
    Easy Tarot Lessons!

    Come join us for free tarot lessons taught by real professionals who get paid to do this every day. Every week we have real-life private lessons you can sit in on. Additionally, we mix up these lessons with detailed help on solving problems with the tarot that MOST readers face, fun games and exercises, quizzes, and advice on hot to read like a pro. Nothing is held back here. Whatever we can squeeze in to half an hour is covered, and if you want more, you will just have to sign up for our free lessons at EasyTarotLessons.com. We and even occasional interviews with tarot experts (when they show up :-) This podcast is led by Dusty White, the author of the perennial #1 bestselling tarot book on Amazon The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!! and Advanced Tarot Secrets, a world-class tarot teacher, reader, and researcher. Listen, take notes, and sign up for our free lessons. Stop guessing the future and start writing it. This free podcast is created to support the students of Dusty White's "The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!!" tarot workbook, but it is free for anyone who wants to learn more about the tarot. Please join us!
    en-usDusty White146 Episodes

    Episodes (146)

    Tarot Card Meanings: Sevens and what they have in common

    Tarot Card Meanings: Sevens and what they have in common
    The sevens are all about individuals in conflict or confrontation. This is not their *only* meaning by a long shot, but it is a subtle theme we see play out in each of the sevens. Come listen in for more (free) tarot secrets as we make YOU a better tarot reader =) When you are ready, join us at
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usJune 04, 2021

    Tarot Card Meanings: Aces and what they have in common

    Tarot Card Meanings: Aces and what they have in common
    New series! We are closely examining each set of cards to see what they are telling us *without* memorizing anything, and without forcing artificial formula into the cards. NO keywords, NO key phrases, and NO memorization. This new set of lessons is in addition to all of the instruction we have previously released on tarot card meanings, and this is unique original material. We hope you like it =)

    How to be a GREAT tarot reader

    How to be a GREAT tarot reader
    This is an essential lesson for anyone who has not attended our school. In one hour I cover the essentials of what you need to know and do to become a great tarot reader. Simple, straightforward advice from those who have done this for decades. When you are ready to get serious about being one of the world's best tarot readers please stop by and have a look at what we can do for you:   Thanks for being here! =)
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usJune 04, 2021

    Does the tarot include singing?

    Does the tarot include singing?
    Here's a sneak peek into our private study groups (not all of them are this silly, but most of them are this fun. If you sign up for our professional tarot course at  you can join us in our adventures. We make learning the tarot fun! Okay, so in the meantime, this is just a behind the scenes look at some of the techniques we use to help everyone learn the tarot quickly, easily, and more thoroughly than any other course or school in the world (and we are one of the cheapest too!). Why? because we are passionate about metaphysics and we want to help you, not gouge you.

    Aces are Easy! (Various things they can mean in a spread)

    Aces are Easy! (Various things they can mean in a spread)
    Iris was having a problem interpreting the Aces.  She had a hard time getting past the static image of a large hand holding something smack in the middle of the card.  She was also stuck on the traditional meaning of "New Beginnings".  We discussed how to get past the giant hands and really take a good look at the background.  We also looked at the elemental and astrological aspects each card contained.    This podcast is a MUST for anyone!  We demystified the Aces and made them user-friendly.  Be sure to take copious notes!  This lesson goes in depth to help understand the Aces in ways you would never have expected.    Please let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help. Thanks for being here and learning :-)
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usNovember 18, 2016

    How to ask better tarot questions

    How to ask better tarot questions
    One of the biggest problems with tarot readings people get is that the clients are unsatisfied with the results they get. If they were as thrilled as we all like to think our clients are they would be coming back again and again. Repeat clients are the ONLY WAY to make a real living reading your cards and the only way to get REPEAT CLIENTS is to give them information so valuable, precise, and accurate that they come back and demand more. To get this level of detail and precision you must ask better questions. This presents the problem of knowing what makes up a great reading and what it takes to get there. Your clients have not been trained. Fortunately, you have been. Your clients have been programmed by bad movies and bad advice from non-tarot readers, and even bad readings by amateurs. They are not experts in knowing what to ask and how to get the most out of their readings. This is why we made this specific podcast.  Spend an hour with us and think about the concepts here. This is not a note-taking lesson: this is one that requires you spend some serious time contemplating the nature of your job and your interaction with your clients. If you do this: if you take some time alone (often) and really dig deeply into your interaction with your clients you will master a skill so few readers ever do—and one essential to being a god among mortals. You will learn to hear what people are saying behind their words and how to get people to open up so that you can better help them find the answers they need to their dilemmas.
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usNovember 11, 2016

    How to get TONS of clients (to practice on)!

    How to get TONS of clients (to practice on)!
    Iris wanted to know where to find people to practice reading on, as her family "does not believe in all of that rubbish" and she does not live in a major city. So I sat down for 78 minutes (wow! That is like "forever!") and we went over the psychology of getting people to read for, how to do it, where to do it, and then after that we went on for another 20 minutes on even more about where and how and why this all works. This is MUST KNOW information and easily worth the cost of a private lesson (currently $90 for an hour), but because it is free you should grab a pen and take COPIOUS notes on all of this. Plenty of highly detailed analysis of why this all works and explicit instructions on how to do it. That and a few really crappy jokes but we couldn't help laughing. DO THIS. Then write me and tell me what you have questions about. Thanks for being here. Dusty

    How can you trust your intuition?

    How can you trust your intuition?
    How can you trust your intuition when using your cards? how do you know that you are *right* and not just making things up? This is one of the most pressing questions every serious tarot reader asks themselves at some point in their studies, and the smart readers ask this often.  Blind faith in intuition to magically make everything work is a recipe for disappointment and disaster sooner than later. Your intuition needs to be developed and shaped with practice and experience, just like your hands, arms, and legs. No one is born knowing how to walk and talk. We learn by trying and doing, and those of us who have a TEACHER or a coach (think gymnastics here please) end up a hell of a lot more skilled than people who try to figure everything out for themselves. This is why I have a course, and this is why I give away free lessons. No one should try this at home untrained.   In this lesson I sat down with a lovely student (Iris) and we discussed the various things that need to come into play for you to be able to reach the point of trusting your intuition when you are out there in the real-world giving real readings to real people who expect accuracy and detail. Forget any crappy readings you have had in the past. This lesson is where the rubber meets the road. THIS is what separates the charlatans and amateurs from competent tarot readers. Best of all we get this done in around 30 minutes. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help. Thanks for being here and learning :-)
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usOctober 14, 2016

    Astrological properties of tarot cards

    Astrological properties of tarot cards
    Every tarot card in your deck has a "sign" and in today's lesson we show you how to find out what that sign is and how to understand it in the context of a reading. Lori sat in on today's lesson and helped out. We looked at the basics of astrology (qualities and elements) so that we could better understand WHY and HOW each of your tarot cards has a special and unique meaning. Nowhere else (that I know of) is the astrological value of each tarot card laid out in simple, factual, and carefully verified detail. All of this comes from  at the back of the book, and if you ever have any questions you are always welcome to email me and ask. I will do what I can to help you master all of this.  Understanding the astrological sign of each card in your deck is super easy once you know how (listen to today's lesson) and it involves looking at the image and understanding what the action is that is taking place in the image. Think of this as "additional information" to add depth and rich detail to your readings. It does not replace your intuition: it enhances it. Thanks for being here :-) Let me know how I can help make this even easier for you.
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usAugust 30, 2016

    Why the Celtic Cross is your BFF

    Why the Celtic Cross is your BFF
    The Celtic Cross spread is an overview spread that shows you all parts of a situation in ways that smaller, less coordinated spreads can't. When you learn and master this amazing spread (and all of its hidden spreads, patterns, and themes) you can get 3-5 times MORE INFORMATION than you normally could. This is three to five times more info than any other tarot reader you meet. Also, you can VERIFY the accuracy and poignancy of the CC spread *before* you open your mouth and start making predictions. This saves you time, sanity, and your reputation. I sat down to discuss all of this with Andrea today. We went 30 minutes, which was a bit longer than the new format, but it is good, solid information and a reminder to learn and use the Celtic Cross for most of your spread questions. This starts a new series of podcasts designed to help you stretch and grow your abilities in anticipation of professional training. Thank you for being here with us. I am ALWAYS here to answer questions. Just email me.  :-)
    Easy Tarot Lessons!
    en-usAugust 25, 2016

    How to double your accuracy in a reading

    How to double your accuracy in a reading
    The main focal point of this lesson is on opening up cards and "clarification cards." We cover when to open up cards and how to do it to get the results you want (enhanced clarity, greater accuracy and much more detail. To this end I covered a lot of ground on what to do before you get to this point (needing to open up cards) and how to make the most of it when you do.   Other things covered in today's free tarot lesson include what spreads not to open cards and how to silence the inner doubt and nagging voices inside your head while giving a reading. All in all these techniques (just in this one free lesson alone) will help you double your accuracy and detail level in a reading.   If you are serious about mastering the tarot I have extended the ($2.50 per 90-minute video lesson essentially WITH forums, study groups, study buddies, and community access) for a while due to a previous screwup with the sign-up process. You do not want to miss this.This is a$3,000course that , and you only have to pay  (no  downpayment required).   If you have any questions just post them here in the comments section. Thanks for being here. Dusty

    How to cast more accurate spreads: pre-spreadwork and shuffling

    How to cast more accurate spreads: pre-spreadwork and shuffling
    Shuffling is an underrated art in tarot readings. Too many people assume that it is done a few times or that you hand your cards over to your client (as if they will know what to do with them). This all sounds nice in "New Age tarot 101" class but it is in fact a crippling way to remove any accuracy or precision from your readings. In fact, if you like random cards that have NOTHING AT ALL to do with your client's question or circumstance, this is the method for you. Alternatively, we can do our pre-spreadwork properly (shuffling, focusing, talking to ourselves/our client, listening for the "ding" . . .) and by doing this we can get MUCH BETTER answers. And that is what this lesson is about. There is no way I could cover all of this in 40 minutes so this is just a shot of information to improve your skills "right now" with an invitation to come learn ALL of what you need to know to become a kick-ass tarot reader at our academy. Right now we have a $5 special: $5 a week for three lessons/week (two 90-minute video lessons and one 60-minute audio), and forums, and study groups, and study buddies. You really should check this out:  It will change your life. Anyway, thanks for being here. Please post any questions. Dusty