
    Future Female Leaders

    The Future Female Leaders Podcast helps create more female leaders in the workplace. If you are working in an entry level role and are preparing for future growth opportunities, this podcast is for you. Future Female Leaders topics consist of building confidence, improving communication skills, becoming more self aware, learning how to proactively network, and expanding your mindset to best prepare you for that future leadership role. Let's get you promoted! Nichole Harrop is a Women's Leadership + Career Coach. She started at a call center in an entry level role and built her career from there without a college degree. Nichole was turned down for promotions many times before she was offered a leadership position and has led teams in different organizations from well established companies to new tech start ups for over 10 years.
    enNichole Harrop253 Episodes

    Episodes (253)

    247| Helping Your Leader Be a Better Coach with Jennifer Moore

    247| Helping Your Leader Be a Better Coach with Jennifer Moore

    Get the free intro to the Career Growth Guide!

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    Connect with Nichole Harrop on LinkedIn


    Topics/Questions discussed:

    How can someone in an entry level role recognize that they might need to help their leader to become more of a coach?

    What is a good way to go about changing the structure of a helpful 1:1?

    What can you do if you are trying to make changes to your 1:1 structure and it’s not going well?

    What other advice or guidance do you have to help someone who wants to grow?

    246| Expectations to Succeed

    246| Expectations to Succeed

    Get the Career Growth Guide here.

    Connect and ask any questions to Nichole on LinkedIn.


    Key Points:

    • Importance of knowing your boss's expectations, especially if aiming for growth or leadership.
    • Metrics such as customer satisfaction, quality scores, attendance, and meeting punctuality can be key.
    • Tailor your approach to meet your leader's priorities.
    • Ask your leader what they need from you today to endorse your future growth.
    • Use the Career Growth Guide (in show notes) for career roadmap and growth tips.

    244| Saying Yes to Something Before You Feel 100% Ready with Grace Wright

    244| Saying Yes to Something Before You Feel 100% Ready with Grace Wright

    Here's the link to grab the digital download for the Ultimate Career Growth Workbook

    Connect with Grace Wright on LinkedIn

    Episode Highlights

    • Networking and Personal Growth:

      • Grace shares her journey of starting to post on LinkedIn despite feeling unprepared initially.
      • Nichole emphasizes the importance of networking and supportive connections in personal and professional growth.
    • Overcoming Fear and Taking Action:

      • Grace emphasizes the significance of pushing past fear by simply taking action, even if it's starting with small steps.
      • Both hosts discuss how supportive networks contribute to building confidence and making strides in their careers.
    • Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs:

      • The conversation revolves around challenging self-limiting beliefs, encouraging listeners to question why they delay their aspirations.
      • They discuss the need to challenge one's own beliefs and surround oneself with supportive people to move forward.
    • Benefits of Taking Risks:

      • Grace shares her experience of stepping into roles she felt unprepared for initially and the growth that came from embracing these challenges.
      • The conversation delves into how the discomfort of uncertainty can lead to personal and professional growth.
    • Transition into Leadership and Self-Reflection:

      • Grace recounts her transition from an individual contributor to a leadership role and the challenges she faced, particularly around uncertainty and self-doubt.
      • Both hosts discuss the importance of self-reflection in career progression and the necessity of balancing feedback-seeking behavior with confidence in leadership roles.

    243| How to Be a Good Leader and Avoid the Pitfalls of a Bad Boss

    243| How to Be a Good Leader and Avoid the Pitfalls of a Bad Boss

    This week Nichole shares an episode where she was a guest on The Thinking Project Podcast, hosted by Dalton Jensen. 

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Common Leadership Pitfalls:

      • A good boss avoids deflecting blame and takes ownership of team success.
      • They actively engage in one-on-one meetings and recognize their importance for team growth.
      • Avoid making quick assumptions and judgments about team members. Encourage diverse opinions.
    2. Promoting High Performers:

      • Promoting the highest-performing employees is not always the best decision. They might lack people management skills.
      • Being an excellent individual contributor does not guarantee leadership potential. Leadership requires caring about others' success.
    3. Being Authentic as a Leader:

      • Leaders should avoid pretending to be someone they're not in pursuit of success.
      • It's essential to be your authentic self while still refining your leadership skills to adapt to your environment.
    4. Importance of Soft Skills:

      • Developing soft skills is crucial for successful leadership. Start with self-awareness to understand your impact on others.
      • Building individual relationships and caring about team members' lives outside of work fosters trust and psychological safety.
    5. The Value of Empathy:

      • Empathy is a key element of great leadership. It involves genuinely caring about your team members' success and well-being.
      • Leaders should strive to understand their team's challenges and actively support them.

    Challenging Work Environments:

    • It's vital for leaders to acknowledge that the environment can sometimes restrict open communication and empathy.
    • Organizations should encourage leadership that promotes caring and connection within teams, even outside of the workplace.

    242| The 5 Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before Getting Promoted Into My First Leadership Position

    242| The 5 Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before Getting Promoted Into My First Leadership Position


    Join the free community and check out the self-paced Future Leaders Program.

    1: Deciding on Your Career Path

    • Nichole reflects on her own experience working for a well-established company and the importance of considering long-term growth.
    • Discusses her transition to a startup, which proved to be a better fit for her career goals.
    • Advises listeners to think carefully about the company they work for, even in entry-level positions.

    2: Learning About Leadership Roles

    • Nichole shares her experience about not fully understanding what her team leader's role involved before her promotion.
    • Emphasizes the importance of asking questions and gaining a clear understanding of the responsibilities of the next level of leadership.
    • Mentions the significance of offering to take on tasks to support the team leader, demonstrating initiative and creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

    3: Networking for Success

    • Nichole discusses her early experiences with networking and the realization that she needed a more intentional approach.
    • Encourages listeners to seek guidance from mentors and ask questions about the career path and skills they should be focusing on.
    • Stresses the value of building meaningful relationships with the right people who can guide them towards their goals.

    4: Tracking Achievements

    • Nichole talks about the benefits of maintaining a work journal to track progress and achievements.
    • Encourages the use of electronic tools, calendars, or handwritten notes to document accomplishments consistently.
    • Shares how she believes that documenting achievements would have boosted her confidence and preparation for interviews.

    5: The Role of Mentors

    • Nichole expresses her wish for a more structured mentoring relationship when she was starting her leadership journey.
    • Discusses the importance of having an external mentor who can provide neutral guidance and support.
    • Highlights the challenge of building trust in internal relationships and the benefits of a mentor outside of the workplace.

    241| The Most Important Thing About Consistency

    241| The Most Important Thing About Consistency


    It's not about how long you've been doing something, but when you maintain that commitment, especially when life throws you off course.

    Episode Highlights

    • Consistency in All Aspects of Life: Consistency is a fundamental element in your work life, home life, hobbies, passions, and relationships. It's a universal principle that applies to all areas of your life.

    • The Challenge of Consistency: There are moments when maintaining consistency becomes challenging. It can feel mundane, and you might not immediately see the benefits. This is particularly true in today's instant-gratification world. However, remember that consistency pays off over time, much like going to the gym or eating healthier.

    • Thinking About Your Future Self: Consider your future self and what you want to achieve. Instead of focusing solely on your career or job titles, think about how you want to interact with others, build your personal brand, and show up in various aspects of your life.

    • Overcoming Confidence Issues: Transitioning into a new role can be tough, especially if you're lacking confidence. Consistency may feel harder when it's not a built-in routine or habit. It's crucial to keep putting in the effort, even when you're unsure of the outcomes.

    • Nichole's Experience: Nichole shares her personal experience of taking a break from posting episodes on her podcast for a month. Life got hectic, but she realized the importance of consistency in helping others through her content. She got back on track, determined to maintain the consistency she once had.

    • Setting Your Priorities: Reflect on what areas of your life you want to be more consistent in. It's easy to push things off until "later," but that can turn into weeks, months, or even years of procrastination. Think about where you want to be a year from now, not just in terms of your career but in your daily routine and consistent effort.

    • Embracing Imperfection: Remember that we're all a work in progress, and it's okay not to be on top of everything all the time. Give yourself grace, especially during the holiday season.

    • Saying Yes and Setting Boundaries: Think about what you want to commit to and where you need to establish boundaries. Consistency is about finding the right balance and making it work for you personally.


    Consistency is a powerful tool that can shape your future. It's not about how long you've been doing something but when you maintain that commitment, even when it's challenging. Think about your future self and what you want to achieve, and don't be too hard on yourself. Remember, it's a journey, and we're all a work in progress.

    240 | The Steps It Takes to Stand Out to Grow Into a Leadership Role with Cecily Jorgensen

    240 | The Steps It Takes to Stand Out to Grow Into a Leadership Role with Cecily Jorgensen

    Book your Leadership Assessment Call


    In this episode of the Future Female Leaders podcast, host Nichole Harrop interviews Cecily Jorgensen, a marketing professional who shares her journey of transitioning from a background in vocal performance to a successful career in marketing. Cecily highlights her professional growth, personal interests, and how her passion for leadership drives her.

    Cecily began her career with aspirations of becoming a local performer but transitioned into an office job to contribute to her family's financial goals. She quickly adapted to different roles within the company, moving from an executive assistant to content marketing manager and eventually working in customer success. Her ability to excel in these roles allowed her to demonstrate her competence and led to more responsibilities.

    She emphasizes the importance of learning the core responsibilities of your job quickly, which can set you apart and lead to additional opportunities. Building connections with colleagues, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and finding solutions to their pain points can help you stand out and gain their respect.

    Cecily also shares her journey into office politics and how she learned to navigate it. Recognizing that not everyone has the same goals, Cecily advises others to listen to their intuition and be assertive when needed. She emphasizes that being bold and proactive has been instrumental in her professional growth.

    Both Nichole and Cecily agree on the significance of fostering meaningful connections in the workplace and how these connections can enhance your experience and drive success. They encourage leaders to actively support and create environments where employee engagement and connection are valued.

    Originally, Cecily had her sights set on a career in local performance. However, her family's financial goals led her to an office job. In this new environment, she quickly adapted to various roles, progressing from an executive assistant to a content marketing manager, and eventually, working in customer success. Her knack for excelling in these positions showcased her competence, opening doors to more significant responsibilities.

    One key takeaway from Cecily's journey is the importance of swiftly mastering the core responsibilities of your role. This proficiency can set you apart and result in additional opportunities. Building strong connections with colleagues, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and actively finding solutions to their pain points can help you stand out and earn their respect.

    Cecily also shares insights into navigating office politics. She learned to recognize that not everyone shares the same goals, emphasizing the significance of listening to your intuition and asserting yourself when necessary. Her success in the corporate world has been underpinned by her bold and proactive approach.

    In summary, Cecily Jorgensen's story is an inspiring example of how someone with a background in a completely different field can successfully transition into a career in marketing and climb the corporate ladder by embracing opportunities, learning quickly, and navigating office politics with assertiveness and resilience.

    The episode underscores the importance of building connections, solving problems, and recognizing your own potential for growth, regardless of your initial career aspirations. Cecily's journey serves as a reminder that, with determination and adaptability, it's possible to excel in leadership roles and make a significant impact in your chosen field.

    Future Female Leaders
    enSeptember 28, 2023

    239| How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Productivity with Elizabeth Tidwell

    239| How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Productivity with Elizabeth Tidwell

    Join Nichole's free community here

    Check out Elizabeth Tidwell's website MyClubRed.com


    1. The Power of Cycle-Aware Scheduling:Dashboard

    • Nichole talks about her approach to scheduling tasks based on her menstrual cycle, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and proactive planning.
    • The conversation touches on the shift from a reactive to a proactive mindset, giving control back to women.

    2. Understanding Your Menstrual Seasons:

    • Elizabeth introduces the concept of the Inner Seasons framework, a recent development that correlates menstrual phases with the four natural seasons.
    • The Winter Phase: Menstruation - A time of hibernation and low energy, perfect for rest and introspection.
    • The Spring Phase: Rising Estrogen - A period of optimism and new beginnings, ideal for initiating projects.
    • The Summer Phase: Ovulation - High energy, increased sociality, and peak attractiveness, often referred to as the "Beyonce hormone."
    • The Autumn Phase: Luteal Phase - A time for coziness, introspection, and preparation, offering a keen eye for detail.

    3. Embracing Cycle-Aware Empowerment:

    • Nichole reflects on the empowering nature of cycle awareness, highlighting her personal experiences at events.
    • She discusses communicating her energy levels to others, including male colleagues, without explicitly mentioning her menstrual cycle.
    • The duo explores how this awareness can influence decision-making, particularly avoiding significant life choices during the fall phase.

    4. Breaking the Consistency Myth:

    • The conversation revolves around how societal expectations, especially in the workplace, have led women to believe they should perform consistently like the sun or a male hormonal pattern, despite natural cyclical changes.
    • Elizabeth highlights the importance of awareness in building self-compassion and understanding that it's not an individual problem but a shared experience.

    5. Navigating Your Inner Autumn:

    • Elizabeth sheds light on the often overlooked and misunderstood inner autumn phase of the menstrual cycle, characterized by heightened critical thinking.
    • She explains that while the inner autumn is excellent at identifying problems, it struggles to find solutions. This phase often leads to extreme and impractical solutions.
    • The discussion encourages embracing the inner autumn's role as a superpower for evaluation, providing valuable insights even if the delivery might be less polished.

    6. Utilizing Cycle-Aware Productivity:

    • Nichole and Elizabeth discuss practical ways to work with your menstrual cycle, such as shifting tasks to align with your energy levels.
    • Elizabeth highlights the efficiency gained when tasks match your cycle phases, even if full scheduling around the cycle isn't always possible.
    • They emphasize the importance of recognizing the bare minimum expectations at work and having open conversations with leaders about energy fluctuations.

    7. Overcoming Challenges:

    • Both share personal experiences of navigating the challenges of work expectations during different cycle phases, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and communication.
    • The conversation stresses the value of understanding your unique cycle patterns and learning to adapt to them effectively.

    In conclusion, this episode advocates for menstrual cycle awareness as a tool for self-compassion, improved productivity, and effective communication in personal and professional settings. By embracing the natural ebb and flow of their cycles, women can achieve a healthier work-life balance and contribute to more inclusive and empathetic workplaces.

    238| How to Be More Productive at Work Without Overwhelm with Caitlin Montgomery

    238| How to Be More Productive at Work Without Overwhelm with Caitlin Montgomery

    Get Caitlin's book The Productivity Roadmap at www.deardreamer.com 

    Join Nichole's free community for career growth here.

    Top Productivity Hacks for Busy Women:

    a. Knowing Your Why:

    • Caitlin stresses the significance of having a purpose and a driving motivation (your "why") for being productive.
    • Encourages asking questions to uncover what lights you up and keeps you motivated.

    b. Creating a Life Vision:

    • Caitlin explains the concept of a life vision, which is a detailed and vivid description of how you want your life to be.
    • Encourages dreaming big and incorporating specific details into your vision.

    c. Developing Systems:

    • Caitlin emphasizes the importance of establishing systems, routines, and habits to manage tasks efficiently.
    • Suggests delegating tasks and seeking help to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
    • Caitlin shares examples of how she delegates tasks to others, including family members.

    d. Effective Planning:

    • Caitlin discusses the power of planning in boosting productivity.
    • Recommends using a planner to outline daily and weekly tasks, focusing on the most important actions.
    • Highlights the flexibility required in planning and adjusting as needed.



    • The importance of having a strong "why" and a clear life vision to drive productivity.
    • The value of creating effective systems, routines, and habits to manage tasks.
    • The transformative impact of planning and time management on productivity and overall well-being.



    237| Why It’s Important to Set Boundaries at Work with Sherralynn Arnold

    237| Why It’s Important to Set Boundaries at Work with Sherralynn Arnold

    Download Sherralynn's book The Lines We Draw here.

    Join Nichole's free community here.

    In today's episode, Nichole talks with guest Sherralynn Arnold about why it's important to set boundaries at work.

    They each share perspective on these 4 questions:

    1 What advice can you give women who feel called to lead others,  but don't know where to start?

    2 Why is it important to learn how to set healthy boundaries?

    3 What have you found as challenges that are unique to women as they are working to stand out as leaders or new into leadership positions?

    4 After 30 years as an entrepreneur,  what is your biggest takeaway?


    You'll hear personal and vulnerable stories about how each of them are working through setting boundaries and their experiences about setting boundaries in the past. 


    Again, check out Sherralynn's book The Lines We Draw here.



    236| Changing the Way You Think

    236| Changing the Way You Think

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    The Future Female Leaders podcast aims to help create more female leaders in the workplace. 

    In this episode, host Nichole Harrop talks about the CTFAR framework that changed her life. She walks the audience through this self-coaching model that helped her take control of her thoughts, feelings, and actions, and improve her response to everyday situations.

    Nichole shares her personal experience of feeling out of control with her thoughts and feelings, especially during her three-year-long infertility journey. She came across the CTFAR model while listening to Jody Moore's podcast, and it made a significant impact on her life. Within a week of implementing this practice, Nichole noticed a positive change in herself, and people around her could also see the difference.

    The CTFAR framework stands for Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, and Results. Everything is a circumstance, and good or bad things are only good or bad because of the thought and feeling that happens after the circumstance. 

    Nichole believes that the model can help individuals have more control and show up in the best ways possible, even in challenging situations.

    Overall, this podcast episode is informative, relatable, and inspiring, and it encourages listeners to take charge of their thoughts and feelings and become more mindful in their daily lives.

    235| Recognizing the Yellow Flags in Your Job

    235| Recognizing the Yellow Flags in Your Job

    This is a special episode because it's a follow up from Episode 99| Leaving a Toxic Workplace. 


    In this episode, Nichole and her guest talk about the yellow flags that pop up in our jobs and what her guest did to work through some of them and how to advocate for yourself and navigate these yellow flags throughout your career. 


    Floral Career Journal

    Polka Dot Career Workbook

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    234| Plan To Succeed

    234| Plan To Succeed

    Connect with Nichole on LinkedIn

    Check out the different career journals, helping you to grow and advance in your career:

    Gender Neutral

    Feminine Floral


    Episode Overview:

    • Today's episode focuses on planning for success and celebrating milestones.
    • Nichole shares personal updates and experiences.
    • She encourages listeners to shift their mindset and plan for success in various areas of their lives.

    Planning for Success

    • Nichole emphasizes the importance of thinking about what could go right, rather than solely focusing on backup plans.
    • Encourages listeners to envision their future roles, positions, and phases of life in a successful scenario.

    Celebrating Milestones

    • Nichole recounts her experience of surpassing 100,000 podcast downloads.
    • Talks about attending a retreat coinciding with the milestone and the joy of building new relationships.
    • Highlights the fun activities at the retreat: e-bike riding through Zion's National Park, repelling, and a transformative sound bath.

    Updates and Challenges

    • Nichole shares her absence in June due to illness and vocal strain.
    • Assures listeners of her return with great content while taking care of her health.
    • Encourages listeners to plan for success in their own endeavors, setting goals and rewards for themselves.

    Career Journals and Entrepreneurship

    • Nichole discusses the challenges and successes of updating her career journals available on Amazon.
    • Introduces a more gender-neutral version of the journal.
    • Encourages listeners to check out the career journals in the show notes to support their career growth.

    Embracing Change and Overcoming Insecurities

    • Nichole talks about the discomfort and insecurities that come with pursuing entrepreneurship.
    • Shares her journey of transitioning from a comfortable role to making a bigger impact.
    • Encourages listeners to embrace change, face discomfort, and open doors to greater opportunities.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Nichole acknowledges the unstructured nature of the episode and thanks listeners for their support.
    • Invites listeners to share the podcast with friends and check out the career journals.
    • Encourages connection and offers support via LinkedIn.

    233| Are You Feeling Overwhelmed at Work?

    233| Are You Feeling Overwhelmed at Work?

    Check out the Future Leaders Program

    Buy a copy of My Career Journal

    Introduction: In this episode of the Future Female Leaders Podcast, host Nichole Harrop discusses the common experience of feeling overwhelmed at work after a holiday weekend. She reassures listeners that this is a normal occurrence and provides practical tips for managing overwhelm and prioritizing tasks effectively. Nichole introduces a simple exercise called the "Red Light Green Light" technique, which helps categorize and visualize work-related tasks based on enjoyment and energy levels.

    Episode Highlights:

    1. The State of Overwhelm: Nichole acknowledges the feeling of overwhelm that often arises when returning to work after a long holiday weekend. She emphasizes that it is a shared experience among many individuals and addresses the inaction that can accompany overwhelm.

    2. The Red Light Green Light Exercise: Nichole introduces the Red Light Green Light exercise as a tool to navigate overwhelming tasks. She instructs listeners to envision three columns: Green Light (tasks they enjoy), Red Light (draining tasks), and Yellow Light (challenging tasks).

    3. Green Light Column: Listeners are encouraged to identify tasks they genuinely love doing and consider how they can incorporate more of these activities into their work. Nichole advises communicating these preferences to direct leaders to foster a more fulfilling work experience.

    4. Red Light Column: The focus shifts to tasks that drain energy and create feelings of dread or procrastination. Nichole prompts listeners to evaluate whether they have communicated their aversion to these tasks with their leaders, emphasizing the importance of sharing honest feedback while still committing to completing them effectively.

    5. Yellow Light Column: Nichole introduces the concept of yellow light tasks—tasks that don't bring immediate joy but involve curiosity, challenges, and the need for clarification. She highlights the significance of seeking clarity and direction from leaders to ensure successful execution.

    6. Effective Communication: Nichole emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and effective communication with leaders. She encourages listeners to discuss task preferences, seek clarity, and align expectations to enhance job satisfaction and reduce overwhelm.

    7. Delegation and Support: Nichole suggests considering delegation as a solution for tasks that others might enjoy more, allowing individuals to focus on their strengths and find more fulfillment in their work. She emphasizes the need to communicate the desire for support and collaboration rather than avoiding tasks altogether.

    8. Journaling Resource: Nichole recommends her career journal available on Amazon, designed to help individuals advance their careers. The journal contains over a hundred unique prompts for ongoing self-reflection and personal growth.

    Conclusion: Nichole wraps up the episode by encouraging listeners to try the Red Light Green Light exercise and engage in open conversations with their leaders about task preferences and challenges. By prioritizing tasks and aligning expectations, individuals can reduce overwhelm, improve job satisfaction, and create a more fulfilling work experience.

    Outro: Don't forget to check out Nichole's career journal available on Amazon—a valuable resource for tracking career progress and personal growth. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Future Female Leaders Podcast. Until then, keep thriving in your career journey. See you next time!

    232| How to Start Setting Some Boundaries at Work

    232| How to Start Setting Some Boundaries at Work

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    Listen to Episode 125 about Office Housework

    In this episode, Nichole discusses the importance of setting boundaries in the workplace, offering advice on how to identify and enforce them. She encourages listeners to book a leadership assessment call to help them better understand their current situation and where they want to go.

    Nichole emphasizes that awareness is key to setting boundaries and that it is important to recognize what boundaries look like for you in the workplace. She also advises against feeling the need to say yes to everything and encourages listeners to understand what actually brings them joy in their role.

    She uses the example of delegation as a way to set boundaries, noting that just because you are good at something does not mean you enjoy doing it. Nichole also discusses "non-promotable tasks," such as note-taking and recognition efforts, that may not help listeners get promoted.

    To further illustrate the importance of setting boundaries, Nichole suggests thinking about how your leader sets boundaries and whether they respond to messages or emails late at night or on weekends. She notes that it is easier to enforce boundaries when you see your leader doing it.

    In conclusion, Nichole encourages listeners to recognize their own boundaries and to say no to certain things that are not a right fit for them, as well as to understand the importance of a healthy work-life harmony.

    231| Are You Setting Boundaries at Work?

    231| Are You Setting Boundaries at Work?

    Book your complimentary Leadership Assessment Call.

    Schedule time to see if the Future Leaders Program is a right fit for you.

    Podcast Episode with Anna Dearmon Kornick 

    In this episode of the Future Female Leaders podcast, host Nichole Harrop discusses the importance of setting boundaries in the workplace to avoid burnout. She emphasizes the need for awareness of one's workload and calendar management and provides tips on how to efficiently manage time. Nichole recommends creating blocks of time for preparation before and after meetings, deciding which meetings to attend, and assigning a buddy to stay informed of meetings not attended. She also advises avoiding responding to emails and messages late at night and setting firm boundaries that can be communicated to colleagues. By setting boundaries, employees can be more productive and avoid overworking themselves. The host invites listeners to think about their boundaries and offers support throughout the week to help them set and maintain them.

    230| Meditation: Overcoming Negative Perceptions at Work

    230| Meditation: Overcoming Negative Perceptions at Work

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    Welcome to the Future Female Leaders podcast, hosted by Nichole Harrop, who aims to create more female leaders in the workplace. In this episode, she focuses on a meditation that helps to overcome negative perceptions at work. Nichole starts by suggesting that listeners find a comfortable and distraction-free location and then guides them through a relaxation process to calm down their breathing and let go of any tension. She asks listeners to be mindful of their emotions and any tightness or stress within their bodies. She then guides them to reflect on how they react to people having negative perceptions of them and to think of how they want to react going forward. Listeners are encouraged to envision a scenario in which they work for a company they love and have a manager who cares about them, and to think about what efforts or changes need to happen in their current working relationship to make it a reality. Nichole encourages listeners to take deep breaths and repeat after her, saying they can work on their self-awareness to recognize negative perceptions and are capable of overcoming them. The episode ends with Nichole encouraging listeners to continue taking deep breaths and to know that overcoming perception issues takes time and daily practice.

    229| How to Work Through Negative Perceptions at Work

    229| How to Work Through Negative Perceptions at Work

    Book your complimentary Leadership Assessment Call here.

    Learn more about the Future Leaders Program here.

    The Future Female Leaders Podcast is a show dedicated to creating more female leaders in the workplace, hosted by Nichole Harrop. In this episode, Nichole talks about how to work through negative perceptions at work. She offers a complimentary leadership assessment call to help women understand where they are currently in the workplace and where they want to go.

    Nichole describes how perceptions can lead to bigger issues and create negative self-doubt thoughts. She shares a personal experience of applying for team leader roles and being turned down multiple times. She explains that this was a sign that there might be a perception issue at work. She realized that there were office politics at play, and some leaders only hired people who they were friends with or who they saw as part of their inner circle.

    Nichole emphasizes that it's essential to work on self-awareness and to be aware of the perceptions others have of you. She suggests taking on additional responsibilities, showing up as your best self, and having open and honest conversations with your manager. Nichole shares how working through negative perceptions at work takes time and effort but is worth it to achieve your career goals.

    By doing pulse checks with other team members, you can gain insight into how to approach difficult situations with tact and strategy. Rather than placing blame, it's important to get curious and understand how to best move forward.

    Perception issues can lead to disengagement and poor performance, but by asking for guidance and clarity, you can overcome those struggles. Nichole shares personal experiences of having to set boundaries to avoid being seen as a social butterfly and not being taken seriously.

    The Future Leaders program is highlighted as a resource for live one-on-one training and real-time feedback to help individuals grow and work towards their first leadership position.

    228| Are Perception Issues Holding You Back From a Promotion?

    228| Are Perception Issues Holding You Back From a Promotion?

    Book your complimentary Leadership Assessment Call.

    Schedule time to see if the Future Leaders Program is a right fit for you.

    In this episode of the Future Female Leaders podcast, host Nichole Harrop talks about how perception issues can hold back one's career growth in the organization. She defines perception as a quick judgment, mental impression, or way of regarding, understanding or interpreting something. Nichole explains that perception issues arise when people make quick judgments without having all the facts. To challenge these perceptions, she suggests getting curious and asking questions to get a better understanding of the situation. Additionally, Nichole emphasizes the importance of building a strong relationship with one's leader and being open to feedback. She suggests that one should ask their leader what kind of roles they see them in and why, to better understand how to grow in their career. Finally, Nichole advises listeners not to be too hard on themselves and to receive feedback with an open mind, even if it can be difficult to take in.