
    Embracing The Pain

    Are you ready to live your best life despite chronic illness, pain & trauma with more ease and confidence? Have you been looking for a way to work WITH your illness, pain and trauma? Do you want to learn how to make wellness with illness and pain possible? In Embracing The Pain's podcast, you will find a safe space to feel seen, heard, receive encouragement, support, & exclusive tools to help you live a better quality of life with more ease & confidence. My mission is to empower you with exclusive tools I have created, so you can ditch the fear, discouragement, and hopelessness and start living instead of surviving. I am using my life experience with eight chronic illnesses, pain and trauma to support you in managing, navigating and overcoming common challenges, despite your condition, pain & trauma—one episode at a time. I have been in those determined yet exhausted shoes, desperately looking for a way to lead a life of purpose, healing, quality of life and making the best out of my trauma, pain & illnesses. I am a wife, mother, a chronic illness, pain, trauma, mental illness warrior & a chronic illness & pain coach. Embracing The Pain's podcast is for you if you are ready to go from surviving, exhausted, hopeless, to empowered, confident, and having the tools to live your best life. New episodes drop every Wednesday. Start listening today! Let's make what feels impossible today possible. For those of you who want customized support, coaching, mentorship and guidance, my one-on-one coaching & mentorship program is for you. Learn more www.embracingthepain.com Connect amanda@embracingthepain.com Please email me to inquire about my one-on-one coaching & mentorship opportunities today.
    en-caAmanda Grabb44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Navigating Relationship: Supporting loved Ones with Dynamic Disabilities

    Navigating Relationship: Supporting loved Ones with Dynamic Disabilities

    Welcome back, Friends. I am Amanda Grabb, your chronic illness, pain, and trauma coach, and podcast host. I am thrilled to have you join me for another insightful episode on Embracing The Pain Podcast. 

    Today, we're diving deep into the topic of navigating relationships while supporting loved ones with dynamic disabilities. 

    In this episode, we'll explore the challenges that arise in relationships due to dynamic disabilities, from fluctuating symptoms and uncertainties to emotional rollercoasters and caregiver fatigue. We'll discuss the impact on social lives, intimacy, and the importance of adjusting expectations. Along the way, we'll share personal stories and real-time examples to bring these challenges to life. 

    But it doesn't stop there. We'll also provide strategies and insights to help you navigate these challenges and build strong, healthy, and inclusive relationships. We'll empathize the importance of open and honest communication, the five essential areas for cultivating strong relationships, and ten qualities and behaviors that contribute to nurturing inclusivity and strength in your connections. 

    By the end of this episode, you'll gain valuable insights, practical tools, and a deeper understanding of how to support loved ones with dynamic disabilities while fostering strong and inclusive relationships. So, get ready to dive into this enriching discussion and discover new ways to navigate the complexities of dynamic disabilities in relationships. 

    Remember, every relationship is unique, and these challenges may manifest differently for each person. However, by fostering empathy, open communication, and implementing the strategies we'll discuss you can create a supportive and loving environment for both you and your loved ones. 

    So, join me as we embark on this journey of understanding, compassion, and growth. Let's celebrate Disability Pride Month by promoting inclusivity and strengthening our relationships. Together, we can navigate the challenge of dynamic disabilities and build resilient connections.

    Let's get started!!

    Book a FREE one hour Consulation Call Now, with Amanda Grabb: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    Become a Member of Embracing The Pain Collective Membership Now: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Follow Amanda & Embracing The Pain on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    Leave a Review Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Until next week,

    with love & care,

    Amanda Grabb

    Frustration & Defeat with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Frustration & Defeat with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Welcome back, friends! In this episode of Embracing The Pain Podcast, your chronic illness, pain and trauma coach and host, Amanda Grabb, delves into a topic that resonates with so many of us on this journey: frustration and defeat with chronic illness and pain.

    Amanda understands firsthand the impact these emotions can have on our lives. She recognizes that shifting these valid yet challenging emotions is not always easy, which is why she's dedicated this episode to exploring and addressing them head-on. 

    To begin, Amanda provides a clear definition of frustration and defeat in the context of chronic illness and pain. Frustration refers to the feelings of upset, annoyance, or irritation caused by ongoing challenges and limitations associated with our conditions. On the other hand, defeat encompasses the sense of overwhelm, discouragement, and demoralization when faced with persistent symptoms, limited treatment options, or unmet expectations. 

    Both frustration and defeat are common emotional experiences on this health journey. Amanda takes a deep dive into the common reasons we experience these emotions, ranging from misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis to social isolation, financial strain, and the chronic nature of our conditions. 

    She then explores how feelings of frustration and defeat impact our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Depression, anxiety, decreased self-esteem, increased pain, and cognitive challenges and just a few of the effects these emotions can have on us. 

    But fear not!! Amanda shares ten powerful strategies to cope with frustration and defeat and regain a sense of control and well-being. From acknowledging and validating our emotions to building a support system, practicing self-compassion and self-care, setting realistic expectations, and exploring alternative therapies, Amanda offers practical guidance for finding resilience in the face of these emotions. 

    In conclusion, Amanda reminds listeners that they are not alone in their frustrations and defeat. Through shared experiences, support, and personalized coaching, she helps listeners navigate these challenging emotions and promote wellness with chronic illness, pain and trauma. To take the next step on your journey, you are invited to book a free consultation call with Amanda to explore the transformative coaching and resources available through Embracing The Pain Collective Membership. 

    Book your FREE consultation call now: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    Join Amanda in the next episode as she continues to empower and inspire warriors to embrace their pain, find strength within, and reclaim their lives. Wishing you strength, healing and peace on your journey. 

    Leave a review now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Until next time!


    Stress & Pain Reduction with Fran Gordon

    Stress & Pain Reduction with Fran Gordon

    Welcome to Season 3, Episode 10 of Embracing The Pain Podcast!!

    In this captivating episode, join host Amanda Grabb as she sits down with Fran Garton, a remarkable Pain Reduction Coach, Body Positive Personal Trainer, and Fibromyalgia Warrior. Fran's mission is to empower women who yearn for a pain-free life, offering them invaluable strategies and support. 

    Discover the inspiring journey that led Fran to her role as a coach and trainer, driven by her personal experience with Fibromyalgia. As Fran opens up about her own story, she shared profound insights into the relationship between stress, emotions and physical pain. Together with Amanda, they delve into the significance of boundaries and their role in reducing pain and achieving overall wellness. 

    But that is not all - Fran's vibrant personality shines through as she reveals her passion for life beyond pain reduction. From spending time with her furry donkeys and kittens to indulging in watercolour painting and cross-stitch addition, Fram knows how to make every moment count. Get ready to be energized by her enthusiasm and contagious zest for a pain-free existence. 

    During the episode, Fran mentions her valuable resources to help you on your journey. Discover her free pain-free quiz, as well as stress and overwhelm resources, all available on her website at https://frangartoncoaching.com.

    Additionally, explore her four-week self-paced course called Momentum Starter, designed to further support your pursuit of a pain-free life. 

    Tune in to Embracing The Pain Podcast Season 3, Episode 10, and join Amanda and Fran as they empower you to embrace a life free from pain, stress, and limitations. Prepare to be inspired and equipped with practical tools to transform your well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to tap into Fran's expertise and ignite your momentum toward a pain-free future. 

    Please support Fran Gardon by following her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frangartonpaincoach

    Follow Fran on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fran.garton

    Subscribe to Fran's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgxbhYO43_1B6y77ysx8wQ

    If you enjoyed today's episode please take one minute to leave a review Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Thank you for supporting & tuning in on Embracing The Pain Podcast!

    See you next week with another new episode! 

    Lots of love & support!

    Sharing your Chronic Illness & Pain with Family

    Sharing your Chronic Illness & Pain with Family

    Welcome back to another episode of Embracing The Pain Podcast. In this episode, titled "Sharing your Chronic Illness & Pain with Family," host Amanda Grabb explores the challenges & strategies involved in discussing chronic illness and pain with family members. 

    Amanda provides valuable insights into why sharing this deeply personal journey can be difficult, such as fear of judgement, disrupting family dynamics, differing beliefs and attitudes towards illness, stigma, emotional vulnerability, lack of understanding, and past negative experiences. 

    She empathasizes the importance of seeking support from understanding individuals, coaches, and support groups to navigate these challenges and build a support system. 

    Amanda then guides listeners through practical strategies to prepare themselves emotionally and mentally for having a conversation with family. She encourages self-reflection, seeking support, practicing self-care and compassion, setting boundaries, educating oneself, setting realistic expectations, preparing for various reactions, practicing active listening, and utilizing grounding techniques. 

    Amanda introduces the concept of creating a safe word, a predetermined word or phrase that can be used during the conversation when it becomes uncomfortable, overwhelming or triggering. 

    Moving forward Amanda assists listeners in creating an outline for the conversation, which includes identifying goals, considering family dynamics, gathering information, choosing an appropriate time and place, planning key points, anticipating relations and planning responses, finalizing boundaries, practicing and establishing a safe word. 

    She empathizes with the ongoing nature of emotional and mental preparation, encouraging listeners to be patient with themselves and practice self-compassion. 

    In the next segment, Amanda discusses how to open up the conversation with family members in a productive and supportive manner. She suggests using "I" statements, sharing key points, addressing goals, establishing boundaries and utilizing the safe word, providing resources, encouraging questions and active listening, empathizing the importance of support, being patient, allowing processing time, and discussing next steps. 

    As the episode concludes, Amanda reminds listeners that this conversation is a journey and it may take time for family members to fully understand and support them. She highlights the importance of staying open, honest, and patient throughout the process and encourages seeking additional support. 

    Join Amanda Grabb on this episode of Embracing The Pain episode to gain valuable insights, and practical strategies for sharing your chronic illness and pain with your family. Your experience matters, and by fostering understanding and support within your family, you pave the way for a stronger and more empathetic support system. 

    Stay resilient, take care of yourself and continue embracing the pain, one day at a time.

    Please be sure to share today's episode if you found it helpful or encouraging. 

    Leave a Review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Follow Embracing The Pain on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    Learn more about Embracing The Pain Collective Membership: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Book a free consultation call with Amanda Today, Start living your best life: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    Thanks for listening & supporting Embracing The Pain Podcast!!!

    Supporting your loved one with chronic illness, pain & trauma with Alex Grabb

    Supporting your loved one with chronic illness, pain & trauma with Alex Grabb

    This week's episode is a special edition with my husband, Alex Grabb joining me on the podcast for the first time. In today's episode we talk a bit about our journey, the ups and downs we both experienced at the beginning of my journey with chronic illness, pain and trauma. 

    We share some tools, strategies and ways that Alex supports me with my eight chronic conditions, pain and trauma. 

    We answer some questions from my online community & more.

    We know how hard it can be to support your loved one with chronic illness, pain and trauma at times. Not knowing what to do or how to help. We hope this episode helps encourage you that it is indeed possible to have a great relationship with your loved ones and partner despite illness, pain and trauma. 

    As always please don't hesitate to reach out to me at amanda@embracingthepain.com if you have any questions. 

    Work with Amanda, book a free call here: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Leave a review today: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Until next week,

    Amanda Grabb

    Embracing & Reframing Setbacks with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Embracing & Reframing Setbacks with Chronic Illness & Pain

    In this episode of Embracing The Pain Podcast, we explore the topic of setbacks in the context of chronic illness and pain. We start by understanding what setbacks are and how they can disrupt our progress & well- being. 

    Amanda shares six crucial reasons for shifting our perception of setbacks and highlights the importance of psychological well-being, empowerment, motivation, adaptive strategies, improved quality of life, and enhanced relationships and support. 

    Next, we delve into the four types of setbacks commonly experienced by those of us with chronic illness and pain. 

    1. Physical setbacks
    2. Emotional setbacks
    3. Social setbacks 
    4. Circumstantial setbacks

    Understanding these different types of setbacks helps us identify and navigate through the challenges they bring. 

    The episode then highlights the negative impacts of a one-step forward, two-steps-back mentality, such as discouragement, diminished motivation, increased stress and anxiety, limited focus on achievements, and hindered solving and coping strategies. 

    Acknowledging these impacts sets the stage for the nine steps and strategies shared to help you embrace and reframe setbacks. 

    Amanda guides listeners through nine actionable steps you can take to shift their perception of setbacks and build resilience:

    1. Shift your perspective from defeat to one of growth
    2. Cultivate a growth mindset
    3. Recognize your current mindset and reflect on its impact
    4. Embrace the power of "yet" in your thinking
    5. Focus on progress, not just the outcome
    6. Practice self-compassion
    7. Challenge negative self-talk and thoughts 
    8. View setbacks as opportunities for growth and learn
    9. Stay positive and celebrate your progress. 

    The episode concludes by emphasizing that setbacks are a natural part of the chronic illness and chronic pain journey. It's important to avoid self-blame and recognize that setbacks don't define the entire journey. 

    By adopting a growth mindset, practicing self-compassion and reframing setbacks as learning opportunities, you can navigate setbacks with resilience and continue your journey toward improved health and well-being. 

    Amanda also invites you to join Embracing The Pain Collective, a membership community that offers a safe and judgment-free space for those with chronic illness and pain.

    Embracing The Pain community provides additional resources, support, and monthly group coaching calls to help members with various topics. In the month of June, helping members embrace and reframe setbacks effectively. 

    Join us in the empowering episode as we explore the transformative potential of shifting our mindset towards setbacks and cultivating resilience in the face of chronic illness and pain.

    To join our incredible community please follow the link:https://embracingthepain.ck.page/products/etp-collective-membership-monthly?promo=AWARENESS -

    Amanda looks forward to seeing you inside Embracing The Pain Collective. 

    Found this episode helpful? Leave a review now:https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542?i=1000555529660

    Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Until next week, 

    Have a great week. 


    Faith & Chronic Illness with Jess Mason

    Faith & Chronic Illness with Jess Mason

    In today's episode, Amanda is joined by Jess Mason, a remarkable woman who shares her inspiring journey of faith and resilience in the face of chronic illness.

    Jess opens up about her recent diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other illnesses, shedding light on the challenges she has faced and the impact it has had on her faith. 

    Together, Amanda and Jess delve into the heart-touching song, "Closer." penned by Jess and her husband Scott Mason. The piece beautifully explores the struggle of knowing that God has the power to heal, yet grappling with the frustration of unanswered prayers. Jess provides insightful perspectives on the song's creation, revealing the depth of emotions and experiences that went into its composition. 

    Don't miss the opportunity to listen to "Closer" on all major music platforms, including Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube. This soul- Stirring track and Jess and Scott's Easter EP showcase their incredible talent as singer-songwriters. 

    As a wife, mother, and full-time paramedic in the GTA, Jess has been leading worship for two decades, using her voice to inspire and uplift others. However, her faith journey took an unexpected turn with her diagnosis of PCOS, fibromyalgia, and ongoing struggles with PTSD and depression. Jess courageously shares how these challenges have tested her faith and paradoxically, brought her closer to God.

    Join Amanda and Jess as they explore the intersection of faith and chronic illness, providing invaluable insights and encouragement for those navigating similar journeys. Jess's resilience and unwavering trust in God's plan will leave you inspired and uplifted. 

    Listen to this compelling episode to gain a deeper understanding of the power of faith in the midst of adversity. Don't miss out on Jess Mason's incredible story and her impactful son, "Closer."

    Remember to subscribe, share and leave a review to support our podcast and help spread Jess's message of hope and perseverance. 

    Listen to Jess and Scott Mason's song "Closer" on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/the-masons/1668408063

    Listen to "Closer" on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/53gh8yBAV61Mh4fGkxDqL8

    Listen on YouTube with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnD5QnlGiio

    Subscribe to our podcast to stay updated on inspiring episodes like this one!

    Share this episode with someone who may find comfort and encouragement in Jess's story.

    Please leave a review to help us reach more listeners and spread Jess's message of hope!

    Review Embracing The Pain Podcast Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Until next week, 

    Your Host, Coach and Fellow Warrior, Amanda Grabb

    Uncovering & Navigating Trauma Responses for Better Health & Wellness

    Uncovering & Navigating Trauma Responses for Better Health & Wellness

    Are you ready to navigate your trauma responses and embrace healing & wellness with more confidence and ease?

    Listen to this insightful episode and gain valuable tools to overcome the impact of trauma. 

    In today's episode of Embracing The Pain Podcast, we delve into the world of trauma responses and how they impact our health and wellness. Join us as we explore the four primary trauma responses - fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. Amanda provides insights into their triggers, their effect, and the ways to identify them in everyday life. 

    Whether you have experienced trauma firsthand or want to support someone who has, understanding trauma responses is crucial for healing and achieving better health. Discover strategies & coping skills to navigate trauma responses effectively and begin the journey toward healing & recovery.

    Key Takeaways from today's episode.

    1. What is a trauma response? Understand how trauma responses are influenced by the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for processing emotions & memories.
    2. Triggers: Explore various triggers, such as sights, smells, sounds, and thoughts, that can activate a trauma response and learn how to identify them. 
    3. The Four "F" of Trauma Responses: Gain insights into each trauma response - fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. Individually, including their characteristics and how they may feel to experience.
    4. Strategies for Navigating Trauma Responses: Discover practical techniques for managing trauma responses, such as deep breathing, grounding exercises, mindfulness, gentle movement and creating a supportive environment. 
    5. Impact on Life & Relationships: Understand how unresolved trauma & trauma responses can affect various aspects of life, including relationships, behaviour patterns and personal well-being. 
    6. Positive Ways to Harness Trauma Responses: Learn how trauma responses can be transformed into healthy behaviours, such as creating boundaries, being assertive, finding courage and practicing self-care. 
    7. Experiencing Multiple Trauma Responses: Understand the possibility of experiencing multiple trauma responses simultaneously and how individual factors influence in their interplay. 
    8. Seeking Support: Highlight the importance of seeking professional help, such as trauma coaching or therapy, for personalized strategies, coping skills and healing guidance. If you are interested in seeking trauma-informed coaching please email Amanda at amanda@embracingthepain.com to book a free consult call to see if we are a good fit. Amanda currently, as of May 19, 2023, has one trauma coaching spot available. 

    Please remember, seeking support is essential on your journey to recovery. Take the first step towards healing by reaching out to a trauma-informed professional today, if not Amanda, please consider another form of professional support.

    Remember you are not alone. Together, we can embrace the pain and find the path to a healthier & happier future.

    Thank you for tuning into today's episode, Amanda will be back with another new episode to further support you on your chronic illness, chronic pain and trauma journey next Wednesday. 

    If you enjoyed today's episode please take a few minutes to leave a review today: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Follow Amanda on Instagram for behind-the-scenes of the show & more: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Learn more about Amanda's private coaching & membership: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Connect with Amanda about this episode or anything going on in your life, at: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Thank you so much for your support & love,

    Amanda Grabb, Embracing The Pain

    How the MRT & LEAP program work together to aid different forms of chronic pain / disease

    How the MRT & LEAP program work together to aid different forms of chronic pain / disease

    Have you tried traditional elimination diets with little to no results?

    Or perhaps you are seeking the best way to find the right foods for you & your condition & body.

     If so, today's episode with Bailey Rose, a registered dietitian who specializes in managing chronic pain & other immune disorders through food sensitivities is for you.

    Bailey Rose is passionate about helping her patients find answers after being told so often that "your results are normal." 

    In today's episode Bailey and I discuss what the LEAP program is, and how it helps those with chronic pain.

    • What is the MRT test and how does that play a role in the progress of the LEAP program?
    • Bailey then shares her recent experience taking and receiving the results of her MRT test.
    • We then dive into why Bailey wants to work with patients that have chronic pain in particular. 

    I truly hope you enjoy today's interview episode and I hope it encourages you to keep seeking relief, answers and recovery. 

    If you would like to follow Bailey on Social media please follow the link below.


    Interested in learning more about Bailey? She does offer a free 15-minute consultation for anyone interested in learning more about the MRT test & LEAP program. To inquire about booking please visit Bailey's website at: https://baileyroserd.wixsite.com/nutrition

    Bailey is covered under most if not all insurance in the USA

    Your Host, Coach & Fellow Warrior,

    Amanda Grabb, I will be back next Wednesday with another new episode!

    How to confidently Implament Body Movement with Chronic Illness & Pain

    How to confidently Implament Body Movement with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Do you want to move your body in a way that honours you, your conditions and your pain?

    If, so, today's episode is for you. I remember so clearly trying to find movement I could do without causing a flare or spending the following days stuck in bed unable to move. I don't want that to be your experience.

    So in today's episode, we talk about the following.

    • Why "body movement" not "exercise" or "workout"?
    • Why body movement is beneficial to us with chronic conditions & pain. 
    • 10 strategies you can begin using today to get started with body movement & feel confident doing so. 

    I also announce a super exciting change that is coming to Embracing The Pain Podcast, please listen until the end to be one of the first to hear. 

    If you are ready to move your body, fast-track your journey and find movement that works for you, your condition and your pain then Embracing The Pain Collective membership is for you! 

    Inside Embracing The Pain Collective membership, we have incredible body movement routines that are condition & pain specific. We offer two live body movement instruction classes a week in a group, an online setting where you can receive personalized support with modifications and your movement. 

    Our body movement library has in-bed, chair and floor routines to meet you where you are in any situation or circumstance. We are determined to create a multi-facet library that is inclusive and welcoming. 

    Please consider joining our incredible membership that also includes coaching, Q&A, workshops, a resource library and all the body movement components mentioned. 

    I am ready to start living my best life & move my body in a way that works for me, my condition and my pain!

    Join ETP Collective Now:


    Please be sure to leave a review if you found today's episode helpful, insightful and encouraging! Your reviews help ETP reach more with chronic illness and pain. 

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Follow me on Instagram for more chronic illness, pain & trauma content & to see behind the scenes of the show: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    I look forward to bringing you another new episode soon, until then, have a fabulous week and know I rooting for you!

    Your fellow Host, Coach and Fellow Warrior,

    Amanda Grabb

    Helping Children Comprehend dynamic & invisable Disabilities, with Erika Sneath

    Helping Children Comprehend dynamic & invisable Disabilities, with Erika Sneath

    Are you looking for a way to explain dynamic & invisable disabilities to younger children?

    If so, please listen to todays' episode, Embracing The Pain Podcast's first interview episode! 

    Joining me on today's epsiode is the amazing author and advocate for those with chronic pain. Erika Joy Sneath.

    Erika couldn't find a story out there that captured some of her own experiences, so she wrote one. 

    Adalene Plays Many Ways, a story that invites it's reader to reflect on emotions & ask questions that invite understanding & promote belonging. 

    In today's episode I talk with Erika about her journey to becoming an author and advocate.

    Erika's shares her story & experience with chronic pain, what inspired her to write Adalene plays many ways, and she shares her thought on how we can better support our loved ones with chronic pain & invisable disabilities. 

    You don't want to miss this episode. 

    Amanda will see you with another new episode on May , 2023.

    Purchase Adalene Plays Many Ways Now: erikajoysneath.com

    Sign up for a chance to win a free signed copy of Adalene Plays Many Ways & receive two free coloring pages to accompany the book. 

    Enter Here: erikajoysneath.com/contact

    Follow Erika on Instagram: @erikajoysneath

    Thanks for listening & please don't forget to leave a review today if you found today's episode insightful, inspiring or encouraging.

    Leave a review Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Learn more about Amanda's Coaching & Membership Opportunities: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Thanks for listening!


    How to Collaborate with your Primary Care Physician to receive better Treatment & Care!

    How to Collaborate with your Primary Care Physician to receive better Treatment & Care!

    Are you struggling to get the care & treatment you need for chronic illness & pain?

    Have you been searching for ways to improve your relationship & care with your primary care physician?

    Amanda Grabb launches season three of Embracing The Pain Podcast with a must listen to episode for anyone with chronic illness and pain.

    In today's episode, I discuss,

    • The number one challenge those with chronic illness and pain have regarding the medical system.

    Not to say there are no other gaps in our medical system, but the one I speak of today is directly related to our topic.

    • I share eight common challenges & problems you can face with your PCP. I am sure you can relate to many of the ones mentioned.
    • The top five qualities you need from a primary care physician to create a collaborative relationship so you can receive the best care, treatment & relief possible. 
    • What you cannot expect from your PCP. I share what I learnt years ago & many of them came as a surprise to me. We often believe our doctors should give us information, guidance and support. But sadly, they often are not equipt, able or willing to provide all the supports we truly need to improve our quality of life.

    However, I don't want you to lose hope. My goal for this season is to help you improve your quality of life, promote wellness and go from feeling discouraged & hopeless to empowered and hopeful!

    • Finally, I conclude today's episode by sharing how to discuss your needs and desires with your primary doctor so you can begin creating a collaborative & patient-centred care treatment plan.

    I hope you leave today's episode having more insights and feeling more hopeful when advocating for your care. 

    Side note: I apologize for my voice in today's episode as I am getting over a serious infection and cold.

    I am so excited to be back and launching season three. We are going to have an incredible season, with a combination of both solo & interview episodes. 

    New episodes will drop every other Wednesday for free on all major podcast platforms, including but not limited to Apple, Google, Spotify, I HeartRadio & more. 

    As always, please share today's episode with a fellow spoonie & leave a review today if you found today's episode helpful and encouraging. Your support and encouragement mean so much to me & your reviews help other warriors.

    Leave a Review Now:


    Do you want to share your story or expertise on Embracing The Pain Podcast!? If so please connect with me today, at amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram for behind-the-scenes of the show & to interact with Amanda on a daily basis!

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    Learn more about my coaching & NEW exclusive, limited-time membership now!


    Thank you for joining me for a new season and episode. I look forward to bringing you new episodes, growing and healing with you!

    Your Host, Coach & Fellow Warrior,

    Amanda Grabb



    Creating a Sustainable Routine with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Creating a Sustainable Routine with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Who wants to start the new year off strong with a sustainable routine, with chronic illness & pain??

    In today's episode, we discuss,

    1. A few common challenges & obstacles we can face when creating & sticking to a routine

    Lack of motivation, unpredictable symptoms & pain levels, struggling to accept our limitations and new life. 

    2. A few key things Amanda believes are vital before we dive into our routine creation & execution. 

    • Our why for creating our routine is as important as the routine itself
    • Approaching our routine as if we were not chronically sick, will always end in failure, sadly. 
    • There is no one size fits all approach to routine with chronic illness & pain
    • Any changes, including implementing a new routine take time, repetition, discipline and most importantly self-compassion & grace.
    • We must adapt along the way & become flexible in our approach.

    A routine is NOT the same as a schedule. Amanda dives into the difference and why it is crucial for our routine creation. 

    3. Lastly, Amanda gives you a number of steps to help you begin the routine creation process. 

    Become aware of our current habits & beliefs, whether they are healthy or harmful. Amanda suggests to anyone who has not listened to season 2, episode 6, "How to recognize unhelpful habits & limiting beliefs holding you back from real change with chronic illness & pain." Go have a listen as she goes into detail about the importance of our habits & beliefs. 

    Listen to Season 2, Episode 6, Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542?i=1000592476439

    Listen to season 2, episode 6, on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4v5xmyTnsB50UfygojAu61?si=e42WmZvvQw2LLQWDqvPZOA

    Accept our ongoing obstacles & challenges when trying to create sustainable change, via a routine. Amanda knows how difficult acceptance can be and she strongly encourages you to listen to season 1, episode 3, Accepting our limitations and new life. 

    Listen to Season 1, episode 3 on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542?i=1000555529660

    Listen to Season 1, episode 3 on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4FA9XBuAMlpgHxBVCnzboD?si=rfE2nBgZSE-VbXnCR7d58A

    Know your personal, social, financial, relational & health goals or intentions. Why you have chosen those intentions and goal also matter greatly.

    Bring awareness to your current routine(s). Believe it or not, you already have a routine. What do you like? What aspects of your day-to-day life keep you up at night, worried and disappointed?

    Approach our routine creation from a place of awareness around our circumstances, challenges, symptoms & our variations, day to day.

    What do our good days typically look like?

    Would you want to approach your better more managed days differently, if so how?

    Same for your harder, less managed days, what would you like to shift?

    How do you want to feel in those harder moments and days? How can your routine support those desires and goals?

    Implement one aspect of your routine at a time. Focusing on one habit & belief that we can shift or redirect is vital.

    Be realistic & intentional. Again keep in mind your current capacity. Not your ideal capability. If we want a routine that works for us & our bodies we must draw within the lines. So think of your routine as a way to give you & your body the best chance at seeing real, lasting, transformative change.

    Focus on tasks or aspects of a routine that will enable you to take some of the control back. While honouring our realistic abilities & capacity. Again why starting by implementing one component of our routine is so vital. 

    Don't rush the process & if possible enjoy the process of unbecoming and becoming more of who you desire to be. 

    Acknowledge routines are not meant to confine or restrict you, but rather enable you to live a life you enjoy, love & promote improved health. 

    Get support & accountability. We all need support on our journey and creating and sustaining a routine with illness and pain is no exception. So find a space where you can receive guidance, and accountability, and implement your routine. 

    We hope this episode helps you get your routine creation started and please know Amanda is always available via email, social media & our website.

    Email Amanda: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Learn more: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Follow ETP Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    Thanks for tuning in and we are excited to bring you a NEW season in March 2023. 

    Much care,

    Amanda Grabb


    How to recognize unhelpful Habits & Limiting Beliefs holding you back from real Change with Chronic Illness & Pain

    How to recognize unhelpful Habits & Limiting Beliefs holding you back from real Change with Chronic Illness & Pain

    Does that thought of a new year excite or discourage you??

    I know with chronic illness & pain a new year can come with many mixed emotions. We have created this episode to help you start the new year strong, focusing on unhelpful habits and limiting beliefs that may be getting in your way. Keeping you stuck & unable to implement real change. 

    We hope that you can leave today's episode encouraged, ready to evaluate your current habits & beliefs and have some direction on getting started.

    In today's episode, Amanda covers,

    1. What are habits & unhelpful habits

    2. What are beliefs & Limiting beliefs

    3. Ten common unhelpful habits & limiting beliefs Amanda & many of her coaching clients have experienced with chronic illness & pain. - Be sure to check out Embracing The Pain's Instagram to have a quick reference of these common habits and beliefs that could be keeping you stuck.

    4. How to recognize the unhelpful habits & beliefs in your life that are keeping you from change. 

    5. Amanda shares unhelpful habit criteria to help you know what habits are helpful & harmful. 

    6. How to identify your limiting beliefs using a few steps. 

    7. Finally ending the episode with how to begin to shift & break our unhelpful habits & limiting beliefs. Amanda shares seven steps and suggestions to get you started & going into the new year with self-awareness about what current habits & limiting beliefs are no longer serving you & your life.

    Amanda is cheering you on & will be back with another new episode on January 18. 

    Connect with Amanda: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Follow on Instragam: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Learn more: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Thanks so much for listening!! 

    Until next time,

    Your fellow warrior, Host & Coach,

    Amanda Grabb


    How to Embrace the Holidays with Depression

    How to Embrace the Holidays with Depression

    Feeling the pressure to put a smile on and hide how you genuinely feel this Holiday?

    Perhaps you feel if you share your true feelings & struggles you will let your family & friends down.

    Amanda has been there, herself and it is why she wants to take the time today to discuss a common challenge many of us can face this time of year. Whether you battling depression, anxiety, an increase in trauma triggers or the Holiday blues, this episode is for you.

    The Holidays come with many demands and Amanda has done her best to support, encourage & guide you through this Holiday Season. We hope you can leave after listening to today's episode feeling seen, heard & encouraged. 


    In today's episode, How to embrace the Holidays with Depression we discuss,

    1. Ten reasons we may see a decline in our mental health & suffer from depression this time of year

    • The weather changes. We are dealing with colder, darker and shorter days. Naturally, this can impact our mental health especially if we have a mental illness.
    • Overstimulation by the thought & participation of social gatherings, Holiday shopping & more.
    • An increase in distractions can make it difficult to stay grounded & engaged, particularly when navigating trauma & mental illness
    • Suppressed emotions, putting a smile on and acting like everything is okay when it is not.
    • Increase in loneliness due to suffering in silence. Not wanting to disappoint or be a burden to our loved ones.
    • Reflection as we approach a new year. Feeling discouraged that we have not been able to achieve or do as much as we would have liked, due to our chronic illness, pain, trauma or mental illness
    • Financial hardship & stress. For many, this Holiday revolves around consumerism and that can add a complex layer of stress & emotions for us with low income or financial challenges.
    • Not being able to partake in the Holiday as you may have in the past due to your limitations, symptoms, pain & mental illness struggles.
    • Being confronted with the fact that your family may be more than a little dysfunctional and feeling the need to put yourself in unhealthy dynamics to appease others.
    • Accepting that our chronic conditions, pain, trauma and mental illness do not go away or give us a break, despite it being quote on a quote the happiest time of the year. 

    These are just a few of the reasons we can see a decline in our mental health and suffer from depression this time of year. Whatever your reason or reasons may be please know you are NOT alone and it is not hopeless. We can still have a good Holiday.

    Amanda then goes on to share seven ways to navigate depression & mental illness this season. Of course, this is a summary and we encourage you to listen to the full episode to get the most encouragement and value out of today's episode.

    • Acknowledge, allow & accept. 
    • Bringing awareness to our thoughts, emotions, and triggers.
    • Be disciplined by working within your capacity, not your capability.
    • Embrace the small moments of joy, peace, and feelings of love.
    • Know you do not need to have a reason to be depressed. Depression can happen to anyone no matter how well life may be going.
    • Give yourself space, time, care & compassion.
    • Be aware of past memories & grief that could be contributing to your depression. Amanda shares her personal story walking through the loss of her father two years this January and how that impacted her depression greatly last year around this time. 

    Lastly, Amanda reminds us that we are not alone and that as much as depression can make us feel like there is no hope & that our mental health can never improve, it can. With the right support, medications and strategies depression can improve. It will not happen overnight and it will require us to be vulnerable, however, it is worth it. 

    Whatever you may be facing this season please know Amanda always offers a FREE one-hour consultation call. Amanda coaches and consults those suffering from chronic illnesses and pain, as well as, trauma, depression and anxiety being the three most frequent mental illnesses she has worked with.

    Book your FREE one-hour consultation call Here: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    We can often think of every reason in the book to not get support for our mental illness and we strongly encourage anyone listening today to reach out to your physician if you are suffering from mental illness & needing extra support. There is NO need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. You are wanted and loved. 

    Amanda hopes that today's episode has you leaving encouraged, seen and feeling more hopeful about how to approach this Holiday if you are indeed suffering from depression, chronic illness, pain or trauma.

    Amanda's inbox is always open.

    Connect with Amanda Today: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    If your enjoyed this episode and found it helpful please leave a review and share it with a friend. 

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542 

    Are you looking to the new year with hope and excitement or dread & hopelessness? If you want to head into the new year knowing you have personalized support, coaching, guidance, and exclusive methods, you can learn more by visiting Amanda's website.

    Learn more at: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Looking to connect with Amanda on a daily basis? Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram today. Amanda shares her day-to-day and ALL the behind the scenes in her stories.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Amanda will be back next Wednesday with another Holiday related episode. Until then, know you are loved, worthy & wanted. 

    See you next week!

    12 Ways to Effectively Manage your Chronic Illness, Health & Pain Management

    12 Ways to Effectively Manage your Chronic Illness, Health & Pain Management

    Are you worried you will see a decline in your health this Holiday? 

    Perhaps you find yourself staying awake at night due to an increase in pain due to managing all the Holiday tasks & upcoming festivities. 

    Staying on top of our chronic illness, symptoms, and pain management is essential in the best of circumstances. However, it is critical during this Holiday season.

    When we add external stressors, like the Holiday we can begin to see an increase in symptoms, pain, and trauma triggers.

    So today's episode is dedicated to supporting your symptom, illness, pain and trauma management, so you can have the best Holiday and New Year yet. 

    In today's episode, Amanda shares twelve ways we can be proactive to ensure we can continue or begin to take effective action toward our health. 

    If you have not already, please download your FREE Holiday Planner & Workbook today. Amanda's Holiday planner will help you implement many of today's suggestions to ensure you are taking the best care of yourself and your loved ones, without compromising your health. 

    Download FREE Holiday Planner & Workbook Here: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Episode Recap: 12 Ways to effectively manage your chronic illness, health & Pain Management

    1. Prioritize & Stay organized with medical appointments. Utilize your appointment tracker & note pages in the Holiday Planner to help make this step as simple as possible. 

    2. Amanda had said it before & she says it again, Plan rest and recovery days. Planning, prioritizing and partaking in restful hours or days before and after an event is essential to us achieving our goal of a flare-free season. 

    3. Handle Holiday events & social gathering accommodations ahead of time. When we approach accommodations early on we are less likely to run into misunderstandings & hurt feelings. Also, when we approach our accommodations early on we come from a mindset of empowerment & confidence versus shame or embarrassment. 

    4. Stock up & keep track of medications and symptoms. Amanda has also included a prescription tracker in the Holiday planner, to make this process easier than ever. The last thing we need or want is to run out of medications. We also don't want to neglect our symptom and pain tracking because it provides us with important information that can make a huge difference in our treatment and care options this new year. Amanda has included a symptom and pain tracker in the Holiday planner as well.

    5. Listen to your body & honour its needs. Our bodies can be the reason we feel so frustrated this time of year. Annoyed that our bodies won't do what we want or need them to. However, Amanda encourages us to listen and honour our bodies. We all know that pushing through will not end well for us.

    Amanda also covers a challenge I know many of us can face when it comes to honouring our body or mind's limitations this season. Helping you know how to better communicate in a situation where a family or friend may not understand your limitations or need for rest. You don't want to miss it. 

    6. Have pain management tools organized and in high-traffic areas. When in pain it can be challenging to know how to aid ourselves or think straight, which is why it is so beneficial for us to have our pain management tools near us at all times by using a GO-BAG. A bag that can hold our essential items like pain medication, lip chap, kleenex, inhalers, and so on. 

    Also, keep items like heating pads, snacks, drinks, and comfort items in high-traffic areas like your bedroom, living room, and office. 

    7. Be kind to yourself when and if a flare or increase in pain happens. We cannot control our bodies no matter how hard we try. We can do all the right things and still see an increase in our symptoms, pain or triggers. So if that happens this season give yourself time and space to process it. Then shower yourself in love, care and compassion. 

    8. Manage stress levels. We hear it all the time but for us to effectively manage our chronic conditions, pain and trauma this Holiday we must find ways to destress. Not all anti-stress strategies will work for you. Get curious about what tools, strategies and coping skills work best to manage your stress. 

    9. Plan travel wisely. Travelling at the best of times is stressful, when you add chronic pain, illness and trauma to the mix it will naturally involve more challenges. Amanda shares her tips for how to handle planning travel this season.

    10. Delegate. For many of us delegating is not easy, however, we must embrace it this season if we want to continue to manage and thrive. Refer to the Holiday Helpers page in the Holiday planner and workbook to help you compile a list of people who can help you throughout this season. 

    11. Ask & seek support. There are always a million and one excuses as to why now is not a good time to finally reach out and get the support you need. If you do not have friends or family please know that Amanda's inbox is always open and she would love to encourage, support and uplift you this season. You are not alone.

    12. Break larger projects down and tasks into small chunks. Think about what is required to finish a task or project from start to finish and then focus on one step of that process at a time. Take breaks and instill the help of others if possible.

    There you have a summary of what today's episode entails. Please don't forget to leave a review or share this episode with a fellow warrior today. 

    P.S. Amanda will be releasing a new episode every week until Christmas, be sure to listen in next week for a new episode.

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Connect: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Follow Amanda's day-to-day on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Join our Free Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/embracingchronicillnesspaintrumatogether

    Learn more about one on one coaching: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    15 Ways to Mentally Prepare for the Holiday's with Chronic illness, Pain & Trauma

    15 Ways to Mentally Prepare for the Holiday's with Chronic illness, Pain & Trauma

    Are you mentally prepared for all that comes with the Holiday season? 

    How are you going to handle possible obstacles & challenges this season brings? 

    You may not see the benefits of preparing yourself mentally for the Holidays, but I promise you will want to do so after listening to today's episode. 

    In today's episode we discuss;

    1. What it means to be mentally prepared?

    2. Why being prepared mentally is important, especially around the Holidays.

    3. 15 ways to mentally prepare today that will help you for the rest of the Holiday season and into the new year.

    I truly hope today's episode brings you insight, and encouragement & helps you have the best Holiday yet, without further compromising your health. 

    Worried you may miss the next new episode of season two? Well, worry no more, put notifications on your podcast player to know when new episodes drop. 

    Connect with Amanda: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Learn more: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Follow Amanda on Instagram to see behind the scenes & day to day life: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    With love & Care,

    Your Fellow Warrior, Host & Coach,

    Amanda Grabb

    12 Ways to make the most of the Holiday's with Chronic illness, pain & Trauma

    12 Ways to make the most of the Holiday's with Chronic illness, pain & Trauma

    Are you wondering how to make the most of this season without causing yourself a flare or increase in symptoms & pain??

    In today's episode, I discuss 12 ways to make the most of this holiday season. 

    Now some of these suggestions may be personally challenging, but I know that if you practice & implement these 12 ways you will be well on your way to making this the best holiday yet. 


    If you have not yet downloaded your FREE Holiday Planner & Workbook, Spoonie Edition,

    Grab your copy now:


    If you have any questions please feel free to connect with me.

    Email: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    Follow my day-to-day on Instagram, via stories:


    Join our FREE Facebook Community:


    Leave a Review:


    Until next time,

    Your fellow Warrior, Host, & Coach,

    Amanda Grabb


    How to create a solid Holiday Plan, Spoonie Edition

    How to create a solid Holiday Plan, Spoonie Edition

    Who is ready to have a fabulous, flare-free holiday & New Year??

    I know I am & I am so excited to journey with you throughout the next several months.

    Today's episode we cover:

    1. Five pre - planning Holiday suggestions to help you plan with intention and mindfulness.

    2. Ten steps to begin creating your best Holiday plan with confidence.

    3. Don't forget your FREE Holiday Planner & Workbook which can be found on my website

    4. Description of usable hours and spoon theory

    Usable hours are the hours in a day that we have before our symptoms and pain prevents us from doing any or all activities.

    Spoon Theory refers to the idea that we each get a number of spoons each day. Let's say we have eight spoons a day, we need to be mindful & intentional about how we use those spoons.

    Each task throughout our day can require a different number of spoons. 

    Grab your Free Holiday Planner & workbook Here https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    If you enjoyed this episode or your free Holiday planner please leave a review today https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542

    Join our free Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/embracingchronicillnesspaintrumatogether

    Until next time,

    Your fellow warrior, host & coach,

    Amanda Grabb

    Season Two - Trailer

    Season Two - Trailer

    Welcome to season two of Embracing The Pain Podcast. 

    Does the upcoming holiday season have you stressed or worried about your health?

    Are you ready to experience a holiday and new year without further compromising your chronic conditions, pain or trauma? 

    If so you are in the right place!!

    Every other Wednesday I will release a new episode that helps you have the best holiday & new year yet. 

    The holidays should not be a time where we see an increase in pain, symptoms or trauma triggers, but rather an enjoyable time of year. 

    It is a time for our health to maintain or continue to improve and thrive, with our chronic condition, pain & trauma.

    If you are ready to have a flare-free, low-symptom and pain holiday please listen in on November 2, the launch of season two. 

    I am SO excited to bring you a fresh and new season. 

    For behind the scenes of the show & to interact with me daily please follow me on Instagram:


    To take full advantage and receive additional support please join our free Facebook Community now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/embracingchronicillnesspaintrumatogether

    To learn more about my coaching opportunities: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellness.with.illness.one.day.at.a.time/

    I look forward to beginning our journey to a flare-free holiday!

    Much love & care,

    Amanda Grabb