
    English with Kirsty

    A podcast for busy people who want to improve their business English or develop their communication skills. For further information, see www.englishwithkirsty.com/podcast

    en-gbKirsty Major100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    EwK156 - You don't have to understand everything in order to learn something

    EwK156 - You don't have to understand everything in order to learn something
    Today I'm sharing something from my personal experience of learning, but I think it's important.

    If you're learning for an exam, you have to know all the material. However, if you're listening to or reading materials to help you learn another language, you don't need to understand every single word. In fact, sometimes it's good when you don't, because this gives you the chance to learn new vocabulary or sentence structures that you haven't come across before.

    Find out how I ended up learning whilst observing, and pushing my boundaries by listening to something I thought I wouldn't be able to understand.
    English with Kirsty
    en-gbMarch 15, 2019

    EwK155 - What is your ideal working environment?

    EwK155 - What is your ideal working environment?
    Today I'd like to try something different. I've linked to an audio resource about a topic for listening practice, a blog post for reading practice, and some questions to think about.

    Basically, I'd like to know what you think about working from home, and what your ideal office would look like. What is important to you? Do you like to be oaroundother people?

    The show notes for this episode, where you'll also find the other links, are here:

    EwK154 - some questions that interviewers might be asking themselves during your job interview

    EwK154 - some questions that interviewers might be asking themselves during your job interview
    Of course the interviewer cares whether you have the knowledge and skills to do the job, but there are some other things that they might be asking themselves about you too. I talk about 10 possible questions here. You will probably never know how they would answer them, but you can influence them by coming across well and making a good impression in your interview.

    My career page is here:
    and the show notes are here:

    EwK153 - Knowing your bad habits or writing weaknesses can help you identify your mistakes

    EwK153 - Knowing your bad habits or writing weaknesses can help you identify your mistakes
    We all have things that we often get mixed up, that make us stop and think, or that we often overlook in our own writing. If we know what those things are, it's easier to keep an eye out for them when checking our work. I talk about some of the things that I look out for, as well as ten other examples. Do you have anything to add to the list?

    You can find the show notes here:

    Episode 152 - In 2019 I am not going to ...

    Episode 152 - In 2019 I am not going to ...
    We hear so many people talking about what they are going to do now that the new year has started. To make things a bit different, I thought it might be interesting to make an episode about 10 things that I'm not going to do as a language learner. In this episode, you'll find out what those 10 things are.

    I'd love to hear your ideas too, so if you've got anything to add to the list, let me know! What will you not be doing this year?

    You can find the show notes page here: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode152

    EwK150 - What can I do to improve my English over the Christmas break?

    EwK150 - What can I do to improve my English over the Christmas break?
    In countries where Christmas is celebrated, many of us are preparing for the Christmas and New Year break.

    It's a time for celebrating with family and friends, and many of the things that we normally do regularly, such as language learning, are forgotten about until the new year.

    However, if you still want to do something for your English during this time, I have some ideas for you.

    Check out the show notes here: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode150

    EwK149 - When the language is fine, but it's still a bad email

    EwK149 - When the language is fine, but it's still a bad email
    Learners tend to focus on things like grammar, vocabulary, and whether the email makes sense. Of course, these things are all important,but yu can get all of these things right, and still end up with a bad email.

    I explain what I mean in today's podcast episode and give you a couple of questions to ask yourself before hitting that "send" button.

    You can find the show notes here:

    EwK148 - lessons from a learner - what to do when you don't understand something

    EwK148 - lessons from a learner - what to do when you don't understand something
    I'm a teacher, but I'm also a learner.

    In October, I started a part-time university degree, and I'd like to share a couple of the things that I've learned and strategies that I've developed for those times when I don't understand something.

    I'm doing an IT course, and my particular problems are usually related to maths, but these tips can also be applied to learning English.

    You can find the show notes here:

    EwK135 - When using the telephone is not the best idea

    EwK135 - When using the telephone is not the best idea
    "Telephone skills are important, but there are times when using the telephone actually makes a job take longer.
    I want my business English students to feel confident about using the telephone, but also to decide whether making a phone call is the best way to get a job done. Here are some things to consider.
    You can find the show notes page here: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode145

    EwK143 - when you follow a verb with an adjective

    EwK143 - when you follow a verb with an adjective
    Most of the time we use adverbs to describe verbs, because we're describing how we're doing something:

    I slammed the door angrily.
    However, if we're describing how someone feels, or how something looks, sounds, or tastes, we use an adjective, because we're describing that thing.
    The food tastes delicious - not deliciously
    The ring looks expensive - not expensively
    I feel happy - not happily

    Look can also be followed by an adverb if I say something like
    look at these sentences carefully - because it's the way in which I want you to look.
    These sentences look difficult - here we need an adjective, because I'm describing how the sentences look to me.

    This episode's page on my website can be found here:

    EWK141 Is it good to have a language teacher who speaks your native language?

    EWK141 Is it good to have a language teacher who speaks your native language?
    I work with students from a number of countries. With some I only communicate in English, but when I'm working with German speakers, I can add additional value because I also speak German. Today I'm looking at how it can help if you have a teacher who speaks your language, and what you need to be careful about in this situation. Here are the show notes for today's episode: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode141

    EwK137 Advanced learners still have things to learn!

    EwK137  Advanced learners still have things to learn!
    Today isn't about teaching you something. I am sharing an experience that I had a couple of weeks ago. I would consider myself to be an advanced learner of German, but a friend showed me that when I'm writing, I know a lot of words in my target language, but I don't sound the same as I do in my native language.
    This doesn't happen so much in less formal situations, but when there's more pressure, or you're doing something that you don't do all the time - how well do your natural style and personality come across in your target language? That's the question that I'd like to ask you today!
    The show notes and comment form can be found here: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode137