
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf

    Known to millions as “Dr. Love” through her website  AskDrLove.com   — the web's first and immensely popular relationship advice site since 1995 — Dr. Jamie Turndorf has been delighting readers and audiences for three decades with her engaging blend of professional expertise, spicy humor and ability to turn clinical psychobabble into easy-to-understand concepts that transform lives and heal relationships with spouses, partners, friends, family and colleagues.

    Her methods have been featured on all the national networks, including CNN (who recently dubbed her their Resident Love Doctor), NBC, CBS, VH1, Fox, on websites like WebMD, iVillage, Discovery.com and MSNBC.com, and in Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, Glamour, American Woman, Modern Bride, and Marie Claire, to name only a few. She also writes a column called “We Can Work it Out” for Psychology Today online.

    Dr. Turndorf is the author of the Hay House book Kiss Your Fights Good-bye:  Dr. Love's 10 Simple Steps to Cooling Conflict and Rekindling Your Relationship, which has been endorsed by New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield, Dr. John Gray and John Bradshaw.

    Dr. Turndorf’s career took a surprising turn following her husband’s death from a bee sting. His miraculous and over-the-top spirit manifestations (often in front of witnesses) have shown her that we don’t die…and that our relationships are not meant to end in death.

    Dr. Turndorf’s experiences have led her to develop a groundbreaking new Trans-Dimensional grief therapy method that diverges from the traditional Western approach (grieve, let go and move on), which only leaves the bereaved at a greater loss. By contrast, her method offers the first vehicle in history for enabling the bereaved to reconnect and, if needed, make peace with the deceased. Her story and her new Trans-Dimensional Grief Therapy method are presented in her latest bestselling Hay House book  Love Never Dies: How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased .

    More about Ask Dr. Love Radio -
    Dr. Turndorf consistently attracts new fans and keeps her existing audience engaged through her compassionate understanding of human nature, as well as her frank delivery and earthy sense of humor. At the same time, she puts her listeners at ease while digging deeply into their psyches and prescribing her signature cures.

    Each weekly show many feature the following segments:
    Discussion of a specific relationship issue and a presentation of her acclaimed conflict resolution and emotional communication methods for dealing with it. Past show titles have included: Listening with Your Heart: How to Use Your Ears to Resolve Relationship Conflicts; Is He/She Just a Date or Your Soul Mate; and The Battle of The Bulge: How to End Your Sex Wars.

    "Celebrity Couch," in which she uses her incisive wit to analyze the celebrities' relationship troubles and scandals. In the past, she's covered celebs like John Travolta, Charlie Sheen, Kirstie Alley, and Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.

    "Reading Between The Sheets" where Dr. Turndorf puts your toughest sex questions to bed.

    Answering of live calls on any relationship, dating, or sex question you may have.

    Special guest experts and authors discussing a variety of relationship, spirituality and self-help topics. Recent guests include #1 NY Times bestselling authors like Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Marianne Williamson, Dannion Brinkley, Temple Grandin, Robert Fulghum (All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten) and many others.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    Encore: Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis

    Encore: Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis
    Do you ever get the feeling that simplifying your life is the answer to what ails you? If you said, yes, then you're going to want to meet Betsey Lewis, who says that the human race is being called to return to a simpler, more spiritual and more compassionate life.

    Betsey believes that the imbalances we see in Mother Earth is the call for all of us to return to ayni—balance.

    Join Dr. Jamie for an eye and heart opening discussion with her dear friend, Betsey Lewis.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usAugust 20, 2015

    Encore: How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell

    Encore: How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA
Physicist Thomas Campbell
    What if everything you were taught to believe about this life and beyond was wrong? And, what if you discovered that your mind and your consciousness is not linked to your brain or body. And that your consciousness will continue to exist after you leave your body? How might this knowledge alter the way you live and love NOW? According to Tom, our physical reality (what we call this life) is an elementary school--a virtual reality learning lab for individuated units of budding consciousness. Think about how much your heart and relationships could expand as a result of your embracing a wider consciousness.

    As we expand our consciousness, you come to see why our relationships are what I call our Love Lab where we are meant to fulfill our one true purpose on earth-- to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others.

    Speaking of love, Tom and I will also be talking about my own eternal love story, which I share in my latest Hay House book, Love Never Dies, and discussing the science that explains how all of our relationships can transcend time and space.

    Join me for a fascinating talk with one of the world’s leading quantum physicists, Tom Campbell, and find out how you can expand your mind and heart to encompass Tom’s Theory of Everything.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usAugust 06, 2015

    Encore: Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.

    Encore: Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.
    Did you know that your brain can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy when it comes to your relationships?As Dawson says, "It now seems obvious living in the 21st century that we imprint patterns of relating into our brains from an early age. We then re-enact those patterns endlessly – until we learn to interrupt them."

    Join me for a follow-up interview with Dawson Church, author of the award-winning science book, The Genie in Your Genes and many research studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

    In this show, Dawson is going to show you how to:
    Find your set points for pleasure – and raise them.
    Uncover what your childhood lacked, and repair it.
    Learn to be truly emotionally present with your partner
    Find the hidden obstacles that block you from a delicious relationship
    Set a completely new course for happy and fulfilling relationships in the future
    Rewire your brain for optimal relational skills

    What I’ve seen as a scientific researcher is that even if you have a sordid history of broken relationships, and even if you’ve failed miserably in the past, LOVE IS POSSIBLE.Tune in to find out how you can get off the hamster wheel of heartache and rewire your brain for a lifetime of lasting love.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usJuly 16, 2015

    Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis

    Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis
    Do you ever get the feeling that simplifying your life is the answer to what ails you? If you said, yes, then you're going to want to meet Betsey Lewis, who says that the human race is being called to return to a simpler, more spiritual and more compassionate life.

    Betsey believes that the imbalances we see in Mother Earth is the call for all of us to return to ayni—balance.

    Join Dr. Jamie for an eye and heart opening discussion with her dear friend, Betsey Lewis.

    Size Doesn’t Matter! with Coach and Author David Bennett

    Size Doesn’t Matter! with Coach and Author David Bennett
    Are you vertically challenged?Do you believe that tall guys are luckier in the horizontal Mombo department?If you think your height is short-changing your dating prospects, you'll want to listen to this week's show with David Bennett.David and his brother know what it's like to be passed over in life and love.Tune in to find out how you can stand tall even when you're not actually tall.As you'll discover, feeling tall on the inside is the secret to success in life and love!

    Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.

    Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.
    Did you know that your brain can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy when it comes to your relationships?As Dawson says, "It now seems obvious living in the 21st century that we imprint patterns of relating into our brains from an early age. We then re-enact those patterns endlessly – until we learn to interrupt them."

    Join me for a follow-up interview with Dawson Church, author of the award-winning science book, The Genie in Your Genes and many research studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

    In this show, Dawson is going to show you how to:
    Find your set points for pleasure – and raise them.
    Uncover what your childhood lacked, and repair it.
    Learn to be truly emotionally present with your partner
    Find the hidden obstacles that block you from a delicious relationship
    Set a completely new course for happy and fulfilling relationships in the future
    Rewire your brain for optimal relational skills

    What I’ve seen as a scientific researcher is that even if you have a sordid history of broken relationships, and even if you’ve failed miserably in the past, LOVE IS POSSIBLE.Tune in to find out how you can get off the hamster wheel of heartache and rewire your brain for a lifetime of lasting love.

    How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell

    How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA
Physicist Thomas Campbell
    What if everything you were taught to believe about this life and beyond was wrong? And, what if you discovered that your mind and your consciousness is not linked to your brain or body. And that your consciousness will continue to exist after you leave your body? How might this knowledge alter the way you live and love NOW? According to Tom, our physical reality (what we call this life) is an elementary school--a virtual reality learning lab for individuated units of budding consciousness. Think about how much your heart and relationships could expand as a result of your embracing a wider consciousness.

    As we expand our consciousness, you come to see why our relationships are what I call our Love Lab where we are meant to fulfill our one true purpose on earth-- to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others.

    Speaking of love, Tom and I will also be talking about my own eternal love story, which I share in my latest Hay House book, Love Never Dies, and discussing the science that explains how all of our relationships can transcend time and space.

    Join me for a fascinating talk with one of the world’s leading quantum physicists, Tom Campbell, and find out how you can expand your mind and heart to encompass Tom’s Theory of Everything.

    Do You Want to Be More Focused in Life and Love? with the Legendary Dr. John Gray

    Do You Want to Be More Focused in Life and Love? with the Legendary Dr. John Gray
    If you said "yes" tune in to my discussion with the legendary Dr. John Gray who, for the past 30 years has taught us how we are different and given us new insights into better communication and stronger relationships. Dr. Gray says that we need more than new communication skills and an understanding of our differences to have healthy relationships these days. We also need the nutritional support necessary for positive moods, sustained energy and most importantly, focus. Without focus, communication breaks down in all relationships and frustration increases.

    In the midst of our accelerated progress, our modern society has lost our way. We have a greater consciousness of new possibilities but we feel less connected in our relationships due to our loss of focus.

    Discover what causes ADHD in children and how it is the underlying cause for many health issues later in life, including dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and even Parkinson’s Disease.

    Dr. Gray will also detail the varied forms of ADHD, from hyperactivity to daydreaming and he provides step-by-step protocols for treating a number of common ailments with natural supplements and lifestyle changes.

    Tune in to hear Dr. Gray share an overview of these findings and discover practical strategies for increasing focus, clarity, memory, motivation and sustaining positive moods.

    Could Your Deceased Pet Be Sending You Messages? with Rob Gutro

    Could Your Deceased Pet Be Sending You Messages? with Rob Gutro
    If you've lost of pet you know that the pain is like the loss of a child to pet parents. Join me for an uplifting conversation with Rob Gutro, scientist, ghost hunter and author of "Pets and the Afterlife" who provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.  Gutro will explain how our dogs and cats give us messages from the other side. As he says, "I'm a dog dad who lost two of my own beloved dogs and both have communicated with me, just as your pets are trying to get messages to you."

    5 Steps to Eliminating Depression and Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr. Aleks George

    5 Steps to Eliminating Depression and Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr. Aleks George
    Have you been taking pharmaceutical drugs to treat depression or anxiety?

    And are you still feeling depressed or anxious?

    If you said, yes, you could be a victim of the "dirty multi-billion dollar secret" that pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know. Tune in to find out why drugs don't cure depression and anxiety...and discover why drugs can actually make you depressed and anxious. If you're ready for a non-pharma approach to healing your mood, tune in to this week's show with Dr. Aleks George who is going to share proven, drug-free ways to eliminate your depression and anxiety for good!

    Are You Ready for Love? with Bestselling Author Mira Kelley

    Are You Ready for Love? with Bestselling Author Mira Kelley
    Did you know that many of us aren't ready to receive love because we don't feel worthy of being loved. In this episode, I'll be speaking with Mira Kelley who shares my belief that our relationships are our greatest teacher. According to Mira, relationship conflicts can be traced to our inability to see our worthiness to love. Mira says, "If you resist knowing that you are lovable, you will attract challenging relationships that require very hard work. If you resist knowing that you deserve being loved and taken care of, you will attract relationships that are meant to help you heal. Your soul will seek to remedy the imbalance." If you are tired of chasing after love but finding yourself unable to receive it because you feel unworthy of that love or totally unfamiliar and uncomfortable with receiving, then tune in to this week's show.

    My time with Mira is just what the doctor ordered to help you begin to finally feel worthy of giving and receiving the love you deserve.

    Guest Host Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Learning to Love Without Limits: The Key to Limitless Love

    Guest Host Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Learning to Love Without Limits: The Key to Limitless Love
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr. Love) invites you to join her for a transformational show that teaches you how to overcome the blocks to loving others (and yourself) without limit.Discover why relationships are the soil for your soul development and how to use your relationships to fulfill your one true purpose in life--to perfect your ability to love yourself and others fully!

    Encore Marriage and the Space Between with Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt

    Encore Marriage and the Space Between with  Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt
    Are you interested in knowing how to establish Safe Conversations that create the soil for a solid love relationship? 
    If your answer is yes, join me for an informative discussion with Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D, co-creators of Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy, who seek a shift in the value system of the culture, from the primacy of the individual to the primacy of relationship. Their mission is to implement that vision by disseminating new science based relationship theory and skills that create joyful, thriving relationships. 
    They believe that Safe Conversation is the core characteristic of healthy relationships, which in turn are essential for a healthy society. Thus, they have seeded a citywide initiative to distribute safe conversations throughout Dallas, Texas as a first step towards a global movement. 
    Three New York Times best sellers, including Getting The Love you Want, are among the ten books they have produced in their 32-year partnership. Dr. Hendrix was featured on the Oprah Show 18 times, and Dr. Hunt is an honored inductee into the National Women¹s Hall of Fame.Join me for a life-changing discussion with two of the world's top relationship theory legends. 
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usApril 30, 2015

    Encore What Nearly Dying Teaches Us About Living with NY Times Bestselling Author Dannion Brinkley

    Encore  What Nearly Dying Teaches Us About Living with NY Times Bestselling Author Dannion Brinkley
    Have you ever wondered what dying can teach the living? 
    If you said "yes," then you won't want to miss my discussion with bestselling author Dannion Brinkley, who died and spent 30 minutes in heaven.
    Like other near-death survivors, the wisdom that Dannion gleaned from spending time in heaven has opened his eyes to the meaning of life, our purpose on earth, and much more.
    Join me for an eye-opening discussion with Dannion!
    Ask Dr. Love with Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a one-hour live radio program airing the first and third Thursday of each month at noon EST and the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2 PM EST on Transformation Talk Radio, which is syndicated world-wide over terrestrial, cable, satellite and Internet radio. Since 1995, AskDrLove.com, has been the Web's most popular love advice site, now offering 1000's of FREE articles on every imaginable relationship issue.
    Subscribe to the AskDrLove newsletter today and receive a free sneak peek of Dr. Love's latest Hay House book "Love Never Dies: How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased"!
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usApril 23, 2015

    Are You Ready for Deeper Dating? with bestselling author Ken Page LCSW

    Are You Ready for Deeper Dating? with bestselling author Ken Page LCSW
    Do you long to experience real love and deep intimacy in your lifetime? If you are looking for love, beginning a new relationship or wanting to breathe new life into your longstanding relationship, the greatest key to life-changing intimacy has nothing to do with your looks, your age or even your life circumstances. The greatest key to love lies in your deepest authenticity!

    It turns out that the very parts of us we may think we need to hide in order to find love are the most powerful keys to finding and keeping real love. They are also the keys to discovering our own personal greatness.

    Ken Page LCSW is a renowned psychotherapist and teacher of the March 25th online course titled "Deeper Dating." He is the author of the bestselling book, Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. In this powerful book you will discover what he calls our Core Gifts--the true keys to deep intimacy and personal greatness.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usApril 16, 2015

    There's No Need to Dread ED with Michael Russer

    There's No Need to Dread ED with Michael Russer
    Do you or someone you know suffer from ED (Erectile Dysfunction)? I know how depressing this can be….but did you know that ED can actually be a blessing in disguise? Tune-in to hear Michael Russer talk with Dr. Jamie about his incredible odyssey from prostate cancer and radical prostatectomy to full blown impotence...and discover why Michael says that impotence was the gift that led him to experience emotional and physical intimacy beyond his wildest dreams. So don’t give up! Join Dr. Jamie for an uplifting and inspirational discussion with Michael that pulls back the covers of ED!
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usApril 09, 2015

    How to Create a Conscious Relationship with Jennifer Urezzio

    How to Create a Conscious Relationship with Jennifer Urezzio
    Are you ready to embrace a new paradigm of connecting? If you said "yes" then you'll want to meet Jennifer who specializes in Relationship Fields--the field of energy between us and everything else on the planet. Find out Jennifer's take on how you can place consciousness into that field rather than pattern and programming. How to understand the "reason" why you are with your partner (the big reason). How all relationships are internal and eternal. How to forgive the hurt so your relationships grow. Tune-in for an energizing show! 
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usApril 02, 2015

    Encore Presentation - The Greatest True Love Stories Of All Time With No. 1 Best Selling Author Robert Fulghum

    Encore Presentation - The Greatest True Love Stories Of All Time With No. 1 Best Selling Author Robert Fulghum
    In this show, were going to be talking about "True Love," Fulghum's book which is a compilation of true love tales submitted to him by his readers. The stories, chosen by Fulghum to reflect the many faces of love, are amusing, sentimental and sometimes gritty.

    I know that you are going to love this show, which is a celebration of love itself

    Subscribe to the AskDrLove newsletter today and receive a free sneak peek of Dr. Love's latest Hay House book "Love Never Dies: How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased"
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usMarch 26, 2015

    How to Tap Your Way to Intimacy with Dawson Church

    How to Tap Your Way to Intimacy with Dawson Church
    Did you know that you can tap your way to relationship happiness? Sounds hokey? Well, it isn't. In this show, I'll be revealing how EFT Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping can transform your relationships Whether your love or marriage relationship is unsatisfying, or whether you're dealing with a difficult family or business relationship, EFT can help. As you know, when we're upset by what another person does or says, we usually focus on getting them to change. Yet, if you've ever tried to change someone else's behavior, you'll remember that the effort is rarely successful It often just compounds the problem. EFT has you focus, first and foremost, on your own reactions. Perhaps you simmer with silent resentment when certain people speak. Perhaps you explode with loud anger when certain topics are mentioned. The reason you're triggered is that the present situation reminds you of an early childhood experience. What has Dr. Love been saying for over 30 years While the other person is the detonator, the dynamite is inside of you. And, EFT can help defuse the charge within. That gives you the gift of emotional freedom. Though other people might not change, they can no longer keep you in emotional bondage to your bad feelings. The other benefit of EFT is that relationships are systems. Each person in the relationship is part of the system. Families embody family systems; organizations have organizational cultures. These are energy structures in which people relate. When one person gains emotional freedom, having defused their inner triggers, it changes the energy pattern of the whole system. So just changing yourself often produces change in others, even though you're not seeking to change them. Join me and find out how EFT can help set you and your relationship free
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usMarch 19, 2015