
    empowEar Audiology

    Communication is connecting. Join Dr. Carrie Spangler, a passionate audiologist with a personal hearing journey, as she interviews guests who are navigating their own professional or personal journey in the hearing loss world. If you want to be empowEARed or just want to hear some great hearing and listening advice, this podcast is for you!
    en3C Digital Media Network, LLC67 Episodes

    Episodes (67)

    25 Episodes!!! Time to Celebrate

    25 Episodes!!! Time to Celebrate

    Exactly 1 Year ago today the empowEAr audiology podcast was released.  Today is not only a celebration of 1 year, but also a celebration of the 25th episode.  25 is a great # to celebrate whether it is a birthday, anniversary, or the 25th empowEAR audiology podcast.  What are you waiting to celebrate?  I encourage you to believe in yourself and make the most of what gifts and talents you were made for.

    IN celebration of 1 year and 25 episodes, I wanted to dedicate this episode to reflecting, refreshing and restarting.  Today I will reflect on my own personal gain, refresh on how 3C digital media made empowEAR audiology come alive as well as the multiple guests and listeners, and restart with goals for year 2.  

    The first episode of empowEAR audiology is titled “What is My Purpose”.   In reflecting on this question over the past year, I have been reminded that we truly do not know another person’s journey- we all have our own experiences that make us who we are.  I am truly grateful that I tood this leap of faith with the empowerEAR audiolgy podcast to develop a unique platform for storytelling as it relates to personal and professional hearing journeys.  In episode #20, I interviewed Karin Weiser, international career transition coach, connector, and storytelling.  She also has a journey with a cochlear implant.  In this episode Karin goes deeper into why sharing your story.  We learn by stories, we open up emotions by telling stories, and we make lessons stick by telling stories.  What Story do you have to tell?  

    Reflecting on my own story as it relates to being hard of hearing as well as an audiologist; I hope empowEAR audiology is helping to break down the stigmas that continue to surround hearing loss and others gain a deeper understanding of the unique spectrum of deaf and hard of hearing individuals.  

    I started thinking about stigma again because it has been a topic of conversation at a recent conference that I attended.  My reflection actually took me back to my childhood years.  I thought to myself….this little girl ME, was born with hearing loss and not identified and fit with amplification until the age of 4, had a significant articulation difficulties,  wore analog hearing aids that really did not have the capacity to give access to the full speech spectrum, spend 12 years in speech, language, and auditory therapy, attended my public neighborhood school and was on an IEP receiving special ed services, went onto college and was told that because of my hearing loss, that pursing the field of audiology may not be a good choice, persisted through and achieved a doctorate in audiology, began a successful and rewarding career path in educational audiology, went on the cochlear implant journey late in life, and NOW I am hosting a podcast!!  Who would have ever thought that the little girl who was so difficult to understand with a significant bilateral severe to profound hearing loss would be celebrating the joy of 25 podcast episodes!!  Life has a way of making your own challenges your greatest purpose and if you dare to think differently you will emerge stronger.  In my own spiritual personal journey, I am absolutely grateful to have this lifelong hearing challenge.  Yes there are times that I am frustrated, mad, and feel isolated in this vibrant hearing world; but I have learned how to be resilient and determined.  From this hearing journey, emerged many positive relations and a purposeful career.  If you have not already heard my story, take a listen to episode one.  I hope you feel empowEARed after this little reflection to overcome your own obstacles with resilience and determination.

    In today’s 25th episode I also wanted to hit the refresh button and talk about 3C Digital network, empowEAR’s guests, and YOU as listeners.  

    I wanted to share a quick story about how I got connected to 3C Digital Media Network.  A good friend an colleague, Dr. Todd Houston interviewed me about 1 ½ years ago for his own podcast titled “The Listening Brain”.  You can visit his podcast and look for episode #10 to hear this conversation or go to the shownotes and you can find it here too.  After that episode, Todd asked if I have ever considered hosting my own podcast.  I had actually thought about it but with a full time job and family, I did not have an abundance of extra time to figure out all of the behind the scenes actions that go into launching and sustaining a podcast.  He went on to share about how he and 2 other colleagues that I know and admire, Scott Palasik and Tammy Bradham, teamed up and had created 3Cdigitalmedia network.  They were looking for content creators.  It was the exact platform, support, and expertise that I needed to be involved with to make empowEAR audiology come alive.  Thank you Todd for asking me and to the whole 3CDigital team for your ongoing guidance and support.  If any of you have considered a podcast, webinar, blog, or any other content creations…reach out and see if 3Cdigitatl media network would be a fit for you.  Thank YOU 3C!

    Let’s hit the refresh button again and talk about the amazing guests!!  This podcast would not be possible without each of you being willing to give up some time and share your talents.  I truly get so excited each and every time that I have an interview set up!  You can visit the website to listen, Apple, Spotify, and Google play to catch all of the episodes.  I am going to give a brief rundown of each of the guests.  

    Dr. Cheryl DeConde Johnson, my first interview and you can hear about her personal story as a parent and professional as well as returning to school during the pandemic

    Dr. Tina Childress shares her personal story and we discuss “shoes” aka masks and accommodations during the pandemic

    Camille Warren is a mom and she shares her story and advice for parents and professionals for reentry back to school during the pandemic

    Dr Carol Flexer and a conversation about lifelong learning, mentoring, the brain, and passion for audiology

    Dr Gail Whitelaw and Counselors about teens, teen mentorship, and cultivating advocacy through the campUS experience

    Dr. Oliver Adunka, my CI surgeon and the cochlear implant process

    Dr. Elizabeth Walker and the significance of mild hearing loss in children

    Janet DesGeorges discusses her parent journey as well as her new book “Not a Leader, Now a Leader”

    Dr. Erin Schafer and wearing the mic

    Deanna Magna and the role of the TOD/HH

    Dr. Karen MacIver Lux  personal story and my HEAR-O

    Dr Ryan McCreary and the importance of research in audiology

    Dr Michelle Hu and happiness with peer to peer connections for deaf/hard of hearing

    4 Moms (Nancy, Maggie, Stephanie, Tina) share Get It moments about raising a child who is d/hh

    Dr. Marc Brennan and his personal story, research and framing the hearing loss advantage

    Dr. Angela Alexander and her personal passion and dedicated work in the area of  APD

    Karin Weiser, career coach, cochlear implant user, and the importance of sharing your story

    Dr. Sam Atcherson and his personal journey and finding the right solutions and support

    Julianna and Andrew Hebert from HearSTrong Foundation and being a HS Champion

    Dr. Rene Gifford shares about bimodal hearing

    Jaime Vernon shares her mom journey and her 501c3 Songs for Sounds.  

    I want to say that I don’t have a favorite episode because I love them all.  I am grateful for your storytelling, whether it is a personal or professional journey.  I loved learning from each of you and digging deeper into topics to empowEAR others.  I cannot wait to meet more guests as we kick off year 2.  

    Refresh one more time….Listeners!!  Thanks to all of you for tuning in twice a month to catch the latest episodes.  I have heard from many of year and continue to receive positive feedback.  It brings me great joy to hear when a college professor shares this podcast with students to listen.  It warms my heart to find out that a parent was inspired by another parent sharing their story.  I am encouraged when an adult who is deaf/hard of hearing realizes that there are others who are in their shoes.  Listeners keep on listening.  Share with others.  Engage with me on the empowEAR Audiology FB page.  Please give a 5 star review.  Consider writing a favorable comment.  All of these actions helps empowerEAR Audiology grow so others can benefit.  Listeners, if there is someone that you want to hear from, please reach out!!  

    Restart!!  I am looking forward to year 2 and 25 more episodes.  I strive to bring more empowEARing personal stories, cutting edge researchers and professionals, and additional practical knowledge and tips to all of you.  I will be trying out some new ways to engage in this upcoming year including some FB live events and learning opportunities.  

    A huge thanks again to everyone and for believing in me.  Cheers to Year 2 and 25 more. 

    Jaime Vernon: Bringing Music to Life with Songs for Sounds

    Jaime Vernon: Bringing Music to Life with Songs for Sounds

    Join me in an inspiring and influential conversation with Jaime Vernon.  We all face trials and tribulations in our life, and Jaime shares how her own personal trial led her to imagine, invent, invent, and inspire Songs for Sounds.  Jaime shares her story of finding out that her daughter, Lexi, was diagnosed with profound bilateral hearing loss.  Through her own parenting journey as well as her professional background; she uses music as an inspiration to make a profound difference.  Take a listen and hear how Songs For Sound was founded on a heartwarming story leading to a passionate objective: to bridge the gap between “I think I have hearing loss” and quality hearing healthcare while increasing inclusion opportunities for those with hearing loss and deafness.    

    For more information about Songs For Sounds and how to make a difference, visit the website at https://songsforsound.com/

    What is Bimodal Hearing? A Discussion with Rene Gifford

    What is Bimodal Hearing? A Discussion with Rene Gifford

    What is bimodal hearing? Take a listen to the latest empowEAR Audiology podcast with Dr. Rene Gifford to find out more. In this episode Dr. Gifford goes deeper into what bimodal hearing is, what the criteria for candidacy, what are the outcomes for bimodal hearing, benefits and challenges of bimodal hearing and much more.  Dr. Gifford  is currently the Director of the Cochlear Implant Program at the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center in the Division of Audiology as well as the Director of the Cochlear Implant Research Laboratory and Professor in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences with a joint appointment in the Department of Otolaryngology.  Dr. Gifford has over 100 published peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and authored a book now in its second edition “Cochlear Implant Patient Assessment: Evaluation of Candidacy, Performance, and Outcomes”.  She was the 2015 recipient of the ASHA Louis M. DiCarlo Award for Recent Clinical Achievement based on her work with hearing preservation implant recipients. Dr. Gifford received a 2017 Chancellor’s Award for Research, which recognizes excellence on the part of faculty for published research, scholarship, or creative expression. 

    For more information and contact information, visit Dr. Rene Gifford’s faculty page at https://www.vumc.org/cochlear-implant-lab/person/rene-h-gifford-phd.  

    Are You a HearStrong Champion?

    Are You a HearStrong Champion?

    Take a listen to this empowering, inspiring podcast about CHAMPIONS!  In this podcast I sit down with Julianna Hebert and Andrew Hebert from HearStrong.  HearStrong is a not for profit organization built around recognizing and sharing stories of remarkable individuals with hearing loss in order to empower others to be inspired.  With over 200 champions and counting, HearStrong stories are making a positive impact.  Julianna and Andrew share about how HearStrong got started, the HearStrong champion program, and the Pay it Forward program which allows Champions to give the gift of sound to someone else.  What a ripple effect this organization has!  Listen in and learn how you can nominate a HearStrong champion, be a supporter, or be a part of a servant leadership movement to help others gain the gift of sound.  

    Visit https://www.hearstrong.org/ and Lemon-aids | HearStrong | Donations for more information, ways to get involved, nominate a HearStrong Champion, and give.  

    Sam Atcherson: It's All About the Right Solutions & Support

    Sam Atcherson: It's All About the Right Solutions & Support

    “We are living in a day and age where it doesn’t have to be about I can’t anymore; it’s a matter of finding the right solutions and having the right support behind you”.  You will not want to miss this empowEARing conversation with Sam Atcherson, Ph.D. as he shares his journey from hearing aids to cochlear implant.  Dr. Atcherson describes how the cochlear implant process was a life changing decision for him that allowed many doors to open both personally and professionally.  Family support, becoming an advocate, and having peer support are foundational to his current success.  Dr. Atcherson received  his bachelors and masters degrees in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Georgia and his doctorate in Audiology and Speech Pathology at the University of Memphis.  Currently, Professor of Audiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, he has given over 200 presentations at local, regional, and international levels, and he is author or co-author of over 50 peer-reviewed articles, 22 book chapters, and 3 books. His research and clinical areas of interest include face mask-related speech perception and acoustics, auditory electrophysiology, audiologic rehabilitation, and health literacy. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education and on the Board of Trustees as Vice-Chairperson for the Arkansas Schools for the Deaf and the Blind and Visually-Impaired. He is the co-founder of the Association of Audiologists with Hearing Loss, a former president of the Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses, and one of the original founding board members of the Arkansas Hands and Voices chapter.

    You can find out more information about Dr. Atcherson at:  https://chpresearch.uams.edu/faculty-profile-samuel-atcherson-ph-d/


    Karin Weiser: Rewrite Your Story & Walk Your Talk

    Karin Weiser: Rewrite Your Story & Walk Your Talk

    Meet Karin Weiser.  British by birth, global by choice. Karin has lived and worked in nine countries across four continents. Extensive travel, European roots and cultural savviness give her a license to operate globally.  Karin is an International Business Coach (ICF) and writer. She is ambitious in helping international professionals write the next chapter of their career story with 1-1 coaching. Her own story has been rewritten many times, which has led her to work with storytelling. Her fascination with the human mind and resilience shown in the face of adversity means she always has an inspiring story to share.

    Take a listen to this episode of empowEAR Audiology as Karin shares how her cochlear implant journey has given her a powerful insight into the importance of why sharing stories matters. Karin’s own it, walk it, talk it story about getting her hearing back through the cochlear implant journey is a powerful example of how to look at the silver lining and be grateful for the possibilities that open up when we realize the power of taking small steps along the way to embrace imperfections. 



    Angela Alexander Discusses Auditory Processing Disorder

    Angela Alexander Discusses Auditory Processing Disorder

    “The ability to understand and remember what you hear can affect your ability to have a good life” quotes Dr. Alexander.  Join me today in an energized episode with Dr. Angela Alexander as she shares her personal and professional expertise in the area of auditory processing.  Angela Alexander, Au.D., CCC-A, MNZAS, graduated from the University of Kansas in 2010 with a Doctor of Audiology degree.  Angela was privileged to have been mentored by Jack Katz, Ph.D., a world-renowned expert on APD. Angela worked with Katz for seven years between 2004 to 2012, building her knowledge and expertise. Dr. Angela now owns APD Support, which is a private organization dedicated to helping patients and professionals as well as providing a wealth of resources. Most recently, Dr. Alexander started her own podcast called BetweenTwoEars.  Today’s episode takes a deep dive into some of the myths about auditory processing, Dr. Alexander’s top 5 for audiologists and other professionals to remember, and take home messages to remember about “what we do with what we hear”.  

    On-demand Auditory Training | Auditory Processing Disorder APD Support


    Framing the Hearing Loss Advantage: A Conversation with Dr. Marc Brennan

    Framing the Hearing Loss Advantage:  A Conversation with Dr. Marc Brennan

    Join me for a conversation with Dr. Marc Brennan as we talk about experiences growing up with hearing loss and reframing challenges and advantages. Dr Brennan brings both a personal and research perspective to the field of audiology.  Dr Brennan  graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with his bachelor's and master's in communicative disorders, followed by his Ph.D. at the University of Washington. He completed both his clinical fellowship and post-doctoral fellowships at Boys Town National Research Hospital. Research interests involve examining the relationship between high-frequency amplification and the perception of speech, and between compression amplification and the perception of temporal and spectral cues.

    Four Moms Discuss "Get It" Moments

    Four Moms Discuss "Get It" Moments

    Join me for the “Get It” moments podcast as 4 moms share the importance of parent-to-parent support while raising a child/children who are deaf and hard of hearing.  Research articles and organizations provide service models recognizing the importance of family well being.  In this interview, Nancy, Maggie, Stephanie, and Tina bravely share the journey that they have shared together; highlighting the supportive and learning roles that each have played over the last 10 years.  This emotional interview brings the importance of parent to parent connections to life.  In whatever capacity you live or work, I am hopeful that you will be empowered to foster a new or renewed connection.  

    For more information about parent to parent support check out these resources:




    Henderson RJ, Johnson AM, Moodie ST. Revised Conceptual Framework of Parent-to-Parent Support for Parents of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Modified Delphi Study. Am J Audiol. 2016;25(2):110-126. doi:10.1044/2016_AJA-15-0059

    Happiness Is Peer-to-Peer Connections with Dr. Michelle Hu

    Happiness Is Peer-to-Peer Connections with Dr. Michelle Hu

    Peer to peer connections are critical, and this interview actively demonstrates how having a common challenge creates an immediate bond. Today, I introduce to you Michelle Hu. Through our shared Audiology mentor, we were introduced through email.  Our connection was immediate!  Dr. Michelle Hu is a pediatric audiologist originally from Kent, OH and now lives and works in San Diego, CA.  She is also creator of Mama Hu Hears - an Instagram and website account where she shares her personal and professional experiences as an audiologist with hearing loss. She was inspired to create Mama Hu Hears when her own patients  started growing up and having children of their own & would ask her how she heard her babies if they cried in the middle of the night!  Join me for this upbeat and inspirational conversation.  

    Be sure to connect with Dr. Hu at: https://www.mamahuhears.com/

    Ryan McCreery Discusses the Importance of Research In Audiology

    Ryan McCreery Discusses the Importance of Research In Audiology

    Join me in the latest empowEAR Audiology episode as I sit down with a respected leader in the field of audiology, Dr. Ryan McCreery.  Dr. McCeery is the Director of Research at Boys Town National Research Hospital. During this episode, we take a deep dive into the importance of research in the field of audiology as well as his own research directly related to clinical outcomes that have ​led to optimized clinical protocols for fitting hearing aids in kids with hearing loss.  Also, a huge congratulations to Dr. McCreery for receiving the prestigious ASHA Fellow Award in 2020!  You will not want to miss this episode. For more information about the work Dr. McCreery is involved in please visit:



    Karen MacIver-Lux Is a Hear-O!

    Karen MacIver-Lux Is a Hear-O!

    Hear-O defined by Dr. Spangler:  a positive mentor, support, role model, and friend who shares the hearing loss journey.  It is a gift to be able to have a lifelong peer mentor that understands firsthand the hearing journey.  Join me as I sit down with my dear friend, Dr. Karen MacIver-Lux for a heartwarming interview about the importance of having a Hear-O in your life. 

    Karen MacIver-Lux is an audiologist and LSLS certified auditory-verbal therapist and co-founder of Thrive Together.  She provides auditory learning services for individuals of all ages with hearing loss in Canada.  She also is the president of Sound Intuition, a company providing online learning experiences around the world.  She has made numerous contributions in publications as well as guest lectures around the world. Her personal and professional contributions to the field of audiology, related professions, and families are impactful and praiseworthy.

    Be sure to like Dr MacIver-Lux's Sound Intuition Facebook Page 



    Deanna Magda Discusses Her Role as a Teacher of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

    Deanna Magda Discusses Her Role as a Teacher of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

    Listening Fun!!!  This was the theme and vibe of this interview. Join me as I sit down with Deanna Magda for a vibrant conversation about how to make listening fun when you serve students with hearing loss.  Deanna is a young, committed, creative teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing in New Jersey. She is also advancing her knowledge through working towards her listening and spoken language certification in Auditory-Verbal Education.  She works with children from birth to high school graduation to develop their listening, language, and self-advocacy skills.  In this episode, you will feel her enthusiasm and dedication to serving children with hearing loss.  Her dedication inspired her to create specialized resources, and she shares her amazing creations in her online store (Teachers Pay Teachers).  As an educational audiologist, I am grateful for her creations and know all of you will be too!  

    Be sure to visit Deanna’s blog, store, and facebook group!




    Wear the Mic! A Conversation with Erin Schafer, PhD

    Wear the Mic! A Conversation with Erin Schafer, PhD

    This week, I have the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Erin Schafer, who is a Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in Audiology at the University of Northern Texas. Dr. Schafer has an extensive resume of teaching, research, publications, grants, and national and international podium presentations at conferences. She is the current editor of Audiology Today, past President and Journal Editor for the Educational Audiology Association, and board member for the Auditory Implant Initiative.  She has a vested interest in the areas of hearing technology including hearing aids, cochlear implants, and remote microphone technology. In today’s episode, Dr. Schafer shares about her work outlining the dramatic impact of personal microphone technology for children and adults with hearing loss.  Key take-away….wear the mic!  

    To find out more about Dr. Schafer and her work visit:  


    Janet DesGeorges Discusses Leadership

    Janet DesGeorges Discusses Leadership

    Are you ready to LEAD? I am excited to share this podcast with all of our listeners on the topic of leadership.  I had the opportunity to sit down with Janet DesGeorges who is a published writer, international speaker, and co-founder and Executive Director of Hands and Voices, a movement and organization dedicated to supporting families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing.  In November 2020, she published her very own book titled “Not a Leader, Now a Leader”.   Today’s episode is focused on diving deeper into this book.  Be prepared to gain nuggets of knowledge and experience to take the next step of leadership in your own life.  This book is a must have for every parent and professional.   Take a listen and take action!

    For more information on “Not a Leader, Now a Leader” visit:  janetdesgeorges.com


    Elizabeth Walker, PhD Discusses the Significance of Mild Hearing Loss In Children

    Elizabeth Walker, PhD Discusses the Significance of Mild Hearing Loss In Children

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    Click here for a transcript of the episode

    This week I am thrilled to sit down with a great friend and colleague, Dr. Elizabeth Walker who is an assistant professor at the University of Iowa where she teaches and is the director of the Pediatric Audiology Lab.   In this episode, Dr. Walker shares why “mild” is MORE than mild as it relates to hearing loss and the need to optimize access to auditory information.  Dr. Walker has a wealth of knowledge and research through her work as an investigator on the Outcomes of Children with Hearing Loss (OCHL) study.  Whether you are a parent, audiologist, speech language pathologist or educator; you will want to hear key take-aways to help children with hearing loss achieve optimal outcomes.  

    For more information be sure to visit these websites: 




    An Interview with My Cochlear Implant Surgeon, Oliver Adunka, MD!

    An Interview with My Cochlear Implant Surgeon, Oliver Adunka, MD!

    This episode has special meaning as I approach my 1 year cochlear implant birthday; the honor to interview my own CI surgeon, Dr. Oliver Adunka. Oliver Adunka, MD, FACS, is the Director of Otology, Neurotology and Cranial Base Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.  Dr. Adunka is also part of the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology at Nationwide Children’s in Columbus, Ohio.  Join Dr. Adunka and I as we talk about how cochlear implant candidacy has changed, the surgery has changed, why patients/audiologists are hesitant to take the next step, and the vision of what this exciting technology holds in the future.  

    To find out more about Dr. Adunka and his work visit:  



    Carrie's Cochlear Implant Birthday!

    Carrie's Cochlear Implant Birthday!

    Happy 1 year CI Birthday to ME!!  Join me today as I reflect on the past year and celebrate the joys and challenges of my cochlear implant journey.  In this episode I share about the “what ifs”, the little voice in my head, the phone call, the consultation, the surgery, and activation.  What an amazing year it has been and I am excited to celebrate my CI birthday with all of my listeners today.

    For more about my CI journey, visit my blog at www.hearingspanglish.blog

    Engage with me on Facebook at:


    Counselors & Campers Cultivating Self-Advocacy Through Mentorship

    Counselors & Campers Cultivating Self-Advocacy Through Mentorship

    This week I am inspired to sit down with two young women who have both been an integral part of the campUS experience.  campUS is an overnight camp for teens with hearing loss focusing on successful transition and leadership skills. Our first guest is Dr. Katie Colborn, pediatric audiologist at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, who served as a campUS counselor 2 different years.  Our second guest is Audrey Susz, a former camper attending twice, who is now a sophomore at the Ohio State University.  These two inspiring ladies share the impact of the campUS experience from both a counselor and camper perspective.  Fundamentally, it is important to offer these opportunities to develop strong relationships and advocacy skills.  Join Dr. Spangler and be inspired to start your own same-self peer connections group!  

    For More Information like the Facebook Group:


    Watch this YouTube video (thanks to Phonak) about the campUS experience titled: Teens with hearing loss:  Learning to advocate for yourself

    people that maybe enhanced my differences



    A Conversation with Dr. Gail Whitelaw: The Teen campUS Experience

    A Conversation with Dr. Gail Whitelaw: The Teen campUS Experience

    I am so excited to share my personal and professional passion of working with teens with hearing loss during this episode. This week, I sit down with Dr. Gail Whitelaw who is the co-coordinator of the campUS experience.  Dr. Whitelaw and I have been coordinating the campUS experience for the past 8 years.  This is an overnight experience for teens with hearing loss to develop leadership and advocacy skills while spending time at the Ohio State University.  Join us today for a conversation about life lessons learned personally and professionally as well as key components of starting your own campUS experience.  

    Be sure to like campUS on Facebook and Check Out the YouTube videos about campUS and feeling confident!  


    YouTube:  campUS Video with Phonak Teen Advisors


    Feeling Confident with Hearing Loss
