
    Elementary Schooled

    The purpose of Elementary Schooled is to answer any academic, behavior, safety or social issue an elementary school aged child might be facing in today's world. We are all being "schooled," but we come together as parents, educators and professionals, for deeper learning and understanding to help our children navigate through increasing pressures and stresses in our modern world. The bell has RUNG! So... get seated, and join Elementary Schooled for today's interview.
    en-usMelanie Whipple26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)



     Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has been classified by the World Health Organization as one of the Top 5 Most Debilitating Disorders plaguing our children, and people in general.

    There is HELP!  Amazing help, in the form of what is called EXPOSURE AND RESPONSE PREVENTION THERAPY. 

    If your child shows signs of any OCD behaviors, take in this thought-provoking and informative interview with Paul Peterson, CEO and Founder of several OCD and Anxiety Treatment Centers in the United States.







    Do you want to save your child from a lot of depression and anxiety? Dina Alexander, founder of Educate and Empower Kids, shares 3 tools for empowering our children who are growing up in a porn culture.  

    Research shows that pornography changes thought processes, inluding thoughts about other human beings.  It also affects decision making, conditions the brain that no means yes, and causes confusion about relationships, intimacy and sexuality.

    "Be Prepared, Not Scared" in talking about sex with our kids, delaying phones/social media, and teaching about dangers that exist online.


    Educate and Empower Kids:


    Raising Strong Kids in a Porn Culture:



    30 Days of Sex Talks (ages 3-7) by Dina Alexander:


    30 Days of Sex Talks (ages 8-11) by Dina Alexander:


    30 Days of Sex Talks (12 and up) by Dina Alexander:



    S2 E7: How to Legally Protect Children Through the Process of Divorce with Justin Berube, Divorce Attorney

    S2 E7:  How to Legally Protect Children Through the Process of Divorce with Justin Berube, Divorce Attorney

    Justin Berube, award-winning domestic trial attoney of Farr, Cragun and Berube Law Firm, answers many commonly asked questions surrounding why litigating may or not be best to helping you protect your kids and family during the difficult process of divorce.  He describes how to choose an attorney that's best for you, how to avoid common mistakes parents make, the role of a guardian ad litem, the process of custody evaluations including how classroom teachers are involved.  





    @elementaryschooled or contact your local school district to choose an elementary school of your choice.  For $10.50 you can pay for a child's school lunch for one week.  Thank you for your generosity!


    S2 E6: KIDS LACK SKILL NOT WILL: A Simple Plan for Improving Behavior with Dr. Stuart Ablon

    S2 E6: KIDS LACK SKILL NOT WILL: A Simple Plan for Improving Behavior with Dr. Stuart Ablon

    What if we told you there are 3 plans we choose from in trying to get a child (or anyone) to do something we want them to do?  In this interview, learn about "Plan B," the winner for improving behavior.

    Dr. Stuart Ablon, Founder and Director of Think: Kids in the Department of Psychiatry at Boston Massachusetts General Hospital, shares this Plan B "recipe" with simple ingredients that can be used in any classroom or home.  It works!

    "Kids Lack SKILL not WILL"

    "Kids Do Well if They Can"


    Think: Kids


    Collaborative Problem Solving




    S2 E5: The Hungry Student: How to Help and Get Help

    S2 E5:  The Hungry Student:  How to Help and Get Help

    Are you a parent who feels burdened by your student's lunch debt?  Are you a teacher seeing kids who come to school hungry?  Are you a community member who wants to help keep our kids fed and doing well in school?

    Kathleen Britton, Director of Child Nutrition Programs for the Utah State Board of Education shares the resources and application process to help families feel less burdened with school lunch debt.  She also updates us on what is being done in Utah, similar to other states, who has over 1.7 million dollars in school lunch debt!

    PLEASE take a moment to contribute $10.50 to pay off a week's worth of lunch debt at two Utah elementary schools in Tooele School District, to help relieve the burden of these families.

    VENMO @elementaryschooled










    S2 E4: Refreshing Approaches to Meeting the Needs of High-Achieving, Average, and Struggling Students with Gloria Taylor

    S2 E4: Refreshing Approaches to Meeting the Needs of High-Achieving, Average, and Struggling Students with Gloria Taylor

    How can we meet the needs of all elementary students when there is such a variety of learning styles and personalities in each classroom and home?

    Gloria Taylor, a seasoned teacher for over 40 years, shares refreshing practices that are working to meet the needs of high achieving, average, and strugglign students, including helping them dump their "nervous energy."

    Gloria's dynamic style and methods have fostered academic and emotional progress for her students in both the classroom and also in her learning center for tutoring and enrichment, which she has led for the past 20 years.



    S2 E3: Teaching our Kids Sportsmanship and Why it Matters with Coach Brad Thurber

    S2 E3:  Teaching our Kids Sportsmanship and Why it Matters with Coach Brad Thurber

    Are we over the top sports parents, or keeping ourselves together on the sidelines?

    Are we pushing our kids too hard, or not enough?

    How do we find our child's niche?

    How does being part of a team benefit our kids?

    Coach Brad Thurber was nominated by YOU to walk us through the answers to these questions and more.

    Season 2, Episode 2: UnSelfie! with best-selling author and NBC Contributor, Dr. MIchele Borba, Ed.D

    Season 2, Episode 2: UnSelfie! with best-selling author and NBC Contributor, Dr. MIchele Borba, Ed.D

    Dr. Michele Borba, author of UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in an All-About-Me World, explains that narcissism is up by 58% and empathy is down by 40% over the last two decades.

    How can we help our kids in a world that values "me" more than "we?" 

    The answers are surprisingly simple:  1- Teach empathy, 2- Practice empathy, and 3- Live empathy.  Dr. Borba shares small and simple ways we can do this in daily moments.  Her behavioral studies and examples in this book and in this interview give great hope that we can turn this around!

    Find Dr. Borba on Youtube in one of her interviews on the Today Show, Dr. Phil, Dateline, The View, NBC Nightly news, Dr. Oz, Anderson Cooper, MSNBC, Fox & Friends, The Early Show, The Doctors, and CNN.







    Season 2: Episode 1. Back to School: Safety and Security First! with Randy Watt, Liaison with the Utah School Security Task Force

    Season 2: Episode 1. Back to School: Safety and Security First! with Randy Watt, Liaison with the Utah School Security Task Force

    Utah parents and educators put "safety and security" as the number one concern, priority and focus as students head back to school for the 2023-24 schoolyear.  This interview sheds light on the updates, commitment and dedication of the Utah School Security Task Force as Randy Watt, CEO of SRW (security company) walks us through the behind the scenes efforts and actions being made to keep our kids protected at school.

    Randy Watt has combined his 36 years of experience in the police force and 33 years (and 10 months) of active duty in the military, together to help Utah, and other states, create SECURE and SAFE schools in 3 ways: 1- Physical Measures, 2- Technology, 3- Personnel Training/Activities.

    *Stay tuned for the end of this interview for some of the pre-interview chit chat where Randy gives great life advice with his enthusiasm, optimism, and tips for success.




    Episode 16: How to Help a Child Struggling with a Learning Difference (Disability) with Robbie and Fifi Clayton from Learning Technics

    Episode 16: How to Help a Child Struggling with a Learning Difference (Disability) with Robbie and Fifi Clayton from Learning Technics

    Have you wondered if your child has a learning difference (disability)?  What if you knew it might just be a matter of how ipad/device scrolling has changed your child's eye tracking movements?  Many teachers, like myself, see the difference in how students now struggle with regular left to right reading and tracking patterns.  The program highlighted in this interview can help with this, and any other neurological processes that could possibly be getting in the way of your child's learning abilities.

    If you are discouraged or looking for possible ways to help your child, the mix of physiological and neurological therapy is one path that has helped countless students over the last 30 plus years.  

    It can be frustrating to have your child on a waiting list to get help with a neurologist psychologist or other specialist, let alone the time and expense this may take.

    There are many paths to helping a child with learning differences!

    In this interview, Robbie and Fifi Clayton of "Learning Technics" (learningtechnics.com), share the personal journey of their own child and how the success of this program led to her improcements and achievements, and getting her skills up to grade level.

    **This is an online program.  If you wish to try it out, USE THE PROMOCODE "SCHOOLED10" to receive 10 percent off.  Go to Learningtechnics.com



    Episode 15: All Hands on Deck! How to Support Military Connected Students with Jenn Rupp

    Episode 15: All Hands on Deck!  How to Support Military Connected Students with Jenn Rupp

    What are the best ways to support a military connected student and their families?

    Jenn Rupp, a military educational therapist, knows the life of deployments, moves, making and re-making new friends all too well as she grew up as a "military brat" as she says, and is also married to a marine who she supported as he served all around the world for 27 years.  In this interview, Jenn helps us understand how challenging it can be for children moving around, re-rooting themselves in different schools, and/or experiencing deployment of a parent(s).  

    Jenn shares 3 of her many strategies for helping children through the anxiety that many of these moves or parent deployments create in a child, and also shares great resources listed here:



    Episode 14: How to Challenge High Achieving Students with Lyn Manning

    Episode 14: How to Challenge High Achieving Students with Lyn Manning

    Is your child extra smart?  Does your child get bored at school?  How do you challenge a high level thinker at home or in the classroom?  What options are available for kids who may have become "turned off" because regular classroom work is too easy for them?

    Meet exceptional teacher, Lyn Manning, who teaches in a fourth grade high ability classrooom.  In this interview, she gives great advice to parents and teachers for challenging kids who come with high critical thinking skills.  Ms. Manning also talks about the pros and cons of having an advanced learner.





    Episode 13: Write On! How to Get Kids Excited about Reading and Writing with Children's Author, Shelly Brown

    Episode 13: Write On!  How to Get Kids Excited about Reading and Writing with Children's Author, Shelly Brown

    Meet children's author, Shelly Brown!  Shelly is the enthusiastic and witty author behind Ghostsitter, and the co-author with her husband Chad Morris, of Mustaches for Maddie, Squint, Willa and the Whale, Virtually Me, and also The Wild Journey of Juniper Berry, coming out this summer.

    Shelly's books share strong messages of bravery, compassion, friendship, mourning loss, trust, and accepting yourself and others, which makes all who read these stories feel lighter on their feet.

    In this interview, Shelly shares her advice on how to get kids excited to read, read, read and write, write, write!





    Episode 12: Too 'School' to Miss: Getting our Kids to Show Up! with Amy Steele-Smith, Board of Education Member

    Episode 12: Too 'School' to Miss: Getting our Kids to Show Up! with Amy Steele-Smith, Board of Education Member

    Did you know that 19% of our students are NOT showing up every day? (this is a Utah Statistic but it is similar to neighboring states).  Absenteeism is a growing problem throughout the nation's classrooms.

    This interview with (Utah) State Board of Education Prevention Specialist, Amy Steele-Smith, helps us understand the following:

    • How to help our most missed students--Kindergartners!  Full day Kindergarten might be the solution.
    • How to help an anxious child feel supported and needed at school, one step at at time.
    • How to take that family vacation, but give the message to your kids that school is a high priority.


    Prevention and Student Services - Utah State Board of Education


    Attendance Works



    Episode 11: Free Fridays? Furries? and Summit Learning, Oh My! with Superintendent Daniel Linford

    Episode 11:  Free Fridays?  Furries? and Summit Learning, Oh My! with Superintendent Daniel Linford

    School Superintendent, Daniel Linford, of the Davis School District in Davis County, Utah, answers questions and conerns regarding:

    -The Summit Learning Program

    -Getting back on track after Covid- mentally, socially, and academically

    -Diversity and Racial Inclusion Initiatives

    -School Safety

    -Athletics vs. Fine Arts

    -Dispelling "furries" and other rumors



    Episode 10: Trauma: Healing our Kids...and Ourselves, with Dr. Jody Carrington

    Episode 10: Trauma: Healing our Kids...and Ourselves, with Dr. Jody Carrington

    What do we say to a child who has been through a traumatic event?  How do we help students with lengthy trauma histories?  What do we say to children who have questions about traumatic news stories they are exposed to?

    First, Dr. Jody reminds us parents and/or educators to take care of OURSELVES before we can take care of our babes.  We all need support, and in this life, we cycle through the roles of being a helper, and a the one being helped. 

    If you are in education, check out Dr. Carrington's "Reconnect Training" (TIES), to be a Trauma Informed Educator.https://www.drjodycarrington.com/online-courses/

    Other Resources Mentioned in this Podcast:

    Jody's New Book: Feeling Seen


    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk


    Tell Me More by Kelly Corrigan


    Episode 9: How to Get Our Kids to Calm Down with bestselling author, Dr. Jody Carrington

    Episode 9: How to Get Our Kids to Calm Down with bestselling author, Dr. Jody Carrington

    Did you know that emotional regulation can only be taught to children when they have their "lids flipped?"

    What a privilege to have two-time, best-selling author and savvy psychologist, Dr. Jody Carrington, share her wisdom and humor in this interview!  Dr. Jody teaches us how to teach kids about the emotions they are feeling by SHOWING them, not TELLING them, and ultimately how to "walk each other home" by connecting and re-connecting with each other.

    Dr. Jody Carrington is a renowned psychologist, sought after for her expertise, energy, and approach to helping people solve their most complex human-centered challenges.  Jody focuses much of her work around re-connection, the key to healthy relationships and productive teams.

    Jody Carrington has two National Bestselling Books, 'Teachers These Days,' and 'Kids These Days,' and a third book being released next month, called, 'Feeling Seen.'https://www.drjodycarrington.com/

    Episode 8: How to Use Love & Logic in Parenting and Teaching

    Episode 8: How to Use Love & Logic in Parenting and Teaching

    This interview includes laughs and tears, as experienced Love & Logic mom, Jen Vanderlinden, opens up about real life tricky situations in raising kids.

    Learn some one-liners, how to keep a boundary tight when feeling vulnerable, and how to encourage your child/student to make good decisions and create their own boundaries as they increase their confidence and abilities to do so.

    Don't forget to catch the actual PowerPoint at the end!  Kids come smart these days, so watch out world!




    Episode 7: How to be a "Love & Logic" Parent or Educator, with Jim Fay Himself!

    Episode 7: How to be a "Love & Logic" Parent or Educator, with Jim Fay Himself!

    Jim Fay, co-founder of the Love and Logic Institute, educator, author, professional consultant, and national speaker (with over 40 years of experience), gives us important sound bites and wisdom on how to be a Love and Logic parent or teacher.


    Whether you're a parent, grandparent, or working with children/youth in any way, Love and Logic philosophy and strategies will benefit your situation because....IT WORKS.

    Art Credit: Anita Hart Carroll


    "I wanted to show a modern mother who has strength and is equal to the task.  It was important to me to show that she has been injured from the battles she has fought, and from the obvious sweat, dirt and fresh wounds, it is clear that she is not finished nor at rest.  It was also important to me to show that she is leading others to follow her into what appears to be more darkness...[but she, is carrying LIGHT]." -Anita Hart Carroll

    Episode 6: How to Start a School Carnival Fundraiser with Gina Kearns

    Episode 6: How to Start a School Carnival Fundraiser with Gina Kearns

    YOU could be the one to make an incredible impact on your child's school by starting a School Carnival Fundraiser!

    Gina Kearns, mother to 4 and parent volunteer extraordinaire, started with a willing heart and 10 volunteers she grew into 100!  Her vision and perseverance helped make a social and financial impact to her childrens' school.

    This interview saves you 9 years of arduous labor as Gina gives all the tips, tricks, and practical solutions she learned along the way.  Your carnival could be a hit from day one!