
    Deep Dish on Global Affairs

    Deep Dish on Global Affairs goes beyond the headlines on critical global issues. With world news in rapid development, Deep Dish brings together experts in foreign policy, national security, economics, and whatever field is in flux during the week to talk through what's happening, why, and why it matters.
    enChicago Council on Global Affairs355 Episodes

    Episodes (355)

    Should the US Embrace or Reject Engagement with China?

    Should the US Embrace or Reject Engagement with China?

    Chinese leader Xi Jinping is in his third five-year term as the nation's president, putting him on track to stay in power for life at a time of severe economic challenges and rising tensions with the US. Nonresident senior fellow Paul Heer joins Deep Dish to argue the importance of engagement with China as a necessary component of US foreign policy. If we do not pursue it, he says, we are missing opportunities for a more peaceful coexistence between both countries and the world.  

    This episode originally aired on August 4, 2022. 


    Reading List: 

    How to Change the World: Why Quick Fixes Fail and What to Do

    How to Change the World: Why Quick Fixes Fail and What to Do

    Dive into the world of lasting change with Deep Dish! Join host Brian Hanson and author Sascha Haselmayer in a captivating exploration of 'The Slow Lane.' We’ll uncover the secrets behind why instant solutions often miss the mark, and how embracing patience and strategic thinking can pave the way for sustainable transformation to address global challenges.

    Reading List 

    This Era of Hostage Diplomacy Requires New Answers

    This Era of Hostage Diplomacy Requires New Answers

    From Hamas to Russia to Iran, hostage-taking is on the rise once again and hostage diplomacy has entered that arsenal of foreign policy tools by countries around the world. This week, Northwestern University’s Dani Gilbert guides us through what is new, what has worked and failed in the past, and why countries need new ways to respond to hostage-taking today.  


    Reading List: 

    How Partisan is US Foreign Policy?

    How Partisan is US Foreign Policy?

    Deep Dish explores how America’s hyper partisan politics are impacting foreign policy actions. Author Jordan Tama shares revelations from his new book, while the Council’s Dina Smeltz unveils fresh survey data to expose how partisanship plays out in US foreign policy. 

    Reading List: 

    Could an Asian NATO be in the Cards?

    Could an Asian NATO be in the Cards?

    The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing a seismic shift in power dynamics as nations like Japan, Australia, and the US forge a game-changing partnership to counter China's influence. The big question: could this lead to a new NATO for the Pacific? And what would that mean? Experts Michael Green and Karl Friedhoff dissect the motives, strategies, and potential outcomes. 

    Reading List: 

    Is Poland's General Election a Turning Point for the Nation?

    Is Poland's General Election a Turning Point for the Nation?

    On Sunday, Poland’s opposition parties won a victory in the country’s general election signaling a radical change for the country. After emerging as a major EU success story, Poland’s politics shifted dramatically almost a decade ago, putting it on a nationalist path dominated by a far-right coalition. But now the country appears headed back in a pro-EU direction. Expert Monika Sus and host Lizzy Shackelford shed light on the country's shifting politics and changing role in the global landscape.

    Gaza: Epicenter of the Israel-Hamas War

    Gaza: Epicenter of the Israel-Hamas War

    Deep Dish delves into the heart of the Gaza Strip. Expert Michael Merryman-Lotze and host Brian Hanson discuss its complex history, its people, the role of the region in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and its place in the Israel-Hamas war that has shaken the world.

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    Energy Insecurity: Where Climate Change Meets Geopolitics

    Energy Insecurity: Where Climate Change Meets Geopolitics

    How is energy insecurity shaping the world's power dynamics? From the urgency of collaboration to the delicate balance between environmental sustainability and national interests, guests Jason Bordoff and Meghan O'Sullivan offer a fresh perspective on the complexities of green energy underlying our modern global landscape.

    Reading List 

    BRICS Expansion Explained: New Members, New Challenges

    BRICS Expansion Explained: New Members, New Challenges

    Deep Dish demystifies the world of BRICS+ and delves into the intriguing expansion that is making waves in international diplomacy. Discover its origins and the significance behind its newest members. Atlantic Council’s Colleen Cottle joins host Lizzy Shackelford to explore the motivations, the dynamics at play, and its potential impact on the world stage. 

    Reading List

    New Technologies Transforming City Life: Dream or Reality?

    New Technologies Transforming City Life: Dream or Reality?

    Can smart cities truly deliver on their promises of innovation and sustainability? On Deep Dish, author and winner of the Pattis Family Foundation Global Cities Book Award, John Lorinc joins host Brian Hanson to navigate the intersection of urban planning technology and ethical concerns in his book Dream States: Smart Cities, Technology, and the Pursuit of Urban Utopias. 

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    Balancing Religious Diversity and National Identity in France

    Balancing Religious Diversity and National Identity in France

    The expulsion of Muslim schoolgirls for refusing to remove their abayas serves as a stark reminder of France's ongoing struggle to balance its historical commitment to laïcité with its growing religious and cultural diversity. The Council’s Ariel Schwartz joins host Brian Hanson to explore laïcité’s historical roots, modern challenges, and global implications in contemporary society.

    From Likes to Violence: How Big Tech is Helping Fuel Extremism

    From Likes to Violence: How Big Tech is Helping Fuel Extremism

    Deep Dish delves into how the unchecked power of social platforms in the Metaverse, woven into the fabric of modern communication, is fueling conflicts, disinformation, terror, and hate. Experts Kristina Wilfore and Leah Kimathi confront the chilling reality of Big Tech's role in fueling extremism in Kenya, where profit often trumps content policing, and share what Kenyans are doing about it.

    Reading List:

    From China to Mexico: Tracing the Deadly Fentanyl Trail

    From China to Mexico: Tracing the Deadly Fentanyl Trail

    With 110,000 drug overdose deaths last year, including 70 percent from synthetic opioids, we examine how international factors have played a crucial role in the US drug epidemic. Vanda Felbab-Brown of Brookings Institution and Regina LaBelle of Georgetown University offer insights on the government's response, effective policy solutions, and the path to recovery.  


    Reading List: 

    Sahel in Crisis: Niger’s Coup and the Failure of Western Intervention

    Sahel in Crisis: Niger’s Coup and the Failure of Western Intervention

    Niger's recent coup has reignited debates about democracy, stability, and Western influence. Join Kamissa Camara of the US Institute of Peace and Deep Dish hosts Lizzy Shackelford and Brian Hanson as they explore Niger's coup, its place in the Sahel's instability, and the urgent need to rethink policies in this complex region. 

    Reading List: 

    Lessons in Security and Diplomacy 25 Years After the US Embassy Bombings

    Lessons in Security and Diplomacy 25 Years After the US Embassy Bombings

    Deep Dish revisits the haunting morning of August 7, 1998, when al-Qaeda struck US embassies in Kenya that claimed over 200 lives and left thousands wounded. Ambassador Prudence Bushnell, who was present during the attacks, and former foreign service officer Mietek Boduszyński, who served in Libya when US facilities in Benghazi were attacked, reflect on how the US government should balance diplomacy and danger, whether the right lessons were learned, and what challenge face US diplomats in today's risky world. 


    Reading List: 

    The Oppenheimer Effect: Reigniting Nuclear Awareness

    The Oppenheimer Effect: Reigniting Nuclear Awareness

    Deep Dish explores the recently released 'Oppenheimer' film and journeys back to the Cold War era when nuclear weapons were etched into popular consciousness. Rachel Bronson and Avery Restrepo of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists explore how nuclear weapons have seemingly faded from public awareness. They draw parallels to today and suggest ways that Gen Z can shape a safer and more responsible future. 

    Reading List: 

    Population Paradox: Are Declining Birth Rates Good or Bad for the World?

    Population Paradox: Are Declining Birth Rates Good or Bad for the World?

    As birth rates decline and life expectancies increase, some regions are now experiencing a net decrease in population, leaving us to question whether that’s good or bad for the world. Stephanie Feldstein of the Center for Biological Diversity and John Ibbitson, author of the Empty Planet unravel the layers of this population paradox and its implications on society, the global economy, and the environment.

    Reading List: 

    Will Politics in Taiwan Increase the Risk of Conflict with China?

    Will Politics in Taiwan Increase the Risk of Conflict with China?

    As stakes rise and tensions mount between the United States and China, the future of Taiwan hangs in the balance. With a pivotal presidential election on the horizon, what are the implications for Taiwanese policy, its alignment with the US, and the risk of war with China? Sam Houston State University’s Dennis Weng and New Bloom Magazine’s Brian Hioe join Deep Dish to offer a glimpse into the uncertain future of the region.

    Tune into last week's episode for part one of this conversation where Deep Dish focuses on the different positions in the US debate over policy toward Taiwan.

    The Debate on US Strategy in Taiwan-China Relations

    The Debate on US Strategy in Taiwan-China Relations

    As tensions escalate between Taiwan and China, should Washington back Taiwan through increased militarily deterrence or prioritize reassurance and diplomacy with China? Quincy Institute’s Michael Swaine and the Council on Foreign Relations’ David Sacks debate the growing policymaker consensus for US military support to deter a Chinese attack, while considering dissenting views that prioritize political solutions for China-Taiwan unification from the US standpoint. 

    Tune in next week for part two of this episode where Deep Dish focuses on Taiwan's internal politics around these issues and their views on how to best preserve peace in the China-Taiwan strait.

    Reading List: 

    From Stability to Prosperity: Understanding Costa Rica’s Success

    From Stability to Prosperity: Understanding Costa Rica’s Success

    What is the secret to Costa Rica's exceptional success as a politically stable and environmentally sustainable nation?  While other countries in Central America struggle with political upheaval, violence, corruption, and extreme poverty, Costa Rica has become a global example of success with robust institutions, visionary policies, and a thriving eco-tourism industry. The Atlantic Council’s María Fernanda Bozmoski joins Deep Dish to discuss the reasons for Costa Rica’s achievements, explore lessons for other countries, and unpack the challenges that lie ahead for this remarkable nation.