
    Entrepreneurial Family Man

    Are you looking for a life of freedom and flexibility? Do you want to have as much success with your family as you do in your business and career? Here in the Entrepreneurial Family Man Podcast and community, we break down the barriers and bust the myths that keep you from living your best life, at home and at work. You deserve a thriving family, rich faith, and business success. Don’t be like most men. Stretch your boundaries. Design a life of significance and fulfillment. Be an entrepreneurial family. Join us on this journey!
    ENChris Niemeyer, Michael McGreevy, Jamie Slingerland: Entrepreneurs100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    120EFM- 2 Assumptions That Limit Communication In Marriage

    120EFM- 2 Assumptions That Limit Communication In Marriage

    Discover 2 ways to communicate better with your wife...and the connected assumptions that could hinder it.

    We often try to solve problems for our spouse - while they mainly just want us to listen. Remember to be quick to listen and slow to speak. 

    With a focus on changing your goals in communication you'll discover more openness and connectedness. 

    Visit us at EFMLife.com to connect and learn more. 

    EFM117- What Does This Make Possible?

    EFM117- What Does This Make Possible?

    Have the coronavirus blues?  What does this make possible? 

    Fear can feed off of ambiguity. Asking the right questions - instead of the wrong ones - helps give clarity and hope. 

    How can you thrive or get stronger in an environment that seems gloomy?  What type of questions should you ask yourself? 

    One area is to ask yourself, what level of leadership does my family need from me right now?  Seasons can be difficult - are you preparing to step into your leadership role? 

    How can your thrive in these uncertain times?  Listen in as we address these questions and more. 

    Visit EFMLife.com to connect and join our FB group for more activity. 

    116EFM- Leadership In Crisis?

    116EFM- Leadership In Crisis?

    Recorded on 3/16/2020 during the Coronavirus crisis. 

    How do you lead during crisis? We explore 3 ways to lead ourselves, our businesses and our families during this time. 

    #1 - Take inventory in how you can weather this storm. Both in your family and business budget, what can you do to assess where you are, take inventory of your assets (hard assets and skills) and plan accordingly. 

    #2 - Connect and diversify. This is time to connect with as many people as you can - your family, friends, colleagues and associates. How can you diversify what you offer, team up together and collaborate to weather this together? 

    #3 - Be proactive and bold in your leadership. Make tough choices quickly to be bold - people are looking for and need your leadership. 

    Connect with us at EFMLife.com to learn more. 

    114EFM- Fill Up Your Own Cup First

    114EFM- Fill Up Your Own Cup First

    What does it mean to fill up your own cup first in order to serve?

    Investing in your wife, your kids and your business requires enough fuel in your own tank to serve well. 

    What makes you recharge?  Makes you come alive? 

    Recognize, identify and schedule these important activities every once in awhile. You will take care of your wife, your kids and your entrepreneurial endeavors in a bigger way. 

    Visit us at EFMLife.com to connect and learn more how to work together. 


    113EFM- Balancing Work & Family?

    113EFM- Balancing Work & Family?

    How do you approach the 'balance' of family, work and life demands?

    Sometimes the elusive balance is hard to manage. Is it an either/or scenario or is there another perspective? 

    In this episode, we tackle this idea of a family-centered approach in asking "What's best for my family in this moment?"  It isn't all cut and dried to choose hte family activity over a short work project that will move the family forward too. 

    Listen in and connect more at EFMLife.com and our Facebook group. 


    112EFM- Family Mission Statement?

    112EFM- Family Mission Statement?

    How would you approach a family mission statement? Have one for your business but not for your family?

    Stop just "playing house" and consider creating a powerful, intentional family mission.  Your marriage, your children, your family depend on it. 

    Listen in as we explore some examples and challenges to creating a family mission statement and encourage you to do the same. 

    Mission, vision, values - incorporate them all for an intentional family plan! 

    Visit us at EFMLife.com to connect and learn more. 


    111EFM- What Are Kids Learning?

    111EFM- What Are Kids Learning?

    Kids Are Learning From Me - but what?! 

    What are we mirroring, where are we teaching or instructing that may fall flat? 

    How do you receive and give love?  How is each child wired?  Learning this is crucial to sharing and giving what they need from you as a parent.

    Remember to live it out before you speak it in. Embrace real life situations to teach. 

    Visit us at EFMLife.com to connect and learn more. 



    110EFM- Crazy Love Examples

    110EFM- Crazy Love Examples

    Valentines's Day can be seen as an opportunity to model crazy love - but in the context of regular habits. 

    Don't let Valentine's Day be your Super Bowl of love. How can you demonstrate regular, consistent ways to show love? 

    What are the love languages of your spouse? Be a student of her and speak her language regularly! 

    Visit EFMLife.com to connect for more and on our Facebook page. 


    108EFM- How to Grow Your Business

    108EFM- How to Grow Your Business

    The Essential Activity to Grow Your Business Pulling Away from Social Media.

    How do you reengage in meaningful activities to grow your business? 

    Put down your randomized time on social media involvement. Connect with people!  Truly make yourself available to serve and listen well to the needs of others. 

    Does everyone know what you do? 

    Visit EFMLife.com to connect.

    107EFM- How To Focus in 2020

    107EFM- How To Focus in 2020

    Resolutions don't last but what about having a focus for the year - a word to guide you.

    Having a word of the year helps give a theme and rudder to your year ahead. 

    If goals and resolutions aren't your thing and if you've struggled in the past, choosing a word of the year is a great way to focus in 2020. 

    Visit EFMLife.com to connect and for more from the Entrepreneurial Family Man. 


    105EFM - Ditch Your Resolutions

    105EFM - Ditch Your Resolutions

    Is it time to ditch your resolutions? How about focusing on your habits and who you are becoming?

    January 17th is coming - National Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day! 

    Instead of hopping on the bandwagon of resolutions let's focus on intentional, value-based living. 

    Inside we talk about the mindset, tools, support and types of meetings we each use to make this a reality all year long. 

    Visit us at EFMLife.com to connect. 


    104EFM- Reflect & Plan With Intention

    104EFM- Reflect & Plan With Intention

    Before 2019 comes to a close and we embark on a new decade, we encourage you to ask these 4 questions.  

    It helps to pause, reflect then plan for 2020 by addressing the following:

    • What was the biggest challenge I overcame and wins worth celebrating? 
    • What am I most proud of for accomplishing and/or who did I become during the journey of 2019? 
    • What am I most looking forward to in 2020? 
    • How do I want to grow in business, as a husband, as a father?

    Connect on EFMLife.com and in our Facebook group to learn more.