

    Future, vision, strategy and leadership for enterprises and leaders What will come, stay, and go? What will you live on tomorrow? Where are you leading to?
    enDr. Pero Mićić56 Episodes

    Episodes (56)

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 07: Make your capabilities future-robust! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 07: Make your capabilities future-robust! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Your opportunities in the crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    How much will your current capabilities be worth in the future? Who will pay how much for your capabilities, for your skills? I mean you personally and I mean the capabilities of your company. Many companies are very good at doing things today that will not be needed anymore in the future. Yours too? The crisis accelerates the change. And it will make some of your skills obsolete faster than you can imagine or would like. You will find advice in the podcast. ====================================

    Video: https://youtu.be/snw9Q_rzc-U

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/ 

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M 


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/ 

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87 
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ 
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/ 
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic 
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372 
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/ 

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238 
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x 
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/ 

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 06: Virtualize your company | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 06: Virtualize your company | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Your opportunities and your strategy in the crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    eXp Realty is a real estate brokerage firm in the USA with over 20,000 agents. The unique thing about eXp Realty is: This brokerage firm, whose core business and reason for existence is the brokerage of buildings, does not have a single physical office. The whole company is virtual. It is not an experimental startup. They make over one billion dollars in annual sales. Working from home is only the smallest step, as the example of eXp Realty shows. Virtualize your business now! Again, for strategic reasons, for efficiency and flexibility at the same time and for cost reasons. Now there is the opportunity to achieve more than ever before. What's in it for you, you are asking? Watch the video.

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/ 

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELTVILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M 


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87 
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ 
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/ 
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic 
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372 
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/ 

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238 
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x 
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/ 

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis


    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 05: Intelligentize your business model now! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 05: Intelligentize your business model now! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Your opportunities and your strategy in the crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    What are your real opportunities in the crisis? Crisis opportunity no. 05: Intelligentize your business model now! In times of crisis, people get inventive, agile and enterprising. At least some of your competitors, those you already know or thos who you have not yet recognized as competitors. Many companies will right now radically digitalize and intelligentize their business model. To increase customer benefit and to reduce costs. Don't wait for that to happen. Intelligentize your business model now! I call it intelligentization, because digitalization falls far short as a term. Everything that humans can do cognitively, the artificially intelligent machine can do better, today or soon. When I speak of AI, I define it rather broadly as the replication of human capabilities by means of information technology. But let's check systematically the capabilities of the working human being and check in which capabilities the AI has already outperformed us or will soon outperform us. =====================================

    Video: https://youtu.be/snw9Q_rzc-U

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 04: Make "Social Value" the core of your mission! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 04: Make "Social Value" the core of your mission! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Your opportunities and your strategy in the crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    It is not only in times of crisis that we experience how important it is that companies are recognizably useful to society. And that they invest all their activities in maximizing this social value. That they want to earn money by doing so. That is why crisis opportunity no. 4: is Make social value the core of your mission! This is not about Corporate Social Responsibility, but about Corporate social value! It's not enough to donate money and build a kindergarten every now and then, but otherwise to focus primarily on your own profit. It is about pursuing a social benefit at the core of the activities. The more socially useful a company is, and is perceived to be, the more it is loved by its customers and rewarded with loyalty, the more employees feel their work is meaningful and are accordingly committed and loyal, the less is the company being attacked and sued. The more the company is supported in an emergency situation

    Video:  https://youtu.be/8fFmMwxVY_A 

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 03: Focus your business model on an eternal need! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 03: Focus your business model on an eternal need! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Your opportunities and your strategy in the crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    What concrete opportunities do you have in the crisis? Crisis opportunity no. 3: Focus your business model on a eternal need!

    The crisis stirs up everything, calls everything into question. Therefore, especially now in the crisis, it is possible to rethink and rebuild your business from scratch. So that you can make it safe, crisis robust and more successful. So that you can reflect on your future business and give your team a motivating perspective. Put the only constant in the business world at the centre of your business model: the emotional effects for which customers only pay. No, this is not about sales tricks, as in "Don't sell the product, sell the benefit". No. This is existential, aber identity, about the basic business model. It's about how disruption works. So what do your customers really pay you for? What do you think about this? What are your questions? Write them down in the comments and I will answer. Subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of your opportunities in the crisis. See you at the next opportunity. Have a bright future!

    Video: https://youtu.be/SeUPvzDjEd8


    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 02: Create an attractive "Future-We"! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CRISIS-OPPORTUNITY 02: Create an attractive "Future-We"! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    The Future and your Opportunities in the Crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    What are your real opportunities in the crisis? Crisis opportunity no. 2: Create a credibly positive image of the future for your team. We all need confidence and hope. Always. All the more so in a difficult time like now in the crisis. Otherwise we sink into apathy and even depression. The people on your team need to see the shore on the other side. And yes, first you as leader. And then, together with your team, you develop a positive image of the future. Without the conviction and confidence that things will get better and good again, people will not act in a future-oriented manner. A positive view of the future is also the prerequisite for successful crisis management now. What is on your mind when you think about this? What do you ask yourself? What opportunities do you see? What opportunities should I talk about here? Write it in the comments. Subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of your opportunities in the crisis. See you at the next opportunity. Have a bright future!

    Video: https://youtu.be/snw9Q_rzc-U

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/

    Playlist with more videos on opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4WJXwKk4nxqTaetg6UjuXodNwzy9Ti4M


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    Crisis-Opportunity 01: Lead! Assume your role as a leader and "hero" in the crisis! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Crisis-Opportunity 01: Lead! Assume your role as a leader and "hero" in the crisis! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    The Future and your Opportunities in the Crisis: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/

    What are your real opportunities in the crisis? Crisis opportunity no. 1: Lead! Accept your role as leader and "hero" in the crisis. Learn to feel comfortable in this role. This is a very basic opportunity. The prerequisite for all other opportunities. Opportunities are possibilities for action which, if we seize them, will help us now and after the crisis to make our world a better place. And will help you to shape your future company. This is the first opportunity. It's actually the foundation, the basis for you to be able to seize the following opportunities. Become aware of your role as a leader! You have to focus on what you can shape yourself. And so does your team. What you cannot change yourself only costs time and energy. And it paralyzes. The bridge from the present to success after the crisis is built from exactly these opportunities. To be realistic: things will be anything but comfortable on this bridge. Perhaps the imaginary winds will blow like hurricanes, it will rain like buckets, problems will force you to take steps back, cynics and hater will laugh and mock you from the sidelines. Nevertheless, it should not be an option for you to stay on this side of the shore just because it is easier now. Your specific task: Describe your leadership role for yourself in writing and in detail. Clarify yourself as a leader. What do you expect from yourself? Who hopes for your leadership? What do others expect from you? How do you want to be useful to others? What is on your mind when you think about this? What do you ask yourself? What opportunities do you see? What opportunities should I talk about here? Write it in the comments. Subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of your opportunities in the crisis. See you on opportunity number 02.

    Have a bright future!


    Video: https://youtu.be/x6kxXmZqDkU

    4 SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE CORONA-CRISIS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/ 
    THE 5 FUTURES GLASSES and THE ELVTILLE MODEL https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/eltville-model/


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    #Corona-Crisis #Corona-Opportunities #OpportunitiesInTheCrisis

    What you need to learn for your future! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    What you need to learn for your future! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    When everything changes so quickly, what do you and your children and grandchildren need to learn and study today to be prepared for the future? Here's your answer in this podcast (Video at https://youtu.be/x7uRDmpRkYI)! =======================

    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/
    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/
    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/
    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #learning #skills #qualification

    CORONA Crisis: 4 Scenarios: How bad will it get? How will it last? | Dr. Pero Mićić

    CORONA Crisis: 4 Scenarios: How bad will it get? How will it last? | Dr. Pero Mićić

    ► STRATEGY FOR THE CORONA CRISIS (Download): https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/corona-crisis/


    Part 1: https://youtu.be/lC551mwfYO8
    Part 2: https://youtu.be/xIHr5z9dd4o

    The Corona Crisis: How bad will it be? How long will it take? 4 scenarios for your business strategy!

    This is an instruction for your strategy as a leader and entrepreneur during the crisis. We are all intensively busy these days with maintaining health, solvency and operational readiness. But as leaders, we also have one central task: to give the team - and ourselves - a credible perspective for the time after the crisis. One might think that now is not the time to think about the future. Understandable, but dangerous and therefore wrong. Now more than ever, all of us and your team need a visible and justified hope for a good time after the crisis. So that we can now be prudent, capable of shaping the future and strong in implementation. So that in the here and now we can do the right things for a good future. Reserve one day a week now to work on the future of your company and your team. Lead your team with a credible picture of the future after this crisis. Now, leadership is really needed. Fair weather leadership is easy. Good leaders will now seize the opportunity to rethink their work and their business. Despite and because of the crisis. Even if it is difficult to imagine at the moment: there will be a good time again after this crisis. In the big picture, our world of the future will always be much better than most people think. The quality of life will continue to improve. It is important to invest time, spirit and also money in the future now. Please: Scenarios are NOT predictions! Again, the scenarios do not foretell the future. The (blue) assumption scenarios only describe the corners of the sphere of possibilities. Please tell your team this very clearly, otherwise you will achieve the opposite of hope. At the end of this video I will tell you what I and we at FutureManagementGroup assume to be likely.


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Youtube-Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmPZSKhDDq_Jv0qHWGUSww
    ►Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x #coronacrisis #coronascenarios

    Vision: Recognize diseases before they break out | Universal Diagnostic Chips | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Vision: Recognize diseases before they break out | Universal Diagnostic Chips | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Let's face it. How often do you go to your physician or clinic for a checkup? Although you know that the earlier a disease is detected, the easier and more likely it is to be cured, you go to the check-up far too rarely. Why? Because it is tedious. Will there be any change in the future? Imagine that in the future you would no longer have to go to the doctor or clinic for a health checkup and then wait several days for the results. In the future, wearable sensors will monitor us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and deliver faster and more precise diagnoses. Pathogens in the body will be detected even before the disease has broken out.

    Watch video: https://youtu.be/HmkbOIGhkT4 


    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/


    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/


    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    #prevention #diagnostics #diseases

    Vision: Your new heart is 3D printed! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Vision: Your new heart is 3D printed! | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are waiting for a donor heart. Millions are suffering from heart disease and are not on waiting lists. And yet only about 3500 are transplanted worldwide every year. Heart diseases remain one of the most important causes of death. Millions will die prematurely, every year. But in a not too distant future we could save millions of lives with printed human hearts.



    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/ MEDIA AND RESOURCES

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/ EVENTS AND SOLUTIONS

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    Vision: Healthy meat without dead animals | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Vision: Healthy meat without dead animals  | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Do you feel like eating lab grown artificial meat? No? Let's have a look at the future of meat. The production of meat costs enormous resources in terms of water, arable land and energy. Above all, meat production is to blame for a large proportion of emissions of climate-active gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Therefore, more and more people are changing their eating habits - also because they do not want to let animals suffer. The number of vegetarians and vegans is growing. And also the group of those who at least reduce their consumption of meat. There are two alternatives: Firstly, the plant-based meat substitutes. And real meat that is not grown in the animal but in the laboratory. This is going to be a huge market of the future!




    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/ MEDIA AND RESOURCES

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/ EVENTS AND SOLUTIONS

    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ #invitromeat #labmeat #labgrownmeat

    Vision: CO2 from the air becomes a valuable resource| Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    Vision: CO2 from the air becomes a valuable resource| Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    CO₂ and methane are a threat to the Earth's climate - at least too much of it. Almost all experts say that we humans are influencing the climate through emission of CO2 and methane. A few see it differently. But no matter who is right. It is a universal principle that a functioning system should not be disturbed. And for this reason alone, it is necessary to recapture the CO2 that we humans have demonstrably blown into the atmosphere. And there is good news.

    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/



    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    Vision: Vehicles produce their own energy | Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    Vision: Vehicles produce their own energy | Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    Can it be real some time in the future that vehicles will generate their own energy?
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could drive a car that you would never have to refuel or charged? And even cause zero emissions? Unbelievable, but such a vehicle has been in use since 2018, in a Swiss quarry. Watch the video to learn how it works.

    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/


    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/


    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    Scenario: Quantumcomputers solve almost all problems| Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    Scenario: Quantumcomputers solve almost all problems| Dr. Pero Mićić #futurestory

    When quantum computers arise, it will be an unprecedented leap in computer performance. And in effect a revolution of our world.
    Since 1980 people have been working on the concept and prototypes for a new kind of computer, the quantum computer. They calculate not only with bits with 0 and 1, but with so-called qubits, which assume infinitely more states in three dimensions and can perform many calculations at the same time.
    A quantum computer can complete a complex task for which today's most powerful computer needs 10,000 years - in just three minutes. And shortly after that just in seconds. 10,000 years means that the task simply cannot be solved today. But three seconds means that solvability becomes a matter of course. This is called quantum supremacy. So far, that was all science fiction. This leap could come sooner than we thought.
    It was supposed to remain a secret. But in October 2019 it became known unintentionally that a team at Google had reached quantum supremacy.
    Inspire your customers, partners and team members with a keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your
    event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/


    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/


    ► Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmPZSKhDDq_Jv0qHWGUSww
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/


    ► Consulting and Coaching for your strategy: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    The Difference between Mission and Vision | Dr. Pero Mićić #mission #vision

    The Difference between Mission and Vision | Dr. Pero Mićić #mission #vision

    Actually, it's quite simple. Mission and vision are clearly definable and defined terms. Actually.

    And yet many companies have it wrong, even the big and supposedly very professional companies.

    Audi makes the following statement as their mission on its website: Consistently Audi. Sorry, this is not a mission!

    As a vision Audi states: "Unleash the beauty of sustainable mobility".

    And again, that too contradicts the definition of Vision used by most experts. This is not a V.

    Funnily enough, it's more of a mission, as the verb "unleash" indicates.

    Anyone who wants a job with Ford and asks what Ford's mission and vision is like will get the following answer: One team, one plan, one goal. One Ford is FMC's mission and vision.This is beyond me. Basically this is one of the reasons why I don't see a good future for Ford and wouldn't buy shares. It is neither a mission nor a vision. It is extremely ignorant to try to cover two very different concepts with a single statement.

    IKEA writes: Our Vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.

    I am sorry, but this is not a vision. It is a mission.

    You could say it is completely irrelevant how you define mission and vision. Just make sure there are statements about strategy at all.However, I think it's dangerous and expensive. Then we could also say that it doesn't matter if we call something a task or a goal.No, if you call the task a goal and the goal a task, you confuse people. They then work less motivated, less goal-oriented, less consistent.A clear mission and vision should create orientation, give direction, offer meaning. And for this we need clear definitions and an undoubted common understanding within the company.

    We have today, that is, the present, and we have the future ahead of us.A mission is the promised effect that a company fulfils for its customers permanently. It applies today and until we change it. It drives us and guides us.

    Will there be a unconditional basic income? (part 2) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Will there be a unconditional basic income?  (part 2) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Option 3: There will be a Conditional Basic Income

    Not a UBI, but a CBI.  It is a common misconception that we will run out of work. No, we will never lack problem, wishes and therefore tasks and work to do. Work is the exercise of a meaningful activity in which the meaning is determined by the worker and/or the beneficiary. At best, we will lack customers and workplaces, but not work. So many people work voluntarily in associations and organizations. So many people work in their household, in their garden. Society, all of us, has the right and actually the duty to protect their interests. Therefore, society  should expect a return in exchange for an income, or at least the fulfillment of a condition. Provided, of course, that the recipient of the basic income can do anything at all. Those who are ill or disabled must not, of course, be forced to meet the same requirements as healthy people. Conditions to be met prevent people from wanting to immigrate in order to then profit from  social benefits. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. Those who want and are able to work should have it easy to find paid work or to create it  themselves. We have become far too accustomed to employers creating jobs and if they do not, we wait until they do it again. Often in vain. This is an attitude that has no future.

    The excuse that there are no jobs is then gone.

    In this way, the rapid loss of many tasks through  AI and R could be partially compensated by establishing and supporting companies that organize work and tasks for which too little has been paid or for which there is too little money available.

    These are above all charitable tasks in the support of people who need help and assistance, in emotional and psychological support, in environmental protection. The biggest challenge will be that this shall not harm existing companies or such a system should make it easier for them to offer paid work. Otherwise we would further state socialism again and this is something we absolutely should not do. The society, the state, should act as a client, as a customer. And it should thoroughly examine its suppliers.

    Under no circumstances should we subsidize existing jobs. We must ensure payment for meaningful work.

    Companies such as Patreon and Kickstarter show how good projects and work can be financed without the state. Work that would not have been possible in the conventional way. In order to ensure that clients and employers do not use the CBE to pay their employees less, an acceptable minimum wage per day or hour is then required. And if it really turns out that so many new tasks, jobs and professions are created anyway that we don't need all that, then we will only slowly be expanding the CBI. A UBI, in contrast, would never be abolishable again. Those who nevertheless do not work for money because they do not want to or cannot do so will then receive a basic income. That will be well over 1,000 euros, but also well below what you get when you work. There must be a supplement for people who can only work to a limited extent or not at all.  That is then perhaps one or two percent of the people. Some will spend the whole day playing computer games and simulations.

    Only these 2%, who cannot find work and have no other acceptable income, are paid an acceptable basic income by society, the state. 

    How do we determine and pay the BBE? Well, everyone has to file an income tax return. In principle. If you pay a lot of taxes, you won't get a CBI. Those who pay little or nothing in taxes get a CBI as negative income tax, i.e. they get more money from the tax authority than they pay.

    A disadvantage, however, is that this will create competitive disadvantages compared to other countries and possibly even lower productivity, which will reduce prosperity or prevent it from growing. It is theoretically possible that all countries commit to such a tax, but the chances are rather slim.

    The machine tax or robot tax is therefore unlikely to be the solution.  Tax financing will probably be done through the tax system and without new taxes.  But highly productive companies like Google would have to pay as much tax as small companies in percentage terms and in the countries in which they create value.

    Many of the benefits of a UBI are also achieved with a CBI. From my point of view, however, with greater certainty and sustainability.

    Because not everyone gets it, a conditional basic income costs significantly less, or those get more who really need it. Because it is essentially linked to performance, there is hardly any danger of a laziness.  For the same reason, a CBI would not reduce productivity, but increase it. Productivity is underestimated in its importance. It is not about profit maximization. It is simply about prosperity and quality of life.

    Counterarguments? Only one: Many tasks in public administration will no longer be necessary. These are not exactly the most beautiful tasks, to determine and monitor the exact amount of money people need to live. But this does not necessarily have to cost jobs. Who has not yet complained about the slow pace of public administration? There is still a lot to do and mostly better things to do. So that is not really a disadvantage.

    What do you think of my assessment? What is yours? Write it in the comments below. I am curious to learn what you think.

    The purple futures glasses are for the plan. Not the big long-term plan, that's rather the vision, but the concrete action to be taken from now on.

    For me, the necessary changes are clear. We have to change something fundamentally. We have to rethink work and income.

    Integrate the principles of a CBI into your corporate mission and vision.

    In the future, companies will be particularly well rewarded by society with sales and good employees if they are useful to society.

    Is that the case in your company?

    Is it part of your mission and vision?

    Is it really practiced?

    Come to our Leader's Vision Days. Then we can work on it together. You can find the link below in the video description.

    Push for such a solution in your social circles. In your associations. If you want to get politically involved, do it and help to develop the solutions.

    Have a bright future!

    Will there be a unconditional basic income? (part 1) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Will there be a unconditional basic income?  (part 1) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Is your job compromised by artificial intelligence and robotics? No? Go google it ...

    Everywhere we hear and read about the idea that it would be great if everyone would get an unconditional basic income, completely without any work or other condition or prerequisite.

    But will it come to that? Will there be an unconditional basic income? In the next 20-30 years?

    What is actually a basic income?

    The concept of an Unconditionnal BI is that every inhabitant of a country receives an income without any preconditions or prerequisits. Usually you hear an amount of 1,000 euros, dollars or similar amounts in other currencies. Supporters of a UBI say that this would have a number of advantages. People woud feel safer. The incredibly complicated and expensive system of social benefits will be drastically simplified.

    The often degrading and humiliating application procedures would get completely unnecessary. Very few would do nothing, nothing useful to society at least, and spend their days in the social hammock. The opponents say

    • That millions will then lean back and let the hard-working people finance their livelihoods.
    • That this is completely unaffordable, because, for example in Germany, it would cost three times the federal budget.
    • And that it is therefore only utopian social romanticism.

    The idea is old

    Thomas Morus wrote in 1516 about a kind of basic income. His book is called Utopia. Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and also Martin Luther King spoke for it and even Richard Nixon wanted to introduce it, but failed in the Senate. Even the great liberal economic thinkers Friedrich von Hayek and Milton Friedman saw advantages in the idea.

    Perception: Today a basic income is "nice to have" for the most part. Despite presumable advantages, after decades of discussion, nations and states have so far either done nothing at all or have only done experiments that have not been continued. So the need is not so great apparently. Or the resistance is very great. Obviously, there has been no need to do so up to now. There has not been sufficient necessity. Therefore a UBI seems to be only nice to have from the current point of view.

    But let's have a look at what the future holds for us.Let's put on the blue glasses of the future. These are the glasses for our assessment of the probable future. It's not about forecasts, but about assumptions about the future, which is a big difference. Below is a link to a video about the five glasses for the future. 

    Assumption: AI and robotics will take over more and more functions and tasks that previously only humans could do.

    Green: Opportunities and options

    The possible answers are: Yes, there will be a UBI. There will be no basic income at all. There will be a conditional Basic Income

    • People with low incomes or who live on social benefits will feel more secure. They will feel less fear of existence. They will feel calmer.
    • People will seek salvation less in dangerously simple right-wing or left-wing radical solutions.
    • People will feel freer. They will not be so dependent on employers.
    • Low earners will choose a job more freely, somewhat more independently and will then do this job more self-determined and motivated.
    • The complicated and complex system of social benefits will be drastically simplified.
    • The often degrading application procedures will disappear.

    Only very few will do nothing at all. The experiments from Canada in the 70s and Finland recently have shown that only 1-2% stopped working. People will take on more meaningful tasks, such as caring for children in daycare centres and schools and caring for the elderly, for example as mobility companions, or providing security services in residential areas or creating works of art. People will dare more to take risks in order to develop themselves. For example, to become self-employed. In Kenya, around 90% founded a company in a basic income test. People are becoming more creative and can sometimes get deeper into a project that doesn't have to earn money straight away. This creates a lot of innovation.

    What are the counterarguments?

    Over four or five decades it has simply not been possible to introduce a UBI anywhere in a serious and permanent way. Some argue that employers could lower normal salaries because the state pays the difference to regular salaries. This may happen, but it can be prevented by a legal minimum wage per day or hour. No, it is unlikely to cost any jobs in total. It should be an ethical principle that we have an economy in which one can live relatively well from full-time work. No matter what.

    Another argument against a UBI is that no one will then be doing the difficult, dirty, unattractive work. For example, in nursing care for the elderly or the police work on the street.

    That is too short-sighted. Rather would and will such work have to be paid significantly better  than today. Otherwise - in fact - there will really be no one else to do this work. Or it will be done by intelligent robots.

    Crucial argument 1: It is nonsensical and unnecessary to pay the UBI really to everyone.

    It is usually demanded that the UBI be paid to everyone. Independent of income. Also to the millionaire. Just for the sake of simplicity. That is absurd in several ways.

    1000 euros for each would, for example in Germany, make about a trillion Euros: That is three times the federal budget.

    A lot of money would be paid to people who neither need a UBI, nor would they really experience it as a significant difference in their lives.

    It is very easy to find out who would really need and benefit from a UBI and who would not. And all that without the huge bureaucracies that exist  today.

    Since everyone then knows that there is a basic income, the feeling of security is created in many people, even if no UBI is paid yet.

    Crucial argument 2: I do not see the need to make it unconditional.

    Freedom and responsibility should always coincide. Hence also rights and duties for society. There is not really a convincing reason for unconditionality that is convincing in the historical, philosophical and ethical context. Why should we make people pure recipients, now that we are even disparagingly calling them consumers? A terrible word.

    Of course, it would be ideal if nobody had to worry about anything anymore. But I that is unrealistic.

    Because then others would have to take care of you.

    It is no good to impose responsibility for one's own well-being on others.

    And: We must develop our solutions with a global perspective. The focus of the world, both economically and culturally, is gradually shifting to Asia. In the next 20-30 years, people there are unlikely to switch to a leisure society. They will continue to develop and compete with us with vision, strategy and implementation power.

    The UBI requires several major reorganizations at the same time, some of which have a revolutionary character. It is better to take big, but feasible steps because they are more realistic and wiser from a systemic point of view. Otherwise, a basic income will remain a utopian idea.

    Option 2: There will be no basic income at all.

    Minus: Here I have only one Argument and that is a negative one. If our assumptions about the future are reasonably correct, then if we do not introduce a basic income, in whatever form, so that virtually nobody has to live in real poverty, the danger of social distortions is very great. There will perhaps even be a bang, as some people say. Whatever that means in concrete terms.

    The probability cannot be neglected that the intelligentization and robotizatoin of the  economy will lead to 10, 20, 30 or more percent unemployment. This is too dangerous.

    The Core Elements of Your Strategy

    The Core Elements of Your Strategy

    What are the elements of a strategy? Explained by Dr. Pero Micic, CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG

    The result model is a consistent semantic net of terms. It offers a clear and proven structure for your future strategy. It assures that your orientation, your vision and your strategy are connected to the basic trends, scenarios and assumptions coherently. And it guarantees that your strategy is even linked to you daily tasks.

    The 5 Core Questions for Your Future –The 5 Futures Glasses

    The 5 Core Questions for Your Future –The 5 Futures Glasses

    Every time you make and implement decision, you are shaping your future. You got only this one life. The future is the space for your desires, ambitions and dreams. Your future begins in your head and continues in your conversations, decisions, and actions. Unfortunately, we are oftentimes overwhelmed by the the complexity of the future.

    Wouldn't it be great if it was easier to imagine and literally manage your future? What happens when people think about and discuss their future? Soon there is sheer chaos. Not only because the perceptions and the opinions differ so much. Another reason is even more important: We don't have a clear language for the future. There is a Babylonian confusion in the thinking and in the language for the future. When the language is not clear, so are the thoughts. When the thoughts are unclear, so are the discussions. When the discussions are chaotic, assessments and decisions are bad and risky.

    How can we do better? It wouldn't make much sense to develop a complicated set of definitions that people need to learn the hard way. No one feels like that, it would not work. There is an easier way. Over more than twenty years we have been listening when people talk about the future. We have done that with hundreds of teams and thousands of individuals and we discovered exactly five categories of futures. Those are the five basic motives and desires about the future. People want to be oriented, safe and secure, inspired, have a vision and a purpose and be focused on what is to be done. This is why people are so curious about and fascinated by the future. We call those five categories the five futures glasses. The good news is that you don't need to learn the futures glasses. They are already in your head. You are using them on a daily basis, only you are not aware.

    By using the five futures glasses ....

    • you can realistically and productively manage your thoughts about the future and your future in your head and in the heads of your team members.
    • This means you are able to think and talk about the future much more precisely 
    • you can apply methods and tools for foresight and strategy way more meaningfully
    • and in the end, you can better anticipate, shape and create your future