
    Elephant Journal: Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis

    Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis about walking our talk—every day, in every moment. It ain’t about being perfect. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, talks about everyday Buddhism, meditation, eco-actions large and small, and features conversations with leading mindful thought leaders, both famous and overlooked.
    enWaylon H. Lewis226 Episodes

    Episodes (226)

    223. Virtue Signaling can be a Good Thing. ~ Waylon Lewis

    223. Virtue Signaling can be a Good Thing. ~ Waylon Lewis

    In this week’s Mindful Monday video & podcast, Waylon talks about virtue signaling—the notion that annoying people love to annoyingly talk, tweet, or otherwise show off their perfect little values—values they may not actually care about.

    “It’s incumbent on all of us to grow up, examine our hearts—our capacity to care about one another. Nothing’s wimpy about that. Nothing’s stronger than caring. And nothing’s weaker than oppressing others, or being incapable or scared to feel compassion.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

    Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

    222. Shelia, Sylvia, & Melissa Burlock, authors of "My Divine Natural Hair" on celebrating African-descent Hair. With Waylon Lewis.

    222. Shelia, Sylvia, & Melissa Burlock, authors of "My Divine Natural Hair" on celebrating African-descent Hair. With Waylon Lewis.
    In the latest episode of Elephant's long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, Waylon features Shelia, Sylvia, & Melissa Burlock, authors of My Divine Natural Hair, Inspiration & Tips to love & care for your Crown—about African-descent women’s hair, wearing it naturally, celebrating your God-given inherent beauty and learning both practical healthy tips and the history of black women’s hair.

    "We want Black woman to love our hair and the texture of our hair just as much as that wig or that extension, or to love how your hair grows out of your scalp just as much as you would love it when it's permed or straightened. We really want to encourage Black women and girls to start from that place of loving the way your hair grows out of your scalp, and then letting that dictate the different ways that you style your hair." ~ Melissa Burlock
    Read an excerpt from their book on Elephant Journal: My Divine Natural Hair. ~ Shelia, Sylvia, and Melissa Burlock
    *This is a partial conversation. Only Walk the Talk Subscribers get access to full conversations, as you help us continue our work. Watch the rest, and full versions of all our latest videos/podcasts, by becoming a member.

    221. Let’s talk about Love, Sex, Relationships, Loss & Loneliness from a Buddhist point of view.

    221. Let’s talk about Love, Sex, Relationships, Loss & Loneliness from a Buddhist point of view.

    Waylon Lewis reads his book, "Things I Would Like to Do with You," and discusses the Buddhist Notion of Love at the Boulder Book Store in February of 2018. Like the book, the talk is timeless.

    In his live introduction, Waylon asks himself, “What kind of marriage vow could I possibly take to what kind of person and mean it?” Listen to Waylon read and discuss love and loneliness in modern-day society from a Buddhist point of view.

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    220. How to Write (& get $$$) on Elephant Journal in 2024. ~ Waylon Lewis

    220. How to Write (& get $$$) on Elephant Journal in 2024. ~ Waylon Lewis

    How to write on Elephant...and possibly get paid if you rock it.

    We've had to remove the instant posting feature. If you wanna write on Elephant now, we're basically like an old-fashioned magazine again, only online:

    • Thanks to Google (grrr), no more instant posting.
    • We are not one voice, we’re a community.
    • We have caring skilled editors on staff to help you get your article published.
    • Sharing is on you unless it starts going well or we lovvvvve it—then we’ll feature it on our Facebook, Instagram, in our Newsletter, Threads, on our home page.
    • elephantjournal.com/post to write your article.
    • Get our free newsletter ...and whenever you read Elephant, you invest in your own mindful life, and help keep indie media alive and thriving.

    Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

    219. Catherine Pilfrey & Waylon Lewis consult the I Ching Oracle.

    219. Catherine Pilfrey & Waylon Lewis consult the I Ching Oracle.

    Waylon asks a question of the I Ching with the help of longtime Buddhist friend Catherine Pilfrey's easy, fun, and modern new card deck from Shambhala Publications.

    Have you ever consulted with the I Ching? Learn how to use it to help you navigate change and questions in your life’s path.

    "The I Ching is called The Book of Changes. So it's about how to understand change in our life and how to work with change in our life. And that change is constantly happening." ~ Catherine Pilfrey

    *This is a partial conversation. Only Walk the Talk Subscribers get access to full conversations, as you help us continue our work. Watch the rest, and full versions of all our latest videos/podcasts, by becoming a member.

    218. Why you should only buy 5 new Fashion items a year. [Emma Hakansson w/ Waylon Lewis]

    218. Why you should only buy 5 new Fashion items a year. [Emma Hakansson w/ Waylon Lewis]
    Waylon speaks with Emma Hakansson of Collective Fashion Justice, author of Total Ethics Fashion, who reminds us of the full meaning of Ecofashion, one of Elephant’s 12 areas of focus since we were a print magazine 22 years back..! 

    “Total Ethics Fashion is a replacement for a lot of these other ideas about more responsible fashion that we’ve heard. There’s terms like ethical fashion, sustainable fashion, vegan, cruelty-free, slow—all of these words have been used to the point of meaninglessness. They’ve become greenwashing terms.” ~ Emma Hakansson

    Read the article on Elephant. 

    *This is a partial conversation. Only Walk the Talk Subscribers get access to full conversations, as you help us continue our work. Watch the rest, and full versions of all our latest videos/podcasts, by becoming a member.


    216. Waylon w/Bo Burlingham re “Small Giants”—mindful Entrepreneurship.

    216. Waylon w/Bo Burlingham re “Small Giants”—mindful Entrepreneurship.

    In this episode, we're sharing a classic, yet unreleased episode from a 2018 interview with Waylon Lewis and his mentor-from-afar Bo Burlingham, author of one of Waylon's two most-recommended books ever (the other is Pema Chodron, Buddhist author).

    Bo Burlingham, journalist, business writer for Inc. of many years, is the author of Small Giants, which Waylon calls one of "his favorite Life-Helpful ‪‎Mindful‬ Books."

    *Sadly, the audio is rough at moments in the recorded video, so we've only provided a clip of the audio as a podcast. For the full conversation in video (free!) with captions, find it on Elephant Journal.


    215. Four Mindful Travel Tips to take Home with You. ~ Waylon Lewis

    215. Four Mindful Travel Tips to take Home with You. ~ Waylon Lewis

    In this week's Mindful Monday video and podcast, while traveling to visit Mama Lewis in Halifax, Waylon shares 4 mindful travel tips.

    Bonus mindful traveling tip: I almost never get a phone plan, to get a needed break from using/checking phone, but of course can still use it when on wifi for calls, Google Maps, texting, social/work. ~ Waylon

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    214. What to do if (when) you feel Sad, & even Depressed. ~ Waylon Lewis

    214. What to do if (when) you feel Sad, & even Depressed. ~ Waylon Lewis
    In this week’s Mindful Monday video and podcast, Waylon shares some friendly Buddhist advice: if you’re feeling blue and lonely, remember four things.

    For more, read the article Waylon references inside the video >> 
    The Most Important Article on Elephant, Ever: Maitri.

    Want to explore Maitri a little more, free? >> 
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    Join 21 Days with live meetings, community, inspiring study materials, meditation—a fundamental investment in yourself that will last a lifetime.⁠ ⁠

    213. Chef Vasta on Vegan/Plant-Based, Mindful Cooking Tips {+ Recipe} with Waylon.

    213. Chef Vasta on Vegan/Plant-Based, Mindful Cooking Tips {+ Recipe} with Waylon.

    Rwandan Chef Vasta Muhimpundu of Iwacu Flavors talks with Waylon about vegan cooking tips.

     “Cook with love. Do not rush cooking. Cooking is not meant to be rushed—and I think that’s something Americans do in general. No: take your time.” ~ Vasta Muhimpundu

    Read the article on Elephant. 

    *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.


    211. How to get ready: The Year of the Wood Dragon is nearly here. (Feng Shui Expert Anjie Cho with Waylon Lewis).

    211. How to get ready: The Year of the Wood Dragon is nearly here. (Feng Shui Expert Anjie Cho with Waylon Lewis).

    Waylon catches up with one of our favorite Walk the Talk Show guests: mindful feng shui expert Anjie Cho. They get into mindful feng shui tips to welcome the new energy into our homes for 2024 this Lunar, or Eastern New Year.

    Plus, Anjie expands on the meaning of the Dragon and the Wood element so we can better understand and prepare for the coming year.

    "On February 10th, a lot of the world will celebrate Lunar New Year. It's also called the Spring Festival, and it's a celebration of the Spring. It's when we celebrate that transition, from the previous year to the new year.

    We're currently in the Year of the Rabbit, so we're just saying goodbye to the Year of the Rabbit and we're welcoming in the Year of the Dragon." ~ Anjie Cho

    *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

    210. Should we have Children in an age of Climate Crisis? ~ Waylon Lewis

    210. Should we have Children in an age of Climate Crisis? ~ Waylon Lewis

    Waylon offers his thoughts on the question weighing on the minds of many young-ish environmentally-conscious folks these days: should we have children in an age of climate crisis when the reality of our future looks incredibly unstable and uncertain?

    "Should we have children in an age of climate crisis? My answer, from a Buddhist point of view, and from an environmental point of view, both, is: maybe. It's yes...if we can have children who will actively care." ~ Waylon Lewis 

    Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

    209. Lopon Chandra Easton on Feminism in Buddhism + Tara, the Goddess of Compassion.

    209. Lopon Chandra Easton on Feminism in Buddhism + Tara, the Goddess of Compassion.

    In this episode of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, Waylon talks with Buddhist teacher and fellow “Dharma Brat” Chandra Easton about her new book, Embodying Tara via Shambhala Publications.

    They also speak about feminism in Buddhism, auspicious coincidence, and bring some understanding re what’s up with “deities” in the non-theistic tradition of Buddhism

    Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom is on sale via Shambhala Publications through January 13th with coupon code ETARA30.

    *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

    208. A Cheerful New Year's Message for 2024 from Waylon Lewis.

    208. A Cheerful New Year's Message for 2024 from Waylon Lewis.

    Waylon offers a cheerful New Year’s message and reminder about "the only fundamentally important or worthwhile resolution."

    "I rarely make resolutions, 'cause I don't think they really matter. But if we are going to make one, the only resolution that really matters is a fundamental one—to make friends with ourselves.

    That's not to say that other resolutions can't be fun, worthwhile, and important—but let's make sure that we're making that fundamental one: to make friends with ourselves, in the new year." ~ Waylon Lewis 

    Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

    207. Julia Cameron of Morning Pages & “The Artist’s Way” fame talks Guidance with Waylon Lewis.

    207. Julia Cameron of Morning Pages & “The Artist’s Way” fame talks Guidance with Waylon Lewis.

    In this episode of Walk the Talk Show, Waylon talks with Julia Cameron. Author of The Artist’s Way, Julia talks about guidance and how we can empower ourselves to seek it, and use it, in our daily lives.

    She calls it the essential fourth tool of The Artist’s Way—though she hasn’t spoken much about it since the original book was published. She uses it in her daily life, and now we can as well.

    “It’s a book about guidance, and about the fact that we all have access to a higher power and to wisdom. When I wrote ‘The Artist’s Way’, I introduced the tool of guidance. I said, it’s normal, it’s natural. You can do it. Please try it.

    Then I let it go.

    And I went for 30 years without mentioning guidance again, even though I was using it all the time.” ~ Julia Cameron

    *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

    206. Mindful Monday—The Buddhist Notion of Effective Activism.

    206. Mindful Monday—The Buddhist Notion of Effective Activism.

    For this week’s Mindful Monday video/podcast, Waylon talks about effective activism.

    “My parents’ Buddhist teacher, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, would often note that activism is vital and important. So much of the good that has been accomplished in our societies, in our world, has come about through folks coming from empathy, and—through bravery—changing the status quo in our societies.

    There’s a caveat, of course, which we see on social media all the time, which is we can’t create a kinder, better, more caring world through aggression, through self-righteousness, through prejudice, through seeing others as evil. While we can be clear about the faults of others or the faults of philosophies out there or prejudices out there, we have to first engage in maitri.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

    Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

    205. Healing our Planet through our Yards—Waylon learns from Aaron Michael of "Earth Love Gardens."

    205. Healing our Planet through our Yards—Waylon learns from Aaron Michael of "Earth Love Gardens."

    In this episode of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, an award-winning video and podcast series hosted by Elephant Journal, Aaron Michael of Earth Love Gardens schools Elephant readers (and Waylon) on how you can love your yard (or windowsill) and our planet. He gives practical, fun tips for gently caring for our yards in an environmentally-responsible way, and reminds us of how we can participate in the healing of our planet, and ourselves, through small, simple choices.

    "Being disconnected with our earth is behind so many of society's issues. That if we can find that reconnection again with Earth, within ourselves, and with each other—that's what society is missing." ~ Aaron Michael

    *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

    204. Mindful Monday—Eco Tips from inside Waylon's Shower.

    204. Mindful Monday—Eco Tips from inside Waylon's Shower.

    For this week’s Mindful Monday video/podcast, Waylon offers little mindful and eco tips for our planet and our health from inside his secondhand-renovated, eco-friendly shower and little bathroom.

    “It’s not that the little things are gonna fix everything, but billions of us doing the little things, or at least not doing the bad things…micro can become macro—that’s how Capitalism works: supply and demand. ” ~ Waylon Lewis

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