
    FedUpward Podcast

    The FedUpward Podcast gives federal employees and friends of feds strategies and tips for navigating everyday problems. This is a place for federal employees to network, share ideas and get better. Don't get fed up. Get FedUpward!
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    Episodes (100)

    179. Join Now! Membership for Feds

    179. Join Now! Membership for Feds

    I've joined forces with Jason Coleman of the FedFam group to bring you a new resource! We've created FedFam.org, a membership site for federal employees only. We bring tons of standard operating procedures, info and advice and we're adding more every week. In this episode you'll hear from us what you'll get as a member. We're offering this tailored info for only $2.99/month. Join us today at fedfam.org

    178. Shared Services Leadership Coalition

    178. Shared Services Leadership Coalition

    Meet Steve Goodrich. He's the author of Transforming Government from Congress to the Cubicle, CEO at The Center for Organizational Excellence, and a board members for the Shared Services Leadership Coalition.

    In this episode, he describes his book (which you can purchase here) and how you can get involved in the Shared Services Leadership Coalition, which brings together government and industry leaders to find cost-saving solutions for the service you and your teams provide.

    More about the SSLC:

    SSLC’s Definition of Shared Services
    SSLC defines “shared services” as the transformation of service delivery in the Federal Government through implementation of standardized, scalable capabilities, services, and technologies that improve government operations and allow agencies to focus on mission, while enhancing employee and customer experience in a secure and efficient environment.

    SSLC’s Mission Statement
    SSLC’s mission is to support accelerated implementation of shared services in government by: (1) educating the government about how shared services work and deliver value to employees and citizens; (2) providing technical assistance to help government modernize successfully; and (3) advocating policies to accelerate shared services modernization. 

    SSLC Goal Statement
    SSLC’s goal is to promote and facilitate accelerated implementation of shared services and related modernization initiatives in service of the President’s Management Agenda objectives of strengthening and empowering the Federal workforce, delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience, and managing the business of government to build back better.

    Value Proposition for Participation in SSLC Activities  
    SSLC is a community of government and industry leaders who share a passion for accelerating the pace of shared services implementation and government modernization.  SSLC provides opportunities for leaders to build relationships, learn from each other and become shared services evangelists, thereby creating through their combined efforts a force multiplier for cultural change necessary to sustain government-wide transformation.  

    177. FEHB Open Season - THE TOOL YOU NEED - 20% Off!

    177. FEHB Open Season - THE TOOL YOU NEED  - 20% Off!

    Kevin Moss of Consumer Checkbook is back on the podcast to help you make sense of all the choices available during open season. Use code fedupward and get 20% off the already VERY reasonable priced tool Kevin and team built. 


    No one knows more about FEHB plans than Kevin! He outlines major changes, things ot consider, and which plans now offer the best fertility treatment coverage.

    176. Humans of Public Service - Nominate a Coworker

    176. Humans of Public Service - Nominate a Coworker

    Heard of Humans of New York? Well, Brian Whittaker founded Humans of Public Service. https://humansofpublicservice.org/

    You can nominate your coworkers to be featured on the site/LinkedIn/Instagram page. Brian, currently a FDIC employee with tons of experience in federal agencies, founded the site to recognize people like us who often get a bad rap in the press. 

    I hope you're inspired by Brian's story and support his efforts to recognize - and humanize - people who do the hard work of the nation everyday.

    175. Holman Rule - How Members of Congress Use It to Attack Individual Feds

    175. Holman Rule - How Members of Congress Use It to Attack Individual Feds

    Never heard of the Holman Rule? Probably not, but members of the House or Representatives can use it to eliminate your individual salary or the program you work on as part of deliberations on appropriations bills. Lucas Schleusener, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of OUT in National Security explains how members of the House used the Holman Rule this week and what that means for all federal employees.

    To learn more about the work of OUT in National Security and how you can help, click here.

    Want to learn more about the Holman Rule: Links below.





    174. Shutdown Resources, News Sources and Discounts

    FedUpward Podcast
    enSeptember 29, 2023

    173. Shutdown Countdown?

    173. Shutdown Countdown?

    Public administration guru Dr. Don Kettl joined me on the podcast to talk about what feds can expect over the next month - will the gov shut down? Will feds get repaid if it does? Explore these questions and more.

    Don recently authored a book, one of many he's written about public management and operaitons. You can find it here.

    Don specializes in public management and public policy. He previously served as dean in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Volcker Alliance, the Brookings Institution and the Partnership for Public Service. It was an honor to have him back on the show.

    172. University of Maryland Global Campus - Programs for You

    172. University of Maryland Global Campus - Programs for You

    Looking for a degree program that fits YOUR needs? UMGC might be just what you're looking for. Justin Hasty, director for UMGC's federal strategic partnerships, and Daniel Mintz (daniel.mintz@umgc.edu), Department Chair for information technology, joined me on the show to discuss how an online degree program can help build your skills in areas needed across the federal government.


    171. Public Service Motivation and Belonging with Doug Wilson

    171. Public Service Motivation and Belonging with Doug Wilson

    Nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the US Senate in February 2010 as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, Doug Wilson was the first openly-gay individual to be Senate-confirmed to a senior-level Pentagon position. Prior to retiring from government in March of 2012, he served as Senior Spokesman for the Department of Defense and the Principal Communications Advisor to the United States Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense.

    Doug brought us a master class in motivation and belonging in this episode. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did! He touched on how to stay excited about service, working on politically sensitive issues, belonging, combatting negative perspections of public servants, and so much more.

    Learn more about Doug's charity here:



    170. Federally Employed Women (FEW) National Training Event - Register Today!

    170. Federally Employed Women (FEW) National Training Event - Register Today!

    The President of Federally Employed Women (FEW), Pam Richards, explained what FEW does, why you should join and what's coming up in this year's National Training Program in Columbus, Ohio, July 9-13. You can register for the event and become a member here.

    FEW is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1968 shortly after government issued Executive Order 11375 which added sex-discrimination to the list of prohibited discrimination within the Federal Government. Although E.O. 11375 was an important milestone, several women were concerned that the Civil Service Commission and individual agencies may not put forth the vigorous effort necessary to ensure compliance with E.O. 11375. Although the Federal Women’s Program (FWP) had been established, the early organizers of FEW realized that the government could dismantle FWP, and they wanted to ensure that there would always be an organization dedicated to promoting equality for women and addressing concerns of women in the Federal workforce. Additionally, because FWP is a government function, it is limited in its political scope, and cannot lobby Congress. As a private organization, FEW is not restricted in that area.

    As a private organization, FEW works as an advocacy group to improve the status of women employed by the Federal government. This includes contact with Congress to encourage progressive legislation. FEW national officers meet with management officials at all levels of agencies to demonstrate support of the FWP, encourage officials to support the program and to obtain insight on the effectiveness of the FWP at agency and local levels

    169. How to Request Telework the Smart Way & Latest Exec Order on Remote Work

    169. How to Request Telework the Smart Way & Latest Exec Order on Remote Work

    Mika Cross, former federal employee, federal work and future of work expert, joined me in this episode to talk about the latest news in the Biden Administration on telework guidance, how to expertly request telework flexibilities, and how to search for jobs that offer flexibility. 

    She also discussed a new tool she's built to help your organization survey how things are going. You can contact her directly through the links below to test it!



    OPM's April 2023 guidance on returning to work:



    168. Pay Compression: How it Hurts You & the Public (and What You Can Do About It)

    168. Pay Compression: How it Hurts You & the Public (and What You Can Do About It)

    I welcomed Jason Briefel back to the show for a frank talk about pay compression for federal employees. He's one of the few people you'll hear speaking publicly on behalf of feds about this issue. Think about it - how do we attract talent to federal service if pay in high cost areas doesn't come close to keeping pace with private industry,;political appointees often have HUGE responsibility. but make less than their subordinates; getting promoted to senior executive service means tons more hours and work but no more pay ...????? None of this makes sense, y'all.  Jason discusses the problems pay compression causes and how you can advocate inside and outside your organization to spark action on this.

    Get educated here:

    Start with the actual pay tables --


    Then move to discussions of why have people cap out early on pay ain't great:







    This isn't new...



    167. Debt Ceiling Chaos - What to Do, What to Watch

    167. Debt Ceiling Chaos - What to Do, What to Watch

    Anxious about debt ceiling repercussions? Not getting your paycheck? Not knowing what's coming? Even if a deal is reached, the programs and services you administer might be cut or reduced. There's lot of uncertainty ahead of us this summer, feds. Dr. Donald Kettl joined me on the podcast to try to make sense of it all.

    Dr. Donald Kettl specializes in public management and public policy. He previously served as dean in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Volcker Alliance, the Brookings Institution and the Partnership for Public Service. He also has degrees in everything...

    Ph.D., Yale University, Political Science
    M.Phil., Political Science, Yale University
    M.A., Political Science, Yale University
    B.A., Scholar of the House, Yale University

    ... and has written numerous books on government and public administration.

    If you want to read more of the latest news on potential impacts for feds, click on the links below. Also, join the FedFam Facebook group to hear from your peers about how they're dealing with this drama.




    166. Building Bridges to Solve Big Problems

    166. Building Bridges to Solve Big Problems

    Meet Bill Eggers, executive director of Deloitte’s Center for Government Insights, where he is responsible for the firm’s public sector thought leadership. He and public administration stcholar Dr. Don Kettl recently published a book on building bridges:  https://www.amazon.com/Bridgebuilders-Government-Transcend-Boundaries-Problems-ebook/dp/B0B5Y8XZKR

    in this podcast, he highlights a few strategies you can use to overcome obstacles in your day to day work as a federal employee.

    To learn more about the Center for Government insights, head to this site:


    165. The Rodel Federal Executive Fellowship

    165. The Rodel Federal Executive Fellowship
    The Rodel Institute is an independent nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening American democracy and improving the quality of public leadership in the United States. A nonpartisan center for leadership and intellectual growth, Rodel helps America’s most promising leaders reach their full potential as public servants, deepen their commitment to democracy and the rule of law, and work together to address some of our nation’s most important domestic and international challenges. The Institute’s programs convene diverse leaders from across the political, legal, and policy spectrum in an effort to find common ground, build relationships, and encourage the understanding and cooperation needed to move our nation forward.
    The Institute kicked off the first Federal Executive Fellowship this year and Katie Galgano, the Deputy Director for the fellowship program, joined me on the podcast to discuss the program's unique benefits and why you might want to apply.
    To learn more, you can reach out to Katie directly or head to the websites below.
    Katie Galgano's direct email address: katiegalgano@rodelinstitute.org
    General email: info@rodelinstitute.org

    164. So You're Under Investigation - Here's What To Do First

    164. So You're Under Investigation - Here's What To Do First

    Under investigation? Just filed a complaint? 

    Guest Kevin Shehan of Shehan Legal explains when you might want to contact an attorney to set you off on the right path. Kevin worked as a federal employee and now helps them with EEO and other issues. He's seen both sides of federal employee issues and offers tips to help when you're in sticky situations (labor and employment issues, litigation, general counsel needs).

    Want to learn more about Kevin and his practice? Click here: https://www.shehanlegal.com/about

    163. Take Your #$%^!# Leave

    163. Take Your #$%^!# Leave

    This episode is more rant than anything else. And it's self-directed. I need reminders from my husband to just take my leave. This episode is your permission to take YOUR leave and learn a little about how much you earn in pleasant and not so pleasant circumstances you might encounter during your federal career. Please excuse my repeated whining about parental leave coming online after I had both of my kiddos.

    I referenced Government Worker Fi's article on leave. Here's the link:


    And here's the OPM website:



    162. ADHD: Superpower and Challenge for Feds

    162. ADHD: Superpower and Challenge for Feds

    If you're a federal employee with ADHD, work with one, supervise one, (or like me, your household includes loved ones with ADHD), this episode is for you. ADHD can be a challenge, AND a superpower. Enter Elle O'Flaherty who provides tips and advice on how to provide support when appropriate, and better understand what ADHD is and isn't.

    Elle spent many years working as a federal employee before transitioning to full time coaching and training. Following a 17+ year legal career and certifications in ICF-accredited executive, ADHD, and career coaching, Elle founded her coaching firm, Interlace Solutions, dedicated to tapping into clients’ potential to accelerate their achievement. She coaches executives, executive teams, and professionals with a subspecialty in ADHD coaching. Clients partner with her on leadership, productivity, executive function, workplace culture, prioritization, organization, and building upon ADHD strengths, among many others. 

    Want to connect with Elle and learn more? https://www.interlacesolutions.com/contact


    FedUpward Podcast
    enMarch 29, 2023

    161. Feds in Motion Challenge - Join the FedUpward Community Team

    161. Feds in Motion Challenge - Join the FedUpward Community Team

    Robyn Kehoe from The Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) joined me to discuss the upcoming Feds in Motion Challenge. 

    The 3rd Annual Feds In Motion Challenge kicks off on May 1, 2023, continues during Public Service Recognition Week (#PSRW) May 7-13, and keeps on going through June 6. It’s all about moving in your favorite way — walk, run, bike, swim, or roll your wheelchair on your favorite route — to reach the goal of 37 miles (or more!) in 37 days. Register now and join the FedUpward Community team (use the password fedupward). Let's raise money for feds in need. AND get a little healthier in the process! Click here to get started.

     FEEA is the only independent, nonprofit 501c3 organization devoted solely to providing emergency financial assistance and scholarships to our dedicated civilian federal and postal public servants and their families.

    The deadline for this year's FEEA scholarship applications is March 16th, 2023. Click here.to submit an application for you, your spouse or your college age children.