
    Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo

    Get unstuck. Find your inner power. Feel revitalized and excited for life. See what you're truly capable of creating or becoming. And, learn to manifest and co-create using the power of Flow and the Universe! Mix up a pinch of woo and a ton of practical advice. Come join me for a heap of super good vibes, deep honest teachings, and an open-minded, growth-seeking friend to hang out with (me)! Discover manifesting, abundance thinking, deep healing, inner power, mindset, coaching, business advice, and of course the magic elixir of Flowdreaming — we cover it all! All for the purpose of helping grow into your inner power, magic, and success each and every week.
    enSummer McStravick409 Episodes

    Episodes (409)

    713: How to Stop a Cascade of Broken Messed Up Things

    713: How to Stop a Cascade of Broken Messed Up Things
    We’ve all had times when everything seems to break: our tech, our houses, our relationships, etc. We feel up to our eyeballs in paperwork, bureaucracy, errors of all kinds, and generally stupid stuff. How do we get out of this flow? Learn my technique for seeing, stopping, and pivoting this kind of unwanted barrage back into ease and simplicity with everything working again just as it should. Let’s right this ship! Visit Flowdreaming.com for me, and check out the course “Everything Is Easy” for inspiration.

    713: How to Stop a Cascade of Broken Messed Up Things

    713: How to Stop a Cascade of Broken Messed Up Things
    We’ve all had times when everything seems to break: our tech, our houses, our relationships, etc. We feel up to our eyeballs in paperwork, bureaucracy, errors of all kinds, and generally stupid stuff. How do we get out of this flow? Learn my technique for seeing, stopping, and pivoting this kind of unwanted barrage back into ease and simplicity with everything working again just as it should. Let’s right this ship! Visit Flowdreaming.com for me, and check out the course “Everything Is Easy” for inspiration.

    BONUS: Two Psychics Walk into a Bar…(An Intimate Discussion of What Working Psychics Experience) with Victoria Shaw

    BONUS: Two Psychics Walk into a Bar…(An Intimate Discussion of What Working Psychics Experience) with Victoria Shaw
    If you want to hear two professional intutives riff together about their talents, you’re going to love this episode. It might even explain why you feel some of the ways you do—help you understand how your intuitive nduges come through in your life, and maybe why sometimes you resist them, or struggle to interpret them, as well as what it takes to successfully allow your own empathic intuitive sense to keep growing and deeping in you. Let’s peelback the curtains on what intutives really experience, and how they experience it.

    712:  Good Night Moon: Everything You Ever Wanted Your Parent to Say to You…Is Now Said to You

    712:  Good Night Moon: Everything You Ever Wanted Your Parent to Say to You…Is Now Said to You
    In one of my most powerful recordings ever, I share with you the things I said to my own kids as they were falling asleep at bedtime, because one day I thought, I wonder why we don’t keep saying these kinds of things to each other? So here you have it: Be gently rocked with soothing, positive affirmations that feel like a bedtime story. Reminiscent of things a mother would say to her child, you'll hear the words you've always wanted to hear: You are loveable, adorable, protected, and wonderful. You are deserving, intelligent, loving, and wanted. I hope you love this short Flowdream meditation that boosts your subconscious at bedtime with all good feelings and gently soothes you by reminding you of your internal, true worth. Sleep tight, my friend.

    711: Lovebombs — An Update

    711: Lovebombs — An Update
    Nothing but good stuff fills your ears in this show. You are amazing, cute, lucky, talented, smart, handsome, healthy, fit, loving, creative, committed, and all-around wonderful. Soak in the compliments. Soak up the feeling of owning all your most beautiful points. (This is an updated rebroadcast of Episode 594.) And if this feels amazing to you, get the  Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com to play anytime!

    BONUS: How to Use Flowdreaming to Completely Remodel Your Life

    BONUS: How to Use Flowdreaming to Completely Remodel Your Life
    Jessica Ballenger is one of my oldest friends. She’s also been Flowdreaming for at least fifteen years. I was curious what the long-term effects have been for her, and how our practices are the same or different. Enjoy this conversation where you’ll discover how being in Flow truly reshapes lives, including three ways to use Flowdreaming daily for the most potent effects. Visit for more.

    710: Everyday Is My Birthday

    710: Everyday Is My Birthday
    You know that special feeling of your birthday? It’s your day, all about you, and everyone celebrates that you are in existence. What if you carried that feeling every day, not just one day a year? What if everyday life showered you with gifts and blessings? What if every day you felt the gratitude that you felt on your birthday? This week is my birthday, and with those thoughts in mind, I wanted to give YOU a present. Today I’m playing a Flowdream for you called Everyday Is My Birthday, and it’s one of the most popular recordings I’ve ever done. (To get your own downloadable version, visit and search for Everyday Is My Birthday.

    709: Overachievers! What to Do When You Feel Burned Out at the Top

    709: Overachievers! What to Do When You Feel Burned Out at the Top
    You’ve had some success. Maybe a lot of Success. But boy are you tired. Burned out, hating your work. Or, maybe you’ve been grinding for so long, but still feel you’ve only “almost made it.” You’re discouraged or in an emotional dead zone. Wouldn’t you like to know a new way of achieving things that doesn’t take such a huge toll on you? Listen up as I walk you through a very different and doable path toward being a highly successful achiever….without burning yourself to a crisp on the way there. For more, visit www.Flowdreaming.com

    708: Manifesting Away from "Survival Mode" (Throwback!)

    708: Manifesting Away from "Survival Mode" (Throwback!)
    Back in 2007, one of my episodes was called, “Manifesting Away from Survival Mode. Episode 91 to be precise. And I thought it was time, 16 years later, to tackle this idea again. We’re looking at the baseline that many of us settle into without even realizing it. We’re looking at what we’ve normalized that maybe it’s time to give up. And finally, we reach into what life beyond survival mode entails. You’re going to pick up some surprising and useful “ah ha’s” in this episode that will have you pivoting and scaling up and away from survival mode faster than you even know.  Visit for more.

    707: Here Are A Few Amazing Things About Yourself You May Have Forgotten (Or Never Been Told)

    707: Here Are A Few Amazing Things About Yourself You May Have Forgotten (Or Never Been Told)
    If you’ve felt plunged in lack-thinking or worry lately, then today’s episode will be a gorgeous counterpoint that will help you u-turn back into joy, hope, expectation, and feeling like a kid on your birthday morning. I’m here to remind you about a few amazing things about yourself that so often get buried in the pile of life. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed at yourself. Visit  for more.

    BONUS: Joy Is Not a State of Mind—It’s a State of Being with Lisa McCourt

    BONUS: Joy Is Not a State of Mind—It’s a State of Being with Lisa McCourt
    Two things come to mind when we think about the word “joy” One, Christmas carols or menorahs, and two, a nice feeling that also usually feels fleeting and usually unattainable—like a bird that will fly from us all too quickly. So what if I said, you can capture joy? That you can woo it, and sustain it? What if joy was incredibly attainable, at least once you’re on the right road to it? Stay with me, and we’ll take a look at that road this episode with my guest Lisa McCourt.

    BONUS EPISODE: Your Dreams Are Telling You Something with Anne Vivian

    BONUS EPISODE: Your Dreams Are Telling You Something with Anne Vivian
    Picture a tree. The roots are your foundation, the trunk is your strength and present moment, and the branches are your connection to your greater self—your spirit. How do these all communicate? We’re going to find out today through an integrative approach that my guest, Anne Vivien, specializes in sharing through her specialties…the language of dreams. If you want to know what your dreams mean, or how to become more integrative in your manifesting, then relax, listen, and let your dreams take hold….Visit for more.

    706: 3 Ways to Ruthlessly Protect Your Energy From Information Overload

    706: 3 Ways to Ruthlessly Protect Your Energy From Information Overload
    Ever felt overwhelmed? Of course you have. But overwhelmed by what? You might think it’s by having too many people, situations, or stress in your life. But here’s something you may not have thought of: There’s simply too much information. Information that steals your energy and attention. Today we’re looking at all the ways life around you is secretly and silently drawing your emotional and energetic power, and how to ruthlessly protect yourself from information overload, using some practical steps and energetic practices. One thing is for sure, I want you to finish this episode feeling clean, clear, empowered, and able to cut all the excess information that you simply don’t need out of your life. Visit for more.

    705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle

    705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle
    Maybe it’s happened to you: That thing you love? Your hobby, your passion? Maybe it was writing, or coaching. You tried to make money off it. You tried to transition it into a side-gig, or your main gig. And then it got hard. And then you felt behind, like you weren’t doing good enough. And then one day, you realized you no longer loved that thing you loved. You killed it. You killed your passion. Let’s talk about how sometimes, the things we love should just stay things we love. No hustle, no hacks. Instead, we’ll honor those things we love by giving them space and taking all the pressure away. Let’s learn how. Visit for more.

    704: Ignite Your Manifesting Power Through Flowdreaming

    704: Ignite Your Manifesting Power Through Flowdreaming
    Curious about  “my process” for manifesting, reinventing myself, and more? Today I break it down and explain it all. It’s called Flowdreaming, and it’s an emotional energetic technique used by tens of thousands of people to manifest, shape, program, and even heal their lives. If you really want to next-level yourself and your life, then this…of all episodes…is the one to listen to. It’s a masterclass in what Flowdreaming is and how to do it. Choose your manifesting goal, and let’s go! You might feel inspired to grab a notepad, find a quiet place, and especially get in Flow with me, because I’m going to lead you there right now! Visit for more

    702: The Gorgeousness of Cha-cha-changes… with Guest Elizabeth Guarino

    702: The Gorgeousness of Cha-cha-changes… with Guest Elizabeth Guarino
    Juicy, powerful and thought-provoking! Do you need to trust your heart more? This episode is for you. Guest Elizabeth Guarino and I  talk about why we’re afraid of change, how to be better connectors with others, why and how fear gets in the way of us owning our next steps, and one my personal favorites (and hers) why trusting and listening to your heart will very like do the OPPOSITE of getting you in trouble —instead, it’ll get you OUT.

    700: Don’t Be a Hidden Gem - Why You Need to Be Seen Right Now

    700: Don’t Be a Hidden Gem - Why You Need to Be Seen Right Now
    You need to be seen. Your ideas need to be heard. Your value needs to be rewarded. And your wisdom needs to be shared. The question is, how comfortable are you in doing that? Do you let your words and ideas fly freely from you to impact any and all people who’re hungering to hear them? Or do you stay hidden, only available to those who’ve searched hard for you? You’re going to learn how you can increase your visibility in all ways, starting with your energy, so your talents or message can finally reach ALL the people it's meant to reach.

    699: I’m Excited to Be Working on Some of the Same Goals That You Are

    699: I’m Excited to Be Working on Some of the Same Goals That You Are
    You’re working hard toward your goals. The right mindset, the right thinking, the right actions. But sometimes, you feel kind of alone. You’re not, in fact  I'm right there with you, working towards my own aspirations, which might just align with yours! I want you to stop feeling like your toiling in isolation. Today I’m sharing with you a way to not only reach your goals faster, but how to do it with both universal help as well as with a cohort of people who’re doing the exact same thing as you. So if you want to stop feeling isolated and start feeling lifted by that rising tide that floats all boats, I got you. for more