
    Duo Dive

    Join Allie and Ashley each week as they dive into their curiosity and bring new stories to your feed. Introducing a podcast with a wide range of topics, from breakdowns on global events to conversations on nuanced topics, Duo Dive is perfect for anyone who feels invigorated by learning.
    enAllie & Ashley39 Episodes

    Episodes (39)

    Episode 39: Pray for the World

    Episode 39: Pray for the World

    These past two weeks have been nothing short of gut wrenching. Join Allie and Ashley as they discuss the search for a new House Speaker, the incredible rescue of a missing 9 year old girl, the GOAT that is Simone Biles, how the world is supporting Iran all the way from the Nobel Peace Prize stage, and yes the war in Israel and Gaza. While we try to educate ourselves and listeners, we are nowhere near perfect and will continue to research and learn as current circumstances evolve.







    Episode 38: T-Swift put T-Kelce on the Map

    Episode 38: T-Swift put T-Kelce on the Map

    Headline 1: Prominent Iraqi TikToker fatally shot in Baghdad amid crackdown on LGBTQ community


    Headline 2: Jeffrey Epstein: JPMorgan reaches settlements with alleged victims and Jes Staley


    Headline 3: Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenians rush to help ‘brothers and sisters’


    Headline 4: Ashton Kutcher Steps Down From Anti-Child-Sex-Abuse Organization After Masterson Letter


    Headline 5: Taylor Swift attends Kansas City Chiefs game



    Episode 37: It’s Just Crazy

    Re-introducing Duo Dive

    Re-introducing Duo Dive

    August 23rd 2023

    Women's World Cup, WeWork Struggles, Maui Wildfire, Press Freedom, and Michael Oher's Legal Battle

    In this episode, we cover 5 pressing topics making headlines. The most watched ever Women's World Cup, challenges facing WeWork, the devastating wildfire in Maui, Hawaii, which has resulted in loss of life and destruction, the silencing of a small Kansas newspaper, and the legal battle of retired NFL star Michael Oher, whose life story was portrayed in "The Blind Side." 












    Episode 35: Who Is Barbie?

    Episode 35: Who Is Barbie?

    In this podcast episode, we explore the captivating history of Barbie, the iconic doll introduced by Ruth Handler in 1959. From her inspirations to her scandals, we explore why the upcoming Barbie movie is a big deal, aiming to capture her enduring legacy while addressing the need for a more inclusive portrayal that reflects the diverse realities of today's society.







    Episode 34: Malaria Strikes Back

    Episode 34: Malaria Strikes Back

    In this podcast, we discuss the recent resurgence of locally acquired malaria cases in Texas and Florida, reflecting on how the U.S. once eliminated the disease in the 1950s. Despite this achievement, malaria remains a significant global health problem, claiming around 600,000 lives annually worldwide. We explore the challenges in diagnosing and treating the disease and emphasize the importance of continued vigilance and awareness in combating malaria both domestically and internationally.






    Episode 33: How Science is Changing the Narrative

    Episode 33: How Science is Changing the Narrative

    Australia’s ‘Worst Female Serial Killer’ has been pardoned. If that isn’t shocking enough, she was convicted with no physical evidence. Kathleen Folbigg was convicted in 2003 of smothering her 4 children and has always maintained her innocence. Today, she is a free woman due to advancements in genetics that have discovered that at least 2 of the 4 children had a genetic condition that could be the underlying cause for their deaths. Join Allie and Ashley as they explore the world of science and crime this week and how Australia could have gotten it wrong all those years ago.










    Episode 32: How the FDA Gets Paid

    Episode 32: How the FDA Gets Paid

    This week we examine how the FDA's original mission to safeguard consumers has become entangled in a complex network of influence from the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, we explore the historical background of the organization and shed light on the Prescription User Fee Act, investigating its effects on both the FDA itself and the general public.







    Episode 31: Is This Debt Really A Crisis?

    Episode 30: The American Food System

    Episode 30: The American Food System

    There's a troubling loophole that permits untested ingredients in our meals. This week we’ll expose the potential health hazards and controversial practices in the US food system. We'll also compare American food safety to other countries like the EU or the UK, prompting you to question what truly graces your plate. Join us for a captivating exploration that will challenge your perspective on the food we consume.







    Episode 29: Remembering Natalee Holloway

    Episode 28: From Ammo to Gouda

    Episode 28: From Ammo to Gouda

    In a land of the free, the US government's secret cheese caves emerge from the shadows. Originally built for bullets, they found a higher calling: storing cheese. These caves are part of dairy subsidy programs, aiming to keep milk prices stable. Supporters hail them as a safety net for struggling farmers, but critics cry foul, questioning the cost and cheesiness of it all. While cheese lovers rejoice, skeptics wonder if the government could melt those resources into better solutions. As the debate rages, these underground cheese havens remain a quirky testament to America's dairy obsession.




    United States Department of Agriculture. (2021). Dairy Product Price Support Program. https://www.ams.usda.gov/selling-food-to-us/dairy


    Gelles, D. (2016, October 6). The Cheese Is So Good, It Has Its Own Caves. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/business/the-cheese-is-so-good-it-has-its-own-caves.html


    Congressional Research Service. (2019). Dairy Provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill (P.L. 115-334). https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45458


    United States Department of Agriculture. (2021). History of Dairy Programs. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/commodity-outlook/sector-at-a-glance/dairy/history-of-dairy-programs/


    Weisberger, M. (2019, August 27). The Environmental Costs and Benefits of Dairy Farming. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-environmental-costs-and-benefits-of-dairy-farming/


    Episode 27: Scientology Secrets

    Episode 27: Scientology Secrets

    In this episode we'll dive into the intriguing and mysterious world of Scientology. Lafayette Ron Hubbard founded this religion in 1954 with the belief that individuals can become "clear" by eliminating negative experiences and emotions through a process called auditing. We'll explore the teachings of Scientology and discussing the controversies surrounding Scientology, including allegations of blackmail and abuse.








    Episode 26: Boeing's Deadly Pursuit of Profit

    Episode 26: Boeing's Deadly Pursuit of Profit

    In today's episode, we'll unravel the shocking story of corporate greed behind the Boeing 737 MAX tragedies. We'll uncover how the pursuit of profit compromised safety, ultimately leading to two devastating crashes and a global reckoning for the aviation industry. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of the consequences of unchecked corporate ambition and its impact on aviation safety



    CNN. (2021, October 14). Boeing charged with fraud conspiracy over 737 Max, agrees to pay $2.5 billion. CNN Business. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/14/business/boeing-indictment-737-max/index.html

    POGO. (2019, March 15). How the FAA Ceded Aviation Safety Oversight to Boeing. Project On Government Oversight. https://www.pogo.org/analysis/2019/03/how-the-faa-ceded-aviation-safety-oversight-to-boeing/

    Proxy Preview. (n.d.). Could Lobbying Disclosure at Boeing Have Prevented Oversight Lapses That Led to Fatal Crashes? Proxy Preview. https://www.proxypreview.org/all-contributor-articles/could-lobbying-disclosure-at-boeing-have-prevented-oversight-lapses-that-led-to-fatal-crashes


    Episode 25: A Look Into The NY Times Expose on Youth Migrants

    Episode 24: Gettin' Paid With FedNow

    Episode 24: Gettin' Paid With FedNow

    In this episode, we're diving into FedNow, the Federal Reserve Bank's newest payment system. FedNow aims to replace the old-school ACH and wire transfer systems with a fast and modern infrastructure that allows real-time payments 24/7/365. But like any shiny new toy, it comes with potential drawbacks. Concerns over government surveillance, higher implementation costs, interoperability issues, and security risks can't be ignored. However, the benefits of faster payments, increased financial inclusion, and competition in the industry make it hard to resist. So is FedNow worth the risk? Tune in to find out!



    "What is FedNow?" NerdWallet. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/banking/fednow


    "Forget the Gossip: Here's the Truth About FedNow." The Ascent by The Motley Fool. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/banks/articles/forget-the-gossip-heres-the-truth-about-fednow/


    "What is the FedNow?" Market Realist. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://marketrealist.com/banking/what-is-the-fednow/

    Michel, Norbert. "The Federal Reserve Should Drop FedNow and Any Plans to Launch a CBDC." Forbes. December 15, 2022. https://www.forbes.com/sites/norbertmichel/2022/12/15/the-federal-reserve-should-drop-fednow-and-any-plans-to-launch-a-cbdc/

    Episode 23: Let There Be Peace!

    Episode 23: Let There Be Peace!

    In a perfect world, everyone would live in peace. With this week's topic, maybe we are on track! Join Allie and Ashley and they highlight what exactly the peace negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia mean for the world and how China being the one to broker the deal could cause concerns for the United States.

    Episode 22: The TikTok Ban & RESTRICT Act

    Episode 22: The TikTok Ban & RESTRICT Act

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss the proposed Restrict Act, which includes a proposed ban on TikTok. While the bill is rooted in concerns about national security and the collection of user data by foreign-owned companies, there are serious concerns about the impact on free speech, innovation, and the tech industry as a whole.







    Episode 21: Who Is That Congressman?

    Episode 20: Kris Jenner Has a Church?!

    Episode 20: Kris Jenner Has a Church?!

    In this episode, we delve into the controversy surrounding Kris Jenner's California Community Church. Founded in 2009, the church has faced allegations of tax fraud and embezzlement, with reports of millions of dollars in donations being funneled into personal accounts. Pastor Brad Johnson, who founded the church, has been accused of using his position to gain access to wealthy and influential individuals, leading to speculation that the church is being used for self-promotion and personal gain. Despite the controversy, the church continues to operate and attract a celebrity following. Join us as we explore the allegations surrounding Kris Jenner's church and the debate over the tax exemption provided to religious organizations.