
    Extreme Genes - America's Family History and Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

    Extreme Genes is a genealogy show hosted by Fisher. Fisher has 30+ years of radio experience and has had a passion for genealogy since he was a teen. On Extreme Genes Fisher sets out to educate the audience on resources and techniques for completing any gaps found in your family tree. Each week Fisher interviews national experts in the field of genealogy as well as news related to all of our genealogy. Be sure to visit ExtremeGenes.com for all the latest on the show.
    enFisher1032 Episodes

    Episodes (1032)

    Episode 445 - Pair of DeWitt Descendants LITERALLY Dig Up their Ancestor

    Episode 445 - Pair of DeWitt Descendants LITERALLY Dig Up their Ancestor

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. The guys begin by taking a deep breath over the crazy two part guest interview has in line for the show. A pair of eighth cousins… also eighth cousins to Fisher… who have exhumed the remains of their name line immigrant ancestor, Tjerck Claessen DeWitt, who died in 1700 in Kingston, New York, and his wife and two children. David then shares stories about the DNA Reunion Project, which seeks to reunite aging Holocaust survivors who were separated following World War II; The birthday celebration of “Papa Jake,” a World War II “dam buster,” who has been a hero to the British and a Tik Tok star!; The story of further conflict at the site of the former Pilgrim colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts where descendants of 17th century natives are angry. David will explain; And if you’re a Scottish researcher, David has some good news for you!

    Then, in two parts, Fisher visits with Gage and Justin DeWitt… distant cousins to each other, and to Fisher… who have literally dug up the immigrant ancestor, Tjerck Claessen DeWitt of Kingston, New York. Hear all about the project which took place this past summer, and what they are hoping to accomplish. It’s a genie-journey on steroids!

    David then returns for another round of Ask Us Anything.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

    Episode 471: CLASSIC REWIND - British “Who Do You Think You Are?” Host and Researcher Learns Great Uncle was a Soviet Spy

    Episode 471: CLASSIC REWIND - British “Who Do You Think You Are?” Host and Researcher Learns Great Uncle was a Soviet Spy

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. The guys begin with the story of a Canadian man who learned from a newspaper birth listing from the early 1950s, and DNA, that he had been switched at birth. Then, one of the oddest stories of the year… a married couple is freaking out because they learned that they share ancestors eight generations back! Then, a cannon ball has shown up at a beach in Rhode Island. You won’t believe where the finder is keeping it. At Colonial Williamsburgh, a dig has revealed a remarkable new find at a spot that David has walked over countless times. And finally, Europe’s oldest publication has been dated at over 2,300 years old.

    Next, in two parts, Fisher visits with Dr. Nick Barratt, best known in the UK for his hosting and research on four seasons of “Who Do You Think You Are?” In his own research, Nick has discovered that his paternal grandmother’s brother was a spy for the Soviet Union leading up to World War II! Hear how he discovered this shocker, how it has impacted him and his immediate family, and how it has changed his understanding of how he presents information he provides to others.

    Then, David returns for another couple of rounds of Ask Us Anything.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

    Episode 485 - The Weekly Show Finale! / Dr. Duffy on DNA from the Air / Diahan Southard and Nathan Dylan Goodwin on RootsTech Murder Mystery

    Episode 485 - The Weekly Show Finale! / Dr. Duffy on DNA from the Air / Diahan Southard and Nathan Dylan Goodwin on RootsTech Murder Mystery

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. As the long running weekly broadcast show comes to an end, the guys begin Family Histoire News with talk of the Boston Tea Party 250th anniversary celebration this weekend. Then, David reveals his role in setting the record straight on the last survivors of the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor. Ever wonder how large the largest family tree in the Library of Congress might be? Wonder no more! Then, the guys give a brief update on the 23andMe data breach.

    Next, Fisher shares one his most interesting interviews from earlier this year. It’s with Dr. David Duffy who has discovered that DNA can be detected and connected to individuals even when taken out of the air, or from footprints on a sandy beach! What might this mean for future police work?

    Then, Your DNA Guide, Diahan Southard, and genealogical thriller author, Nathan Dylan Goodwin,  join the show to talk about their planned genealogical murder mystery on RootsTech eve in Salt Lake City.

    David then returns for another Ask Us Anything question. This one is on the use of aliases in the Revolutionary War.

    Fisher and David then sign off on the final segment of the weekly broadcast series, with a huge thank you to so many who have contributed to the success of Extreme Genes through the years.

    Stayed tuned for future, periodic Extreme Genes podcasts!

    Episode 484 - “I Could See The Pilot’s Smile” Pearl Harbor Survivor Shares His Very Close Call / Passionate Genie Takes On Tin Type Photography

    Episode 484 - “I Could See The Pilot’s Smile” Pearl Harbor Survivor Shares His Very Close Call / Passionate Genie Takes On Tin Type Photography

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. David begins Family Histoire News with an update on the damage done in the attack of a homeless man on historic cemeteries in Boston. Then, the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party is coming. David talks about the rapidly approaching celebration. We’ve gotten accustomed to hearing about people discovering they were switched at birth through DNA, but wait til you hear this one woman’s story! It has more twists and turns than we’ve ever heard. Can the extinct Dodo bird become “unextinctified?” (Thank you George W. Bush!) One company thinks so. David will explain.

    In segment two, Fisher shares his 2021 interview with the late Jack Holder. Jack passed this year at 101 years old, but his story will live forever. Hear him describe how he could see the smiling face of a Japanese pilot while he was being strafed at Pearl Harbor!

    Then, Gage DeWitt returns to the show to talk about his new interest… creating tin type photographs. Not many people do it and for good reason. The chemicals are dangerous. Gage and his girl friend, Molly McNeal, talk about this risky hobby they hope to turn into a little business, and how they have recreated the 19th century process.

    Fisher and David then return for Ask Us Anything.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

    Episode 483 - What’s Ahead At Ancestry? The World War 1 / Pandemic Letter Exchange

    Episode 483 - What’s Ahead At Ancestry? The World War 1 / Pandemic Letter Exchange

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with guest host David Allen Lambert from the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. The guys begin by exchanging stories about discoveries they each made this past week. David then shares the horrible word about a homeless man in Boston who destroyed an array of historic headstones, including that of Paul Revere, this past week. Then, cursive writing is back in schools! Hear what state just made it law. In Georgia, some interesting wills have been found of slave owners who left money for some of their enslaved for a specific purpose. Hear what it is. And, we have a new age record for skydiving. What til you hear this one!

    Then, Fisher has an important announcement concerning Extreme Genes.

    Next,  Crista Cowan of Ancestry.com comes on to talk about how Ancestry is trying to encourage collective work on family trees. And, no, you don’t need a paid account to be part of it.

    Then, in a follow up to a previous episode, JoAnne Jessee talks about her initial find of letters from the pandemic of the late 1910s, and how she tracked down the descendants of the other correspondent to exchange letters back into the family lines. It’s a fascinating story we can all learn from.

    David then returns for more of Ask Us Anything.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

    Episode 204: Classic Rewind - The Biggest Disaster You’ve Likely Never Heard Of!

    Episode 204: Classic Rewind - The Biggest Disaster You’ve Likely Never Heard Of!

    Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. Fisher and David talk about the eclipse, and one in particular that occurred during the Revolutionary War that military leaders used to rally the troops. David then shares the remarkable story of the discovery of a uniform of a World War II vet and how it found its way into the hands of the vet’s granddaughter. Then, another World War II story has had another chapter written. The ship involved in one of America’s great naval disasters has been located. David then talks about the upcoming conference of the Federation of Genealogical Societies in Pittsburgh and shares a blogger spotlight on Robin Lacey’s spadeandthe grave.wordpress.com, where Robin talks about digging up a graveyard of ancestors.

    Then Fisher begins his two part visit with his first cousin, Joann (Fisher) Schmidt, of Dutchess County, New York. When Fisher and Joann began collaborating on their shared family history back in the 1980s, Joann also looked into her mother’s side. There, she discovered a horrible family secret. Her grandfather’s family had been decimated in a disaster on a steamboat in 1904 in which ten family members were killed. It is called the General Slocum disaster, and it took place in New York City. The tragedy marked the greatest single loss of life in New York City history prior to 9/11. In this two part interview, Joann shares her story of how she learned the details of her grandfather’s greatest trial, and how he endured the aftermath.

    Then, Tom Perry checks in from the road as he continues his Preservation Tour, scanning genies’ pictures for free at sites around the country. Where is he now and where will he be next? He will tell you.

    Tom then answers another listener question concerning the best way to be sure your material will still be around years from now.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

    Episode 482 - Catholic Descendants of The Mayflower / Native American History Month

    Episode 482 - Catholic Descendants of The Mayflower / Native American History Month

    Happy Thanksgiving! Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. Both Fish and Dave describe recent discoveries they made and how they found them. Then, David talks about how a stash of letters, written in the 1750s from France and never unsealed (they were captured by the British) are being opened and digitized! Then, there’s more now on the painting discovered in France a few years ago. It had been hanging in the kitchen of a 90-year-old woman and was headed to the garbage can. It has now been sold for $25 million dollars and has been deemed a “national treasure.” Also, a marvelous museum of African American History has been opened in Charleston, South Carolina. David has more.

    Next, Fisher talks with Christopher Child of NEHGS and editor of the Mayflower Descendant. Chris takes us through his recent study of the first found family of Catholic descendants of the Mayflower and the amazing journey it led him on.

    Then, it being Native American History Month, Michelle Chubenko of sponsor Legacy Tree Genealogists talks about her background and a surprising DNA discovery of a match in a very unexpected place.

    Then, David returns for Ask Us Anything over two segments.

    That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!