
    For Better and Worth

    Chris and Ericka Young are the creators of For Better and Worth. Listen in to learn about why they are starting this ongoing conversation about relationships and money. It's fun, engaging, and worth the investment of your time. Stay tuned for more episodes dropping soon!
    enEricka Young63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    Ep 43: The Paradox of More Money: How It Can Create More Financial Problems

    Ep 43: The Paradox of More Money: How It Can Create More Financial Problems

    Have you ever found yourself thinking that if you had more money, your financial problems would disappear? It's a common assumption, but is it actually true?

    In this episode, Chris and Ericka explore the paradox of more money and how it can potentially create more financial problems. We discuss real statistics and delve into personal experiences to help you reflect on your own approach to money management. 

    Finally, provide some tips to help you avoid the pitfalls of more money and lead a more financially secure life. Tune in now!


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 42: Is Your Self Worth Tied to Your Net Worth?

    Ep 42: Is Your Self Worth Tied to Your Net Worth?

    Many of us tend to measure our worthiness through our net worth. We believe that the more money we have, the more successful we are.

    The fact is, money is just a means to an end, and it should not define our worth. 

    In this podcast episode, Chris and Ericka delve deep into the crucial balance between self-worth and net worth and the path to thriving financially.   


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 41: It's Me or the Dog

    Ep 41: It's Me or the Dog

    Pets can bring joy, comfort, and companionship to our lives. For many of us, our pets are part of our family and their companionship is invaluable.

    However, when it comes to pet ownership, couples may have different perspectives and priorities that can lead to conflicts. These disagreements can range from who should take care of the pet to how much money should be spent on pet care. This can put a strain on the relationship, particularly when it comes to finances. 

    In this podcast episode, Chris and Ericka will share their unexpected experiences with pet ownership and how they have found common ground.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 40: Growing Up in a Single-Parent Household Has Its Advantages

    Ep 40: Growing Up in a Single-Parent Household Has Its Advantages

    Growing up in a single-parent household can be challenging, but it can also provide valuable life lessons. Both Chris and Ericka grew up in single-parent households, and they credit their upbringing with teaching them responsibility, work ethic, hustle, and resilience.

    Listen in to hear how they feel about the advantages of having a single parent. There are benefits and life skills gained from growing up in a single-parent household and it can help families raising children to be financially responsible.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 39: It Takes Courage to Have Meaningful Money Conversations

    Ep 39: It Takes Courage to Have Meaningful Money Conversations

    Money can be funny.  But, most of the time talking about money isn't funny at all!

    In this episode, Chris and Ericka discuss how it takes courage to have meaningful money conversations in relationships.

    Identifying personal hot buttons around money helps people understand what is required in order to elevate the conversation.  We share our own experiences where courage was necessary.  

    It took courage to make some financial decisions but the outcomes are worth the effort.  Although you may not be able to see that right away.

    Having these conversations can help people make lemonade out of lemons. An important element of these conversations is the ability to recognize individual discomfort around certain topics, along with taking courageous steps to address them. Listen in to learn more.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 38: What is the Cost of Doing Nothing With Your Finances?

    Ep 38: What is the Cost of Doing Nothing With Your Finances?

    Sometimes it just feels good to do nothing. Just chillin' out, relaxing, and allowing life to happen without your intervention feels good. Until it doesn't.

    It is important to think about what you might be missing in life if you don't change your money habits. There may be adventures, experiences, causes, etc. that you can't participate in if you don't get your financial house in order.  Waiting isn't always going to work in your favor. Especially with money.

    Listen to Chris and Ericka discuss how the cost of staying the same financially could be harmful and what to do about it.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 37: How to Plug the Money Leaks

    Ep 37: How to Plug the Money Leaks

    Have you ever found yourself wondering where does all of my money go? Do you have this feeling that one day the bottom will fall out, a major life event will happen or you won't have enough cash to weather an important storm?

    These concerns affect everyone.  However, the small "money leaks" could be the real culprit that makes you feel like you don't have enough when you need it.

    Tune in to hear how Chris and Ericka have handled these money leaks and get some tips on plugging them up yourself.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 36: You Don't Always Have to See Eye to Eye - The Visionary and Realist Can Co-Exist

    Ep 36: You Don't Always Have to See Eye to Eye - The Visionary and Realist Can Co-Exist

    Sometimes our differences cause us to feel like we are in two different spectrums.  One partner may cast a vision and dream. The other partner may see only in terms of today and the reality of a situation. Neither perspective is better than the other.

    The way we view life may vary from moment to moment. Learning to appreciate our differing views and use them for the good of the relationship is where the magic happens.

    Check out how Chris and Ericka see the world as either visionaries or realists and hear the benefits of both life perspectives.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 35: How to Get Through an Argument Without Ruining Your Relationship

    Ep 35:  How to Get Through an Argument Without Ruining Your Relationship

    Call it whatever you want: a fight, disagreement or argument.  No matter how you name it the way you handle these tender moments is critical.

    Chris and Ericka have termed their disagreements in a way that keeps in mind the big picture. Listen in as they share ways they have been able to move through challenging times and still like each other.

    You won't agree on everything but you can agree on how you will navigate heating discussions to preserve your friendship and relationship.

    You don't want to miss this one!


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 34: You Don't Need All the Answers to Teach Your Kids About Money

    Ep 34: You Don't Need All the Answers to Teach Your Kids About Money

    If you don't enjoy talking about money with your partner, it is probably hard to discuss it with your kids That is the challenge a lot of people face.

    We have all made mistakes with money and many times we choose to shield those moments from our kids. But, what if we invited them to share in the wins and losses? What if we discussed money even when we didn't feel like it? What if we taught money lessons while we were learning too?

    In this episode, you will hear exactly how Chris and Ericka approached educating their kids about money matters during their get out of debt journey.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 33: It's the 25th Anniversary Edition!

    Ep 33: It's the 25th Anniversary Edition!

    It's been 25 years since we got married! 

    Most marriages don't make it this long. Chris and Ericka don't take that for granted.  In this episode, they reminisce, share tips for longevity, and think about what they look forward to next. 

    Although marriage is beautiful and well worth the journey it also takes intentionality to go the distance. Listen in to hear how they've handled (or juggled) it all. 

    You don't want to miss this one!


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 32: You Can Learn Money Lessons From Any Generation

    Ep 32: You Can Learn Money Lessons From Any Generation

    In this episode, Chris and Ericka chat with their daughter Olivia Young, a current college student. Her Gen Z perspective and wise approach to college choice and savings provide valuable insights for anyone who tunes in. 

    If you have kids listen in.  If your kids are college-bound listen in.  If you are an adult looking to get your financial house in order... listen in.  Even Chris and Ericka received some good nuggets from their own daughter.

    You don't want to miss this one!


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 31: Financial Lessons from a Millennial

    Ep 31: Financial Lessons from a Millennial

    We can learn a lot from generations that come after us.  As a special treat, this week we dive into the perspective of our oldest daughter Faith.

    Listen in as she shares about what it was like to grow up in our household, her thoughts on budgeting, and what goal she's working on right now.

    She made us laugh and also very proud. Her advice to parents and her peers is priceless.  You don't want to miss this episode!



    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

    Check out our local TV spotlight

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 30: Do Good but Not Too Good

    Ep 30: Do Good but Not Too Good

    Have you ever felt like people want you to do good but not too good? There seems to be a limit to what other people can handle when it comes to your success. This could cause you to censor your wins and successes simply because of what other might say.

    It is hard to decide when, how, and which whom to share your financial progress. But it might be better to not care about the naysayers all together.

    This week Chris and Ericka share how their financial wins caused some reflection and made them take pause.  Listen in to hear how they handled the changes throughout their financial journey.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 29: Is Being in Debt a Moral Issue?

    Ep 29: Is Being in Debt a Moral Issue?

    There are lots of feelings and emotions around having debt and/or using credit. The emotions can lead you to feel like you've done something wrong on your financial journey.  And maybe you have made mistakes. But we've all done that, right?

    So, how do you handle the dlemma over the "rights" and "wrongs" of being in debt? Is there an actual right way to maneuver in life financially?

    Tune in this week to hear how Chris and Ericka view this potential moral dilemma and what to do about it.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 28: Do You Have Non-Negotiables?

    Ep 28: Do You Have Non-Negotiables?

    Everyone has their limits.  Even if you don't say it out loud you know where the lines are drawn. You could have spending limits, relationship barriers, or family boundaries.  These limits help you feel safe and keep you feeling like you can make it when times get tough or money is tight.

    Have you thought about the things you either can't live without or the places in your relationship that you literally won't touch? In this episode, Chris and Ericka share what they call "non-negotiables" or "no matter what's." 

    It can be very helpful to know where the lines are drawn to protect you, your money, and your relationship. Listen in to hear more...


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 27: I'm Throwing Caution to the Wind: Forget the Budget!

    Ep 27: I'm Throwing Caution to the Wind: Forget the Budget!

    Have you ever felt like you wanted to forget the budget, stop tracking your expenses, and just relax financially? Everyone has!  Doing this stuff consistently is hard!

    What you do in these moments is key. There are some important concepts to think about when you are at a point where you are tired of the financial journey.

    Even financial gurus and experts have days where they get sick and tired of doing the "right thing."  Hear about how Chris and Ericka navigate these moments.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep 26: How Much is Enough?

    Ep 26: How Much is Enough?

    Have you ever wondered about how much money you need to have and then how much is actually ENOUGH? Is there an amount of money in which you will be happy and taken care of for life?  And can you even save Enough?

    The answer to this question is as unique as the person being asked.   But trying to understand how much is enough brings up other discussions especially if you and your partner don't see eye to eye on what it is and how to get there.

    Check out this week's episode to see what Chris and Ericka think about Enough.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    EP: 25 Does Iron Sharpen Iron... Financially?

    EP: 25 Does Iron Sharpen Iron... Financially?

    Couples, partners, spouse, etc can get on each others last nerves! But, there is always something for us to learn from each other. AND that learning can strengthen the relationship.

    It takes intention to identify and appreciate our differences and what we both bring to the financial table. 

    Listen in to find out how we see the best in each other and use our gifts to their best ability.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung


    Ep: 24 Friends Take'em or Leave'em on the Financial Freedom Journey?

    Ep: 24 Friends Take'em or Leave'em on the Financial Freedom Journey?

    Sometimes it is hard to talk about money, especially with friends.  Finding support, partners in debt-freedom or simply encouragement can be hard.

    We have navigated a variety of relationships and even moments that were surprising on our journey to financial freedom on our terms.  No matter what you desire in the future, getting there is so much more fun with friends who "get you."

    Listen in to hear more about how to speak up for yourself AND ensure you aren't alone when you find your version of freedom.


    Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

    Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @forbetterandworth

    YouTube: @forbetterandworth

    Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

    Chris: @1cbyoung