
    Don't Wanna Talk About It | Parenting Podcast

    Join mother-daughter duo Simone and 17-year-old Journey as they share laughs, love and life experience during honest—and sometimes uncomfortable—conversations about everyday issues that girls face as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. It’s a must listen for moms interested in building or strengthening your relationship with your daughter, looking for advice on how to start uncomfortable conversations, or learning more about what you can do to prepare your daughter for the teen years.
    enSimone Jones Tyner45 Episodes

    Episodes (45)

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Adulting

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Adulting

    Whether you have a teen heading off to college or a recent graduate stepping into the real world, navigating the transition can be a challenge. From managing financial responsibility to cultivating healthy habits and relationships, this episode shares the do’s and don’ts of adulting with practical tips to help your teen thrive on their own.

    6 Ways To Connect With Your Teen Every Day

    6 Ways To Connect With Your Teen Every Day

    Between work, school, activities, and other obligations, getting some quality face time with your teen is not always easy. Despite the obstacles that make it challenging, spending time with your teen can help them develop better social skills and higher self-esteem. In this episode, we share 6 ways to connect with your teen every day.

    Fact or Fiction

    Fact or Fiction

    One of the best ways to learn more about your teen is to share something interesting about yourself that they don’t know. In this episode we play a fun game of fact or fiction to see if we know each other as well as we think we do.

    8 Things I've Learned From My Teen

    8 Things I've Learned From My Teen

    Your role as a parent Is to teach your child how navigate the world. That includes teaching them values, morals, basic life skills and so much more. And as they get older and develop these skills and their personality, they can influence you just as much as you influence them. In this episode we discuss 8 things I’ve learned from my teen.

    Important Social Skills Your Teen Needs To Know

    Important Social Skills Your Teen Needs To Know

    As an adult, you’ve had years to fine tune your social skills. But with smart phones and social media becoming such a big part of our culture, today’s teens haven’t had as many opportunities to practice them. While social interaction is evolving, there are some core social skills that you need to teach your teen. In this episode, we discuss important social skills your teens need to know.

    How To Help Your Teen Deal With Peer Pressure

    How To Help Your Teen Deal With Peer Pressure

    We’ve all had the desire to be liked and fit in by our peers. It’s normal behavior for teens to pull away from their parent’s influence as their friends’ opinions becomes more important to them. it’s important for them to understand the difference between peer pressure that can have a positive influence and negative pressure that can cause them to engage in risky behavior. In this episode we discuss how to help your teen deal with peer pressure and balancing the act of encouraging their independence while keeping them safe.

    Why You Should Let Your Teen Do Hard Things

    Why You Should Let Your Teen Do Hard Things

    Most parents would like their teens to have it easier than they did growing up. But interfering with their growth and independence by solving their problems can do more harm than good. And as they become more dependent on us, they are less likely to take risks and try new things. In this episode, we discuss why you should let your teen do hard things and some of the valuable life lessons they will learn along the way.

    How Well Do You Know Me?

    How Well Do You Know Me?
    Every mother thinks she knows her child better than anyone else, even better than they know themselves. And with all the time teens spend with their parents, living under the same roof, they think they know you pretty well too. But just how much do we actually know? In this episode, we test our mother-daughter knowledge to see how well we really know each other.

    8 Guys You Don’t Want Your Daughter To Date

    8 Guys You Don’t Want Your Daughter To Date

    Dating can be a lot of things. Fun, exhausting, expensive, exciting. You learn more about yourself, what you like, and what you don’t like. You also get a better idea of the type of people you like to spend time with. And you learn that there are some guys you want your daughter to avoid completely. In this episode we discuss 8 guys you don’t want your daughter to date.

    Raising An Eco-Conscious Teen

    Raising An Eco-Conscious Teen

    You don’t have to be a treehugger to know that climate change is real and our planet is in trouble. And it’s really going to be today’s teens that will lead the way in sustainable environmental solutions. In this episode, we are joined by eco-friendly entrepreneur Phnewfula Frederiksen to  share tips on raising an eco-conscious teen.

    7 Conversations Dads Should Have With Their Daughters

    7 Conversations Dads Should Have With Their Daughters

    Dads play such an important role in their daughters' lives. The best father-daughter relationships are built on trust, love, and mutual respect. And communication is key to developing that bond. But what if you’re not sure how to approach your daughter or what to say? In this episode, my husband and Journey's father, Colby Tyner, is here to help you figure out where to start by sharing 7 conversations dads should have with their daughters.

    7 Things Your Teen Wants You To Know But Won’t Tell You

    7 Things Your Teen Wants You To Know But Won’t Tell You

    The space between childhood and adulthood is awkward and uncomfortable. And as much as your teen might want to communicate, sometimes they hide the way they feel because they don’t want you to get mad or judge them. But if your teen could tell you one thing and know that you would listen and truly understand, what would they say? In this episode, we’re revealing 7 things that your teen wants you to know but won’t tell you.

    How To Talk To Your Teen About Consent

    How To Talk To Your Teen About Consent

    The explosion of the #MeToo movement sparked a much-needed national conversation about consent. But does your teen actually understand what it means to give or get consent? When it comes to protecting their personal space and setting boundaries, what can you do to empower your teen to help them develop respectful, healthy relationships. In this episode, we are joined by Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Dr. Kenya Coleman to discuss how to talk to your teen about consent.