
    Edge of Mind Podcast

    Andrew will be tapping into the many connections he has made around the world with spiritual teachers, scientists, scholars, and experts to offer you the latest from leaders in lucid dreaming and the study of mind.
    enAndrew Holecek68 Episodes

    Episodes (68)

    Sierra Campbell on Spiritual and Practical Preparation for Aging and Death.

    Sierra Campbell on Spiritual and Practical Preparation for Aging and Death.

    Join the author, and end-of-life caregiver, Sierra Campbell in a rich conversation exploring the many aspects of spiritual and practical preparation for aging and death. She shares her own experience as a cancer survivor, and how she got involved in this work. Sierra talks about the importance of active listening, “saging” instead of aging, and the wisdom of “waking down” at the end of life. What is the profile of those who tend to transition gracefully vs those who do not? How does one work with the death of a child, and what are the best things to say, and not to say, to someone who is dying and to family members? How honest and open should you be? Sierra talks about the importance of using small deaths during life to help with the big death, and that most people aren’t afraid of death as much as they are of suffering. 

    The conversation turns to medical aid in dying (MAID), how to understand the anger and fear that often arises around death, and the place of plant medicine (psychedelics) for helping people die, and for processing grief.  Sierra talks about how the bardo teachings of Tibetan Buddhism have informed and transformed her own relationship to death, and her ability to help others. She shares her most effective meditations, like metta, the practice of Tara, the generation of merit, and breathwork in preparing for the end of life. It’s important not to try to fix things at the end of life, but to support the journey. See for yourself why Sierra is such a coveted speaker on some of the most challenging situations, and difficult decisions, anyone ever has to face.  

    Lama Palden Drolma on the Transplantation of Buddhism to the West

    Lama Palden Drolma on the Transplantation of Buddhism to the West

    Join the author, and spiritual director of the Sukhasiddhi Foundation, Lama Palden Drolma, in a rich conversation about the transplantation of Buddhism to the West. 

    What is the “state of the union” concerning Buddhism in America, and the core challenges in cultural translation? How does one find an authentic teacher, and what are the warning signs to look for to avoid corrupt teachers? The conversation turns to the role of psychotherapy on the path, the danger of blind spots, the lingering problem of patriarchy, power abuse, and other common traps that frequently snare teachers. What is “spiritual counseling,” and how does it differ from therapy? What constitutes outer and inner obstacles on the path, and how can we avoid spiritual bypassing? 

    Lama Palden is an expert in yidam practice, or deity yoga, especially the female Buddha Tara. Is Tara inside of us, outside of us, or both? What role does Tara play in the modern world? Is the West even ready for the advanced spiritual technologies of tantra? The conversation turns to the role of the imaginal, and the importance of visualization and “feelingization.” Do modern meditative technologies, like brain entrainment, have an authentic place on the path? What about psychedelics? 

    Lama Palden talks about “idiot devotion,” and the promise and peril of surrendering on the path. She offers valuable advice specifically for female practitioners, and things to look out for when working with a teacher. Where do you go to engage in genuine, and safe, spiritual practice? See for yourself why Lama Palden is such a respected teacher, and a real protector of the dharma in this challenging age.

    Edge of Mind Podcast
    enNovember 03, 2023

    Dr. Christopher Timmermann on Psychedelics and Their Role on the Spiritual Path

    Dr. Christopher Timmermann on Psychedelics and Their Role on the Spiritual Path

    Join the neuroscientist Christopher Timmermann in a wide-ranging discussion about psychedelics and their role on the spiritual path, as well as in preparing for the end of life. How can these agents be used to remove the fear of death, and how do they relate to near-death experiences? Is it true to say that death is a psychedelic journey? Chris shows us how we can find death in life’s experiences, and how the psychedelic trip and death are both processes of radical deconstruction. If someone is afraid of death, what’s the best way to use these agents? Is duality and the sense of self a construct, and is this what falls apart in reports of ego dissolution with psychedelics? Do these drugs also construct experiences, and are the experiences merely comforting delusions? How do we know the experiences are true? Dr. Timmermann talks about the “entropic brain,” and the heightened connectivity that takes place with psychedelics. Are psychedelic experiences due to a reduction in brain activity (the “reducing valve”), or an enhancement of brain activity? 

    Chris talks about the importance of “set and setting,” how these substances can be used to explore the nature of mind and reality, and the promise and peril of the psychedelic renaissance. What are the contra-indications for using these medicines, and where do “false memories” fit in? The conversation turns to the importance of preparation and integration, and how to avoid becoming a “state junkie.” How does one transform states into traits? What is “psychedelic-assisted meditation practice,” and how valuable is psychedelic apprenticeship? Chris discusses the clinical and therapeutic implications of his research, and why he is so excited about the future of this field. See why Dr. Timmermann is one of the brightest voices in this cutting-edge field of scientific research.

    A Vast Journey into the Underworld of Dreams with Robert Moss.

    A Vast Journey into the Underworld of Dreams with Robert Moss.

    Join Andrew and the esteemed dream scholar and prolific author Robert Moss in a vast journey into the underworld of dreams. The conversation begins with a State of the Union address concerning the world of dreams, and a look at how Robert’s relationship to dreams has changed over decades of work. “Dreaming is traveling,” he says, and we can bridge inner and outer realities with our journeys, bringing gifts from the dream world back to waking life. 

    What is “Kairomancy,” and how we can we learn to read the sign language of reality by paying attention to synchronicities? Can you navigate through life with this form of divination, and when does the derivation of meaning cross the line into the imputation of meaning, as typified in paranoia? Where do lucid dreams fit in for Robert, and why is “conscious dreaming” a better term? Is it dangerous to try to control our dreams, and what are some of the shadow sides of lucid dreaming? Robert discusses the importance of daimons in our lives, the place of meditation in the world of dreaming, and why shamans are essentially dreamers. What about the place of imagination, the power of the unconscious mind, and the phenomenon of anamnesis? How can we use dreams to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality? 

    Robert and I share a number of personal reflections about our dream lives, and how our views have evolved over the years. See for yourself why Robert is one of the leading statesmen for dreams in the world today. 

    About Robert Moss: Robert has been a dream traveler since doctors pronounced him clinically dead in a hospital in Hobart, Tasmania, when he was three years old. From his experiences in many worlds, he created his School of Active Dreaming, his original synthesis of modern dreamwork and ancient shamanic and mystical practices for journeying to realms beyond the physical and growing creative imagination. He has led popular workshops all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming and online courses for the Shift Network. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a New York Times bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar. His many books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreaming the Soul Back Home, The Boy Who Died and Came Back, Sidewalk Oracles, and Mysterious Realities. His latest book, Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart's Desires through 12 Secrets of the Imagination is a passionate and practical call to step through the gates of dreams and imagination to survive hard times, travel without leaving home, and grow the vision of a more abundant life so rich and strong that it wants to take root in the world. He has lived in upstate New York since he received a message from a red-tailed hawk under an old white oak. His website is mossdreams.com

    Frank White on the Overview Effect, and all its Implications for Inner and Outer Evolution

    Frank White on the Overview Effect, and all its Implications for Inner and Outer Evolution

    Join the author Frank White in a rich exploration of the Overview Effect, and all its implications for inner and outer evolution. The conversation begins with Frank’s entry into his study of this transformative effect, before turning to why it is that not everybody who has the Overview is affected by it. What is the common denominator behind the effect, and can you have it on earth? We discuss the role of the “space principle,” both inner and outer, as a transformational tool, and how evolution is largely about increasing perspectives, which are brought about with more openness, and hence more space to perceive. 

    What about the “underview effect,” and the change in perspective brought out from within? How does all this relate to Right View in Buddhism, and why did Frank turn to Zen Buddhism? Where does meditation, as “habituation to openness,” fit in? The conversation turns to how expansion and openness is central to evolution, as embodied, for one example, in human development from homocentric to ethnocentric to cosmocentric world views. What about the “Cosma Hypthosis,” and “space philosophy”? Where do vantage points come into play, and how about the place of virtual reality in opening the aperture of our awareness? When brought to earth, the real issue is not what we see, but how we see it. Terranauts, psychonauts, and oneirnauts can see just as much as astronauts – you just need to introduce more space into your mind and heart to see. The Overview Effect is needed more than ever to help people here on earth, and the earth itself.

    Bruce Tift on the Interface Between Psychology and Spirituality

    Bruce Tift on the Interface Between Psychology and Spirituality

    Join the esteemed author Bruce Tift in a cross-pollinating discussion about the interface between psychology and spirituality, the developmental and fruitional paths, or the paths of Growing Up and Waking Up respectively. Bruce discusses the importance of holding opposing, and even contradictory, views simultaneously, without any hope or desire for closure and resolution. We’re all a collection of limitations, so how can we best work with these limits? What constitutes a real obstacle in this view, and how can we work with obstacles? What about the difference between “recovery practices” and “achievement practices”? The conversation turns to the distraction value of our problems, and how ego, as an arrested form of development, is invested in maintaining struggle as a way to maintain itself. Bruce then talks about anxiety and fear, and the importance of an integral approach in relating to both. Not all fear and anxiety is problematic. 

    On the spiritual path, anxiety can lead to real growth, and fear can be a sign that you’re doing something right. How about the place of shadow work, and why doesn’t Bruce favor that term? How do we best work with blind spots? The practice of relationship is explored, and how we unwittingly “hire” partners, over and over, to play out unconscious processes and avoidant tendencies. How does he sustain his enthusiasm for providing therapy after decades of clinical practice? Does Buddhism need therapy – in both senses of that phrase? Is his view exhilarating or intimidating? Bruce’s wide-ranging approach gives you permission to be human, and to delight in this wonderful and terrible thing we call life. See for yourself why he is one of the most sought-after therapists in the spiritual community.  

    Federico Faggin Explores the Relationship Between Science and Spirituality

    Federico Faggin Explores the Relationship Between Science and Spirituality

    Join the physicist, and inventor of the microprocessor and touchpad, Federico Faggin, in a wide-ranging exploration of the relationship between science and spirituality. Federico starts with a colorful rendering of the four phases of his life, and his transition from a hard-core materialist into a deep student of consciousness. He shares how a single experience, lasting less than a minute, changed his life forever. Federico then relates a number of eye-popping experiences, all of which proclaimed that consciousness, not matter, is the foundation of reality – and that that foundation is expressed as love. What triggered this opening, and what did he do to cultivate his experiences? How did the nondual traditions, and other forms of transpersonal work, help him understand his experiences?

    Dr. Faggin then turns to his quantum information-based view of panpsychism, whether this theory can be tested or not, and its remarkable implications for both science and spirituality. What does “quantum” mean in this context? “Science and spirituality are both right, and both wrong,” he says, but what does that mean? Is mathematics the supreme language of communication these days, or just the best way to talk to the “high priests” of science? What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and artificial sentience, or consciousness? Can a computer ever be conscious? His theory completely overthrows materialism, and offers an entirely new direction for science. Can this theory, based on his experiences, lead others to those experiences – is it psychoactive and prescriptive? What does it mean to say that matter is merely a symbol? What role does light have to play in all this?

    Federico talks about “consciousness units,” the place of free will, what happens after death, and why spiritual practitioners might be interested in his work. He then discusses his path of practice, and why he doesn’t adhere to any single tradition or teacher. What does he see as blinds spots in the wisdom traditions? Behind his amazing life is the deep quest to know; to understand the nature of reality and consciousness – and to help the world.

    Sean Esbjörn-Hargens on How Exo Studies Leads to Endo (inner) Discoveries.

    Sean Esbjörn-Hargens on How Exo Studies Leads to Endo (inner) Discoveries.

    Note: This is the second of two conversations Andrew had with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens on Exo Studies. Join the polymath Sean Esbjörn-Hargens in a rich exploration of how Exo Studies – the study of what is outside our normal sense of reality ­­– leads to Endo (inner) discoveries. What is the relationship between inside and outside, and just how psychoactive is the Exo view? Sean talks about being constantly defeated by larger views of reality, and the importance of Right View in opening ourselves to seeing so much more of the world. We are highly contracted beings, afflicted by all manner of centricities, held under the rubric of ego-centricity. Exo studies is integral to the path of Opening Up, and expanding our horizons and potentials into dazzling new dimensions. What is the role of the subtle body, and how many subtle bodies do we have? Are these subtle bodies inside the gross body, outside of it, or both? The relationship of the subtle body to the unconscious mind is explored, and how things like mantra and visualization work to transform the subtle body. How about shadow work in relationship to these subtle bodies? Where does Bardo Yoga fit into Exo studies, and how about the central role of emptiness? Is it dangerous to explore these inner dimensions and states of consciousness; where does protection come into play?

    Sean talks about the trikaya (“three-body”) principle of Buddhism, and the “interstate commerce” that we can open between all three bodies: gross, subtle, and causal. All this study and practice is about establishing intimacy with reality, and creating a “united states” of consciousness. The conversation turns to the psychedelic renaissance taking place, and how we can use these agents for healing and wholing. Growth occurs through differentiation and integration, and opening the aperture of our awareness to encompass this Wild Kosmos. We live in a multidimensional multiverse, full of magic and wonder. Exo studies shows us how can we become a meta-person, or super-experiencer, and open to these wonders. This is real Edge of Mind material, sure to leave stretch marks on your mind.

    About Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD (from metaintegral.com) 
    Sean is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development, organizational design, and mixed-methods design. In 2011 he founded MetaIntegral a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles. Sean’s passion lies at the intersection of design, integral theory, and embodiment. He has published and edited numerous articles, chapters, and books. His most recent book is Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century. 

    The MA/PhD Program Sean runs which includes a concentration in Anomalous Studies for interested students - The School of Integral Noetic Sciences: https://www.cihs.edu/school-of-integral-noetic-sciences 
    Sean's websites: www.metaintegral.com www.exostudies.org www.whatsupwithufos.com

    John Dupuy - An Exploration of the Principles of Intoxication, Addiction, and Sobriety.

    John Dupuy - An Exploration of the Principles of Intoxication, Addiction, and Sobriety.

    Join the author and Integral scholar John Dupuy in a wide-ranging exploration of the principles of intoxication, addiction, and sobriety. The conversation begins with the origins of his landmark book, Integral Recovery, and John’s experience with the traditional 12 step program. How does alcohol, and other substances, work to alter our relationship to the contents of our mind? Are there healthier ways to alter this relationship, like meditation? He then offers a rich rendering of the integral approach, including a thorough look at quadrants, levels, lines, stages, states (we are all state junkies), and shadow work. Why are all these factors important, and how does one engage them all? What is the difference between distress and eustress, and their relationship to translation and transformation?

    John elaborates on the use of spiral dynamics as a developmental schema, and the difference between dominator and actualization hierarchies, before talking about alcohol and other substances as devolutionary drivers. How can we use all this information to enhance skillful means for helping others? The discussion then explores the benefits of the Enneagram, as a method to better understand ourselves and others. These are all maps of the prison, and therefore very helpful if we want to make a prison break. The power of projection, enveloped in shadow work, is discussed in depth, including the 3-2-1 process of reintegration that allows us to take ownership of our shadows. Without this inner work, the “beasts in the basement” of our mind will constantly take us down, and back to the bottle.

    John shares his rich experience with brain wave entrainment, how it works, how to use it, and why it’s not cheating. The conversation closes with a deep dive into how addiction is a matter of degree, and how we are all addicts, whether we know it or not. Andrew shares his experience of “detox” in extended retreat, and the discovery of his addiction to thought and movement. Can one legitimately reduce conventional addiction, intoxication, and sobriety, to fundamental principles? What does “being sober” really mean? Is enlightenment the ultimate sobriety? John’s ability to join heaven and earth, book smarts with street smarts, makes him uniquely qualified to talk about these complex issues, and then bolt them into practical life. This podcast connects to material discussed in conversations with Ken Wilber, Dustin DiPerna, Roger Walsh, and Judson Brewer.

    Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche - A Rich Exploration of the Nocturnal Meditations

    Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche - A Rich Exploration of the Nocturnal Meditations

    Join the esteemed master of dream yoga, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, in a rich exploration of the nocturnal meditations. The conversation begins with why Rinpoche has elected to teach so extensively on this topic, which is rarely emphasized by Tibetan lamas. Why should busy Westerner’s bother with dream yoga, what does it have to offer us, and what does it mean to accomplish this practice? Rinpoche talks about how his teaching of dream yoga has changed over the years, before elaborating on all the new content in the 2nd edition of his classic book, The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. The discussion turns to how dream yoga develops flexibility in identity, and why this is so important, before transitioning into the difference between adapting a teaching vs. editing it to suit egoic needs.

    If teachings aren’t culturally translated and adapted, they go extinct. But if you adapt them too much, the teachings are diluted. How does one establish dream guardians, and create a protection circle for dreaming?  Do we need to believe in spirits, and what are the consequences if we don’t? How can you tell if a dream figure is just a projection of your mind, or a real entity? Rinpoche then discusses the role of the subtle body, and the importance of the central channel, before turning to how the subtle body shapes our dreams. How can we work with the subtle body during the day to facilitate lucidity at night? What’s the best thing to do just before falling asleep? Can we use the subtle body to incubate dreams?

    Dream yoga, and the subtle body, “break all the rules,” and help us live outside the box of the gross body, and our exclusive identification with it. Rinpoche exhorts us not to limit ourselves to the outer body, which grows old, gets sick, and then dies. Transition your identity to a deeper aspect of your being that does not age, get ill, or die. See for yourself why Rinpoche is the premier voice in the world of dream yoga today.

    Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Journey into the Field of Exo Studies

    Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Journey into the Field of Exo Studies

    Sean Esbjörn-Hargens joins Andrew in a truly out-of-this world journey into the field of Exo Studies. Central to this field is the study of what is real, and the importance of expanding our minds to encompass the “high strangeness” of reality. “Exo” implies something outside the confines of contractive egoic domains, and the importance of leaving this limited view behind. The conversation begins with the “problematic,” or the mainstream world view that dramatically limits our perception and cognition. While reductionism has a certain power, it needs to be balanced with “mandatory complexification,” or a recognition of the messiness of reality. Sean ties this into his notion of “doubleness,” or a more integral approach to the study of phenomena. Inherent to the discussion is a critique of the constraints of materialism; its unconscious indoctrination in the virtual hypnosis that takes place up to age seven; and the invitation to open into the more expansive view of idealism. The idea of “ontological flooding” is discussed, or putting everything on the table before you clear the table. The conversation turns to Sean’s key contribution of the “ontology matrix,” or the criteria we should employ to expand our  understanding of what is real. Where does evidence fit into the picture, and what is the difference between legal and scientific evidence? What about too much ontological fluidity, and the place of mental illness? Is anything off limits in such an open world view, and is it possible to open too much and too fast? What is the role of bodywork in opening safely? Do psychedelics have a place? Quantum mechanics comes into the discussion, and the participatory nature of reality, which Sean explores with his “mutual enactment hypothesis:” how phenomena, including things like non-human intelligences and extra-terrestrials, bring us into existence as much as we bring them into existence. Along the way Sean talks about possible blind spots in Buddhism; thought responsive domains; out-of-body and near-death experiences; meta-objects; the path of freedom and the path of fullness; and a vast array of mind-bending topics. See for yourself why Dr. Esbjörn-Hargens is the leading voice in the world of Exo Studies, and why you may want to blast off of this planet with him. 

    About Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD
    (from metaintegral.com) Sean is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development, organizational design, and mixed-methods design. In 2011 he founded MetaIntegral a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles. Sean’s passion lies at the intersection of design, integral theory, and embodiment. He has published and edited numerous articles, chapters, and books. His most recent book is Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century.

    The MA/PhD Program Sean runs which includes a concentration in Anomalous Studies for interested students - The School of Integral Noetic Sciences:

    The "Our Wild Kosmos" article referred to in the conversation:

    Sean's websites:

    Daniel Goleman and Tsoknyi Rinpoche Discuss Their Book "Why We Meditate"

    Daniel Goleman and Tsoknyi Rinpoche Discuss Their Book "Why We Meditate"

    Join Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman as they discuss their new book, Why We Meditate. This conversation follows the structure of the book, with Rinpoche responding to questions from Andrew, and Daniel offering the science behind what Rinpoche covers. The podcast begins with the aspirations behind this book, what they both want readers to walk away with. Rinpoche then talks about his notion of “beautiful monsters,” and gives the example of how to work with anger in a new way, distinguishing between useful and useless anger. 

    Rinpoche connects this to “essence love,” and his wonderful “handshake” practice. Daniel and Rinpoche then talk about balancing the two views behind meditation: are we training to achieve certain qualities, or dis-covering them? What about the sense of hollowness that so many feel today? Where does that sense of lack come from, and what can we do about it? Rinpoche and Daniel then go into depth about the “Four I’s” – the mere I, reified I, needy I, and the social I – and how this relates to the issue of egolessness. This acts as platform into the topic of reification, and its central role in creating suffering. Both guests talk about the contribution of Western psychology, and therapy as an indispensable tool for benefiting meditators.

    More about the book "Why We Meditate"

    Bernardo Kastrup - Part II - The Nature of Reality

    Bernardo Kastrup - Part II - The Nature of Reality

    Join Bernardo Kastrup for Part II of the discussion about the nature of reality. The conversation begins with a discussion about evil. Where does contraction fit into this topic, and why do we have such an infantile relationship to evil? The discussion then moves to explore: if reality is of the nature of mind, what exactly is this mind? What are the dangers of reifying the mind, and the hazards of reification altogether. If mind is not a thing, what is it? Emptiness comes into the picture, and its relationship to quantum field theory. What about authentic philosophy, and how do philosophers go astray? Bernardo talks about Nietzsche, and the importance of embodied philosophy, before turning to the topic of transformation, and how to effect it. How does one transform? How far can intellect take you? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Is there a place for psychedelics on this journey? 

    The gifts and gaffes of relational quantum mechanics is discussed, and its relationship to the philosophy of Nagarjuna – the King of Emptiness. What is the “vertigo of eternity,” and can one avoid this vertigo? Bernardo closes with personal stories of the role of praxis, or the process of applying and practicing ideas. He shares his fundamental practice of “recognizing the movements of the impersonal within, and don’t resist it” (ie., nurture your contact with the child within). He summarizes his practice in two words: pay attention. Be in the service of “the diamond,” and find ultimate freedom in that “slavery.”

    Bernardo Kastrup – Part I – A Rich Exploration of Idealism

    Bernardo Kastrup – Part I – A Rich Exploration of Idealism

    Join Bernardo Kastrup for Part I of a rich exploration of idealism, the radical proclamation that reality is of the nature of mind. As a scientist and academic, Bernardo shares how he found his way into this view, and relates some of its tremendous explanatory power. If idealism is the right view, why is there so much resistance by the intellectual elite? Is it a psychological and developmental issue? And why is the standard view of materialism so wrong? The conversation turns to the nature of the transpersonal mind – is it benevolent in nature, or is it naïve to see the world this way? Bernardo talks about dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder) as a potent analogy for “dissociative alters,” or the generation of the self and the personal mind. He then elaborates on the image of a whirlpool, and its relationship to the stream (or “mind at large”). Is death the dissolution of the whirlpool back into the stream? Bernardo says that we really have nothing to fear at death, because the end of the alter is not the end of the world. Death is not the reduction of consciousness, but its expansion. Where does contraction and fear fit into this, and how about spiritual practice? What is healthy vs. unhealthy contraction? The discussion then turns to the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind, and how metacognition fits in. What is enlightenment in terms of the conscious and unconscious mind? See why Dr. Kastrup is causing such a stir in the academic, scientific, and spiritual community with his razor-sharp insights into the nature of mind and reality. 

    Delson Armstrong - Part II - Dependent Origination, the Intellectual Content of Enlightenment and the Core of Buddhism.

    Delson Armstrong - Part II - Dependent Origination, the Intellectual Content of Enlightenment and the Core of Buddhism.

    Join Delson Armstrong and Andrew in this in-depth exploration of dependent origination, arguably the intellectual content of enlightenment, and the core of Buddhism. Dependent origination is the Theravada rendering of emptiness, and classically depicted in the “Wheel of Life” drawing you will find at the entrance to every monastery in India, Nepal, and Tibet. The twelve links (nidanas) of dependent origination, when unfolded in the forward direction, generate samsara; in the reverse direction they lead to nirvana. The conversation focuses on the first two links, and how the 12th link (death) conditions the 1st (ignorance). In one sense, all of samsara is a type of PTSD, or post-truth stress disorder, when the shocking truth of the empty nature of our being is pointed out at death, and we’re unable to relate to that truth. Delson emphasizes the second link, samskara, which are karmic triggers leading to action, and Andrew then offers the Hindu interpretation of samskara. The role of metta, the Four Brahmaviharas, bhava-samskara, intentionality, cessation vs. transformation, the speed of mind, the Six R’s, conceit, mutual causality, and a host of related topics are unpacked. How can we purify the samskaras by staying with unwanted states of mind without acting upon them? How do we assume responsibility for our suffering and our liberation? What are the “taints” that precede the first link? This podcast is the inauguration of the Edge of Mind Lecture Series, where the emphasis is on education. These lecture-style podcasts take a single topic, in this case dependent origination, and explore it in depth. See for yourself why dependent origination is such a central teaching in Buddhism, expounded by an expert who has direct meditative experience with these teachings.   

    Delson Armstrong - The Marvels of the Mind and “High Altitude” States of Meditative Absorption (Jhana) - Part I

    Delson Armstrong - The Marvels of the Mind and “High Altitude” States of Meditative Absorption (Jhana) - Part I

    Join author and meditation adept Delson Armstrong in an extra-ordinary tour of the marvels of the mind, and “high altitude” states of meditative absorption (jhana). The conversation begins with Delson’s background in Hindu based practices, his journeys into the Himalayas, and his candid experiences with the jhanas, especially the summit of nirodhasamapatti, or “equipoise of cessation,” a form of suspended animation that can last for seven days. Delson then offers stories of his unusual memory, and his ability to recall past lives, before sharing his experience of tacit awareness throughout the night, or a form of constant consciousness that results in lucidity 24/7. One consequence of this attainment is the cessation (nirodha) of all dreams, and the actualization of luminosity, or sleep yoga. What is the role of “determination” in these attainments, or the internal alarm clock that dictates duration of absorption? Are these qualities attained or dis-covered? Do they inspire or intimidate? Or are they, as Delson asserts, “No big deal.” How can this meditative proficiency prepare one for death? And what is the difference between voluntary and involuntary rebirth? The conversation turns to the role of science, and Delson’s participation in eye-popping studies that could shift paradigms about the nature and capacity of the mind. The explanatory power of “dependent origination,” or the causal nexus that generates samsara, is explored, and how a refined mind can detect all twelve links in this chain, and break it by replacing reactivity with response-ability. Is there any risk involved in sharing so much of one’s experience, and why do so? Andrew invites Delson to point out any blind spots that tantrikas (those who practice Vajrayana Buddhism) may fall into, and to share why he practices Theravada instead of Tantra. See why this gentle scholar-practitioner is causing a stir, and bringing real benefit to the world. 

    Maria Kozhevnikov on the nature of consciousness, and the scientific inquiry into post-mindfulness studies.

    Maria Kozhevnikov on the nature of consciousness, and the scientific inquiry into post-mindfulness studies.

    Join neuroscientist Maria Kozhevnikov as she shares cutting-edge research on the nature of consciousness, and expands the scientific inquiry into post-mindfulness studies. Mindfulness studies, which dominate the field, are great, but there is so much more. Dr. Kozhevnikov is a rare blend of scientist-practitioner, who has spent years studying advanced meditators in Bhutan and Nepal. Her ground-breaking work in deity yoga (generation stage meditation) and tummo (the inner heat practices) is revealing the untapped wonders of the mind from a scientific lens, and stretching research into uncharted territories. What is the promise and peril of conducting studies on practices that were previously kept secret? What is the “cash value” of this work, and how can it benefit the general public, or a meditator? Is the mind spread out across the body, or limited to the brain? Does mentation even expand beyond the body? Maria shares her work and experience with lucid dreaming (along with tips for increasing lucidity), and discusses the importance of “flow states” (the Zone) and their relationship to states of meditative absorption (samadhi). What happens to the default mode network, and the salience network, which are both central to the ego, in these deep states? Why does the Vajrayana (Tantra) engage flow states, while the Hinayana (Theravada) does not? Maria shares how her professional work has informed and impacted her practice of Vajrayana Buddhism, and then concludes with what lies ahead in her exciting arena of scientific inquiry. Dr. Kozhevnikov is a pioneering voice truly on the edge of mind. 

    Christopher Bache - Part II of his Remarkable Twenty-Year Journey into the World of Psychedelics

    Christopher Bache - Part II of his Remarkable Twenty-Year Journey into the World of Psychedelics

    Join philosopher Christopher Bache for Part II of his remarkable twenty-year journey into the world of psychedelics – and the mind of the universe. Using the narrative of the path as a journey into progressive opening, Chris shares the challenges of integrating so much openness – in both body and mind. How did he manage all the energy that was released, and avoid the “metabolic disorders” of consuming so much experience? Is the process one of returning to the remarkable states revealed with LSD, or recognizing those states here and now? Why is “dying” so integral to this journey, and how does it actually remove one’s fear of death? What does Chris expect to encounter at the moment of death, when he returns to the embrace of the Beloved? Dr. Bache says that to become one with the universe requires that we become one with ourselves. He then returns to the difference between cosmological exploration vs. individual liberation. Is there a cosmological dualism inherent in this distinction? The conversation gradually opens to the summit of his journey: a profound exploration of the Diamond Luminosity. What is the light that is revealed with such openness; where does it go when the absorption (samadhi) fades; why does it fade; how does that light relate to worldly appearances, and how does it actually restructure the body? The discussion then turns to evolution, the future human, and the reconciliation of that which does not evolve (emptiness/the changeless nature) with that which does (form). Does the path ever end, is there an Omega point? What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary rebirth? Is humanity heading towards a non-linear tipping point where global and rapid growth is about to occur – or is that wishful thinking? How apocalyptic is it going to get before it gets better? Chris leaves us with his prescription for a better future, and specific ways we can help ourselves and the planet. This is another mind-bending session with an intrepid explorer of consciousness, and a message that we all need to take to heart.  

    Dr. Eben Alexander on his Remarkable Near-Death Experience (NDE), and his Journey into the Science and Spirituality that Supports NDE’s.

    Dr. Eben Alexander on his Remarkable Near-Death Experience (NDE), and his Journey into the Science and Spirituality that Supports NDE’s.

    Join best-selling author and neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander as he shares his remarkable near-death experience (NDE), and the revelatory journey he has taken into the science and spirituality that supports NDE’s. This life-changing event has removed all fear of death for Eben, and understanding what he has discovered can do the same for us. The discussion turns to the importance of overthrowing the tyranny of appearance, and the dominance of materialism. By realizing that reality is of the nature of mind (metaphysical idealism), not matter, and that the universe is loving, we discover the ultimate holding environment that allows us to relax at the moment of death -- knowing that we are held. Relaxation is the irreducible instruction for a good death. There is no place to go when we die that is not conscious. Death is only the end of the body, not the mind. Eben shares the hyper-reality of what he experienced, and how memory is not localized in the brain. The brain is a reducing-valve that does not give rise to consciousness, but actually limits it. Dr. Alexander also shares the role that sound and music had in his experience, and how sound is at the heart of reality itself (as in “string theory” of physics). Sacred Acoustics, or using the binaural beats of sound meditation, is discussed as a form of spiritual practice. The conversation turns to the power of the mind, as manifested in the placebo effect, as well as the opposite nocebo effect that occurs when we believe in materialism. The narrative of openness, and how fear arises when we’re too open (for the ego) is explored; how a type of NDE occurs in deep meditation; and how heaven is equally a state of mind – right here and now. We don’t have to wait till we die to enter heaven. The conversation closes with a look at “translational spirituality,” and how critically important it is to bring spiritual insights into the current ecological, political, and social crises. See for yourself why Eben’s books have been on the New York Time’s best-seller list for years.  

    Dr. Nida Chenagtsang on the Power of Dreaming and Traditional Tibetan Medicine in the Modern World.

    Dr. Nida Chenagtsang on the Power of Dreaming and Traditional Tibetan Medicine in the Modern World.

    Join Dr. Nida, a dream yoga master and Tibetan physician, for a unique tour into the power of dreaming, and the place of traditional Tibetan medicine in the modern world. Dr. Nida offers a rare look into the world of Tibetan dream interpretation, and how one can interpret dreams for purposes of healing. Can your dreams tell you that your body is in trouble long before a traditional diagnosis is made? In Western psychology, an uninterpreted dream is like an unopened letter. Dr. Nida discusses the difference between universal dream symbols, and personal ones. The conversation turns to the spectrum of dreams, including prophetic dreams, and the porosity of the mind in the dream world. When it comes to dream yoga proper: is there a unique mantra, or special deity, for dream yoga? Do astrological confluences play a role in our dreams? Dr. Nida talks about the critical place of diet, and meditation, in dream yoga, and why the preliminaries are so important. This wide-ranging conversation covers ways to work with depression, why Tibetan medicine can be beneficial in this day and age, the importance of knowing who you are, and how to live “organically.” Does the East have its own form of reductionism when it condenses everything into karma? Is there a universal consciousness in the Buddhist view, and can you engage it to your advantage? Dr. Nida is an exemplar of scholar-practitioner, a special bridge between the ancient East and the modern West, and a cultural translator of superlative capacity. Listen to an authentic master of the nocturnal meditations.