
    Future Hindsight

    Future Hindsight is a weekly podcast that takes big ideas about civic life and democracy and turns them into action items for everyday citizens.
    enMila Atmos301 Episodes

    Episodes (301)

    Policing Equity and Justice: Phillip Atiba Solomon

    Policing Equity and Justice: Phillip Atiba Solomon

    Phillip Atiba Solomon is the chair and Carl I. Hovland Professor of African American Studies, Professor of Psychology at Yale University, and co-founder of the Center for Policing Equity. We discuss policing equity, investing in communities, and taking police out of the mental health crisis business.


    Policing equity is multi-faceted and requires collaboration with communities. Proven solutions to reduce violence include anti-poverty investments, stopping low level traffic stops, sending non-police to mental health crises or to interventions for the houseless, as well as having clear limits and rules to when force can be used. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Phillip Atiba Solomon

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Make Your Vote Pack a Punch: Sam Wang

    Make Your Vote Pack a Punch: Sam Wang

    Sam Wang is the Director of the Electoral Innovation Lab and a professor of neuroscience at Princeton University. We discuss how we can better understand the current state of district maps across the US, and how they can be made more fair and representative of their constituents.


    Gerrymandering is not only unfair but also anti-democratic. It favors one party over another, effectively shutting out the possibility of accurate representation in a legislative body. The current electoral system forces voters into opposite camps and then rewards them for doing so. For example, primary elections reward a partisan loyalist who is unlikely to represent the views of the majority of voters. But, local and state elections are a hope for the future because voters are less polarized.

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Sam Wang

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Rural Democrat: Jess Piper

    Rural Democrat: Jess Piper

    Jess Piper is the Executive Director of Blue Missouri and the host of the Dirt Road Democrats podcast. We discuss the reality of living in rural Missouri, the state of education, and the dearth of Democratic candidates across the state.


    Rural candidates have little to no support from the state party, but Republicans enjoy the support of local churches. One-third of Missouri is rural, but there is not a single elected Democrat representing these areas. Uncontested races are bad for democracy and without Democrats in the race, there is no contest of ideas. In Missouri, for example, multiple school districts only have four days of school, but there have not been elected Democrats who are willing to push back and properly fund these public schools. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Jess Piper

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Patriotism vs. Extremism: Ken Harbaugh

    Patriotism vs. Extremism: Ken Harbaugh

    Ken Harbaugh is the host of the Burn the Boats podcast, a former United States Navy pilot, and executive producer of Against All Enemies, a documentary film that explores the critical role of military veterans in domestic violent extremist groups.


    We discuss why veterans are equally sought out to work in Fortune 500 companies and to be in leadership positions of extremist groups. Most veterans make a successful transition to civilian life, but a small minority become radicalized. Anger and resentment is a common through line for them. Fueled by the big lie about the 2020 election, extremists continue to become more popular. In fact, the big lie has torn our country apart. Ken stresses that “fundamentally, our elections are secure and the will of the people will be honored in November of 2024, as it was in November of 2020.” 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Ken Harbaugh

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Leveling the Playing Field for Women: Cynthia Richie Terrell

    Leveling the Playing Field for Women: Cynthia Richie Terrell

    Cynthia Richie Terrell is the founder and executive director of RepresentWomen. We discuss institutional reforms that can reduce the barriers for women to run, win, and govern.


    There are approximately 520,000 elected office holders in the U.S., but incumbency is the biggest barrier to electing more women. Term limits make more seats open to competition. In addition, ranked choice voting eliminates vote splitting if there is more than one woman on the ballot. In NYC, for example, the combination of term limits and ranked choice voting has resulted in a city council where 61% of the seats are held by women. Policy solutions that address the structural barriers do work.

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Cynthia Richie Terrell

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Identify as a Voter: Anat Shenker-Osorio

    Identify as a Voter: Anat Shenker-Osorio

    Anat Shenker-Osorio is the host of the Words to Win By podcast and the Principal of ASO Communications. We discuss the winning messages for 2024 and the importance for pro-democracy voters to turn out on Election Day.


    2024 is yet another do-or-die election for American democracy, and thus the first and most important message to Americans is to vote. We need to marshal a sense of defiance to participate because if we don’t decide for ourselves, someone else will decide for us. This election is a contest between freedom and fascism. What’s at stake is whether the US is going to continue to be a place where citizens have the freedom to cast their votes and have them counted.

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Anat Shenker-Osorio

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Make A.I. Work for Democracy: Marietje Schaake

    Make A.I. Work for Democracy: Marietje Schaake

    Marietje Schaake is International Policy Director at Stanford University Cyber Policy Center, International Policy Fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, and also serves on the UN’s A.I. Advisory Body. We take a deep dive into how the digital revolution can still fulfill its promise of a democratic revolution. In other words: make A.I. work for democracy.


    Over the past 20 years, power became more and more concentrated in the hands of big tech companies, while both Democratic and Republican administrations have chosen to trust market forces, rather than intervening to put on some guardrails. Unsurprisingly, public interest issues are under-addressed. Voluntary commitments by tech companies are often not powerful or enforceable enough to change behavior. But in the last year, more governments and multilateral institutions are recognizing that there are risks with the use of AI. For example, the EU AI Act was just passed to mitigate the risks from the use of AI applications. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Marietje Schaake

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Montana is a Bulwark: Ryan Busse

    Montana is a Bulwark: Ryan Busse

    Ryan Busse is a Democratic candidate for governor of Montana and the author of Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America. We discuss how Montana is a bulwark against anti-democratic forces and how Ryan cuts through the politi-speak on the campaign trail. 


    It's important for Democrats to identify with the basic democratic freedom values of the vast majority of people, whether that’s fair taxes on homeowners or reproductive freedom. Ryan argues that a vibrant democracy depends on both small d democratic values being represented and big D Democratic victories at the ballot box. The stakes are high to elect a pro-democracy governor in Montana. Montana is a bulwark in a sea of red state legislatures. Ryan says, “North Dakota and South Dakota used to have two Democratic senators and Democratic governors. Now there's not a single statewide elected Democrat in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, and there's only one left in Montana, Jon Tester.” 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Ryan Busse

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    A Better Way to Vote: Deb Otis

    A Better Way to Vote: Deb Otis

    Deb Otis is the Director of Research & Policy at FairVote, a nonpartisan organization that researches and advances voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American. We discuss the benefits of ranked choice voting and the likelihood that it will become more popular after the 2024 presidential election.


    Ranked choice voting addresses a variety of problems in “vote one” elections, such as vote splitting among similar candidates; ranking candidates in order of preference; proportional outcomes in multi winner races; more broad based support for the eventual winner; and more successful general election candidates if ranked choice voting is used in the primary. Maine is a state where ranked choice voting will be used in the presidential election. The Fair Representation Act is a bill that would implement ranked choice voting for members of Congress and also make redistricting more proportional and representative for voters.


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Deb Otis

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    State Races Matter: Lala Wu

    State Races Matter: Lala Wu

    Lala Wu is the co-founder and executive director of Sister District, an organization that works to build enduring progressive power in state legislatures. We discuss how state races will continue to be important during the presidential election cycle and why the battle for redistricting will be center stage.


    State legislatures are where a lot of impactful policy is made, such as abortion laws. They’re also critical because in most states, state legislatures control redistricting. Building progressive power is about winning elections, passing legislation, and then telling the story about legislative successes so that voters want to keep you in power and continue the work. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Lala Wu

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Why Dissent is a Part of Democracy: Democracy-ish

    Why Dissent is a Part of Democracy: Democracy-ish

    Over the last several years our politics has been pushed from a place of collaboration to bold faced loyalty tests. In his latest book: Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America, our guest, author and NPR Morning Edition co-host, Steve Inskeep, discusses with Waj and Danielle why dissent necessary and is as American as apple pie! 

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    Hosts: Danielle Moodie & Wajahat Ali 

    Guests: Steve Inskeep

    Executive Producer: Adell Coleman 

    Senior Producer: Quinton Hill 

    Distributor: DCP Entertainment

    Building the Public Square: Rich Harwood

    Building the Public Square: Rich Harwood

    Rich Harwood is the president and founder of The Harwood Institute, who just launched a campaign to reclaim the public square from the most divisive voices and build it into a place that can make hope real for all.


    The public square is a noisy and messy place where society disagrees, argues, and also finds solutions. It’s through working out expectations, engaging in the work to be on the right path forward, and holding ourselves accountable to our goals that we engender hope. Acknowledging what has already been accomplished, no matter how small, both to yourself and others, makes the work visible to the community. Paying attention to the civic culture of communities is key to success. 


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Richard Harwood

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Black Grief/White Grievance: Juliet Hooker

    Black Grief/White Grievance: Juliet Hooker

    Juliet Hooker is the author of Black Grief/White Grievance: The Politics of Loss and the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science at Brown University. We talk about how racism has narrowed the political imagination of both black and white citizens.


    In American politics and democracy, neither side is supposed to win all the time. Losing is a fundamental part of democracy, and does not make the losers victims. In a multiracial democracy, having a president or any other elected representative who is not white should not be a big deal. Democratic cultures need to be inclusive, and the nuts and bolts work of “repairing” democracy should be equally distributed among the body politic.


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Dr. Juliet Hooker

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Housing is a Moral Issue: Shaun Donovan

    Housing is a Moral Issue: Shaun Donovan

    Shaun Donovan is the CEO & President of Enterprise Community Partners. We discuss how the deeply entrenched housing crisis has become worse in recent years and the multiple strategies to make home and community places of pride, power, and belonging.


    Housing is a basic need that is fundamental to democratic participation. The lack of housing is preventing communities around the country from attracting workers and studies show slowing GDP growth due to housing affordability. People across the US are increasingly recognizing that housing isn't just a moral issue or an issue of justice for low-income people. It's a larger challenge for our society. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Shaun Donovan

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Building a Black Future: Christopher Paul Harris

    Building a Black Future: Christopher Paul Harris

    Christopher Paul Harris is Assistant Professor of Global & International Studies at the University of California, Irvine, and the author of To Build A Black Future: The Radical Politics of Joy, Pain, and Care. We discuss why addressing our society’s hard-wired prejudices must be a substantial part of our endeavors toward a truly multicultural democracy.


    Central to building a Black future is reframing and recreating institutions from the perspective of those who have been historically marginalized. The core of the Black movement is a response to Black pain and anti-Black violence. Despite all the violence, Black Joy is evidence that Black communities are thriving and serve as a prefigurative politics of what’s possible on the other side of pain. Care is recognizing that Black people and other marginalized communities carry trauma and need healing. 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Christopher Paul Harris

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Have the Conversation: Neal Rickner

    Have the Conversation: Neal Rickner

    Just in time for Thanksgiving, Neal Rickner joins us to talk about the American Values Coalition, a growing community of Americans who are empowered to lead with truth, reject extremism and misinformation, and defend democracy. Get some pointers to dialogue across political divides and across the table.


    First, have the courage to have the conversation. As much as hiding in the kitchen sounds preferable, we’re going to engage on the issues one relationship at a time. Begin the conversation with a thoughtful question, and then sit back and really listen. Since we rely on the news to understand what’s happening in the world, our news choices frame our reality. In fact, media source is among the top indicators of political choice. Consult multiple news sources and bring more truth to the conversation.


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Neal Rickner

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Unions and Democracy: Theda Skocpol

    Unions and Democracy: Theda Skocpol

    Thursday, November 16th, 2023


    Theda Skocpol is the Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology at Harvard University and co-author of Rust Belt Union Blues: Why Working-Class Voters are Turning Away from the Democratic Party. We learn how unions are true laboratories of democracy and why their demise has eroded our democratic culture.


    Unions were at the heart of local communities well beyond bargaining for contracts. They were part of recreational and social life, and even the churches were aligned with unions. There was a sense of solidarity for fellow union members, pride in their work, and a natural alignment on politics. If elections are about voting for who is on your side, then politics is partly about who we are — and who they are. American democracy is at an inflection point and the question is whether the news who are engaged are willing to practice and defend democracy.



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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Theda Skocpol

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Cooperation Democracy: Bernard Harcourt

    Cooperation Democracy: Bernard Harcourt

    Thursday, November 9th, 2023


    Bernard E. Harcourt is Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University -- and he was also our very first guest on the podcast! Bernard's most recent book, Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory, offers the blueprint for a society based on cooperation.


    The idea of creating a space that benefits the stakeholders, rather than the shareholders, has a long history. Cooperatives offer a robust way of being. They practice self-governance among equals through democratic process. In fact, we could have democratic processes, democratic education, and democratic training in every aspect of our lives. We could even nurture a culture of democratic self-governance at work, which is traditionally one of the least democratic places in our daily lives. Cooperation democracy aims to extend the democratic culture to every facet of our lives. 



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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Bernard Harcourt

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Shaping Collective Memory: Hajar Yazdiha

    Shaping Collective Memory: Hajar Yazdiha

    Thursday, November 2nd, 2023


    Hajar Yazdiha is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences and the author of The Struggle for the People’s King: How Politics Transforms the Memory of the Civil Rights Movement. We discuss the role of collective memory in the myth-making of American exceptionalism. 


    Collective memory is the way that we remember history and that becomes central to our idea of who we are as a people. It’s a process of storytelling and the most central stories to who we are as a people. The civil rights movement has become one of the central collective memories in America's story of both who it is and who it wants to be. However, careful examination of the record reveals that the civil rights movement was a political project that was meant to actually dismantle multicultural democracy. Further, as the collective memory of Dr. King became sanitized and whitewashed, his legacy carried a lot of moral legitimacy, and his moral symbolic authority became ripe for manipulation.


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Hajar Yazdiha

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

    Everytown for Gun Safety: Nick Suplina

    Everytown for Gun Safety: Nick Suplina

    Thursday, October 26th, 2023


    Nick Suplina is Senior Vice President for Law & Policy at Everytown for Gun Safety. He was previously an advisor for New York State’s Attorney General. We discuss how 10 years of grassroots organizing has changed the political calculus on gun safety legislation, starting with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. 


    Although progress is slow, 15 Republican senators did vote for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in 2022. This was made possible because of 10 years worth of pressure from constituents. Since Sandy Hook, grassroots organizing has made a significant difference. The notion that there is no point in fighting because nothing will ever change is false. As Nick told us, “Just because we can’t get everything we want, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act every way we can.”


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Nick Suplina

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis