    But therapy is not just about the therapist's insights; it's also about the power of self-reflection. It's a journey that encourages us to look within ourselves and examine our own behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. As we unravel the layers of our own complexities, we gain a greater understanding of how we show up in our relationship.

    Therapy has been a game-changer for us, but it wasn't an overnight decision. We started our journey in 2016, but even before that, we had sporadic therapy-like conversations that hinted at the potential power of therapy. Back then, we had never sought professional help, but once we experienced the transformative effects of therapy, there was no turning back.

    Date Your Wife
    enJuly 17, 2023

    From Taboo to Tantalizing: Unleashing the Power of Sex and Connection

    From Taboo to Tantalizing: Unleashing the Power of Sex and Connection

    Welcome to another episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast!

    Get ready to dive into a topic that will make your hearts race and your cheeks blush—sex and connection in relationships!

    Danielle & Garrett are here to spice things up and remind us all of the importance of intimacy. 

    The couple has embarked on a personal journey to take their connection to the next level.

    They've discovered that sex is more than just a physical act—it's a gateway to deepening emotional and spiritual bonds between partners. Who knew that getting frisky could be so enlightening?

    Now, these two were raised in religious backgrounds where sex was often hush-hush. But guess what?

    They've managed to break free from any fear or guilt associated with it. They've embraced the freedom and power that comes with exploring their desires and connecting on a whole new level. Talk about turning taboo into tantalizing!

    For Danielle & Garrett, sex is like a mind-blowing rollercoaster ride of ecstasy and euphoria. It's a moment when they feel utterly open, vulnerable, and connected like never before. It's the ultimate high that leaves them craving more.

    Sure, they acknowledge that connection can be achieved through deep conversations and other means, but let's be real here—sex offers a whole different level of connection. It's like the secret ingredient that takes your relationship from lukewarm to sizzling hot.

    Our hosts have a fiery message for you: sexual intimacy should be a priority if both partners. It's a gift from God, designed to be experienced and enjoyed in this lifetime.

    Danielle & Garrett firmly believe that it's a critical ingredient for a healthy and passionate relationship.

    Now, we're not suggesting you run wild and forget about everything else. Connection comes in many forms, and communication is vital.

    But don't shy away from embracing the power of physical intimacy!

    Date Your Wife
    enJuly 10, 2023

    Porn to Power

    Porn to Power

    Get ready as Danielle and Garrett turn up the heat and invite you to join them on this white-hot episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast.

    Prepare to be scorched by their insights, seduced by their tips, and set ablaze with a passion for fiery communication and red-hot relationships.

    In this episode, Danielle and Garrett tackle head-on the feedback they've received about their habit of constantly interrupting each other. Sparks fly as they acknowledge the problem and embark on a mission to master their communication skills by fiercely battling the urge to cut each other off.

    Hold on tight as Danielle and Garrett bare it all, sharing their blistering therapy session experience where they discovered the power of holding space for one another. They reveal their burning desire to ignite a new chapter in their communication, free from the painful scars of the past. Danielle and Garrett are igniting change, fueling their relationship with active listening, scorching vulnerability, and a commitment to each other's growth.

    But wait, there's an extra dose of spice! The topic of Porn within marriage is brought to the table.

    They challenge listeners to seize control of their passions, leaving no partner unsatisfied.

    Get ready for their scorching personal stories of navigating the flames of desire, where they risked it all and gained everything. 

    This is The Date Your Wife Podcast!

    Date Your Wife
    enJuly 03, 2023

    Learning to Speak Your Truth: Overcoming Conflict Avoidance

    Learning to Speak Your Truth: Overcoming Conflict Avoidance

    In this episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast, Danielle & Garrett tackle some juicy topics about relationships, therapy, and sexuality. They really hammer home the importance of communication and vulnerability.

    First up, they get real about their own therapy experiences and how it's crucial to go in without expecting to be right. They also chat about how guys often feel like they're the ones causing problems in relationships and why both partners need to take responsibility.

    They also dive into the wild world of Mormon culture and sex. They spill the beans about waiting until marriage and wearing unsexy PJs and then share how they've become more comfortable and confident in their bodies and started rocking some sexy lingerie in the bedroom.

    And hey, it's not all rainbows and sunshine. They dish about the challenges that power couples face in their marriages, like the temptation to shut down and trade in their partner, the struggles of navigating the relationship, and even the potential for divorce.

    Throughout the episode, they stress the importance of being open and honest about your feelings, even if it's awkward or tough. They also talk about using personal content, like pics and videos, for some spicy fun and how crucial it is to recognize when your partner is hurting and be there for them.

    Overall, this episode is a real eye-opener. It's like having a heart-to-heart chat with your best buds about relationships, therapy, and getting busy. They remind us that communication, vulnerability, and taking ownership are key ingredients for building and maintaining awesome relationships.

    Date Your Wife
    enJune 26, 2023

    The Importance of Emotional Connection in Marriage

    The Importance of Emotional Connection in Marriage

    Prepare for a captivating episode as Garrett & Danielle dive into the tantalizing realm of sexual transmutation, unveiling its potential to ignite a blazing path to success in all aspects of life.

    Inspired by Napoleon Hill's groundbreaking work in "Laws of Success," we venture into uncharted territories where the raw power of sexual energy fuels unimaginable productivity, boundless creativity, and unparalleled achievements.

    Brace yourself for a podcast episode that challenges norms, explores the evolving landscape of infidelity, and unlocks the secrets to profound connection and fulfillment.

    As we unravel the complex web of intimate relationships, we delve into the phenomenon of cheating.

    Our hosts boldly illuminate the shifting tides, revealing a truth that pulses with empowerment and independence.

    No longer confined to the shadows, women have embraced their desires, refusing to settle for anything less than passionate, fulfilling connections.

    Join us as we dissect the multifaceted motivations behind infidelity, exposing the primal urges that drive men and the emotional yearnings that guide women toward forbidden territories.

    Through candid discussions and heartfelt revelations, we delve into the transformative power of open communication, understanding, and the pursuit of genuine intimacy.

    But the revelations don't end there.

    We embark on a voyage through the uncharted waters of co-parenting, a realm fraught with challenges and unforeseen obstacles.

    Through personal anecdotes, our hosts share the transformative power of a unified front in raising children, where the strength of their own bond becomes the foundation for effective parenting.

    Discover the secrets to harmonious co-parenting as we navigate the treacherous storms of stress and drama, emerging victorious with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our children.

    To truly grasp the essence of thriving relationships, we unlock the art of being present and attentive, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a world of passion and connection.

    Witness the magic that unfolds when partners dedicate themselves to active engagement, deep listening, and unwavering support.

    Explore the intricate dance of balancing life's demands while savoring the stolen moments of intimacy that breathe life into our connections.

    Together, we unravel the power of presence, igniting flames that burn with fervor and purpose.

    Embark on this intoxicating podcast episode as we shatter barriers, ignite passions, and unlock the secrets to success and profound connection.

    Prepare for a riveting exploration that transcends the boundaries of societal norms, leaving you inspired to embrace your desires, honor your truth, and forge a path that leads to unabashed fulfillment.

    Ready to take your business, marriage, and life to the next level? Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock unlimited power, profits, and purpose. Join Garrett and thousands of other men in the transformative Warrior Challenge.

    It's time for you to have it all!

    Get off the sidelines and embark on the Wake Up Warrior Challenge today. Discover the strategies, tools, and mindset shifts that will revolutionize your journey toward success and fulfillment.

    Don't wait any longer—seize the opportunity and join the challenge now!


    Dancing Through Life's Ups and Downs

    Dancing Through Life's Ups and Downs

    Get ready for an electrifying episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast as Danielle and Garrett take you on a captivating journey toward relationship bliss.

    Join them as they draw surprising parallels between the sultry moves of salsa dancing and the intricate steps required to navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.

    In this soul-stirring conversation, the couple fearlessly confronts a recurring challenge: interrupting each other and feeling unheard.

    Brace yourself for a candid exploration of their personal growth and the transformative power of effective communication.

    Discover how they unlock the secrets of active listening, understanding triggers, and finding common ground, propelling their relationship to exhilarating heights.

    But that's not all—prepare to be inspired as Danielle and Garrett dive into the art of empathy.

    Explore the depths of their hearts as they share how they shattered the barriers of criticism and learned to embrace understanding and patience.

    Witness the magic that unfolds when two souls commit to supporting and uplifting each other through the stormiest of times.

    To ignite the fire of passion, they reveal the secrets to setting boundaries and scheduling sacred work conversations.

    Discover how they navigate the treacherous waters of stress projection, ensuring that their love bubble remains a sanctuary of intimacy and desire.

    Are you ready to embark on a journey toward relationship mastery?

    Prepare to unleash the power of effective communication, empathy, and holding the line.

    Join Danielle and Garrett in this captivating episode as they share their personal triumphs, invaluable insights, and practical strategies to help you create a relationship that sizzles with connection and resilience.

    Get ready to embrace love's intoxicating dance—tune in now and unlock the secrets to a deeply fulfilling and passionate partnership!

    Ready to take your business, marriage, and life to the next level? Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock unlimited power, profits, and purpose. Join Garrett and thousands of other men in the transformative Warrior Challenge.

    It's time for you to have it all!

    Get off the sidelines and embark on the Wake Up Warrior Challenge today. Discover the strategies, tools, and mindset shifts that will revolutionize your journey toward success and fulfillment.

    Don't wait any longer—seize the opportunity and join the challenge now!


    The Mormon Bubble: Navigating Taboos Around Sex and Relationships

    The Mormon Bubble: Navigating Taboos Around Sex and Relationships

    Welcome to the latest episode of the Date Your Wife Podcast.

    Join us as we explore the incredible power of personal development, the importance of effective communication in relationships, and the life-changing Warriors Way.

    Here are three key takeaways from this episode that you won't want to miss:

    The Power of Personal Development

    Discover why personal growth is a vital component for any man seeking to unlock his true potential and make a positive impact on the world.

    Communication's Role in Building Relationships

    Explore the fascinating concept that men and women may speak different languages yet share common desires within relationships. Gain insights and practical tips on how to communicate effectively and cultivate chemistry with your partner.

    The Warriors Way

    Hear about our personal journey implementing the Warriors Way, which we believe to be divinely inspired. Learn how this system empowers individuals to take control of their lives and foster profound connections in their relationships, ultimately leading to lasting and meaningful marriages. We encourage all men to embrace this discipline and embark on a journey of self-empowerment in their own relationships.

    If you're looking to make a positive impact in the world and cultivate a deeply fulfilling relationship, this episode is a must-listen.

    Tune in now to gain valuable insights and be inspired by the extraordinary potential within you.

    Ready to learn how to unlock 'unlimited' Power, Profits & Purpose in your business, marriage & life?

    Then it's time you join Garrett and thousands of other men in the Warrior Challenge. 

    It's time for you to have it all!

    Get Off The Sidelines & Join The Wake Up Warrior Challenge TODAY.

    Date Your Wife
    enJune 05, 2023

    Recognizing Strengths: Embracing Diverse Roles and Personal Goals

    Recognizing Strengths: Embracing Diverse Roles and Personal Goals

    Welcome to the Date Your Wife Podcast!

    Prepare to embark on a journey of transformation as we explore the power of shifting your mindset and rewriting the stories you tell yourself.

    In this episode, we reveal personal experiences of applying these game-changing concepts to areas like fitness and relationships.

    Let go of the pursuit of perfection and embrace the exhilarating rewards of progress. Discover how ingrained patterns and generational narratives hold us back, and learn to flip the script and forge a new path. Open your mind to new perspectives, find common ground, and unlock the door to growth both in yourself and your relationships.

    But that's not all.

    We dare to challenge societal expectations that have confined both men and women to predetermined roles. It's time for a paradigm shift.

    Men, it's your moment to rise as extraordinary partners, fathers, and mentors.

    Women, unleash your full potential and pursue purpose beyond motherhood.

    Join us in an equal conversation that defies traditional norms.

    While society may disproportionately celebrate motherhood and place value solely on income, we recognize the unique strengths of both genders.

    Embrace diverse roles while pursuing your personal goals, and witness the magic that unfolds. 

    Don't miss out on this episode, where we dive into elevating your standards and becoming the best partner and parent you can be.

    Together, let's rewrite the narrative and unlock a life of balance and fulfillment. 

    Date Your Wife
    enMay 29, 2023

    Igniting the Flames of Growth: Unveiling the Power Within | Date Your Wife | EP 139

    Igniting the Flames of Growth: Unveiling the Power Within | Date Your Wife | EP 139

    The Date Your Wife Podcast is back!

    Brace yourself for an exhilarating episode packed with passion and excitement as we dive into our remarkable journey toward growth, accompanied by the challenges we boldly conquered along the way. 

    Within this week's episode, Garrett and Danielle leave you with 3 big takeaways.

    Unleash the Flame of Growth

    Indulge in the truth that growth isn't an overnight affair—it's an arduous dance of dedication, commitment, and a fearless embrace of uncomfortable truths, all intertwining in a symphony of personal evolution.


    The Melody of Intense Listening

    Discover the secret to unlocking our true purpose and satisfying the deepest desires of our partners and loved ones. Succumb to becoming an irresistible listener, for it is through this intimate act that we ignite the fires of passion, build unbreakable connections, and ascend to the summit of success.


    The Temptation of Collaboration

    In this enchanting episode, we reveal the intoxicating power of merging individual paths into a breathtaking ensemble. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of collaborative synergy, where the fusion of strengths and desires entwines us in a dance of achievement, surpassing all previous limits.

    Get ready to be enticed by this riveting episode, where our journey of growth and collaboration will enthrall your senses.

    Join us as we transcend boundaries, basking in the intoxicating support of one another, and fearlessly propel ourselves toward the ultimate pinnacle of our deepest desires.

    The Date Your Wife Podcast is about to ignite your passions like never before. Tune in and unlock the secrets to a life filled with growth, connection, and endless possibilities.

    Ready to learn how to unlock 'unlimited' Power, Profits & Purpose in your business, marriage & life?

    Then it's time you join Garrett and thousands of other men in the Warrior Challenge. 

    It's time for you to have it all!

    Get Off The Sidelines & Join The Wake Up Warrior Challenge TODAY.

    Date Your Wife
    enMay 22, 2023

    Are You Threatened By Your Partner's Success? | Date Your Wife | EP 138

    Are You Threatened By Your Partner's Success? | Date Your Wife | EP 138

    How can two powerful entreprenuers also co-exist and THRIVE in a romantic relationship?

    Danielle and Garrett discuss what it's like, both being producers that work together in and out of each others businesses, and how that effects their relationship. 

    They learned over the years that you have to WANT to be in the relationship, and you take action based on want instead of action based on NEED for the other person. 


    Don't Wanna Kiss, Just Wanna Cum | Date Your Wife | EP 137

    Don't Wanna Kiss, Just Wanna Cum | Date Your Wife | EP 137

    How do you even find the TIME as a busy entreprenuer to purposefully connect to your spouse?

    Garrett and Danielle talk openly about what is/isn't working within their routines and schedules, and the importance of creating space and time for each other.

    What are you willing to do a sacrifice to create more intentional time with one antoher?

    "What is your brain classifying as work VS quality time" - Garrett J. White


    YOU are the PRIZE, now drop the guilt. | Date Your Wife | EP 136

    YOU are the PRIZE, now drop the guilt. | Date Your Wife | EP 136

    Do you have a lingering sense of guilt or shame for your success?

    This episode brings fire and truth, as Garrett and Danielle talk about money in marriage, knowing your worth as an individual and a partner, and breaking through old stories to progress your relationship.

    PLUS- A lot of couples go out on dates to be social with other couples. Find out why Garrett and Danielle do NOT.

    "You should never apologize for what you've built in life." - Danielle K White