

    When you’ve had enough of not feeling enough, connect to your knowing that you ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH! Join Callie Brown, Clarity and Connection Coach for conversations, realizations, resources and insights for when you’ve had enough of not feeling enough!
    en-auCallie Brown46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    S2 Ep 22: 'Why have a mentor or coach' with Tanya Kitto

    S2 Ep 22: 'Why have a mentor or coach' with Tanya Kitto

    Join Callie in a heartfelt conversation with Tanya Kitto, a client and dear friend she has shared a coaching container with over the last four years. Tanya reflects on her journey, sharing the profound impact of embracing an ordinary life with self-love and acceptance. Through Tanya's exploration of spirituality and coaching, she discovered the importance of integrating human elements into her self-discovery. The episode explores the transformative power of self-awareness, self-compassion, and the value of commitment to one's authentic self. Tanya highlights the beauty of giving oneself permission to lead an ordinary yet magnificent life, emphasizing the liberation found in self-trust and the ripple effects of personal growth.

    The conversation delves into Tanya's experience with Crohn's disease, her spiritual journey, and the evolution of her relationships. Tanya expresses the profound shift in her interactions, creating a space for authentic conversations and the freedom to explore her truth. The episode concludes with Tanya's powerful permission slip: "It's not selfish to love yourself." This sentiment encapsulates the essence of the coaching container shared by Callie and Tanya—a space for genuine connection, self-discovery, and the celebration of an ordinary life infused with extraordinary moments.


    en-auMarch 03, 2024

    S2 Ep 21: Embracing the process to experience the tangible change

    S2 Ep 21: Embracing the process to experience the tangible change

    A solo ep to kick of Enough Already Podcast for 2024!!

    Callie unpacks the process of experiencing tangible change.

    Callie breaks down the process into bite sized chunks, hopefully gifting you an embodied practice to take out into your every day life.

    How often do we hear the quote "Life is about the journey, not the destination" - but what is the journey and how do we stay invested and focused on the process when we feel so distant or unsure of what we actually want or what we are moving toward?

    Callie shares 5 steps to embracing the process and experiences tangible change - speaking to real and true relationship challenges that arise for her when swimming in the unknown alongside her Hubby who processes life, challenges and change in a very different way to her.

    This episode is about awareness, permission, getting clear on your non-negotiables, reigniting your meaning and tools to become aware of how you behave in the face of change.

    Let us know what you loved in this Episode by leaving a comment on Callie's instagram page or dropping an email to calliebrowncoach@gmail.com - we love hearing your comments and take-aways

    Remember to hit subscribe and share the podcast with your friends - thank you! 

    en-auJanuary 14, 2024

    S2 Ep 20: 'Learning from the natural world and expressing your wild self' with Brittany Laidlaw

    S2 Ep 20: 'Learning from the natural world and expressing your wild self' with Brittany Laidlaw

    Welcome to this deeply grounded and wildly soul stimulating episode with Brittany Laidlaw.

    Britt is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over a decade of experience leading embodied nature-connection programs. Britt holds a Masters of Environment in Somatic Ecology, a Bachelor degree in Sustainable Enterprise, and is currently completing a pioneering PhD in eco-somatics. She is also the Co-Founder of Natureculture, an enterprise which offers immersive programs that reconnect people to the natural world and the wild parts of themselves.
    Within the business, Britt's programs specifically focus on midwifing the dormant potential within women by connecting to the wild feminine. Today, her work primarily focuses on guiding women through The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for conversing with the body, soul, and nature based on her PhD research.
    Prior to this, Britt also co-founded Wildsong, a nature mentoring business for children and families that is currently in evolution and awaiting rebirth.

    Britt talks to what it takes to live having access and approval to all parts of your personal ecology.

    She opens up about what living is about for her and from her persecutive what the purpose of feeling is.

    Giving us a breakdown of her EARTHED framework and how our bodies and emotional experience/sensations  can be supported by looking at and connecting to nature.

    If you are yearning to live and move through your world in a more embodied and connected way - this conversation with Britt will be inspirational.

    Love to hear what resonated most for you!

    Big Love
    Cal x


    en-auDecember 08, 2023

    S2 Ep 19: 'Personal power, Self Expression and living' with Tamica Wilder

    S2 Ep 19: 'Personal power, Self Expression and living' with Tamica Wilder

    In this episode of Enough Already we chat with Tamica Wilder.

    Tamica is a sexologist, author and multi-qualified therapist with a deep passion for teaching women how to re-connect with their power and unapologetic self-expression while giving full permission to shamelessly prioritise pleasure and play.

    Tamica brings over 19 years of facilitation and group work experience and guides with wisdom, compassion, humour and love in all that she does.

    Her work arms you with the tools you need to create lasting and meaningful change and reconnects you with all that's possible inside your feminine embodiment and full, authentic sexual expression. 

    We cover the importance of being connected to body, pleasure and inner deep awareness if how tuned in and turned on we are by life, our relationships and our commitments.

    Tamica also talks about the importance of prioritising self-regulation and knowing what she needs to show up to life in a way that feels good.

    We hear how Tamica found her way to becoming a sexologist and her knowing that sexual expression is a key part of whole-being living.

    This is an intimate, fun and deeply open conversation!

    Tamica is a delightful, anchored and expansive energy - enjoy!

    We all yearn for deeper connections and Tamica beautifully talks about how we can honour and prioritise the quality of our relationships through connection.

    Love to hear your takeaways from this episode.

    Cal x

    en-auNovember 12, 2023

    S2 Ep 18: 'Coming home to wholeness through authentic relating' with Sophia Leone

    S2 Ep 18: 'Coming home to wholeness through authentic relating' with Sophia Leone

    This episode of Enough Already we welcome Sophia Leone facilitator, teacher, and mentor of a transformative practise called Authentic Relating.

    Through her business Authentikora, Sophia passionately aims to empower people with the skills and practices to have more enriching, enlivening, and meaningful human relationships. She works in all social domains of life, from the bedroom to the boardroom to create fulfilling, closer connections for the bigger vision- a more beautiful world. Sophia loves nature walks, a good boogie, and doing things slowly with silent reverence.

    This delicious conversation is like balm for the soul - Sophia speaks with such presence, tenderness and passion about the possibilities and peace available in tending to our very real feeling experience in the realm of relating.

    We talk about what Authentic Relating is , who it is for and how it can nourish, elevate and inform your relationships.

    Sophia's natural ability and intentional practiced skillset to stay open and curious makes for a rich, playful and engaged episode.

    If you wonder how you can be more present in the face of conflict, your perceived inadequacies and thrive even through a sense of opposition - this is a great episode to immerse yourself in.

    Sophia offers practical tools and solid observations to carry with you in your day to day.

    Come home to your authenticity with Sophia Leone.

    To lean more into Sophia's work and her Authentic Reality home at Authentikora - head to;




    en-auOctober 06, 2023

    S2 Ep17: Following your fascinations with Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne

    S2 Ep17: Following your fascinations with Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne

    In this episode of 'Enough Already' we are joined by Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne.

    Jess is a Psychic Medium based in Melbourne Australia. She has the ability to connect and blend with her client’s energy to identify any current obstacles they may be facing, and provide divine guidance on how to navigate the situation.
    Simultaneously, Jess will connect with her client’s departed loved ones in the spirit world to provide support, comfort, guidance & closure. She reads with laughter, love & compassion and brings spirit forward in their truest form; raw, unfiltered and full of personality, just as you remember them.

    The conversations covers "gut feelings", to following your fascinations and recognising what energy and feelings are not your own.

    We talk about how Jessica started connecting to her abilities and her unwavering willingness to back herself and her curiosity around connecting with messages and energy from those who have passed.

    Jess is an advocate for starting before you feel ready and being willing to take the leap toward the thing you love - Jess shares about her recent decision to leave 9-5 employment and be a full time Psychic Medium and what a gift this has been even through the fear and conditioning.

    This is a raw and unfiltered convo, even Callie's sons iPad makes a cameo ringing in the background near the end because she couldn't find it to turn it off!

    If you are yearning to step outside your thoughts, judgments and clouded mental programming and move away from what you think about yourself to embrace your sensory and energetic support systems - then this episode will bring you the opportunity to re-ground and re-connect to your true spirit.

    Jess shares what she does to stay grounded and to promote more moments of stillness and lightness as she balances playing in the real world and the spirit world.

    Jess conducts her readings online so she can connect with clients all over the world. 

    If you would like to connect with Jessica you can follow her on Instagram

    Check out her website 

    Or listen to her Top #5 podcast "Talk Spirit To Me" on Spotify or Apple.

    en-auSeptember 21, 2023

    S2 Ep 16: Meeting the beauty of midlife with Cathy Carr

    S2 Ep 16: Meeting the beauty of midlife with Cathy Carr

    A juicy and loving conversation with Cathy the founder of Cathy Carr Coaching & is the co-director (with hubby Donal Carr) of Place of CHI.   

    We discuss movement - physical and spiritual as we move through midlife - the rite of passage into a slower, wise and more conscious season of life.

    Cathy is a believer that this can be a beautiful transition that does not need to be "cured" but to be experienced through supporting our stress and leaning into other women to identify where we are suffering and how to be with this.

    Cathy has had 30 years of working in various capacities in the Health & Fitness arena and now solely focuses her energy on supporting the health of women in midlife.  Women in midlife who are ready to "unlock the energy vault" and get their MOJO back with a holistic approach.

    She provides online & face to face private coaching where she is based in
    the Sunshine Coast Australia.

    Cathy is a mum of 2 sons, 2 miniature goats and a somewhat large dog

    Cathy’s background is dance and sport – all types of movement really and loves a good laugh and boogie to some favourite tunes.

    Cathy is a mandala artist and incorporates this healing into her coaching and special events. 

    This is a dynamic conversation that brings hope, nurturance and a expanded outlook to the menopause journey.

    Find Cathy on Instagram

    Here is her 3 tips to reduce inflammation and increase energy and sleep MOJO WAY

    en-auAugust 12, 2023

    S2 Ep 15: 'Whole body aliveness through connecting to your sexuality' with Cindra Banks

    S2 Ep 15: 'Whole body aliveness through connecting to your sexuality' with Cindra Banks

    Now this is a juicy, connected and dynamic conversation with Cinder Banks.

    Cindra helps open-minded people have fun, playful and easy relationships through better sex and clearer communication. She has been working with couples and individuals for over three years as a Sex Coach and recently graduated from a Certificate in Sexological Bodywork, to offer Vulva (yoni) and Anal Mapping. Cindra presented on the Sex Ed stage at all three Sexpo Australia events last year (and about to do it again this year), has spoken on countless podcasts about her work (including The Deep with Zoe Marshall) and runs her own powerful in-person events on the East Coast. She identifies as queer and polyamorous, and loves bringing "taboo" topics like sex, pleasure and non-traditional relationships into the light.

    In this episode Callie and Cinder dive into what drives someone's sex drive, reconnecting to sexuality and sensuality, prioritising pleasure, opening communication around what you desire and how to ask for it.

    Cindra talks intimately about her personal journey to feeling fully expressed as well as what it takes to feels safe in physical and emotional intimacy.

    This episode will tantalise and activate your whole body to move into a journey back into self-awareness, deep connection and permission to play.

    Find more of Cindra over on her

    PS You'll find the link to the Erotic Blueprint Quiz referenced in this episode here

    en-auJuly 11, 2023

    S2 Ep 14: 'Be free to be who you truly are' with Emma Johnston co founder of The Reconnected

    S2 Ep 14: 'Be free to be who you truly are' with Emma Johnston co founder of The Reconnected

    In this ep of Enough Already Callie connects with Emma Johnston from The Reconnected.

    Emma is Co Founder of The Reconnected.  A mother of 5, she has a mastery in rebirthing Breathwork & teaches Kundalini Yoga having taught over 60,000 ++ people through her work at The Reconnected.

    Emma speaks to what led her to Kundalini yoga and breathwork and why these key practices are a continued support to her own busy family/business life alongside being her gift to the world.

    Callie and Emma discuss the energetics of business and integrating family life, following your own inner sense and her divine dream to encourage a next generation of human beings who intrinsically know they are free to choose and free to be themselves.

    The Reconnected community is an incredible resource to begin tending to your own capacity, meeting yourself, growing your will, strengthening your grit and beginning to see and feel your family thriving.

    Emma is a beacon of embodied living with a kind and calm  glow that is infectious.

    Enjoy this conversation, and as always reach out to Callie to let her know what you loved most in this episode.

    Find Emma and The Reconnected here:

    The Reconnected website
    New Earth mama Instagram
    Reconnected Being Website

    en-auJune 29, 2023

    S2 Ep 13: Womens innate wisdom & body awareness with Kate Payne

    S2 Ep 13: Womens innate wisdom & body awareness with Kate Payne

    In this episode of Enough Already Callie and Kate chat on all things women's wellness and body connection.

    Kate is a Mother of 2, Women’s Yoga Therapist, Teacher Trainer and Mentor. For the past decade she has been working in women’s health and wellness across multiple modalities and has witnessed first hand the pandemic we are experiencing pushing a one size fits all approach to women’s health and healing. Using yoga as a pathway for life, Kate empowers women to cultivate whole body health through education on a woman’s lifecycle and body connection.

    Kate regularly runs online women’s yoga trainings through her yoga school Higher States of Yoga, and is a regular guest teacher for both YTTs & Yoga Therapy Training courses across Australia.

    Kate talks to her own personal journey around what led her to supporting and guiding women back into their own innate wisdom through the portal of the body - her own pregnancy and birth  journey opening her up to the power of being aware and connected to  her and personal choices.

    To live a more peaceful and embodied life you must be aware of your body and nurture the practices that support your physical and emotional well being.

    Kate talks to the 3 area's her teachings focus on;
    1. Self-awareness
    2. Self care
    3. Tapas - the 3rd Niyama - the desire to keep going.

    This conversation will take you deep into the rites of passage of being woman and have you feeling a sense of safety and knowing for the current phase you find yourself in.

    Let us know what you took from this episode.

    With love
    Cal x

    Connect with Kate here.

    en-auMay 13, 2023

    S2 Ep 12: 'Bringing dreams to fruition' with Kylea Harvey

    S2 Ep 12: 'Bringing dreams to fruition' with Kylea Harvey

    In this ep of Enough Already we bring the backbone of Callie's world her Virtual Assistant Kylea Harvey to the mic.

    This ep is recorded together in Callie's Northern Rivers home while Kylea is travelling the East Coast of Australia after taking only 11 days to drive from her home in Western Australia to Callie's front gate in her retro bus Beryl and with dog Hazel sitting pretty in the passenger seat!

    This bus trip extravaganza has been a dream Kylea chipped away at for the past decade.

    Over the past few years Kylea has also taken the leap to build her non-location specific online VA business 'Virtual Sanity', literally learning on the job and expanding her client base organically so that she could work from anywhere in her fully equipped office on wheels (Beryl the bus!).

    Kylea and Callie speak vulnerably about what it takes to connect to a dream, pursue it and take risks that fully line up with the life you wish to create.

    Kylea speaks from the heart about her personal development journey, the new found relationship of trust and patience she has grown within herself and how that has impacted the way she now sees and interacts in her world.

    Kylea is honest, raw and truthful in what it has taken to bring her dream to fruition.

    What dreams are you chipping away at? Perhaps it;'s closer than you think?!

    Check out Kylea on her Instagram.

    en-auApril 26, 2023

    S2. Ep11: Self Sabotage and Overthinking

    S2. Ep11: Self Sabotage and Overthinking

    In This episode of ENOUGH ALREADY - Callie jumps into a solo snippet on her perspective and thoughts on the over marketed concept of "self-sabotage".

    Callie speaks to the themes of over-thinking and self sabotage - the societal narrative on these qualities vs her embodied sense of what these qualities actually serve.

    Are we actually ever in our own way or are do we simply seek to gain a deeper understanding and experience of what feels true?

    What kind of thinker are you? A practical or creative one? Callie discusses this further.

    If you are longing to think deeper or connect more expansively to your understanding of blocking yourself, sabotaging yourself or over-thinking then this is the episode for you.

    Callie always loves hearing what you gained from this ep - jump over to her INSTAGRAM inbox and share your feedback with her!

    en-auMarch 14, 2023

    S2 Ep 10: Simplicity, longevity and the art of finding fulfilment with Marcus Pearce

    S2 Ep 10: Simplicity, longevity and the art of finding fulfilment with Marcus Pearce

    Welcome Marcus Pearce  to the Enough Already Podcast.

    Marcus is a Longevity Coach, Author, Podcast Co-host and Father of 4.

    We have a lively conversation about what it takes to design a life on your terms and with what is currently available to you.

    Marcus shares the 8 pillars from his book 'Your Exceptional Life' and we discuss how to begin living your life authentically.

    From graceful ageing to discipline and knowing - we cover it all!

    Have a listen and let us know what you really loved about this episode.

    Find Marcus over on his WEBSITE and Instagram.

    Listen more to Marcus on his Podcast 100 not out

    en-auMarch 06, 2023

    S2. Ep 9: 'The power of love, will & compassionate connection' with Marion Rose

    S2. Ep 9: 'The power of love, will & compassionate connection' with Marion Rose

    Marion Rose, PhD, is the co-author of the bestselling 'Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children - A Parent's Guide to Understanding Behaviour, Feelings and Relationships' with Lael Stone.

    Marion has been studying psychology and consciousness since 1987 and has a PhD on postnatal depression and the mother-infant relationship from Cambridge University. She researched infant development as a post-Doctoral Research Fellow and taught MA students, as well working as a Psychosynthesis psychotherapist.

    After teaching first HypnoBirthing and them Calm Birth, she focussed her attention on bringing about change through supporting parents.

    Marion has been practicing Aware Parenting since 2002 and is the mother of a 21 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. She has been an Aware Parenting instructor since 2005 and is a Level Two instructor and the Regional Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand. 

    Marion is also the founder of The Marion Method, which is a psychospiritual paradigm of parenting, reparenting and reculturing. 

    She offers online courses and mentoring, including for people who want to become Aware Parenting instructors and Marion Method mentors. She believes that these two paradigms are part of crating systemic change away from The Disconnected Domination Culture.

    Marion co-hosts The Aware Parenting Podcast with Lael Stone, which has more than 1.5 million plays, and co-hosts The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast with Joss Goulden, an Aware Parenting instructor. Marion also hosts her own podcast, The Psychospiritual Podcast, often with Nic Wilson, an Aware Parenting instructor and Marion Method Mentor.

    In this episode of Enough Already Marion and Callie dive deeply into what Marion refers to as the DDC - Disconnection Dominance Culture.

    They discuss all the pieces around opening up more deeply to self-compassion and ways to be with ourselves through guilt and shame.

    Love to hear what you took from listening to this episode!

    Huge love x

    You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net




    en-auFebruary 14, 2023

    S2. Ep 8: Internal intelligence and present living with Dr. Ana Candia

    S2. Ep 8: Internal intelligence and present living with Dr. Ana Candia

    In this episode Callie and Ana reconnect after their meeting in the yoga world in Vancouver Canada over 15 yrs a go.

    Dr. Ana Candia, ND is a Wellness leader & Naturopathic Doctor.

    Prior to her naturopathic medical training, Dr. Candia interspersed years of formal study in Human Biology, Globalization and Education with extended periods of international work and volunteerism with Naturopaths Without Borders, Natural Doctors International as well as Feed the Children.

    Dr. Candia is a licensed yoga instructor and has developed and taught courses in many
    key health foundations. She is a second generation Argentine-Canadian, a proud mother of one, and above all else, a student of Nature.

    She lives, breathes and practices in Durham, Ontario in Canada.

    In this conversation Dr Ana speaks to her road to wholeness and well-ness - following her intuitive knowing and slowing down her mind through practising yoga, breath work and meditation.

    Dr Ana speaks to the journey of becoming a naturopath, gaining more inner awareness and then to what led her to write and create her book 'Myndful'.

    Listen in to this exchange to nurture you awareness around what you are immersing yourself in and how you are nourishing your inner flow through daily practice.

    Love to hear what sang to you in the episode.

    With love
    Cal x

    Learn more about Dr Ana Candia here - website and connect with Dr Ana on her Instagram.

    en-auJanuary 31, 2023

    S2. Ep 7: Ecstatic Motherhood and Natural Learning with Vanessa Beauchamp

    S2. Ep 7: Ecstatic Motherhood and Natural Learning with Vanessa Beauchamp

    Welcome Vanessa Beauchamp - Mother, Author, Radical Unschooling Advocate, Somatic Therapist, Women's Sexual Wellness Practitioner & Creative. 

    Vanessa supports mothers to bring the joy back into parenting & prioritise pleasure while implementing new ways of being with their children.

    In this episode Vanessa talks to how we can live more joyously through the journey of motherhood, nurturing the inner flame and healing through the mundane.

    We discuss Vanessa's journey with radical unschooling which has grown her passion for the reverence of presence and sinking into the unknown.

    Vanessa has a beautiful acceptance of life being a work in progress and the gift of self expression.

    This episode will give you an opportunity to review your own daily practices and the what kind of lifestyle you are consciously implementing for you and your family.

    Have a listen and sink into more of who you are.

    Love to hear what landed most for you from this listening to this episode with Vanessa.

    Huge love
    Cal x

    en-auJanuary 03, 2023

    S2. Ep 6: 'Mentoring the Creative Evolution of Self & Business' with Brittany Eastman

    S2. Ep 6: 'Mentoring the Creative Evolution of Self & Business' with Brittany Eastman

    Brittany Eastman 'Writer, Mother & Creative Mentor'

    Brit is a human being willing to experiment with her humanity, her pace and her way of engaging with the world which contributes to her being an incredible Mentor.

    In this episode Callie and Brit talk to what it takes to be present and available for yourself and others through the journey of creating and offering your art with the world - playing in the realms of potentiality and possibility to ensure the quality of exploration and curiosity are upheld.

    We explore what it takes to wholeheartedly blossom as a creative while staying aligned and attuned to your personal evolution.

    Brit's deep willingness to get it wrong, mess it up and stuff it up has allowed her to explore and experiment through the lens of freedom and staying centered. 

    We discuss the beauty of support and the power of having community and partnering when we are creating and building businesses and projects alone.

    If you want to listen to an extremely human, raw and real conversation around creativity, continuing to share and show up as well as crafting  your own way of being then jump in and listen to this deliciously nourishing episode.

    This is an organic sharing that feels like an energetic transmission of two Gemini's sharing wordy goodness - medicinal and heart igniting.

    Love to hear what landed most for you in this ep!


    en-auDecember 20, 2022

    S2. Ep 5: What makes YOU interesting?! with Miranda Ivey

    S2. Ep 5: What makes YOU interesting?! with Miranda Ivey

    What Makes you interesting? Your life and the way you express yourself, your art and your work in the world is so unique.

    In this episode we chat with Miranda Ivey - rollerskating mama with a flare for sharing individualism in marketing.

     After years of wishing that she was further along in business, Miranda found the missing key that would unlock happiness and success,  she discovered that the cause of everything was a lack of confidence in herself and her abilities.

    It wasn't until she understood that her perceived flaws were in reality her biggest assets that she truly started to own her space in the world.
    This has become visible in her offers, her marketing and her newfound lust for life.

    When she's not asking eye opening questions with her coaching clients or writing fabulous Facebook ads, you'll find Miranda catching a few waves at her favourite break or rollerskating alongside the beach after dropping her kids at school.

    If you are longing to grow your own strategies, take up space, find your unique and aligned personal expression and have more energy for the things you love alongside growing your business - this episode is for you!

    Miranda talks to how she stays motivated and fuels her inspiration whilst living and doing more of what she loves in life.

    An Enough Already episode packed with practical and creative juice! Enjoy!

    Find Miranda here:
    Free confidence hypnosis

    en-auDecember 06, 2022

    S2. Ep 4: Simple Kitchen Rituals - Bringing back your cooking mojo with Lunch lady Lou.

    S2. Ep 4: Simple Kitchen Rituals - Bringing back your cooking mojo with Lunch lady Lou.

    Lou is a delightful, refreshing, down to earth and real deal legend!

    A Kitchen Coach, Mama and once-upon-a-time salad slinger to the Sydney CBD.
    Lou bought the concept of 'healthy lunch delivery' to the city in 2013 when she had it with walking 45 minutes just to get a half decent bowl of greens.

    In this episode Callie and Lou talk to what it took for this cooking tragic to gain the confidence to build a biz feeding others.

    During her catering years Lou found a way to hack menu creation so she never had to create or follow a recipe.

    Lou discussing her belief that the lack of basic cooking foundations is curbing an individual's  freedom to make cooking simple, fun and reduce the mental load.

    This episode will support busy driven women to bring their spark and passion back for cooking.

    If you never ever ever ever wish to feel disempowered around food, cooking or your ability to feed yourself and your family nourishing, ease filled and simply delicious food - then tune in to this episode and have your limitations and priorities shifted by the ever energising and straight talking Lou.

    Lou burns your shackles from the kitchen, removing your recipe rut and
    replacing it with one simple belief: I can cook.

    Feel empowered to move beyond the recipe into freestyle mode. 
    Doing this by cooking recipes, funny that! Cooking them, reflecting and we focusing on flavour.

    Lou is a huge advocate for starting with the basic ingredients and kitchen skills to create a supportive recipe bank through learnt experience that supports your life, values and schedule.

    This is one delicious conversation!

    For more support from and to connect with Lou go here.
    Also Lou's Instagram

    Let us know what you loved about this ep!

    Huge Love
    Cal x

    en-auNovember 22, 2022

    S2. Ep 3: Regenerative living - Come back to life with Meg Berryman

    S2. Ep 3: Regenerative living - Come back to life with Meg Berryman

    This exchange  with Meg Berryman is a regenerative, renewing and revitalising conversation!

    Meg Berryman is a trauma-informed coach, yoga teacher and consultant seeding and teaching regenerative ways to live, lead, learn and do business. She centres embodiment, connection and sustainability in her family, relationships and offerings - celebrating the small, the simple and the slow in everything she does.

    In this episode Callie and Meg talk to what it takes to shift your life toward a more connected and meaningful pathway.

    Meg's dynamic and articulate storytelling and inspiring delivery of word makes for a sensory journey of coming back to what feels good and true for you in life.

    Regenerative living is coming back to your own pace, which is built around your body, your brain and your values.

    Meg has a way of nurturing her awareness and explains the practice of tracking her sensory experience of life through the bodies and how somatic and trauma informed practices have shaped her new found rhythm of being-ness and deep compassion toward herself and her story.

    From climbing the corporate ladder and living in exotic countries to finding her way back to childhood dreams of living nourished by the land and being connected to her beloved horses.

    Come and listen to this explorative, rich and honest chat that will leave you liberated and inspired.

    To connect with more of Meg's magnificence head

    en-auNovember 08, 2022