
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    We need to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century to avoid catastrophic climate change, and business plays a big part in meeting this goal. Join 100% Renewables’ Co-CEO Barbara Albert as she interviews senior decision-makers from organizations leading the way on climate action. If you want to hear best practice stories of how other businesses drive net profit with zero emissions, this show is for you.
    en-auBarbara Albert20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    Episode 19: How to Confidently Buy High-integrity Carbon Offsets

    Episode 19: How to Confidently Buy High-integrity Carbon Offsets

    “It doesn’t make sense to go carbon neutral and purchase carbon offsets that might be dodgy. The purpose of achieving carbon neutrality is that you want to prove to the marketplace that you care about the environment and that you are taking a stand against climate change.  You don’t want to open yourself up to reputational damage. “

    In this special episode of “Driving Profit with Net Zero emissions” podcast, we're revisiting a recent webinar that we hosted in collaboration with TEM (Tasman Environmental Markets) — "How to confidently buy high-integrity carbon offsets."

    The webinar breaks down the intricacies of carbon offsetting and provide a clear pathway for strategic carbon credit purchasing. 

    In this episode, Barbara Albert and Nicolas Francois were joined by our guest speakers from TEM, Brett Giddings (Head of Digital Solutions), and Rebecca Heard (Manager of Corporate Partnerships and Digital Solutions).

    In this episode, we cover:

    • Understanding carbon offsetting: The basics and importance in today's sustainability landscape.
    • Criteria for high-quality offsets: Identifying and selecting the most credible offsets.
    • Climate Active certification: How offsets play a key role in achieving voluntary carbon neutral certification.
    • Navigating greenwashing and greenhushing: Ensuring your organisation's practices are transparent and trustworthy.
    • The offset market: Insights into market trends
    • Risk management: Strategies to secure high-quality offsets and safeguard your organisation's reputation.

    Connect with 100% Renewables:

    Get in touch with the speakers:

    Episode 18: Creating Change: Western Sydney University’s Sustainable Leadership

    Episode 18: Creating Change: Western Sydney University’s Sustainable Leadership

    “I think authenticity is really important. It's nice to look and learn from what other people are doing, but follow your own normative compass. Follow the path that looks right for you and your organisation, and just work your way through it, step by step. Be ready to have ethically defensible strategies when operating in areas that are open to critique, but it's more important to be a doer than a critic. We also need to be self-reflective and critical and be agile when we can. Take the opportunities when we can, be bold.”

    In this podcast episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Roger Attwater, Senior Manager at the Environmental Sustainability at Western Sydney University’s Division of Infrastructure and Commercial. Roger leads the team overseeing the implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Policy and the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan and related initiatives, including engagement opportunities through the Living Labs.

    Roger and Barbara chat about Western Sydney University's efforts on climate action, their net zero strategy, and what led them to be ranked number 1 in the Times Higher Education Impact rankings for their overall action across the Sustainable Development Goals for two consecutive years.

    In this episode, find out:

    •  What showing up for climate action means for Western Sydney University
    •  Western Sydney University’s  number 1 ranking in the Times Higher Eduction Impact rankings
    • Western Sydney University’s  Living labs
    • Western Sydney University’s  mitigation efforts
    • Western Sydney University’s  interpretation of climate positive
    • Western Sydney University’s  net zero strategy
    • Western Sydney University’s  achievement of carbon neutrality
    • Western Sydney University’s  biggest hurdles in achieving Climate Active certification
    • Roger's view of nature repair markets of the Commonwealth government
    • Intersection between biodiversity schemes and carbon offsets
    • Emission sources of the University
    • Emission reduction initiatives
    • The importance of internal stakeholder support
    • What's next in Western Sydney University’s  sustainability journey

    Connect with 100% Renewables:

    Get in touch with Roger:

    Episode 17: Striking at the root, with Simon Holmes à Court

    Episode 17: Striking at the root, with Simon Holmes à Court

    “One of the most impactful things we can do if you're passionate about climate change is to support politics. It's striking at the root of what needs to be done to make sure that the people who are working on the policies are going to drive this transformation. If we don't have the right people working at the root in favour of this, then we can all be wasting so much of our time.”

     In this podcast episode, we speak with Simon Holmes à Court, an entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist who founded Climate 200, which is an initiative aimed at empowering communities to nurture their own political candidates and effect change on climate issues.

    We talk about Australia's lost decade on climate action, and Simon’s book "The Big Teal' which was published in 2022. We also dive deep into the role of politics in supporting businesses in their transition to net zero and how business can support politics.

    In this episode, find out:

    • How Simon became so passionate about climate action
    • What inspired him to write his book “The Big Teal”
    • What is Climate 200 and how it differs from other climate change initiatives
    • Whether Simon thinks that we can limit warming to 1.5C and the solutions that will get us to net zero
    • Who, out of business, government, big finance, or the community, should do the heavy lifting to get us to net zero
    • How a net zero world looks like for Simon Holmes à Court

    Connect with 100% Renewables:

    Where to find Simon’s book ‘The Big Teal’:

    Other relevant links:


    Episode 16: Casting the net: Zero reasons to delay climate action - with Austral Fisheries

    Episode 16: Casting the net: Zero reasons to delay climate action - with Austral Fisheries

    “We don't have to worry about the next quarterly cycle, like public companies do. We can take judgments that transcend that cycle, understanding that seasons and natural systems produce variable results. We've made a judgment to leave a whole bunch of fish uncaught, with a negative impact on profitability, and we've made that call based on what we've felt is in the long term interest of the fishery. It's a privilege that we can play the long game and deliver long term shareholder value.”

    In this podcast episode, we speak with David Carter, CEO of Austral Fisheries, one of Australia’s largest integrated commercial fishing companies. Austral shows unparalleled global leadership in sustainable fishing, is a carbon neutral organisation, and sells carbon neutral products. 

    Not only do we talk about Austral’s sustainable business practices, their carbon footprint and emissions reduction activities, but we also dive deeper into what motivated David to act on climate change, personally and in his role as CEO of the company.

    In this episode, find out:

    • How Simon Sinek and a trip to the Antarctic inspired David to take action on climate change
    • How people like Mike Cannon Brooks gave David permission for a bigger narrative and talking about climate change in his personal and business life
    • How Austral Fisheries see themselves as a steward of the ocean and how they play the long game
    • Why David feels that Austral Fisheries can’t be a climate action leader until they have followers 
    • Why Austral Fisheries had its new hybrid electric ship built in Norway
    • Whether green methanol could be the future for net zero shipping

    Other relevant links

    1. David Carter’s talk at TEDxPerth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8imszj5gES4
    2. Marine Stewardship Council: https://www.msc.org/
    3. Austral Fisheries’ Climate Active Public Disclosure Statement: Organisation & Product certification CY2021
    4. Austral Fisheries sustainability: https://www.australfisheries.com.au/sustainability
    5. Carbon Neutral Pty Ltd’s Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor project - https://carbonneutral.com.au/about-us/our-projects/
    6. Book: Infinite Game by Simon Sinek: https://simonsinek.com/books/the-infinite-game/
    7. Book: Start with Why by Simon Sinek: https://simonsinek.com/books/start-with-why/
    8. Confront the Brutal Facts by Jim Collins: https://www.jimcollins.com/concepts/confront-the-brutal-facts.html

    Connect with us

    David Carter - https://au.linkedin.com/in/david-carter-174625a
    Austral Fisheries - https://au.linkedin.com/company/austral-fisheries-pty-ltd

    Barbara Albert - https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaraalbert100/
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS49PGSgCeDNda7s1L0cQtQ?view_as=subscriber
    100% Renewables - https://au.linkedin.com/company/100percentrenewables

    Episode 15: A world without waste, with Sims Limited

    Episode 15: A world without waste, with Sims Limited

    “One of the things that we've also done is put in an internal carbon price. We'll be using that in modelling all our CapEx decisions and strategy to understand the impacts of various decisions on our targets and the financial return. The CFOs of our businesses saw immediately how that process could help us achieve our goals and what their responsibility was in terms of making that happen, and the contribution that they could make towards delivering this critical outcome for Sims.

    The carbon price was a new way of helping our people connect to our purpose of delivering a world without waste. We make a lot of asset decisions, such as buying material handlers. They're long-lived pieces of capital equipment. If we buy a diesel one today, we're going to be offsetting that in 2030.”

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Blaise Porter, Group Director Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility of Sims Limited, a global leader in metal recycling and circular solutions for technology, as well as an emerging leader in renewable energy. Sims focus on building a sustainable, diverse, and innovative supply chain throughout the country and across the globe.

    Blaise shares how important reusing and recycling materials are to prevent emissions from entering the atmosphere and how Sims Limited plays an important role in closing the loop and enabling a circular economy and thus minimising greenhouse gas emissions. Specific topics discussed are:
    · Decarbonising steel and aluminium
    · Repurposing cloud assets
    · Reusing materials such as plastic in cars
    · How Sims engaged its internal stakeholders to set ambitious targets
    · How Sims set an internal carbon price of $100 by 2030
    · How Sims helps its customer reduce their carbon footprint
    · How we can divert waste from landfill

    Other relevant links:
    1. 100% Renewables Net zero diagnostic tool - https://netzerodiagnostic.scoreapp.com/
    2.  Sims Limited 2021 Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Report -- https://sltd.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/2021_TCFD+Report.pdf
    3. Completing the Picture: How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change -  https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/completing-the-picture
    4. LMS Energy, methane destruction and bioenergy - https://www.lms.com.au/

    About Blaise Porter
    Blaise Porter is the Group Director of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility at Sims Limited. She directs Sims Limited’s long-term sustainability ambitions and goals, integrates sustainability throughout the company’s divisions worldwide, and helps Sims fulfil its purpose - to create a world without waste, to preserve our planet. Blaise also directs Sims' corporate social responsibility framework.

    Prior to joining Sims in 2021, Blaise was the Director of Responsible Business at Fujitsu Australia & New Zealand, where Blaise and I first met. She recently completed a Masters in Sustainability & Climate Policy from Curtin University.

    If you want to get in touch with Blaise, you can connect with her on LinkedIn - https://au.linkedin.com/in/blaiseporter

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    Episode 14: Reducing transport emissions with EVs and hydrogen

    Episode 14: Reducing transport emissions with EVs and hydrogen

    In this special podcast episode, we speak with three people with significant experience in the transport sector, coming from the car manufacturing perspective, the policy perspective, and the motorist's perspective - Scott Nargar, David Malicki and Nikesh Murali. In this episode, we talk about how transport emissions can be reduced, as transport accounts for nearly 20% of Australia's emissions, making it the third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. We discuss how we can shift from fossil fuels to cleaner ways of transporting people and goods, such as electric vehicles and renewable hydrogen.

    About Scott Nargar
    Scott Nargar is the Senior Manager of Future Mobility & Government Relations of Hyundai Motor Company Australia. Scott has over two decades of experience in the motor industry in technical, media, product planning and technology advocacy roles. For the last 10 years, Scott has been working for Hyundai Motor Company Australia in senior technical management, product planning, environment and Government engagement policy roles. Scott leads the company’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle project and future mobility programs. Scott was the co-founder of the Australian Hydrogen Council and is currently a Member of its Board of Directors. If you want to get in touch with Scott, you can connect with him on LinkedIn

    About David Malicki
    David Malicki is the Team Lead, Net Zero Transport at NSW Department of Planning and Environment. His team is responsible for delivering $330 million in initiatives under the NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy and the NSW Net Zero Plan Stage 1. He is an experienced Business Team Lead with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry. He is skilled in Government Procurement, Environmental Issues, Sustainable Business, Management, and Building Effective Relationships. If you want to get in touch with David, you can connect with him on LinkedIn

    About Nikesh Murali
    Nikesh Murali is a Senior Policy Advisor at the NRMA specialising in EVs, Future Transport and Low Carbon Technology. Prior to the role at the NRMA, he worked as a policy advisor in the Australian Federal Public Service on policy initiatives in transport, future mobility, maritime, and airports and aviation. He has an interest and expertise in shaping and promoting the feasibility and opportunities created by transitioning to net zero emissions in the transportation and energy sectors. If you want to get in touch with Nikesh, you can connect with him on LinkedIn

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of Energy Unlimited-Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    Other relevant links:
    EV Council on increasing the supply of EVs to Australia- https://electricvehiclecouncil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/EVC-Briefing_Increasing-the-supply-of-EVs-to-Australia.pdf 
    -ACT EV Ready Developments (Urbis)- https://www.planning.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1977088/EV-Ready-Developments-Executive-Summary.pdf
    -ANU on electric vehicle fleets- https://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/electric-vehicle-fleets-set-to-be-on-call-to-backup-the-grid
    -NSW EV Strategy Dashboard as at March 2022- https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-07/20220331-EV-Strategy-Dashboard.pdf
    -NMRA go-to portal hub- https://thehub.nrma.com.au/tag/electric-cars
    -NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy-  https://www.nsw.gov.au/initiative/nsw-governments-electric-vehicle-strate

    Episode 13: Net Zero Fundamentals, Part 2 - Carbon farming, carbon offsetting and insetting

    Episode 13: Net Zero Fundamentals, Part 2 - Carbon farming, carbon offsetting and insetting

    This is part 2 of a special podcast recording based on a webinar that Barbara Albert, our Co-CEO, ran under the Entrepreneur’s Program to explain the fundamentals of Net Zero to Australian small and medium-sized businesses.

    In the first part of the recording, Barbara introduced carbon accounting, carbon scopes, calculating your carbon footprint and developing decarbonisation and net zero pathways. In part 2 of this special recording, Barbara introduces important concepts, such as carbon offsetting, carbon farming, and insetting, which are ingredients for a Net Zero or carbon neutral strategy.

    The Net Zero fundamentals podcast is sponsored by AusIndustry, a Commonwealth Government program that helps eligible businesses strengthen, grow and innovate, and develop and commercialise new ideas and products  – locally, nationally and globally. The program also helps companies achieve Net Zero via support from consultancies such as 100% Renewables.   

    About AusIndustry

    AusIndustry delivers a range of programs to support Australian small to medium businesses to boost profits, create more jobs, become stronger and more resilient. Their programs help eligible businesses strengthen, grow and innovate, and develop and commercialise new ideas and products  – locally, nationally and globally. The program connects businesses with support available across all levels of government – from the Australian Government through to the local level.   

    The AusIndustry network of Business Development Managers, Regional Managers and Facilitators are spread across Australia, and they provide you with targeted support and guidance to help your business grow, diversify and thrive.

    Please also know that the Entrepreneurs’ Programme is collecting expressions of interest to be part of a Net Zero supply chain project launching in Perth and Brisbane in July 2022. Involvement in this project is free and provides eligible businesses with access to industry networks, expert resources and to promote your Net Zero business goal.

    Meet the host

    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables

    100% Renewables is a national consultancy specialising in the development of Net Zero, carbon neutral and climate positive strategies. We work with large energy-using businesses and government organisations with ambitious climate action goals.

    In addition to delivering Net Zero strategies and helping our clients achieve carbon neutrality under Climate Active, our other services are commercial and mid-scale solar feasibility and implementation support, carbon footprinting, science-based target setting, energy auditing, sustainable procurement, fleet transition strategies, financing climate action, and on-call services.

    We are a leader in sustainability communication through our “Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions” podcast and videos, and through our blog posts and monthly newsletters. We showcase examples of climate action leadership and provide answers to our followers’ questions so that others can learn from them and apply them to their own Net Zero journey.

    Episode 12: Net Zero Fundamentals, Part 1 – Carbon accounting and net zero pathways

    Episode 12: Net Zero Fundamentals, Part 1 – Carbon accounting and net zero pathways

    This podcast episode is sponsored by AusIndustry, a Commonwealth Government program, which helps eligible businesses strengthen, grow and innovate, and develop and commercialise new ideas and products  – locally, nationally and globally. The program also helps businesses achieve net zero via support from consultancies such as 100% Renewables.   

    This recording is based on a webinar that Barbara Albert, our Co-CEO, ran under this program to explain the fundamentals of net zero to Australian small and medium-sized businesses. In the first part of this special podcast recording, the discussion centres around an introduction to carbon accounting, carbon scopes, how you can calculate your carbon footprint and how you can develop decarbonisation and net zero pathways.

    About AusIndustry

    AusIndustry delivers a range of programs to support Australian small to medium businesses to boost profits, create more jobs, become stronger and more resilient. Their programs help eligible businesses strengthen, grow and innovate, and develop and commercialise new ideas and products  – locally, nationally and globally. The program connects businesses with support available from across all levels of government – from the Australian Government through to the local level.   

    The AusIndustry network of Business Development Managers, Regional Managers and Facilitators are spread across Australia, and they provide you with targeted support and guidance to help your business grow, diversify and thrive. 

    Please also know that the Entrepreneurs’ Programme is collecting expressions of interest to be part of a Net Zero supply chain project launching in Perth and Brisbane in July 2022. Involvement in this project is free and provides eligible businesses with access to industry networks, expert resources and to promote your Net Zero business goal.

    If you want to get in touch with AusIndustry, you can connect with them on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/ausindustry/ or visit their website at https://business.gov.au/ . You can also write us an email at info@100percentrenewables.com.au

    Meet the host

    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables

    100% Renewables is a national consultancy specialising in the development of net zero, carbon neutral and climate positive strategies. We work with large energy-using businesses and government organisations with ambitious climate action goals.

    In addition to delivering net zero strategies and helping our clients achieve carbon neutrality under Climate Active, our other services are commercial and mid-scale solar feasibility and implementation support, carbon footprinting, science-based target setting, energy auditing, sustainable procurement, fleet transition strategies, financing climate action, and on-call services.

    We are a leader in sustainability communication through our “Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions” podcast and videos, and through our blog posts and monthly newsletters. We showcase examples of climate action leadership and provide answers to our followers’ questions so that others can learn from them and apply them to their own net zero journey.

    Episode 11: Setting sail for 'climate positive' with the Sydney Opera House

    Episode 11: Setting sail for 'climate positive' with the Sydney Opera House

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Emma Bombonato, Environmental Sustainability Manager of Sydney Opera House. The Opera House is the nation’s premier tourist destination and one of the world’s busiest performing arts centres.

    Being a carbon neutral organisation under Climate Active since 2018, the Sydney Opera House builds on a long history of embedding sustainability in its operations. We talk about the Sydney Opera House’s carbon footprint, its strategic planning and the role of Sustainable Development Goals. We also chat about the Opera House’s climate leadership and ambitious targets, which will see it go from carbon neutral, to net zero and eventually to climate positive

    Emma shares her experience about how the Opera House reduces emissions in their operations and their supply chain and the importance of engagement across all stakeholders, including staff. Given the close location to the harbour, Emma also explains how they assess and deal with physical climate risks that are most relevant, and the Sydney Opera House’s future sustainability plans.

    About The Sydney Opera House

    Sydney Opera House will celebrate its 50 year anniversary in 2023. As a symbol of modern Australia, the Opera House plays an integral role in Australia’s identity. The State, National and World Heritage-listed site is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a ‘masterpiece of human creative genius’. In 2018 it was estimated to have a social asset value of $6.2 billion and make a $1.2 billion contribution to the Australian economy annually.

    If you want to get in touch with Sydney Opera House, please visit the following:
    Sydney Opera House’s website
    Sydney Opera House‘s LinkedIn

    About Emma Bombonato

    Emma is an Environmental Science & Management background with over 15 years’ experience as a practitioner in Sustainability, Emma's experience spans across education & training in sustainability, sustainable resource management, carbon management, social behaviour change, organisational engagement and strategy development. 

    Emma joined the Sydney Opera House in 2017 as the Manager, Environmental Sustainability after 10 years with Taronga Conservation Society Australia. Representing the Sydney Opera House, Emma is a member of the leadership panel of the City of Sydney Sustainable Destination Partnership and a member of the Heritage Council's Heritage Advisory Panel. Emma's role is to strategically support the Sydney Opera House to continue to take a leadership role in sustainability.

    Follow Emma's LinkedIn or email her at sustainability@sydneyoperahouse.com.

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy.  Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 10: Land sector carbon measures and insetting to achieve net zero, with FLINTpro

    Episode 10: Land sector carbon measures and insetting to achieve net zero, with FLINTpro

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Rob Waterworth, CEO of FLINTpro and the Mullion Group. The Mullion Group is a global software and consulting company, highly sought after for its expertise in greenhouse gas inventory systems for the land sector. 

    We talk about carbon emissions and removals in the land sector such as carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil carbon, and discuss terms such as carbon stock and carbon stock change. We chat about the challenges that both government and private sectors face in accounting for carbon in the land sector and how FLINTpro’s solutions and innovations can help them. 

    Rob also shares some insights on how companies with large parcels of land should plan their net zero journey and the role of insetting in achieving net zero targets. 

    About The Mullion Group and FLINTpro
    The Mullion Group is a global software and consulting company, highly sought after for its expertise in greenhouse gas inventory systems for the land sector. 

    The Mullion Group is the developer of FLINTpro, the world's first land-based data integration software system with capability to measure, report and manage climate impact for the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use sector; and for large corporates and financial institutions with land portfolio assets and land investment strategies.

    About Rob Waterworth
    Rob is the CEO of FLINTpro and the Mullion Group. He has extensive experience in land sector monitoring and management, focusing on greenhouse gas estimation and policy development. He worked from project to national scales, designing and developing several operational land sector inventories, emissions projections systems and technical processes for nesting projects within national systems to support emissions trading.  Rob has authored several papers on monitoring systems and, in 2007, was part of the team awarded the Eureka Prize, Australia’s premier science prize, for work in developing integrated remote sensing and ground data systems.

    Rob is currently leading the development of new international monitoring tools for forestry and agriculture, including FLINTpro.

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy.  Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in. 
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 9: How to dramatically reduce our emissions by electrifying everything, with Saul Griffith

    Episode 9: How to dramatically reduce our emissions by electrifying everything, with Saul Griffith

    “Rewiring a community means electrifying the majority of the households, the vehicles, the water heaters, the space heaters, the kitchens, and powering it with a mix of rooftop solar, community renewables, and grid-based renewables, all backed up by batteries everywhere. This is a pathway to zero emissions, better public health, household savings, and perhaps most importantly, community economic renewal”, explains Dr Saul Griffith.

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Dr Saul Griffith, co-founder and chief scientist at Rewiring Australia and Rewiring America, nonprofits dedicated to decarbonising those countries (and the world) by electrifying everything.

    We talk about what it will take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid and adapt our households to an all-electric future. Saul’s new book, ‘The Big Switch’ lays out a detailed blueprint for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment.

    Using the example of Austinmer, a suburb with 1000 households, Saul shows how that community could save close to five million dollars a year if everything was electrified with technology that is available today. He also provides three steps that we can each take to access those savings in our own community, eliminate emissions and create jobs locally.

    About Saul Griffith
    Saul is the co-founder and chief scientist at Rewiring Australia and Rewiring America, nonprofits dedicated to decarbonising those countries (and the world) by electrifying everything. Saul received his PhD at MIT. Prior to MIT, he studied in Sydney and at UC Berkeley. Since graduating in 2004, Saul started numerous technology companies based in the Bay Area. These include Makani Power, which was acquired by Google, Instructables, which was acquired by Autodesk and Squid Labs.  Saul had been a principal investigator and project lead on research projects for agencies, such as NASA. 

    And above all, Saul is a fabulous storyteller.

    Saul's new book, ‘The Big Switch’ lays out a detailed blueprint for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment. It sets out a roadmap for how we can dramatically cut emissions with technologies that are available right now, while saving Australian households over $300 billion dollars by 2035, without sacrificing the lifestyle we are used to. If you want to get in touch with Saul, you can email him at saul@rewiringaustralia.org.

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables:
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. It was the first time we had an opportunity to look holistically at a whole business to see how 100% renewables could be achieved. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.

    Episode 8: Leading emissions reduction in the water sector, with Hydroflux

    Episode 8: Leading emissions reduction in the water sector, with Hydroflux

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Adrian Minshull, co-founder, CEO and Managing Director of the Hydroflux Group, one of Australia’s fastest growing and leading specialist water and wastewater solutions providers and Julia Seddon, CEO and Director of Cress Consulting, a subsidiary of the Hydroflux group. 

    We talk about the group’s climate strategy , how they tackle their emissions and climate risks and why they decided to go carbon neutral under Climate Active. We explore innovative solutions for water and wastewater that align with SDG 6, save energy, and produce renewable energy and fertiliser. We also discuss how the group managed to go through the Climate Active process in under 3 months and what their recommendations are for companies looking to go down a similar path.

    About The Hydroflux Group
    Hydroflux is one of Australia’s fastest growing and leading specialist water and wastewater solutions providers. Hydroflux is a privately owned Australian group of businesses providing a wide range of solutions for the industrial and municipal sectors throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Building on its longer-term sustainability strategy the Hydroflux Group recently chose to go carbon neutral and seek Climate Active certification as part of its commitment to a brighter future and to demonstrate that the business takes its climate responsibility seriously.
    https ://www.hydroflux.com.au/

    About Cress Consulting
    Cress Consulting is a subsidiary of the Hydroflux group. Their services include sustainability strategy design and delivery, value transformation, water stewardship, climate and water risk and issues management. Supported by more than 60 specialist engineers and scientists across the world, they provide expert guidance helping their clients uncover opportunities for sustainable growth, resource efficiency and water security.

    About Adrian Minshull and Julia Seddon
    Adrian Minshull is a co-founder, CEO and Managing Director of the Hydroflux Group.  Adrian has over 36 years’ experience in providing leading edge water, wastewater and water recycling technology to industry and government throughout the Asia Pacific region.

    Julia Seddon is CEO and Director of Cress Consulting, a subsidiary of the Hydroflux group. She is a sustainability and corporate affairs professional with more than 20 years’ experience in manufacturing, food, and agriculture industries. She holds chairman and director positions in not-for-profit water stewardship and sustainable agriculture organisations.

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables:
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 7: Driving emissions reduction in the fashion industry, with Global Fashion Group

    Episode 7: Driving emissions reduction in the fashion industry, with Global Fashion Group

    In this podcast episode, we speak with Jaana Quaintance-James, the Chief Sustainability Officer of Global Fashion Group. Global Fashion Group, or GFG for short, serves customers in 17 countries and connects one billion potential consumers with thousands of global, local and own brands via its e-commerce platforms. We talk about GFG’s strategy on how carbon emissions can be tackled in the fashion industry and how GFG drives emissions reduction across their worldwide operations.

    We uncover fascinating facts about where the bulk of carbon emissions are generated, investigate the embedded carbon footprint of materials used in garments and shoes, and how suppliers and consumers can make more sustainable choices. We talk about GFG’s science-based target setting approach and their current carbon offset strategy.

    About Global Fashion Group
    Global Fashion Group, or GFG for short, serves customers in 17 countries and connects one billion potential consumers with thousands of global, local and own brands via its e-commerce platforms. Each platform is operated under an individual brand name: Dafiti (in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia), Lamoda (in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine), ZALORA (in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei) and THE ICONIC (in Australia and New Zealand). 

    GFG announced its carbon mitigation strategy in their 2020 Climate Report. In that strategy, GFG prioritises the three biggest levers for carbon reduction: products, logistics and operations. Collectively, these three categories contributed more than 80% of GFG total emissions in 2020 and therefore provide significant opportunity for reduction. 

    In addition to the reduction activities focussed on these three areas, GFG has committed to developing Science-based targets. Carbon modelling work is now underway.

    https://global-fashion-group.com/ or LinkedIn page -  https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-fashion-group/

    About Jaana Quaintance-James
    Jaana is the Chief Sustainability Officer at GFG. Jaana holds accountability for the development and implementation of the Group’s sustainability vision to be People & Planet Positive, Worldwide. Leading teams in Australia, southeast Asia, Latin America, Russia & the CIS, she drives development and delivery of the group strategy in relation to ethical trade, environment, community and responsible workplace and works closely with internal and external stakeholders to deliver the change agenda for sustainability globally.

    If you want to get in touch with Jaana, you can connect with her on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaanasupplychainsustainability/

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables:
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 6: How behavioural science can nudge your business towards net-zero

    Episode 6: How behavioural science can nudge your business towards net-zero

    In this podcast episode, we interview two outstanding behavioural scientists - Dr Juliette Tobias-Webb and Dr Philipe Bujold. We are going to investigate how behavioural science can help drive net profit with zero emissions. We look into how organisations can inspire and motivate their employees, suppliers and customers to make and sustain changes in behaviour at all levels that makes driving towards net zero emissions possible, collaborative and successful.

    About Dr Juliette Tobias-Webb
    Dr Juliette Tobias-Webb is a Chief Behavioural Scientist, Senior MBA Lecturer, Superstar of STEM and soon to be Antarctica explorer. Juliette has a PhD in Experimental Psychology from Cambridge University and has worked for a range of leading government and corporate organisations to develop programs of work encouraging and measuring positive behaviour change. She has a range of academic and commercial experience and runs her own behavioural science consultancy. She has published articles in many leading neuroscience and psychology journals and is featured in a range of media outlets such as Triple J Hack and the Australian Financial Review. 

    About Dr Philipe Bujold
    Dr Philipe Bujold is an applied behavioural scientist at Rare, a global non-profit that for the last 45 years has been a leader in environmental behavior-change efforts. Based out of their internal nudge unit, the Center for Behavior & the Environment, Philipe’s work focuses on translating the latest insights from the behavioural sciences into behaviour-change interventions for the commercial, government, and non-profit sectors. He holds a PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge, where - prior to joining Rare - he studied how the brain’s biological constraints lead to predictable biases in the way we make choices.

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables:
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 5: Lion's net-zero big pitcher - doing the right thing for the long term, with Justin Merrell

    Episode 5: Lion's net-zero big pitcher - doing the right thing for the long term, with Justin Merrell

    In this episode, we speak with Lion, one of Australia’s largest brewers to hear more about their climate change targets and their journey towards net-zero emissions. We talk about Lion’s carbon footprint in Australia and globally, including their scopes 1, 2 and 3 for their operations and supply chain emissions and what measures they take to reduce emissions. 

    We talk about external factors such as sector trends, science-based targets, reporting under the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, Sustainable Development Goals, and Lion's sustainability metrics for internal reporting. We dive deeper into the top climate risks, such as water security, which is important for Lion’s operations, and even more important upstream for crop growing. We talk about the need for regenerative agriculture and increasing soil carbon. The discussion then moves on to Lion’s carbon-neutral certifications to Climate Active as well as international organisational and product-focused offset programs. 

    Justin also talks about how Lion works with their suppliers to reduce carbon emissions and how partnerships will be the next steps in Lion’s sustainability journey.

    About Lion
    As one of Australia’s largest brewers, Lion employs more than 1,500 people. Lion produces iconic brands such as Tooheys and XXXX, James Squires Zero, Steinlager Zero, as well as craft beers such as Furphy and Little Creatures, cider, alcoholic seltzer, coffee and kombucha.

    Lion’s environmental approach is governed by the simple mantra of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. As a large manufacturer and purchaser of agricultural goods, Lion’s priorities are focused on reducing their water and energy usage and waste. Lion has made great progress in emissions reduction and in 2020, became the country’s first certified large-scale carbon neutral brewer. As part of Lion’s Energy Optimisation Program, they aim to brew all their beers using 100% renewable electricity by 2025. In New Zealand, Lion has achieved “carbonzero” certification with Toitu. And in the US, New Belgium has committed to eliminating carbon emissions by 2030.

    About Justin Merrell
    Justin is the Group Environment Director at Lion. He is responsible for setting Lion’s environment strategy that focuses on carbon, sustainable packaging, and water stewardship. Prior to Lion, Justin held various roles in Qantas, but joined Qantas in 2012 as Group Environment Manager just in time to catch Australia’s first biofuel flight. If you want to get in touch with Justin, you can connect with him on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-merrell-4a799334/

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables:
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 4: How to get to net-zero for the built environment NOW, with Bruce Precious

    Episode 4: How to get to net-zero for the built environment NOW, with Bruce Precious

    “I think it’s justified that the built environment moves much more quickly. Rather than casting out long-term scenarios, for many sectors of the economy, the question should be, why not net-zero today? If not, why not?”,  argues Bruce Precious in today’s episode, which discusses the question of how the built environment can achieve net-zero emissions. 

    The built environment is a significant contributor to the global carbon footprint. It accounts for approximately 40% of our emissions. And in Australia, 50% of electricity consumed is in buildings, such as homes, offices, warehouses, shopping centres, or hospitals. On top of that, there are emissions generated through raw materials that go to construct these buildings. 

    In this episode, Bruce and Barbara discuss how the built environment causes emissions, how to reduce them, NABERS and Green Star ratings for buildings, the use of carbon offsets to reach carbon neutrality and how the built environment can adapt to the physical impacts of climate change.

    About Bruce Precious
    Bruce is widely respected for his achievements in the built environment sector to transform how the property industry responds to the most significant sustainability challenges. Bruce has seen and championed the evolution of green building ratings right from their inception in the mid-1990s to where they are today.

    In 2019, Bruce was awarded the NSW Green Globes Lifetime Achievement Award and, in 2020, was named a Green Star Champion by the Green Building Council of Australia. 

    With a career spanning over 30 years, he is now Principal Consultant at Six Capitals Consulting. Before this role, he was GPT’s National Manager - Sustainability and Property Services. 

    If you want to get in touch with Bruce, you can email him at bruce.precious@gmail.com or connect with him on LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/preciousbruce

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. It was the first time we had an opportunity to look holistically at a whole business to see how 100% renewables could be achieved.

    When we developed that plan, we saw that organisations could operate with renewable energy and reach net zero emissions while driving financial performance. Based on this revelation, we named our business ‘100% Renewables’ – a name which encapsulates our vision that in future, all organisations will be powered with renewables and have zero emissions.

    Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 3: Paving the way to a sustainable digital future, with NEXTDC

    Episode 3: Paving the way to a sustainable digital future, with NEXTDC

    As more and more services are being offered digitally and more and more devices become connected, the carbon footprint of data centres, which host digital infrastructure, is growing rapidly.

    In this episode, we are speaking with Craig Scroggie, the CEO and Managing Director of NEXTDC, a leading data centre provider in Australia. As well as operating energy-efficient 5-star NABERS rated data centres, NEXTDC now offers an industry-leading carbon neutral service to their customers. 

    About Craig Scroggie
    Craig is the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of NEXTDC, Australia’s leading data centre as a service company and one of Australia’s fastest-growing technology organisations. Craig has more than 25 years experience in the ICT industry, having held senior positions with Symantec, Veritas Software, Computer Associates, EMC Corporation and Fujitsu. Craig currently serves as Chairman of the La Trobe University Business School Advisory Board and holds the position of Adjunct Professor. 

    About NextDC Limited
    NextDC is Australia’s leading data centre as a service company and one of Australia’s fastest-growing technology organisations. NEXTDC data centres and custom colocation solutions are engineered to grow in-line with the demands of a business and promote flexibility through solutions that scale, supported by the country’s most dynamic and highly skilled ecosystem of partners, carriers and cloud platforms.

    As Australia’s most trusted data centre colocation services provider, they are the only data centre provider with a national network of premium data centres that are engineered and constructed to Uptime Institute Tier III, Tier IV and Gold certified standards for operational excellence. They deliver Data Centre as-a-Service (DCaaS) solutions to local and international organisations which champion industry-leading engineering, energy-efficiency, connectivity and security innovations that continue to lead the industry.

    To find out more, have a read of our accompanying blog post here:


    If you want to get in touch with NextDC, please visit the following:

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.

    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 2: Best practice examples and insights for communicating your net zero journey with SEFIANI

    Episode 2: Best practice examples and insights for communicating your net zero journey with SEFIANI

    Transitioning to net-zero is now prominent on the agenda in many boardrooms. As more companies embark on their sustainability journey, the challenge many face is whether to talk about it and how and when to meaningfully engage with stakeholders. 

    In this episode, we are talking to Robyn Sefiani, CEO of Sefiani Communications Group. Robyn provides her insights and effective communication strategies for sustainability, citing some strong examples of companies doing it well.

    About Robyn Sefiani
    With a public relations career spanning three decades, Robyn is a specialist in corporate and brand reputation management, strategic communication counsel, issues management, crisis communications and crisis management. Robyn established Sefiani Communications Group in December 1999. Since then, she has built Sefiani into one of Australia's leading strategic communications consultancies. 

    About Sefiani Communications Group
    Sefiani helps companies enhance their brands and reputations through good communication and protect them when things go wrong through issues and crisis management. Their business focuses on designing strategic communications strategies to solve complex business challenges and seize opportunities. They work with clients to help them manage and share their sustainability journey in a way that is meaningful to their stakeholders, mitigates issues and builds brand reputation.

    To find out more, have a read of our accompanying blog post here:


    If you want to get in touch with Sefiani, please visit the following:

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. It was the first time we had an opportunity to look holistically at a whole business to see how 100% renewables could be achieved.

    When we developed that plan, we saw that organisations could operate with renewable energy and reach net zero emissions while driving financial performance. Based on this revelation, we named our business ‘100% Renewables’ – a name which encapsulates our vision that in future, all organisations will be powered with renewables and have zero emissions.

    Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in.
    Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Episode 1: CORENA – How one dollar spent can fund emissions reduction projects multiple times

    Episode 1: CORENA – How one dollar spent can fund emissions reduction projects multiple times

    Revolving Energy Funds are a great mechanism to finance climate action strategies. They are a self-sustaining funding mechanism, which you start with seed capital that you invest in sustainability projects, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, or solar projects, for example. The fund’s unique feature is that you return savings from sustainability projects back into the REF to finance the next round of investments. In this way, you can spend funds multiple times to drive emissions reduction, resource and cost savings.

    For the first episode of the “Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions” show, Barbara is interviewing Briony O’Shea, the Chair of Corena. Corena is a grass-root, donor-funded, not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. The premise of the Corena model is a revolving fund to which supporters donate, and the provision of zero-interest loans to not-for-profit and community organisations to implement climate action projects.

    About Briony O’Shea
    Briony is a chemical engineer with a Master of Laws in International Law. She specialises in renewable energy and future fuels such as hydrogen and biogas to support the transition to a low-carbon future. She joined Corena in 2017 as a volunteer and took over the role of Chair in 2020. 

    About Corena
    Corena is a grass-root, donor-funded, not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. The premise of the Corena model is a revolving fund to which supporters donate, and the provision of zero-interest loans to not-for-profit and community organisations to implement climate action projects. Examples of funded projects are installing solar panels, improving energy efficiency, switching away from fossil gas use, or purchasing electric vehicles. 

    To date, Corena has implemented over 40 projects Australia-wide, with most projects being solar PV installations and energy efficiency. Altogether, 663 kW of solar PV have been installed, generating over 1,800 MWh of renewable electricity. Corena has received donations of over $460,000, and because of the revolving nature of the fund, these donations have resulted in over $800,000 in loans given. They’re on track to exceed $1 million of loans given this year.

    To find out more, have a read of our accompanying blog post here: https://100percentrenewables.com.au/corena-how-one-dollar-spent-can-fund-emissions-reduction-projects-multiple-times/

    And if you want to donate or apply for a project loan with Corena, please visit the following: 

    • https://corenafund.org.au/​ 
    • https://corenafund.org.au/contact/​
    • email at Briony@corenafund.org.au or office@corenafund.org.au

    Meet the host
    Barbara Albert is the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables. She is passionate about business and works to make organisations’ transition to net-zero emissions simpler and profitable. Barbara is the award-winning author of ‘Energy Unlimited – Four Steps to 100% Renewable Energy‘, one of the world’s most important books on renewable energy, as ranked by peers and experts in the industry.

    About 100% Renewables
    In 2015, we developed one of the first organisational plans to achieve 100% renewable energy. Since then, we have helped over 100 organisations develop their net zero plan and have grown the business to a national team of net zero specialists. We are known for developing strategies that are pragmatic, based on sound business cases, and have organisational buy-in. Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions

    Trailer - Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions show

    Trailer - Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions show

    Are you working for a business who wants to commit to, or has already committed to net zero emissions? Do you want to hear best practice stories of how other businesses are meeting this challenge?

    Hi, I’m Patrick Denvir, Co-CEO of 100% Renewables, a consultancy specialising in the development of climate action strategies.
    Join us on the Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions podcast, where we showcase best-practice stories of organisations who are leading in this space.

    I am Barbara, Co-CEO of 100% Renewables and the host of the DNPZE show, where I interview expert guests from leading climate action companies. My guests offer their net zero journey insights across operations & supply chain, products and services, people, branding and climate risk so that you can learn from their experience and plan your own net-zero journey.

    If you want to subscribe, please head to the podcast section of our webpage at https://100percentrenewables.com.au/podcast/

    About 100% Renewables:

    100% Renewables is a boutique consultancy founded in 2015. We help large energy-using businesses and government organisations make a meaningful difference by responding to climate change while driving financial performance. We are known for developing climate action strategies that have organisational buy-in.

    Connect with 100% Renewables: