
    Electric Ladies Podcast

    Engaging and enlightening interviews with women leaders on energy, climate, sustainability and corporate responsibility -- ESG, environment,social and governance issues. Business, policy and technology, money, the arts and careers. Topics include driving innovation, leadership, communications and career advice. Inspiration, trends and insights. Hosted and produced by Joan Michelson, acclaimed journalist, business leader, coach and speaker, based in Washington, DC.
    aaJoan Michelson428 Episodes

    Episodes (428)

    Pivoting the Economy to Net Zero - Sandrine Dixson, Club of Rome

    Pivoting the Economy to Net Zero - Sandrine Dixson, Club of Rome

    “What I think is really interesting is how do we get PPPs out there, public private partnerships, where we bring in also the investment community from the beginning, so that we can truly shift the capital where it needs to go in order to reduce our impact.” Sandrine Dixson on Electric Ladies Podcast

    The new Inflation Reduction Act invests $369 billion in driving a climate resilient, clean energy economy, as well as reduces prescription drug costs, among other important initiatives. Will these investments, coupled with those in the Infrastructure Bill earlier this year, usher in a more planet and people-friendly economy? 

    Listen to Sandrine Dixson, Co-President of the prestigious Club of Rome - an organization of heads of state, top global CEOs, etc. – explain to Electric Ladies host Joan Michelson the new economic model she says we need to tackle climate change and birth the net-zero economy in this enlightening conversation. It was conducted last fall at COP26 in Glasgow. Sandrine had just hosted the session with President Biden, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other world leaders at COP26 and previously had been Director of Prince Charles’ environmental nonprofit.

    You’ll hear:

    • Why Sandrine thinks unusual partnerships are critical to get us to a net zero economy.
    • The unique role women play at this moment.
    • What the United Nations can and should do to seize this moment when truly all the world’s nations need to come together to save our shared planet.
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “Women need to have more confidence in what they can deliver and to take those risks and to go for those jobs, even though they may not have 100% of the criteria that's necessary because what happens most of the time, women over-deliver, and…work with women, work with men, continue to develop our own capacities.” Sandrine Dixson on the Electric Ladies podcast

    Read Joan’s related Forbes articles here too.

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Anne Kelly, VP of Government Relations at nonprofit Ceres, which helps businesses and policy come together for the planet and people, on the new legislation.
    • Gillian Tett, Financial Times, from COP26, about what the new financial alliance means for a net zero economy.
    • Lisa Jacobson, Business Council for Sustainable Energy, on the impact of covid on energy and transitioning to a clean energy economy
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Halla Hrund Logadottir, head of Iceland’s National Energy Authority, on how Iceland developed an 85% renewable energy economy.

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    Electric Ladies Podcast
    aaAugust 24, 2022

    EV Trucks & The Inflation Reduction Act – Neha Palmer, TeraWatt Infrastructure

    EV Trucks & The Inflation Reduction Act – Neha Palmer, TeraWatt Infrastructure

    “I think what's really interesting and intriguing to me is the collaboration from the DOT and the DOE. there certainly is an overlap when you think about electrification, it's a transportation question, but it's also an energy question and both of those things have to be really coordinated to have success here…. They have to be developed in tandem and coordinated is something that really hasn't been, on their radar before.” Neha Palmer on Electric Ladies Podcast

    With the new Inflation Reduction Act signed into law – on top of the Infrastructure Bill a few months ago – the  government’s investments in electric vehicles and the charging to support them has been supercharged.  That includes those medium and heavy duty trucks that transport the goods we buy to stores near us, and the delivery trucks that bring our stuff to our doorsteps, and even buses.  These vehicles have unique needs because they run nearly or literally 24/7. How will this work?

    Listen to Neha Palmer, CEO and cofounder of TeraWatt Infrastructure explain it to host Joan Michelson on Electric Ladies podcast. This is a rebroadcast from last year, so we do not mention the IRA specifically.  

    You’ll hear:

    • What kind of infrastructure we need to keep electric fleet vehicles moving stuff to us.
    • How the DOE & DOT can and should coordinate every step of the way.
    • Where the power comes from to power these trucks and the tricky process to get it to them wherever they are when they need it.
    • How they feed energy back to the grid, as well as take power from it.
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “I think that people should feel comfortable being scared….You’ve got to leave before you're ready to leave. Embrace challenge and go before you’re a hundred percent feel confident about that next step. It will allow I think, an acceleration of your career, but also your ability to make impact.” Neha Palmer on Electric Ladies podcast

    Read Joan’s related Forbes articles here too.

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Anne Kelly, Ceres Government Relations VP, on the business community’s support for climate-related legislation
    • Telva McGruder, Chief Diversity Officer of General Motors – on pivoting that 100+ year old company from gas-powered cars to electric cars
    • Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, of the Climate Cabaret, on using storytelling to inspire action on climate change
    • Maureen Kline, Pirelli Tires, Sustainability head
    • Jackie Birdsall, Toyota, Senior Engineer, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

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    Electric Ladies Podcast
    aaAugust 17, 2022

    Businesses And The Inflation Reduction Act - Anne Kelly, VP of Government Relations, Ceres

    Businesses And The Inflation Reduction Act - Anne Kelly, VP of Government Relations, Ceres

    “This is very much a jobs plan….It deals with four interwoven challenges…The first is the post-pandemic reality, the second is the economic downturn, the third is the climate crisis, and the fourth is inequality and racial equity… The general theme is that the road to economic recovery is through climate action..”

    Anne Kelly, Ceres.org on Electric Ladies Podcast

    The Senate just passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which has $369 billion for climate and energy initatives.  Clearly this will have huge economic consequences and affect the business community.

    So, what does the business community think of it? Listen to Anne Kelly, Vice President of Government Relations at the nonprofit Ceres, which works with the business community directly on these issues.  This episode aired last fall when the elements in this new legislation were called Build Back Better. Anne is also Director of Ceres’ Business for Innovative Climate Policy.  

    You’ll hear:

    • What specifically the infrastructure bills fund upgrades to and what the Clean Electricity Standard is.
    • What jobs would be created and the skills that would be required for them.
    • What “sustainable infrastructure” is and how it will protect communities from the ravages of climate change – including maintaining power in a storm.
    • Why businesses support these bills to maintain and grow, and create more jobs – and the SEC’s ESG momentum.
    • Plus, insightful career advice that may surprise you….

    “Be careful about what you’re good at. So, if you’re not happy with what you’re doing, you really do have to take a risk and be willing to step out of your current role and try something new, and test yourself. And you can do that in your own position, you can dabble in another area….and then see if that’s a place you want to go.”

    Anne Kelly, Ceres on the Electric Ladies podcast


    Read Joan’s related Forbes articles here too.

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Telva McGruder, Chief Diversity Officer of General Motors – on pivoting that 100+ year old company from gas-powered cars to electric cars
    • Michele Wucker, on her new book “You Are What You Risk: The New Science And Art of Navigating An Uncertain World.”
    • Michelle Wyman, Executive Director of National Council of Science and the Environment on how to talk to policymakers about science to keep science in policy decisions.
    • Lisa Jacobson, Business Council for Sustainable Energy, on the impact of covid on energy and transitioning to a clean energy economy

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    Risk & New Climate-Inflation Bill - Michele Wucker, Author, "You Are What You Risk: The New Science & Art of Navigating An Uncertain World"

    Risk & New Climate-Inflation Bill - Michele Wucker, Author, "You Are What You Risk: The New Science & Art of Navigating An Uncertain World"

    How will Members of Congress view the risks of climate change and their actions as they prepare to vote on new ground-breaking legislation to reduce carbon emissions, further the transition to clean energy, and help families with basic costs?  What’s our own risk “fingerprint” and risk “ecosystem”?

    Listen to this interview with Michele Wucker on Electric Ladies, with host Joan Michelson about how people view risk and how it affects their choices. For example, will the Members think it’s "risky" to vote for this bill? Or that it’s "risky" not to?  Michele is the author of the best-selling book, "You Are What You Risk: The New Science & Art of Navigating An Uncertain World."

    “Your risk fingerprint is… a combination of genetic,… your innate personality… It also interacts with other things, your experiences….And lots of social influences...And they pretty much tell you what it is that you care about, what you value, what you're ready to risk losing or not.” Michele Wucker on Electric Ladies Podcast

    You’ll hear:

    • What exactly a risk fingerprint is and how to find yours, and those of the people in your life.
    • How families, peer groups, organizations, and even countries each have risk profiles and how to use this tool to understand them better.
    • How men and women see risk differently – and what impact that has in the workplace and families.
    • How risk is a tool of negotiation and innovation, and the differences in it between executives in large companies versus entrepreneurs.
    • Plus, insightful career advice for using the risk fingerprint tools in your career….

    And much more!

    “Understand what your risk fingerprint is, and the most important things about who you are. That, in turn, leads to the path forward that you're going to chart through often very, very uncertain times, and will help you to make the choices that you need. That risk fingerprint is like your north star and your anchor.” Michele Wucker on Electric Ladies podcast


    Read Joan’s Forbes articles on this here and watch here for her article on risk and infrastructure policy.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Telva McGruder, Chief Diversity Officer of General Motors – on pivoting that 100+ year old company from gas-powered cars to electric cars
    • Michele Wucker, on her book “The Gray Rhino” about the warnings we miss in front of our eyes.
    • Anne Kelly, Ceres Government Relations, on business and infrastructure policy
    • Michelle Wyman, Executive Director of National Council of Science and the Environment on how to talk to policymakers about science to keep science in policy decisions.

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    Electric Ladies Podcast
    aaAugust 02, 2022

    Geothermal Plant Captures CO2 - "Becca" Olafsdottir, CEO of ON Power, Iceland

    Geothermal Plant Captures CO2  - "Becca" Olafsdottir, CEO of ON Power, Iceland

    “At ON Power...combined we produce just under 20% of the energy produced in Iceland…. We are removing carbon from our operations....Plus, we have been operating a carbon removal station, since then, mineralizing and removing from the atmosphere just over 10,000 tons (of emissions) a year.” Becca Olafsdottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    In a recent whirlwind trip to Iceland, one of the fascinating companies Joan’s visit to that beautiful Arctic country is ON Power, which operates the largest geothermal plant in the country, which produces 20% of the total energy Iceland produces. It’s also removing the carbon emissions from its plants, and partnering with its sister company Carbfix to remove CO2 from the air.  This is ground-breaking technology that can get us to 100% renewable energy, like it is doing for Iceland.

    How? Listen to Berglind “Becca” Olafdottir, ON Power CEO in this engaging conversation with Electric Ladies Podcast host Joan Michelson during her recent trip there, conducted live in Reykjavik.

    You'll hear:

    • How ON Power captures the CO2 it emits and mineralizes it.
    • About their business parks that only take tenants that can share products and byproducts of other tenants, creating a circular economy in each park.
    • How ON Power is partnering with its sister company Carbfix and with Climeworks to bring ground-breaking technology to market that captures CO2 from the air. not just their own emissions.
    • Why women play an important role in driving the innovations in Iceland's renewable energy economy.
    • Plus, great career advice....

    “Women, we have a tendency of underestimating ourselves in general, and I think my advice would be that, if you’re mid- career and you want to take a step up in the corporate ladder…I think it's important for women not to discount their experience and the knowledge. Try to be a bit bold. If you're applying for something that is advertised, don't not submit the application because you don't check all the boxes, because people are also hired on potential….and you might be the right person.” Berglind “Becca” Olafsdottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    You'll also like:

    • Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General, Iceland’s National Energy Authority, on how the country has become 85% renewable energy.
    • Birta Kristin Helgadottir, Director of Green By Iceland, on their unique business parks that are each circular economies.
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials, on the energy transformation and ESG
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy

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    Recruiting To Build EVs - Telva McGruder, General Motors Chief Diversity Officer

    Recruiting To Build EVs - Telva McGruder, General Motors Chief Diversity Officer

    "It takes work and it takes commitment to really screen in versus screen out....We are approaching this in many ways...We don't simply need an electrical engineer or a mechanical engineer, or a person with a computer science degree. What are the skills that we're looking for? What are the interests that we need in the talent that's coming in? And we're helping the leaders in the organization write job descriptions in a different way than we have written them before." Telva McGruder on Electric Ladies Podcast

    General Motors announced it would phase out traditional internal combustion engine vehicles and only focus on electric vehicles by 2035. But how? What does that mean for the plants? For talent and recruiting?

    Listen to Electric Ladies Podcast host Joan Michelson's engaging and fascinating conversation with Telva McGruder, Chief Diversity Officer of General Motors, who has spent 28 years at GM, starting as an engineer.

    You'll hear:

    • How their recruiting has changed for the new auto sector focus on alternative fuel vehicles.
    • How GM is converting their 100+ year old manufacturing system for these new vehicles.
    • How GM quickly pivoted some of their plants to manufacture ventilators during the height of the pandemic.
    • The differences between male-dominated leadership at GM and female-dominated leadership there.
    • Plus, insightful career advice, especially for women...

    "Mid-career women are great at getting results....But if we say making a difference is making a difference for the people around you and making a big difference for the business you're in. And, and maybe for the communities that you move in, that takes practice, and it takes really sitting back and looking at how should I behave every single day, so that I'm making a difference for people." Telva McGruder on Electric Ladies Podcast

    You’ll also want to listen to (some were recorded under our previous name, Green Connections Radio):

    • Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies – on the technology behind electric vehicles
    • Maureen Kline, Pirelli Tires, Sustainability head – on sustainable, smart tires
    • Neha Palmer, CEO/Cofounder of TeraWatt Infrastructure – on building charging for EV trucks, fleets
    • Lisa Brown, Ph.D., Regional Marketing Lead, Volkswagen of America - on how to get more women in automotive leadership
    • Katie Sloan, Southern California Edison, eMobility – on how to increase EV adoption at scale
    • Jackie Birdsall, Toyota, Senior Engineer, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles – on how fuel cell vehicles work

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    Circular Economy Business Models in Iceland - Birta Kristin Helgadottir

    Circular Economy Business Models in Iceland - Birta Kristin Helgadottir

    “I think now, business models will have to somehow rely more on collaboration rather than competition, So, I think, and maybe, naively hope, (this) will be the future of business models…We've harnessed geothermal power for ages, and then we decided we needed to… harness the effluent stream, the excess material that comes from, for example, the geothermal resource. And from that we are developing aquaculture, agriculture, the future of food, cosmetics and, spa life. So, enhancing the quality of life tremendously.” Birta Kristin Helgadottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    On Joan's recent whirlwind tour of some of Iceland’s unique technologies and business models that help its economy run on 85% renewable energy, one of the things that fascinated her was their unique collaborative business parks that share resources in clever ways, creating miniature circular economies on each property. This seems like another way Iceland could be a pilot project for the rest of us on how to run a country on 100% renewable energy.

    What are these unique business parks? Listen to Electric Ladies Podcast host Joan Michelson’s fascinating conversation with Birta Kristin Helgadottir, the Director of Green By Iceland, their public-private partnership driving their initiative to be a 100% renewable economy, conducted live in Reykjavik.

    You'll hear:

    • How these business parks in Iceland share products and byproducts among the tenants, creating a circular economy in each park.
    • Examples of two of these unique parks and how they choose which businesses can be housed there.
    • Lessons we can all learn from these creative business models.
    • Why women play an important role in driving the innovations in Iceland's renewable energy economy.
    • Plus, great career advice....

    "Always follow your gut. You want to advance that's one thing. You want to make money, that can be a totally different thing… So you have passion… go with a gut feeling and go with your instincts, because sometimes you just go with what you think society would think is right….(And,) the traditional path towards a great career and a perfect life that there is an ideology about that, but you need to shape your own ideology. " Birta Kristin Helgadottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    You'll also like:

    • Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General, Iceland’s National Energy Authority, on how the country has become 85% renewable energy.
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials, on the energy transformation and ESG
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) and Ambassador to the Climate
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy

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    Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? - Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland's National Energy Authority

    Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? - Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland's National Energy Authority

    Iceland runs on 85% renewable energy. How did they get there? “My favorite part of Iceland's renewable energy story is that it started small. It started with innovation, entrepreneurship. In terms of how has this developed, originally organically and then supported by the government and by policies and funding, which is essential for any development.” Halla Hrund Logadottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    I was privileged to tour some of the unique technologies and business models that fuel Iceland's remarkable 85% renewable energy economy recently. It seems that Iceland could be a pilot project for the rest of us on how to do it. How did they do it?

    Listen to this fascinating interview with Halla Hrund Logadottir, the Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority (INEA) with host Joan Michelson on Electric Ladies Podcast conducted in Reykjavik to hear strategies we can all implement today.

    You'll hear:

    • How Iceland leverages its topology and natural resources to run the country on renewable energy - and how they plan to get to 100% renewable energy soon.
    • The unique database of best practices, solutions and partnerships Iceland developed and continues to build upon.
    • Lessons we can all learn from their evolution for our own countries.
    • Why women play an important role in driving the innovations in Iceland's renewable energy economy.
    • Plus, great career advice....

    "Don't let fear get in your way. And if you don't feel like you have the courage, borrow it from a friend or from an expert, go out there and, borrow it. So you can actually make sure that fear is not standing between you and the opportunity that the world has for you to make a difference." Halla Hrund Logadottir on Electric Ladies Podcast

    You'll also like:

    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials, on the energy transformation and ESG
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) and Ambassador to the Climate
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy 

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    A Climate Cabaret? - Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative

    A Climate Cabaret? - Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative

    “For anything to happen on a grand scale, we need to have culture supported… Artists are good at planting these seeds, putting the stories out there and for anybody. The key is repetition. So, if you encounter a certain story, certain type of story in the music you listen to, in the articles that you read, in the billboard that you see or the murals that you see...at some point, it creates a frame that you can start to live in and the changes become something that is natural.” Chantal Bilodeai on Electric Ladies Podcast

    Stories. Music. Art. They move us in some magical way that nothing else taps. Why? Why do they matter to climate and energy? Because they can touch us in a way nothing else can, inspire us and motivate us, and we need every tool in the toolbox to address climate change. How?

    Listen to Sandra Bargman and Chantal Bilodeau, who created, produced and performed the “Earth Intention: A Climate Cabaret” recently to inspire people through music and the arts to take the necessary action to save the planet, in this inspiring conversation with Electric Ladies podcast host Joan Michelson.  

    You’ll hear:

    • Why culture is vital to massive social, political and economic change.
    • How music and the arts move people through “hope.”
    • How to communicate climate messages in stories without being preachy or awkward
    • About using the arts to reach people who may not naturally “get” the climate message, or who may be overwhelmed.
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “It's never too late to pivot. I think people who are mid-career, women particularly, we always feel like, ‘oh, my time was then,’ (but) it is never too late to pivot…And the other thing that reflects my career is, don't feel as though you have to pick one lane. You can pick more than one lane and both of those lanes or more can be successful.” Sandra Bargman on Electric Ladies podcast

    You’ll also want to listen to (some may have been recorded under our previous name, Green Connections Radio):

    • Deborah Rutter, President, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts – on managing creative people.
    • Ann Friedman, Creator and CEO, Planet Word Museum – on her new museum about the magic of language
    • Tracy Edwards, Executive Producer of the documentary “Maiden” about her experience developing and Captaining the first all-female crew to run the Whitbread Round the World Yachting Race.
    • Dayna Reggero, Executive Producer of The Climate Listening Project, short films about community climate activists around the U.S.
    • Kerry Bannigan, CEO of Fashion Impact Fund and Conscious Fashion Campaign – including reaching women in rural areas across the fashion industry supply chain
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) – on the need for a new economic model that puts people and planet ahead of profit.

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    Importance of ESG Today - Joan Michelson on Eisner Amper's "Fast Forward" Podcast

    Importance of ESG Today - Joan Michelson on Eisner Amper's "Fast Forward" Podcast
    “We've really had a fundamental shift in the economy where employees are demanding that companies align with their values and they're demanding that they take care of their environmental footprint and that they report on it with great accountability and transparency. And so, if you are a company, you can't get away with not walking the talk, and on top of that, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other bodies are synthesizing all of the different sustainability standards out there now.” Joan Michelson, host of Electric Ladies Podcast, on Eisner Amper’s “Fast Forward” podcast

    What's Phianthro-Activism? - Justin Winters, One Earth

    What's Phianthro-Activism? - Justin Winters, One Earth

    “We're in this moment right now where we have a very short window to drive the type of transformative change that's necessary to solve a climate crisis. And we believe at One Earth that philanthropy can play a really, really critical role in actually making this transformation possible….But less than 2% of all philanthropic capital goes to climate and environment issues, and just a fraction of that actually reaches efforts on the ground efforts” Justin Winter on Electric Ladies Podcast When we think of philanthropy, we think of rich people using their foundations as they see fit, usually in a boring way, though they do make a big difference.  But we don’t know what their money does really.  Enter One Earth, a new kind of philanthropic organization, run by women who believe that the people on the ground know best what will help their communities and save the planet. Listen to Justin Winters, Executive Director and Cofounder of One Earth – and former head of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation – explain how they are pooling the resources of both some of the world's richest people and normal people like you and me to help the most diligent, creative people doing the real work every day to avert climate catastrophes in their areas in this fascinating conversation with Electric Ladies podcast host Joan Michelson.   You’ll hear:

    • What Philanthro-activism is and why they coined the term.
    • How they developed this creative business model – and what Winter learned at DiCaprio’s Foundation.
    • Stories of people on the ground who One Earth is supporting and why
    • Which areas of the economy One Earth focuses on and why (such as food security)
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “I would put purpose at the center, and service because we're in a moment where it really is being ambitious. Doesn't have to be tied to resources, right? Being ambitious can be about the type of change that you want to drive in the world..” Justin Winters on Electric Ladies podcast

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Zainab Salbi, Cofounder of Daughters for Earth, one of the partners in One Earth – and Founder of Women to Women International and its former CEO
    • Rosemary Atieno, Women Climate Centers International – on how they are helping women in rural Kenya grow their economies and address climate change at the same time.
    • Natalie Jaresko, former finance minister of Ukraine – on the hidden power of ESG
    • Kerry Bannigan, CEO of Fashion Impact Fund and Conscious Fashion Campaign – including reaching women in rural areas across the fashion industry supply chain
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) – on the need for a new economic model that puts people and planet ahead of profit.

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    Can Corporates Innovate? & EVs – Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies

    Can Corporates Innovate? & EVs – Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies

    “Part of our culture, a core value, we call it disciplined innovation. So, innovation that leads to execution is our goal. It's a lot of fun to be able to spitball together different ideas…But then to kind of boil that down and say ‘what makes a great business model? What also helps real people in the real world like us? What would we want to do? How would we want to drive it? What would we want to see for our families?” Sue Ozdemir on Electric Ladies Podcast Besides being cool and fun to drive, electric vehicles are examples of how to innovate.  Six big automakers are transitioning their entire product line to EVs over the next few years, but our guest today, a former GE executive, says that big corporates can’t innovate. Why? What’s a better way?

    Listen to Sue Ozdemir of Exro Technologies – which makes key EV engine parts – explain why corporates struggle to innovate and how they do it so well, in this fascinating conversation with Electric Ladies podcast host Joan Michelson.  

    You’ll hear:

    • How Exro’s technologies make EVs run—and better.
    • Why she says corporates can’t innovate
    • What “disciplined innovation” is and whether it stifles potentially magical ideas.
    • How to recruit for innovation, as well as for technical skills.
    • How to get hired in a new or young industry – at any age and stage.
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “Generally speaking, all females, you just have to be a little bit ahead of your game all the time. You have to know a little bit more, you have to be a little bit more prepared. You have to kind of let things slide a little bit more often…And, don't apologize for the room that we own. We worked hard to be here and we own the space…We deserve to be here. And don't apologize for that.” Sue Ozdemir on Electric Ladies podcast

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Mia Bevacqua, CarParts.com – on how electric vehicles work
    • Maureen Kline, Pirelli Tires, Sustainability head – on sustainable, smart tires
    • Neha Palmer, CEO/Cofounder of TeraWatt Infrastructure – on building charging for EV trucks, fleets
    • Katie Sloan, Southern California Edison, eMobility – on how to increase EV adoption at scale
    • Jackie Birdsall, Toyota, Senior Engineer, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles – on how fuel cell vehicles work

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    Ukraine & The Hidden Power of ESG - Natalie Jaresko, fmr Finance Minister of Ukraine

    Ukraine & The Hidden Power of ESG - Natalie Jaresko, fmr Finance Minister of Ukraine

    “The global business community must understand that nurturing, upholding and protecting freedom and democracy is part of their ESG responsibility. It's not only in their best interest, but also in, in those of their increasingly noisy and numerous stakeholders…Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, not all chief executives have had the courage to take actions which would be consistent with their ESG policies,” Natalie Jaresko in the Financial Times. As images of more and more atrocities and destroyed cities flash on our screens from Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine, we can feel helpless to do anything about it. Natalie Jaresko, the former finance minister of Ukraine, suggests in this extensive interview with Electric Ladies Podcast host Joan Michelson, that – in addition to pressuring lawmakers to approve aid to Ukraine immediately – we can use our money to pressure companies to do more too. Listen here. (Electric Ladies was formerly known as Green Connections Radio.) You’ll hear:

    • How ESG can be a tool for democracy, as well as climate and social goals.
    • How globalization allows Russia’s dark money to be a hidden influence on Western policies and institutions.
    • What you can do to support Ukraine, today.
    • Plus, insightful career advice.
    And much more!

    “I think today there are more ways to make a difference while making money than there ever have been before you don't need to remain or stay in public policy in the traditional kind of government think tank, uh, world. Now companies are establishing entire branches, departments, foundations to make a difference.” Natalie Jaresko on Electric Ladies podcast


    Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) and Ambassador to the Climate
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Gillian Tett, Financial Times, from COP26, about what the new financial alliance means for a net zero economy.
    • Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials, on the energy transformation and ESG
    • Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability & Supply Chain practice, on companies “doing” ESG, and the supply chain.


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    Sustainability in Hotels – Denise Naguib, Marriott VP of Global Sustainability

    Sustainability in Hotels – Denise Naguib, Marriott VP of Global Sustainability

    “I think one of the most important starting points, whether it be on social or environmental, is back to the measurement, setting a goal and making progress every single day towards that goal with actions….Even if that goal seems unattainable, challenging, unsure of what the steps are between X and Y. I think the fact that we put stakes in the ground and work towards them drives the behavior that we want to see.”

    Denise Naguib on Electric Ladies Podcast


    As more of us start to travel more, including planning summer vacations, think about the environmental impact of where you’ll stay. Most hotels these days have sustainable practices and goals, but how do these massive properties really control their carbon footprint and water use, for example, and their waste?


    Listen to Denise Naguib, VP of Global Sustainability at Marriott in this wide-ranging conversation with Electric Ladies host Joan Michelson at a live net zero event in Washington, DC. (Electric Ladies was formerly known as Green Connections Radio.)

    You’ll hear:

    • How Marriott sets and achieves their sustainability goals
    • How the executives incentivize their teams to follow through on the company’s sustainability goals.
    • How Marriott is supporting Ukrainian refugees who escaped the war by going to Europe.
    • Plus, insightful career advice.

    And much more!

    “You can make a difference in any role that you are in. I think that is a really important thing to say. It is not about being part of the sustainability or social impact team that only then you can make a difference. Every single role in a company has the opportunity to make meaningful change, whether you are in finance or legal or operations or whatever it is, public relations. I think identifying how you can make that based on the skills that you bring forward, based on the opportunities that you can get involved in things I think is really invaluable.” Denise Naguib on Electric Ladies podcast


    Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Janet Gail Besser, Smart Electric Power Alliance, on their 5-point plan to get to net zero in any industry
    • Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability Practice lead, on the transformation and ESG
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy 
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Roberta Rincon, Society of Women Engineers, Director of Research, on the status and careers of women in various types of engineering roles.


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    Net Zero Tracking Software – Suzanne DiBianca, Salesforce EVP Corporate Relations, Chief Impact Officer

    Net Zero Tracking Software – Suzanne DiBianca, Salesforce EVP Corporate Relations, Chief Impact Officer
    "(ESG tracking software) needs to be comprehensive. It needs to be accurate, you know, full proof. It needs to be integrated into other systems. It needs to be easy to use…. And I think, fifth, it's got to be providing you a road map for where to go" Suzanne DiBianca on Electric Ladies Podcast

    The need for solid systems to track “net zero” emissions and ESG initiatives – environment-social-governance – are more and more critical, especially now that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced their proposed climate risk disclosure rules.  There are lots of software systems being adapted to do this tracking, including Salesforce, which is known for their sales-focused software.  But what should we look for in a good software to track this stuff, some of which is intangible?

    Listen to Suzanne DiBianca of Salesforce explain it in this fascinating interview with Electric Ladies host Joan Michelson. (Electric Ladies was formerly known as Green Connections Radio.)

    You’ll hear:

    • What net zero really means, no matter what industry you’re in.
    • What to look for in good emissions-climate-ESG tracking software.
    • How Salesforce developed theirs to help them track their own carbon footprint.
    • Plus, insightful career advice.

    And much more!

    “More venture money has gone into climate tech than ever in history in the U.S. in particular, but all over the world. And there's great companies that are doing direct air capture, that are doing clean energy, that are doing renewables, that are….(doing) such amazing innovation….You can work for an amazing company like that as a marketing professional, as an HR professional, as a sales professional…(in all kinds of roles)… So, either, stay put where you are and look are places to make impact based on your skill set and what the company's committed to, or, there's all kinds of incredible entrepreneurs out there doing amazing things in the world. Find a passion area, whether it's workforce development or education or climate (or whatever) and go do it.“ Suzanne DiBianca on Electric Ladies podcast

    Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Janet Gail Besser, Smart Electric Power Alliance, on their 5-point plan to get to net zero in any industry
    • Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability Practice lead, on the transformation and ESG
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy 
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Roberta Rincon, Society of Women Engineers, Director of Research, on the status and careers of women in various types of engineering roles.

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    Electric Vehicle Basics - Mia Bevacqua, CarParts.com Chief Technical Writer & Mechanic

    Electric Vehicle Basics - Mia Bevacqua, CarParts.com Chief Technical Writer & Mechanic

    “A pure EV does not have an internal combustion engine on board, whereas a hybrid does. So, the two vehicles share most the same electric powertrain components. Both hybrids and EVs are going to have one or more electric motors, a high voltage battery, inverter, a converter, those kind of components. But with a hybrid, a non-plugin hybrid, the high voltage battery is recharged with the gas engine and also through regenerative braking. Whereas if you're just dealing with the pure EV, that is going to get charged through the grid, either a plug-book charger or your home charger.” Mia Bevacqua on Electric Ladies Podcast Electric vehicle sales are doubling year after year these days, and nearly every automaker has a range of electric vehicles either on the road or in production to hit the road over the next few years.  Six automakers have announced they are phasing out the internal combustion engine vehicles that run on gas.  Though EVs are still only 9% of all U.S. car sales, anyone who owns or drives a vehicle is all going to be in market for an EV or driving one at some point soon. So, what do we need to know? Listen to Mia Bevacqua Chief Technical Writer at CarParts.com – and a former lifelong auto-mechanic – explain it to host Joan Michelson on Electric Ladies podcast.  

    You’ll hear:

    • What the differences are between the types of EVs and hybrids.
    • The differences in charging systems
    • How batteries differ for different EVs
    • What to know about used electric vehicles, before you buy one.
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “One thing I've learned is don't let your gender define your role in whatever industry you're in. I mean, I've tried thinking myself as an auto professional, not a female auto professional, and that seems to have gotten me pretty far. And I guess another thing would be, never stop learning. So always look for those online classes, reading, taking seminars, because, no matter what you're in, it's always going to be changing and you need to …stay relevant.”

    Mia Bevacqua on Electric Ladies podcast

    You’ll also want to listen to:

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    A 5 Pt Framework To Net Zero - Janet Gail Besser, Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)

    A 5 Pt Framework To Net Zero - Janet Gail Besser, Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)

    "Net zero means that you may have some emissions, but you're going to offset them in another way...When you talk about net zero buildings, meaning...that it's generating as much energy as it's using. But when you talk about a utility commitment to be net zero by 2030, 2035, 2040, they may mean net zero in....the energy they produce to sell to customers. They may mean net zero across the organization." Janet Gail Besser on Electric Ladies Podcast   Companies and governments announce their “net zero” goals, saying they will get to net zero by 2030 or 2035, for example, but what does that really mean and how will they do it? If you work in an organization that made this commitment, you also need to figure out how you’ll guide your organization that way.


    Listen to Janet Gail Besser of Smart Electric Power Alliance explain “net zero” and their framework any organization can use to get there in this fascinating interview with Electric Ladies host Joan Michelson. (Electric Ladies was formerly known as Green Connections Radio.)

    You’ll hear:

    • What net zero really means, for companies, utilities, buildings and more.
    • A 5 point framework that organizations can use to get to net zero, regardless of where their power comes from or how they use it.
    • How to hold companies and organizations accountable for their net zero commitments.
    • How utilities and the grid can transition to net zero, using innovation.
    • Plus, insightful career advice.

    And much more!

    “There are a lot of new opportunities. And so one piece of advice I give is to be open to anything. If you have been at a utility for 15 years, look around at some of …the new technology providers, look at some of the startups, look at some of the opportunities in clean energy finance, if that matches your skillset. Look beyond where you are now at what's happening and be open to new opportunities. My other big ad advice is network, join the organizations that are supporting women and energy in the environment.“ Janet Gail Besser on Electric Ladies podcast


    Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Meredyth Crichton, Clemson University Energy Innovation Unit, on the grid, wind and solar power.
    • Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Acting Director, ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the Department of Energy 
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials, on the energy transformation and ESG
    • Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability & Supply Chain practice, on companies “doing” ESG, and the supply chain.
    • Roberta Rincon, Society of Women Engineers, Director of Research, on the status and careers of women in various types of engineering roles.

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    Scaling Women Climate Entrepreneurs - Zainab Salbi, Daughters For Earth

    Scaling Women Climate Entrepreneurs - Zainab Salbi, Daughters For Earth

    “I co-founded Daughters For Earth, a collaborative effort between philanthropists and climate activists and women's rights activists to get together…to mobilize women and to put more resources into the hands of women. 70% of who is going to be impacted by climate disasters, such as displacement and food security, are women. Women are actually pivotal in two major solutions for climate change, which is to protect and preserve 50% of earth and to shift to regenerative agriculture…(but They are not being invited to the negotiating tables. As a matter of fact, not much is talked about women's pivotal role… and we are here to change it.” Zainab Salbi on Electric Ladies Podcast Women are both the most at risk from climate change disasters and pivotal to the solutions, because they are front and center in their communities, and the primary caregivers of families. Women are starting and running small nonprofits to help address these issue, some of whom have been guests on Electric Ladies Podcast. Now, four powerful women have come together to pool their resources, networks and know-how to mobilize $100 million to support women social entrepreneurs addressing climate change. It’s called Daughters For Earth. Listen to Zainab Salbi, a cofounder of Daughters for Earth explain their work to Electric Ladies Podcast host Joan Michelson in this inspiring interview.  Zainab is the Founder and former CEO of the powerful nonprofit Women to Women International that raised about $150 million to help women in conflict zones.

    You’ll hear about:

    • Why they are committed to helping women climate entrepreneurs across industries, not just nonprofits.
    • The three areas they are focusing on for their grants – these are not loans, but grants.
    • How they are helping the women of Ukraine, leveraging Zainab’s powerful network that supports women in conflict zones.
    • How you can help support these women entrepreneurs through Daughters For Earth
    • Plus, insightful career advice ….

    “My biggest advice is prioritize. I really, really prioritize your wellbeing as interconnected to whatever you're working on. If you want people to be happy, you've got to be happy. If you are working on people to be healthy, you've got to be healthy. If you want people to be prosperous and well financially, you've got to be prosperous and well financially. it cannot be discrepancy between what you desire and what you're treating yourself….and be proactive about addressing that because that makes all the difference in your life and for your career, but in your life.”

    Zainab Salbi on the Electric Ladies podcast

    Read Joan’s related Forbes articles here too.

    You’ll also want to listen to:

    • Rosemary Atieno, Women Climate Centers International, on how she is transforming rural communities by helping women solve daily challenges in climate-friendly ways
    • Lara Ramdin, Chief Innovation Officer, Dole Sunshine Company
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders) and Ambassador to the Climate
    • Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership, helping local communities ramp up recycling
    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”

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    Sustainable Fashion 2.0 - Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

    Sustainable Fashion 2.0 - Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

    “The fashion industry is a supply chain….but the reality is it’s a human chain. Nothing is made that we wear that does not go through many human hands. And so really for me, the environmental aspects are extremely important. But.. it's really about brands being more open about their supply chain. And, specifically, when there is a red flag to be concerned about in someone that they've worked with, they need to let their peers in the space know, so that they are no longer ordering from that place. And instead, take their orders and their finances to factories that are doing it right…The environment that people are working in, for example, and then how their pay is and their education and how they're looked after.” Kerry Bannigan on Electric Ladies Podcast

    To start Earth Month off right, we’re starting with an expert in one of the things we all use and need: clothes. Kerry Bannigan, CEO and Founder of the Conscious Fashion Campaign and Fashion Impact Fund, has a long history in fashion, including working with independent designers and she’s laser focused on sustainable fashion now, and on cleaning up the energy- and water-guzzling and waste-generating practices of the industry.  


    Listen to Kerry explain how the fashion industry is evolving (or not) to meet this moment when sustainability and social responsibility are taking a spot on the runway, in this powerful interview on Electric Ladies Podcast with host Joan Michelson.

    You'll hear:

    • How the fashion industry really works and prioritizes.
    • Why fashion consumers are demanding more sustainable fashion and corporate responsibility – on the part of all players in the fashion world.
    • What the fashion industry needs to do now to evolve to meet the moment and ESG reporting requirements.
    • How really bad “fast fashion” really is for the environment and the workers, and what you can do with your clothing dollars.
    • Plus, great career advice....

    “First of all, it's, and it's just a question I spot with myself often is 'am I happy?' What would make me happy? Drown out the noise. And it doesn't matter how crazy it sounds. It's just do it…. I think it's about researching what's out there, finding out, if you can sit in on events… There is so much out there and there is so much to learn and you shouldn't have to do it by leaving one thing which is seen as your secure paycheck...You shouldn't have to jump that to something else, to be able to try it. We need to be more open...and sharing what we're doing and bring people on the journey with us.”  Kerry Bannigan on Electric Ladies Podcast


    Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Jennifer “JJ” Lee, United We Mask, making face masks from recycled fabric for all populations
    • Laura Jones, Frontlash Magazine, Celebrity stylist publishes a magazine on sustainable fashion
    • Jessica Schreiber, Fabscrap, turning fashion scraps into usable product
    • Amina Razvi, of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (now the CEO)
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders), on the new ESG economy.

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    SEC's New Financial Climate Rules - Julie Gorte, Veteran ESG Investor, IMPAX Asset Management

    SEC's New Financial Climate Rules - Julie Gorte, Veteran ESG Investor, IMPAX Asset Management
    “The really important thing I think about this rule (from the SEC),” Dr Gorte explained, “is that if companies are going to be on the record as having a certain level of emissions, especially as climate change gets worse, there's going to be increasing scrutiny and pressure on them to reduce those emissions." Dr. Julie Gorte on Electric Ladies Podcast

    The Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC, recently announced long-awaited proposed rules for how publicly-traded companies will need to report the risk to their businesses from climate change in their audited financial statements. This is a really big deal. What does it mean?


    “The SEC’s statutory authority is to make sure that investors have the information they need to make informed, reasonable investment decisions,” Dr. Julie Gorte, Senior Vice President of Sustainable Investing at IMPAX Asset Management and a veteran ESG investment advisor, told me in an extensive interview about these new rules on Electric Ladies Podcast. ESG is environment, social and governance-focused investing, which is also a business strategy now.

    Listen to Julie Gorte explain what these proposed rules mean exactly and more in this fascinating conversation with Electric Ladies podcast host Joan Michelson.

    You'll hear:

    • What ESG-focused investing is and how it can have an impact to address climate change.
    • Why the SEC is taking action now and why it’s proposing new disclosure rules.
    • What companies will have to disclose going forward in their financial statements
    • How we will be able to rely on them…and much more
    • Plus, great career advice....

    “The best career advice I ever got was when I was leaving academia when I had just about gotten my PhD and I had these two job offers… One of my professors said, Julie, you don't have to decide what you're gonna do for the rest of your life. You need to decide what you're gonna do next. And that just, it sounds so obvious, but it just absolutely liberated me. And so I took the path less trodden, to quote Robert Frost, and my entire career has turned out really well, but not because of a plan. The only the thing that I've always followed is what I wanted to do.” Dr. Julie Gorte on Electric Ladies Podcast

    Read Joan’s Forbes article about the interview and the SEC climate rules here, and others on ESG & Ukraine here, on ESG actions here and on the new ESG economy here.

    You’ll also want to listen to (some of these are under the name Green Connections Radio):

    • Kathleen McQuiggan, Veteran ESG investment manager focused on supporting women’s financial success.
    • Gabrielle Rubenstein, Managing Partner and Founder, Manna Tree Partners, investors in food companies making our food supply more transparent and healthier.
    • Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability & Supply Chain practice, on companies “doing” ESG.
    • Gillian Tett, Financial Times, from COP26, about what the new financial alliance means for a net zero economy.


    • Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
    • Sandrine Dixson, Co-president of the Club of Rome (global leaders), on the new ESG economy.


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