
    Futura Talks

    The motivation to launch this show is rooted in my desire to inspire women and diverse leaders who are considering a path of entrepreneurship, solopreneurship, freelancing and leading in their current or future organizations – basically anyone who is looking to level-up in both their life and business. I believe it is extremely helpful and important for us to have examples of diverse leaders who have pursued these paths so we can learn from them and find inspiration to follow our own entrepreneurial dreams. This is near and dear to my heart as I spent most of my life pursuing a career path in finance that was outwardly considered successful, with progressive jumps up the ladder rung but inside, I was not fulfilled or happy. Then, four years ago that all changed when I decided to take a leap and launch my own business and I went from a corporate professional to an entrepreneur, business coach & mentor who is obsessed with learning about future trends and innovative & disruptive ideas. And I love hearing and sharing the stories of the people behind those ideas. I believe the future will be built by those who see opportunity where others see uncertainty. It will be built by individuals that don’t look like the traditional leaders of our past but by women and individuals from diverse backgrounds that see the world differently and who are driven to make it better for all. This podcast will feature these people – self-made leaders & entrepreneurs that defy odds and are motivated to build a better Futura.
    enFarrah Khimji59 Episodes

    Episodes (59)

    Double Down On This Investment…. You!

    Double Down On This Investment…. You!

    Let's talk about investing in yourself. I'm not talking about buying luxury cars or extravagant vacations; I'm talking about investing in your growth, your development, and your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    Picture it as planting a seed that grows into a forest of accomplishments. When you invest in yourself, you're sowing the seeds of true personal wealth and abundance. It's like creating a savings account for your own development, one that yields dividends far beyond monetary gains.

    The most remarkable investments you can make aren't in stocks or real estate; they're investments in yourself. By embracing personal and professional growth, you're making a commitment to your own future.

    In this episode I share:

    • The 5 reasons why investing yourself is so important
    • The 5 questions you can ask yourself to assess where you are at with this on your own journey

    Whether it's expanding your knowledge through education, nurturing your physical and mental well-being, building a strong network, fostering meaningful relationships, or daring to take calculated risks – each investment contributes to your own personal capital.

    Remember this: You are the finest investment you can ever make. Your potential is boundless, and the returns on this investment will span a lifetime. When you invest in yourself, you're setting the stage for lasting success and fulfillment.


    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


    Follow Farrah on LinkedIn

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    The Power of Connection with Erin Sisko

    The Power of Connection with Erin Sisko

    Joining us on the Podcast this week is the Founder of The Elleiance Network Erin Sisko. The Elleiance Network is Canada’s fastest growing membership-based, small group business mastermind experience exclusively for ambitious women entrepreneurs. As a service and impact-based business, Elleiance connects women entrepreneurs to a network of critical business capital required to support women to dream big and have the confidence to go for it. 

    At Elleiance, Erin facilitates creative experiences, informative workshops and provides one to one business support. Erin knows that building a business beyond your wildest dreams requires access to many resources and that we are better together.

    Since leaving the corporate world in 2021 where she worked in Corporate Banking for over 10 years , Erin has achieved her real estate license helping entrepreneurs buy, sell or lease their next big step in their business journey. Erin has become a certified Business Coach through the Institute of Coaching Mastery and received a completion certificate of the Financial Feminism Investing Lab Course Delivered in partnership by The 51 and The University of Calgary. In addition to continuous learning, Erin loves hands-on experiences in business and achieves this as an angel investor, business investor, founder, shareholder, partner and board director.

    Erin is a super connector who truly believes that one connection can change your life, and she knows this because it changed hers!

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The turning point that made her realize it was time to start her own business, and the exciting leap she took to follow her dreams.
    • Falling in love with the process of finding your purpose
    • The top three challenges that women often encounter on their business journeys 
    • The power of connection and its importance as an entrepreneur and more!


    Website: https://www.elleiance.ca/

    LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/erin-sisko-85456251



    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

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    Embracing the Power of Pause: Moving Beyond Hustle Culture

    Embracing the Power of Pause: Moving Beyond Hustle Culture

    In today's bustling world, it's all too easy to get caught up in the constant stream of information and distractions. But what if I told you that the key to clarity, inspiration, and personal alignment lies in the simple act of pausing?

    When we allow ourselves to take a break, we grant our minds the opportunity to tune into our own thoughts and connect with our higher self. Amidst the noise of social media, news, and external influences, it becomes challenging to hear our own inner voice. But through a moment of stillness, we can reconnect with our authentic selves and discover the wisdom that resides within.

    Pausing might seem unproductive, as if we're not accomplishing anything tangible. But in reality, it is during these pauses that we experience a reset—a chance to re-align and reconnect. We gain access to our inner wisdom, our intuition, and the guidance that comes from within. It is in these moments of internal reflection that we can discover what truly matters to us, what ignites our passions, and what aligns with our authentic selves.

    In this episode I share:

    • How Hustle Culture is counterproductive
    • Why we need to reframe the stigma around taking a break
    • The top 5 benefits that you experience when you give yourself the permission to pause

    This reconnection with our inner selves is where true inspiration lies. It's from this space of clarity that we can unveil our deepest desires, passions, and purpose. Sometimes, we don't need to take more action; instead, we need to take a step back and listen to the whispers of our souls.

    So, let's embrace the power of pausing and prioritize these moments of self-reflection. By doing so, we grant ourselves the gift of self-awareness and self-discovery. It's in these quiet moments that we gather the strength to make meaningful decisions and move towards our desired outcomes with clarity and purpose.

    What If It All Serves The Purpose Of Helping You Find Yours

    What If It All Serves The Purpose Of Helping You Find Yours

    When faced with failure, we are presented with a choice: Do we surrender and give up, or do we rise and bounce back?

    Think about it. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. When we encounter challenges, setbacks, and failures, they push us beyond our comfort zones and test our limits. They may initially feel like obstacles in our path, but when we find meaning in those struggles, we unlock their potential as catalysts for personal development and self-improvement. It's in those moments of adversity that we have the opportunity to use them as fuel, propelling us forward on our journey.

    I firmly believe that we learn more from our challenges and setbacks than we do from our triumphs. In fact, we learn that setbacks are not the end of our journey. They are merely stepping stones, guiding us toward greater accomplishments. Each time we rise again, we grow stronger and more resilient than we ever imagined. It is a testament to our ability to adapt, persevere, and overcome.

    In this episode I share:

    • Why it is important to find meaning in the challenges and setbacks that we face in our lives
    • Three profound lessons that we can learn from failures and setbacks

    In the face of adversity, we discover our inner resources, our resilience, and our capacity to thrive even in the most challenging circumstances. It is through these trials that we find our true selves and unlock our untapped potential.

    Embrace this power and rise strong after every setback. Challenges are the stepping stones to your personal growth journey. Learn, adapt, and grow. The choice is yours—will you surrender or rise again?

    You’re Never Going To Be Ready

    You’re Never Going To Be Ready

    Picture this: you find yourself standing at a crossroads, contemplating whether to take a leap of faith or remain in your comfort zone. You may be hesitant, questioning whether you're truly ready or if the timing is perfect. But here's the reality: waiting for the ideal moment is an illusion, and regret is a powerful force.

    As I reflect on my entrepreneurial path, I recall a turning point that defied all my expectations. It started with the loss of my job—a job I wasn't particularly happy in, to begin with. But on that fateful day, something inside me sparked. By the evening, I made a decision: I was going to start a business. There were no elaborate plans, no concrete ideas, and not even a name. I simply followed my desires, intuition, and passions, taking stock of what truly mattered to me.

    Driven by a deep desire to make a difference, I started engaging with female entrepreneurs, seeking to understand how I could help. Eventually, it led me to supporting startups to launch, scale and grow their companies, to the world of coaching and, now, the launch of this very podcast—an avenue to showcase diverse entrepreneurial stories.

    The truth is, none of this was initially part of my plan. But I realized that by focusing on a problem I cared deeply about, I could make a significant impact. I learned and adapted along the way, building momentum and shaping a business around my passions.

    In this episode I share:

    • How the power of starting small can help discovering your own capabilities
    • The fallacy of waiting to be ready
    • The 5 truths about chasing your dreams

    A key realization that struck me on this journey was that readiness is a myth. Looking back, I can say with certainty that if I had waited until I felt ready, I would still be waiting today. Waiting for the stars to align is an endless waiting game.

    So, I invite you to ask yourself: What problem ignites your passion? What is the calling you can't ignore? Remember, the right moment may never arrive. Today is the day to wake up and decide that things will be different. Take that leap of faith, even if you don't have all the answers. Embrace the uncertainty and discover the incredible possibilities that await you.


    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call  HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Imperfect Action = IMPACT [NOV 2022]

    Imperfect Action = IMPACT [NOV 2022]

    Are you a perfectionist?

    If so, this podcast episode  is for you!

    Striving for perfection is unrealistic and can hold us back from taking meaningful and impactful action.

    As a recovering perfectionist, I know the feeling all too well. But taking messy and imperfect action has allowed me to launch my business, podcast, and countless other initiatives - bringing so much joy and opportunity into my life.

    In this episode I talked about:

    • What happens when you sit in inaction
    • Why it is important to get over our need to show up perfectly
    • Top three benefits and outcomes you will experience when you start taking imperfect action

    Tune in to learn more about how perfectionism may be holding you back, and why imperfect action is the way forward!


    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Do You Suffer From Approval Addiction?

    Do You Suffer From Approval Addiction?

    Last week we delved into a topic that struck a chord with so many of you: the importance of caring about what others think. The response was overwhelming and it made me realize just how deeply caring about others' opinions affects us in countless ways.

    But here's the thing, I also discovered that I'm still grappling with this issue myself, despite having worked through many layers of it. It's like an onion with hidden depths, manifesting both consciously and subconsciously. Even after releasing that episode, I caught myself hoping for people's approval, which revealed that I was still creating from a place of pleasing others.

    Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with seeking approval, right? After all, we want the validation and acceptance of those around us because we care about them. However, the reality is that if we are relying on others' opinions as a measure of our self-worth that can be incredibly harmful.

    That realization propelled me to dive even deeper into this topic and bring you part 2, where we will unpack what's truly going on and explore why and what you should care about instead.

    In this episode I share:

    • WHY we still care so much about what others think even when we think we don’t.
    • Three main areas where the need for approval, acceptance and validation can have serious consequences
    • Why and what you should care about instead

    Ultimately, it’s important to realize how pointless it really is to focus on pleasing others - it breeds uncertainty and halts your dreams. The truth is that we all have inherent worth and purpose, regardless of what others think. Tune in now and so you can start focusing on the only approval you really need - your own! 


    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


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    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Futura Talks
    enJune 14, 2023

    Stop Caring So Much… About What Others Think

    Stop Caring So Much… About What Others Think

    Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what others think of you? Does this hold you back from pursuing your goals and dreams? If so, then it's time to stop caring about what others think so you can live an empowered life. 

    This can be a difficult mindset to adopt, especially if you've spent your whole life seeking approval from others. But once you let go of this need for validation, you'll find that you can finally be yourself and be truly happy.

    In this episode I share:

    • The reasons why we care so much about what other think
    • What happens to us (and our dreams) when we are constantly seeking approval
    • Steps you can take to stop caring so much about what others think so you can live your most expressed and empowered self

    Take a listen and remember that when you stop caring about what others think, you'll find that you can finally live the life you were meant to live.

    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


    Follow Farrah on LinkedIn

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Futura Talks
    enJune 07, 2023

    Give Yourself Permission to Reinvent and Transform Your Life

    Give Yourself Permission to Reinvent and Transform Your Life

    As I approach a milestone birthday (the big 4-0), I have been reflecting (a lot)!

    Reflecting about my journey to date and more so about the journey ahead of me. And in this period of reflection I have connected with countless others that are also reflecting and this is what I have discovered in the process:

    • Our life is made up of a collection of chapters that make up one grand story
    • That we are the authors of our own story and therefore, we have the power to pen a new chapter
    • We choose what comes with us into the next chapter and we have the ability to leave what no longer serves us behind
    • We can give ourselves permission to change the story - especially if we don’t like how it’s been going do far
    • That it’s okay and necessary to reinvent ourselves so we can step into the best version of ourselves
    • A version that allows us to show up for ourselves and others in our highest capacity
    • And that we get to choose whether our story will be a horror story or one that makes us smile - one that is full of meaning, purpose and enjoyment!

    Tune into this episode and ask yourself these questions:


    • Do you like how your story is going?
    • What would you change (and why)?
    • What do you want to experience in this lifetime?
    • How do you want to show up everyday?

    AND, what is one action you can take today towards writing (and living) the biggest, grandest and most epic next chapter of your life?

    The possibilities are endless, and the power is in our hands. Let's seize it and make our story one that makes us smile. Let's write a life that inspires and empowers both ourselves and those around us.


    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


    Follow Farrah on LinkedIn

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

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    Are you ready for change?

    Are you ready for change?

    I want to share a personal story that inspired today's topic of change. It all began with my father's habit of drinking Gingerale, despite its high sugar content. I tried to introduce him to a healthier alternative called Zevia. However, he has been so resistant to change and this experience led me to reflect on why we are so often resistant to change even if we know it will be better for us. 

    Through my father's experience with Gingerale, I learned that change cannot be forced upon others. Instead, it must stem from personal motivation and a genuine desire for change. By leading by example and embarking on our own journeys of self improvement we can inspire those around us to consider their own transformations. And remember, change should not be feared but rather seen as an opportunity for growth. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Why it is important to embrace change
    • Focusing on WHY you want to change as the first step
    • Ways you can start making positive change in your life today 

    Tune in and let me know, what changes are you willing to embrace today? And, if you need help as you navigate the journey of change together - feel free to book a free discovery call with me - link ⬇️


    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


    Follow Farrah on LinkedIn

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call  HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    It’s Time For Courage

    It’s Time For Courage

    In 2016, a leader that I admire, George Carras, shared this idea at an event I attended, he said:

    “Courage is for the soul what exercise is for the body”

    Since then, I have loved thinking about the concept of courage and more so, finding the courage to do courageous things!

    Every act of courage ignites something deep inside of us - it is like an awakening of sorts. We are pushing boundaries and learning more and more about ourselves and what we are made of.

    For me, deciding to follow the path of entrepreneurship was the ultimate act of courage - it was uncharted territory - it felt risky but doing it has fed my soul in ways I can’t even explain.

    Starting your own business is a daunting task, but it's one of the most rewarding things you can do. However, being an entrepreneur is not for the faint-hearted. It takes courage, determination, and a willingness to take risks. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Why having courage is an essential trait for entrepreneurs
    • The six things you can do to start building your courage muscle today

    Listen in and let me know, what courageous act do you plan to take next? And, if you need support to build the courage to pursue your dreams feel free to book a free discovery call with me - link ⬇️


    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Leading The Tech For Good Movement with Kelly Emery

    Leading The Tech For Good Movement with Kelly Emery

    Joining us on the podcast this week is Kelly Emery, an accomplished fintech founder turned social entrepreneur. In 2021, she launched Troop, a social enterprise that makes it easier for small and midsize businesses to practice corporate social responsibility, engage employees, and make a difference in their neighborhoods. Kelly is a trailblazer in the ‘tech for good’ space using technology to unleash generosity in communities.

    As a DMZ Women of the Year award recipient, Kelly’s leadership in the Canadian technology ecosystem pre-dates Troop. In 2008, she co-founded RateSupermarket.ca, Canada's first financial service marketplace, which was acquired by Kanetix Ltd in 2013. Kelly is an experienced executive and successful entrepreneur who is driven by her vision: to build communities where no basic needs go unmet.

    Kelly is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, one that has found a way to  marry her skill sets, experience and interests to solve a big problem in the landscape of giving and fulfilling community needs. Her purpose is one that inspires me and I know it will inspire  you too!

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Starting a side hustle and how you don’t need a ton of capital or experience to start (you just need to start)
    • Why it is important to start small, be scrappy and truly understand the problem and your stakeholders before launching
    • How to discover your purpose by taking time and space to understand how you can be of service to others 
    • Living to your full potential and so much more!


    Website: https://hitroop.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-emery-b3607875/



    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Beyond Perfection: Finding Your Purpose in Imperfection

    Beyond Perfection: Finding Your Purpose in Imperfection

    “You don’t have to be perfect to have purpose”

    I heard motivational speaker Trent Shelton share this sentiment and it stirred up an immediate energy and excitement in me because one of my favourite speakers so eloquently combined two of my favourite topics together and in the most simple and effective way conveyed something I have been thinking about a lot.

    I find that people often shy away from sharing or declaring their purpose for fear of getting it wrong or it not being “perfect” and what I have come to realize is that discovering your purpose actually lies in the imperfection.

    It’s the challenges, the failures, the mistakes, the setbacks and those imperfect moments that lead you closer to discovering your why. 

    Why you are here. What you are meant to learn and then what you are meant to teach, create and share with the world.

    My business was born out of a need to create something so others wouldn’t have to experience the same setbacks as me. So I could help others face their fears. So I could help others build businesses or pivot their careers.

    AND, the imperfect moments were a necessary part of my growth and evolution that has brought me closer to living with a sense of purpose.

    So this week we talked about:

    1. Why “perfect” is holding you back from purpose
    2. The 5 truths about perfectionism
    3. 5 steps you can take to embrace imperfection

    Listen in and let me know - what is holding you back from going all in on your purpose driven dreams? And, if you need support to relaunch yourself with purpose - check out the program linked ⬇️


    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    It’s Time To Accelerate Your Results

    It’s Time To Accelerate Your Results

    Are you ready to take your life, career, business, and mindset to the next level and achieve quantum leap results? In this episode, I'm going to talk about how mindset coaching can help you do just that!

    Mindset coaching has grown in popularity in recent years, yet many still believe it is a novelty and not a must have. I have found that with the right mindset  we can experience improved results in all many aspects of our lives. Especially when we can address our own limiting beliefs and build confidence in our ability to achieve our goals. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    1. How you can work with a coach to accelerate your results
    2. The top 7 ways that working will impact your life

    If you’re ready to take your results to the next level, coaching might be the right next step for you.

    And if you need support with accelerating your results then I encourage you to join my program: The Purposeful Relaunch. It is all about relaunching your life with greater purpose. And also being able to intentionally work on the goals and dreams that you have for your life in a very structured yet creative, open and supportive environment. The program starts on May 3rd, so get ready to take your life, career, business, and mindset to the next level! Link ⬇️


    Register for our program The Purposeful Relaunch

    Wanna learn more about the program? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call with Farrah HERE.


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    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Create Empowering Opportunities for Yourself

    Create Empowering Opportunities for Yourself

    Have you ever found yourself waiting for opportunities to come knocking at your door? It can feel like waiting for a bus that never arrives. The truth is, if you’re standing around waiting, you are missing out on a whole world of possibilities that you could create for yourself. 

    The path that I have been on for the last four years has been a result of intentionally creating opportunities for myself, not waiting to be tapped, promoted, asked or booked for them. And I can tell you that when you create your own opportunities, you take control of your destiny, and that's an incredibly empowering feeling. 

    Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to start your own business, or you simply want to take your career to the next level, taking charge and finding your own path will give you a sense of purpose and motivation that you can't get from simply waiting for someone else to recognize your abilities. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    1. Creating opportunities from a place of purpose
    2. The 7 steps to create your own opportunities
    3. Why creating your own opportunities is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself

    The feeling of breaking free from society's preconceptions and limitations can be liberating. Sure, it takes time, effort, and some calculated risks, but it's well worth it in the end. Plus, you never know where one self-made opportunity can lead to next. Tune in and tell me, what is the next opportunity you plan to create for yourself? And remember - the sky's the limit!

    And if you need support with getting clear on the opportunities you desire I am hosting a free workshop on April 18th that will help you to discover new opportunities for yourself from a place that is aligned with those inner desires - from a place of purpose and from a place of serving others in a way that only you are uniquely positioned to do. Link ⬇️


    Register for our FREE Workshop Unleash Your Purpose

    Grab a FREE copy of the Unleash Your Purpose Workbook


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE.


    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Intention, wellness, performance & purpose with Ali Fiorella

    Intention, wellness, performance & purpose with Ali Fiorella

    This week on the podcast we sat down in conversation with Ali Fiorella. Ali is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with an advanced certification in gut health.  She helps driven professional women stop living on autopilot and start nourishing themselves with intention in order to feel more energized, elevate their mood, and gain confidence in making the right decisions for their health.  

    Her coaching and expertise encompasses holistic health, nutrition, gut health, mindfulness, and self care so women can become allies to their body and mind and feel empowered in their health and lives!

    I first met Ali through a business collective we are members of and we quickly became business besties, bouncing ideas off each other and supporting each other in our entrepreneurial journeys, so I am really excited to bring you this conversation.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The full circle moment she experiences with pursuing her current path
    • The path to discovering her purpose
    • The importance of wellness as it relates to performance in business
    • Advice and tips relating to creating consistency with daily habits around eating and wellness
    • AND, her future plans as it relates to to growing and scaling her business


    Website: https://www.alifiorella.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alifiorella


    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ali_fiorella


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    The Journey from Corporate Professional to Entrepreneur [OCT 2022]

    The Journey from Corporate Professional to Entrepreneur [OCT 2022]

    This week we are re-airing one of our most loved episodes about entrepreneurship! In case you missed it the first time, here’s your chance to tune in.

    I believe that the path of entrepreneurship is one that is accessible to anyone that desires it.

    This episode is quite near and dear to me because it's about a question that I get asked about all the time. And that is people wanting to learn more about my journey from being a corporate professional to now being an entrepreneur.

    I love talking about this because this journey had the biggest impact on my life and is probably the single best decision I have ever made. I'm going to go into a few areas; about what was happening in my life and career when I decided to transition, how I discovered what business I would pursue and what my business is now, and the major challenges that I've had along the way. I’ll also share some of the actions that have really helped me most on my journey.

    I'm sharing this story with you guys in hopes that it inspires others that have considered this path, but maybe are not ready to make the leap, or haven't made the leap, or want to learn a little bit more about what it entails to be on a path of entrepreneurship.

    In this episode I'll share with you about:

    1. The struggles I had while working on a corporate job and why I've decided to do the transition
    2. The opportunity that hits to start my own path of entrepreneurship
    3. The challenges and actions that helped me along on my journey

    Tune in now and let me know if you are ready to do the transition.


    Register for our FREE Masterclass  How to Lead with Purpose

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE.

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    How to give yourself an identity upgrade

    How to give yourself an identity upgrade

    They say that “the only constant in life is change” and we can see that - the world around is constantly changing and at faster rates than ever before. Yet, when it comes to changing ourselves we have a hard time. Especially when it comes to changing our career, even more so if it is one you have spent years going to school for and then even more years to build. We think because of that we need to stick it out and stay in the identity that we have built and that the world knows us for even if it no longer serves us (or others). 

    We often stay the same because our mind tricks us that staying the same is safe. But what if you gave yourself the permission to upgrade and even step into a new identity? What if it is actually necessary for you to do so in order to survive.

    Look at Blockbuster - it refused to change and it became irrelevant. What if changing is actually the “safest” thing you can do for yourself so you can continue to grow, evolve & survive in this ever changing world?

    In this episode I dive into:

    1. Why change is necessary for our growth & survival
    2. The 5 W’s + 1 H of questions to ask yourself about your current and future identity
    3. How to start embodying a new identity 

    Tune in now and let me know if you are ready to give yourself permission for an identity upgrade. And if you are ready to explore this topic further then join us at my next free masterclass where we dive into this and more! Link ⬇️


    Register for our FREE Masterclass  How to Lead with Purpose

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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    Is it Time to Break Up with Your Career Identity?

    Is it Time to Break Up with Your Career Identity?

    We all have a career identity — that is, the way we define ourselves in terms of our profession. Whether you’re a doctor, a lawyer, or an actor, your career identity plays an important role in how you see yourself and your place in the world. 

    So what happens when you no longer feel connected to your career identity? Maybe you have outgrown it or worse - you have stopped growing in it! Maybe you know you are meant for so much more but unsure of how to change things up at this stage in your career! 

    It can be hard to know when it’s time to break up with your career identity and move on. 

    In this week’s episode we will talk about:

    1. The factors that lead to feeling less connected to our career identity
    2. The 5 signs you should pay attention that are signaling it is time for you to make a change
    3. Giving yourself permission to step into a new identity even if you’ve been married to your current one for some time

    Tune in now and let me know in the DM’s if you think it’s time to break up with your career identity! And if you are ready to explore this further then join us at my next free masterclass where we dive into this and more! Link ⬇️


    Register for our FREE Masterclass  How to Lead with Purpose

    Grab a FREE copy of the Unleash Your Purpose Workbook


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    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!

    What it means to be an empowered woman who empowers women

    What it means to be an empowered woman who empowers women

    I always find that there is a certain type of energy during Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day - one of celebration, one of speaking up, showing up, sharing our truths and empowering each other. In fact, it’s during this month we often see the phrase - Empowering Women, Empower Women. So it got me thinking, what does it mean to be an empowered woman and also what does it mean to empower other women?

    In this week’s episode we will talk about:

    1. Ways you can show up as an empowered woman
    2. How to start empowering the other women in your life
    3. Questions you can ask yourself each day so you can show up as an empowered woman who empowers women

    Tune in now and then tell me, what is one action you will take to empower yourself today and one action you will take to empower another woman in your life?


    Grab a FREE copy of the Unleash Your Purpose Workbook

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    Follow Futura Funds on Instagram

    Visit Futura Fund’s website:  www.futurafunds.com

    Visit my Website: https://farrahkhimji.com/

    Do you know someone whose story we should feature? Or you want to feature Farrah as a guest speaker on your podcast, then book a 20-minute discovery call HERE

    If you have been enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and send us your feedback - we love hearing from you!