
    Encounters USA The Podcast

    Books in Heinessight is the podcast that helps authors, readers and other folks in the publishing world to connect and discuss ideas, projects and common issues affecting people in the publishing world as well as artists in general. Our guests are people interested in helping those in the publishing world by sharing their knowledge and experiences. Matthew Heines, the host and creator of the show is an author and a teacher who started life as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne before he went on to earn his degrees in Washington State and Alaska. His vast interests, experiences and curiosity make Matthew Heines one of the truly great podcast hosts.
    enMatthew D. Heines156 Episodes

    Episodes (156)

    Cryptid Coin & Cryptid Tank's First Researcher Tom Sewid

    Cryptid Coin & Cryptid Tank's First Researcher Tom Sewid

    Cryptid Coin & Cryptid Tank's First Researcher Tom Sewid joined Encounters USA to talk about the upcoming hit show and Crytpid Crypto. Tom Sewid is a famous for his research and his story telling. A first nations member of Kwa-waki-wak tribe, Tom uses his fantastic story telling skills to explain his encounters and those of his ancestors with the Sasquatch. In this interview, the first ever designed to introduce cryptid research grant applicants to their prospective audiences when they appear on Crytpid Tank. The premise behind the Cryptid Tank show is to fund eligible researchers and research with funding from a fixed percentage of money set aside from the sale of Cryptid Coins. Researchers will have to defend their proposals in front of a panel of three no nonsense judges. These judges will ultimately decide if the proposal is realistic and fundable or if it should get gonged out of existence by the judges.

    Cryptid Crypto Currency With Stephen Major

    Cryptid Crypto Currency With Stephen Major

    Cryptid cryptocurrency is the new rage in cryptocurrencies and we are going to discover some interesting things from Extreme Expeditions Northwest CEO and founder Stephen T. Major.

    Stephen will relate how his boyhood experiences and Bigfoot encounter led to the introduction of a crypto currency dedicated to the research and discovery of life forms that now only dwell in the realms of what is know as cryptozoology.

    Stephen Major thinks crypto currency and cryptozoology are going to be natural allies in the future. With the increasing reliance upon currency outside the dollar, Stephen Major explains why, in his opinion, Cryptid Coin is going to revolutionize funding for Cryptozoological research.

    Major is setting aside 30% of the total number of coins, or tokens more accurately to the funding of research. It is an interesting podcast with a lot of interesting ideas you won't want to miss. 

    Alien Abductee Soma ARah

    Alien Abductee Soma ARah

    Alien Abductee Soma ARah joined a special Books in Heinessight and Encounters USA Program to talk about her life and her book The Pleiadian Child. Through traumatic childhood experiences, Soma Arah was able to transform herself into a being capable of inter-dimensional thought and travel. Using her skills to channel and communicate interdimensionally, Soma Arah has been quite successful as a Psychic, channeler and author. Soma ARah and Matthew Heines have an amazing laughter and thought provoking interview. theplieadianchild.com

    Comedian and Book Editor At Large Abby Lodmer On The Author Editor Experience

    Comedian and Book Editor At Large Abby Lodmer On The Author Editor Experience

    Book editor at large Abby Lodmer joined Books in Heinessight for a fun filled interview about editing, authors and what it takes to publish a great book. We'll look at some of Abby's past projects, from Have Laptop Will Travel to other great books and listen to Abby describe the publishing process for each. We will also examine the cost benefits of the freelance editor vs. the self publishing companies who provide the same services. What's it like to edit your own husband's books? Find out on this hilarious Books in Heinessight episode. abbylodmer.com booksinheinessight.com

    Seattle Council President Nick Licata Student Power, Revolution and Democracy in the Sixties

    Seattle Council President Nick Licata Student Power, Revolution and Democracy in the Sixties

    Former Seattle Council President Nick Licata talks with Conservative Congressional Candidate Matthew Heines on the Books in Heinessight podcast. We will be talking with Nick about his new, insightful and hard-to-put-down work; Student Power, Revolution and Democracy in the Sixties.

    Nick Licata served on the Seattle City Council during Seattle’s transformation from a minor city to a world class metropolis. Today we find out about the journey through the context of his narrative that takes us through America’s most turbulent times as well.

    A lifetime of activism - Was it worth it? Listen and discover some of the details of the ‘60’s movements in Civil Rights through Nick’s own experiences with Students For a Democratic Society and his activities as an activist in Seattle.

    Discover what happens when people from both sides sit down and talk about their ideas.

    Whatever your political views, you might find Nick Licata's advice and experience priceless.

    Cindy Ann Goodbrake 2 States Of Bigfoot Part 2

    Cindy Ann Goodbrake 2 States Of Bigfoot Part 2

    In this amazing conclusion, Cindy Ann Goodbrake talks about the two states in which she has encountered Bigfoot.

    Cindy Ann’s love of the outdoors and horseback riding in some of the nation’s Bigfoot hotspot led first to her interest, then to her Encounters.

    From Texas to Northern Idaho, stories about Bigfoot and Bigfoot Encounters.

    It’s all right here on Encounters USA.

    You decide on this first part of out amazing interview.

    Cindy Ann Bueno Goodbrake Two States of Bigfoot Part 1

    Cindy Ann Bueno Goodbrake Two States of Bigfoot Part 1

    Cindy Ann Goodbrake leads the ideal life of a bigfoot investigator and experiencer. From Texas to Idaho, Cindy Ann’s interest and love of the outdoors led her inevitably into a number of confrontations and encounters with Bigfoot.


    What makes Cindy Ann Bueno Goodbrake so unique, aside from her last name, is her experiences with Sasquatch where ever she goes.

    Is she just lucky? Is she for real? Is she unique among experiencers?

    You decide on this first part of out amazing interview.

    Igor Burtsev Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Pre-Squatchumentary Interview Part 2

    Igor Burtsev Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Pre-Squatchumentary Interview Part 2

    Matthew Heines ran into Igor Burtsev at the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival for a Pre-Sasquatch Hunting Squatchumentary Interview. In this amazing interview, Igor will talk about his life as Russian Cultural representative, publisher and journalist in the former Soviet Union. Igor will talk about his numerous encounters with creatures known as Yeti and other names in Russia, Sasquatch and Bigfoot in the USA. We will talk about the Russian Bigfoot woman who had children! It's going to be a great podcast and interview you won't want to miss.

    Igor Burtsev Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Pre-Squatchumentary Interview Part 1

    Igor Burtsev Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Pre-Squatchumentary Interview Part 1

    Matthew Heines ran into Igor Burtsev at the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival for a Pre-Sasquatch Hunting Squatchumentary Interview. In this amazing interview, Igor will talk about his life as Russian Cultural representative, publisher and journalist in the former Soviet Union. Igor will talk about his numerous encounters with creatures known as Yeti and other names in Russia, Sasquatch and Bigfoot in the USA. We will talk about the Russian Bigfoot woman who had children! It's going to be a great podcast and interview you won't want to miss.

    Zero Point Energy UFOs & The Mystery Of A Quantum Field Bigfoot

    Zero Point Energy UFOs & The Mystery Of A Quantum Field Bigfoot

    Today on Encounters USA we discussed the issue of UFO Disclosure and technology and how it may apply to the mystery of Bigfoot and other cryptids.

    Encounters USA assembled a rounded panel of experts to give a perspective from differing viewpoints.

    For our well-grounded researcher, we chose Crystal Panek. Crystal is a researcher and a computer engineer in New Hamphshire.

    Crystal’s first Bigfoot sighting happened when she was a young girl. She was literally besieged by a Bigfoot who entered her trailer. Crystal has no qualms about what she thinks Bigfoot is.

    To give us a skeptical and scientific viewpoint, we invited Dr. Simeon Hein. Dr. Hein is a sociologist and author. He has studied remote viewing, crop circles and the effects of encounters with strange entities.

    He has compiled his research into the books Black Swan Ghosts and Opening Minds.

    Finally, to expound the field or quantum capable Bigfoot theory, we invited world famous Bigfoot researcher Ron Morehead.

    Ron’s famous books, Voices In the Wilderness and his latest, Quantum Bigfoot leave no question that Ron has theories about the Bigfoot mystery that go beyond the primate theory.

    With our well rounded panel of experts we began to look into the mystery surrounding the latest UFO disclosures, the mysterious ‘suicide’ of Mark McCandlish and his discovery of Zero Point Energy Alien Reproduction Vehicles.

    Is the technology propelling UFOs also propelling Bigfoot?

    We will discuss the possibilities on Encounters USA.

    Alien Upgrade is Oracle Oriah's Abduction A New Trend In Encounters? Part 2

    Alien Upgrade is Oracle Oriah's Abduction A New Trend In Encounters? Part 2

    Have you heard about the new Alien upgrade & Oracle Oriah's abduction is it a new trend in encounters?

    Today on Encounters USA the second part of the most thrilling, mesmerizing account of an alien contact experience you’re ever going to hear.

    Oracle Oriah has had contact with aliens and Bigfoot, making her the prominent portal in our paranormal prognostications.

    You may scoff, and you may be skeptical, right up until you hear the podcast.


    Alien Upgrade Oracle Oriah's Abduction A New Trend In Encounters?

    Alien Upgrade Oracle Oriah's Abduction A New Trend In Encounters?

    Have you heard about the new Alien upgrade & Oracle Oriah's abduction is it a new trend in encounters?

    Today on Encounters USA the most thrilling, mesmerizing account of an alien contact experience you’re ever going to hear.

    Oracle Oriah has had contact with aliens and Bigfoot, making her the prominent portal in our paranormal prognostications.

    You may scoff, and you may be skeptical, right up until you hear the podcast.


    Have Laptop Will Travel Keys In On Travel & Life

    Have Laptop Will Travel Keys In On Travel & Life

    Have Laptop Will Travel is how Phil Nicosizis Keys In On Travel.

    Visiting 12 cities in 12 months was the objective. Phil Nicosizis found himself on a journey of self-realization experiences that he wanted to share with the world.

    Today on Books in Heinessight we got an inside look at Phil Nicosizis and how the book came about. His experiences are as life changing as the cities and countries wher he travels.

    We also get a glimpse into Phil’s writing experience. He explains the route to publishing he chose and why it worked for him.

    Are you an author thinking about a new or first book? Are you a reader thinking about your next book purchase? Have Laptop Will Travel might deserve your consideration.

    eWhy not watch the video or listen to the podcast and find out for yourself?

    The Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree Going Out On A Limb

    The Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree Going Out On A Limb

    If you are a believer in the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree and don’t feel like going out on a limb, you’re gonna love this podcast and video.

    The Set Up

    For the second time, we were invited by Michael Wallace, brother of actress, author and Bigfoot Tree Prognosticator Lori Simmons.

    For the second time as well, Encounters USA was played for a sucker as Michael Wallace pulled his old Viagra act as he stiffed us for the second time.

    Fool Me Once

    As they say fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Of course it’s a lot easier as you will see, to write it than to say it as you will see on the video and hear on the podcast.

    Either way you look at it, I had traveled a long way into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. I was not the only victim in another Bigfoot Tree charade.

    Brent Dill had also traveled about half the distance I had, only to find out Michael Wallace had made like a car in reverse and backed out.

    The Show Must Go On

    Once I realized Michael wasn’t going to show. I made a decision to visit the Bigfoot Tree with or without Michael.

    Since I didn’t have Michael to advocate for the Bigfoot Tree and Brent Dill to tell him he was full of crap, I was not going to go up to the tree to do a second run over the same material with Brent.

    I made the decision to tell Brent I was going back to Seattle. I was going to the Bigfoot Tree alone.


    New Book Tracks Mixes Bigfoot Facts With Fiction

    New Book Tracks Mixes Bigfoot Facts With Fiction

    Jack LaFountain has a new book called Tracks that mixes Bigfoot facts with fiction.

    Today Jack appeared on a special Books in Heinessight Encounters USA special podcast.

    Viewers of both channels and podcast listeners will have access to this amazing interview with veteran and author Jack LaFountain.

    Where can we see it? Get it? 

    The first thing we wanted to know was how to get Jack’s new book. Also, we were interested in getting all of Jack’s books if possible.

    Here are the links to some of Jack’s Books.

    Death Rides The Red


    Redemption Jack LaFountain








    What Interested Jack In Writing?

    Jack told us he has always had a vivid imagination. This imagination coupled with his interest in the paranormal led Jack to begin writing.

    What Was Jack’s First Experience As An Author?

    Jack’s experience with his first book is going to surprise you. Although not typical, it might surprise you to see how he sold so many books.

    What Led Jack to Continue Writing?Jack will explain how his interests and love for research drove him on to the publication of seven books

    What Was The Effect Of Publishing Across So Many Genres

    Jack is going to explain why publishing across different genres did not effect his fan base.

    Jack LaFountain will also explain why he focuses around one genre compared to others.

    What is Jack’s interest in the Northwest?

    Jack has a history in the Northwest. Having lived in the Shelton area, Jack has heard his share of stories. He’s also had his own experiences.

    When you listen to the podcast, or watch the video on YouTube, you’re going to find the answers to the following questions.

    Of course, once you read the blog, you won’t want to miss either the podcast, or the video.

    What is your interest in Bigfoot?

    What is the idea behind Tracks

    What did you use for sources for Tracks?

    Can we see the dividing line between fiction and fact in Tracks?

    What are your marketing methods and formats?

    Who’s your fan base?

    What plans do you have for the future?


    Baker Lake Bigfoot On the Hunt For Soggy Bottom

    Baker Lake Bigfoot On the Hunt For Soggy Bottom

    Encounters USA returned to Baker Lake on the hunt for Soggy Bottom. Baker Lake has been the center of Bigfoot activity for years.

    Amphibious Operations

    In this Encounters USA video, we are going to conduct amphibious operations to establish a relationship with any known Sasquatch in the area.

    Using our Sea Eagle Paddleski with Torqeedo Electric Motor, our intention is to cross the lake to vacant campgrounds at Paradise Cove.

    Graham Crackers and Infrared

    Once our beachhead is established we will begin call blasting from the Bigfoot Sounds App.

    Once call blasting is finished, Encounters USA will move to the wood line. Once there, we will distribute graham crackers.

    We will then observe the area using our FLIR ONE IOS App. Our intention is to test the capability of the FLIR tracking a mammal in heavy vegetation.

    Encounters USA Goes High Tech

    Following the FLIR Exercises we will use our DJI Gimbal in its various modes to familiarize ourselves, our subscribers and our counterparts with what technology we bring to the table.

    As you will see, the best laid plans are sometimes the next best laid plans. With an ever changing environment at the lake, we had to be flexible.

    Baker Lake Bigfoot On the Hunt For Soggy Bottom

    Encounters USA hopes you will join us for one of the most amazing YouTube videos and blogs you’re ever gonna see.


    Bigfoot Tree Updates Are They Really Just Cold Feet & Old Info?

    Bigfoot Tree Updates Are They Really Just Cold Feet & Old Info?

    Are you waiting for Bigfoot Tree Updates and are you thinking they’re really just cold feet & old info?

    A brief disclaimer about the Bigfoot Tree and the Wallace family.

    Since the moment I heard about this story, I have been fascinated by the story of the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree.

    I have been to the Bigfoot Tree where I conducted an interview with Researcher Brent Dill. We sat with our backs to the tree and listened to the sounds of two trees, grown together.

    The trees were making rubbing noises as the wind sifted through its branches.

    That was not the end of the story for me. According to Brent Dill, Don Wallace, Lori & Michael’s father had extensive interactions with various Sasquatch in that area.

    Everyone Has The Right To Be Heard on Encounters USA

    In the world of the paranormal, we are all looking for clues to solve the grandest puzzle of all. Encounters USA believes everyone has the right to be heard, unless they are proven false.

    Or they don’t show up for a podcast…

    The Bigfoot Tree is just one example of how some people, completely discount evidence because they don’t agree with the presenter.

    As we will see the division over the debate still smolders like a campfire made of old hickory and diesel oil.


    Hunting for Bigfoot? Jason Kenzie Extreme Film Maker Talks About His Latest Documentary

    Hunting for Bigfoot? Jason Kenzie Extreme Film Maker Talks About His Latest Documentary

    Hunting for Bigfoot? Jason Kenzie Extreme Film Maker Talks About His Latest Documentary

    If you’re hunting for bigfoot, you may want to listen to Extreme Film Maker Jason Kenzie talk about his latest documentary.

    Jason Kenzie grew up in the small town of Chilliwack, Canada. Although we can’t be sure what the name of the town means, we can only hope it is a First Nations term.

    We can also hope it isn’t the town past time in winter.

    Of course, the effects of growing up in a town so named, and in Canada no less, can be readily seen in Jason Kenzie.

    Jason is man ready to brave the wildest and most exotic animals just to get out of Chilliwack, British Columbia.

    From A Pet Photo Leads To Extreme Pet Photographer

    Nevertheless, outside of Chilliwack, Jason’s story is interesting, to say the least. During the interview we are going to discover how one favor to film a friend’s pet turned into Jason into one of the world’s premier photographers of exotic pets.

    From Big Snakes To Bigfoot

    Indeed, we are going to discover how Jason’s career as a photographer, led him around the world, filming exotic animals with wealthy owners.

    Jason’s interest in the paranormal and the legend of Sasquatch, as well as the stories of the First Nations peoples sparked an interest.

    From Photograph to Video

    A quick glance at aphotowarrior Jason’s YouTube channel will reveal how Jason uses video and color.

    His videos feature a number of different animals in crisp colors and high definition that look out of this world.

    Paranormal Documentaries

    Jason’s first documentary A Bigfoot Documentary: Searching For Sasquatch can be seen by clicking the link at the end of this article.

    Jason centers the documentary on tales of actual encounters with First Nations and Canadians. Jason follows their stories into the back country.

    Impressions and Ideas of Bigfoot

    Finally, during the interview, we are going to find some interesting insights into an amazing photographer and a brave individual.

    What do you expect a world famous photographer to say about Bigfoot? Did Jason’s attitudes agree with your own? What do you think is healthy skepticism?

    Do you agree with Jason’s methods? What would you do differently?

    Bigfoot Hunting? Check Out The Latest Equipment On Encounters USA

    Bigfoot Hunting? Check Out The Latest Equipment On Encounters USA

    Are you Bigfoot Hunting or looking for the Paranormal? Now’s your chance to check out the latest equipment on Encounters USA.

    Encounters USA Is Bringing Listeners and Subscribers More

    Encounters USA is stepping up its paranormal investigations game this summer. In order to give you cutting edge podcasts, investigations and reviews, we have made a number of equipment upgrades.

    In this podcast, we are going to tell you about our equipment upgrades. We are going to explain why we chose each piece of equipment and we are going to give you a demonstration of what each piece of equipment does.

    Today we are going to be conducting field tests of:

    • The Shure MV7 Podcast Microphone
    • The iPhone 12 Pro Max
    • The Flir One
    • The DJI Gimbal 3
    • The Bigfoot Sounds App

    We are also going to be running tests on some of our older Equipment

    • Paddleski 435 Inflatable Pontoon Boat
    • Torqeedo Electric Motor
    • Pathfinder 2 Speaker

    Shure vs. Audio Technica Microphone

    So, our first test is going to be a comparison between our old microphone, an audio technica XLR microphone and the Shure MV7.

    As you listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube video, you are going to see what a difference the MV7 makes in creating a much better podcast sound.

    Thanks to our new Shure microphone, you can count on some of the best sounding podcasts and YouTube videos in the world of the Paranormal.

    Field Testing the iPhone 12 Pro Max

    While we’re out on Baker Lake we’re going to put the iPhone 12 pro Max Camera through its paces in a variety of different modes.

    Dji’s Osmo Gimbal IOS Version

    Using our iPhone 12 Pro Max, we’re going to try out the Osmo 3 Gimbal from DJI. This is not going to be a studio demonstration. This is a real life demonstration in the field where it’s going to be used.

    FLIR One Pro IOS Version

    If you’re looking for the paranormal, it’s going to be necessary to see what’s lurking in the dark. We’re going to see if the FLIR One Pro is able to bring some light on what’s out there.

    Bigfoot Sounds IOS App

    No whooping in the woods for Encounters USA. We have a large Pathfinder speaker to belt out simulated whoops and cries for miles. Will the Bigfoot Sounds App be effective? Find out on the podcast and blog.

    Encounters USA is definitely stepping up its game to bring you the best YouTube videos and podcasts. Of course the blog isn’t half bad either.

    Until next time,

    Watch Your Back!!!

    Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival William Bisson & Amy Bue With The Big Scoop on Bigfoot

    Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival William Bisson & Amy Bue With The Big Scoop on Bigfoot

    Today on Encounters USA Metaline Bigfoot Festival, Bigfoot Hunter Stephen Major’s movie debut Sullivan Creek Sasquatch as well as the new Bigfoot documentary from Animal Photographer Jason Humber.

    In addition, we’ll have updates on Speakers at the Metaline Bigfoot Festival, a short announcement concerning Encounters USA and Stephen Major’s Extreme Expeditions Northwest. So, it’s gonna be a great show. Please stay tuned.

    Technical Problems

    The show you are about watch or listen to on podcast has one major flaw. It’s missing the second half of the Encounters USA interview with Amy Bue and Bill Bisson, the organizer of the event. Due to the fact that Amy wasn’t available for the second one, and even though I never told him what happened, I have not been able to nail down Bill for the second interview.

    Metaline Falls Updates

    Thanks to the information passed along by organizer Bill Bisson in the first interview, I can give a fairly updated speaker list to get everyone excited about the Festival.

    Of course, I don’t have the entire list, but I do know that Dr. Robert Alley is going to be there to talk about his research on Alaska Sasquatch.

    Similarly, Larry “Beans” Baxter is going to be talking about his book Abandoned. Of course, if you’ve seen the interview or listened to the podcast with Beans, you’re gonna know about the mystery of Port Chatham and the mysterious Hairy Man.

    My old friend Thom Cantrall will be speaking at the festival about his latest book Sasquatch Face to Face.

    Amy Bue is also going to be discussing her research at the festival with a presentation on her latest activities. Of course, we’re all expecting to hear about Amy’s experiences in the latest Stephen Major motion picture, Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest.

    There will be a total of twelve speakers in all and two movie debuts in the historic Metaline Falls Theater.

    I think the biggest thrill for everyone is going to be seeing Bob Gimlin at the festival. Bob is scheduled to speak so we are all looking forward to hearing what words of encouragement he’s going to have for those who are continuing the search.

    If you had seen the last half of the podcast, the one that wasn’t recorded, that is what you would have seen. Of course there were the usual funny exchanges about the speakers at the festival, who killed JFK and the answer to the meaning of life, but as I said I forgot to press record.

    Now that we have all of the big news about the festival, here is some insider news you won’t know unless you are an Encounters USA fan.

    Most people know about my interviews with former law enforcement official Rich Germeau. One of those interviews was done at Lake Cushman, on the Hood Canal. Where Rish showed me a site of Bigfoot activity.  

    Some months ago, the gentleman who owned that property contacted me. What he had to say was even more interesting than Rich’s interactions.

    A number of Sasquatch interacted with the owners of the property and their guests at a fire pit I was not allowed to film. This interaction happened on a number of occasions.

    In addition, during the interactions with the Sasquatch clan, there was a flurry of UFO activity above the property and above the property.

    I cannot wait for the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival!