
    Dreams Unlimited Travel - Video Trivia Challenge

    For the month of January, we will take you on a tour all around Southern California to show you just some of the great destinations you can experience as part of a Disneyland Southern California Dream Package. Each weekday thru the month of January, we will release a short, 1-2 minute video featuring a different location around Southern California. Each video will also feature that day’s trivia question. Keep track of your answers throughout the challenge and you’ll be able to submit them at the end of our contest.
    en-usDreams Unlimited Travel - dreamsunlimitedtravel.com23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    Dreams Unlimited Video Trivia Question 01/02/07 - Santa Monica, CA

    Dreams Unlimited Video Trivia Question 01/02/07 - Santa Monica, CA
    Day 2 of the Dreams Unlimited Travel Video Trivia Challenge from Santa Monica, CA. We continue our tour of Southern California from the Santa Monica Pier. Also known as “the finish line” for the famed Route 66, this landmark has been used in a number of films and television shows over the years. The pier was built in 1909, and since then it has been a destination for tourists and locals alike.

    Dreams Unlimited Video Trivia Question 01/01/07 - Venice Beach

    Dreams Unlimited Video Trivia Question 01/01/07 - Venice Beach
    Day 1 of the Dreams Unlimited Travel Video Trivia Challenge from Venice Beach. Today, we feature beautiful Venice Beach, CA. Located about 40 miles from the Disneyland resort, Venice Beach offers a unique look into California's more artistic side. The winding paths that hug the coast line are full of interesting shops, plenty of street performers doing everything from juggling to snake charming, and lots of people jogging and bike riding. As with just about any beach in California, there's plenty of volleyball and surfing. And, if you want to work out with the big boys, there's an outdoor gym at Muscle Beach.