
    Energy Experience

    Expressing my higher self! ⚡️ Every episode is coming through as a divine spark of inspiration. My hope is to share the quantum moments of life and help you create your reality. I use my voice to bypass my mind and share the light of source. I'd love to hear about your experience and help you align with your path!

    My channels are open!
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com
    enSteven Celi538 Episodes

    Episodes (538)

    1 MILLION in 2024? How To Create Content & Grow an Audience in 2024 | ft. @Yourworldwithin

    1 MILLION in 2024? How To Create Content & Grow an Audience in 2024 | ft. @Yourworldwithin
    0:00 it's hard
    0:14 intro
    2:07 10x is easier than 2x
    5:30 Zone of Genius
    6:33 What is Joy?
    7:39 Advice for Content in 2024
    10:50 Knowing what it's not 11:01 Get out of the story's way
    14:18 Art for you vs. audience
    19:52 Algorithms 2024
    22:43 Linkedin 24:30 who's content NOT for?
    27:33 Men's Community: Level's Movement
    30:00 Balancing Purpose & Money as Entrepreneur
    34:55 Eddie's Current Wave of Life
    38:46 Getting to 1 Million subscribers

    Eddie's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSFzP3302RUCqPNXFGlVFw

    My channels: https://linktr.ee/betheenergysteve

    Just launched my CREATE NOW! online course on helping anyone start sharing their expression with the world! 🎥⚡️ StevenCeli.com

    Who is Steven Celi?

    Who is Steven Celi?
    Hi! I'm 30 years old and I absolutely love living. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of self-mastery Thanks for being here with me

    0:00 My Message If I Die…
    0:41 Who am i?
    0:49 The Dunk Journey
    1:41 College
    1:52 Quitting Corporate
    2:44 Imposter Syndrome
    3:08 We Are All Artists
    3:25 Becoming Entrepreneur
    3:57 Things I Know For Sure
    4:32 Why I Create
    5:31 Thank You

    🎧 Music! https://hyperfollow.com/StevenCeli
    1:1 Session: https://linktr.ee/betheenergysteve
    instagram/TikTok/Facebook @BeTheEnergySteve

    How Peanut Butter Fine Tuned Every Fiber of My Being! 🥜🧬⚡️

    How Peanut Butter Fine Tuned Every Fiber of My Being! 🥜🧬⚡️
    I was eating oats and noticed my vibration. i was calm, i was present and i realized what i TRULY wanted in this moment. And that was deeper than the pleasure response. The beautiful part was listening to that voice was more delicious than any topping.
    Removing the toppings of life makes every moment more decadent.
    May your Actions be CONNECTED to your truest knowing.

    1:1 Energy Sessions (Free Alignment)
    Email: StevenCeliCoaching@gmail.com

    Most Common MISTAKES Increasing Vertical Jump

    Most Common MISTAKES Increasing Vertical Jump
    Some of the biggest killers of my dunk training were inconsistency and impatience. Learn from my mistakes so you can grow effortlessly towards your HIGHEST SELF!

    Book: Power vs. Force - David Hawkins https://amzn.to/3LA8JX9

    0:03 New Dunk Intro
    0:42 Inconsistency
    1:07 Dunk Lifestyle
    1:54 Anyone can dunk
    2:36 Overtraining
    4:08 Body Awareness
    4:53 Less is more
    5:32 Underlying Fears
    6:35 FIRED UP!
    7:08 Comfort Zone Song

    Why Everyone SHOULD Dunk!💥♾

    Why Everyone SHOULD Dunk!💥♾
    Dunking is a metaphor for what your body and mind are capable of and how you manifest energy from metaphysical to physical.

    • 0:08 Dunk Mix + Song
    • 0:42 Body
    • 1:20 Mind
    • 2:23 Energy
    • 3:58 Believing is Seeing
    • 4:12 What is your "Dunk"?
    • 4:22 Your Connection to Source
    • 4:59 Bypass Mind into Heart
    • 5:35 Arrogant Song

    1:1 Energy Sessions (Free Alignment)
    Email: StevenCeliCoaching@gmail.com

    THE WAVE CREATORS! 🌊 Mastering Metaphysical -> Physical

    THE WAVE CREATORS! 🌊 Mastering Metaphysical -> Physical
    Can't see steps ahead? Maybe you're the one to CREATE IT! We are simultaneously on a wave as we courageously take steps to create it.

    • Goals are projections of life's intentions in physical reality
    • Your Light is Unique to you
    • Your Joy is your highest form of service
    • Authentic actions come as impulses

    1:1 Energy Sessions (Free Alignment)
    Email: StevenCeliCoaching@gmail.com

    For My Dreamers... NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND! 🤩✨

    For My Dreamers... NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND! 🤩✨
    GO FOR IT!

    Let excitement pull you towards possibilty
    No one may ever understand what you feel
    No one may ever see your vision.

    This step you're on right now is the same as the FINAL STEP.
    Don't let fear of where you'll land stop you from taking your first steps

    Share your quantum moments with me!
    1:1 Session: https://linktr.ee/stevenceli
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    You Are Always ONE STEP Away From Peace ☮️

    You Are Always ONE STEP Away From Peace ☮️
    Peace is not something you need to achieve... it's our natural state.
    Actions are endlessly changing. We need to remove our attachment of peace to what we are doing. Focus on who we are being.
    Fully let go of having to do anything ever. I know the mind may fight this but your heart knows it's true.
    Allow yourself the practice of being fully here now.
    By being stil we can allow the waters of our mind to settle which allows our intuition to be crystal clear

    Share your quantum moments with me!
    1:1 Session: https://linktr.ee/stevenceli
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    Climb YOUR Mountain for YOU! 🤩🏔 & serve the world best 😏

    Climb YOUR Mountain for YOU! 🤩🏔 & serve the world best 😏
    We get to live today!! What more needs to be said?? a lot….
    Today I share lessons from Arnold Schwarzenegger , feeling my heart SCREAM YES, Removing blocks from your vibration, hunger synchronicity, dunk camp inspirations, quantum shift by shifting focus and how to use paper as MAGIC

    Share your quantum moments with me!
    DM me: @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me: StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    My Most Profound LUCID Dream! Insights + How to Practice

    My Most Profound LUCID Dream! Insights + How to Practice
    0:00 intro Rap
    9:35 Most Profound Knowing of Dream
    22:11 how to practice dreaming
    27:26 Trying to hold onto our dream we lose it

    Seeing life through the lens of a dream has had profound impact on my life. What would it be like to live without limits? No concerns of safety? No judgements from others? How can we prove we can create reality? WE CANNOT

    • We have a knowing beyond our sense we can not prove without waking up
    • We limit are being by trying to "prove" how something will be done
    • This reality is a denser, more conditioned version of a dream.
    • Trying to hold onto a dream... we lose it.
    How to lucid dream:
    1. Start being intentional about dreaming mornign and night
    2. Start writing down each dream the moment you wake up
    3. Set alarms and reminders to ask "Am i dreaming?" throughout waking day
    4. Notice patterns in your dreams that can help induce a lucid dream
    Thank you for sharing this journey with me!
    I want to hear your questions! Your magic moments!
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    One Step to Quantum LEAP! ⚡️💥✨

    One Step to Quantum LEAP! ⚡️💥✨
    Every single action changes your vibration. Your vibration is how you experince reality. Quantum Leaping is about understanding that every facet of life is connected and by changing one thing you change EVERYTHING.
    Today I share some examples of how quantum leaping works and how you can start doing it today!
    1. What energy are you feeling?
    2. Where else in your life can you feel it?
    3. What small action can you take to change your vibration

    Share your quantum moments with me!
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    SEASON 5 BEGINS! Living Quantum

    SEASON 5 BEGINS! Living Quantum
    Maximizing the magic of this human experience! Join me in the journey of quantum living.

    Today I talk about Living Quantum: the infinite possiblities in every moment, the limits of living linearly & how to stay open to quantum leaps.
    I share a reminder of being the enegy. How life is a temporary human experience that we are fully connected to.

    I'm super pumped to back sharing my voice and I hope every vibration helps activate your natural gifts.

    Share your quantum moments with me!
    DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve
    Email me StevenCelicoaching@gmail.com

    Are You Waiting or Creating? ⏳👁💫 | DMT Experience - Unconditional Safety

    Are You Waiting or Creating? ⏳👁💫 | DMT Experience - Unconditional Safety
    Waiting is a CHOICE! Today i share my recent energy experiences of finding infinite creative power if i CHOOSE to see it.
    Some Topics from today:
    👩‍❤️‍👨Creating Relationships we want
    📒From Ambition To Meaning by Wayne Dyer
    🧘‍♂️DMT Breathwork Experience
    💛Unconditional Safety

    ⚡️Free 90 days of Energy! www.StevenCeli.com

    Use Your Unique Gifts To Light Up The World! 🌍⚡️

    Use Your Unique Gifts To Light Up The World! 🌍⚡️
    Why do we block our gifts? Why don't we follow our passion? So often we think it's pointless or we don't feel we deserve it. We also feel judgement of doing something else. Today's reminder is to follow that passion! As you radiate your brightest light, you are raising the vibration of the entire world. Trust and allow your heart to speak! ENJOY!

    ⚡️Free 90 days of Energy! StevenCeli.com

    How to STRENGTHEN your Self-Worth with Kyle Cassidy 👑

    How to STRENGTHEN your Self-Worth with Kyle Cassidy 👑
    Today i have my brother in enthusiasm Kyle on to share his experience of life! A first of many conversations to come as we explore and expand together. A man of faith, a man of the people, a man of ENERGY! Kyle embodies giving & receiving blessings in harmony with all of creation. A voice that touches hearts and moves bodies as he inspires others to become their TRUEST, HIGHEST version of themselves.

    So much love!

    Vibrational Tune-Up Meetup: Every Monday 9am PST
    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation on StevenCeli.com
    📲Follow Instagram.com/BeTheEnergySteve for local events!
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency!

    One Step That Change Your Entire Life! 👁🤩 | FlowMaster Michael Laing

    One Step That Change Your Entire Life! 👁🤩 | FlowMaster Michael Laing
    ENERYG OTD: Expansive Experiences are EVERYWHERE! Today i have my boy Mike on to share how we can align all of life experiences to enhance our life in every way. Music festivals to yoga to health coaching, healthy habits can help us experience more fun which aligns us with a higher vibration. Plus his energy of the week of grounding. Hope this inspires you to see life in completely new expansive light! ENJOY!


    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation on StevenCeli.com
    📲Follow @BeTheEnergySteve for local events!
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency!

    "Full Of" Nutrients, Energy, and LOVE! 🍞🍫 | Natasha's New Experience @FulloveFoods

    "Full Of" Nutrients, Energy, and LOVE! 🍞🍫 | Natasha's New Experience @FulloveFoods
    Natasha "Ganasha" Flores-Makon is the founder of Fullove Foods "Full Of" nutrients, energy, and LOVE . At only 20 years old Ganasha is following the flow as she surrenders to her new chapter of life. As she solo sky dives, travels the world, transitions her company, she embodies BEING THE ENERGY as she's committed to excitement and changing the world for future generations. Grateful to know her, share time and space and share her story with you all so you can also experience the inspiration and enjoy the journey!

    Natasha: https://www.instagram.com/yourlifeisfull/
    Fullove : https://www.instagram.com/fullovefoods/

    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation on StevenCeli.com
    📲Follow me! @BeTheEnergySteve
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency! 1 on 1 coaching, Group Coaching, Meditations.

    Stop "Wanting" ❌ Start BECOMING your Desires ⚡️

    Stop "Wanting" ❌ Start BECOMING your Desires ⚡️
    Another chance to create our experience!
    Energy OTD:
☯️Balance Speeds up the Flow
    💪🏼Reps to Reinforce Vibration
    🤩Confidence is a KNOWING of who you truly are
    💫Shifting from want to EMBODIMENT

    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation on StevenCeli.com
    📲Follow @BeTheEnergySteve for local events!
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency!

    Becoming a Finely-Tuned Vibration! ⚡️ 🎸 | Redefining & Practicing Sensitivity

    Becoming a Finely-Tuned Vibration! ⚡️ 🎸 | Redefining & Practicing Sensitivity
    Channelled Message: You have a heart of GOLD! 💛 It is so full it wants to lead. SO LET IT! Today’s episode is about building discernment between heart and mind. We talk about current energy in the universe and practices to help us navigate. Also a story of getting to sit with a monk! 🧘‍♂️
    ⚡️Energy OTD:
    - 👩‍🏫Teacher Vs. Student
    - 👁Holding the Vision!
    - 🌊Being Empty
    - 🎸Sensitivity Finely Tuned Energy

    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation on StevenCeli.com
    📲Follow @BeTheEnergySteve for local events!
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency!

    🤩 Act Inspired NOW! The Mind's Instant Resistance...

    🤩 Act Inspired NOW! The Mind's Instant Resistance...
    Planning is holding you back! Notice when you’re not starting or doing your best because the ‘mind’ wants to say it’s not ready. It’s not sustainable. “What if…” etc.
    🤩Crush TODAY for Today
    ♾Effortless Expansion
    🍄Mushroom resource
    🚶‍♂️Finding your path
    ⚡️Creating Vibrational Reminders

    🎧🧘‍♂️FREE Effortless Expansion Meditation -> https://www.stevenceli.com/pl/2147611499
    📆Follow @BeTheEnergySteve for local events!
    ⚡️ stevencelicoaching@gmail.com Reach out to start vibrating at your highest frequency!