
    Fail Forward

    Failure is only negative if you don’t learn from it Fail Forward is the weekly podcast hosted by entrepreneur and family man Henri Ghijben. In each episode you’ll hear from Henri and guests as they share real-life experiences of positives born from failure, reflections on the lessons learned from ‘losing it all, and what fuels Henri’s desire to help others overcome personal and business challenges in order to create the lives they want to live. Who is Henri Ghijben? Growing up in Bury St Edmunds, Henri’s first memorable experience of failure left him with the lasting ability to never get lost. It proved to be the first of many times Henri would fail forward. But it wasn’t until he faced losing his home, business and possibly even his family, that he realised the truth. Failure is only negative if you don’t learn from it. Against the odds, Henri has rebuilt from rock bottom. He’s now on a mission to help others avoid making the same mistakes he did, to help those facing failure see that there is a way back and that by failing forward they can enjoy success again. Ever thankful for the love and support of his family, the loyalty of his team and the help of business owners who helped him when the chips were down, Henri now lives in Southampton where he runs HRG Tree Surgeons, has growing property management and investment businesses and runs mentoring programmes for business owners, entrepreneurs and directors who are on their own growth journeys.
    en-gbHenri Ghijben104 Episodes

    Episodes (104)

    083 People, teams and business

    083 People, teams and business

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode, I talk about the importance of building an effective team. 


    When I started my business, I pledged myself to do whatever I could to look after my team. 


    There are often people in business whose only priority is making money. The truth is that by looking after your team, your staff retention will go up and so will your revenue and profit. 


    We all spend more time at work than anywhere else. When your staff come to work, they want to feel valued and part of a team. 


    One of the steps I take to help achieve this is an anonymous quarterly survey. 


    The survey has given me so much valuable information. As often as you ask people to be honest in conversation, you’re their boss and they might inevitably choose to keep some things from you. 


    At the end of the survey, there’s a free text section where employees can leave their thoughts. This feedback can be the most challenging to read but also the most useful, the important thing is to set your ego aside and try to solve the problems that can be fixed.


    Join me in treating your staff how you’d like to be treated. 


    If you want to know more about how to build an effective team, just drop me a note and I can send you the details of my latest mastermind. 


    Have a listen and I’d love to hear your thoughts. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    082 Stop giving a fu*k

    082 Stop giving a fu*k

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    How often have you let what someone thinks of you stop you from being yourself?


    As humans, it’s in our nature to want to be liked. It makes us feel good! But it’s not always conducive to business. 


    When it comes to business, you need to be able to step outside of your comfort zone. That’s impossible to do if you’re always worrying about what people think. 


    In this episode, I talk about how to stop giving a f*ck about what people think.


    Listeners of my podcast will know there was a point in my life where I lost everything. At that time, people were talking about me and knowing that was difficult. 


    Since I’ve been back on my feet, I’ve noticed that people still find something to talk about. 


    I learnt to let them think what they want and to put my energy into following my dreams. 


    Give it a try. I promise it’ll serve you and your business well in the long run. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    081 The One Percent Gain

    081 The One Percent Gain

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode, I speak about remaining dedicated, no matter what. 


    Something that’s reflected in fitness as it is in business is that it can take time to see improvements.


    When you’re working hard in the gym and eating well, you expect to see that reflected in the mirror after a few months. 


    But that doesn’t always happen. In fact, it rarely does.


    All these things take time. Real change is made from the cumulative effect of lots of little actions, showing up on the days you don’t want to and staying dedicated. 


    You might’ve heard me talk about the one percent gain in the past. A perfect example of that was when Dave Brailsford took over the Sky British Cycling team. 


    From the bike design to the wider team’s approach, Dave assessed every element of the process and looked to improve it by one percent. After just 21 days, the team won the Tour de France.


    All you need to do is turn up and try to improve by one percent every day. That small change will make a big difference. 


    When I first started this podcast, we struggled to get many downloads and it often felt demoralising.


    We kept going for 18 months and now we’re getting hundreds of downloads each episode, hopefully making a difference to others by sharing my approach to life. If I’d given up after a few months because my ego was telling me I wasn’t good enough, the podcast wouldn’t be where it is today.


    My message to you in this episode is don’t give up, show up every day and fail forward. 

    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    080 Achieving a positive mindset

    080 Achieving a positive mindset

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode, I talk about achieving a positive mindset.


    Getting yourself in the right mindset helps you turn up every day. When it comes to business, this is key as there can be days when it feels like everything is going against you.


    It’s those days that you need to be able to break through barriers in your mind and have the tools in front of you to change your mindset.


    In this episode, I go through the below four things that can help you and your team achieve a positive mindset even when times are tough.


    > Manifestation and Goal Setting

    > Growth Mindset

    > Environment

    > Self Care


    After all, the people who really make contribute to business success are those who turn up even when business is challenging.


    Mindset is something we can all work on every day. It could be by doing something small such as ten minutes of manifestation, or starting a new regular self care routine. 


    Have a listen. I’d love to hear your techniques for achieving a positive mindset and whether you use any that I’ve suggested in this episode.


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    079 Why is failure so common in business?

    079 Why is failure so common in business?

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.

    In this episode I talk about failure. 


    As my podcast name suggests, this topic forms the building blocks to my content. It’s clearly close to my heart, I think the reason for that is because its so closely connected to business. 


    All you ever hear is, “80% of businesses fail in the first five years”, or “1 in 5 businesses fail in their first year”. There seems to be a new statistic every week!


    I take the view that this is due to a fundamental issue with the way society perceives failure. 


    There’s no doubting its a negative word. 


    In school children are taught that they’ve failed if they don’t pass their exams. In 2023, 32% of 16 year olds failed their GCSEs. Take a second to imagine what that installs in young people’s minds at an early age. 


    One of the biggest things we should be teaching our children is that its OK to fail because it is a part of learning.


    I wonder how many young people are left with a negative mindset when they leave school. They begin to let failure define them, rather than view it as something to learn from.


    In this episode I explain that learning from multiple failures always becomes a positive. Not learning from them will compound into something catastrophic, such as a failed business. 


    I invite you to have a listen and challenge what we’re conditioned to believe about failure. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    078 Stay open minded to experiences

    078 Stay open minded to experiences

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.

    “Some of the most amazing things are in the places we least expect.”


    We all have experiences that we wouldn’t try. It could be due to preconcieved ideas, either from yourself or from others, or simply that you’ve decided it doesn’t fit with your values.


    I used to have negative preconceptions about people exercising on holiday.


    “Who on earth would exercise in the limited time they have to have to relax?” I would think.  Well, on my latest holiday, I tried it. Running every day and paddleboarding gave me so much more energy to enjoy the rest of my day - it could be one for you to try too.


    I also recently attended a retreat with an amazing guy called John Beesom, who calls himself the CEO adventurer. 


    He explained that he’s recently set himself the goal of leaning into experiences he would usually disregard.


    John is currently trying yoga and meditation despite his first thoughts being that he wouldn't be suited to the experience. He’s yet to tell me how he got on. But worst case? He will have learnt something new from it. 


    Do you have anything you’re against giving a go? Why not approach it with a mindset of giving it a try?


    In this episode, I share:

    > Tapping into which experiences you tend to avoid

    > What new experiences can bring you

    > How to lean into new experiences


    Have a listen. I’d love to hear if the points covered resonate with you, let me know if you do decide to try something new!


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    077 How to save time

    077 How to save time

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast discussing how to save yourself some time. 


    One thing that’s limited in life is time. 


    It wasn’t until I lost everything that I first discovered how to be efficient with my tasks. 


    Living in rented accommodation with mould up to the ceiling of my baby’s bedroom, I knew I needed to be productive to make some money and provide a nicer home for my family.


    In this episode I talk about the hacks I learnt during this difficult period in my life. I hope you find these helpful too.


    One of the biggest concerns I have is when I hear people in the business world say things like, “If you need a job doing right, do it yourself.”


    Thinking that way restricts you from being able to focus on higher income generating tasks.


    Leveraging other people’s time is a fantastic way to build more time into your day so that you can focus on what matters most. Write down who you can lean on for support. It could be staff members, virtual assistants or someone in your wider network. 


    I also share the benefits of having a mentor. Someone who has walked the path that you want to walk.


    Learn from their mistakes and don’t let your ego get in the way. You’re not going to be best at everything straight away. The more knowledge you can soak up from others, the quicker you’ll be able to implement effective systems in your own business. 


    Being more intentional with your use of social media can give you huge amounts of time back too.


    It’s not something I find easy to do - TikTok is my guilty pleasure!


    But restricting your use of it or only subscribing to channels that help you learn is a much better use of your time. 


    Listen now and if you have any time hacks that work for you, I’d love to hear them. My inboxes are open and I’m happy to help you understand how to build in time that will move you towards your goals. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    076 Interview: Keeley Taverner

    076 Interview: Keeley Taverner

    In this episode I’m joined by psychotherapist, Keeley Taverner, who runs a coaching and therapy business called Key for Change.


    Keeley is refreshingly real. I couldn’t help but be drawn in by her incredible energy when I met her and I’m confident that it will be the same for Fail Forward listeners.

    “When you’ve got nothing to lose, you’re not afraid of asking.”


    With a USP of helping people break away from narcissistic individuals, Keeley explains that her end goal is always to help her clients unlock their potential.


    She explains that when you get a narcissist out of the way, more energy is available so that you can begin to follow your dreams.


    Breaking free from a narcissist is at the centre of Keeley’s story.


    Growing up on a West London council estate, Keeley followed a similar path to many of her friends. She was stuck in a toxic relationship with the father of her two children and wanted to escape from an uninspiring job but felt she didn’t have the qualifications to do so.

    Desperate for change, she turned to self-help books.

    Moved by a book about going back to college to get an education, Keeley decided to undertake a college access course. She followed on to complete a degree in psychology and a master’s in person-centered psychotherapy.

    This overview makes Keeley’s journey appear simple but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Being from a mixed heritage, working-class background, Keeley often felt isolated during her training in a very middle-class environment.

    Throughout each stage of her education, Keeley found kind people who took her under their wing. She reflects on how grateful she is to them for helping her navigate new and somewhat uncomfortable spaces.

    As we’ve heard time and time again on this podcast, one of the biggest challenges in business can be a feeling of isolation. Having people around you who build you up and who you can run ideas past is important.

    That’s something Keeley discovered during her higher education journey and when setting up her own business. A gem of advice Keeley gives in this episode is to build a trusted circle of confidants and to make the most of the advice they give.

    This captivating story of perseverance will leave you with a feeling of warmth and positivity. It’s a perfect example that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

    If you enjoyed listening to Keeley, visit her website Key For Change: https://keyforchange.com/ 

    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward.
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri 
    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/ 
    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12 
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/ 

    075 Interview: Natalie Potts

    075 Interview: Natalie Potts

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode, I’m joined by Natalie Potts, an entrepreneur who spent 19 years climbing the corporate ladder before taking the jump to go out on her own.


    Today she works as a coach, mentor and strategist for business owners. 


    “The people who are out there creating success are the ones who are taking action.”


    Having spent her entire career in the corporate world, Natalie imagined she would stay there for rest of her life. Her mindset changed after going to university where she realised the need to adapt. 


    Shortly after this, Natalie was supporting members of her team through coaching qualifications when she noticed they weren’t learning what they needed to. She took the steps to begin educating herself to become a coach. 


    In this fast paced episode, Natalie explains that when it comes to business, everything starts with personal development. Knowing yourself well, how you operate and where you choose go to for support, helps you take the steps to get to where you need to be. 


    As a coach for businesses, Natalie helps people to see that there isn’t a linear path to success. And when it comes to failure, she teaches business owners to view it as an opportunity to improve. 


    Natalie explains that confidence is an end result, the prerequisite is having the courage to take the step in furthering your knowledge and experience to become confident.  


    This episode will open up a new way of thinking for you when it comes to how you approach business. You may be convinced to widen your circle of support or to take a new brave step with your business. 


    If you enjoyed listening to Natalie, click here to find out more about her business.


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    074 Interview: Sal Kassam

    074 Interview: Sal Kassam

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode of the Fail Forward Podcast, I talk to Sal Kassam, a Personal Trainer (PT) who helps men over 50 get strong.


    Sal explained there are three reasons why he works with people in this age bracket.


    After passing the milestone age, his dad experienced two heart attacks and was diagnosed with cancer. 


    Sal reflected on the change he saw in his dad during this time, going from someone he viewed as invincible to a man that was struggling. He considered the difference that diet and exercise could make in preventing health issues. 


    Coincidentally, his first client after qualifying as a PT was a man in his 50s. His client was experiencing problems with various areas of his body and was overweight.


    Sal said that while many PTs would prefer an ‘easier’ client, he saw this as an opportunity to make an even bigger difference to his client’s life.


    Lastly, he highlights that the PT industry targets people in their 20s & 30s who are looking to get lean. He said, ‘When you reach 50, various health issues often rear their head and specialist help is required - that’s where I fit in.’ 


    Focusing on improving strength over cardio was a conscious decision by Sal. He explains that being strong helps people interact with their environment. 


    “If you’re a dad, you need strength to pick up your kids.”

    “If you’re a sports player, you need strength to hit the ball hard.”

    “If you’re an older person, you need strength to be able to walk up the stairs.”


    Having the motivation to make changes to your health and lifestyle isn’t always easy. 


    Sal speaks candidly about motivation, explaining that it’s not his job to motivate his clients outside of the gym. He finds his client’s motivation often comes from understanding what they want their future to be and what it could be if they don’t make a change. 


    In true Fail Forward style, Sal’s journey leads you on a fascinating journey of ups and downs. His passion for strength and making a difference to his clients is sure to leave you inspired. 


    If you enjoyed listening to Sal, click here to find out more about Red Pill Fitness and follow him on TikTok @redpillfit.


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    073 Interview: Callum Webber

    073 Interview: Callum Webber

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    In this episode I talk to Callum Webber from Freedom Lifestyle.


    Throughout this insightful conversation, Callum invites young people to really think about what will bring them happiness in life. He explains how to break away from societal norms and the benefits of doing so. 


    Having spent most of his school life watching the clock, Callum wondered whether there is more to life. Instead of following the traditional route that his family, like many others, put on a pedestal, he decided to travel and invest in himself with training. 


    Rather than taking a traditional 9-5 job and taking on a mortgage, Callum put his money into building what he calls the Freedom Lifestyle. 


    “Society is set up to create employees not entrepreneurs.”


    Callum explains that by investing in personal development and taking risks, you bring yourself out of your comfort zone and open a door to new relationships and opportunities.


    Like many of us, lockdown provided a moment of realisation for Callum. He had come back from Menorca to live with his nan and was despatate to continue living his life. Instead of joining his friends in drinking and playing quizzes on Zoom, he made the decision to become sober and to focus on personal development. 


    Whether you’re a young person just starting out in your career or have years’ of experience, I’m confident this episode will leave you wondering, ‘How can I bring more freedom into my life?’.


    One aspect of freedom that Callum speaks about is not caring about what other people think. He explained that he’s consistent with putting himself in uncomfortable situations and said that while some people may talk negatively about you, there will be people talking positively. He highlights that it helps you reach out to the right people and to start building your tribe.


    Full of energy and thought provoking, this episode will leave you in no doubt that there are things you can do to improve your mindset and bring freedom to your life. 


    If you felt inspired listening to Callum, subscribe to the Freedom Lifestyle podcast on Spotify and follow him on Instagram


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    072 Interview: Alexis Kingsbury

    072 Interview: Alexis Kingsbury

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.

    Regular listeners of the Fail Forward Podcast, plus members of my Tree Surgeons
    Mastermind will have heard me talk about time management. Have you considered how artificial intelligence (AI) could be your best tool when it comes to saving time and stimulating creativity?

    In this episode I’m joined by someone who has not only delved into the three pillars of AI and embraced them in his own business but who now helps others to benefit from it too - Alexis Kingsbury

    “You can add so much more value than your competitors can - at a fraction of the

    There are two ways that AI can be approached, according to Alexis. It can either be viewed as an opportunity or something scary, something that isn’t for you. After some trial and error, Alexis worked out how to make AI platforms work for him and his business. He explains that when you start to use it, it’s not as daunting as you might think. In fact, you’re in complete control. By learning the right prompts, you can have useful content, images and video available to you in a matter of seconds.
    But it doesn’t stop there. Alexis shares how AI outputs should be approached as a starting point, a way to prompt creative thinking or a foundation for structuring a project, rather than as a finished product.

    A common mistake Alexis comes across is when business owners approach AI from the perspective of, “Here’s an AI tool, how can I make use of it?’. He invites listeners to reframe the question to, “In my business right now, what causes me pain? What takes time? What causes problems for my customers?”. Looking to streamline processes in his own business, Alexis found that Chat GPT is particularly efficient in creating written assets for his podcast. He explains that the style of content lends itself well to AI as it follows a structure and a particular tone of voice.

    “Embed AI into processes that you already regard as being valuable enough to put
    human time and money into them.” In just under an hour you’ll gain a better understanding of the benefits of AI, along with tips on how to make it work for your business.

    Alexis has written a free e-book, ‘Using AI and ChatGPT’ that provides exercises to help you and your team make the best use of AI in your business. Here you can identify the risks and opportunities, and get your team to understand the value AI can bring.

    If you enjoyed listening to Alexis, click here to connect on LinkedIn. If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward.

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri
    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/
    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    071 How I failed at business

    071 How I failed at business

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    In previous episodes, I’ve been very open about the catalyst for Fail Forward but since the podcast has been running we’ve gained new followers who may not have heard my story. 


    In this episode, I’ll be giving you the potted history that led to me launching the Fail Forward Podcast. If you’re a new follower - I highly recommend you scrolling back to Episode 1 to hear the full story.


    I’ll be sharing:


    • Where my disruptive streak came from.

    • How I grew my business.

    • The mistakes I made.

    • The moment I realised how bad things really were.

    • The impact of repeatedly making small mistakes and never learning from them. 

    • How I’ve used those lessons to build back stronger. 


    It’s the story of how I lost my business, my home, my health and very nearly my family. 


    I would urge anyone who’s going through what I did, find people to support you. 


    The journey wasn’t easy and I don’t recommend it! But I feel immensely lucky to have got through with my life, marriage, family and health intact after what I describe as the best worst year of my life. 


    Listen to this episode and please like, share and subscribe to help me on my mission to help as many people as I can learn from my mistakes and harness the power of failing forward. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    070 Interview: Nick James

    070 Interview: Nick James

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    If you’ve been listening to the Fail Forward podcast for a while, you’ll have heard me talk about my mentor, Nick James. Now, it’s time to hear from him first hand. 


    In this episode, Nick shares his business experiences - the highs and the lows, plus gives you a whistle-stop tour of his somewhat unusual introduction to the world of personal development.  


    “Reaching the top you discover it isn’t the top. It’s just a series of levels.”


    Nick’s first experience of the world of personal development happened before he was even a teenager. Having spent his formative years travelling the world and following an untraditional educational path, Nick set up his first business as soon as he left university. After all, he’d studied business so what could possibly go wrong?


    When he failed, he quickly realised it was time to find a way to learn the kind of business knowledge you just don’t get from university and set about immersing himself once more in the world of business and personal development. 


    Fast forward to today and Nick shares his insights from a wealth of experience and knowledge gained through his successes, failures and steep learning curves whilst sharing the sage advice that; “entrepreneurship is a summitless mountain”.


    In just under an hour you’ll hear real life stories of success, failure, ego and energy. Plus the ONE question every entrepreneur should answer.


    If you enjoy listening to Nick you can follow him on Instagram @Nickjamesevents or find out about Expert Empires by visiting https://www.expertempires.com/


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    069 Business can be hard

    069 Business can be hard

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    Business isn’t always easy and it isn’t always plain sailing. 


    When things feel tough it’s human nature to start to procrastinate or avoid doing things you know you need to do. 


    Yet it’s also the time you need to find the determination to push through and come out the otherside. 


    It’s OK to say no to things for a while. Or to adapt your plan and change direction. 


    In this episode I share how I believe pushing through the tough times is what moves you towards your goals and will help you achieve “The Big Mo" as described in The Compound Effect.


    Just remember - diamonds are formed under pressure. Dig in, push on and you will shine.


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

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    068 How to be successful in business

    068 How to be successful in business

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    “The more you take yourself out of your business, the more you’ll be able to turn up as a better leader.”


    I get it. It’s your business. You’ve grown it from scratch. Lost sleep over it. It feels like your baby!


    But you don’t have to be there ALL the time in order for it to flourish.


    On the contrary, it’ll probably thrive faster if you take some time out. 



    Take a lunch break.


    Do your thinking somewhere else!


    In this episode I share why I believe the key to being successful is in allowing your brain to be more creative each day - not just once a year when you’re on holiday.


    Listen now and ask yourself; what do you need to change in order to take more time away from the day to day?


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    067 You have to be ruthless to be successful

    067 You have to be ruthless to be successful

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    “You have to be ruthless to be successful”.


    Possibly the biggest lie you’ll ever hear!


    When things go catastrophically wrong there is no shortage of people telling you where you went wrong. 


    And if you’ve ever been in that situation, you’ve probably heard it yourself. Maybe you’ve even said it to someone else.


    Here’s the truth.


    You CAN have a successful business and:


    Have good intentions.

    Treat people well.

    Strive to create lasting change.


    In this episode I share why I believe being a decent human being isn’t a blocker to running a successful and profitable business.


    Listen now as I explore what I think people really mean when they say you need to be more ruthless. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/

    066 The 5 pillars you need for a successful business

    066 The 5 pillars you need for a successful business

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    If you’ve been following this podcast for a while, you’re probably thinking, “No Henri, it’s FOUR pillars”. 




    There’s a new pillar in town and it is a game changer!


    Today the four pillars of a successful business become five as Mindset slips into the number one slot.


    In this episode I share why I’ve added Mindset to the pillars of a successful business as well as why it deserves top billing:


    • Mindset

    • Numbers

    • Sales and Marketing

    • Systems

    • Culture


    Listen now as I talk you through the five five pillars and explain why mindset really does have to come first. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    065 My 3 best tips to gain more time

    065 My 3 best tips to gain more time

    Welcome to the Fail Forward podcast.


    Did you start your business because you wanted to spend all your time busting a gut working and no time having fun?


    I’m guessing the answer is no. 


    Yet all too often that’s the reality of building a business.


    Whilst a brand new business might mean you need to be the “Swiss Army Knife” for a while - doing all the tasks, the reality is - you can’t grow that way.


    It is simply not sustainable.  


    In this episode I share the things you must do now, in order to grow a successful business without burning out.


    Listen now as I talk you through the three steps to getting more time back in your day, your week, your month, your year, your life. 


    If you have methods of your own to add to the list I’d really love to hear them.


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/


    064 Interview: Jay Allen

    064 Interview: Jay Allen

    Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast.


    It’s a first for Fail Forward as I collaborate with Jay Allen of My True North and Add a Zero. 


    Just to recap, Jay Allen is a qualified psychologist, former social worker, medically retired Sergeant Major of the British Army, business mentor and creator of the “Add a Zero” business growth methodology.


    This is Jay’s second time on Fail Forward and if you haven’t listened, I highly recommend you take a scroll back to his first appearance. 


    This time round we are chewing the fat on all things growth and personal development. Fast pace and lively we tackle topics including;


    > the power of lurkers in your audience, 

    > why a business owner should make themselves redundant at the earliest opportunity, and

    > whether you should even bother hiring a mentor. 


    If you enjoyed listening to this episode, click here to learn more about Jay and how to work with him. 


    If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. 


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/

    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/