
    Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

    If you, a friend or family member is facing a divorce or similar family law matter, then this show is for you. Here is where we share our experience and knowledge to help others navigate a challenging phase of life. This show is a re-broadcast of a Radio Show sponsored by Meriwether and Tharp, a law firm with over 40 lawyers focusing on divorce and family law matters.
    enMeriwether & Tharp, LLC244 Episodes

    Episodes (244)

    242 - Information you Need to Know About Asset Division in Divorce

    242 - Information you Need to Know About Asset Division in Divorce

    One of the 4 Core Areas of divorce, Asset Division is often more complicated than people think. Failure to identify all of the marital assets, protect pre-marital and separate assets, or include the correct settlement language in a divorce settlement agreement, and the mistake could cost you dearly! In this episode of Divorce Team Radio you will hear Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discuss Georgia’s Equitable Division of Property standard, and the things you must consider and include in your agreement to ensure your assets are protected.

    241 - When Should I Tell My Spouse I Am Filing for Divorce?

    241 - When Should I Tell My Spouse I Am Filing for Divorce?

    There may never be a good time to tell your spouse you are filing for divorce, but there are definitely right ways and wrong ways! A poor decision related to how you tell your spouse about a pending divorce action could have long lasting consequences that interfere with your ability to avoid messy litigation. In this episode of Divorce Team Radio you will hear Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, offer tips on how to go about having these difficult conversations with your spouse.

    240 - Important Questions and Answers About Divorce and Family Law

    240 - Important Questions and Answers About Divorce and Family Law

    In this episode of Divorce Team Radio you will hear Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, explore complex questions about divorce and other family law matters. Listening to the issues faced by others has two primary benefit: it helps you deal with similar issues in your case, and it also help you more generally understand how divorce and family law issues are commonly addressed by Judges.

    239 - How Should I Tell the World That I Am Divorcing?

    239 - How Should I Tell the World That I Am Divorcing?

    You may want to tell the entire world about your divorce, but the manner in which you handle the public announcement can have serious effects on your divorce case. If you handle it the wrong way it could interfere with settlement, or even be used against you in court hearings and trials! In this episode of Divorce Team Radio you will hear Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discuss methods and potential pitfalls relating to how you tell friends, family and the rest of the world about your divorce.

    235 - Why Divorce Happens - 9 Common Behaviors That Lead to Divorce

    235 - Why Divorce Happens - 9 Common Behaviors That Lead to Divorce

    Over the last 25 years the attorneys at Meriwether & Tharp, LLC have represented thousands of clients in divorce actions, and while every case is unique, it is clear that certain behavior can push couples towards divorce. In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discusses 9 common behaviors that lead to divorce.

    233 - Do You Really Want Your Day in Court?

    233 - Do You Really Want Your Day in Court?

    1.       Are you are determined to present your divorce case to a judge?  Are you confident that the judge in your divorce case will understand and take your side? In this episode of Divorce Team Radio, listen as Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether & Tharp, LLC, explores the benefits and potential pitfalls associated with pushing your case to a hearing or final trial.

    232 - Prove It!

    232 - Prove It!

    In Divorce and Family Law cases it is not just what you say that counts – it is what you can PROVE that matters most!  Judges in divorce cases rely on evidence, and in this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discusses why it is vital to gather, organize and present evidence that supports the positions you take in divorce, custody and other family law cases.

    231 - Is Divorce Your Only Option?

    231 - Is Divorce Your Only Option?

    Annulment, Separate Maintenance and Postnuptial Agreements, oh my! in this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discusses possible alternatives to filing for divorce. In the show Todd explores a few ways to address issues relating to custody, support, and property division, without filing a divorce action.

    229 - How and When Should You File for Divorce

    229 - How and When Should You File for Divorce

    Start your divorce the wrong way and it could put you at a serious disadvantage. You must consider how and when to file your divorce in order to protect your finances and custody rights.  In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, shares his thoughts about issues like timing, methods of service, and the strategic consequences of your decisions.

    227 - Divorce: Why Details Matter

    227 - Divorce: Why Details Matter

    Information and details are incredibly important in a divorce. As a general rule, the more you have the more protected you will be! In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discusses why the discovery and use of detailed information relating to your case will help guarantee your custody, support and property rights are protected!

    226 - Ways to Protect Your Separate Property

    226 - Ways to Protect Your Separate Property
    If you brought separate property into your marriage, make sure you know how to protect those separate assets in a divorce!  In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family Law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, offers tips on how to protect separate and non-marital assets, and to NOT do things that could damage or destroy the separate nature of those assets.

    225 - Divorce and Mortgage Refinancing with Expert Ryan Jacobs

    225 - Divorce and Mortgage Refinancing with Expert Ryan Jacobs

    Listen to Divorce Team Radio as Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, explores divorce and mortgage refinancing with Atlanta mortgage expert Ryan Jacobs of Homespire Mortgage. Ryan and Todd discuss mortgages, refinancing, and the 6 Tips you MUST know if mortgage refinancing is a requirement in your divorce!

    224 - Thanks for The Memories

    224 - Thanks for The Memories

    In this show, Leh starts off with an announcement that is both happy and sad all at the same time.  Then Leh and Todd discuss resources to help save your marriage if it is in the middle of a crisis; to help you improve your marriage; to help you prepare for your next marriage; and to help you improve your communication skills.  They explain how to listen to their past shows together to gain the greatest benefit.  The shows they reference in this episode are listed below:

    11 - Can I Save My Marriage if it is on the Edge of a Divorce?
    14 - Marriage Tips from a Divorce Lawyer
    25 -  How to Run TOWARDS Difficult Conversations
    39 -  Marriage Intensives and Workshops
    55 - The Five Love Languages - An Interview with Dr. Gary Chapman
    90 -10 Things You Can Start Doing Today to inoculate your marriage
    91 - Taking Your Marriage to the Next Level:  Practicing Healthy Communication
    102 - New Life after divorce with Bill Butterworth
    107 - Healing Past Divorce with Joshua Ludlum
    131 - What is Discernment Counseling and How It Can Help If You Are Considering Divorce with Matt Driggers
    148 - Seeking Wise Counsel to Build a Thriving Marriage or Survive a Divorce
    158 - 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Divorce
    160 Ellen Marmon A Divorce with a Happy Ending - A Story of Reconciliation
    162 - Raising an Organized Child in a Blended Family
    189 - 10 New Year's Resolutions for Your Marriage