
    From the Swamp to the States- an ATR Podcast

    Take a trip across the 50 states and keep up with the policies and politics that impact your wallet.
    enAmericans for Tax Reform40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    Free to Move, But Not Work - Licensing Reform Part 2

    Free to Move, But Not Work - Licensing Reform Part 2

    When it's time to move, many Americans have to leave their right to work in their chosen profession behind until they've jumped through the necessary hoops to get a new occupational license in their destination state. Steven Slivinski with the Center for the Study of Economic Liberty at Arizona State explains why these restrictions are harmful, and how universal licensing recognition can unlock jobs and lead to additional reform.

    Freedom Keeps Advancing in Florida Legislature, Not Without Effort

    Freedom Keeps Advancing in Florida Legislature, Not Without Effort
    The Sunshine State is a beacon of great tax and free market policy. The 2020 legislative session saw more progress made, but not always smoothly, as some priorities were left behind. AFP Florida State Director Skylar Zander joins the podcast to talk occupational licensing, health care reform, improving the criminal justice system and more.

    Lessons from the Battleground. Ohio Cuts Taxes, Regs, But Keeps Spending.

    Lessons from the Battleground. Ohio Cuts Taxes, Regs, But Keeps Spending.

    The Buckeye State is making progress for taxpayers, with some tax cuts, regulatory reform, and more. While setting some good examples, the state's Medicaid expansion and rising spending levels aren't examples other states want to follow. Buckeye Institute's Greg Lawson joins the podcast to talk all this and more.

    High-risk Property Tax Reform. Florida Man Gets a Win.

    High-risk Property Tax Reform. Florida Man Gets a Win.

    Nebraska is considering a massive property tax reform package, but it includes big tax hikes used to tamp down property taxes. Will it work? Or turn into a tax increase? Platte Institute's Sarah Curry and Adam Weinburg explain.

    Criminal justice reforms finally pass in Florida, though some measures didn't make it over the finish line. We have a conversation with Greg Newburn, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, on the Florida First Step Act.

    New Jersey is Latest Target for Attacks on Free Speech, with Erica Jedynak, AFP NJ

    New Jersey is Latest Target for Attacks on Free Speech, with Erica Jedynak, AFP NJ

    Attacks on free speech at the state level continue to spread as governments look for ways to control how groups and individuals speak out on public policy and political issues.

    We talk to Erica Jedynak with Americans for Prosperity in New Jersey about the legislature's attack on free speech ahead of a vote in the State Senate Thursday (2/21); as well as an update on the Fight for 15's unfortunate win in Jersey. We also provide a brief heads up on issues alive in the states!

    For more, visit www.ATR.org.

    Election Day 2018: What's on Your Ballot, and Why It Matters

    Election Day 2018: What's on Your Ballot, and Why It Matters

    Taxes, the minimum wage, justice reform, and American energy. Listen as policy experts from across the country weigh in on more of the most important ballot initiatives this November.

    • Mike Kraus of the Independence Institute tackles competing resolutions to fix Colorado’s “damn” roads.
    • Patrick Ishmael from the Show Me Institute addresses gas taxes and a proposed hike in Missouri’s minimum wage.
    • Brent Mead of the Montana Policy Institute reviews initiatives on mining and healthcare taxes.
    • Daniel Dew considers criminal justice reform in Ohio.
    • Lightning Round

    A Tax on Everything, Tom Steyer’s Energy Takeover, & Blocking Grocery Taxes - Ballot Measures Part 1

    A Tax on Everything, Tom Steyer’s Energy Takeover, & Blocking Grocery Taxes - Ballot Measures Part 1
    Free speech, energy, and plenty of taxes. With elections near, experts discuss key ballot measures.  
    • Jeff Kropf from Oregon Capitol Watch addresses proposals in the Beaver State to ban grocery fees and require super majorities for tax increases. (1:05) 
    • Joe Coletti of the John Locke Foundation considers a proposition to constitutionally cap North Carolina’s income tax. (15:05) 
    • Michael Schaus of the Nevada Policy Research Institute explores Nevada measures about taxes on medical equipment and environmental regulation. (19:55)  
    • ATR’s Paul Blair & Mike Palicz analyze Washington’s proposal for a carbon tax. (37:55) 
    • Eric Peterson of the Free Speech Institute deals with multiple measures to restrict first amendment liberties. (49:55)