
    Dean's Seminar Series: Saïd Business School

    The Dean's Seminar Series presents the latest business research from professors and researchers at Oxford Saïd. Hosted by Peter Moores Dean Professor Peter Tufano, and Dr Felix Reed-Tsochas, Associate Dean for Research, each seminar explores key aspects of specific research fields, such as consumer behaviour in marketing, entrepreneurial finance, or technology and operations management. New seminars are added twice each term.
    enOxford University6 Episodes

    Episodes (6)

    The changing landscape of entrepreneurial finance: a research perspective

    The changing landscape of entrepreneurial finance: a research perspective
    Professor Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director, Entrepreneurship Centre, gives a talk for the Dean's Seminar Series. The financing of entrepreneurial finance is typically associated with venture capital. Over the last two decades researchers have made significant advances in understanding the complex role of venture capitalists, and their impact on the entrepreneurial process. Yet the last few years have also seen significant changes in the financial landscape of entrepreneurial companies. Particularly noteworthy is the rise of angel investors, as well as the associated growth of crowdfunding and accelerators.

    The CEO report: Embracing the paradoxes of leadership and the power of doubt

    The CEO report: Embracing the paradoxes of leadership and the power of doubt
    We discuss the role business plays in society, and the expectations about the role business should play, having shifted dramatically in recent years. Yet, declining tenure rates and levels of public trust suggest that CEO leadership has not kept pace with increased expectations. The question, then, is this: How do senior executives develop the competence to lead in a changing world? With Dr Michael Smets, Associate Professor in Management and Organisation Studies; Dr Amanda Moss Cowan, Research Associate