
    Deborah Hatswell. BBR Investigations. Cryptid Creatures, Mystery and Unexplained Events

    Deborah Hatswell is an Investigator & Researcher of the strange and unexplained. A witness to a Cryptid Creature herself in 1982 Deborah set out to find other people who had seen and experienced the impossible. Over 40 years later Deborah is a self taught Parapsychologist and is a leading expert in the fields of Cryptozoology, The Unknown and The Paranormal. Investigating cases of Bigfoot, Dogmen, UFO, Alien, Abductions, The Supernatural, Entity/Attachment, Hauntings, Unsolved Mysteries and all manner of Phenomena giving her a unique skill set.

    Deborah formed BBR Investigations and her new company Strictly Confidential as a way to bring a spotlight to the hundreds of people left out there in society believing they are alone, or that their experience is just too ‘weird or outhere’ to share. Feeling listened to, heard and understood is Deborah's main aim with the hope going forward any possible future events can be handled together. Not just to bring some closer or understanding about their truth.
    Many people are left traumatised after an event and for some it can be a continuous lifetime of strange experiences or interaction with several different types of activity. Talking through these happenings, exploring why they happened and how to navigate a way forward can be a time consuming project and Deborah & BBR offer a safe place to share your story along with showing you how to deal with this activity at home. Then we can put you in touch with other like minded people who know exactly how you feel and what you're going through.

    Deborah Hatswell “I have worked in the Cryptid and Supernatural subjects for over 4 decades now, as each case came in I would map it and speak to the witness to try and find out as much as I can about them, what took place and any background experiences before, during or after the event. I have trained people who now investigate as I do worldwide. I have also put 1000’s of people in touch with others and built an online community that is growing by the day.” I share the personal experiences of others in my books, podcasts, vlogs and websites.


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    enDeborah Hatswell251 Episodes

    Episodes (251)

    The Cannock Chase Murders - Demonic Connection

    The Cannock Chase Murders - Demonic Connection
    The strange activity at Cannock chase includes all manner of strange creatures, from Werewolves and Dogmen and sightings of the elusive British bigfoot to ghostly visitations, succubus attacks and plenty of UFO, shadow beings and black eyed children to name but a few. The chase is infamous for those very reasons in the UK and many people report demonic or entity possession when staying over or visiting the chase. I noticed several years ago there were high numbers of missing people, pets and farm animals in higher numbers than other towns in Staffordshire. I also wondered if the chase has other hidden secrets. . Who knows what happens in the dark of the night. But have you ever wondered if there is a connection to all of this strangeness and the gruesome serial killer that used the chase as his hunting ground in the 1960’s?

    The area gained notoriety in the late 1960s when the Cannock Chase murders made national headlines; when the remains of three young girls were found on the Chase after they went missing from areas along the A34 road that runs into central Birmingham. Raymond Leslie Morris, a motor engineer from Walsall, was found guilty at Stafford Assizes of one of the murders in 1968 and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison in March 2014, aged 84, after serving 45 years.

    Cannock Chase PDF = Cannock Chase PDF - https://docs.google.com/document/d/120QEY8B6iL0mcXDwTlpPccF7LBIYJnHxrmmIwwMa6Eo/edit?usp=sharing

    https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Gug-Wose Reports Of The British Gugwe

    Gug-Wose Reports Of The British Gugwe
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    The Beast of Copse Corner

    Wicken Woods possible Gug-Wose

    The Elveden Baboon 2011

    A1075 Thetford Wild Shaggy Man 88

    The Cannock Chase Creature. A Werewolf With A Grin

    The Hunger Hill Gorilla

    The Banchory Gorilla 2006

    The Kentish Baboon


    Katie's Story part 2 - A Wolfman in My Garden Follow up

    Katie's Story part 2 - A Wolfman in My Garden Follow up
    A Wolfman Returns

    A Neanderthal Saved My Life

    Something Was Moving Around Our Camp 2010

    I Saw a Shadow Person February 22, 2012

    The Thrunton Woods Knocks and Noises


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Several Cryptid's Have Been Seen Close to UK Waterways

    Several Cryptid's Have Been Seen Close to UK Waterways

    A Lumbering Beast Seen In Malton

    We Heard a Loud, Deep Chittering, or Chattering and We Saw a Set of Red Eyes

    The River Dove Bi-pedal Grey Creature 2006

    The Carcass of a Sheep with its Spine Ripped Out

    The Bigfoot Crossing the Road Fife Aug 2005

    Mr Luke's Dundee Bigfoot Creature 1995

    An Orange Eyed Bi-pedal Wolf. Is He Friend or Foe?

    The Merthyr Monster 2021

    A Canine Creature With a Twelve Inch Bite Killed My Cat

    Mullaghbane Wildman Sighting Dec 17

    A Big Legged Hairy Bugger


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    A Dogman Was Standing At the End of My Garden. Wantage 2023

    A Dogman Was Standing At the End of My Garden. Wantage 2023
    BBR Witness Katie: "Hi Debbie I contacted you as I have an ongoing problem that is happening at home and I feel that it ties into some of the experiences I have had throughout my life. I was searching for answers online and your podcast came up on Audible and I felt compelled to contact you. The first case that I listened to was an encounter you shared that happened to a gentleman named Fred who saw a creature at his window. I was blown away when I heard what happened to Fred as it is not too dissimilar to what happened to me about a month prior.

    Website for map images - https://debhatswell.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/a-dogman-was-standing-at-the-end-of-my-garden-2023/

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    A Wolfman In Wearside & You Do Not Want To See Me

    A Wolfman In Wearside & You Do Not Want To See Me
    I have recently been in contact with two ladies who live in the North East of England on old mining land that have had encounters with what is now commonly called a Dogman, or a Wolfman, a creature that seems to be part human, part canine. Living anywhere else in the world these encounters would be seen as attacks, and yet in both of these situations both ladies encountered something that did not want to harm them and in one case actually warned one lady not to come any closer. Both witnesses have never met and both of the reports were taken before I introduced them to each other. There is a similarity between the events and the ladies themselves.

    A Wolfman In Wearside Oct 21

    You Don’t Want To See Me Summer 2023

    And Other Wolfman Reports Fromthe UK

    Polly's Experience - https://youtu.be/tU8xJ3Jlz60

    BBR - https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    A Vanishing Man At The Station - Deb & Andy Wapshott, Railway Ghosts

    A Vanishing Man At The Station - Deb & Andy Wapshott, Railway Ghosts
    Deb Hatswell and Andy Wapshott chat about their joint paranormal experiences and Andy explains an experience he had at a Railway Station in Croyden that he is still looking for an answer to explain that day.

    Did an event with a ghostly man who went to war in Japan connect to a Mystery Man at the railway station

    Andys Podcast -


    BBR Links - https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    A White Faced Man In a Top Hat and Tails & Chased From The Woods

    A White Faced Man In a Top Hat and Tails & Chased From The Woods
    A White Faced Man In a Top Hat and Tails

    A Cold Breath In The Attic

    Children Scared By a Bigfoot While Playing Near To Their Home

    The Minerva Monster 1978

    The Creature Appeared to be Hunched Over

    Two Boys Are Chased From The Woods By Unknown Hairy Creatures


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Wild Camping Horror Stories - I Heard The Boys Screaming

    Wild Camping Horror Stories - I Heard The Boys Screaming
    Accounts of Wild Camping, Car Camping and Van life horror stories from the UK

    There Was Just a Tent Between Me and It and I Prepared To Die

    I Heard The Boys Screaming and I Saw The Tent Shaking

    I never Camped There Again, The Police Said I Was Vulnerable Out There

    I Heard a Loud, Clear, Guttural and Groaning Howl

    My Fright Night in ‘Haunted Bothy' at Luibeilt Lodge

    For more BBR content - https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    The Footsteps Of Monsters - Where The Devil Dances

    The Footsteps Of Monsters - Where The Devil Dances
    Footsteps in the Snow. Tyrol 1983

    What Cryptid Makes a Three Toed Footprint?

    What Creature Left A Three Toed Footprints?

    A Strange Set of Prints West Virginia 2011

    Gigantic Footprints & A Dog That Was Found Dead Up In A Tree

    Unexplained Footprints in the Snow Might Have Been Left by the Devil

    Ancient Legend of Satan's Footprints Reawakened by More Footprints in the Snow

    Shepard Finds Strange Prints in the Snow. 1988

    Strange Tracks found in Glenorchy, Scotland

    The Medway Footprints 2013

    Lurchers Crag Followed by Crunching Footsteps 1945

    The Yorkshire Mansion Footprints

    The Creature Round the Cabin, and Footprints in the Snow. 1984

    Belgium's Devil Tracks Jan 1945


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    Telepathic Sasquatch In Santa Clarita & Other Horrifying Experiences

    Telepathic Sasquatch In Santa Clarita & Other Horrifying Experiences
    Telepathic Sasquatch

    Lost Creek Canyon Sasquatch

    Mrs. Childress and the Blue-Belted Bigfoot

    An Unseen Visitor, He Spoke to Me

    A Man Is Attacked by a Succubus

    The Lizard Man’s Rod


    Bigfoot Encounters Blog - http://www.bigfootencounters.com/stories/santa_clarita.htm

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    I Saw A Wildman, He Wasn't Human

    I Saw A Wildman, He Wasn't Human
    A Neanderthal Saved My Life 1998

    Wild Camper Reports "someone had pulled my tarp right off the roof

    A Ukrainian Wild Woman Was Seen By a German Soldier & That Soldier Was My Father

    The Valley of the Neanderthal People

    Hairy Dark Neanderthal like Creature In the Wood

    ‘Neanderthal’ Sighting in Finland

    A Young Girl of 6 sees a Terrifying Monkey Man. Summer 1974

    My Wife always saw them. They look very human


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Hey Deb have you seen this? Dogmen, Bigfoot & Banshees

    Hey Deb have you seen this? Dogmen, Bigfoot & Banshees
    Hey Deb have you seen this? Is the most often used phrase that I hear. Everyday from all corners of the earth people send me newspaper articles, videos, podcasts, images and all manner of crazy, weird and extreme stories and reports. Sometimes I get the same article sent by several different people and although I enjoy them, I rarely share them. Then at a recent get together with a number of well known podcasters I shared a few of tales that I had received over the years and was repeatedly told “you should share these Deb”. So on that advice, tonight I have put together some of the reports I have received from listeners for your perusal.

    A Dogman That Baited A Trap. What Was It Hunting? You Could Hear Its Heartbeat. LBL

    What Came To Visit, It Was A Gruntal Thing

    The Tuttle Bottoms Monster 1963

    Does Bigfoot Live in the Berkshires?

    It Looked Like an Upright Sloth

    The County Clare Banshee


    The Banshee Sang For My Uncle

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    A Dogman Is Shot and Killed in Morayshire Scotland.

    A Dogman Is Shot and Killed in Morayshire Scotland.
    “It looked like a Hyena crossed with a Baboon, with long hands bigger than my dad’s” - Witness Farmer G: "Hi Deb, I was in your live chat tonight and I was trying to get some information to you that I’ve got about an animal my dad shot on our farm back in 1997 after it had killed 150 of our sheep plus may more kills happened all over the area. At that time even more were going missing and only the bones, skin and fleece were ever found. It was almost like a feeding station or an animal boneyard.

    A Creature Watching Through The Window Dec 2019 - Witness Report: “We were staying at a holiday home cottage in Deeside, and every evening we heard a very strange undulating siren like howling which went on for hours. The howling was really long, loud and happened repeatedly over several nights. We thought it was coming from the woods,


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Urban Explorer Michael Livesey Shares His Supernatural Experiences

    Urban Explorer Michael Livesey Shares His Supernatural Experiences
    Please join me as I chat with a Northern Urbexer Who Has Had Several Experiences With The Supernatural World.


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    An Interview with Michael Kopf from The Energy Surrounds Us channel

    An Interview with Michael Kopf from The Energy Surrounds Us channel
    Please Join me as I chat with Michael Kopf about all things Cryptid & Paranormal Please Subscribe to

    The Energy Surrounds Us Channel - https://youtube.com/@TETSUpodcastshow?si=cJOdscG0AQnVr8tA

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Terror In The Night - It Was Animalistic, It Sounded Like A Female Human and a Growling Beast

    Terror In The Night - It Was Animalistic, It Sounded Like A Female Human and a Growling Beast
    I was laying there and my immediate instinct to not let that thing know I was here. I knew it couldn't get in but I was terrified and didn't want it to know I was there. I gently held her muzzle and stayed as still and as silent as I could. I didn't think, I just acted on impulse, we were crapping ourselves. I have never heard anything like this in my life

    Helmsley Wolf Man/ Bipedal Canine seen by Camper. It was outside the Van https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/dogman-werewolf.58790/

    The Chilling Tale of the Windsor Werewolf


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Deb Chats With Sasquatch Odyssey - I saw a Bigfoot kill a Moose

    Deb Chats With Sasquatch Odyssey - I saw a Bigfoot kill a Moose
    Please join me as I chat with Brian King Sharp from the podcast Sasquatch Chronicles as we talk about your favourite Cryptids and some of our top secret projects for 2024

    Sasquatch Odyssey Podcast https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Sasquatch-Odyssey-Podcast/B08K5VSNXL

    BBR - https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

    Entities & Shadow Beings -An Entity In My Bedroom. We felt Hunted In The Garden. Homemade Ouija

    Entities & Shadow Beings -An Entity In My Bedroom. We felt Hunted In The Garden. Homemade Ouija
    I wasn't safe in my room at night. Something Was Always Standing In The Corner

    It Stood Over Me and I was Enveloped in Pitch Darkness, Then I was Fighting For My Life

    There Was A Holographic Figure Standing Over Me

    A Black Goblin Creature Was Watching Us, Was it the Coblynau? & A Grey Humanoid In the House

    There Was a 6ft Tall Shadow Being With No Facial Features In My Home

    The Ouija Board Made From A Cereal Box

    Find Our Social Media Sites, Podcast or Help Out By Donating - https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptid-creatures-mystery-and-unexplained-events--2840337/support.