
    Drop the BS w/ Dr. Kirleen

    Life has a weird way of making the most amazing people feel like they’re not good enough. You know, not smart enough, pretty enough, or skinny enough. The Drop the BS podcast is dedicated to inspiring you through those moments. In each episode, seasoned therapist Dr. Kirleen Neely will take you in session to learn the tools you need to drop your backstory and live your best today story.306221
    enDrop the BS Podcast104 Episodes

    Episodes (104)

    84: Quitting Your Job to Save Your Mental Health w/ Misha Rubin

    84: Quitting Your Job to Save Your Mental Health w/ Misha Rubin
    It goes without saying that most of us spend an enormous amount of time and energy in our work setting, whether we work from home or go into an office. So, when our jobs are no longer aligned with our needs, wants, and desires, it can truly impact our mental health. While doing something like quiet-quitting or just checking out may sound appealing, they're not
    realistic solutions to move back in alignment.

    On today's show, I've brought in Misha Rubin. He's the CEO of Leap By Design and helps mid-career professionals, executives, and leaders with initiating meaningful career changes. I know this conversation will be the catalyst you need to find something you love doing and still take care of your mental health.
    Here's a glance at this episode:

    [10:05] What's going on in work environments today
    [16:43] How to know if entrepreneurship is the right thing for you
    [30:56] Toolbox Takeaway

    Similar Episodes:

    76: Why Are You Still Playing Small? w/ Joy Sutton
    41: Are You Guilty of Putting Yourself Last on the List? Let's Talk

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    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Misha Rubin's website: https://misharubin.com/
    BackStory Masterclass Sign Up:
    Drop The BS Facebook Group:

    83: Should You Use Medication to Manage Your Mental Health? w/Dr. Kim

    83: Should You Use Medication to Manage Your Mental Health? w/Dr. Kim
    If you’ve ever considered using medication to deal with your mental health, questions about how it may affect your personality or do they even work may have crossed your mind. After all, we have all heard those horror stories about people looking like zombies after taking mental health medication. But what is often not talked about is the thousands of people each year who are able to break free from long-standing mental health issues through the use of medication. On today’s show, I’ve brought in board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist Dr. UeJin Kim to help us explore using medication to improve your mental health.

    Here’s a glance at this episode:
    {12:19} Why medications don’t work the way we expect at times?
    {17:56} Using therapy and medication is the key
    {22:16} Should teens take medication?
    {28:27} Can medication impact career choice?
    {30:00} Getting medication from a psychiatrist or primary care what’s the difference?
    {33:23} Common medicines for depression and anxiety
    {36:06} Tool box takeaway

    Rate, Review, & Follow-on Apple Podcasts:
    Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like to improve their mental health and live a better today story. Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Dr. Kim's website https://www.restorepsych.com/
    Dr. Kim's Podcast https://www.restorepsych.com/podcast
    BackStory Masterclass Sign Up https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/93288607ab
    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/

    82: 5 Signs You're Stuck “In Your Feelings” and How to Get Out

    82: 5 Signs You're Stuck “In Your Feelings” and How to Get Out
    Have you ever been so far in your feelings that you are literally having a conversation with yourself about how someone or something has done your wrong? When we feel pain, betrayal, or hurt, it's easy to get stuck in our feelings. Processing emotions is healthy but staying in our feelings for too long robs us of the present moment and gives people and things power over us that they don't deserve. In this episode, we are going to look at five specific signs that you are stuck in your feelings, and we will also identify tools to help you get out of your feelings into your life.

    Here’s a glance at this episode:
    [5:53] 5 Specific Signs your stuck in your feelings
    [14:45] Steps to get out of your feelings
    [24:43] Toolbox Takeaway

    Similar Episodes:
    70: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff w/ Kristine Carlson
    27: Six Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

    Rate, Review, & Follow-on Apple Podcasts:
    Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like to improve their mental health and live a better today story. Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:

    BackStory Masterclass Sign Up https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/93288607ab
    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/

    81: Let's Do Some Work On Your BackStory

    81: Let's Do Some Work On Your BackStory
    Have you ever felt like, with everything you’ve accomplished in your life, you should have more confidence and self-esteem? If you answered YES, you are not alone. Many highly successful individuals struggle with feeling like an imposter. These insecurities often stem from past experiences that have never been worked through. When left unchecked insecurities, can lead to overthinking situations, panic attacks, giving more than you get in relationships, and questioning whether you’re good enough. The good news is you can learn how to let go of the insecurities that cause you to feel anxious. In this episode of the podcast, we are going to take a dive into three Backstories that sabotage success and peace of mind. Get a pen and paper because we dig deep in this episode so you can come out on top.
    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:
    BackStory Masterclass Sign Up https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/93288607ab
    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/

    80: Using Emotional Intelligence to Resolve Conflict and Keep Your Cool w/ Doug Noll

    80: Using Emotional Intelligence to Resolve Conflict and Keep Your Cool w/ Doug Noll
    It seems that conflict is all around us these days, from political discord to conflict on the job, to fights with partners. The interesting thing is if asked, most people would say the one thing we want more than anything else is peace. However, if that’s the case, then why does it seem that so many of us are having trouble controlling tempers, comprising, and finding the peace they say they want. Some research would say it's because we have not been taught the power of using emotional intelligence to harness peace. Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. The ability to express and control emotions is essential, but so is the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. I’ve brought in Doug Noll to help us dissect this topic. He’s a lawyer, speaker, and author, Doug has spent much of his life examining human conflict. His latest book, De-Escalate, helps people resolve deep interpersonal and ideological conflicts. This is a must-listen-to interview. He truly shares nuggets of wisdom.

    Doug Noll is an award-winning lawyer, mediator, author, teacher, speaker, and trainer who has mediated thousands of conflicts. After serving as a civil trial lawyer for 22 years, Doug is passionate about understanding human conflict. His groundbreaking work in de-escalating anger in potentially violent confrontations has transformed lives everywhere, including in maximum-security prisons. Doug’s fourth book, De-Escalate, is now available in four languages.

    Key Takeaways
    1. All conflict can be resolved in 90 seconds or less
    2. We must address the emotions before we address the problem
    3. Ignore the words and read the emotion

    Research on the Topic
    Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, reason, understand, and manage emotion (Cherry, 2020). While some argue that we are born with a set level of emotional intelligence, others argue that it is a skill that can be strengthened with knowledge and practice. Much research points to the latter argument, and programs for social and emotional learning have become standard curriculum in many schools. Gaining a greater understanding of emotional intelligence can have many benefits. Strengthening and understanding emotional intelligence helps you to think before you react to situations, maintain a greater sense of self-awareness, and have more empathy than others. To improve your emotional intelligence, it’s important to listen, empathize, and reflect the emotions of those around you as well as yourself. Overall, working to improve your emotional intelligence is beneficial in many, if not all, aspects of life.

    Want More?
    Check out episode 72: Exploring Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation with Mahima for more information on keeping your cool in stressful times!

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Doug Noll https://dougnoll.com/
    BackStory Masterclass Sign Up https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/93288607ab
    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/

    79: Should You Consider Couples Counseling? w/Dr. Kimberly VanBuren

    79: Should You Consider Couples Counseling?  w/Dr. Kimberly VanBuren
    Making the choice to go to couples counseling can feel like a very big step. It involves admitting things are not perfect in your relationship which often brings up feelings of failure, blame, and shame. For those who are unfamiliar with the therapeutic process, questions and concerns about couples counseling can limit a couple from seeking assistance. Some may wonder how talking to a complete stranger will help them or if talking about problems in your relationship will only make things worse. While these are common concerns, statistics from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy report a much more positive story; 97% of couples reported getting the help they needed after attending couples counseling. To help you unpack the uncertainty of couples counseling, I have brought in seasoned marriage and family therapist Dr. Kimberly VanBuren.

    Key Takeaways
    •Couples need to let go of the need to be “right” and become more focused on having the right outcome.

    •Relationship dysfunction bleeds into other areas of your life (work, kids, friends). Start the process by talking to your partner about wanting things to be better.

    •Statics show that 97% couples who go to counseling feel that the process helped their relationship.


    Dr. Kimberly VanBuren https://balancingactlms.com/about/
    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
    EAP www.neelyeap.com

    78: Using Acupuncture for Your Mental Health w/Dr. Winnie Chan Wang

    78: Using Acupuncture for Your Mental Health w/Dr. Winnie Chan Wang
    Talk therapy and medications are wonderful ways to treat mental health issues. However, there are many other therapeutic avenues that could be beneficial but are often not explored. One such therapeutic approach is the use of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Many people swear by Acupuncture's ability to heal physical and emotional trauma. To help us unpack this subject I've brought in trauma-informed licensed acupuncturist Dr. Winnie Wang. Dr. Wang believes that trauma is the root cause of many physical and emotional illnesses, she focuses on releasing trapped emotions in organs and meridians (energy pathways).

    About Our Guest
    Winnie Chan Wang is a trauma-informed licensed acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner, shadow worker, and shamanic Tao healer. She is also a professor in Acupuncture at Alhambra Medical University. In her private practice, Winnie honors her clients as divine self-healers, navigating their healing journeys as co-pilots. Winnie combines the medical science of a clinically trained acupuncturist with the spiritual knowledge of a shaman to help her clients process their trauma by channeling source healing energy and guided breathwork.

    Key Takeaways
    Your body keeps the score of mental health "injuries". To deal with your mental health, you have to deal with your physical health.
    Take the time to listen to your body. Your physical pain could be alerting you to deeper emotional wounds.
    Physical health problems such as headaches, fatigue, and stomach pain may be indicators of an underlying emotional health problem.


    Dr. Winnie Wang https://mindfulhealingheart.com/Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
    Neely Counseling Center: www.neelycounseling.com

    77: Stress Management 101

    77: Stress Management 101
    The best part about a good vacation is how it can bring feelings of relaxation, peace of mind, and restoration. For a lot of people, however, those feelings are fleeting, and it’s not too long till you’re planning another vacation just to get a little bit of that peace and happiness again. As a society, we are constantly chasing happiness in the form of a stress-free life, but it always seems just out of reach. We get caught up in work stress, relationship stress, and much more. We may become so stressed that we start to feel depressed, anxious, or burnt out. Stress really does seem inevitable most times. However, the research on happiness and stress shows there is a way to live a life that is less stressful. On today’s show, we’re going to look at practical and research-based ways to reduce stress so you can live a happier life.

    Key Takeaways
    It’s essential to cultivate a mindset of happiness, no matter the circumstances. Doing this changes the lens in which you see the world, leading to less stress and more positivity.
    Make a conscious effort to be kind. This improves the day of those you are kind to as well as your own, leading to reduced negativity in your life.
    Create daily practices. Have a routine of things to help you stay focused throughout the day while reducing stress.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    5:38 - “Throw out the idea, the thought, that has probably been planted in your head, that success precedes happiness.” -Dr. Neely

    7:01 - “Success is a moving target. We have to ground our level of stress and how we manage it in something that we have control of.” -Dr. Neely

    10:28 - Exercise about the importance of mindset in relation to stress.

    16:07 - “We pick up negative emotions like secondhand smoke.” -Dr. Neely.

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:

    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
    Neely Counseling Center: www.neelycounseling.com

    76: Why Are You Still Playing Small? w/ Joy Sutton

    76: Why Are You Still Playing Small? w/ Joy Sutton
    We often dismiss what we want in life in order to maintain a present moment illusion of security, acceptance, or control. We may know that we are playing small yet continue to do so to keep the illusion. Why do we do this? Maybe it’s imposter syndrome, anxiety or the fear of the unknown. Whatever the root cause playing small limits our potential and holds us back from success. Recognizing your gift, your dreams, and your goals while doing whatever it takes to reach them is essential to living your best life.

    About Our Guest
    Joy Sutton is a former TV journalist and current talk show host. Joy is a master communicator with over 20 years of media experience. She’s been engaging audiences as far back as she can remember. Her talk show interviews have made national headlines with features in People magazine, Daily Mail, and E!. Joy is also a certified life coach and media coach. In 2011, Joy launched her own show, “The Joy Sutton Show”. The show aired for four seasons before relaunching in 2020 as an inspirational podcast. She also hosts “Addiction Talk”, a Facebook live show.

    Key Takeaways

    · “If you believe it’s true, it’s true for you” -Joy Sutton. Believing in yourself and changing your mindset are essential to success.
    · Pay attention to the small things that happen in your life. Follow the path they lead you on and take advantage of experiences and opportunities.
    · Focus on your gift and what you want to accomplish rather than a specific route to get there. There is more than one vehicle that will lead you to your destination.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    8:35 - Joy Sutton’s backstory of no limitations and perseverance.
    12:36 - “If you have a gift, it’s gonna show up. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It can be messy, it can take you a while to get there.” -Joy Sutton
    15:00 - How Joy Sutton stopped playing small and pulled herself out of a dark time. “Who you put around you makes all the difference.” -Joy Sutton
    21:20 - It takes time to balance your life. Experiment with different what-ifs and keep moving forward.
    28:01 - “You can’t stop thinking a thought, but you can replace a thought.” -Joy Sutton

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:

    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
    Neely Counseling Center: www.neelycounseling.com

    75: How to Tap Into Your Full Potential "The Remix Episode 23"

    75: How to Tap Into Your Full Potential "The Remix Episode 23"
    Do you feel like where you are at in life is where you’re supposed to be? I ask this a lot in therapy, and very few people can say they have achieved their true potential in life. The distance between where you are at and where you want to be is usually filled with lost dreams, disappointment, and feelings of regret. We let other people’s dreams get in the way or we let life circumstances derail us. We may forget why we started out on a dream in the first place. We end up just surviving instead of thriving, not truly living out our purpose in life. In this episode of the podcast, we are going to explore the secrets to unlocking your true potential. This is not a feel-good conversation, you will get pushed in this episode to unlock what’s been holding you back.

    Key Takeaways
    •The space between where you are at now and where your dreams are is likely filled with excuses, not reasons. Target those excuses and come up with a plan to overcome them and look towards opportunities.
    •You must continuously reframe the lies your mind tells you. Just because you may not currently have what you need to succeed doesn’t mean you can’t work towards it one step at a time.
    •Take this podcast as a starting point to revive your dreams. Go through the exercise, recognize your dream and your excuses, and start forward on a plan to succeed.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    5:48 - Dr. Neely starts walking you through an exercise to recognize your unfulfilled potential
    8:40 - “Excuses have a way of tricking us that they are the truth.” -Dr. Neely
    13:34 - “Words are powerful. The words you tell yourself, the story, the narrative that is in your head has the power to determine your direction.” -Dr. Neely

    Research on the Topic
    Research by Professor Joanne Dickson at Edith Cowan University shows that failing to progress towards our goals is not as harmful as the tendency we have to ruminate, or overthink, our lack of progress. She explains that our ideal self is who we ideally want to be and our ought self is who we believe we ought to be based on responsibilities, obligations, and more. She states, “our findings showed that perceiving one's hopes and wishes as unfulfilled and the loss of desired positive outcomes increases emotional vulnerability and psychological distress”. We need to be kind to ourselves and keep our self-guides in perspective”.

    Want More?

    Check out episode 69: What Lesson is Life Trying to Teach You? for more information on what may be holding you back from your potential.

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show:

    Drop The BS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
    Neely Counseling Center: www.neelycounseling.com

    74: Breaking the Cycle of Relationship Abuse w/Natalia Garcia Moreno

    74: Breaking the Cycle of Relationship Abuse w/Natalia Garcia Moreno
    When a relationship turns abusive, it is one of the most devastating experiences. Shame, embarrassment, and self-blame often keep victims from seeking help. Abuse, also known as domestic violence, when in a household and/or intimate partner violence when within a couple, can come in varying forms; physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial. Regardless of the type, domestic violence can have life or death consequences for the victim as well as for the children in the home. To help unpack this topic, I brought on licensed professional counselor, Natalia Garcia-Moreno. Natalia worked in a domestic violence shelter for women and children, helping them to restore peace after violence in the home.

    Key Takeaways

    Abuse can happen to anyone. You are not alone and there is help for you.
    Learning to identify red flags in relationships can save you from getting caught up in the cycle of abuse. Getting out of an abusive situation is possible. Your past does not have to define your future.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    12:50 - What is the cycle of abuse?

    19:35 - “They feel that they deserved the abuse, that no one else can love them because of what they have been through, they think it’s okay to be treated that way” -Natalia

    26:40 - What to do if you feel that you are in an abusive situation, how do you protect your children?

    Want More?

    Check out episode 71: Dealing With Boundary Breakers and episode and 45: Self Esteem - Let’s Tackle This Monster

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During the Show:

    1. Natalie Moreno Garcia www.neelycounseling.com/counselors / 210-523-4200
    Domestic Violence Website: https://www.thehotline.org/
    2.Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
    3.Crisis hotline in SA TX- 210-733-8810 Family Violence Prevention
    5.Local shelters in your area for resources—albergues locales en su area
    6.que les puedan proveer recursos

    73: Have You Been Easily Irritated Lately?

    73: Have You Been Easily Irritated Lately?
    Why am I so easily irritated? Where does my irritability come from? These are some questions that may roll around your mind if you find yourself snapping at your loved ones, yelling at your dog, or experiencing road rage. Irritability is an instinctual reaction to feeling overwhelmed. There’s often a root cause for this irritability whether that be physical or emotional. Determining why you are experiencing irritability is incredibly important to be able to move past it. On today’s show we’re going to dig deep to find what that cause is and leave you with concrete strategies to put you back in control of your emotions.

    Key Takeaways
    1. Many times, irritability may be due to various physical issues. Make sure to check in with your doctor!
    2. Take a bottom-up approach to irritability. Utilize tools to calm your mind and body down.
    3. Make a mindset shift through reframing. You control your thoughts; it’s incredibly important to challenge your cognitive distortions.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    4:36 - “You are connected to your body, so what you are thinking, what you are feeling, shows up in your body” -Dr. Neely addresses physical reasons for irritability

    11:05 - Dr. Neely explains some common psychological reasons for irritability.

    14:58 - “You got this. There is nothing that is in front of you that you can’t move through. You have to recognize it, put it in check, and you have to do the work” -Dr. Neely

    16:00 - Tools to help you in the moment while dealing with irritability.

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    72: Exploring Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation w/Mahima

    72: Exploring Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation w/Mahima
    In the last few years, meditation, mindfulness, and manifestation seem to be the buzzwords used to talk about mental wellness. Many have gravitated towards and practiced these concepts, but many others are still a bit skeptical. Emerging research, however, has shown that these practices can have many benefits. To help explore and understand this topic a bit better, I brought in mindfulness expert Mahima.

    For over two decades Mahima has worked with thousands of people around the globe to develop The Mahima Mindset. It is created to clarify purpose and vision. Mahima believes that discovering your genius is a game changer that will allow you to set the right priorities, learn to say no, effectively manage your workload by overcoming exhaustion, distraction and lack of confidence. She is Europe’s number one self mastery mentor, mindset trainer, international bestselling author, award winning speaker, and founder of the Mahima Mindset.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    20:04 - Mahima explains her transition from fear-based religion to her fearless mindset rooted in meditation

    28:25 - Mahima distinguishes and explains mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation

    29:50 - “The power of manifestation is to understand those core belief systems, and reprogram them” -Mahima

    37:45 - There are many things that hold us back from moving forward; Mahima explains how to make the jump when you’re struggling

    42:56 - Mahima talks about and guides us through meditation

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Mahima https://themahimamindset.com/Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    71: Dealing with Boundary Breakers

    71: Dealing with Boundary Breakers
    It's inevitable that at some point in life, you will run into someone who is a boundary breaker. Boundaries can be created around various things, like time, space, money, and even energy. Without boundaries, you may feel like you are being taken advantage of or overlooked. In today’s show, we will identify the various tactics boundary breakers use and look at tools you can use to teach boundary breakers how to stay in their lane.

    Key Takeaways
    •Boundary breakers are a big deal. Boundaries are your personal space, and you deserve to have control over that space.
    •Boundary breakers come in all forms; spouse, boss, child, friend. Someone’s relationship to you doesn’t excuse them from breaking boundaries.
    •Know yourself. Know what tactics you fall for and who are the reoccurring boundary breakers in your life.

    Episode Moments/Quotes
    6:21 - “Once you recognize something, you have the ability to control it” -Dr. Neely
    16:48 - Remember that not all people who exhibit behavior of boundary breakers are. They become a boundary breaker when it's a pattern of behavior.
    18:50 - Tools to tackle boundary breakers.
    19:20 - “Sometimes conflict is a pathway to peace” -Dr. Neely

    Want More?
    Check out episode 64: Six Ways to Stop Approval Seeking for more information about this topic!

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    70: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff w/ Kristine Carlson

    70: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff w/ Kristine Carlson
    On today's Drop the BS podcast episode, I am joined by New York Times Best-Selling Author Kristine Carlson, co-author of the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” series. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The View, and The Today Show. Her life story has recently been turned into a Lifetime movie, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: The Kristine Carlson Story".

    Kristin walks us through her life story of how pain and loss has transformed her into living her best today story. She discusses her struggle to heal an eating disorder, her college experience, her marriage to the late Dr. Richard Carlson, and the unexpected loss of his life. Despite these challenges, Kristine learned how to accept the gifts from grief and find strength in her pain and now utilizes her experiences to become a light for many women going through difficult changes in their lives.

    Episode Moments/Quotes
    2:33 Introduction of Kristine Carlson
    28:04 “There’s so many gifts from grief and gifts from that time period.” -Kristine Carlson
    28: 34 “When your ego is shattered what’s really amazing is that you actually get to emerge”. -Kristine Carlson
    28:47 “If you sit quietly and you feel yourself in a moment, you start to realize that you’re not holding life, you're living it.” -Kristine Carlson
    31:28 “So many people pull back and hold within and what you hold within ends up eating you.” -Dr. Neely

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    69: What Lesson Is Life Trying To Teach You?

    69: What  Lesson Is Life Trying To Teach You?
    Have you ever felt like no matter how busy you are during the day, you never get as much done as you had hoped? It may feel like you’re running in place, and your destination keeps getting pushed further and further away. When we feel like this, life may be trying to tell us that something else is going on that we might not be dealing with or managing very well. We may be burnt out from our job, shoving our emotions in the closet, or taking on too many projects at once. In today’s episode, I am going to share a process that will help you figure out what life is trying to teach you.

    Key Takeaways
    1. The busyness of life often sabotages our ability to understand what we really need to do to move forward.
    2. There is a process that you can use to quiet the noise, figure out what life is trying to tell you, and ultimately get the things done that really matter.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    4:22 Dr. Neely shares an exercise to help you get still and figure out what life is trying to teach you.
    8:12 Dr. Neely discusses the key question you need to ask yourself in order to reveal your inner emotions

    Want More?
    Also, check out episode 23: Unfulfilled Potential: What Dream Do You Need to Revive?. In this episode, Dr. Neely talks about how we may set aside dreams or goals and never revisit them. It’s important to look back on those dreams and revive the ones that may help you in moving forward in your life.

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Show Handout https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/da5c4ee63b
    Neely EAP neelyeap.com
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    68: Disrupting the Chronic Dieting and Shame Cycle w/ Camille Martin

    68: Disrupting the Chronic Dieting and Shame Cycle w/ Camille Martin
    Sweetbread, cakes, and ham with a side of hot pepper sauce were the smells that overwhelmed my West Indian home as a child during the holidays. I could indulge in these delicacies without a second thought. As an adult, however, holiday eating can be a real challenge while trying to improve my health. There’s this battle between wanting to enjoy food, family and friends during the holiday but not blow the progress I’ve made with my health. Many of us face this challenge, and this can lead us on the cycle of chronic dieting followed by shame and blame.

    To help us through the holiday eating maze I’ve brought in renowned dietician Camille Martin. Camille Martin is a registered dietitian, public health writer, and former chronic dieter. She’s dedicated to helping women quit dieting, set bigger and better goals, reclaim their excitement for life — and lose weight in the process.

    Key Takeaways
    1. Issues with food often become issues with mental health. When you’re worried about food and what it does to your body, you become over-critical of yourself and this can lead to eating disorders, depression, and sleep issues to name a few.
    2. Allow yourself to enjoy the holidays! Don’t stress about eating too much. Allow yourself to have fun and enjoy a bit more food than you normally would. Focusing on how much you’re eating can lead you to eating too much or not enough.
    3. It’s important to change the way you talk about yourself. What you think and feel will eventually translate into your physical appearance. Learn to be at peace with yourself and it will translate to your body in a positive way.

    Episode Moments/Quotes
    3:03 - Introduction of Camille Martin
    13:23 - “When we allow ourselves to lose control in other areas we try to think we’re reclaiming it with food, but we are actually doing more damage to ourselves” -Dr. Neely
    15:50 - Why and how Camille Martin broke her diet cycle
    24: 48 - “The more you attend to your soul and your heart, your body will adjust to match” -Camille Martin
    34:03 - "It's not about doing to get, it's about feeling to become."

    Research on the Topic
    Emotional eating, as described by Psychology today, is the combination of stress and hunger. They explain that hunger can be normal hunger or hunger based on feelings, and that feelings of stress are often associated with feelings of hunger. Combine this with the stress of the holiday and emotional eating can sometimes get out of hand. When it does, we shame ourselves for the food we’ve eaten and the weight we’ve gained and force ourselves to follow crazy diets. This can add more stress, which in turn creates a cycle of eating, shame, and diet. Check out the link below for more information about emotional eating!

    Want More?
    Check out episode 63: Emotional Eating w/ Dr. Shawn Hondorp. Dr. Neely and Dr. Hondorp dive into what emotional eating is and why diets don’t work!

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Camille Martin https://camillemartinrd.com/
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    67: Let's Talk About Trust Issues

    67: Let's Talk About  Trust Issues
    How many times have you heard someone say, “I have trust issues”? It's become such a common cliché to indicate that you've been hurt in the past. Trust issues can wreak serious havoc on your life, and are characterized by fears of betrayal, abandonment, and manipulation. Trust issues can lead to becoming defensive, shutting down, and building higher walls where you should be tearing them down. In today's episode, I hope to shed some light on four tools you can utilize to tackle your trust issues.

    Key Takeaways
    · Trust issues are not to be taken lightly. They can be indicative of more serious mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
    · Give yourself credit for the progress that you’ve made emotionally. Our fear of trust is often based on who we were, not who we are today.
    · Understanding what triggers your trust issues is an important step in knowing how to solve them.

    Episode Moments/Quotes
    5:55 “When you place your trust in the people that are supposed to show up big and they don’t. It realty begins to shape your psyche.”-Dr. Kirleen

    8:40 How to know if you have trust issues.

    19:34 Four tools you can use to put trust issues behind you.

    Research on the Topic
    An article titled “Trust” published by Psychology Today explains that a successful relationship of any kind relies on trust. People who trust each other can communicate more effectively, work together more efficiently, and build close relationships that can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, among many others. It creates the possibility for greater success than one could achieve alone, allows for a sense of security and even a greater sense of self. Check out the link below for more information!

    Want More?
    Check out episode 40 “Dealing with Daddy Issues.” This episode will help you explore some of the issues from the past that may be affecting how you trust others today.

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    66: Igniting Passion and Intimacy In Your Relationship w/ Dr. Alexandra Stockwell

    66: Igniting Passion and Intimacy In Your Relationship w/ Dr. Alexandra Stockwell
    When passion and Intimacy are lost in a relationship, it can be devastating. When I work with couples struggling with Intimacy, it has often been months or years since they’ve had physical touch. To the outside world, everything may seem completely normal, but most of the time, I can see in their eyes that they truly want to connect again. The problem is they don’t know how to find that spark again. Because of this, I’ve brought in an intimate marriage expert, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell. For over two decades, she has been guiding men and women to bring pleasure and purpose back into all aspects of life.

    Main Points

    •The key to a fantastic relationship is each partner takes 100% responsibility for the success of the relationship.
    •It is important to evaluate your relationship and the feelings attached to it; doing so will help you and your partner find common ground to work towards a wonderful and intimate relationship.
    •Increasing Intimacy starts with learning to be kind and passionate with yourself.

    Episode Moments/Quotes

    4:30 Dr. Stockwell shares her backstory
    19:43 Dr. Stockwell talks about bringing the erotic into everyday life
    27:19 “If you want to feel great, you have to be willing to feel” -Dr. Stockwell
    37:11 When the low desire partner is a woman it’s quite likely that she does not even know what’s possible in terms in how good it can feel” - Dr. Stockwell

    Research On the Topic

    The Family Institute of Northwestern University (2018) describes both physical and emotional benefits to physical touch; reduced levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), decreased heart rate and blood pressure, a sense of acceptance, and being cared for. They further explain that physical touch can become even more important in relationships that have little to no sex because physical touch leads to more Intimacy. Check out the link below for more information about this topic!

    Want More?
    Check out episode 57: Heal Relationship Disconnects w/Third Layer for more information on rebuilding relationships!

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Dr. Alexandra Stockwell https://www.alexandrastockwell.com/
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    65: Success Requires You to Anticipate Resistance

    65: Success Requires You to Anticipate Resistance
    Most of us have a desire to be GREAT at something, whether it’s writing a book, launching a business, or having a successful relationship. But the distance between being okay and great is usually filled with obstacles like fear of success, analysis paralysis, and the ever so sneaking procrastination monster. One major reason we fail to achieve our goals is because we fail to anticipate resistance. Sources of resistance usually are within your control. You can anticipate them, minimize their impact, and take tangible actions. On today's show we will explore how anticipating resistance may be the key to moving our goals over the finish line.

    Resources/ Things Mentioned During The Show:
    Back Story Master Class Enroll https://neely-counseling-center-plc.ck.page/93288607ab
    Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us