
    Feudal Future

    With the new class structure resembling that of the Medieval times, opportunity is quickly disappearing for small business people, property owners, skilled workers and private sector professionals.

    Join world-renown author Joel Kotkin and tech-entrepreneur Marshall Toplansky as they explore what we can do to liberate the global middle class.

    They sit down with business, government, and citizen leaders to uncover the trends and give you the insights and tools to forge a better future.

    Joel Kotkin is the Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University, Executive Director of the Urban Reform Institute, and an internationally-recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends. His most recent book, The Coming of Neo-Feudalism is now available for pre-order.

    Marshall N. Toplansky is a widely published and award-winning marketing professional and successful entrepreneur. He co-founded KPMG's data andanalytics center of excellence and now teaches and consults corporations on their analytics strategies.

    This show is supported by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    en-usJoel Kotkin & Marshall Toplansky92 Episodes

    Episodes (92)

    Exploring the Impact of Catholic Schools on Underserved Communities

    Exploring the Impact of Catholic Schools on Underserved Communities

    Unlock the secrets of a holistic education that goes beyond academics as we engage with Stephannie Saroki de Garcia, Soledad Usura, and Tony Lemus, dissecting the profound effects of Catholic school environments on underserved communities in California. Discover how these institutions foster discipline, character development, and purpose, equipping students with the tools to succeed in life. Our conversation with these insightful guests reveals personal success stories and the critical role of parental involvement, along with an educational approach that safeguards against the pitfalls that often undermine public schooling.

    Wearing a school uniform might seem trivial, but as we discuss, it's emblematic of the structured environment Catholic schools use to cultivate a level playing field for students, minimizing distractions and promoting accountability. We examine the challenges and strategies involved in creating charter schools with a virtues-based curriculum, delving into the societal implications of Catholic education against permissive cultural norms. The debate extends to the sticky issue of unionized influences and the prioritization of students' best interests, a contentious topic that our guests navigate with finesse.

    Lastly, we tackle the pressing issue of educational quality, a subject close to Soledad's heart, as her research highlights concerning trends in test scores and the imperative for reform. The potential of Catholic schools to provide a competitive edge in education markets like California and New York, where public schools often fail minority students, is a focal point of our dialogue. Join us in this critical examination as we explore how nurturing institutions grounded in virtue could guide our society towards a more promising horizon, steering clear of a "feudal future.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

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    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usMarch 06, 2024

    Exploring the Paradox of Peace and Economics in Taiwan-China Relations and International Trade Expectations

    Exploring the Paradox of Peace and Economics in Taiwan-China Relations and International Trade Expectations

    Discover the nuanced complexities of Taiwan-China relations and the unexpected preferences of their people towards peace, as we're joined by Raymond Kuo from the Rand Corporation and Professor Robert Koepp of Chapman University. Instead of the often-presumed march towards military conflict, we uncover a deeper narrative that highlights the Taiwanese public's recent electoral choices favoring a reduction in tensions with China. Our guests bring to light the intricate economic interdependencies that may be the true linchpins of stability in the region, as well as the strategic wisdom behind Taiwan's bolstering of its defenses—not for war, but as a steadfast deterrent to uphold the peace that both sides of the Taiwan Strait deeply value.

    Then, let's unravel the intriguing theory by Dale Copeland on trade expectations and peaceful international relations, a perspective that might just redefine major power dynamics. We scrutinize the idea that the promise of burgeoning trade could be more influential in maintaining harmony than the current trade volume itself. If countries view the future of trade as bright, they're motivated to keep the peace; but if they foresee a trade downturn, the scales could tip towards conflict. This notion of the 'shadow of the future' provides a captivating lens through which we analyze state behavior on the global stage, and could very well be the key to understanding how economic foresight shapes international policies and alliances. Join us for a compelling exploration of these critical global issues with our esteemed experts.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Navigating the Future of Higher Education: Challenges, Reform, and the Role of Civic Engagement

    Navigating the Future of Higher Education: Challenges, Reform, and the Role of Civic Engagement

    Embark with us as we traverse the complex terrain of higher education alongside our distinguished panel—Rick Hess, Justin Dyer, and Dean Andrew Moser. Together, we scrutinize the waning public confidence in academic institutions, dissect the legislative counteracts to campus culture, and address the impending demographic shift that predicts a drop in college-age students. Our conversation circles around the importance of alumni, legislative bodies, and political engagement in remedying the challenges that plague both public and private universities. We confront the monoculture in academia, especially within the humanities, and how this ideological conformity, coupled with a culture of self-censorship, stifles the dynamism of campus life.

    The debate intensifies as we shift focus to the idea that education has become too specialized, potentially at the cost of a citizenry well-versed in civics and the broader societal context. The University of Texas' bold steps with their new school of civic leadership shines as a beacon of hope amidst this specialization trend. We dissect the hurdles of weaving together a diverse student fabric while maintaining the integrity of civic understanding. Our dialogue spans the necessity for interdisciplinary studies and the pursuit of wisdom over narrow expertise, recognizing the societal forces at work even within K-12 education that influence these trends.

    In our closing reflection, we turn to the timeless virtues of a liberal arts education, and how grammar, logic, and rhetoric remain indispensable in a modern workforce that prizes critical thinking and complex problem-solving. Drawing from personal experiences as a professor, I underscore the significance of engaging with challenging ideas to better equip students for a fluid job market. We conclude with an optimistic vision of education reform, inspired by a collective drive to enhance learning at every level and the potential for a reinvigoration of educational institutions evocative of the 19th century’s rich array of academic choices. Join our insightful dialogue that leaves us hopeful and charged for the future of learning.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    The Top Key Issues Facing Society in 2024

    The Top Key Issues Facing Society in 2024

    Could our current education system really be churning out a generation that's less learned than the last? Joel and I grapple with this unsettling possibility as we investigate the shifting tides within educational institutions, from the revered halls of Harvard to the vibrant classrooms of primary education. As 2024 dawns, we're pulling back the curtain on the existential role of learning in a society saturated with social media and disrupted hierarchies. This candid conversation unravels the future of university degrees and vocational training against the backdrop of AI’s encroachment into the job market, while also spotlighting the potential of apprenticeships and learning by doing to forge a new educational paradigm.

    In an era where fresh infrastructure projects are often glorified, we cast a critical eye on the untapped value of upgrading what's already in place. The allure of new development is dissected, with a focus on the economic drivers that favor groundbreakings over renovations, and we ask whose interests are really being served. By examining cases such as Southern California's train services and New York's Second Avenue subway, Joel and I emphasize the importance of steering infrastructure improvements toward the practical needs of communities. Join us as we dissect these pressing issues, promising a stimulating dialogue that's sure to ignite conversation and reflection on the future of our economy and education systems.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usJanuary 18, 2024

    The Rise of Populism in Europe: Immigration, Nationalism, and the Quest for Sovereignty

    The Rise of Populism in Europe: Immigration, Nationalism, and the Quest for Sovereignty

    How has the mosaic of European politics been recast by the relentless waves of immigration? This pressing question takes center stage as Ambassador Ron Spogli and deputy editor Fraser Myers join me to unravel the complex tapestry of populism's ascent in the West. With the spotlight on Georgia Maloney's prime ministerial triumph in Italy, we peel back the layers of public sentiment that propelled her to power. The narrative reveals a populace not driven by xenophobia but by a fervent desire for reform and sovereignty over their borders, a sentiment echoing across the continent from France to Sweden.

    Our conversation takes a stark turn as we grapple with the troubling undercurrents of anti-Semitism and right-wing populism's magnetic pull on the younger generation, particularly among white males. The societal upheaval, marked by protests and unrest, sends ripples through the political arena, influencing electoral outcomes and challenging our collective sense of security. It's a delicate balance for governments to uphold free speech while maintaining order, and we dissect how this tension is reshaping the socio-political fabric of Western democracies.

    Peering into the crystal ball, we explore the shifting sands of European integration and the potential resurgence of nationalism over the next half-decade. We draw parallels with the assertive leadership of Putin and Xi and their possible impact on Europe's political climate. History serves as our guide, from the EU Constitution's rejection to the seismic jolt of Brexit, as we speculate on the continent's future trajectory. Ambassador Spogli and Fraser Myers leave us with a wealth of insights to ponder until their next visit to the Feudal Future podcast, where the dialogue on these ever-evolving issues will undoubtedly continue.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usJanuary 10, 2024

    Shaping the Future: Challenges and Innovations in California's Education System

    Shaping the Future: Challenges and Innovations in California's Education System

    Education, the cornerstone of our future, teeters on a precipice of change. Former California State Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero and retired superintendent Mike Christensen join us to dissect the intricate web of challenges plaguing California's schools—from the scapegoating of teachers and the undervaluation of family engagement to the contentious rise of charter schools and the debate over the high school exit exam. Their expertise illuminates the tangled tapestry of responsibility and reform needed to empower educators, involve parents, and ultimately, shape our children's destiny.

    The political battlefield of education is marked by the influence of teachers unions and the polarization over teacher tenure. Amid this fray, Gloria and Mike unravel the complexities, advocating for a balanced view that separates the dedication of individual teachers from the broader political maneuvers of unions. They provoke us to consider the merit of performance-based rewards and standardized assessments, challenging us to reflect on the true measure of educational success and the pursuit of excellence in our schools.

    As we wrap up our journey through the educational landscape, we're left with a vision of hope and a promise of innovation. Our heartfelt thanks go to Gloria for her pioneering educational methods and to Michael for his invaluable insights, both of which have stoked the fires of optimism for the future of K-12 education. Together, we have glimpsed the transformative power of diverse educational strategies and their potential to enrich the learning journey for every student. Join us as we continue to forge ahead, eager to uncover the next chapter in the evolution of education.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usDecember 27, 2023

    The Underlying Political & Economic Issues in the Middle East

    The Underlying Political & Economic Issues in the Middle East

    Our latest episode featuring Walter Russell Mead, foreign affairs expert, is an eye-opener that transcends typical narratives, providing a profound understanding of how this conflict influences the Middle East. We also unveil American energy independence's under-appreciated significance and how it shapes the region's geopolitics. 

    No foreign affairs conversation is complete without delving into the complex dynamics of the Middle East. This episode takes an unflinching look at Iran's power plays and the Biden administration's strategies to negotiate these precarious waters. We spotlight the potential benefits and pitfalls of forging a strategic alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia and hint at the economic rewards that a partnership between Israel and its Sunni Arab neighbors could yield.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usNovember 30, 2023

    Navigating Cancel Culture and Free Expression in American Education

    Navigating Cancel Culture and Free Expression in American Education

    Immerse yourself in a profound conversation with Sam Abrams and Daniele Struppa as we set sail into the stormy seas of cancel culture on American campuses. Ponder on the essence of freedom of expression, the intricacies of offensive language, and the implications of a trending phenomenon that is reshaping societal narratives. We dissect the potential hazards of a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion worldview that's propagated within our educational institutions.

    Our discourse takes a turn towards academic freedom, a principle that could be endangered by personal biases. We underscore the urgency for developing critical thinking skills amongst students, fostering a sense of media literacy from an early age to discern divergent viewpoints. Striking a balance in presenting varying perspectives during classroom discussions is deemed crucial, as we delve into the role of administrators in ensuring this practice.

    As we navigate the contemporary education landscape, we confront the challenges posed by decreased student attention spans, attributed to the allure of social media, and the need for instilling factual groundwork within the classrooms. A noticeable shift from a traditional academic standpoint to advocacy is scrutinized, with a focus on teaching students to think independently rather than spoon-feeding viewpoints. Listen in as we explore the role of technology in enhancing student engagement, the necessity of including historical context in the curriculum, and expressing gratitude for the enlightening insights gained through these conversations.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usNovember 10, 2023

    Shattering the Green Energy Illusion with Jennifer Shaigec and Robert Bryce

    Shattering the Green Energy Illusion with Jennifer Shaigec and Robert Bryce

    Ready to uncover the startling contradictions in the green energy movement? Promising a journey into the intricate ecosystem of sustainable power, our episode with Jennifer Shaigec and Robert Bryce will have you questioning what you thought you knew about the transition to alternative energy sources. We discuss the irony of advocating for green energy while simultaneously obstructing the very processes that make it possible - the mining and extraction of essential minerals. We also look at how this power shift is impacting economies globally, from the First Nations protests in the Ring of Fire to coal-dependent nations like Indonesia.

    Ever wondered why there's such a divide in global sentiment towards nuclear power? Join us as we take a deep dive into the differing attitudes and unique challenges that each country faces when it comes to harnessing nuclear energy. We examine the perception of risk in Canada, the growing interest in Europe and Japan, and the complexities of implementing a unified policy. But we don't stop at nuclear - we're also scrutinizing the potential influence of corporations on the green energy movement and evaluating the financial implications for the everyday consumer.

    Our conversation wouldn't be complete without acknowledging the elephant in the room - labor shortages. From mining to electric linemen, we shine a light on the pressing issue of blue-collar labor scarcity. We discuss the potential implications of introducing environmentalism into school curriculums and question the influence of the super wealthy on the transition to green energy. With so much at stake, the future of energy costs remains uncertain, but one thing's for sure - you'll be thinking about the green energy movement in a whole new light after this episode. Join us, along with Jennifer Shaigec and Robert Bryce, for a vital dialogue about the real costs and implications of going green.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usOctober 24, 2023

    The Political Paradox of Marriage Decline

    The Political Paradox of Marriage Decline

    Are you aware that the decline in marriage rates could be silently and profoundly shaping our society? Today, we're joined by Sam Abrams and Brad Wilcox, esteemed visiting fellows at the American Enterprise Institute, to dissect this pressing issue. We deliberate on how the health of marriage could determine the economic mobility of less fortunate children and how the increasing sense of loneliness in society could be linked to this very decline. 

    Intrigued by how the world of politics is influencing marriage? We explore how political heavyweights, specifically mayors like Blasio, Bloomberg, and Giuliani, harness their platforms to address this societal shift. Yet, their personal narratives often reveal a different story. We further touch upon the reluctance of progressive politics to grapple with the topic of marriage and propose policy solutions that could potentially help reintroduce marriage into the mainstream. 

    Ever consider how the rising trend of premarital cohabitation might be redefining traditional family structures and influencing marriage rates? We're examining just that, along with the intriguing role of religious beliefs in shaping attitudes towards marriage and premarital cohabitation. Join us for this riveting exploration of changing cultural norms and their potential long-term implications. A rewarding listen for anyone interested in understanding the intricate interplay of marriage, politics, and social institutions.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Behind the Scenes of Global Labor: Asia and America

    Behind the Scenes of Global Labor: Asia and America

    Ever marveled at the staggering trends of youth unemployment and labor participation across the globe? Each region presents its unique set of challenges and as we unfold the layers of this discussion, our guests, John Russo of Georgetown University and Rob Koepp of Chapman's Asia-Pacific Geoeconomics and Business Initiative, bring their insights to the table. We tackle the phenomenon of 'lying flat' in Asia, the impact of the pandemic on the US workforce, and dissect the intriguing employment structures prevalent in both regions.

    In the fascinating realm of work ethics, the Asian and American landscapes couldn't be more different. China's gender-specific clampdown on youth and America's blue-collar MAGA supporters provide a compelling comparison. Is the older generation making the future generation its enemy? With Rob and John, we journey through these complex issues, exploring the socio-economic implications and potential future scenarios.

    As we draw to a close, we offer a thought-provoking take on the growing disconnect between corporate behemoths and the everyday worker. From the veneration of wealthy entrepreneurs to the potential for a declining workforce, we explore how individual decisions and corporate structures are shaping the future of work. Join us as we delve into these critical issues. This conversation promises to be a captivating and insightful exploration of the changing face of global labor participation.

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Uncovering the Economic Transformation and Challenges of Appalachia

    Uncovering the Economic Transformation and Challenges of Appalachia

    Ever wondered what's brewing in the land of Appalachian charm? Buckle up as we journey through the changing landscapes of this region, guided by our expert guests Aaron Renn and Jessie Wall. From the sun-soaked South, attracting folks with its warm weather and proximity to buzzing metropolises, to the Northern parts, diversifying their economy from heavy industry and tourism, we paint a vivid panorama of Appalachia's economic transformation.

    Yet, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. The region grapples with a low college degree attainment rate, significantly trailing the national average. The flux in housing demand and the potential surge in costs pose a concern for the existing inhabitants of Appalachia. We also ponder over the impact of out-of-town landownership and the potential for billionaires to privatize large swaths of Appalachia. We discuss policies like taxing non-homestead houses and restricting suburban development, which may prove counterproductive in the long run.

    As the conversation veers towards climate change and natural gas policies, we delve into their potential ramifications on Appalachia. We shed light on the fascinating trend of half-back migration and the promising prospects of community college and technical training in the region. Finally, we reflect on the inherent opportunities and challenges that Appalachia presents and express our profound gratitude to Aaron and Jesse for their invaluable insights. So tune in and uncover the intricacies of Appalachia's complex dynamics!

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Industrial A.I.

    Industrial A.I.

    On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by robotics engineer, Wyatt Newman, and executive director of the Twin Institute, Michael Grieves, to discuss industrial artificial intelligence.

    Dr. Michael Grieves is an internationally renowned expert on Digital Twins, a concept that he originated, and organizational digital transformation. His focus is on product development, engineering, systems engineering and complex systems, manufacturing, especially additive manufacturing, and operational sustainment. Dr. Grieves has written the seminal books on Product Lifecycle Management and the seminal papers and chapters
    on Digital Twins, He has consulted and/or done research at some of the top global organizations, including NASA, Boeing, Unilever, Newport News Shipbuilding, and General Motors.

    In addition to his academic credentials, Dr. Grieves has over five decades of extensive executive and deep technical experience in both global and entrepreneurial technology and manufacturing companies. He has been a senior executive at both Fortune 1000 companies and entrepreneurial organizations during his career. He founded and took public a national systems integration company and subsequently served as its audit and
    compensation committee chair. Dr. Grieves has substantial board experience, including serving on the boards of public companies in the United States, China, and Japan.

    Dr. Grieves earned his B.S. Computer Engineering from Michigan State University, an MBA from Oakland University, and his doctorate from Case Western Reserve University.

    Wyatt Newman is a professor in the EECS Dept at Case Western Reserve University. He has multidisciplinary degrees from Harvard, M.I.T. and Columbia. His research in robotics and intelligent systems spans over 30 years and includes 12 patents, over 150 publications, and a new textbook on the Robot Operating System. He is a former NSF Young Investigator and has been a visiting fellow at Princeton, U. Edinburgh and U. Hong Kong. He led robotics teams in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge for autonomous vehicles and in the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge. Dr. Newman is a technical advisor to Robo Global.

    Housing Report: Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars

    Executive Summary:
    No issue plagues Californians more than the high cost of

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Nurturing California Industries Report

    Nurturing California Industries Report


    On this special Feudal Future episode, join Joel Kotkin as he sits down with Marshall Toplansky & Sougata Poddar as they discuss Chapman University's brand new report on nurturing California industries.


    California Has the Opportunity to Maintain and Grow Industries That Can Provide Future Jobs to Middle Class Citizens and Make the State More Competitive.


    Marshall Toplansky is an award-winning Innovation Professor of Management Science at the Argyros School of Business and Economics at Chapman University. He is a research fellow at the Center for Demographics and Policy and is director of the school’s Analytics Accelerator program. He and co-author Joel Kotkin recently published an economic and social policy brief entitled, “Restoring the California Dream”, which discusses the issues the state faces in maintaining home ownership for the middle class and rebuilding a positive business climate. Marshall is also co-host of “The Feudal Future Podcast”, which is seen twice monthly by viewers around the world.

    Sougata Poddar has taught Economics, Statistics and Business in various leading universities worldwide for several years. His areas of research interest are Applied Economic Theory, Industrial Organization and Competition Policy. He has published widely in the field of Technology Transfer and Licensing, Economics of Digital Piracy and Copyright Issues. His publications appeared in Economic Theory, Economics Letters, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Review of Industrial Organization among other leading journals of economics and generated significant research impact and citations. His main research focus is to understand and analyze the impact of consumer behavior, firm strategies, emerging technologies and technology trends in the decision-making process of firms and competition policies from government agencies. Sougata is an economics faculty at the Argyros School of Business and Economics in Chapman University. He lives in Irvine, California.

    Heather Gonzalez is an independent policy analyst with over two decades of experience in federal and state government. She served as a specialist with the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS), where she advised Members of Congress and their staff on the America COMPETES Act(s)

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars - Understanding The California Housing Plague with Wendell Cox

    Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars - Understanding The California Housing Plague with Wendell Cox


    On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by American entrepreneur, Rony Abovitz, and author Michael Malone to discuss the future of Silicon Valley.

    Wendell Cox is principal of Demographia (St. Louis, MO-IL), a demographics and public policy firm. He was appointed by Mayor Tom Bradley to three terms on the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission, which was a predecessor to the Los Angeles County MTA. Speaker Newt Gingrich appointed him to the Amtrak Reform Council. He specializes in demographics and urban affairs. He is co-author of the Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey and author of Demographia World Urban Areas, A Question of Values: Middle-Income Housing Affordability and Urban Containment Policy, Canada’s Middle-Income Housing Affordability
    Crisis, and the Urban Reform Institute Standard of Living Index. He is a senior fellow at member of the Board of Advisors at the Center for Demographics and Policy at Chapman University, the Urban Reform Institute (Houston) and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (Winnipeg). 


    Download our newest report: Housing Report: Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars


    Executive Summary: No issue plagues Californians more than the high cost
    of housing. By almost every metric—from rents to home prices—Golden State residents suffer the highest burden for shelter of any state in the continental U.S. Its housing prices are, adjusted for income, as much as two to three times higher than those in key competitive states, such as Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, and neighbors like Arizona and Nevada.

    Visit Our Page

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Collusion: Disinformation & Artificial Intelligence with Jacob Siegel

    Collusion: Disinformation & Artificial Intelligence with Jacob Siegel

    On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by writer Jacob Siegel, to discuss disinformation and artificial intelligence.

    Jacob Siegel is a writer living in New York whose work has been published in The New York Times, Tablet, Politico, the New York Daily News, Vice, and the National Endowment for the Humanities magazine, among other places. He was a former staff writer at The Daily Beast, where he covered war, protest, and digital culture.


    Download our newest report: NURTURING CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES


    Executive Summary
    The focus of this joint project between The Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy and the New California Coalition lies in trying to create better employment opportunities for Californians. We look at which industries our states still maintain strategic advantages that we can build on. This will require some major changes in how the state operates, particularly on the regulatory side. It will also require a ratcheting up of state economic development and skills training programs. Our focus is not primarily a typical “pro-business” agenda in that our primary interest
    lies in creating conditions that benefit the bulk of Californians. If the majority thrives, so too will most business. An economy that enriches only a few and offers little to others is, in the most fundamental way, unsustainable for the long-term future.

    Visit Our Page

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, sponsored project analyst for the Office of Research, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usJuly 03, 2023

    The Future of Work with Michael Lind

    The Future of Work with Michael Lind


    On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by American writer, Michael Lind, to discuss the future of work.

    Michael Lind is the author of more than a dozen books about U.S. political and economic history, politics and foreign policy. He has explained and defended the tradition of American democratic nationalism in The Next American Nation (1995), Hamilton's Republic (1997), What Lincoln Believed (2005), The American Way of Strategy (2006), and Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States (2012). His most recent book is The New Class War: How to Save Democracy from The Managerial Elite (2020). 

    Lind's works of fiction and poetry include The Alamo (1997), named by the Los Angeles Times Book Review as one of hte best books of the year, and Bluebonnet Girl (2003), illustrated by Kate Kiesler, an Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Gold Book Award winner.

    Educated at the University of Texas and Yale University, Lind is a columnist for Tablet and a contributor to American Affairs, American Compass and Project Syndicate. He has been an editor or staff writer at Harper's Magazine, The New Yorker, The New Republic, the National Interest, co-founder of New America, and Assistant to the Director of the U.S. State Department's Center for Foreign Affairs. He has taught at Harvard, Johns Hopkins and the University of Texas. 

    Check out his new book here: https://www.amazon.com/Hell-Pay-Conspiracy-Destroying-America/dp/0593421256


    Download our newest report: NURTURING CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES


    Executive Summary
    The focus of this joint project between The Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy and the New California Coalition lies in trying to create better employment opportunities for Californians. We look at which industries our states still maintain strategic advantages that we can build on. This will require some major changes in how the state operates, particularly on the regulatory side. It will also require a ratcheting up of state economic development and skills training programs. Our focus is not primarily a typical “pro-business” agenda in that our primary interest
    lies in creating conditions that benefit the bulk of Californians. If the majority thrives, so too will most business. An economy that enriches only a few and o

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    The End of The Valley

    The End of The Valley


    On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by American entrepreneur, Rony Abovitz, and author Michael Malone to discuss the future of Silicon Valley.

    Rony Abovitz  is an American entrepreneur. Abovitz founded MAKO Surgical Corp., a company manufacturing surgical robotic arm assistance platforms, in 2004 and recently acquired by Stryker for $1.65 billion. Abovitz is the founder of the Mixed reality/Augmented Reality (MR/AR) company Magic Leap and served as its CEO from its founding in 2010.

    Michael S. Malone has covered Silicon Valley and tech for over 30 years. His articles and editorials have appeared in the San Jose Mercury-News, Wall Street Journal, Economist, Fortune, and New York Times. He has written or co-authored more than 25 award-winning books, including Bill and Dave and The Intel Trinity, and co-produced The New Heroes, an Emmy-nominated miniseries on social entrepreneurs. He lives in Palo Alto, California.


    Download our newest report: NURTURING CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES


    Executive Summary
    The focus of this joint project between The Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy and the New California Coalition lies in trying to create better employment opportunities for Californians. We look at which industries our states still maintain strategic advantages that we can build on. This will require some major changes in how the state operates, particularly on the regulatory side. It will also require a ratcheting up of state economic development and skills training programs. Our focus is not primarily a typical “pro-business” agenda in that our primary interest
    lies in creating conditions that benefit the bulk of Californians. If the majority thrives, so too will most business. An economy that enriches only a few and offers little to others is, in the most fundamental way, unsustainable for the long-term future.

    Visit Our Page

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with t

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Who's In Control? The Changing Balance of World Power

    Who's In Control? The Changing Balance of World Power

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usMay 25, 2023

    The Future of Agriculture

    The Future of Agriculture

    Support Our Work
    The Center for Demographics and Policy focuses on research and analysis of global, national, and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time. It involves Chapman students in demographic research under the supervision of the Center’s senior staff.

    Students work with the Center’s director and engage in research that will serve them well as they look to develop their careers in business, the social sciences, and the arts. Students also have access to our advisory board, which includes distinguished Chapman faculty and major demographic scholars from across the country and the world.

    For additional information, please contact Mahnaz Asghari, Associate Director for the Center for Demographics and Policy, at (714) 744-7635 or asghari@chapman.edu.

    Follow us on LinkedIn:

    Tweet thoughts: @joelkotkin, @mtoplansky, #FeudalFuture #BeyondFeudalism

    Learn more about Joel's book 'The Coming of Neo-Feudalism': https://amzn.to/3a1VV87

    Sign Up For News & Alerts: http://joelkotkin.com/#subscribe

    This show is presented by the Chapman Center for Demographics and Policy, which focuses on research and analysis of global, national and regional demographic trends and explores policies that might produce favorable demographic results over time.

    Feudal Future
    en-usMay 04, 2023