
    Earth Ancients

    Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed earth-centric sciences and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.

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    enCliff Dunning688 Episodes

    Episodes (688)

    Destiny: Marie Mbouni, M.D., Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart

    Destiny: Marie Mbouni, M.D., Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart
    In this groundbreaking book, medical doctor and energy healer Dr. Marie Mbouni shows us how to identify the five wounds of the heart, recover from the trauma they create, and live a full, wholehearted life.

    Marie Mbouni grew up in Cameroon, Africa, and always felt a calling to be a healer. “My journey,” writes Marie, “began with Western medicine, and I built a career many would be proud of—but inside, I felt dead. My quest for self-discovery saved me. I embraced a new calling as a shaman and energy healer.”

    After working with hundreds of clients, Mbouni noticed a strong pattern emerging. Nearly everyone had been wounded by experiencing one or more of five emotional traumas: abandonment, betrayal, separation, denial, and judgment. “Although we receive these wounds as children,” writes Mbouni, “they continue to play out in our adult lives, causing us to unconsciously seek out endless variations on the original painful experience.”

    While we cannot time travel to the past and change things, we can heal the past by responding to our present situation in new ways. In Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart, the author gives you the tools to do precisely that. By bringing our awareness, imagination, creativity, and courage to these practices, we can heal our heart wounds and achieve wholeness, ease, and good health.

    Dr. Marie Mbouni is a practicing M.D., energy healer, shaman, and artist. She was born and raised in Cameroon, Africa, before relocating to Los Angeles in 2000. Her mission is to help others experience healing in all aspects of life.


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    Earth Ancients
    enJanuary 03, 2024

    Deyo, LaCroix, Willis: 2023, The Year in Review

    Deyo, LaCroix, Willis: 2023, The Year in Review
    We look at a few important historic discoveries that made news headlines in 2023 with our influencer panelists.

    Jennifer Deyo, writer, archeaologist

    Matt LaCroix is a passionate writer and researcher who grew up exploring the outdoors of northern New England. After college, he began studying ancient civilizations, philosophy, quantum mechanics, and history. His focus became uncovering and connecting the esoteric teachings from secret societies and ancient cultures that disappeared long ago. At 32 he published his first major book; "The Illusion of Us", which combined years of research to discover the truth about the past, human origins, the gods of antiquity, as well as the fundamentals of consciousness. In 2019 he released his second book entitled; "The Stage of Time", which represents a compilation of studying ancient texts, evidence for lost civilizations, spiritual wisdom, and theoretical physics, combined together to find answers to some of our most difficult questions.

    Matthew works as a writer/researcher at Gaia and has appeared on shows such as Open Minds and Beyond Belief. He is a frequent guest on numerous podcasts and panel discussions and is currently co-writing his third major book with Billy Carson entitled; "The Epic of Humanity", which will focus on uncovering the mysteries of the human origin story, the timeline of lost civilizations, and ancient catastrophes.


    Rev. Jim Willis earned his master's degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, Jim Willis has been an ordained minister for over forty years. He has also taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies. In addition, Willis has been a professional musician, high school orchestra and band teacher, arts council director, and even a drive-time radio show host. His background in theology and education led to his writings on religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. His books include Visible Ink Press' The Religion Book and Armageddon Now: The End of the World A to Z. He also published Faith, Trust & Belief: A Trilogy of the Spirit. Willis resides in the woods of South Carolina with his wife, Barbara, and their dog, Rocky.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 30, 2023

    Lisa Masé: The Culinary Pharmacy, Intuitive Eating, and Ancestral Healing

    Lisa Masé: The Culinary Pharmacy, Intuitive Eating, and Ancestral Healing
    Find your ideal foods and cultivate wellness with traditional wisdom

    • Weaves together three ancestral healing philosophies with modern nutrition science to show how to discover your ideal eating plan

    • Shares recipes, meal plans, food lists, and stories to illustrate the concepts discussed and helps you integrate your own ancestral wisdom into your life

    • Offers proven strategies for transforming cravings, changing habits, and reducing the symptoms of chronic illness

    Exploring the healing power of food, holistic nutritionist Lisa Masé weaves together three ancestral healing philosophies—Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and the Mediterranean diet—with modern nutrition science to help you discover your ideal foods for vibrant health.

    The author frames her book with her healing journey to overcome ten years of chronic infection, anxiety, depression, infertility, hypothyroidism, and food sensitivities. She explains how she grew up in Italy, cradled by the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomite mountains, and by returning to her traditional foods and healing herbs she was able to heal herself. She discusses the three kinds of hunger—Heart, Head, and Habit—and offers proven folk and scientific strategies for transforming cravings and changing habits, including meditation, breathwork practices, and realignment of the gut-brain axis via the vagus nerve.

    Detailing the healing principles behind Ayurveda, TCM, and the Mediterranean diet, the author provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions for determining your Ayurvedic and Chinese constitution types, which can help you discover how best to heal yourself. She includes food lists for each constitution. Discussing the energetics of food, she explains the importance of personalized nutrition based on genetics, epigenetics, intuitive eating, and seasonal, local foods. She guides you on the path of food sovereignty to regain control of your food. Throughout the book, the author shares recipes, meal plans, and stories to illustrate the concepts she discusses and to help you easily integrate your ancestral healing wisdom into your life.

    Showing how to simplify your eating to cultivate wellness, this engaging and comprehensive guide to the culinary pharmacy provides all the knowledge and tools necessary to help you make your food your medicine.

    Lisa Masé is a board certified holistic nutritionist (BCHN) and a registered health and nutrition coach (RHNC) as well as an herbalist, intuitive eating coach, food sovereignty activist, and poet. The founder of Harmonized Living, a wellness practice, she lives on unceded Abenaki land in Montpelier, Vermont.

    www.harmonized-living.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 27, 2023

    Michael Cremo: The Yugas, A Galactic War for Earth, and our Censored History

    Michael Cremo: The Yugas, A Galactic War for Earth, and our Censored History
    Biodata for Michael A. CremoThe soul that I am entered its present body at the moment I was conceived in the fall of 1947. I appeared from my mother's womb on July 15, 1948, in Schenectady, New York. That birth was probably one of millions I have experienced since I left my real home in the spiritual world. My mother tells me that when I was an infant, she would give me alphabet soup, and sometimes I would not eat it, but would just spell out words in the bowl. From that, I take it that I must have practiced writing in many previous existences. In this life, I recall always having wanted to be a writer."From the very beginning, my life has been a spiritual quest for love and truth. My father served as an American Intelligence Officer for the United States Air Force, and from that time my life was one of periodic change and travel. I went to high school at an American school in Germany and spent my vacations traveling all over Europe. Once, in the spring of 1965, in a youth hostel in Stockholm, I met some kids who had been to India and back, traveling overland. I decided I would someday do the same thing. I also became deeply interested in Eastern philosophy, particularly Indian esoteric teachings. I kept travel diaries, wrote poetry, and tried my hand at autobiographical short fiction."During my last year of high school in St. Petersburg, Florida, I took a creative writing course. The next year I entered George Washington University. Over the next two years, I became immersed in the counterculture and gradually gave up my plans to enter government service. I continued my investigations into Eastern philosophy and esoteric spiritual teachings."In 1968 I left college and went to Europe on a voyage of self-discovery. I took a boat from Haifa to Istanbul, where the pull toward the East was so strong that I found myself heading overland to India. I got as far as Tehran, lost my nerve, and turned back."After carefully studying the Bhagavad-gita, a gift of some Hare Krishna people at a Grateful Dead concert, I decided that I should absorb myself in the yoga of devotion to the mysterious Lord Krishna. Later I moved to Los Angeles to join the staff of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and to write for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT). By 1980 I was regarded as an accomplished writer. To date, the books written and edited by myself and other BBT staff have sold more than ten million copies and have been translated into many languages."With Dr. Richard L. Thompson, a founding member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, I began a series of books aimed at both scholarly and popular audiences. The first to be published was Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. This book shows that archaeologists and anthropologists, over the past one hundred and fifty years, have accumulated vast amounts of evidence showing that humans like ourselves have existed on this planet for tens of millions of years. We show how this evidence has been suppressed, ignored, and forgotten because it contradicts generally-held ideas about human evolution." "In lecture presentations on Forbidden Archeology to scientific and lay audiences around the world I see a new consciousness emerging that integrates science and religion into a cohesive paradigm of reality.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 23, 2023

    Destiny: Ellen Evert Hopman, Old World Traditions for Christmas and Winter Solstice

    Destiny: Ellen Evert Hopman, Old World Traditions for Christmas and Winter Solstice
    An around-the-world tour of ancient Christmas celebrations, Pagan Solstice customs, and magical seasonal plants.

    • Explores in depth the medicinal and magical properties of the many herbs, barks, and berries associated with the Christmas and Yuletide season

    • Looks at the origins of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus, as well as female gift bringers, holiday Spirits, and Yuletide animals

    • Shares crafts such as how to make a Yule Log, practices such as Winter Solstice divinations, and recipes for traditional foods and drinks

    For millennia cultures have taken time out to honor the darkest days of the year with lights, foods, and festivities.

    In ancient Egypt, people decorated their homes with greenery at the festival of the rebirth of the God Horus. The ancient Romans shared gifts, especially candles, at the midwinter festival of Saturnalia. In Scandinavian and Germanic cultures, the Yule Log was burned in the hearth, fruit orchards were wassailed, and sheaves of wheat were displayed to carry luck into the New Year. In Celtic cultures, mummers and guisers went door to door, and European mistletoe (Viscum album) was gathered by Druids as a medicinal and magical aid.

    Ellen Evert Hopman shares folklore, recipes, rituals, and crafts to enliven your Yuletide observance. She explores the origins of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus as well as holiday Spirits and Yuletide animals. She explains how to perform Winter Solstice divinations and make traditional foods and drinks such as Elizabethan gingerbread cookies and Wassail. And she looks in depth at the medicinal and magical properties of the many herbs, barks, and berries associated with the Christmas and Yuletide season such as Frankincense and Myrrh, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Hibiscus, Bayberry, and many more. This guide offers practical and magical ways to celebrate and honor the darkest days of the year.

    Ellen Evert Hopman is a master herbalist and lay homeopath, who has been a Druidic initiate since 1984. She is a founding member of the Order of the White Oak, the Archdruidess and founder of Tribe of the Oak, a former professor at the Grey School of Wizardry, and a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages. She is the author of Celtic herbals and Druid novels, including Secret Medicines from Your Garden, The Sacred Herbs of Samhain, and Once Around the Sun: Stories, Crafts, and Recipes to Celebrate the Sacred Earth Year. She lives in Massachusetts.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 22, 2023

    Graham Hancock: Earth's Hidden History

    Graham Hancock: Earth's Hidden History
    GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven’s Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US – Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age – have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past.Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock’s early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain’s leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983.In the early 1980’s Hancock’s writing began to move consistently in the direction of books. His first book (Journey Through Pakistan, with photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts) was published in 1981. It was followed by Under Ethiopian Skies (1983), co-authored with Richard Pankhurst and photographed by Duncan Willets, Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger (1984), and AIDS: The Deadly Epidemic (1986) co-authored with Enver Carim. In 1987 Hancock began work on his widely-acclaimed critique of foreign aid, Lords of Poverty, which was published in 1989. African Ark (with photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith) was published in 1990.Hancock’s breakthrough to bestseller status came in 1992 with the publication of The Sign and The Seal, his epic investigation into the mystique and whereabouts today of the lost Ark of the Covenant. ‘Hancock has invented a new genre,’ commented The Guardian, ‘an intellectual whodunit by a do-it-yourself sleuth.’ Fingerprints of the Gods, published in 1995 confirmed Hancock’s growing reputation. Described as ‘one of the intellectual landmarks of the decade’ by the Literary Review, this book has now sold more than three million copies and continues to be in demand all around the world. Subsequent works such as Keeper Of Genesis (The Message of the Sphinx in the US) with co-author Robert Bauval, and Heaven’s Mirror, with photographer Santha Faiia, have also been Number 1 bestsellers, the latter accompanied by Hancock’s three-part television series Quest For the Lost Civilisation.In 2002 Hancock published Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age to great critical acclaim, and hosted the accompanying major TV series. This was the culmination of years of research and on-hand dives at ancient underwater ruins. Arguing that many of the clues to the origin of civilization lay underwater, on coastal regions once above water but flooded at the end of the last Ice age, Underworld offered tangible archaeological evidence that myths and legends of ancient floods were not to be dismissed out of hand.Graham’s next venture Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, co-authored by Robert Bauval, was published in 2004. This work, a decade in preparation, returns to the themes last dealt with in Keeper Of Genesis, seeking further evidence for the continuation of a secret astronomical cult into modern times. It is a roller-coaster intellectual journey through the back streets and rat runs of history to uncover the traces in architecture and monuments of a secret religion that has shaped the world.In 2005 Graham published Supernatural: Meetings with The Ancient Teachers of Mankind, an investigation of shamanism and the origins of religion. This controversial book suggests that experiences in altered states of consciousness have played a fundamental role in the evolution of human culture, and that other realities – indeed parallel worlds – surround us all the time but are not normally accessible to our senses.While researching Supernatural, Hancock travelled to the Amazon to drink visionary brew Ayahuasca – the Vine of Souls – used by shamans for more than 4000 years. It was his experiences with the vine lead to his his first work of fiction, Entangled. Written with the same page-turning appeal that has made his non-fiction so popular Entangled tells the story of a supernatural battle of good against evil fought out across the dimension of time on the human plane. It was followed by two other novels, War God: Nights of the Witch and War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent — the first two volumes of his three volume supernatural adventure series on the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Returning to non-fiction Hancock has now completed Magicians of the Gods, the sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods. Published on 10 September 2015 in the UK and on 10 November 2015 in the US, Magicians is not an update of Fingerprints, but a completely new book presenting compelling new evidence for a lost civilisation and for the global cataclysm that swept it from the earth.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 16, 2023

    Destiny: John Sandbach, Soul Journey through the Tarot

    Destiny: John Sandbach, Soul Journey through the Tarot
    Integrating numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, and the contemplative life

    • Connects the traditional, symbolic, psychological, alchemical, astrological, and numerological meanings of each of the 78 cards of the Tarot to its deepest meaning, the one closest to its spiritual core

    • Reveals how the Tarot offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, including numerology, astrology, psychology, and Kabbalistic wisdom

    • Details how to use the Tarot to calculate the numerological value of names, words, and dates, including birthdays, to reveal their metaphysical significance

    As John Sandbach illuminates in depth, the Tarot is a portal to realms of wisdom. It not only can provide deep insight through traditional readings but also offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, each interrelated through numbers and the ways the systems are worked with to reveal cosmic truths.

    In this guide, Sandbach explores the deep interconnected meanings of each of the 78 cards of the Tarot and explains how to work with the cards for spiritual healing and growth as well as to synergistically learn other methods of spiritual insight, in particular numerology and astrology. Connecting the traditional, symbolic, psychological, alchemical, astrological, and numerological meanings of each card to its deepest meaning, the one closest to its spiritual core, he shows how exploring the interconnected meanings of the cards allows you to understand the Tarot as an integrated whole and enables you to provide insightful and deeply intuitive readings. He explains how every card is connected to the Tree of Life, an ancient Kabbalistic diagram of the universe, and details how to use the Tarot to calculate the numerological value of names, words, and dates, including birthdays, to reveal their metaphysical significance. He explores the connections between alternative rulerships for the cards and how they allow you to understand astrology at a deeper level. He also demonstrates several types of card layouts that can be used to perform readings for yourself or others, and he provides instructions for Tarot Contemplations to access deeper meanings of the cards.

    By journeying through the nexus of wisdom connections within each card, you not only are simultaneously learning the ancient wisdom of numerology and astrology, but also opening access to your own inner wisdom.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World

    Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World
    Lying unnoticed in many museums around the world are large numbers of ancient artefacts fashioned out of rock crystal or glass; lenticular in shape, they are habitually described by archaeologists and cataloguers as decorative in purpose; in short, as costume jewellery. To Robert Temple, however, who bolsters his classical and linguistic erudition with expertise in the field of optics, they are obviously and self-evidently lenses. As such, they form the starting point for The Crystal Sun, his wide-ranging and provocative investigation into the existence of an ancient science of optics. There is much to amaze here, not least the sheer volume of evidence that Temple is able to amass (and the seemingly even greater volume to which, for various tiresome reasons, he was unable to gain access). It is this density of proof, and the hardness of the science involved, that tend to dispel suspicions that we are entering Jesus-was-an-astronaut territory.The narrative of Temple's discoveries is cast almost as an intellectual detective novel. (A characteristic recurring motif is his exasperation with the small-mindedness and intellectual prejudice endemic in the archaeological profession.) From the physical lenses we move to the scattered descriptions of lenses, telescopes and their use by the Greeks and Romans, the destructive use of burning-mirrors by Archimedes at the siege of Syracuse, and the true role of Prometheus, who brought fire to man from heaven. A review of ancient optical theory takes the argument deep into esoteric realms of Gnostic and alchemical thought. Stonehenge as astronomical instrument is discussed--including the startling proposal that the great circle was originally roofed with a dome. Inevitably, perhaps, the argument eventually makes its way to Egypt, real or imaginary home of all mysteries. Here, in the long final section of the book entitled "The Eye of Horus", Temple excels himself. The scale and precision of Egyptian monuments require sophisticated surveying techniques and a supporting mathematics. Temple finds these hidden in myths, partially disguised in tomb paintings embodied in the very structure of the buildings themselves. Above all, it seems, the Egyptians used light and shadow with great virtuosity. The Pyramids themselves, once clad in smooth, reflective white marble, and casting precise shadows across each other, are characterised as mystical surveying instruments on the hugest possible scale.Temple is an engagingly garrulous and eccentric narrator, constantly interrupting himself, leaping forwards and back, starting hares he cannot pursue, pausing for personal paranormal reminiscences, but his passion and erudition are never in doubt. And is it true? Few readers can be in a position to decide. Reserve judgement, then, and enjoy an exhilarating intellectual adventure. --Robin Davidson

    Professor ROBERT TEMPLE is the author of a number of incisive and provocative books including the international bestseller, The Sirius Mystery. His books have been translated into a total of 44 foreign languages. Temple is Visiting Professor of the History and Pilosophy of Science at Tsinghua University in Beijing. For many years he was a science writer for the Sunday Times, the Guardian, and a science reporter for Time-Life, as well as a frequent reviewer for nature and profile writer for The New Scientist.

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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 09, 2023

    Efu Nyaki: Healing Trauma through Family Constellations

    Efu Nyaki: Healing Trauma through Family Constellations
    A holistic method for resolving individual and intergenerational trauma

    • Explains how the author came to develop her system by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy

    • Shares stories from her healing work around the world, showing how this system can help resolve PTSD, depression, sexual trauma, addiction, and chronic illness

    • Presents action steps that readers can take immediately to engage the personal healing process

    The journey to healing trauma is not always straightforward. As Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki reveals in detail, the healing process is a complex ritual of energy movement on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

    Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy. She shares how her journey to become a healer was initiated by her Grandfather, who told her the legend of the sacred healing snail of the Nyaki clan. She explains how she discovered Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy, and how combining these therapies created a powerful system for releasing cellular memories and healing the intergenerational and collective traumas hidden beneath the surface of suffering. Sharing stories from her healing work around the world, she presents action steps, such as meditations, breathwork, or creating a family tree, that readers can take immediately to regulate their nervous systems, deepen their awareness, and engage the personal healing process.

    Demonstrating how trauma survivors can transform their suffering into vibrant wholeness, the author shows how healing trauma is the result of bringing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives into an integrated coherence.

    Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki is a healer born and raised in Tanzania who works internationally facilitating trainings and workshops on trauma healing. The co-founder of AFYA, a women’s holistic healing center in Brazil, she is a faculty member at the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and a Professor of Systemic Family Constellations Therapy at the Hellinger Science Institute. She lives in Brazil.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 06, 2023

    William Henry: Ancient Aliens, Ascension and the Future of Mankind

    William Henry: Ancient Aliens, Ascension and the Future of Mankind
    William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension.

    The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit HISTORY Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.

    With over 30 years of research distilled into 18 books and numerous video presentations, William’s work will guide you to next level of human consciousness and our expanding reality.


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    Earth Ancients
    enDecember 02, 2023

    Destiny: Rizwan Virk, The Simulation Hypothesis

    Destiny: Rizwan Virk, The Simulation Hypothesis
    Written by well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur and MIT-educated computer scientist Rizwan Virk, The Simulation Hypothesis brings together disparate fields to explore one of the most daring and consequential theories of our time: The Simulation Hypothesis. Whether you are a computer scientist, a fan of science fiction like the Matrix movies, a video game enthusiast, or a spiritual seeker, The Simulation Hypothesis touches on all these areas. The Simulation Hypothesis is the idea that our physical reality, far from being a solid physical universe, is part of an increasingly sophisticated video game-like simulation, consisting of pixels with its own internal clock.In the Simulation Hypothesis, the mysteries of quantum science, the path of artificially intelligent consciousness, the evolution of VR and quantum computers, along with previously taboo subjects like consciousness and karma, are brought together into a cohesive, information-based computer science framework. Leading figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have advocated the Simulation Hypothesis. For the first time, the Simulation Hypothesis delves into all the angles that make this remarkable theory one of the most important of our time!

    A graduate of MIT and Stanford, Rizwan Virk is a successful entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, venture capitalist and bestselling author of Zen Entrepreneurship. Riz s video games, including Tap Fish and Penny Dreadful: Demimonde, have been played by millions. He currently runs Play Labs @ MIT, a video game accelerator at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 29, 2023

    John Michael Greer: The Secret of the Temple

    John Michael Greer: The Secret of the Temple
    Over thousands of years, the priests and sages of the ancient world discovered that the design and location of certain structures had beneficial effects on the crops that sustained life. A body of traditional lore evolved, using architecture and ceremonies that made use of these wholly natural but mysterious effects. In The Secret of the Temple, John Michael Greer painstakingly rebuilds a body of lost knowledge that has been used to accumulate and direct energy throughout history, and can be used again today.The Temple of Solomon was only one of many ancient structures that drew on the temple tradition.

    The insights of this tradition have been passed down through those in society tasked with protecting ancient wisdom, secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. But over time, as cultures and technologies changed, the meaning of these cryptic symbols and rituals became obscured...until now. This book explores the esoteric body of knowledge that shaped the world of our forebears, gave rise to the world's most awe-inspiring temples and cathedrals, and continues to fuel speculation about powerful forces at work in our world.

    One of the most respected writers and teachers in the occult field today, John Michael Greer has written more than fifty books on esoteric traditions, nature spirituality, and the future of industrial society. An initiate in Druidic, Hermetic, and Masonic lineages, he served for twelve years as Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA). He lives in Rhode Island, USA with his wife Sara. He can be found online at www.EcoSophia.net.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 25, 2023

    Destiny: Mark Ireland, The Persistence of the Soul

    Destiny: Mark Ireland, The Persistence of the Soul
    Compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research

    • Presents detailed accounts of experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, including the author’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his late sister

    • Shares interviews with mediums to understand how they receive information from the spirit world and explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums

    • Explores the healing impact that afterlife communications can have on people who are grieving

    After the unexpected passing of his youngest son, Mark Ireland began a search for messages from the afterlife and discovered remarkable proof of life after death.

    Interweaving profound personal experience and compelling scientific evidence, Ireland presents a deep dive into psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, afterlife communication, reincarnation, synchronicity, and near-death experiences, pointing to the survival of consciousness after bodily death. He details how he confronted his resistance to engaging in the spiritual and parapsychological practices of his deceased father, prominent 20th-century psychic Dr. Richard Ireland, who counseled celebrities such as Mae West and the Eisenhower family. On his journey, he meets with respected mediums who deliver unexpected messages from his son, father, and others who have passed and explores the healing impact that such messages can have on people who are grieving. He shares his interviews with mediums to understand how they see, hear, and feel the information they receive from the spirits of the deceased, and he explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums.

    Ireland presents detailed accounts of scientific experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the continuity of consciousness, including the author’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his deceased sister, Robin. The contents of this message were unknown to any living person and remained sealed in an envelope until the author received messages from a group of mediums. He exposes deceptive arguments made by skeptics and examines mediumship through the lens of multiple religious traditions—including some factions who seek to demonize the practice. Showing how spirit communication can be undeniably accurate and frustratingly ambiguous, Ireland reveals the profound healing and transformative possibilities available to those who come to believe in the persistence of the soul.

    Mark Ireland is the cofounder of Helping Parents Heal, an organization with more than 24,000 members that assists bereaved parents worldwide. He has participated in mediumship research studies conducted by the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia, and he currently operates a medium certification program. The author of Soul Shift, he lives in Camas, Washington.


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    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 22, 2023

    Anthony Woods: Atlantis Ireland

    Anthony Woods: Atlantis Ireland
    Every once in a while a book comes along that changes everything. Atlantis Ireland is that book - a simply brilliant read that solves one of the greatest mysteries in human history - the location of the legendary lost island of Atlantis. For centuries scholars have searched high and low for the mysterious lost island. Finally, the search is over. Prepare to have your mind blown as you discover overwhelming evidence that the legend of Atlantis was based on Stone Age Ireland - the real birthplace of human civilisation. If this book is right than the worlds academics are wrong and this groundbreaking book will send an earthquake around the academic world. History will never be the same again. You can wait a decade for the mainstream to catch up or you can read this book and be ahead of your time - the choice is yours. This book bravely goes where others don’t dare and shines a light on the darkest chapters of human history. This book is not for the small-minded, it’s for the freethinker who has long broken free from the chains of dogma. Ireland’s history has been written by her enemies - it’s time to set the record straight. This book also proves that the entire world, not just Ireland, has a spectacular ancient history that has been all but forgotten. Atlantis Ireland is simple, powerful and poetic - simply a masterpiece ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Anthony Woods is an international speaker, author, entrepreneur and the founder of Keystone University.Anthony is not like most 'fake it until you make it' online business gurus, he has done it in the real world and has the scars to prove it.He has started, scaled & sold multi-million businesses having grown them from from nothing. He has also taught thousands of students how to do the same.Anthony’s fascination with business began when as a 6 year old child he dug up onions from his dads vegetable patch and sold them on the side of busy road until his mum shut down his micro-business for health & safety reasons!!Young Anthony made his first real money when he turned his love for music into a music business that paid for his entire college education and two trips across America singing in pubs and giving guitar lessons.In his early twenties, Anthony worked as a salesman and developed a unique sales system which helped him become the top performing salesperson in 3 different companies - a proven sales system that you will learn how to master.Anthony’s first spell as an entrepreneur happened when he founded his first company during the Great Recession in a dusty attic with just one phone, no money and a dream.Navigating the credit crunch, which killed thousands of businesses, was one of the biggest challenges in his life.However, Anthony still managed to grow this business by a whopping 2100% at a time when businesses were failing left, right and centre.Due to its exceptional growth rate and a built-in business system that didn’t need his involvement, Anthony was able to retire at 35 and sell his company in a multi-million deal.He sold it to focus on other business interests & pursue his life's mission of building the best university the world has ever seen.Due to his exceptional business accomplishments, he was selected as a European Entrepreneur of the Year finalist in 2017.Today, Anthony is primarily focused on Keystone, but he still runs multiple impactful businesses such as Supersoil - a revolutionary organic fertiliser which he invented that can help reduce global hunger and reverse the effects of climate change. He is also a judge for the GB entrepreneur awards.Anthony is a polymath who has studied hundreds of different studies in depth. In recent years he has also written several books, developed cutting edge scientific theories and discovered unique mathematical patterns used in nature.Outside of work he is a keen musician, cattle breeder and a very average snooker player. He is happily married with two kids - both entrepreneurs in training!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 18, 2023

    Destiny: Anne-Marie Keppel, Death Nesting

    Destiny: Anne-Marie Keppel, Death Nesting
    A practical and compassionate guide to physically, emotionally, and spiritually caring for the dying

    • Shares practices for emotional soothing, breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and pain, ways to reduce stress during the active dying process, and techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals

    • Explores ceremony and energetic boundary guidelines, Reiki and ancestral support techniques, and herbal care for nourishing and healing on a spirit level

    • Presents self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality, as well as guidance for talking with children about death and dying

    • Winner of a 2020 Independent Publisher “IPPY” award

    Just as we might prepare a nest for one about to give birth, so can we lovingly prepare a nest for one who is dying.

    In this practical and compassionate guide, death doula educator Anne-Marie Keppel incorporates ancient and modern techniques, mindfulness practices, and herbal support to show how anyone can care for the dying, whether at home, in hospice, or even in the ICU. She demystifies the dying process by explaining what the body goes through during end of life and presents practices for emotional soothing and other ways to reduce stress and anxiety during the active dying process. The author provides techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals. She shares ceremony and energetic boundary guidelines, Reiki and ancestral support techniques, and herbal care for nourishing and healing on a spirit level.

    Providing support for caregivers and loved ones as well, Anne-Marie explores self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, and mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality. She also offers visualizations and techniques for talking with children about death and dying.

    Sharing glimpses into the world of spirit to reveal the poignancy of the dying process, the author shows that death is a sacred rite of passage we all experience.

    Anne-Marie Keppel is a death doula educator and founder of the nonprofit Village Deathcare. A nurse assistant, Reiki Master, and lifelong meditator, she guides individuals transitioning out of life and assists families with the end-of-life journey. Experienced in home funerals, green burials, and psychedelic-assisted therapy, her work as a death doula has been published nationally in the Washington Times, on USNews.com, and in PULP Magazine. She won an Independent Publisher “IPPY” award in 2020. Anne-Marie delights in the joy of living with her family in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 15, 2023

    John Michael Greer: The Ceremony of the Grail

    John Michael Greer: The Ceremony of the Grail
    Delve into Ancient Mysteries with Some of Freemasonry's Most Guarded Secrets

    The Holy Grail. The medieval stories of Merlin. The ancient Greek Mysteries. Discover the connection between them all with this phenomenal book by 32nd-degree Freemason and celebrated author John Michael Greer. He uses careful research to fit together seemingly unrelated traditions and topics, drawing on translated texts and published documents that, until recently, were jealously guarded. A must-read for anyone interested in occult Freemasonry and the Grail mysteries, this book provides answers that have eluded seekers for centuries.

    Using the earliest surviving Masonic ritual texts as well as pioneering insights and writings by Jessie Weston, William Morris, and other renowned scholars, this book reconstructs the Grail ritual and provides guidelines for performing it. Greer also presents Freemasonry's origins, full translations of pivotal essays, and fascinating history from megalithic to modern times. The Ceremony of the Grail pieces together a puzzle that has captivated practitioners throughout the ages.

    One of the most respected writers and teachers in the occult field today, John Michael Greer has written more than fifty books on esoteric traditions, nature spirituality, and the future of industrial society. An initiate in Druidic, Hermetic, and Masonic lineages, he served for twelve years as Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA). He lives in Rhode Island, USA with his wife Sara. He can be found online at www.EcoSophia.net.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 11, 2023

    Destiny: Jerry Kantor: The Emotional Roots of Chronic Illness

    Destiny: Jerry Kantor: The Emotional Roots of Chronic Illness
    How to change the subconscious patterns underlying chronic conditions

    • Explains how to use prominent emotional and physical symptoms to determine the core existential stress underlying one’s chronic condition

    • Introduces five, seminal existential questions correlating with both the five miasms of homeopathy and the Five Phases of Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • Presents homeopathic remedies connected to specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from the author’s practice

    In addition to working well for physical ailments, homeopathy offers remedies for engaging with the subconscious mind to ameliorate embedded, existential causes of chronic illness— called “miasms.”

    Jerry M. Kantor presents diagnostic insight, specific homeopathic remedies, and successful case studies about the profound connections between emotions and their physical manifestations in illness. He further correlates the five classical miasms and their core existential quandaries with the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He likens inborn foundational emotions to tools, each one designed to solve a stress-related problem. Self-sabotaging imbalances occur when an emotional tool is excessively used. He explains how identifying a default emotional response—such as anxiety or anger—along with its accompanying physical symptoms can determine the core existential stress or hereditary pattern underlying a chronic condition. For each of the five classical miasms and their associated physical and emotional conditions, the author presents homeopathic remedies that mollify the impact of specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from his practice.

    Revealing that the subconscious mind is amenable to change, Kantor shows how to accurately select remedies to defuse the energetic charge of unresolved existential stress and thus quell the root causes of chronic illness.

    Jerry M. Kantor, L.Ac., CCH, MMHS, is a faculty member of the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine and owner of Vital Force Health Care LLC, a Boston-area homeopathy and acupuncture practice. The first acupuncturist to receive an academic appointment at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Anaesthesiology, Kantor is the author of Sane Asylums, Interpreting Chronic Illness, The Toxic Relationship Cure, and Autism Reversal Toolbox. He lives in Dedham, Massachusetts.


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 09, 2023

    James Wood: The Great Pyramids of China

    James Wood: The Great Pyramids of China
    For many, the pyramids of Egypt take the centre stage when discussing these ancient and mystic structures. However, my journey has led me to uncover the mysteries buried within the enigmatic pyramids of China, specifically situated in the Guanzhong Plain and areas surrounding the dynamic city of Xi’an. My curiosity was ignited when an article introduced me to these pyramidal structures dotting the Chinese landscape, prompting a virtual exploration via Google Earth. Cataloguing 36 such structures, with tales of many more concealed across the sprawling plains, my ambition to visit these architectural marvels intensified, eventually materializing in 2023 during China’s national holiday.

    British-Australian who lives in China 🇨🇳 | With a passion for ancient history | Sharing both my personal experiences and opinions of this amazing country.

    Email: jwoodexplores@outlook.com
    Website: www.jwoodexplores.org
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jwoodexplores/
    Medium: https://jwoodexplores.medium.com/
    Substack: https://jwoodexplores.substack.com/

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 04, 2023

    Destiny: Rob Fullington, An Alien Experience

    Destiny: Rob Fullington, An Alien Experience
    Robert Fullington served in the US Army before returning to civilian life in the paint trade. Through a dramatic awakening process beginning at age 28 he came to understand that he is an ET-human hybrid. This process accelerated through ongoing interactions with Mantis beings called Kekoresh.During that time, he went through an extreme physical change as well as radical spiritual, philosophical and creative development. He began to receive designs for 2D and 3D images and objects he terms ’consciousness-amplifying technologies’, the purpose of which is to help people accelerate their personal growth. Robert feels that the physical changes he underwent allowed him to work with advanced visualization, and receive these downloaded designs. He is in the process of setting up a workshop to begin producing the 3D technologies.In 2015 he shared his experiences with Miguel Mendonça and Barbara Lamb in the book Meet the Hybrids. In 2016 he joined Barbara and five of the hybrids from the book on stage at the International UFO Congress to share some of his experiences and perspectives. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enNovember 01, 2023

    Hugh Newman: New Discoveries at Gobekli and Karahan Tepe

    Hugh Newman: New Discoveries at Gobekli and Karahan Tepe
    Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe: The World's First Megaliths

    What is the earliest temple complex on Earth? Who built it? Is it really 7000 years older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids How did such a sophisticated civilisation evade detection for so long? In this groundbreaking little book, packed with original reseach and illustrations, megalithomaniac Hugh Newman tells the story of Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe, Nevali Çori and other temples in Turkey, which are so old that their very existence challenges history as we know it.

    Hugh Newman is an explorer, megalithomaniac and author of 'Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia's Sacred Sites', author of 'Stone Circles', co-author of 'Giants on Record' and 'The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain', and a contributor to 'Megalith: Studies In Stone'. He is a regular guest on History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens' and 'Search for the Lost Giants.' He has articles published in Atlantis Rising (US), New Dawn (Australia) and numerous other publications. As well as organising the Megalithomania conferences and tours, he has spoken at events in the UK, Malta, France, Peru, Egypt, Mexico, Denmark and North America. He lives in Wiltshire, England. His websites are www.megalithomania.co.uk and www.hughnewman.co.uk

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/earth-ancients--2790919/support.
    Earth Ancients
    enOctober 28, 2023