
    Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    Ongoing Historical Research & Analytical Study Of The JFK Assassination..
    enDrop-D Podcast Productions.181 Episodes

    Episodes (181)

    #209~Feb.24, 2024: " 'Alleged Facts' And The JFK Hit: What We Now Know Vs. What We Once Believed", With ALAN DALE.

    #209~Feb.24, 2024: " 'Alleged Facts' And The JFK Hit: What We Now Know Vs. What We Once Believed", With ALAN DALE.
    IN THIS EPISODE~ We are again joined for an in-depth conversation with Esteemed Historian, Author ("The Devil Is In The Details", with Malcolm Blunt), Podcast Host ("JFK Conversations"), life-long Student Of Political Assassinations and much-respected Critical Thinker, Mr. Alan Dale.
    We start with a simple question: "What do we K-N-O-W, verses what we believe?"
    This leads us into a super-wide-ranging discussion that touches on topics such as: The phenomenon of "alleged facts" morphing into "actual facts" by virtue of repetition; the effect of Ego on Assassination Research; the recent descernible pattern within The Research Community of attempting to legitimize Ridiculous Assertions with no basis in reality simply by finding an illegitimate way to attach the name of CIAs George Joannides TO said Ridiculous Assertion; The FBI and Lee Harvey Oswald, from Mexico City to Dallas; why George Joannides would NEVER show his face in a Congressional Hearing Room while working undercover, the importance of Professor Peter Dale Scott's work to our ongoing efforts, the importance of simply being aware of one's own Evidentiary Prejudices, the importance of a finely-tuned BS-meter, and MUCH MUCH more!

    Written And Hosted By Doug Campbell.
    Recorded And Engineered By Momo Scaranucci For Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Free Yourself", by Ty Tabor
    "Punk Ass Boyfriend", by ZZ Top

    #208~ December 30, 2023: "DECLASSIFIED: The CIA's Secret 'Crash Investigation' Of The JFK Hit."

    #208~ December 30, 2023: "DECLASSIFIED: The CIA's Secret 'Crash Investigation' Of The JFK Hit."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ Last year saw the release of a completely-unredacted version of an affidavit/memo from the JFK Files containing testimony from a career CIA employee, now known as "The Heath Memo." If you blinked you probably missed it, and that's a shame, considering the potentially explosive implications of the assertions contained in this memo, realized once studied in detail, and context has been absorbed.
    That's exactly what we'll attempt to do in this episode. Using The Mary Farrell Foundation's JFK Assassination Documents Archive, The AARC, and Bill Simpich's masterwork-of-a-book "State Secret" as our Primary Resource Material, we will dissect & dig into The Heath Memo and follow a road from CIA's JM/WAVE Station to Dallas, Cuba, New Orleans, Lee Oswald in Mexico City, and a highly-educated, highly-trained, carefully chosen, specialized and little-known group of Anti-Castro Intelligence Operatives who worked only in the shadows, and were fiercely loyal to the man who assembled them.
    CIA's David Sanchez Morales.

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded & Engineered by Momo Scaranucci.

    "Miles From Nowhere", by The Smithereens.
    "Genesis", by Deftones.
    "Goin' So Good", by ZZ Top.

    #207~ November 24, 2023: A. "My Weekend In Texas, My Visit To Dealey Plaza", B. "Intellectual Honesty And Assassination Research."

    #207~ November 24, 2023: A. "My Weekend In Texas, My Visit To Dealey Plaza", B. "Intellectual Honesty And Assassination Research."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ This past weekend (Nov. 17th-Nov. 19) I had the immense pleasure of attending the awesome and highly enjoyable "November In Dallas 2023" Assassination Research Conference by JFKLancer Publications in Dallas, Tx! We will begin by recapping this fantastic weekend filled with friends, colleagues, listeners, new information, fellowship, education, and damn good coffee at the hotel-adjacent taco stand.
    THEN we move to The Studies. We go from an awsome conference to some awful conjobs. Taking our cues from the works and wisdom of Dr. John Newman, we'll delve into the realities behind (2) alleged-"Trustworthy Whistleblowers" in the JFK Case, both of whom have come under scrutiny in recent years in the wake of Primary Resource Material releases by The Federal Government. The reason? The Declassified Historical Record is proving their claims to have either been simply not possible, or simply completely false,.
    PLUS~ the phenomenon of folks in The Research Community who will look you in the face and vehemently defend these two specific individuals by citing 25-year old speculation-filled books in the face of newly-released, formerly declassified Primary Resource Documentation that preclude any possibility of these individuals' claims being true.
    WHY, though?
    Cognitive Dissonance? Inability to reason? Analytical laziness? Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Vodka in plastic bottles? Boomeritis?
    We'll analyze! Right here!

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded & Engineered by Curado "Little Momo" Scarannuci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Alright", by King's X
    "After All (The Dead)", by Heaven & Hell
    "Heartache In Blue", by ZZ Top

    #206~ August 10, 2023: "Ground Zero: The Texas School Book Depository Witnesses", With Author BART KAMP.

    #206~ August 10, 2023: "Ground Zero: The Texas School Book Depository Witnesses", With Author BART KAMP.
    IN THIS EPISODE~ A new marathon conversation with none other than BART KAMP, on the heels of the release of his first book, "Prayer Man: More Than Just A Fuzzy Picture". (BUY THE BOOK NOW, HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Prayer.../dp/B0CD9GB83W/ref=sr_1_1... )
    The witnesses inside The TSBD at the time of Shots-Fired will be our primary focus. Who they were, where they were, what they said, what they saw and heard, who stuck to their story, who changed their story, and who had their story changed FOR them.
    Along the way, we'll touch on Bart's journey through Assassination Research, more revelations regarding the Interrogations Of Lee Oswald, the chronology of the discovery of Lee Oswald on the front steps, The Wiegman, Darnell, and Couch Assassination Films, why Doug will never claim to have found the secret diaries of Felipe Vidal Santiago, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!
    JOIN US!

    Written and Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded and Engineered by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Battle Axe", by Deftones
    "Third Man On The Moon", by Masters Of Reality
    "TV Dinners", by ZZ Top

    #205~ June 22, 2023: "Operations 'NORTHWOODS' And 'MONGOOSE': RFK, Lansdale, And CIA."

    #205~ June 22, 2023: "Operations 'NORTHWOODS' And 'MONGOOSE': RFK, Lansdale, And CIA."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ Thanks to the "decidedly-NOT-grounded-in-Primary-Resource-Material-Study"-variety of books, blogs and movies over the years, our understanding of the truth of the dynamics between the Kennedy Brothers and the National Security Apparatus has become a bit...skewed...over the decades since The President's murder.
    Sadly, many people newer to The Case are unaware of the truth of this dynamic. For example, some actually believe that "Operation MONGOOSE" was a CIA operation, or that Allen Dulles had a hand in "Operation NORTHWOODS". Or worse, that CIA placed Brigadier General Ed Lansdale in charge of MONGOOSE. Why? Because they heard an "expert" say it, saw it in a movie, or read it in a blog or book.
    We will read and discuss Primary Resource Documentation regarding MONGOOSE, and take a Deep Dive into the JCS-proposed horror show that was NORTHWOODS, and look at (1) aspect of NORTHWOODS that seems to have intrigued the Attorney General. So much so that~six days after JFK rejected it~ RFK circled back with the JCS, to see if it might really work.

    Written And Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded And Engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "She's The Woman", by Van Halen
    "This Corrosion", by Sisters Of Mercy
    "Dusted", by ZZ Top

    #204~ May 26, 2023: "Nazis In The Woodpile: Reinhard Gehlen And The Kennedy Assassination."

    #204~ May 26, 2023: "Nazis In The Woodpile: Reinhard Gehlen And The Kennedy Assassination."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ The recent April 27, 2023 release of 355 previously-redacted JFK Assassination Records yields to us the fascinating story of an investigatory lead provided to J. Edgar Hoover regarding pre-knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald, originating in Germany. Our trip through the documentary record will take us from Oswald to Hoover, Warren Commission Chief-Counsel J. Lee Rankin, CIA's Richard Helms, Ex- US Army General Edwin Walker (and the April '63 Walker Shooting), and Hitler's very-own Anti-Soviet Intelligence Chief, former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen.

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded & Engineered by Momo Scaranucci For Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Road Zombie", by Social Distortion.
    "In The Name Of Tragedy", by Motorhead.
    "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide", by ZZ Top.

    #203~ May 4, 2023: "Combing The Latest JFK Files Release: Mark Lane, Harold Weisberg, And The KGB."

    #203~ May 4, 2023: "Combing The Latest JFK Files Release: Mark Lane, Harold Weisberg, And The KGB."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ We dive head-long into the April 2023 release of 400-plus previously-withheld JFK Assassination Records. And as usual, come up with some fascinating insight.
    We'll start with a mid-90's file from the time of The Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB) regarding first-generation researcher Mark Lane, which will lead us to British MI5, stolen KGB Archives, Harold Weisberg, and the shady and questionable pedigree of an alleged-"Lee Harvey Oswald Artifact" that many of us feel is genuine, but is most likely a forgery.
    Join the conversation!

    *Written and Hosted by Doug Campbell
    *Recorded and Engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "The Wolf", by The Cult
    "Miles From Nowhere", by The Smithereens
    "Big Shiny Nine", by ZZ Top

    #202~ March 31, 2023: " 'Frame-Up' Vs. 'Cover-Up': CIA's 'Acute Operational Stake' In Lee Harvey Oswald."

    #202~ March 31, 2023: " 'Frame-Up' Vs. 'Cover-Up': CIA's 'Acute Operational Stake' In Lee Harvey Oswald."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ What could possibly be contained in the Still-Withheld JFK Records that~ 60 years gone~ is still even worth hiding?
    To help answer this question, we're going back in time a bit to re-analyze a potentially smoking gun-esque encounter between Researchers Jefferson Morley & Dr. John Newman and a former CIA Counterintelligence Official named Jane Roman, and a shocking~ if subtle~ admission made by Roman during this encounter.
    What did she mean by CIA's "keen interest" in Oswald? How far up the chain did this "interest"~ in reality~ go, prior to the Assassination?
    Using study material from Morley & Dr. Newman, Bill Simpich, and Alan Dale & Malcolm Blunt, we'll delve deeper and try to shed some light into the true circumstances of this "keen operational interest", and how the Mexico City/Oswald Episode could have GUARANTEED a post-Assassination Cover-Up, no matter WHO pulled off The Kennedy Hit.

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Recorded & Engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Alright", by King's X.
    "Down Brownie", by ZZ Top.

    #201~ February 17, 2023: "The Connections (And Disappearance) Of Alexander Rorke", With A Surprise SPECIAL GUEST!

    #201~ February 17, 2023: "The Connections (And Disappearance) Of Alexander Rorke", With A Surprise SPECIAL GUEST!
    IN THIS EPISODE~ As indicated in our January episode, we will be revisiting a very interesting CIA document~via a recently released, unredacted version~ that concerns a CIA-affiliated/Anti-Castro Operator and pilot who disappeared mid-flight off the coast of Mexico in late September of 1963...less than 36 hours before "The Oswald Figure" arrived in Mexico City.
    Was Rorke's diappearance connected to the Mexico City "Oswald Episode"? We'll ask this question plus many more as we delve into Rorke's movements, associations, and *heavy* connections to others linked to the JFK Hit.
    PLUS~ while preparing the episode, I realized that we have a Friend-Of-The-Show out there who actually *personally knew and was acquainted with* no less than (3) individuals mentioned in this CIA document from January of 1964. And even though my invitation was kinda last-minute, she was MORE than happy to make time for us!
    Monica Mercedes Perez-Jimenez~ daughter of MARITA LORENZ and former Venezuelan dictator General Marcos Perez-Jimenez~ joins us to tell us what her mother told HER about the disappearance of Alexander Rorke.

    *Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    *Recorded & Engineered by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. For Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "The Candy Song", by Masters Of Reality.
    "Top Of The Pops", by The Smithereens.
    "Prettyhead", by ZZ Top.

    #200~ January 14, 2023: "Gaining Clarity: 'Autonomous Operations', The CIA, And The JFK Hit."

    #200~ January 14, 2023: "Gaining Clarity: 'Autonomous Operations', The CIA, And The JFK Hit."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ We are in Update Mode! Following up! New documents, unredated material, information, thoughts, informed speculation and clarity on topics discussed in previous episodes. David Boylan & Jeffery Shanks~ both Students Of The Assassination and Damn Fine Reseachers & Scholars~ provide us with updates regarding the "AM/WORLD-Black Nine" documents discussed in episode #199, include more (and telling) cryptonym decoding, and evidence of even more deception aboard this CIA-ship in question, The "Joanne", and it's mysterious passengers in December 1963.
    Plus, analysis of an unredacted document that tells the same story as a redacted document discussed back in Episode #173 (June 2020), "Identifying The Dealey Plaza Shooters: What Did Tony Cuesta Know?"

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell
    Produced by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. For Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Fine Art Of Deception", by The Wildhearts.
    "Bakersfield", by Social Distortion.
    "I Need You Tonight", by ZZ Top

    #199~ December 19, 2022: "In Plain Sight: Suspicions & Suspects From The Declassified JFK Files."

    #199~ December 19, 2022: "In Plain Sight: Suspicions & Suspects From The Declassified JFK Files."
    IN THIS EPISODE~ Declassified Government Document Study will be the order of the day. We will dissect, decode and examine certain CIA and FBI files connected to the Assassination that are concerning at a minimum, yet potentially very telling & very alarming.
    We will carefully break down the vernacular of these documents, de-code CIA Cryptonyms, and carefully define words, terms and phrases used in these documents. From suspicious clandestine Covert Operations Personnel movements immediately following the President's murder~involving names that are VERY familiar to Assassination Researchers~ to shady shenanigans from the FBI relating to Lee Oswald~ we'll break it all down, and see where it leads us.

    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
    Produced by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. For Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Pray", by King's X.
    "Golden Ball & Chain", by Jason & The Scorchers.
    "Heartache In Blue", by ZZ Top.

    #198~ November 13, 2022: "Was The Murder Of Lee Oswald A Mob Hit?", With Guests H.L. ARLEDGE & TED RUBINSTEIN.

    #198~ November 13, 2022: "Was The Murder Of Lee Oswald A Mob Hit?", With Guests H.L. ARLEDGE & TED RUBINSTEIN.
    IN THIS EPISODE~ We're focusing in on the man who assassinated The Hapless Patsy Lee Oswald~ Chicago native & Dallas mob associate Jack Ruby~ with not one, but TWO Learned & Distinguished guests: Our old friend TED RUBINSTEIN, AND Noted & Respected True Crime Author & Journalist H.L. ARLEDGE ( From Bayoujustice.com , and author of the new book "Dirty Phenix: Birth Of The Dixie Mafia").
    Mr. H.L.'s wheelhouse is Organized Crime History, and especially the history of The Mob in The Dirty South. This specialized knowledge comes in handy as H.L., Ted and myself undertake a deep dive into the long-distance phone contacts of Jack Ruby from May-thru-November of 1963.
    Using an obscure diagram generated by the HSCA, we will-- one by one-- look at the individuals who had long-distance telephone contact with Ruby in the months leading up to the JFK Assassination. To a man, they have one heavy thing in common: The Mafia.
    We'll look at who they were, where they were, who- and- what they were connected to, their relationships with Ruby, and we'll try to discern any patterns we can identify. When did Ruby get the order to hit Oswald? Who gave this order? Was it a mob hit, or CIA-ordered?
    What kinds of pressures were bearing down on Ruby during those desperate months? Were his motives for accepting the contract on Oswald financial ,patriotic, or simply born of fear?
    PLUS, H.L. shares a bombshell from his new book: a lead on a heretofore unknown New Orleans resident who knew Oswald in New Orleans~ a lead that is not only new to the Assassination Research Community, but was given to H.L.... by Jim Garrison himself.

    *Written & Hosted By Doug Campbell
    *Produced By Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

    "Agenda", by Galactic Cowboys.
    "Stay Frosty", by Van Halen.
    "TV Dinners", by ZZ Top.

    #197~ October 16, 2022: "With Intent To Suppress: 'JFK & Vietnam', The NSA, And 'Uncovering Popov's Mole'", With DR. JOHN NEWMAN.

    #197~ October 16, 2022: "With Intent To Suppress: 'JFK & Vietnam', The NSA, And 'Uncovering Popov's Mole'", With DR. JOHN NEWMAN.
    IN THIS EPISODE~ Dr. JOHN M. NEWMAN -- one of THE most respected, most well known, and most read author/researchers in our field -- is poised to release his latest book, "Volume IV: Uncovering Popov's Mole", and has chosen our study group to share an *exclusive* roll-out of information contained in his forthcoming book. You will hear it HERE first!
    Dr. Newman will start by taking us back to the release of his seminal work "JFK & Vietnam" to detail the campaign of suppression and interference that he experienced upon that book's release, and explain how some of the very same tactics are being employed right now by the powers-that-be to *try* and stifle his latest work, "Uncovering Popov's Mole."
    Along the way, Dr. Newman will indulge us, and get deep in the weeds with us as we discuss a multitude of topics, including: A deep dive discussion on CIA's James Angleton and his roll (or non-roll) in the Assassination planning; KGB double-agent Kim Philby, and his relationship with Angleton; Why the legendary decades-long "Angleton Mole Hunt" is a MYTH, Oswald in Mexico City, and MUCH MORE.
    PLUS~ Dr. Newman will reveal HERE -- for the first time in interview form -- the identity of the upper-echelon CIA spy/KGB double agent who's work guaranteed that KGB would practically *own* CIA-- for decades.
    Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell
    Produced by VonSlap For Drop-D Podcast Productions
    "Only", by Anthrax
    "Gunman", by Them Crooked Vultures
    "Dusted", by ZZ Top