
    For You Radio

    “What is the gospel?” Responses continuously return to an inward-looking faith instead of a faith that clings externally to the astonishing mercy of Christ Jesus, who took the sin of the world into Himself on the cross and breathed out His life for and onto His creation.  In this act of sacrifice, Jesus is indeed the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Through His resurrection, Jesus Christ has given His promise of eternal life in Him.
    en1517 Podcasts264 Episodes

    Episodes (264)

    You're too glorious

    You're too glorious

    As they continue to discuss good works, Craig and Troy bring in two theological systems: the Theology of Glory and Theology of Cross. How do these things relate to good works? What does it mean to have a Theology of Glory? To whom should we ascribe glory?

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    What makes good good?

    Justified? By? Works?

    Justified? By?  Works?

    There are two kinds of righteousness, what are they? Are we saved by good works, or are we saved to do good works? What does it mean to be righteous before God? What does it even mean to do a good work? Craig and Troy begin to unpack the thorny issue of doing good works.


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    The end . . . but not the end of The Story

    The end . . . but not the end of The Story

    As Paul closes out the letter to the Colossians, he mentions a number of names. Often, we're inclined to just skip over those and forget them. But their work is not forgotten, and neither is yours.

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    The "S" word

    The "S" word

    No, not that one . . . this is the other "s" word that no one wants to hear: submit. Paul instructs spouses, families, and the workplace in how God intends for society to properly function. It is a matter of freely giving to one another and faithfully acting according to your vocation.

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    Death to the old! Put on the new!

    Death to the old!  Put on the new!

    God encourages us to take off the old sinful self. Kill it, bury it, burn it, and to put on the new, which is life hidden away in Christ. It is the church's desire to put of the sinful, earthly things of the past and to put on the new heavenly things of Christ.

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    How's your walk?

    How's your walk?

    Well, it better be in Christ. Paul refutes the Colossian heresy by emphasizing Christ alone as the foundation of our faith, and how that faith is lived out through right belief and right practice. Our works, efforts, and merits count for nothing in the salvation equation.

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    Suffering for your sake

    Suffering for your sake

    Paul wants to tell the church in Colossae two things: one, that Jesus Christ suffered for them and serves them, and that two, Paul is following the footsteps of Christ. Pastor Paul has the heart of the Shepherd, and in fact cannot do anything apart from Jesus.

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    The God you see

    The God you see

    Based upon Paul's opening hymn in Collosians, Craig and Troy discuss how the Christian faith is a flesh-and-blood faith, and always will be. The incarnational reality of Christ and His creation means that the faith is not simply spiritual. What can it mean when the Bible says Jesus is that which holds all things together?

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    Your pastor is a tool

    Your pastor is a tool

    How are we filled with the knowledge and spirtiual wisdom and understanding of God? Craig and Troy talk about God's delivery of His truth in Jesus Christ mediated through His appointed means of the Word. Spoiler alert: in the end, it's all about Jesus.

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    "Grace to you, and peace"

    "Grace to you, and peace"

    Craig and Troy begin a new series as they open the book of Colossians. What hereies trouble this church? What truths do they firmly hold to? Paul writes from prison, but he sets the Colossians free with the gospel.

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    Colossians 1:1-8

    Bonusode: Merry Christmas from us at For You Radio!

    Bonusode: Merry Christmas from us at For You Radio!

    We hope and pray that you are celebrating a blessed Christmas, and wanted to bless you with a bit of family tradition: the reading of the Christmas story from Luke chapter two. Merry Christmas!

    Show Notes:

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    Mary's Christmas For You

    Mary's Christmas For You

    What's the deal with Christmas? Is the incarnation of Christ that big a deal? The answer is an unqualified yes. Craig and Troy talk about the importance of the incarnation and the heresies that denied it. Listen for Mary as the mother of God, for two boards glued together, and for drops of wine in the ocean. Merry Christmas to you from For You Radio!

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    Wild man with a big finger

    Wild man with a big finger

    John the Baptist unfailingly and unflinchingly points to Jesus, even from the womb. From the womb to the tomb, he points to Jesus. How did John know that Jesus was the promised Messiah, and what did he do while he was waiting for Him to come?

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    The waiting is the hardest part

    The waiting is the hardest part

    Mary hears the word of God and then waits on the Word of God to be born from her womb. What shall we say, is Mary the Mother of God? And if so, what does that mean? Craig and Troy talk about Jesus taking on our flesh to be our savior.

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    Give me oil for my lamp!

    Give me oil for my lamp!

    Why make Christmas a time of rushing and dashing around, when instead we could enter into a quiet time of the waiting of Advent? Craig and Troy discuss what it means to wait for Jesus' coming, both His first coming and His second coming.

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    Thanks for the fleas!

    Thanks for the fleas!

    When Black Friday comes, are you still thankful? When troubled times come, are you still thankful? What about in good times? Craig and Troy discuss being thankful in all circumstances.

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    Rites, rituals, and righteousness

    Rites, rituals, and righteousness

    Spurred on by last week's conversation, Craig and Troy discuss how tradition is part of an entire philosophy of Christian worship and Christian living. Is there value to tradition? Why do humans love ritual?

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    The tradition edition

    The tradition edition

    TradiSHUUUUNNN! TRADITION!  Spurred on by last week's thoughts on All Saints' Day, Craig and Troy think about the traditions of the liturgical calendar and the lectionary reading cycle.  


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    How many saints? ALL the saints!

    How many saints?  ALL the saints!

    Seriously, what even IS All Saints' Day?  Isn't that just some weird Catholic thing?  Didn't we give up praying to saints a long time ago?  And who even are "the saints"?
    Craig and Troy discuss All Saints' Day, its place on the liturgical calendar, and its good and valuable place in our Christian lives.

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