
    DevelopSec: Developing Security Awareness

    Curious about application security? Want to learn how to detect security vulnerabilities and protect your application. We discuss different topics and provide valuable insights into the world of application security.
    enJames Jardine124 Episodes

    Episodes (124)

    Ep. 100: Choosing Security Tools

    Ep. 100: Choosing Security Tools

    In this episode we talk about choosing the right security tools for your environment. There are lots of vendors offering solutions to help identify security issues within our applications. The trick is to learn to identify which ones make the most sense for your environment.


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 99: Shifting Left in the SDLC

    Ep. 99: Shifting Left in the SDLC

    In this episode, James talks about what it means to shift left in the SDLC. 

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Efail and News Hype

    Efail and News Hype

    In this episode we talk about efail and the HYPE around security news. 


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).


    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    EP. 97: Gmail / Netflix Potential Scam

    EP. 97: Gmail / Netflix Potential Scam

    ** Check out our new Live Fundamentals of Application Security training starting on May 1, 2018. Don't wait to sign up. For schedules and information check out https://www.jardinesoftware.com/fundamentals-of-application-security/ **

    In this episode, James shares his thoughts on an interesting scam potential was brought up regarding Gmail and Netflix. A lot of the discussion is on a unique Gmail feature most haven't heard of. James breaks this down in this episode.

    The original story was shared at 



    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 96: Security Flaws as Defects

    Ep. 96: Security Flaws as Defects

    In this episode we talk about treating security flaws as defects and embedded vs. built-in security. Do you treat security flaws differently? What barriers does that create?


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 95: MyFitnessPal Breach Take-Aways

    Ep. 95: MyFitnessPal Breach Take-Aways

    In this episode we talk about the MyFitnessPal breach and some of the key points that we as developers, security, and users can take away from it.


    Tweet with Graph of Largest Breaches mentioned: https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/979556839015661568


    Link to article about the breach: https://www.cnet.com/news/millions-of-myfitnesspal-accounts-hacked-under-armour-says/


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 94: Penetration Testing

    Ep. 94: Penetration Testing

    In this episode we talk about penetration testing and what you need to know to get the most out of the activity. Tune in to hear some of our thoughts on the topic.


    To take the training course survey go to https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=dUTTGKfrY0SMJRLyejG00DrfDtlb8W5HpqoXHgPDektUNDgxVU9SNlVRNVhXMTY4UUxSU041MFVWTC4u


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 93: Code Review

    Ep. 93: Code Review

    In this episode we talk about secure code review with a mention of static analysis. Do you know the difference? What is the issue of doing one over the other, or just outright replacing actual code review with static analysis? Tune in to hear some of our thoughts on the topic.


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 92: 2-Factor Authentication

    Ep. 92: 2-Factor Authentication

    In this episode James talks about 2-factor authentication, why we use it, and maybe why we don't. Is your 2-factor implementation getting in your way?

    The DevelopSec YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdAqgfdGs0-hPa8FhsODwNw


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    DevelopSec Podcast #91 - OWASP Top 10 2017 Thoughts

    DevelopSec Podcast #91 - OWASP Top 10 2017 Thoughts

    The new OWASP Top 10 2017 is out. We look at some of the changes and how you can effectively use the list to better your security program.


    We are also launching a new DevelopSec Live broadcast. To check out the first episode, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfDuxwFScOE

    (The first 2 minutes are just a place holder as I was starting, feel free to skip those.  That will go away in future episodes).


    The DevelopSec YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdAqgfdGs0-hPa8FhsODwNw


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 90: 5 Steps to Help Secure Your Database

    Ep. 90: 5 Steps to Help Secure Your Database

    James sits down with Perry Krug, from Couchbase to discuss some important steps to take to secure your database.


    Perry Krug - https://twitter.com/perrykrug

    Couchbase - https://twitter.com/couchbase

    Couchbase - https://www.couchbase.com/

    CouchbaseSecurity Documents - https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/security/security-intro.html


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 89: New Year's Resolutions

    Ep. 89: New Year's Resolutions

    Welcome to 2018! Another year down and time for many of us to start making promises to ourselves of things we will start doing in this new year. In this episode James talks about some lessons we should take from 2017 and ways to use them in 2018. 


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 88: Meteor Security with Tim Medin

    Ep. 88: Meteor Security with Tim Medin

    In this episode, James talks with Tim Medin regarding Meteor and security. If you develop with Meteor or have to test it, there is a lot of information packed in.

    More about Tim Medin (@timmedin):

    Red Seige website - https://www.redsiege.com/ 

    Link to Meteor Minor and other tools Tim mentioned:


    Tim Medin's Bsides Orlando 2017 Presentation - Tim Medin -  Mining Meteor B-Sides Orlando 2017

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.

    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 87: Apple Sign-in Bug Take-Aways

    Ep. 87: Apple Sign-in Bug Take-Aways

    You have heard about the Apple Sign-in Bug on High Sierra. Now lets talk about how we can use this example to better our current development processes to protect ourselves.

    Link to mentioned article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/nov/30/apple-macos-high-sierra-fix-breaks-file-sharing-password-security-flaw-emergency-patch

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel. Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.

    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.


    Ep. 86: Vulnerable 3rd Party Components

    Ep. 86: Vulnerable 3rd Party Components

    In this episode, James talks the use of 3rd party components and how to handle determining if they are vulnerable or not.

    OWASP Dependancy Check - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Dependency_Check
    GitHub Blog - https://github.com/blog/2470-introducing-security-alerts-on-github
    RetireJS - https://retirejs.github.io/retire.js/

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.

    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 85: Open Redirect Revisited

    Ep. 85: Open Redirect Revisited

    In this episode, James talks about open redirect and why it matters from a security perspective. He also shows how this information can be used in your personal technology use, not just in development.


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).


    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 84: Understanding the Technology

    Ep. 84: Understanding the Technology

    You know your development language and platform, but do you really know the ins and outs of web application technology? How well do you know HTTP, HTML, etc? James talks about a few scenarios where really understanding how the technologies works helps better understand vulnerability risks.

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).


    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 83: Authorization Overview

    Ep. 83: Authorization Overview

    In this episode, James talks about authorization and some common areas where it poses a risk. He also goes over some techniques to help test authorization.


    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).


    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.


    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 82: Equifax Take-aways

    Ep. 82: Equifax Take-aways

    The Equifax breach was a major news story. James talks about some of the security controls mentioned and how to start a conversation within your organization about them. 

    Want to listen on YouTube?  Check out our channel where we are releasing episodes starting from episode 1 at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdAqgfdGs0-hPa8FhsODwNw

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.

    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.

    Ep. 81: JavaScript in HREF and SRC (XSS)

    Ep. 81: JavaScript in HREF and SRC (XSS)

    We talk about cross-site scripting (XSS) all the time, but often overlook the ability to use javascript: in anchor tags.  James talks about this unique ability and how to protect your applications from it. 

    The related blog post for this can be found at https://www.developsec.com/2017/09/06/javascript-in-an-href-or-src-attribute/

    Want to listen on YouTube?  Check out our channel where we are releasing episodes starting from episode 1 at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdAqgfdGs0-hPa8FhsODwNw

    For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

    Join the conversations.. join our slack channel.  Email james@developsec.com for an invitation.

    DevelopSec provides application security consulting and training to add value to your application security program. Contact us today to see how we can help.