
    Families Matter Most

    The best way to teach kids is to reach their hearts. Family Coach Jenn Dean shares practical tools to connect with your kids to get real results and encourage you to keep trying when it's tough.
    enJenn Dean100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ep 81 Tara the Control Freak (Case Study Series)

    Ep 81 Tara the Control Freak (Case Study Series)

    A Case Study Series:

    Have you ever wondered what coaching, counselling, or mentoring is about? This case study series will give you a front row seat of what these look like. 

    Are you a control freak? This weeks case study, Tara reaches out knowing she was struggling and feeling constantly annoyed. Tara thought she she was at the point of burn out. Tara also knew what her goals were but couldn't reach them alone, she wanted to stop yelling and be more positive.

    Can you relate to how Tara feels? If so, join us this week as I break down some tools and tips that helped Tara and can help you too!



    These podcasts are examples of the kind of freedom my clients experience in areas of their life. If any of their stories resonate with you, maybe it’s time for you to work on yourself too! Click this link to book a free strategy call and let’s have an honest conversation. 


    Would you do me a favour? Referral is the #1 way that Families Matter Most has grown to more than 60000 podcast downloads! Please share this free resource to your community- share it out, email the link, send a comment over social, post a 5 star review- anything you can do to help us reach more parents! I’m so grateful for this community, thank you for your support! 

    Ep 79 Time Management (An Extra 2 Hours a Day!)

    Ep 79 Time Management (An Extra 2 Hours a Day!)

    Two more hours a day??? Here is the bonus episode answering the biggest question I have had this month. How do I get two extra hours in my day? You may not like the answer to this, but guess what?! I have some great advice and tips for this!


    Join me this week, for the bonus episode in our Time Management Series. We have spent four weeks breaking down all the pieces to better balance and manage time in one's life. If you haven’t listened yet, go listen to the entire series. You will see great success with this series of tips and tricks for your daily life.

    Ep 80 Bringing Up The Past (Case Study Series)

    Ep 80 Bringing Up The Past (Case Study Series)

    A Case Study Series:

    Have you ever wondered what coaching, counselling, or mentoring is about? This case study series will give you a front row seat of what these look like. 

    Better yet, this weeks case study is a study on Jenn's own personal journey. Jenn goes deep and shares some raw truths that she had to work through to be a better mom, wife, coach, and person. 

    Join us this week, to hear Jenn's story. 



    These podcasts are examples of the kind of freedom my clients experience in areas of their life. If any of their stories resonate with you, maybe it’s time for you to work on yourself too! Click this link to book a free strategy call and let’s have an honest conversation. 


    Would you do me a favour? Referral is the #1 way that Families Matter Most has grown to more than 60000 podcast downloads! Please share this free resource to your community- share it out, email the link, send a comment over social, post a 5 star review- anything you can do to help us reach more parents! I’m so grateful for this community, thank you for your support! 

    Ep 78 Time Management (3 Tips that Changed my Life))

    Ep 78 Time Management (3 Tips that Changed my Life))

    Starting your week off strong definitely makes a difference. When you know what’s ahead for the week do you find yourself less stressed? Today I am sharing my tips that have helped me feel peace and calm when it comes to my schedule.


    During this four week series, I am going to break down four pieces of Time Management that I have found will help pull you out of this rut. This week, I am diving into the tips that changed my life! 

    These podcasts are examples of the kind of freedom my clients experience in areas of their life. If this podcast resonates with you, maybe it’s time for you to work on yourself too! Click this link to book a free strategy call and let’s have an honest conversation. 


    Would you do me a favor? Referral is the #1 way that Families Matter Most has grown to more than 60000 podcast downloads! Please share this free resource to your community- share it out, email the link, send a comment over social, post a 5 star review- anything you can do to help us reach more parents! I’m so grateful for this community, thank you for your support! 


    Ep 77 Time Management (The Calendar)

    Ep 77 Time Management (The Calendar)

    Are you wondering now what? I’ve had two weeks of learning about why I’m struggling with my time, but how do I start to see change? This week, we will be pulling out our calendars and refocusing on how to bring balance to our calendar. No guilt. Balance. 


    During this four week series, I am going to break down four pieces of Time Management that I have found will help pull you out of this rut. This week, I am diving into our calendars. What are we needing more of? What is missing from our calendar?

    Ready to make a change? Click Here for your planner/ calendar.

    Ep 76 Time Management (Competing Goals)

    Ep 76 Time Management (Competing Goals)

    Do you feel like you can never win? You might be succeeding at work, but feel guilty for letting your house and family time decrease. You completed that huge to do list last week, but can barely get out of bed this week. This cycle is hard, and as women, it’s often linked to our hormones.


    Over the next four weeks, I am going to break down four pieces of Time Management that I have found will help pull you out of this rut. This week, I am breaking down our competing goals, and finding successes for each lane we have. 

    Ep 75 Time Management (The Big Picture)

    Ep 75 Time Management (The Big Picture)

    Do you feel like all your time is spent being a mom? Chores, work, teaching, or chauffeuring your children all day long? This is a draining cycle that many parents experience throughout their life. 

    Over the next four weeks, I am going to break down four pieces of Time Management that I have found will help pull you out of this rut.

    This week, I am breaking down the Big Picture of our goals, our dreams, and our success. Why are we doing the the things we do? Is it even important? Does it matter?

    Plus- I have a worksheet to help you. Click Here to download now.




    Ep 74 Exhaustion, Overwhelm and Burnout (Three Buckets)

    Ep 74 Exhaustion, Overwhelm and Burnout (Three Buckets)

    Could you handle one more thing in your life?

    If one more person needed you for something, would you fall apart? 

    You’re not alone if you feel like you give away every last bit of energy.

    There’s nothing left, and you feel exhausted and defeated.

    Let’s climb out of this pit! 

    Here are three big buckets that can help you decipher where to start:

    1. Loneliness
    2. Exhaustion
    3. Stress

    Pick one of these and take one small baby step, and I promise it will feel great. 

    You’ll have a little more energy to take the next teeny baby step, and over time you’ll make a big difference in your life. 

    This is how your life is going to change. One tiny habit at a time. 

    I want to help you get there.


    If you have never had a strategy call with me, I think it’s time we had a chat! 

    Book your free virtual check-in or visit www.familiesmattermost.com

    Ep 72 Marriage Killers - Part 2 (The 4 Predictors of Divorce)

    Ep 72 Marriage Killers - Part 2 (The 4 Predictors of Divorce)

    The four predictors of divorce: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling and contempt. Let's review what they are and how they hurt us, and then determine how to change.  I know we all want a happy marriage, so let's figure this out! Even if you're doing well, this podcast will help you know what to look for and what you can do to make your marriage even better! Based on research by Dr John Gottman.

    Ep 71 Marriage Killers - Part One (Extreme Words)

    Ep 71 Marriage Killers - Part One (Extreme Words)

    There are common pitfalls in marriage that trip us up. 

    Some of them are complicated, but some of them are just plain dumb. 

    The words we use to make our point can destroy relationships. 

    Too often, one person will make a statement that derails the whole point of the conversation and next thing we know there’s an argument about whether some particular wrongdoing happened on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. We’ve missed the point, and now we’re arguing about semantics. How about you never use these statements again ever? Well, try.

    1. My husband is always angry.
    2. My wife never spends time with me.
    3. He literally ignores me.
    4. She hates me.
    5. I’ve just given up.

    The great news is, with just a few tweaks to your verbiage you can make a huge difference in your marriage. Start noticing the words you speak today!

    Ep 70 Help! My Kid Keeps Lying!

    Ep 70 Help! My Kid Keeps Lying!
    What is a lie? Why do kids do it? And how can we get them to stop?!! 

    I get these questions a lot! 

    Usually parents are at their wits end- they’ve tried everything they know and nothing has worked. Seriously, lying is a difficult behavior to deal with (as you’ll hear in this podcast!)
    Let’s talk about the difference between lying and storytelling, when to use consequences, and strategies to help your kids choose honesty. You haven’t ruined your kids! There’s lots of ways to help them learn to tell the truth. Keep trying to reach their heart!

    Ep 69 Mom Self Care with Teresa Weidrick

    Ep 69 Mom Self Care with Teresa Weidrick

    Moms, dads, parents, homeschoolers, recently forced to be at home parents join me and Teresa for self -care talk. Teresa has twenty -one years of experience as a parent and can say after only a few years in she hit the “walls.” She asked the question “Who am I?” Teresa felt lost and done, so she decided to spend a lot of time learning boundaries and self-care tools.  In today’s podcast we are sharing these tools so don’t miss it!

    For more information:



    Teresa Weidrick on Instagram @homeschool_mama_self_care


    Ep 68 The 3 Enemies of Success and Happiness

    Ep 68 The 3 Enemies of Success and Happiness

    I read a study that asked uber successful CEO’s what held them back in life, and their answers are the same that I hear every day working with families. Whether it’s running a multimillion dollar business or managing a busy household, you can develop the habit of contentment in life. If you want to bring more joy into your life, this podcast episode is for you! 


    I think you’d love these ones too!

    Episode 63: Don’t Quit On What You’re Called To Do

    Episode 42: Feeling Overwhelmed?

    Episode 39: You Are A Limited Resource

    Ep 66 Making Time for Yourself with Lisa Marie Fletcher

    Ep 66 Making Time for Yourself  with Lisa Marie Fletcher

    This week on our podcast we have a special guest Lisa Marie Fletcher. She is a mom of 5, homeschooling mom, and an author! As a mom her best advice is to lower the bar.


    Whether you homeschool or not, she has some great tools to help you carve time into your day for your dreams, successes, and so much more. There are ways to make your dreams come true while homeschooling, or while being the best mom you can be.

    Lisa knows it’s hard to find time to fit everything in you need. Which is why she has written a great book and created an online FREE homeschooling conference.  Both are in formats for the busy mom’s we all are.


    Check out more from Lisa:

    Book: How to Homeschool in Canada

    COHC Conference:  Feb. 7-12th

    Ep 65 Commit to your Health

    Ep 65 Commit to your Health

    I’d always wanted to be healthy, but I could never be successful long term. I’d have a few good days but I could never maintain it. I’d keep my morning routine for a few days and then fall apart. I’d lose weight but then gain it all back. It wasn’t until I turned 40 that it worked. If I reflect on it, the difference was that I COMMITTED to the goal. 

    For more information check out www.familiesmattermost.com

    Ep 64 Four Simple Ways to not Gain Weight

    Ep 64 Four Simple Ways to not Gain Weight

    These four hacks are so easy you don’t even have to think about it. 

    Anybody can do them. You’ll be able to lose a bit of weight, or at least avoid gaining weight, just by implementing these science backed and proven tips.

    What are these amazing tricks, you ask? Listen to today's podcast to find out all about these hacks.


    For more on this check out www.familiesmattermost.com

    Ep 63 Don't Quit On What You're Called To Do

    Ep 63 Don't Quit On What You're Called To Do

    Team, we have achieved our goal of 40,000 podcasts!!!

    On this podcast I threw my notes away and I’m just sharing from my heart.


    I want to encourage you to keep pressing forward in whatever you’re called to do- it’ll be worth it, I promise! 


    Don’t quit on yourself, even if nobody sees you. 


    I see you

    and I’m cheering for you! 


    And… to celebrate this community I want to give away some free coaching for those that really want it but can’t afford it. I’ve been there, and I want to give back! 

    Nominate someone (or yourself) privately by emailing me at familiesmattermost@gmail.com or sending me a private message @familiesmattermost on Instagram or Facebook. 

    Ep 62 The 3 Pitfalls of Parenting

    Ep 62 The 3 Pitfalls of Parenting

    Are you an angry person? Do you feel overwhelmed? Today, you'll gain some new tools in the areas that trip you up so you can reduce your own anger, stop feeling so overwhelmed and stay true to yourself.

    You'll also like:

    #61 Dealing with Stressful Situations

    #56 Three Things to Never Say to Your Kids

    #17 Truth Bombs from a Husband

    You should feel comfortable in your own skin. You can finally lose the weight and keep if off, even if you've never been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The truth is, you probably can't do it on your own. Fact: this is my jam- you will get results! Email me to see if private or small group coaching would be best for you! 

    Interested in a FREE STRATEGY CALL? Book in a trial session to get real results, even if you've never done anything like this before! You can work on parenting issues, increase your confidence or deal with those insecurities that keep creeping in. You should feel confident in who you are as a person and a parent.

    Book that free session HERE!