
    Entrepreneur Weekly

    Entrepreneur Weekly, hosted by award-winning broadcast professional, Alan Taylor, equips fans with the critical information necessary to grow their business through practical advice and thought-provoking interviews. Listen to new episodes every week. 767392
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    Episodes (258)

    From Mental Health to Millionaire with Jonathan Beskin and Liber8 with Raj Jana

    From Mental Health to Millionaire with Jonathan Beskin and Liber8 with Raj Jana

     Alan welcomes Jonathan Beskin, a serial entrepreneur and bestselling author of "The Least Likely Millionaire." The book tells the story of how Jonathan overcame crippling anxiety, toxic parenting, and a total lack of support to start and build a wildly successful company, despite everyone telling him his ideas would never work and that he would be a failure. The book is a triumphant memoir highlighting Jonathan's journey, including the ups and downs, and providing actionable advice to help other entrepreneurs.

     Jonathan also owns Singlesswag.com, worth 80 million dollars in subscription boxes. Aspiring entrepreneurs overcoming challenging obstacles can hopefully find inspiration in his story and become "least likely millionaires." During the interview, Alan asks Jonathan about three points of success. The first point is the concept of healthy obsession and how one can channel negative experiences into positive energy.

    Alan welcomes Raj Jana, the CEO of Liber8. Liber8 is a company that develops programs to help people overcome emotional and childhood trauma, as well as any limiting beliefs that prevent them from living a meaningful and authentic life. The company's mission is to remove any barriers that may be stopping people from achieving the things they desire.

    Raj shares his personal experience of burnout while building his first company in 2019, at the age of 27. He worked tirelessly, hustling day and night, until he reached his breaking point. He realized that his need to prove himself, his obsession with making money, and his constant busyness were all rooted in trauma. He understood that if he was living his purpose, he wouldn't have been burned out. Instead, he would have felt more alive.

    After selling his company, Raj faced even more challenges. He felt purposeless and lost, and his relationships were in shambles. He realized that he needed to work on himself and his relationships. He had to address his trauma with being vulnerable and intimate in partnerships. He had to learn how to connect and be seen.

    Raj's experience was both liberating and a trap. He had the resources to address his issues, but he also felt lost and directionless. Raj's story is a reminder that success doesn't always bring happiness and that it's essential to work on oneself, both personally and professionally.

    Raj Jana emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for your company, which includes how much money you're making, how your customers feel, what your products are, and what your brand is. By inspiring people with a vision, you can get talent to show up in ways that no paycheck will. 

    Another important tip from Raj is to empower your team by delegating tasks. Remember that a 90 is still an A, so relax your standards and delegate to open up your capacity for more support. This is the ultimate entrepreneurial journey – letting go of control.

    • [00:00:00] The Least Likely Millionaire
    • [00:07:32] Triumphant Memoire
    • [00:12:30] Actionable Advice
    • [00:19:50] Liber8 with Raj Jana
    • [00:28:37] Tools and Resources
    • [00:36:24] Let Go!
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJanuary 13, 2024

    Brand Yourself with T.J. Colaiezzi and A Holistic Approach for Everyone with Amelia Wilcox

    Brand Yourself with T.J. Colaiezzi and A Holistic Approach for Everyone with Amelia Wilcox

    T.J. Colaiezzi is the Founder and CEO of Life Brand, a company that helps people build a strong personal brand using social media. The idea of people sharing their lives online is here to stay, but Life Brand provides educational resources on how to strategically use social media to brand yourself, as well as what not to do. Social media is the first thing that employers and potential business partners look at to get a sense of who you are as a person, so it's important to have a positive and strong online presence. Life Brand has developed an AI-powered tool that can dig up and remove any harmful content that may affect your personal brand. 

    T.J. talks about their company's progress and AI technology. They work with various clients, from small businesses to individuals. They are excited to be the presenting sponsor of an upcoming summit and give attendees free access to their technology for a year. Their service is affordable and offers a free social media check. The cost to clean up social media is $59.95 or $119 annually. They stress the importance of maintaining a positive online brand and how their service can help people achieve that. Visit llifebrand.life to invest in “your” brand. 

    Amelia Wilcox is the Founder and CEO of Nivati, an employee mental health and well-being platform for everyone. Her business, which previously offered corporate massages to promote employee well-being, was facing closure due to the pandemic in 2020. However, instead of allowing her business to disappear, Amelia took a different approach. She discovered that employees had real problems that required real solutions, which she needed to be equipped to handle alone. This realization led her to transform her corporate massage platform into an all-around mental health and well-being platform for everyone. During this period, Amelia also noticed her oldest daughter struggling with her mental health. As she embarked on a journey to find her daughter the help she needed, Amelia gathered the resources for a holistic approach to mental health. This approach supports people at every stage of their mental health journey, from corporate massages to various forms of therapy. Amelia encapsulated her success into three main points for entrepreneurial listeners. Firstly, she advises improving leadership skills and delegation to scale the company. Secondly, she emphasizes the importance of mentors and networking, believing that having mentors who are experts in their field is crucial for success. Lastly, Amelia talks about the significance of focus. Although it can be difficult to say no to good opportunities, the real power and ability to grow come from the painful focus and the ability to say no.

    • [00:00:00] Social Media Is Here To Stay
    • [00:06:02] You Are Your Brand
    • [00:12:29] Corporate Massages
    • [00:19:19] Just One More Business
    • [00:28:03] Everyone's Platform
    • [00:36:07] Encapsulating Her Success
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJanuary 06, 2024

    The Shortcut with Matt Swider

    The Shortcut with Matt Swider

    Matt Swider is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TheShortcut.com. He served as Tech Radar's editor-in-chief for nine years and has over a million Twitter followers. Utilizing his skill set and followers, he created his own business, TheShortcut.com, which provides consumers with information on how, where, and when to find the technology they seek. The Shortcut is currently the #1 consumer tech publication on Substack.

    With the Consumer Electronics Show just around the corner, Matt and Alan are preparing to attend. During their discussions, they ponder about the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and the concerns that come with it. AI has rapidly improved and has become both exciting and frightening at the same time. Matt believes that we, as people, are contributing to its growth by funding its development. AI has eliminated the need for experts in some fields, as your phone or device can perform tasks for you. The Metaverse, the next evolution in social connection, is the successor to the mobile internet. However, the Deepfake, synthetic media that can convincingly replace one person's likeness with another, is already knocking at our doorsteps.

    What's currently trending on TheShortcut.com? Gaming is a hot topic these days. Soon, you might not require a PS5 or XBOX to enjoy your favorite games. With just a chip, you can buy accessories for your iPhone and play games on the go. 

     Matt, an entrepreneur in his industry, suggests that building a portfolio and writing your own substack could be a great way to showcase your talents. He even goes as far as to say that he would be envious if you had content he could feature on his website. It's a good idea to start with freelancing if you're new to the industry.

    Technology is constantly evolving, and its end product is unknown. Should we fear or embrace this?

    • [00:00:00] The Shortcut.com
    • [00:05:46] One Million Twitter Followers
    • [00:12:29] UPgrade
    • [00:19:19] Artificial Intelligence
    • [00:28:03] Gaming On The Go
    • [00:36:07] Evolving Tech
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enOctober 14, 2023

    Creator Content Economy with Derral Eves and Digital Ownership with Seth Taylor

    Creator Content Economy with Derral Eves and Digital Ownership with Seth Taylor

    Derral Eves, the Executive Producer and Co-Founder of "The Chosen" TV series, was recently welcomed by Entrepreneur. During the interview, he shared his passion for entrepreneurship and his goal of creating an audience that would appreciate like-minded films. He emphasized the importance of engaging the audience and creating shareable, intentional content that defines the brand. Derral's vision was to translate his mission and purpose into the TV show, with the audience being the top priority. He believed that the viewers' engagement could become a social army that would promote the show and become an engine for its success.  Derral started his journey in the agency in 1999, where he helped businesses be found online. He had a passion for creating commercials from a young age, but his path led him to YouTube, where he learned about embedding videos onto websites. He then began creating commercial content for over 800 clients, utilizing YouTube for web design. He eventually shifted his focus to creating content on YouTube that people would talk about, resulting in over 91 billion views of content he made. Derral's mission is to help other entrepreneurs leverage the creator economy before losing the opportunity. He is hosting the Vid Summit in October, which is the business side of the creator economy for content creators who post anywhere online. It is a platform to help budding entrepreneurs with content as a part of their strategy and to help them leverage the opportunity. 

    Next Entrepreneur recently featured Seth Taylor, Chief Experience Officer at Angel Studios. Angel Studios was founded by the Harmond brothers, who created a content filtering service that allows users to remove inappropriate content from existing movies. However, they realized that producing new content and telling stories could be a more effective way to engage audiences. To raise funds, Angel Studios employs a "pay it forward" approach, wherein people can purchase tickets for others to watch their programs and movies. The Chosen was originally behind a paywall, but its popularity made it available to a larger audience through monetary donations that allowed others to stream it. Angel Studios collaborates with its audience through its crowd-sourced program, The Gild, which asks two questions: Does the story amplify light, and how disappointed would you be if this film was not made? Feedback and comments from the audience are used to create new content. Angel Studios is a platform that promotes stories of light and also offers collectibles to those who have crowd-funded. These collectibles provide digital ownership of a particular frame from a favorite scene, allowing users to share why they chose that scene and what it means. As Chief Experience Officer, Seth Taylor helps the product team to market their app and reach a wider audience.

    • [00:00:00] Crowd Funded
    • [00:05:37] YouTube
    • [00:12:29] The Chosen
    • [00:19:18] Pay It Forward
    • [00:28:03] The Gild
    • [00:36:07] Digital Collectible
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enAugust 26, 2023

    2023 Consumer Summit III

    2023 Consumer Summit III

    Alan continues his journey by interviewing entrepreneurs at the 2023 Consumer Summit.  First up is Chip Hopper, creator of Bookjedi.com.  A self-made editor.  He left his corporate job to do what he loves, read. From inception to writing, editing, and promoting the book.   Next is Troy Beckstead, Founder of AI13, a product line that caters to the automotive and offroad industries.  Troy did a total pivot during the pandemic and started his new company with just 13 products, hence the name.  Long-time friend Randy Garn is up next as he gives us three rules he lives by.  The Golden Rule is to treat others how you want to be treated. The Platinum Rule treats others the way they want, and the Gospel Rule treats others the way God would treat them.  These are great rules to live by.  Onto something sweet and yummy. Crumbl. CEO and Co-Founder James McGowan started by mastering the ultimate chocolate chip cookie.  And now, 800 stores later across the country, his franchise has done anything but crumble.  So, let's get ready to Crumbl!  All for one and one Fore All! Jen Clyde is here to introduce women's golf apparel.  Fore All was created to cater to modern-day women and to get them interested in the sport of Golf.  With 30 stores across the country, they have created a high-end line, with a jacket called the "Green," which allows you access to a chat forum that links everyday women to talk about life and golf.  Closing today's segment with Alan is Khaazra Maaranu, with ecopayments.io, saying he is here to help entrepreneurs to build and protect their cash flow.   An electronic commerce that handles payment processing, banking, and people development.  


    • [00:00:00] Bookjedi.com
    • [00:05:37] AI13
    • [00:12:29] Randygarn.com
    • [00:19:18] Crumbl
    • [00:28:03] Fore All
    • [00:36:07] ecompayments.io
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJune 10, 2023

    2023 Consumer Summit Part II

    2023 Consumer Summit Part II

    Alan continues to interview successful entrepreneurs and inquires as to what they are all about.  First up is Andrew Smith - Managing Director of Savory Fund - Savory Group partners with restaurateurs to help them expand and improve their brand. They don't give the founders money, they invest financially and physically by bringing in teams to help back and operate the assets that they acquire.  So far they have nine brands in their portfolio and are gearing up for eight more.  You can check them out at savory.mercatopartners.com.

    Next is Joana McKenna - Chief Executive Officer of Jane.com.  What is Jane.com, well it is a marketplace where 3rd party sellers and brands can sell their goods from, apparel to home goods and consumable beauty products.  They are a "curated" marketplace, a one-stop shop for all your "Jane" needs.

    Tiffany Peterson, Business and Life Coach with tiffanyspeaks.com is next as she and Alan talk about connecting with people intentionally.  Cultivating relationships.  Showing up intentionally to let that person know they aren't being taken for granted.  That person is an employee, friend, and or even a lover.  How people feel in your presence matters.  For Tiffany, it's a feeling of a higher power, as she speaks of a spiritual sense.  

    Closing the show with Alan is Tyler Babb - Founder of lablpx.com.  Lablpx is a tech company that supports e-commerce merchants.  Their main focus is to help retailers improve their brand and purchasing experience.  Jane.com helped with the push and success of his business and say's the ecosystem here at the summit is just incredible and exciting.  To learn more visit Tyler at www.laplpx.com.



    • [00:00:00] Savory!
    • [00:06:15] Rolling Recession
    • [00:12:29] Jane.com
    • [00:19:19] Tiffanyspeaks.com
    • [00:27:10] Life Coach
    • [00:33:53] lablpx.com
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJune 03, 2023

    Consumer Summit 2023

    Consumer Summit 2023

    Alan is in Salt Lake City, Utah, attending the 2023 Consumer Summit Conference.  Thanks to Cydnie Tetro, CEO of Brandless, she has lined Alan up with a few entrepreneurs whom she feels have great stories and products.  If you haven't listened to the previous episode, Cydnie Tetro and her team created a platform that allows other brands to showcase healthier products for people's bodies, both in and out and at home.  "A consumer ecosystem", says Cydnie.  Let's grow together!

    Next up is Trina Celeste - Co-Founder of Tech-Moms.org. A non-profit that is helping women transition into the technology industry.  Target group: moms.  The primary focus is to give them access to get into the tech world.  A two-month program to help transition them into a position that will allow them to utilize what they have learned.  To be the next web designer, or coder.  There is so much opportunity out there.  

    Next is Vanessa Quigley - co-founder of Chatbooks. It's to help mothers get the pics of their phones into the hands of their families.  Take the photos and captions that are on your social media, and turn them into a book.  Every month open you would open the app, and it will serve up all the photos taken, you can choose 30 pics, and it turns it into a book…a real book, a screen-free experience to share with your kids and loved ones for just ten dollars.

    Jeremy Andrus - President & CEO of Traeger Grills is up next as he explains the art of the Traeger.  It's a smart bbq that cooks to perfection, every time. You can taste the difference.  Joe Traeger, founded this in 1987 as he wanted a better way to cook food.  An innovation that never found its way to consumers.  However, Jeremy took innovation and technology to bring people together to make a flavorful world. Bon Appetit!

    Lastly, - Madelyne Van Hoff - CEO and Founder of Sharehouse explains that what they are is an e-commerce community, that brings in brands and aligns them with really good resources.  ShareHouse is a venture-backed, female-founded, and run business built to support the e-commerce ecosystem.


    • [00:00:00] Brandless
    • [00:07:02] Tech-Moms.org
    • [00:12:29] ChatBooks
    • [00:20:21] Traeger Grills
    • [00:28:30] Perfect every time
    • [00:36:09] Sharehouse
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enMay 27, 2023

    Earn Your Happy with Lori Harder and Going Brandless with Cydnie Tetro

    Earn Your Happy with Lori Harder and Going Brandless with Cydnie Tetro

    Alan welcomes Lori Harder - Podcast Host, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Founder H2Glo.  From a high school dropout to a successful entrepreneur, Lori has faced many struggles and overcame them by learning how to pivot.  Knowing when to break superficial relationships to create real connections.  She is the author of "Tribe Called Bliss", and is the host for the podcast, Earn Your Happy!  Lori lives by a "go for it!" formula which consists of the following: 1. Know what you want and why, 2.  Figure out your fears and how to support them, for they never go away, 3. Create a network and learn how to use it, and 4. Put pressure behind your goals.  

    Up next is Cydnie Tetro, CEO of Brandless, a mission-driven based business that is focused on building a platform that will deliver products that will help people live healthier lives.  Their mission is to bring like-minded companies together to deliver better nutrition, clean beauty, and green clean home products to the world.  Alan asks Cydnie to share three pillars of her success. The first is creative problem-solving.  To have the ability to think outside the box, networking with others to collectively solve the problem, Next would be, becoming an empathetic leader.  To understand your team's talent, create pathways to success, and give them the flexibility to handle home and work, you need the whole person not just a piece of them.  Lastly, you must wear the "hat" to embrace the art of the possible.  To allow your imagination to change the world for the better.



    • [00:00:00] Earn Your Happy
    • [00:06:27] Tribe Called Bliss
    • [00:13:00] Pivoting
    • [00:20:50] Brandless
    • [00:30:42] The Mission
    • [00:37:26] Golden Nuggets
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enMay 06, 2023

    Mastering Your Mind and Make Your Money

    Mastering Your Mind and Make Your Money

    Alan welcomes the CEO of RELEVE, Dawn Dahlby, author of Live Wellthy.  As a certified financial planner, Dawn says money is but a tool.  A tool that is defined and controlled by one's behavior.  Many of us live in fear of not having enough money, and or not being enough as human beings.  Dawn teaches how to master your mind and your money.  In her book Live Wellthy, she focuses on three key factors: Own It, Earn It, and Grow It.  Own it, is where you learn to own all that is, core values, weaknesses, and learning how to discover and utilize your strengths.  Earn It, is nothing but everything to do with money.  Earning the right income and outcome.  And lastly, Grow It, are the how-tos in comprehensive financial planning.  Maximizing your performance and mastering your mind and money.  

    Up next is Dr. Alok Treveti, a.k.a. Dr. Rewire.  Dr. Treveti started his journey at the age of 26 as a chiropractor.  A very successful one at that.  However, through his patients, he discovered how they shared similar ailments, which caused them to come in around the same time every month.  That piqued his interest to dig deeper to see the root of the problem.  Before treatment, he would sit down with his clients and talk with them, to get them to open up.  Through questioning, he was able to rewire his client's brains to help alleviate the aches and pains at least by 70%, without an adjustment.   He realized that there was a neurological connection between stress, depression, and anxiety and the aches and pains that brought his clients in for an adjustment.  Mind over matter, in other words, master your mind, make your money, and have abundant health.  Dr. Rewire says fear is the enemy that keeps you from moving forward.   However, he has come up with a formula that will help you overcome that with four easy steps.  One, figure out what the fear is.  Two, if your fear becomes reality, what would be the positives or benefits to your life?  Three, if it didn't happen, what would be the drawback?  And four, can you be grateful if it happens or not?  If you rebalance your brain and face your fear, it takes away its power.  Fear is a future emotion, and if you can eliminate its power over you by using Dr. Rewires formula, your journey to success is but a stone throw away.  

    • [00:00:00] Live WELLthy
    • [00:05:54] Empowerment
    • [00:13:00] Own It, Earn It, Grow It
    • [00:20:50] Antidote for Entrepreneurs
    • [00:31:02] Overcoming Resentment
    • [00:37:06] Formula for Fear
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enApril 08, 2023

    Love and Business with Jerry Macnamara

    Love and Business with Jerry Macnamara

    Alan welcomes business coach and CEO of Proven Chaos, Jerry Macnamara, as they discuss the secret to success with one word, Love!  Loving your people and treating them as whole people.  It's the right thing to do.  When you put love first and foremost in everything you do, the result is magic.  His mission is to have more smiles.  Alan inquired as to when was the moment of truth for him.  Jerry explained that it took a community of people to love him when he didn't love himself.  Jerry goes on to say that in his life his motto is, "there will be always room for one more at the table."    As you lead people, it’s all about love and caring.  When people feel at home, you will unlock a level of performance that no one else can unlock.  When people feel cared for by their leader, they will work harder, and better and never leave. Compassionate leadership is leading people into better places.  Finance creates freedom for fulfillment because profits follow great work.  Finding the calm in the proven chaos!  Jerry explains how important it is to realize that business and life are intermingled.  Performance, accountability, determination, and grace are all important along with forgiveness.  These are important factors in the success of an individual and business.  Success without fulfillment is a rip-off!  As this episode ends, Jerry leaves us with words of wisdom, "The highest purpose of life is to live in accordance to your visions, your values, and actions, to unlock fulfillment.

    • [00:00:00] Love and Business
    • [00:06:10] Love Equals Magic
    • [00:12:00] Rewriting Your Narrative
    • [00:18:50] Compassionate Leadership
    • [00:27:28] Ultimate Superpower
    • [00:35:17] Highest Purpose in Life
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enNovember 26, 2022

    The "It Factor" with Emily Ford, Brandless with Matt Durham, and an Encore with Amanda Holmes

    The "It Factor" with Emily Ford, Brandless with Matt Durham, and an Encore with Amanda Holmes

    Alan welcomes Emily Ford -  Founder of ITFactor with Emily Ford.  An ordinary girl from a small town.  Lots of turbulence growing up.  Wanted more in life like most people.  Sought out mentorship in her early ’20s.  Stepped into leadership at 26, now on a mission, to help ignite people, build skills and mindsets, to help create other leaders.  The world desperately needs leadership. Emily is a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you navigate through the world of business and entrepreneurship.  One of her hardest lessons is learning how to break generational curses.  Grew up in a lineage of divorce and alcoholism.  Broke.  She decided to take ownership of her life and break the patterns of beliefs and addictions.  Once she had great mentors and learned what a great relationship is, Emily went on a mission to heal herself from childhood trauma.  She will not carry patterns, or trauma because she has taken radical responsibility to break the chains.  Alan says we tend to make a lot of excuses as to who, what, and why.    What is the It factor?  The inner section that has shaped you, experiences, passion, personality, and strengths.    The past doesn't have to determine your future.  Step into the new.  Refining ourselves.  Up next is Matt Durham - President of Brandless.- Brandless is about getting products that are exceptional at accessible pricing.  Equal or better than.  Brand less live more! is their motto.  How to make an impact on the world and family. What is the core of the company? Products that you put in your body on your body or around your home that supports wellness.  Health and wellness.  Over the last year, 6 brands, focused on nutrition, personal care, home goods, and green cleaning supplies that are chemical-free, clean beauty.  Mission to make a difference and be better together.  Brandless.com  Highly curated platform.  Better for you, your family, and the planet.  Closing out the show today is Amanda Holmes - CEO of Chet Holmes International.  Ultimate sales Machine.  Amanda relaunched the new and updated version of the book, Ultimate Sales Machine which was written by her father Chet Holmes.  It's considered to be the bible of business and sales.  Amanda added a chapter, or an encore, on how to live a rich and full life.  Through her journey of learning the family business that instead of doing 4000 things, just do 12 things 4000 times.  Later she discovered a letter written by her father that changed everything for her.  "All you need to succeed in business is to be pigheaded, disciplined, and determined", however, Amanda added the final piece to that statement, "All you need to succeed in business is to be pigheaded, disciplined, and determined to be the best version of you." 

    • [00:00:00] Guest Emily Ford
    • [00:05:54] Breaking Generational Curses
    • [00:12:00] Refining Ourselves
    • [00:18:51] Brandless
    • [00:29:28] Final Chapter of the Ultimate Sales Machine
    • [00:35:33] Best Version of You with Amanda Holmes
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enOctober 29, 2022

    Finding Your Voice Through Creative Curiosity with Sissie Hsiao and Origins of Musical Instruments with Dennis Houlihan

    Finding Your Voice Through Creative Curiosity with Sissie Hsiao and Origins of Musical Instruments with Dennis Houlihan

     Joining Alan on this episode of Entrepreneur is Sissie Hsiao - Vice President and GM of Google Assistant.   What is Google Assistant?  It’s designed to help busy people.  We want to build a natural and conversational helper to help get things done.  How good is it at recognizing what I am saying?  People don't enunciate well, or have heavy accents, so they are creating programs that will be able to understand all sorts of speech.  Google Assistant is compatible with other Google programs such as Google Calendar.  Can you use Google Assistant in your day-to-day life or is it just made for business?   Sissie says personal and business are merging and Google Assistant gives you the extra minutes needed.  Alan says if we use these tools it's a no-brainer!  Sissie goes on to say that mobile devices are so powerful.  GA is a way to get things done without getting sucked into the “vortex”.  General philosophy on building teams?  Building the right team, pragmatic dreamers, and working with the materials we have available.  Hiring with the right attitude, and humility is one of the things she looks for.  Humble and creative curiosity.  Personal advice?  Deliver real value to people.  Focus on what you are building to make people's lives better.  

    Up next is Dennis Houlihan - Former President and Past Chair of NAMM and also former President of Roland Corporation.  Dennis is interviewing from the trade show for Music Products World.  What is it about this business that dominates?  Dennis says the entrepreneurial spirits who crafted the instruments by hand, are what created the backbone of the music industry.  Large companies didn't happen overnight, it took years, and established roots.  Create products that the musicians can use to make masterpieces.  One of the most successful entrepreneurs in the music industry was Laurens Hammonds His first successful creation was not the Hammond Organs but the Hammond Synchronous Clock. NAMM- National Association of Music Merchants began in 1901.  It was started with a bunch of Piano Merchants getting together to ensure pianos were being made correctly and being sold accordingly.  It is the largest trade association in the world, for people who design, manufacture, make, and sell music products all over the world.

    • [00:00:00] Google Assistant
    • [00:06:23] Daily Use
    • [00:12:22] Creative Curiosity
    • [00:19:43] NAMM Show
    • [00:29:04] Hammond History
    • [00:34:45] What is NAMM
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJuly 30, 2022

    Win All Day! With Coach JC and Strumming Through Life with Chris Martin

    Win All Day! With Coach JC and Strumming Through Life with Chris Martin

    Alan welcomes Coach JC - Mental Conditioning Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of Win All Day!  Alan talks about his Aha! moment when he understood business  It's when he lost everything due to arrogance.  Question to Coach JC, "when was your aha! moment?"  He replied, "my breakthrough came when he realized all else failed and have no choice but to reinvent himself!"  Coach JC say's you have to believe in yourself!  Believe that you are a winner and that you deserve to have it all.  He shares about his "Win All Day" book series. Body Transformation, becoming what you want to be,  How to win as an entrepreneur and have success in that realm, Win All Day-for athletes,  Win All Day-Personal Branding, and Fit For Duty, Fit For Life and lastly 6. Playbook for your Life.  After hitting rock bottom, he helps people become the winner to build the life they desire through personal development.  Every single person on this earth was created to win.  With his 5 "focus" keys you will be able to achieve that.  Here you will find the questions that you need to answer before you can achieve all that you want to achieve.

    1.  What do I want?  What is my vision?

    2.  Why?  What's my purpose?  Why do I want it?

    3.  Who am I?  Who do I want to be?

    4.  How do I create a winning mindset?

    5.  To find out what this is, read his books!

    Up next is Chris Martin  - CEO of Martin Guitar.  He is being interviewed at the NAMM Show in Anaheim, California.  It is an annual event that is organized by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), it is the "industry's largest stage, uniting global music sound and entertainment technology communities".  Chris shares that this is the 6th generation of his families legacy.  He shares the struggles and changes that the company had to go through and it's surviving.  Chris explained how "Hawaiian" music during the Pan Pacific Exhibition brought a whole new era with the ukulele.  The Folkboom, and later how MTV unplugged helped turn the tables for Martin Guitars.  Chris explains that acoustic instruments will never go away.


    • [00:00:00] Coach JC
    • [00:05:09] Believe In Yourself
    • [00:11:31] 5 Keys To Your Kingdom
    • [00:18:52] NAMM Show
    • [00:28:58] The Ukulele
    • [00:34:40] Generational Strong
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJune 25, 2022

    Following Your Passion with Jason Brown and One Foot In Front Of The Other with Simon Leslie

    Following Your Passion with Jason Brown and One Foot In Front Of The Other with Simon Leslie

    As the world turns, entrepreneurs are flourishing.  Joining Alan this week is Jason Brown, founder and CEO of Family Central.  Jason started building chains of retail stores until 1999 when he dove into the digital world and started building digitally native businesses.  Though he was successful in building new companies, he also experienced failure.  As the world was changing with so were the consumers and that caused a ripple affect.  However he was given an opportunity to which he and his team spent 4 years building and running a multi million dollar immigration company which helped men and women and their families in foreign countries move to the United Sates.  He helped them make a financial investment and establish their green card.  He then went on to create Persona Nutrition, a personalized nutrition business where you go online, receive free coaching, and get a customized nutrition program of vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements.  Later this company was sold to Nestle Health Science in 2019.  From there he and his team created Family Central, a depository of information that allows communication of your family, cradle to grave.  It empowers your family to be in a secure environment where they can store all kinds of documents such as medical records, ID's, immunization cards, and share with other members, or to be put into a secure vault.  Family Central is helps with global family stress that is caused by chaos.  With the leveraged technology by using Cloud Based tech, it empowers family at their fingertips.  Another feature they offer are Legacy videos, which allows a family member to make a video recording for their loved ones which can be used to say, goodbye, I Love You, or how to handle their assets after they are gone.  Jason was asked to give one sound advice to up and coming entrepreneurs.  Follow your passion, find what makes you happy, focus on it, and surround yourself with people who are much smarter than you to make it happen.

    Up next is Simon Leslie, CEO of Ink, author and motivational poet.  Simon wrote a book called, Equanimity, which basically he describes as remaining calm under pressure.  Simon has faced many failures and changes but through his book, he found his way back.  The book focuses on 52 interviews with messages that resonated with him and later turned into a support line for him.  Powerful messages from kindness, gratitude, health & wellbeing, negotiating, selling, and brain power.  However through the writing of the book he realized that he was a broken human a complete mess.  Yet here he is writing a book on how to live a better life.  So decided to make the second half about his turn around and what he has learned through these interviews that impacted his life.  Alan asked Simon which interviews touched his heart?  The first to come to mind is, Allison Levine, American woman you climbed Mount Everest, and crossed Antarctica.   Her story of determination and her attitude of never say never resonated with Simon.  She just kept putting one foot in front of the other and for Simon, that became his mantra.  There were a few other stories from Adrienne Banker, who spoke of kindness, to Tim Grover who coached Michael Jordan, delivering a power message about having a winning mindset.  So what advice would Simon give, "One foot in front of the other, pay it forward, meditate and be more conscious."

    • [00:00:00] Organic To Go
    • [00:06:01] Immigration
    • [00:11:30] Cloud Based Legacy
    • [00:18:51] Remain Calm Under Pressure
    • [00:26:57] Powerful Messages
    • [00:33:52] One Foot In Front Of The Other
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJune 04, 2022

    Pandemic Panickers with Liam Martin

    Pandemic Panickers with Liam Martin

    Alan welcomes Liam Martin - Co-Founder and CMO of Time Doctor, Co-organizer of Running Remote Conference and Co-author of Running Remote Book.  Alan starts the show by sharing how as an entrepreneur the need to control everything comes with the territory, yet at the same time he believes the best work comes from an employee that is able to be motivated and inspired with no time stamp.  Lian says that working remote changed dramatically during COVID.  He explains that a new group of workers merged onto the scene that he calls, Pandemic Panickers.  Liam believes its the largest shift in work since the Industrial Revolution.  With the new fundamental change of how work is done remote, he reminds us that it isn't a place.  It doesn't matter where you work as long as you get it done.  Asynchronous! Liam exclaims is the key along with autonomy.  Not having to directly interact with people by working through a communication system allows an individual to work remote and to have maximum freedom in your life.  Discipline equals freedom.  Freedom allows your people to work on more difficult problems.  To solve really unique difficult issues that move a business forward.  Bureaucracy!  No micromanaging...says Liam.  He goes onto explain the fundamental of a remote business.  1.  Set of processes, creating digital information that can be shared.  2.  Don't have positions, become the operators.  Delegate responsibility.  3.  Automate all of the reporting.  Have the same information available to the employees as the CEO so everyone is on the same page.  Lastly Liam shares the common mistakes of remote business owners.  Don't make working from home turn into living at work.  Divide social space from work space.  Stop requiring or asking for immediacy, it speeds you up but slows the company down, and lastly have team members tied into the same goal.

    • [00:00:00] Control!
    • [00:06:07] Accountability!
    • [00:11:30] Methodology!
    • [00:18:50] Asynchronous!
    • [00:28:17] Bureaucracy!
    • [00:33:49] Philosophy!
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enApril 12, 2022

    The Journey Is Not Always Done Alone with Pam Golden

    The Journey Is Not Always Done Alone with Pam Golden

    Alan welcomes long time friend and muse Pam Golden - President of GLA Communications.  Alan asks Pam if she can explain her long run of success.  Pam summed it up in 8 key points as follows:  #1 -   Never stop learning.  If you don't keep learning and evolving with times you can't help your clients.  Don't stay still.  Keep changing and try new things, move forward with the time and analyze what works.  #2 - Tell it like it is!  Be honest even if they don't like what you say.  Bring knowledge, honesty and thoughtfulness to the table.  3-# Be a trusted partner.  As a business owner or an entrepreneur we realize we can't do it on your own.  Having the right people in y our corner helps things run smoothly which moves into the next point.  #4 -  Surround yourself with good people and in order to do so it takes you to #5 - Ask for help!.  It's so important as an owner of a business it to when you need the help.  And it's ok.  It's nearly impossible to do it all.  Find someone who can do what you can't do.  You both win. #6 - Share it back/pay it forward.  Help other's be a success. #7 - Understand your business.  Know how to read your financial reports, be on it all the time.  Be on your business, not just in your business.  #8 - Knowing what you know and knowing what you don't know.  Surround yourself with people who can help you become smarter and help you grow.  Pam closes the show explaining how important it is to mentor the younger generation and entrepreneurs.  Ask them the tough questions and guide them.  She reminds them to have the strength to ask for advice for your journey doesn't always have to be your own.

    • [00:00:00] Never Stop Learning
    • [00:05:52] Tell It Like It Is!
    • [00:11:30] Ask for help!
    • [00:18:51] Understand your business
    • [00:25:08] Know What You Know!
    • [00:33:53] Mentor
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enFebruary 26, 2022

    Passing on the Golden Handcuffs with Rohan Sheth and Culture Tokens with Jeff Hunter

    Passing on the Golden Handcuffs with Rohan Sheth and Culture Tokens with Jeff Hunter

    Entrepreneurs are gonna take over the world!  Alan welcomes Rohan Sheth - Founder of GrowRev.com  Rohan shares how he came into this world with a Golden spoon only to have it gone in a blink of an eye.  Having to move to Canada as a young lad with his parents to start over, he quickly adapted and advanced in the assembly of a fast food chain.  Rohan was offered the keys to the kingdom and denied it for he knew running a fast food chain was not what he was put on earth for.  He then took on a door to door sales position and excelled in that area all the while going to school to become a pilot.  Still that is not what he desired to do or in other words, Rohan was bored.   Eventually the skillset he developed in sales exploded into a whole new world when he founded GrowRev.  It's a direct response paid advertising agency.  His company helps other companies grow their revenue.  Alan asked what are three things he would share with upcoming entrepreneurs?  One, believe in yourself no matter how hard it gets.  Two, when you develop and know your skillset, bring it to the world.  And three, share your story.  

    Up next is Jeff Hunter - Founder of Crypto Gaming Team.  Alan asks Jeff to break it down for everyone.  What is crypto?  It is a form of decentralized finance.  No bank controls your money, but the consequence is when you lose it, you lose it.  It's all about being able to take your currency and give it to someone else.  No middle man in between.  It's about belief and trust, it's a culture coin.  He said he developed Crypto gaming to you are able to take your tokens from one place to another and even turn them into real money.  His hopes is that this will eventually solve world poverty.  Jeff says it's a Metaverse that gives you the ability to move digital assets from one place to another.  You are in control of your money not the banks!

    • [00:00:00] Who is Rohan?
    • [00:05:51] From Riches to Rags
    • [00:11:31] No Golden Cuffs for me!
    • [00:18:54] Crypto Gaming Team
    • [00:27:57] Decentralized Finances
    • [00:33:51] Who's Money Is It?
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enFebruary 12, 2022

    The New Normal with Evan Goldberg and It's Not About You with Devora Zack

    The New Normal with Evan Goldberg and It's Not About You with Devora Zack

    Alan welcomes his first guest Evan Goldberg - Founder and EVP of Oracle NetSuite.  It's a company designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. From 11,000 companies to over 27,000 companies in the past five years have turned to NetSuite to help with their hypergrowth. Evan says during this time of dislocation and disruption there is a lot of opportunity.  Companies are being built in the "new normal".  One of the biggest changes is selling directly to consumers because the retailers are less reliable.  Evan goes on to share the 5 benefits that his company provides.  Visibility, being able to see around the bends.  Agility, to be able to respond to changes.  Control, knowing what is happening so there is no potential loss.  Automation, we help eliminate manual tasks to allow one to focus on their mission, and lastly Collaboration, being able to work and communicate on ideas.  Alan say's you need the right tools in this entrepreneur world and using artificial intelligence for practical application is the answer for the future. 

    Joining Alan next is Author of "The Cactus and Snowflake at Work", Devora Zack.  What is the "Cactus and Snowflake"?  It's the description given for the Thinkers and the Feelers.   Thinkers feel and Feelers Think, say's Devora.  Most of us are in the middle.  She say's your life is an Ecosystem and the 3 main differences between a Cactus and a Snowflake are:  The cactus leads with it's head and a Snowflake leads with it's heart.  The cactus is analytical and the snowflakes are empathetic. And lastly, the cactus are direct in conversation as the snowflakes are diplomatic in situations.  She believes we can work together and be symbolic which will allow us to understand ourselves and others better.  Devora explains how we are all different and how we respond to things in the world shows so.  She reminds us that we can't compare our insides with other people's outsides.  In her book she say's the term NAY - Not About You.  Most people's behaviors and mood having nothing to do with you.  We need to learn to mind one's business.  Devora also shares that we have 3 things we can control.  Our thoughts, our words, and our actions.  It's ourselves that can change and improve in order to have a better relationship with others.  People are who they are.  Develop a mantra that will allow you to be able to deal with certain things in today's world.

    • [00:00:00] The Oracle
    • [00:05:18] 5 Benefits
    • [00:11:30] Right Tools
    • [00:18:50]  Cactus or Snowflake?
    • [00:26:38] Internalizing and Projecting
    • [00:33:51] Mind Your Business
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enJanuary 15, 2022

    Double the Impossible with the "Iron Cowboy" James Lawrence

    Double the Impossible with the "Iron Cowboy" James Lawrence

    Alan welcomes James Lawrence, Guinness Book of World Record Breaker and family man.  Author of "Redefined Impossible".  In 2015 he did 50 triathlons, in 50 days, through 50 states.  Why?  He wanted to know his personal limits.  When you reach on mountain top and you see another you want to conquer that one.  Alan asked how he got the name, "Iron Cowboy".  James explained that everything he did was a team effort with his family.  He wanted to stand out amongst the stream of athletes so he started wearing a cowboy hat.  It allowed his family to find him in the race.  James continued on about his journey starting in Hawaii to Alaska, and ended in Utah.  Each race required it to be completed within 17 hours.  James shares in order to achieve greatness, help everyone else around you achieve greatness and you will be at the mountain top with them.  What did you learn about yourself?, asked Alan.  As humans, we are getting in our own way.  We are out toughest critics.  One of the hardest thing to do is to start.  Believe in yourself and surround yourself with positive people.  Next James doubled the impossible by doing 100 Ironman Triathlons in 100 days.  Each race consisted of 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 miles of running.  From March 1 through June 8th with no days off.  14000 miles and raised $500kl for "Operation Underground", to eradicate human sex trafficking.  What's next for the Iron Cowboy?  In January his company will be releasing a Fitness app for general fitness, a Mindset program for life principles and a 60 day triathlon challenge for beginners to the experiences.  James shares that he wants to give hope and experience on peoples journey, to help them achieve their dream.

    • [00:00:00] 50-50-50
    • [00:05:59] Iron Cowboy
    • [00:11:30] 17 Hours
    • [00:18:53] Move Out of Your Way
    • [00:26:43] Ironman
    • [00:33:54] Choose Your Sport!
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enDecember 25, 2021

    It's Eureka! with Karen Chupka and WWJD? with Michael Taylor

    It's Eureka! with Karen Chupka and WWJD? with Michael Taylor

    Alan welcomes Karen Chupka - Executive Vice President of Consumer Technology Association.  They talk about the Consumer Electronic Show that is coming January 5th thru the 8th in Las Vegas.  Over 1900 exhibitors.  Karen explains that Eureka Park is an area dedicated to start ups.  Entrepreneurs from all over the world, over 34 countries will be represented.  University innovations will be represented as well.  International borders opened which allowed the international attendees to come together and gather.  Places such as Canada, France, Italy, Ukraine, Japan, Spain, Belgium just to name a few.  Karen shares that they have a few new categories this year such as 
    Space Technology and Food Technology.  

    Up next with Alan is Michael Taylor - Book Coach and Author of "What If Jesus Were A Coach?  Michael talks about the 3 compensations in entrepreneurship.  The first is "Spiritual" compensation, this comes from the belief that you are filling a divine purpose.  That your products and services are contributing to humanity in some way.  Next is "Emotional" compensation.  When you provide a product or service that you feel good about it.  Or when someone buys your product that they feel good about it.  Lastly is "Financial" compensation where you make your money.  With purpose and passion you will be able to express your creativity.  They continue on about divine energy and intelligence.  He wanted to fit God into his head and based his book on viewing God as a life coach.  This is where his book, "What if Jesus were a Coach?  A powerful positive approach to God and Jesus teachings.  Connecting to the divine intelligence without the organized religion.  Next they discuss his book, "The Good News Is The Future is Brighter Than You Think".  It's about using your gifts and talents to make the world a better place.  To limit or minimize or eliminate the negative news into ones  consciousness.  And finding your flow through meditation.  

    • [00:00:00] Consumer Electronic Show
    • [00:06:30] International Attendees
    • [00:11:30] Space The Final Frontier
    • [00:18:51] New Face 
    • [00:27:49] Divine Energy
    • [00:33:51] The Future Is Bright
    Entrepreneur Weekly
    enDecember 18, 2021