
    Effective Conversations

    Inspiring conversations with social activists on how to navigate difficult conversations and inspire others to action.
    enYael Finer28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    Alex - Organic Markets

    Alex - Organic Markets
    Alex is a former activist that wants the environmental movement to wake up and step up. He advocates innovation, nuclear power and organic markets in ideas and solutions. He believes in learning from history and nature to inform our decisions.

    Keith - Climate Debates

    Keith - Climate Debates
    Keith Weily is a climate veteran who courageously reflects back on years of debating and arguing and exploring his motives and intentions. He realizes he doesn't want to have those kinds of conversations anymore, where the entire point is to prove himself right. We touch upon topics like the tar sands in Alberta and our wildfire experience in BC. He talks about his old buddy and their climate- endless debates, people that don't believe things can change, his belief that things always get better, his fear for his children's future and how it feels to be the bad-news-bearer around his friends. Keith has a radio show on EcoCentricRadioShow.ca every Tuesday morning.

    Sophie - Divest Canada

    Sophie - Divest Canada
    Sophie Price, founder of Divest Canada in Ottowa, and I talk about the divestment coalition, Climate education, justice, indigenous people, the importance of passive support and the emotional toll of taking ownership of your future as a young activist.
    Effective Conversations
    enApril 03, 2021

    Jamie - Difficult (Climate) Conversations

    Jamie - Difficult (Climate) Conversations
    Jamie is the co-founder of the youth branch of StopEcocide Canada and an active supporter of Friday For Future in the last 2 years. He shares the deifficult conversations happening during FFF strikes and is courageous enough to empathize with climate change deniers who yell at him during those strikes.
    Effective Conversations
    enMarch 25, 2021

    Waya - Empowering Talk

    Waya - Empowering Talk
    Wa-ya is a young activist who found a unique way to empower people to realize they can make a difference. He shares his story, talks about what motivates him to take action and explains how he skillfully handles difficult conversations that often occur during Climate strikes.