
    Eric Thompson Show

    Conservative Independent Podcast Hosted By Eric Thompson (ET)
    Covering today's breaking news and cultural issues that Americans must know about.

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    enEric Thompson101 Episodes

    Episodes (101)

    Michelle O Not Running, Biden Caught Flying In 320K Illegals, Jan 6th Tapes

    Michelle O Not Running, Biden Caught Flying In 320K Illegals, Jan 6th Tapes
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    President Joe Biden is operating a “secretive flights” program to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the United States every year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

    The records, obtained by Bensman via a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) imported 320,000 illegal aliens to the United States last year through the little-known flight component of Biden’s “CBP One” mobile app.

    Donald Trump Has A Very Good Day

    Donald Trump Has A Very Good Day
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    Trump Dominates Super Tuesday Forcing Haley To Drop Out

    As was expected by many political pundits on Tuesday former President Trump easily won the 2024 GOP Super Tuesday presidential primary day.

    Trump won 14 of the 15 states, with Nikki Haley only winning Vermont with the help of Democrats crossing over.

    Fed Appeals Court Reverses Ruling, Texas Police CAN Arrest Illegals. ET Talk

    Fed Appeals Court Reverses Ruling, Texas Police CAN Arrest Illegals. ET Talk
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    Fed Appeals Court Reverses Ruling, Texas Police CAN Now Arrest Illegals.

    The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a temporary stay of a federal judge’s decision to put a Texas law allowing police to arrest illegals on hold for a week.

    The appeals court ruling will stay in place unless the Supreme Court intervenes by March 9.

    ET Talk - Supreme Court of the United States Rules 9-0 For Trump

    ET Talk - Supreme Court of the United States Rules 9-0 For Trump
    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eric-thompson-show-et--5185805/support.

    The U.S. Supreme Court sided unanimously with former President Trump in his challenge to the state of Colorado’s attempt to kick him off the 2024 primary ballot.

    All nine justices ruled in favor of Trump in the case, which will impact the status of efforts in several other states to remove the likely GOP nominee from their respective ballots.

    The court considered for the first time the meaning and reach of Article 3 of the 14th Amendment, which bars former officeholders who "engaged in insurrection" from holding public office again.

    Challenges have been filed to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot in over 30 states.

    Read my article HERE - Supreme Court rules unanimously for Trump in Colorado ballot disqualification dispute

    Christian Talk - Christians Will Have Trials - Rejoice! John 16:33

    Christian Talk - Christians Will Have Trials - Rejoice! John 16:33
    Christian Talk - Christians Will Have Trials - Rejoice! John 16:33

    "I have told you these things so that you may have peace in Me. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eric-thompson-show--5185805/support.


    “Mr. Wonderful” is on a media tour that’s going to make New York as miserable as liberals want to make Donald Trump.

    In the wake of Friday’s appalling judgment issued by New York State Judge Arthur Engoron, fining former President Donald Trump $350 million for an imaginary crime without even imaginary victims, software entrepreneur and investor Kevin O’Leary, known to most Americans for his starring role on the “Shark Tank” reality show, took to the airwaves.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eric-thompson-show--5185805/support.

    Is President Donald J. Trump Going To Three-Peat?

    Is President Donald J. Trump Going To Three-Peat?
    Is President Donald J. Trump Going To Three-Peat?

    If you say YES to the question, join our All In team.

    Save 30 percent on our Trump Three-Peat T-shirt by using the promo code ALLIN30.

    You can also become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eric-thompson-show--5185805/support.

    MAGA Truckers Boycott NYC. AOC Triggered By Poll Numbers. ET Talk

    Biden Freezes Up During Speech. GOP Must Focus On Swing States

    Biden Freezes Up During Speech. GOP Must Focus On Swing States
    On Friday, as Joe Biden was quoting former President Donald Trump regarding NATO allies and Russia, his brain froze up. During his speech, Biden went silent for around 10 seconds, appearing confused, and struggling to articulate his thoughts.

    Biden Freezes Up During Speech, Big Time!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eric-thompson-show--5185805/support.

    Uni-Party Already Plotting The Future Impeachment Of Trump