
    Flying Free

    Flying Free is a support resource for women of faith who need hope and healing from hidden emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, and narcissistic abuse. Because of misogynistic theology taught in controlling and spiritually abusive churches, many Christian women find themselves in destructive marriages where there is an uneven power dynamic. Male partners use their status as a husband to gain power and control over a woman’s mind, emotions, body, social life, finances, and more. When she tries to get help from her equally abusive church environment, she is betrayed and re-abused. Flying Free offers a Christ-centered, gospel-oriented perspective on domestic abuse that protects and honors the voices and autonomy of women. Tune in each week to hear conversations with emotional abuse advocates and fellow survivors who will walk with you on your journey up and out. We hear you. You are not alone. Learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com
    enNatalie Hoffman265 Episodes

    Episodes (265)

    Excommunication Series: Valerie's Story

    Excommunication Series: Valerie's Story

    In part two of our excommunication series, I interview Valerie, a former member of a Reformed Baptist church that excommunicated her for divorcing her unfaithful and emotionally abusive husband.

    After years of receiving “help” from her church as she endured betrayal after betrayal from her husband, she said enough was enough. But even as she divorced her husband and then tried to leave the church peacefully, they wouldn’t allow it. They had to have the last word. Listen to Valerie’s story today. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com.

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Excommunication Series: Marieda's Story

    Excommunication Series: Marieda's Story

    Your high-handed sin against God is a dangerous domain, especially for those that claim Christ and have identified with the church.” Mareida read these words in shock after her “sin” of running away from her abuser had reached the ears of her church. 

    Marieda has a story to tell, and you’ll want to listen in. It’s a story of freedom from emotional abuse and then being punished for it by the church that was supposed to protect her. It’s a story of deep betrayal but also rising from the ashes. 

    This is the first in a series of three episodes about excommunication. 

    Meet Marieda. Here is her excommunication story.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com.

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Is Teaching Boundaries Victim Blaming?

    Is Teaching Boundaries Victim Blaming?

    Is teaching survivors how to have boundaries the equivalent of victim blaming? I’ve seen this topic come up again and again, and I thought it was time I stated what I believe about it. The bottom line is that I believe that boundaries is an essential tool in a survivor’s toolbox. I also believe abuse is never, ever the survivor’s fault. Those two beliefs can go hand in hand nicely, and I’m going to show you how.

    Join me as I explain my stance, why it’s important, and what McDonald’s burgers and fries have to do with the whole sordid affair.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com.

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Now Available: All the Scary Little Gods

    Now Available: All the Scary Little Gods

    I gratefully and joyfully, with so much love, offer my brand new book, All the Scary Little Gods, to you!


    • Anyone who has suffered from anxiety in their relationship with God
    • Perfectionists
    • Fear filled folks
    • Angry survivors
    • Exhausted women who are just “done”
    • Confused Christians
    • Searchers and seekers
    • Grievers
    • The Guilty
    • The Shamed
    • Anyone who just only ever wanted to be loved. (Especially you, precious one.)

    You can now get All the Scary Little Gods on Amazon in the following formats: Kindle, paperback, or Audible ($19.99). 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com.

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself

    Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself

    Deconstruction can seem daunting, and you might find yourself becoming fearful of even starting. But let me tell you this: Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your church family. Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your faith. Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your relationship with God.

    In today’s episode, Angela Herrington joins us to talk about the following:

    • How faith deconstruction intersects with the process of healing from emotional and spiritual abuse
    • How you can deconstruct and still keep your church and the people within it who matter to you
    • What role forgiveness plays in our faith journey if we’ve experienced abuse, and so much more. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    All the Scary Little Gods: More Insider Scoop on My New Book

    All the Scary Little Gods: More Insider Scoop on My New Book

    We are gearing up for the release of my brand new book, All the Scary Little Gods, which will be available on Amazon in Kindle, paperback, and Audible formats on February 20th.

    In this episode, you’ll get some more sneak peeks including the foreword by Dr. Tiffany Yecke Brooks and chapters about my first kiss in college plus a time when I thought “crying out to God” would bring back some mail-in-rebate money. (That’s right. You’ll have to listen to believe it.) 

    Laugh, cry, and roll your eyes with me in this sneak peek episode! 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Doesn't the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye?

    Doesn't the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye?

    Have you ever been told to, “first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye” in regards to your emotionally abusive marriage? That passage of the Bible is often used to mutualize the sin of the abuser and his victim. This is called sin-leveling, and it’s a form of spiritual abuse. 

    Karen McMahon is here to show us how to take back the meaning of these verses to empower and strengthen ourselves. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    The Symbolism on the Cover of All the Scary Little Gods

    The Symbolism on the Cover of All the Scary Little Gods

    During the entire year of 2023, I wrote a book. It was not an easy book for me to write, emotionally, and I’m glad to be done and even more glad to release it into the world soon. In this episode, I discuss why I titled my new book, All the Scary Little Gods, and I explain the symbolism on the front cover.

    Please note: In today's episode, which was recorded several months ago, I mention that All the Scary Little Gods will be released on February 22nd, 2024. It will now be released on February 20th, 2024!

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Strategies to Deal with Toxic Communication Cycles

    Strategies to Deal with Toxic Communication Cycles

    “Communication is key,” right? But healthy communication often isn’t possible with an emotionally abusive individual who twists your words and uses them against you. 

    Today’s conversation is with Mikki Gardner, Certified Life + Conscious Parenting Coach. Mikki’s expertise and knowledge will help propel you forward as you learn how to deal with toxic communication cycles in the context of co-parenting.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    When You are Lonely and Sad in Your Christian Marriage

    When You are Lonely and Sad in Your Christian Marriage

    “I’m really struggling with feeling extremely lonely. How did you deal with this in a healthy way?

    “How do you cope with loneliness? A shattered, broken heart?”

    “We don’t speak to each other at all most of the time, so I just get really lonely for human fellowship and interaction.”

    “I’m feeling really isolated. I just feel sad and alone.”

    “I need help dealing with how lonely I feel all the time.

    Do these expressions of loneliness feel familiar to you? Then today’s episode is for you.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    BONUS EPISODE: New Beliefs for Christian Women in Emotionally and Spiritually Abusive Marriages

    BONUS EPISODE: New Beliefs for Christian Women in Emotionally and Spiritually Abusive Marriages

    On January 1st I asked the Christian women in my private forum to tell me what truth they learned in 2023 that had rocked their world and changed their life forever.

    Then I read their answers, and they took my breath away.

    When I started breathing again, I knew I had to share them with you, so I created this bonus Flying Free podcast episode AND a PDF download for you HERE.

    These are all written by ordinary Christian women in extraordinarily challenging and painful marriages.

    I hope these thoughts will give you hope and a vision for what is possible. 


    Natalie Hoffman

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    How to Change Yourself While Still Stuck in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage: Interview with Diana Swillinger

    How to Change Yourself While Still Stuck in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage: Interview with Diana Swillinger

    Sometimes your circumstances are completely outside of your control, and no matter how much you may want to leave them behind you, you simply cannot. Sometimes this is the emotionally abused woman’s situation. They may want to leave, but they can’t do that today, tomorrow, or even next year. They have to stay for whatever reason. Are they doomed to a life of misery and pain? No. Absolutely not. 

    Diana Swillinger has some practical strategies about how you can grow while staying. You can’t fix your circumstances, but you can transform your SELF. You can focus on your own self-development right where you’re at. Let’s do it together.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Interrupting the Abuse Cycle

    Interrupting the Abuse Cycle

    Have you ever gone around in circles during a conversation with someone with no hope of ever reaching any kind of resolution? The abuse cycle is just like that — a never-ending loop of tension, an explosion, and then most confusing of all, a really “good” part of the cycle where the abuser is seemingly kind. 

    But how do we get off of this chaotic merry-go-round? How do we interrupt the cycle? I’m glad you asked. As a former card-carrying member of the merry-go-round, I have a few ideas for you as you work towards interrupting the cycle. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Ten Steps Out of an Emotionally Abusive "Christian" Marriage

    Ten Steps Out of an Emotionally Abusive "Christian" Marriage

    Getting out of an emotionally abusive marriage is one of the hardest things you could ever do. But the life and healing it can bring after you have finally left the grip of abuse makes this difficult journey worth it.

    In today’s episode, I want to outline a ten-step pathway if you or someone you love is considering getting out of an emotionally and spiritually abusive relationship. Come with me as we climb the ladder out of hell. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    What if My Husband Removed My Access to Money, a Phone, and More?

    What if My Husband Removed My Access to Money, a Phone, and More?

    One of the biggest hurdles to getting out of an abusive relationship is money. Today I’m answering two listener questions related to this issue.

    • “Do I need to submit to having my credit and debit cards taken away and no access to money?” 
    • “How do I launch myself financially after having no experience with money?” 

    These are very common questions emotional abuse survivors have, and I want to answer them in today’s episode. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    How Can I Be a Good Mom in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage?

    How Can I Be a Good Mom in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage?

    If you’ve ever flown on a plane, you know that in case of emergency, the flight attendants always tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help your kids put on theirs. Healing is the same way. We can’t help our kids heal until we heal ourselves. If we stay stuck, our kids are going to suffer right along with us. 

    You get the opportunity to be your kids’ biggest hero, support, and safe space. But you have to be YOUR biggest hero, support, and safe space first. Let’s learn how—together. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Answers to Six Emotional Abuse Survivor Questions

    Answers to Six Emotional Abuse Survivor Questions

    Today’s episode is taken from a live Q&A I did a couple of months ago within the Flying Free program. In this episode, I cover the following issues:

    • I keep feeling like his sadness, loss, and grief over losing me are all my fault.
    • All of a sudden, my husband has a lawyer and a few other suspicious things going on. I know I need a lawyer now too, but I don't have any money and I don't have any time, and I'm stuck.
    • I'm having a hard time speaking my own opinions without stumbling over my words.
    • I feel selfish for wanting a divorce, and I feel resentful that it's dragging out.
    • I'm in an abusive marriage and I'm struggling with how not to feel hurt or react to the ways that he is harming me.
    • I've spent the last three years dragging my feet about filing for divorce. How do I move forward?

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Survivor Story: Stacie

    Survivor Story: Stacie

    What would you do if you found out that your husband of twenty-two years was arrested and put in jail for domestic violence during the time you were first dating him… and you didn’t know about it until now? 

    Stacie’s story is one of betrayal, loss, disappointment, and then a rising from the ashes. After twenty-two years, she finally had the bravery to say “no” to abuse and say “yes” to loving the woman with her name. Follow along as she outlines the red flags that she saw when they were first dating, the tumultuous journey of their marriage as her husband mistreated and abused the woman he promised to love and care for, and the climax — her escape from it all.

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    I Don't Consider Myself to be a Victim, so How Do I Accept the Reality of my Abusive Relationship?

    I Don't Consider Myself to be a Victim, so How Do I Accept the Reality of my Abusive Relationship?

    Many emotional abuse victims have been accused of having a victim mentality—as if the abuse isn’t real. Some victims don’t like to be labeled a “victim.” It sounds weak and powerless. Recently, one of my listeners asked this question: “How do we accept the reality of abuse without living as a victim?

    In today’s episode we’re going to clear up this confusion by answering the following questions:

    • What are ten characteristics of someone who has a victim mentality? 
    • What are the ten characteristics of someone who is a true victim?
    • What are ten ways we go from victim to survivor?

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.

    Untwisting Scriptures About Brokenness and Suffering: Interview with Rebecca Davis

    Untwisting Scriptures About Brokenness and Suffering: Interview with Rebecca Davis

    Join us for a conversation with our special guest, Rebecca Davis, author of the “Untwisting Scriptures” series. Her latest book on brokenness and suffering is the topic of today’s conversation, and we answer questions like “Do you have to be broken to be a good Christian?” “Does God break us down like He breaks down the wicked?” “Is God like a gumball machine - you have to put something in to get something out?” Join us for today’s conversation. 

    Read the show notes and/or ask Natalie a question here

    If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

    I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

    You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

    And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.