
    Driven For Good with Dana Roefer

    You dream about ways you can change your life to make a greater impact, me too!

    The Driven for Good Podcast is a collection of inspiring interviews & daily "drives" that will take us to the next level NOW and not wait until "someday".
    en26 Episodes

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    Episodes (26)

    S01 EP26 Living the Life You Were Made For Pete Richardson

    S01 EP26 Living the Life You Were Made For Pete Richardson
    April 2016 I flew out to Boulder, CO for my personal LifePlan, prior to that I was just striving, and didn’t have a strong direction. I then took a huge leap into LifePlan facilitation. I was trained and taught by Pete Richardson.

    Pete is such a gift to hundreds of people. He is patient, kind, and always affirming. You’ll quickly notice why so many Christian influencers look to Pete as their guide.

    Pete, alongside Tom Paterson, co-Founded the Paterson Center where they focus on training and launching facilitators in both a corporate StratOp process as well as LifePlan.

    If you’ve ever asked yourself, “am I living the life I was made for?” I believe this episode will help you answer the question, and ask further questions of where to go next.

    S01 EP24 Rebuild and restore Ken and Heidi Fletcher

    S01 EP24 Rebuild and restore Ken and Heidi Fletcher
    James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

    Ken Fletcher, an Executive at Pure Flix launched Rebuild & Restore to live out this scripture. Pure Flix works to create clean, family-friendly content that all families can watch together. Following the “home makeover” show phenomena, they intentionally set out to create a kind of show that pulls together all of the Pure Flix community. This isn’t just about a television show, it’s about restoring hope of widows and their families, and they are supported by other believers.

    I so enjoyed this conversation with Ken & Heidi, it is incredible to hear and watch the scripture being lived out.

    S01 EP23 Buiding a Legacy Marriage and Family Byron and Carla Weather

    S01 EP23 Buiding a Legacy Marriage and Family Byron and Carla Weather
    Matt and I were engaged and soon heading into marriage when we were introduced to Byron and Carla Weathersbee. Anyone that has been or is married knows that marriage is difficult. We come together with our own personal stories, expectations, and upbringing.

    For years, Carla and Byron have walked alongside pre-married couples, to set their path on the right foot. Their ministries has been a gift to hundreds (likely thousands at this point) and is creating incredible legacy through strong families.

    S01 EP22 Finding Hope, No Matter What Lara MacGregor

    S01 EP22 Finding Hope, No Matter What Lara MacGregor
    It can be challenging to find the light in the most challenging darkness. Lara MacGregor is an extraordinary light and sharing that with others. She founded Hope Scarves in the midst of her battle with breast cancer when a kind stranger shared her previously used fashion scarves.

    Lara overcame her battle once and is now still in the battle… and will be for the rest of her life. May her story be an encouragement to you that no matter your challenges, they can always be used for good.

    S01 EP21 Something Extra Lisa Nichols

    S01 EP21 Something Extra Lisa Nichols
    This episode is full of wisdom for life and work done well. Lisa Nichols is such a gift. A true leader, both in her business, Technology Partners and her family. In the midst of newborn babies, toddlers, and all the craziness of life, Lisa founded and grew Technology Partners, it’s amazing to see our human capacity when everything is tight and on the line.

    For the entirety of their company, Lisa has worked alongside her husband, and together they have juggled their family. Over the past few years she has hosted the “Something Extra Podcast”, a show focused on leadership and that ‘something extra’ we all have within us. Enjoy!

    S01 EP20 Deeply Personal and Full of Hope Ben Harrison

    S01 EP20 Deeply Personal and Full of Hope Ben Harrison
    Being a parent for the first time is such a special, exciting, and challenging time. You go through a healthy pregnancy and dream of the moment you can snuggle up to the little one. For Ben and his wife Laura, it was no different. They eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child, Jonas. In the midst of the jubilation, joy, and overwhelming love they had for Jonas, the doctors realized right away that there were challenges ahead for Jonas’s vision.

    Always entrepreneurial, and now new parents, Ben and Laura’s story of creating beauty out of their challenges is inspiring. In this episode you’ll hear about their journey through healthcare and ultimately founding Jonas Paul Eyewear… so millions of children around the world will be impacted by their blindness prevention programs, and millions of littles are full of style.

    S01 EP19 Adventurous, Addicting, Education Allan Staker

    S01 EP19 Adventurous, Addicting, Education Allan Staker
    Allan Staker is an entrepreneur. Throughout his career he has been ever curious, adventurous and wondering, “what if”. Brain Chase is his latest endeavor and it has young people in love with learning, and eager to continue their quests on the platform. Not to mention they have a chance at winning real prizes (like TRIPS!).

    We now find ourselves in a virtual environment and many families are wondering how kids might love learning. In this episode, Allan shares his tips with us about making learning engaging and attractive to young people.

    S01 EP18 Impacting lives not "Just" the bottom line Aimee Minnich

    S01 EP18 Impacting lives not "Just" the bottom line Aimee Minnich
    Amy grew up alongside an entrepreneurial mother. She was raised in the business. It was actually an accident that she ended up in law school, but it was meant to be. Amy’s story is one that you KNOW that the Lord is at work in her preparation.

    Raising money, tax implications, investing, and high level philanthropy can be overwhelming topics. Not for Amy, they are all right in her sweet spot. She has spent the past four years Founding and growing the Impact Foundation, investing in for-benefit companies around the world that are impacting lives and communities every minute of everyday and bringing returns to the investors.

    S01 EP17 Standing in Awe John O’Leary

    S01 EP17 Standing in Awe John O’Leary
    John O’Leary is such an inspiring human. To have lived life as he has is simply miraculous. When John was young he had 3rd degree burns upon 100% of his body. It is statistically impossible for him to be alive and thriving today.

    He didn’t set out to be in the spotlight, it was actually the opposite, he strived to be as normal and unremarkable as possible to fit in with everyone else. Until his parents told their story, thus sharing John’s incredible story with the world. He then realized his story was important and impactful to the lives of others. Today, John is one of the world’s leading motivational speakers. It is my honor and privilege to share his story with you today.

    S01 EP16 Finding and Harnessing a Why to Change Your Life Sean Mulroney

    S01 EP16 Finding and Harnessing a Why to Change Your Life Sean Mulroney
    At his heaviest, Sean Mulroney was 687??? pounds. Childhood trauma, genetics, and bad habits lead him to a place he never imagined. Sean’s story is inspirational and driven to say the least.

    He is not new to a life of leading, inspiring, and motivating others. Through his organization, Teens of America, he has spoken to thousands of young people about the effects of daily choices, and overcoming drugs and alcohol in his twenties.

    He then found one addiction swapped for another. When he and his wife began having children, Sean decided that he wanted to be fully present for his beautiful family. His journey has been miraculous and highly viral. There are millions of individuals that NEVER leave their home due to their obesity. Sean is on a mission to bring life and freedom to every one of them through The Obesity Revolution!

    S01 EP14 Utilizing your gifts & talents to change the world Wess Stafford

    S01 EP14 Utilizing your gifts & talents to change the world Wess Stafford
    This episode is such a gift. Wess leads with vulnerability, passion, and truth. He has truly given his life for impoverished children. He grew up on the African Ivory Coast and lived and saw poverty every single day. Often mourning the loss of his best friends as a young boy trying to reconcile who gets to live and who will die. He saw the unimaginable on a daily basis.

    His upbringing perfectionly positioned him to lead and grow Compassion International over the course of decades. Today, he speaks and travels as the President Emeritus and will continue fighting for children until his last breath. His passion is infectious and he encourages us all to find the cause that brings us to tears.

    Child sponsorship is one of the greatest and most impactful opportunities in fighting poverty. Compassion International has 70,000 children they are already serving, waiting for a sponsor. Please join the gift of relationship with a child thousands of miles away and sponsor a child today. www.compassion.com

    S01 EP13 Redefining the next 25 years Erin Joy

    S01 EP13 Redefining the next 25 years Erin Joy
    I loved this conversation with Erin Joy, she is the Founder of the Black Dress Circle, she’s a business coach and works alongside women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. She’s been an entrepreneur throughout her career with many pivots. Black Dress Circle focuses on bringing peers together so they can all grow stronger.

    We talked a lot about trusting your gut, finding quiet to have the space to define your own success.

    S01 EP12 Perserverance during slow growth Ted Pittenger

    S01 EP12 Perserverance during slow growth Ted Pittenger
    Perseverance During Slow Growth

    Slow, steady, faithfulness, our pastor talks about those three qualities often. Ted Pittenger talks about all three of them culminating throughout his entrepreneurial journey. Ted is the king of seeing an already existing idea and improving it, thus, in the early 90’s Samaritan Ministries was born.

    Today Samaritan Ministries serves over 82,000 families, 220,000+ individual members. All committed to “sharing one another’s burden” of medical expenses. It’s uncommon and against the grain, but a beautiful depiction of the body of Christ providing for one another.

    Check out Ted’s work @ www.samaritanministries.org / Sharing The Burden: The Samaritan Ministries Story

    S01 EP11 Creating a missional movement Zach Horvath

    S01 EP11 Creating a missional movement Zach Horvath
    Creating a Missional Movement

    Zach is extraordinarily wise beyond his years… he is passionate about people, culture, inclusion, and bringing others together around a common goal. The “Live a Great Story” message has been inspiring me for years, it was a privilege and so fun chatting about the journey.

    In this episode we talk a lot about doing the hard personal work to truly understand yourself and how it is from those insights that your message and mission will come. The ‘Live a Great Story’ message has been inspiring millions, and Zach and I are both confident that your message can do the same. I’m so grateful for all the practical advice from Zach about starting the movement.

    S01 EP10 Building strong lives Akilah King

    S01 EP10 Building strong lives Akilah King
    Building Strong Lives

    Ever since she was a little girl, Akilah has been a leader, competitor and driver. Her rapid rise through her life and career has positioned her now, to lead the future generation. At Room to Grow in New York and Boston, they’ve created an incredibly successful program for Strong Starts in family, parenthood, and childhood.

    The program is clear, simple, and impactful. Three keys to a successful organization. This episode is full of wonderful advice on leadership and mentorship, I am so impressed by the daily committed work of Room to Grow and know you too will be inspired by Akilah and her vision for future flourishing!

    Personal: Instagram = @akilah108, LinkedIn = linkedin.com/in/akilah-king-mph-2908b4b1
    Room to Grow: Instagram = @roomtogroworg, FB = @roomtogrow, LinkedIn = linkedin.com/company/929462, Twitter = @roomtogrow_org, YouTube = roomtogrownational
    Akilah joined the Room to Grow team in 2015 and has held several roles in the areas of program operations, external relations, and evaluation, before being appointed Executive Director of Room to Grow New York in June 2018 and Interim CEO in 2020. With a deep desire to achieve health equity for all families and local communities, she began her career in research at the renowned Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City and its affiliated nonprofit, the Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine (FOCOS). While at FOCOS, Akilah gained extensive fundraising and development experience and was a member of the team that opened the first modern orthopedic hospital in West Africa. Akilah holds a Master’s in Public Health from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a BA from Brown University. She currently serves on the Executive Board of veteran mental health non-profit, Operation: Heal Our Heroes.

    S01 EP9 What if your goal was to lift others up? Peter and Kellee Strople

    S01 EP9 What if your goal was to lift others up? Peter and Kellee Strople
    What if our goal was to lift others up?

    All day everyday, Peter and Kellee Strople are in the midst of important high-level conversations throughout our country. Whether helping to make the best possible future for our children, to coming up with solutions to the COVID19 pandemic, to helping a colleague decide whether to keep or sell their business.

    They are one of the most connected couples in America. When writing down a dream list, Peter and Kellee probably know someone that knows someone on your list, it’s their connection, and a simple message of “Peter loves you”, that allows additional, new, strong-relationships to develop. These relationships are often the catalyst for “Instant Change”. The way they live their life is a challenge and an encouragement for us to ask, “how can we focus on others - it is then that we’ll rise together”.


    S01 EP08 You've been preparing for this for years Gretchen Witt

    S01 EP08 You've been preparing for this for years Gretchen Witt
    What if your life has been preparing you for that very moment you need to take action? This was 100% the case for Gretchen Holt Witt when she began to learn about Childhood Cancer when her son Liam was diagnosed.

    The process of being alongside Liam throughout his cancer fight lit a fire in Gretchen to do all she possibly can to support other families through their family’s cancer journey. Children are our future and Gretchen is determined to fund cures for childhood cancer. Is it possible that it can be as simple as baking cookies - in this case, yes, absolutely! Her story is full of hope, inspiration, and incredible challenges.


    Bonus The Dark Side of Drive

    Bonus The Dark Side of Drive
    The Dark Side of Drive

    This one is personal, my friends, there have been so many times that I’ve listened to podcasts, read books, watched people on social media, and thought, “do they never struggle?” The reality is, they do, they do struggle, we all do, it’s part of being a human.

    For those of us that are driven by impact, achievement, and purpose we often put the MOST unrealistic expectations upon ourselves.

    This is my story about situational depression, medication, counseling, and anxiety… learning to walk through a new normal and shifting my expectations. I would be lying if I said I was completely out of the woods, I’m not… so my hope is that this episode can be an encouragement to you!

    S01 EPO7 The Hope for mental illness Christy Buck

    S01 EPO7 The Hope for mental illness Christy Buck
    Ep. 7 - Christy Buck
    Title: Hope for Mental Illness

    Did you know that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is to ask someone if they are having suicidal thoughts? Seriously. To open up the dialogue with the people we love most and know the best can make the biggest difference in their life.

    Christy Buck is the Founder of Be Nice and Executive Director of the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan. She is an expert in creating and implementing mental health programs in schools. This episode we dive into the Divine provision of Christy’s story that allows her to do the important work each and every day.

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