
    Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips for Finding Work, Advancing your Career, and Loving Your Job

    Build a career that matters to you with job search strategies and career advice from Find Your Dream Job. Every week, we share insider secrets and job search tips on how to get a great job and develop a purposeful career. Looking for your first job, searching for direction in your career, or just need tools to find a job? Join Mac Prichard, the Mac's List team, and our expert guests every week for job search inspiration, empathy, and actionable advice to help you find work that matters! Find out more at https://www.macslist.org/podcast
    enMac's List546 Episodes

    Episodes (546)

    How to Network with Your Target Employers, with Claudia Bruce-Quartey

    How to Network with Your Target Employers, with Claudia Bruce-Quartey

    In a crowded job market, if you don’t stand out, you’ll miss out. The best way to network with target employers is by getting clear on your values, says Find Your Dream Job guest Claudia Bruce-Quartey. Know the type of company culture that brings out your best. Claudia also suggests you practice questions to ask in these conversations and also how you will share the value you can bring to the company. And if you feel nervous about meeting with a hiring manager for a conversation, Claudia says execution is everything. So jump!

    About Our Guest:

    Claudia Bruce-Quartey (http://linkedin.com/in/claudia-bruce-quartey)is a career coach for female professionals who want to speak confidently about accomplishments and ask for raises.

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Get your copy of Claudia’s children’s book, “My Hair, My Choice,” which helps black and brown children feel empowered and confident to show up as themselves in the world. (https://www.amazon.com/My-Hair-Choice-Claudia-Bruce-Quartey/dp/1913770281/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OQIQDZ0DCD0P&keywords=Claudia+Bruce-Quartey&qid=1693933856&sprefix=claudia+bruce-quartey%2Caps%2C224&sr=8-1)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)



    How to Embrace Authenticity: Shae Noble’s Job Search Success Story

    How to Embrace Authenticity: Shae Noble’s Job Search Success Story

    Do you find yourself hesitant to be authentic in job interviews? Why does it matter? On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Shae Noble (http://linkedin.com/in/shaenoble) shares her journey to authenticity and how it led her to take on a specific role. Shae says that knowing what you truly want from a job matters more than where you end up. She suggests making a list of what matters most to you and piecing those things together to create your dream job, then pursuing the companies and positions that can offer those things. Learn more about Shae’s career history below in this installment of our Success Stories series. (https://www.macslist.org/articles/success-stories) 


    Why Your Network Matters In Your Job Search, with Katy Byrtus

    Why Your Network Matters In Your Job Search, with Katy Byrtus

    We all know we need to network, yet the thought of being in a room full of strangers making small talk turns many of us off. What if networking could be as natural as speaking with a friend? It can, according to Find Your Dream Job guest Katy Byrtus. Katy says the best network is made up of those people you already know. Katy suggests reaching out to former coworkers, managers, and mentors, considering that people enjoy helping others. A job search can be challenging. Don’t go it alone. Use your network to make it easier and more sustainable than staring at a computer screen for hours on end. 

    About Our Guest:

    Katy Byrtus (http://linkedin.com/in/kbyrtus) is a creative recruiter at M+P (https://mathys-potestio.com/) who connects candidates with jobs. 

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Get your FREE download of Katy’s Top 5 Tips for Networking (In and Out of) Your Job Search by visiting https://thecreativeparty.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Katy-Byrtus-MP-and-Macs-List.pdf
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)

    How to Build Relationships that Work in Your Career, with Francina Harrison

    How to Build Relationships that Work in Your Career, with Francina Harrison

    Trying to find a job by sending out mass resumes will only lead to frustration in your job search. You need people who are on your side and who can help you. Find Your Dream Job guest Francina Harrison calls these R-E-A-L relationships; human-to-human interactions that lead to the information you need. As you seek out these REAL relationships, follow the advice Francina offers, “Don’t get anxious; get prepared!” by knowing three things: who you are, what you have, and what you want. 

    About Our Guest:

    Francina Harrison (http://linkedin.com/in/careerengineer) is the CEO of The Career Engineer®. (https://tcenow.com/) Her company helps career changers, job seekers, and entrepreneurs. Francina is also the author of A Mind to Work: The Life and Career Planning Guide for People Who STILL Need To Work. (https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Work-Career-Planning-People/dp/069267294X)

    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’re feeling anxious about finding your next job, learn more about TCE’s motto - “Don’t get anxious, get prepared!” by visiting the website at tcenow.com/.(https://tcenow.com/)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How to Make a Cold Networking Request, with Emma Britton

    How to Make a Cold Networking Request, with Emma Britton

    It’s easy to reach out to friends and family when we need information during a job search. But have you ever considered networking with a stranger? Making a cold networking request might not be the easiest step you could take, but it can open up opportunities you wouldn’t have known about otherwise, says Find Your Dream Job guest Emma Britton. Even if you don’t know someone, Emma says they’re likely to agree to connect simply to give back. They also realize you, as another professional, have things to offer. So, be confident, reach out, and ask for exactly what you need. 

    About Our Guest:

    Emma Britton (http://linkedin.com/in/emma-r-britton) is the director of career services at the National University of Natural Medicine (https://nunm.edu/).

    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’re interested in more of what Emma does at NUNM, connect with her on LinkedIn. (http://linkedin.com/in/emma-r-britton)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)

    The 7 Steps To Career Change Success, with Amechi Udo

    The 7 Steps To Career Change Success, with Amechi Udo

    You feel like you want a change in your career, but you’re scared. Should you change, or should you stay put and appreciate the job you have? A change can be a positive thing, giving you new opportunities in your day-to-day responsibilities, says Find Your Dream Job guest Amechi Udo. Before making any career change, Amechi suggests asking yourself what your desired outcome is. Get clarity around what you want in a new position, and then use the resources you already have to pursue the opportunity. Start with your skills, talents, and experience and grow from there. 

    About Our Guest:

    Amechi Udo (http://linkedin.com/in/careercoachforexecutives) is the founder of Your Career Matters (https://www.yourcareermatters.co.uk/). Amechi’s company helps you take charge of your career.

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Download your FREE guide, The Seven Steps to Career Change Success, at www.yourcareermatters.co.uk/findyourdreamjob (http://www.yourcareermatters.co.uk/findyourdreamjob).
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume) 


    Exploring New Horizons: Rowena Paz Norman’s Job Search Success Story

    Exploring New Horizons: Rowena Paz Norman’s Job Search Success Story

    Careers typically evolve on a fairly linear path. You graduate college, get your first job or internship, and proceed to grow in your field. But what if you turned this path on its head? What if, instead of getting a new job after fifteen years in the workforce, you go back to school and then begin an internship? On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Rowena Paz Norman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rowenapaznorman/) shares how her journey to her dream job didn’t look like she expected it to. Rowena talks about why going back to school was the right step for her and what it was like being an intern in her mid-thirties. Learn more about Rowena’s career history below in this installment of our Success Stories series (https://www.macslist.org/articles/success-stories). 


    Why People Want Your Networking Requests (And Will Say Yes), with Tad Mayer

    Why People Want Your Networking Requests (And Will Say Yes), with Tad Mayer

    Are you afraid of annoying others by asking them for time to “pick their brain?” There is a better way to ask for someone’s time, says Find Your Dream Job guest Tad Mayer. You begin by figuring out exactly what information you want from this person. But the most important piece, according to Tad, is understanding what you can offer to them. If you have something they value, they are more likely to give you 30 minutes of their time. Tad also recommends asking questions that allow the other person to share their career stories. Networking is a great way to draw out details that can help you in your own career journey. 

    About Our Guest:

    Tad Mayer (http://linkedin.com/in/tadmayer) is a career coach at Essex Partners (https://www.essexpartners.com/). His company helps senior executives in transition. 


    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’d like your job search to be empowering and full of wonderful experiences, get your copy of the book Tad co-authored, Finding a Job That Loves You Back (https://www.amazon.com/Finding-That-Loves-Back-Conversations/dp/1737946904/ref=sr_1_1).
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How to Prepare and Use STAR Stories in a Job Interview, with Donna McCullough

    How to Prepare and Use STAR Stories in a Job Interview, with Donna McCullough

    Congratulations on getting an interview! Now, what is your plan for standing out from the other candidates who are interviewing for your dream job? Using the STAR method to share your professional experience is a great way to connect with a hiring manager, says Find Your Dream Job guest Donna McCullough. Employers want to know who you are, not just what you can do. Donna suggests preparing “Eight Greats,” eight stories that showcase your previous wins in your career. These stories will engage the interviewer and make you unforgettable. 

    About Our Guest:

    Donna McCullough (http://linkedin.com/in/donnacmccullough) is the founder of Claravia Consulting (https://claraviaconsulting.wixsite.com/claraviaconsulting).

    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’re ready to take the next step in your career but you aren’t sure what it should be, let Donna be your guide. Learn more about her career coaching services at claraviaconsulting.wixsite.com/claraviaconsulting.

    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How Mentors Can Help in Your Job Search, with Ellen Recko

    How Mentors Can Help in Your Job Search, with Ellen Recko

    Have you been trying to find a job with little success? Perhaps it’s time to ask someone to help you. In this episode, Find Your Dream Job guest Ellen Recko shares why it’s a poor strategy to job search alone. Job search mentors can offer more than just available openings; they can help you find clarity in what you want in your next position, as well as boost your confidence in what you have to offer. Ellen says one of the best ways to speed up your job search is to reach out to people who can help. That can be a formal mentor, a friend, or a paid career coach. 

    About Our Guest:

    Ellen Recko (http://linkedin.com/in/ellenrecko) is a career coach with Lake Grove Job Seekers (https://lakegrovejobseekers.org/).

    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’re going through a job transition and you need help clearing the mind clutter, learn how Ellen and her team can help you through their website at lakegrovejobseekers.org/. (https://lakegrovejobseekers.org/)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How Women Can Show Confidence in a Job Search, with Jamila Brown

    How Women Can Show Confidence in a Job Search, with Jamila Brown

    If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will believe in you. Confidence is the key factor in getting the job you’ve dreamed of, according to Find Your Dream Job guest Jamila Brown. Hiring managers are looking for candidates who know their value and what they have to offer. Jamila also says your job search is business, so if you don’t get hired, it’s not a personal rejection. And finally, have options. It’s nice to get an interview, but multiple interviews are more likely to lead to a job offer. Don’t stop at plan A; have plans B, C, D, and E in the background to pull from. 

    About Our Guest:

    Jamila Brown (http://linkedin.com/in/jamilabrown) is a career strategist and a co-founder of the 5 Minute Career Hack.(https://www.5minutecareerhack.com/)

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Are you ready for a career coach to help you find your dream job? Discover how Jamila can help you by visiting her website at www.5minutecareerhack.com/.(http://www.5minutecareerhack.com/)
    • Check out Jamila’s ebook, The Career, The Bag, The Life. (https://www.5minutecareerhack.com/offers/bTv7CreC/checkout)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    Dust Off Your Resume: Amanda Green’s Job Search Success Story

    Dust Off Your Resume: Amanda Green’s Job Search Success Story

    Your network plays a pivotal role in finding your next job. On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Amanda Green (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-green-cpa-mpa-29b09921/) shares how she secured her dream job, even though she wasn’t looking for her next position at the time. Thanks to having a strong network, she was able to learn of an open position that wasn’t on her radar. Learn more about Amanda’s career history below in this installment of our Success Stories series. (https://www.macslist.org/articles/success-stories)


    How to Find a Supportive Work Environment, with Ana Goehner

    How to Find a Supportive Work Environment, with Ana Goehner

    Your work environment affects more than the hours you spend at work; it affects your personal life, as well. That’s why it’s so important to find a place of employment where you feel seen, heard, and appreciated. How can you be sure the company you’re interviewing with provides that type of workplace? Find Your Dream Job guest Ana Goehner says you begin by speaking with current and former employees. Ana also suggests defining terms such as flexibility and exploring how the employer recognizes achievement. Do as much research as possible, and ask specific questions of the hiring manager that relate to what matters most to you.

    About Our Guest:

    Ana Goehner (http://linkedin.com/in/anagoehner) is a career strategist and a certified human resources specialist.

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Is your career in a healthy place? Find out now by taking Ana’s Career Well-Being Quiz at www.anagoehner.com/. (www.anagoehner.com)
    • Check out Ana’s book, 'The Ultimate Interview Guidebook.'(http://www.anagoehner.com/book)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How to Create and Use a Job Search Plan to Get Hired Faster, with Steph Cartwright

    How to Create and Use a Job Search Plan to Get Hired Faster, with Steph Cartwright

    Sending out dozens of applications per day and hoping for the best is not the way to find a job you love. You need a successful plan, one that contains action, accountability, and accessibility. Find Your Dream Job guest Steph Cartwright suggests starting by targeting employers and using LinkedIn to network with employees at those companies. A job search plan need not take up hours a week either; Steph says 20-30 minutes a few times a week is enough to put a strategy into place. Build new habits into your week instead of putting so much pressure on yourself to find the perfect job as quickly as possible. 

    About Our Guest:

    Steph Cartwright (http://linkedin.com/in/stephcartwrightcprw)is the certified resume writer and job search strategist behind Off The Clock Resumes (https://www.offtheclockresumes.com/).

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Are you ready to get unstuck and find the job of your dreams? Steph has multiple ways to help you; find out more by visiting her website at www.offtheclockresumes.com/.
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)



    What to Do If Your Job Offer is Rescinded, with Octavia Goredema

    What to Do If Your Job Offer is Rescinded, with Octavia Goredema

    It happens; you’re thrilled to receive a job offer, and then suddenly, the offer is rescinded with no explanation as to why. Now what? Now is the time to take the lessons from your job search experience and move forward with the same energy you began it, says Find Your Dream Job guest Octavia Goredema. What starts as a moment of distress can become a moment of clarity if you allow it. Go back to the drawing board; know that if you got this job offer, you will get another; use this experience to go after what you want with even more clarity and confidence.

    About Our Guest:

    Octavia Goredema (http://linkedin.com/in/octaviagoredema) is the host of the Audible Original series How to Change Careers and the author of Prep, Push, Pivot. (https://www.amazon.com/Prep-Push-Pivot-Strategies-Underrepresented/dp/1119789079)

    Resources in This Episode:

    • To learn more about Octavia’s book and to receive her weekly career newsletter, visit her website at www.octaviagoredema.com/.
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    Your LinkedIn Page, Your Resume, and You, with Enrique Ruiz

    Your LinkedIn Page, Your Resume, and You, with Enrique Ruiz

    If you’re counting on a generic resume to get your next job, you may be in for a rude awakening. In this digital world, you’re going to need to level up if you want to get past the applicant tracking systems and be invited to interview. Where do you begin? Find Your Dream Job guest Enrique Ruiz says the most important step is your LinkedIn page. Build it out fully. Next, prepare two resumes; one for the ATS and a second, more specialized one for each position you’re applying to. Finally, represent yourself well. Show up on time, be pleasant and engaging, and express your desire to work hard and be a team player. 

    About Our Guest:

    Enrique Ruiz (http://linkedin.com/in/enrique-ruiz-cdsp) is a former senior talent acquisition manager at Thesis, a digital agency in Portland, Oregon, and will soon launch his own recruiting agency. 

    Resources in This Episode:

    • If you’re interested in a job in the creative space, Enrique invites you to reach out to him on LinkedIn. Find him at www.linkedin.com/in/enrique-ruiz-cdsp/.
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)

    How to Make an Intentional Career Change, with Jeff Perry

    How to Make an Intentional Career Change, with Jeff Perry

    It’s easy to follow an opportunistic path with your career, taking what gets handed to you and making the best of it. But your career becomes more rewarding when you become more intentional. Getting clarity on how you need your job to align with your life is the most important first step, says Find Your Dream Job guest Jeff Perry. Jeff suggests focusing on what you want in a job rather than what you want to get away from. Jeff reminds us that we each have the ability to make choices. Don’t be at the mercy of others when it comes to your career; be intentional with what works for your life and needs.

    About Our Guest:

    Jeff Perry (http://linkedin.com/in/jeffcperry) is a leadership and career expert who works with individuals, teams, and organizations. Jeff also hosts The Engineering Career Coach Podcast. (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-engineering-career-coach-podcast/id724048690)

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Grab your copy of Jeff’s book, “The Intentional Engineer: A Guide to a Purpose-Driven Life and Career For Engineers and Technical Professionals.” 
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    Why You Need to Network and How to Do It Well, with Gene Rhee

    Why You Need to Network and How to Do It Well, with Gene Rhee

    Does the word “networking” strike fear in your heart? Are you hesitant to reach out to others for coffee or conversation? That fear is natural, says Find Your Dream Job guest Gene Rhee. But it helps when you realize we all network every day. When you talk with a coworker or a friend, you’re networking. The key to successful networking, according to Gene, is to have something to offer in conversation, so be clear on your values, skills, and interests, so that when asked, you can share specifics. And be ready to ask questions of the other person so that they feel valued and open to share. 

    About Our Guest:

    Gene Rhee (http://linkedin.com/in/generhee) is the executive director of Mohr Career Services at the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon (https://business.uoregon.edu/).

    Resources in This Episode:

    • To learn more about Gene and his work at the University of Oregon, connect with him on LinkedIn. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/generhee/)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out to a Recruiter, with Nick Poloni

    How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out to a Recruiter, with Nick Poloni

    If you aren’t using LinkedIn to find your next job, you are missing out on a  powerful tool. But you have to use it well. Find Your Dream Job guest Nick Poloni says it all starts with a story-driven profile. It’s not enough to have a list of previous positions; you have to provide content and context. Recruiters want to know who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re looking for. Nick suggests having a specific focus for your profile, using keywords and titles that are common to the field you are in or want to enter. 

    About Our Guest:

    Nick Poloni (http://linkedin.com/in/nickpoloni) is the head of recruitment at Cascadia Search Group and works in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Whether you’re a company looking for qualified candidates or a job seeker, Nick can help you. Find out more at cascadiasearch.com/ (https://cascadiasearch.com/)
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)


    How Knowing Strengths Makes You a Stronger Candidate, with Kristie Steele

    How Knowing Strengths Makes You a Stronger Candidate, with Kristie Steele

    Job seekers oftentimes are hesitant to share their strengths for fear of bragging, and we sometimes focus more on our weaknesses than what we’re naturally good at. But you need to show a potential employer how your strengths will benefit their company, says Find Your Dream Job guest Kristie Steele. Kristie says the best way to do that is by sharing stories of how those strengths have helped you in previous jobs. Asking friends, family, and coworkers what they see as your strengths is another way to get clarity on what you have to offer in a new position.

    About Our Guest:

    Kristie Steele (http://linkedin.com/in/kristiemsteele702)is a senior human resources manager at Forth. It’s a nonprofit working to electrify transportation.

    Resources in This Episode:

    • Connect with Kristie on LinkedIn (http://linkedin.com/in/kristiemsteele702) to learn more about the work she is doing at Forth and how you can maximize your strengths in your job search. 
    • From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.(http://macslist.org/topresume) Top Resume has helped more than 400,000 professionals land more interviews and get hired faster. Get a free review of your resume today from one of Top Resume’s expert writers. (http://macslist.org/topresume)