
    Find Your Freedom

    It IS possible to become free from debt, financial worry, your boss, and your zip code. Join Becky and her guests to learn how you can find financial freedom and start living your ideal life. This podcast shares the stories of women who have become debt-free, achieved financial independence, quit their jobs, started their own businesses, traveled the world, and defined freedom for themselves. Becky also shares her own financial freedom story and teaches actionable lessons on what she’s learned along her journey from drowning in debt to financially independent, from day job to digital nomad, and from dreaming to traveling the world. Host: Becky Blake from Twentyfree.co, Millennial Money Expert & Lifestyle Design Coach
    enBecky Blake from TwentyFree.co52 Episodes

    Episodes (52)

    Low-Budget Lifestyle Design with Moriah Chace from Our Table For Two

    Low-Budget Lifestyle Design with Moriah Chace from Our Table For Two

    #30: Don’t earn much but still want to live a life you love? Moriah Chace has figured out lifestyle design on a small budget. She is just 22 years old, and has already paid off a lot of student debt, saved a year's worth of expenses, and moved across the country to start a new career. Moriah writes about money management and social impact at OurTable4Two.com.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Choosing a career based on impact not income
    • How to save money through mindful spending
    • The application strategy that landed her 3 job offers
    • How to automate your savings & investments
    • Strategies for giving money on a small budget

    If you want to learn more about designing your lifestyle on a small budget, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Sponsor - Money Coaching with Becky

    It’s time for you to reach your biggest money goals, like paying off debt, starting to invest, and using your money to create your ideal life! With one-one-one money coaching, Becky will help you gain clarity about what freedom looks like for you, develop a strategy to get there, and overcome your money roadblocks on the path to financial and lifestyle freedom.

    Start with a free 15-minute coaching call, where she’ll help you develop a vision for your ideal life, and how your finances fit in. Not only are you going to get MASSIVE CLARITY, you’re also going to get a FREE budgeting spreadsheet, just for booking a call.  

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode30/

    Find Your Freedom
    enAugust 14, 2020

    Emergency Fund 101

    Emergency Fund 101

    #29: Emergency funds give you peace of mind when the unexpected happens. In this episode, Becky answers all of the most common questions about emergency funds. Unexpected emergencies can happen no matter how carefully you plan, which is why having an emergency fund is so important. Whether it is a family member getting sick, your car breaking down, or getting laid off from your job, emergencies get even worse when you don’t have enough money to get you through a difficult time. 

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • What an emergency fund is
    • When you should start building an emergency fund
    • How large your emergency fund should be
    • How to start saving even if you can’t save much
    • Where to keep your emergency fund
    • When it’s OK to use your emergency fund

    If you want to learn more about saving an emergency fund, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Sponsor - Money Coaching with Becky

    It’s time for you to reach your biggest money goals, like paying off debt, starting to invest, and using your money to create your ideal life! With one-one-one money coaching, Becky will help you gain clarity about what freedom looks like for you, develop a strategy to get there, and overcome your money roadblocks on the path to financial and lifestyle freedom.

    Find Your Freedom
    enAugust 07, 2020

    You Mean I Can Retire Today? Surprise FIRE at 40 with Dragon Gal from The Dragons on FIRE

    You Mean I Can Retire Today? Surprise FIRE at 40 with Dragon Gal from The Dragons on FIRE

    #28: Want to retire early but hate budgeting? Dragon Gal never explicitly planned for early retirement or had a budget, but she realized that she could retire at 40. She retired early in 2017 from full time teaching, a few months after finding out about the FIRE movement. Dragon Gal and her husband Dragon Guy write about retiring early and living with cancer on their blog at thedragonsonFIRE.com. In this interview, she shares the money habits that helped her retire early, how she transitioned out of her teaching job, and what early retirement looks like for her. 

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Money habits to make early retirement automatic
    • Ways to quickly cut your expenses
    • Things to do before giving notice at your job
    • How everyday life changes in retirement
    • Why you should let your early retirement unfold naturally

    If you want to learn more about retiring early without budgeting, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Sponsor - Money Coaching with Becky

    It’s time for you to reach your biggest money goals, like paying off debt, starting to invest, and using your money to create your ideal life! With one-one-one money coaching, Becky will help you gain clarity about what freedom looks like for you, develop a strategy to get there, and overcome your money roadblocks on the path to financial and lifestyle freedom.

    Find Your Freedom
    enJuly 31, 2020

    Balancing Financial Independence and Lifestyle Design

    Balancing Financial Independence and Lifestyle Design

    #27: It’s possible to enjoy your journey to financial independence. You can use the incremental financial freedoms that you gain along the way to incorporate aspects of your ideal life into your life now. Lifestyle design is an important component of creating an enjoyable and sustainable path to financial independence. Sure, 10 or 15 years of work sounds short compared to the typical 40 year career. But if you want to avoid burnout and make the most of your time while you’re pursuing FI, balancing financial independence with lifestyle design is crucial.

    In this episode, we cover:

    • The real goal of people pursuing FI (hint: it’s not early retirement)
    • How FIRE doesn’t always turn out as expected
    • Case studies of early retired folks who’d change their approach
    • Examples of people pursuing FI & lifestyle design together
    • How to make the pursuit of FI enjoyable


    If you want to learn more about enjoying your journey to financial independence, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Sponsor - Money Coaching with Becky

    It’s time for you to reach your biggest money goals, like paying off debt, starting to invest, and using your money to create your ideal life! With one-one-one money coaching, Becky will help you gain clarity about what freedom looks like for you, develop a strategy to get there, and overcome your money roadblocks on the path to financial and lifestyle freedom.

    Find Your Freedom
    enJuly 24, 2020

    Live Your Ideal Life Before Retirement with Jessica from the Fioneers

    Live Your Ideal Life Before Retirement with Jessica from the Fioneers

    #26: Don’t wait until you retire to start doing things you love. As you save money towards retirement, there are ways to use your incremental financial freedom to start living your ideal lifestyle now. Jessica from the Fioneers shares the concept of SlowFI, and how it allows you to utilize the financial freedom you gain along the way to live a happier and more fulfilling life now. Jessica also shares how she is on a 10-year timeline to financial independence (FI) even though she and her husband both work in the nonprofit sector and live in a high cost of living area. 

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • How to make sure you enjoy the process of achieving FI
    • Why you don’t have to work a job you hate to retire early
    • How working less can actually SAVE you money
    • Going part-time without extending your timeline to FI
    • Why you should pursue meaningful work now

    If you want to learn how to start living your ideal life on the journey to financial independence, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Want a refresher on the basics of Financial Independence, Retire Early? Listen to Episode 5

    Listen to the full guide to Lifestyle Design in Episode 7.

    Jessica is a previous podcast guest, who shared how to manage stress during a crisis in Episode 15

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action

    Find Your Freedom
    enJuly 17, 2020

    The Ultimate Guide to Paying Off Debt

    The Ultimate Guide to Paying Off Debt

    #25: Do you want to be debt free? Here’s the ultimate guide to paying off all of your debt. In this episode, Becky discusses strategies and tips for paying off debt, the order in which you should pay off debt, and how to balance paying off debt with other financial goals such as investing. She also shares her approach to balancing paying off her student loans and investing for retirement.

    In this episode, we answer the questions:

    • How much debt do I even have?
    • How does debt payoff work?
    • What order should I pay off my debt?
    • Should I pay off debt or invest?

    If you want to learn more about how to become debt free, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Do you want the peace of mind that comes with being debt free?

    It’s time for you to reach your biggest money goals, like paying off debt, starting to invest, and using your money to create your ideal life! With one-one-one money coaching, Becky will help you gain clarity about what freedom looks like for you, develop a strategy to get there, and overcome your money roadblocks on the path to financial and lifestyle freedom.

    Start with a free 15-minute coaching call, where she’ll help you develop a vision for your ideal life, and how your finances fit in. Not only are you going to get MASSIVE CLARITY, you’re also going to get a FREE budgeting spreadsheet, just for booking a call.  

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode25/



    Apple podcasts summary limit is 512 characters (make sure show notes linked).

    #25: Do you want to be debt free? Here’s the ultimate guide to paying off all of your debt. In this episode, Becky discusses strategies and tips for paying off debt, the order in which you should pay off debt, and how to balance paying off debt with other financial goals such as investing. 

    If you want to learn more about how to become debt free, take a listen to this episode.

    Show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode25/

    Please subscribe, rate & review.

    Find Your Freedom
    enJuly 10, 2020

    Overcoming Poverty and Adversity to Retire Early with Jackie Cummings Koski

    Overcoming Poverty and Adversity to Retire Early with Jackie Cummings Koski

    #24: After overcoming poverty, divorce and single motherhood, Jackie still reached FIRE in her 40s, making less than six figures. Jackie Cummings Koski shares how she reached financial independence in just 10 years, and retired in December 2019. Now, she’s following her dream of creating a financially literate society. Jackie talks about how she overcame poverty, became a 1st generation college graduate, learned how to save and invest, and taught her daughter about personal finance.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Why Jackie waited 2 years after FI to retire early
    • How to get past the taboo and talk about money
    • How Jackie’s path to FIRE differed from the norm
    • How to teach others (especially your kids) about finance
    • How to use early retirement to create a lasting legacy

    If you want to retire early, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode24/

    Find Your Freedom
    enJuly 03, 2020

    The 6 Types of Debt And What They Mean For You

    The 6 Types of Debt And What They Mean For You

    #23: Debt is the opposite of freedom. In fact, it is the biggest barrier holding most millennials back from finding their freedom and pursuing their ideal lives. In this episode, Becky explains why she thinks there’s no such thing as good debt (just better debt), ranks the types of debt from better to worse, and discusses options you can consider instead of accruing debt. 

    In this episode, Becky covers:

    • What is debt?
    • Alternatives to mortgage debt and car loans
    • The absolute worst type of debt
    • Why you should avoid & pay off debt ASAP

    If you want to learn more about debt and how to avoid it, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode23/

    Find Your Freedom
    enJune 26, 2020

    Work from Home Forever & Get Your Boss on Board with Ms. Mod from Modest Millionaires

    Work from Home Forever & Get Your Boss on Board with Ms. Mod from Modest Millionaires

    #22: Keep working from home even after coronavirus is over! Here’s exactly how to negotiate full-time working from home (WFH) with your boss. Ms. Mod from Modest Millionaires is a Canadian mom who turned her government position into a remote job in 2018 so she could spend more time with her young kids.  She shares her step-by-step process for preparing to ask, having the first conversation, and making a formal proposal to take your job remote.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • Customizing your role to be perfect for WFH 
    • How to approach your direct supervisor
    • What to say to get upper management on board
    • What a win-win WFH proposal must include

    If you want to learn how to negotiate a full-time work from home position at your current job, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Listen to Episode 21 to learn more tips for being productive while working from home. 

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode22/


    Find Your Freedom
    enJune 19, 2020

    Working From Home Productivity Tips

    Working From Home Productivity Tips

    #21: Get work from home tips from someone who’s had practice! In this super-actionable episode, Becky shares her best tips on how to stay productive while working from home. Becky’s been working from home once or twice a week for 2 years and made the switch to working from home full-time in January 2020. This advice covers the stuff you need and actions to take to have a productive work day at home, and will work for you even if you have multiple people working from home or don’t have a separate home office. No fancy treadmill desks here - just practical solutions to common work from home problems. 

    In this episode, I cover:

    • How to create a workspace when you don’t have a home office
    • Ways to manage your attention to be as productive as possible
    • The exact routines I use before and after work
    • Tips for “switching on” and “switching off” from work
    • The #1 thing not to do if you want to stay productive at home

    If you want to be more productive while working from home than you are in the office, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Find Your Freedom
    enJune 12, 2020

    Become a Six-Figure Money Coach with Whitney Hansen

    Become a Six-Figure Money Coach with Whitney Hansen

    #20: Want to be a money coach? Learn how from a money coach who replaced her full-time income while coaching as a side-gig, and now earns six-figures after just 4 years in business. Whether you’re looking to become a money coach as a side gig to earn more money, or to be self-employed full time, this interview will tell you what you need to know. Whitney Hansen from The Money Nerds Podcast shares what money coaches really do, powerful tips for starting a coaching business, and how to focus on being profitable over being popular.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • What being a money coach is really like
    • The skill you need to build a profitable coaching business
    • Which offerings you should start with as a new coach
    • What NOT to do as a new money coach

    If you want to become a six-figure money coach, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode20/

    Real Estate Investing During a Recession with Sunitha Rao

    Real Estate Investing During a Recession with Sunitha Rao

    #19: Paying 7 mortgages during a recession sounds stressful. I asked Sunitha Rao, a buy-and-hold investor with 7 units including long-term rentals, short-term rentals and a house hack, all about it in this episode. This former olympic athlete turned real estate investor came back on the podcast (she was previously on Episode 2) to tell me how COVID and the economic downturn are affecting real estate investors and landlords. If you’ve ever wondered whether real estate is a better investment than stocks during a recession, you’ve gotta listen to this conversation. Even if you’re not interested in real estate, Sunitha and I talk about investing mindsets and risk management strategies that apply to any investor.

    We chat about:

    • Pivoting business strategy to remain profitable
    • Impacts on long-term and short-term rentals
    • How to manage risk in real estate
    • Mindsets to help you get through a recession
    • Being prepared for the worst case scenario

    If you want to learn about how real estate is being affected by COVID and the recession, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode19/

    Retire Early to Travel the Globe with Stephanie & Gillian from Our Freedom Years

    Retire Early to Travel the Globe with Stephanie & Gillian from Our Freedom Years

    #18: Getting stuck in Italy during the coronavirus is not what this couple expected when they retired early in October 2019 and set off to slow travel Europe. Stephanie and Gillian from Our Freedom years moved from Canada to Singapore and lived as expats for 6 years. During this time, they created a budget, ran the numbers and realized they could retire early within 2 years! They retired early (in their 30s/40s), sold everything they owned, and traveled with their two suitcases, two backpacks, and two little dogs around Europe until the pandemic hit. They were in Italy at the time, and ended up not being able to leave due to closed borders and country-wide lockdown, so they hunkered down in Lake Como for a month before returning to Canada. 


    We talk about:

    • How they retired early without having a budget for 99% of their lives
    • The good money habits you need to have to retire early
    • What traveling is like with two little dogs
    • How to get a career abroad & become an expat
    • What slow travel in early retirement looks like
    • What it was like being stuck in Italy during the height of Coronavirus outbreak there


    If you want to learn about how becoming an expat can accelerate your timeline to early retirement,  take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode18/

    Find Your Freedom
    enMay 15, 2020

    Quarantined Abroad: COVID’s Impact on Nomads & Full-Time Travelers

    Quarantined Abroad: COVID’s Impact on Nomads & Full-Time Travelers

    #17: Stuck in Cambodia and quarantined in Australia - these are the stories of two nomads who were abroad when Coronavirus became a global health pandemic. I checked back in with Alicia Walter from The Passport Couple (Episode 8) and Michelle from Frugality and Freedom (Episode 6), who were both previously interviewed on the podcast. Alicia and her boyfriend Nate, full time travel bloggers who had left to Southeast Asia just 2 months earlier, decided to stay in Cambodia when the Coronavirus started to spread. Michelle, a semi-retired nomad working a temporary contract in events management, made the decision to leave New Zealand and head back to her home base in Australia to wait out the virus. 

    We chat about: 

    • What factored into their decisions to return home or shelter-in-place
    • The financial impacts of the COVID crisis on travelers 
    • How they’re staying safe and healthy while abroad
    • What 14-day post-travel quarantine looks like

    If you are curious about how Coronavirus is affecting full-time travelers and nomads,  take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    **Check out our previous episode with Michelle from Frugality and Freedom, Episode 6. **

    **Check out our previous episode with Alicia Walter from The Passport Couple, Episode 8. **

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode17/

    Find Your Freedom
    enMay 08, 2020

    Retiring Early in a Recession with A Purple Life

    Retiring Early in a Recession with A Purple Life

    #16: Should you give up on early retirement? A Purple Life was planning to retire later this year at the age of 30, with a portfolio of $500,000. All of a sudden, there is a global pandemic and economic downturn, and her portfolio is not likely to reach half a million this year. Purple shares whether she is still planning to retire early, and how her plans might change to adjust for this new reality. We also have a bonus discussion where she shares work from home tips, since she’s been working from home for 3 and a half years.

    We chat about: 

    • What this worst case scenario means for early retirement
    • How to incorporate flexibility into your early retirement plans
    • Dealing with market volatility near retirement
    • Managing sequence of returns risk with a cash cushion
    • BONUS: Tips for working from home!

    If you are wondering if early retirement is still realistic, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    **Check out our previous episode with A Purple Life, Episode 3. **

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode16/

    Find Your Freedom
    enMay 01, 2020

    How to Manage Stress During a Crisis with Jessica from The Fioneers

    How to Manage Stress During a Crisis with Jessica from The Fioneers

    #15: Learn essential coping strategies for dealing with crises like the Coronavirus global pandemic. Jessica from The Fioneers shares actionable ways you can manage (and even prevent) feelings of stress and anxiety during a crisis. In this chat, which is so actionable it’s almost a workshop, Jessica shares a variety of tips and we both share our experiences and examples of how we are personally coping with this crisis.

    We talk about: 

    • How to identify feelings of stress and anxiety
    • Ways to address emotions before they get out of control
    • Strategies for improving physical health to be more mentally healthy
    • Ways to pre-empt and prevent feelings of stress and anxiety
    • How to transform from obstacle thinking to opportunity thinking
    • Why and how to use this time to work towards your long term goals


    If you want actionable tips on how to manage stress during this crisis, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode15/

    Find Your Freedom
    enApril 24, 2020

    How to Help Your Community During a Crisis with Angela Rozmyn

    How to Help Your Community During a Crisis with Angela Rozmyn

    #14: Not sure how you can help during COVID19? With many of us stuck at home, it can feel like we are powerless to make any impact on improving our current situation as a society and economy. The good news is, there are actions you can take beyond staying home that can help other individuals and small businesses. Angela Rozmyn, blogger at Tread Lightly Retire Early and resident of Kirkland, Washington (the first hard-hit area in the USA by the coronavirus), is my guest on this episode. Listen in on our casual chat about the monetary and non-monetary ways to help your community during COVID. 

    In this convo, we talk about:

    • Monetary and non-monetary ways to support local small businesses 
    • How you can help and support your neighbors
    • How life has changed and what life looks like right now (I bet you can relate)
    • Ways to be better prepared for emergencies in the future
    • How we’re staying socially connected as extroverts

    If you’re looking for ways to make a positive impact during this crisis, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode14/

    Money Advice for Navigating a Financial Crisis with Donna Sowa Allard, CFP

    Money Advice for Navigating a Financial Crisis with Donna Sowa Allard, CFP

    #13: Wondering what to do with your money now that the market has tanked? Get advice from Donna Sowa Allard, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), on what mistakes to avoid making right now and financial opportunities to explore during an economic downturn. Donna shares some fantastic insights into the current COVID19 economic situation, including the definitions of bull market, recession, and volatility, and how these terms apply to this financial crisis. You’ll get a deep understanding of the characteristics of the COVID financial crisis, why Donna feels encouraged by the actions of the federal reserve and Washington, and whether we can expect the market to rebound. 

    In this episode, we talk about: 

    • Whether now is the right time to invest more 
    • What size emergency fund you should have
    • Where you should be saving money for short term versus long term goals
    • How this financial crisis is different than the 2008 recession
    • How to manage your risk when retiring early during a financial crisis


    If you need some professional money advice during this economic downturn, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is one-on-one coaching with Becky Blake from twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. As a money coach and lifestyle design expert, Becky helps people reach their biggest money goals, like paying off debt, building up savings and using their money to create their ideal life. She provides the proven tools to improve your finances, and accountability to make sure you take the action needed to change your life. Want to take the concepts you are learning on this podcast to the next level? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.twentyfree.co/episode13/

    Find Your Freedom
    enApril 10, 2020

    How to Become a Freelance Writer with Six-Figure Freelancer Miranda Marquit

    How to Become a Freelance Writer with Six-Figure Freelancer Miranda Marquit

    #12: Want to be a freelance writer? Learn how from a freelancer that earns six-figures, has a flexible schedule, and absolutely loves her job. Whether you’re looking to become a freelance writer as a side gig to earn more money, or to be self-employed full time, this interview will tell you what you need to know. Miranda Marquit shares a realistic take on what freelancing is like, powerful tips for building a lucrative freelancing business, and how freelancing can be the perfect career path for building a flexible freedom lilfestyle.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • What being a freelance writer is really like
    • How to make more money in less time
    • Tips for working from home & working while traveling
    • How to handle variable income
    • Outsourcing to gain more time and freedom

    If you want to become a six-figure freelance writer, take a listen to this episode. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and share with a friend. Also, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, I’d really appreciate it.

    Today’s sponsor is the Business Freedom program from Becky Blake of twentyfree.co and host of this podcast. This group coaching program will guide you step-by-step through the process of hiring and training a virtual assistant (VA), so you can reclaim your time and start working ON your business instead of IN it. Want to earn more money and reclaim your time? Schedule your free 10-minute coaching call with Becky today! 

    Need someone to talk with about recent changes in your finances due to COVID19? Connect with Becky on a free 10-minute coaching call and discuss how she can help.

    Find Your Freedom
    enApril 03, 2020