
    Gab With the Gurus Show

    The Gab with the Gurus Show is a motivating, encouraging, empowering podcast featuring interviews with prominent, bestselling, inspiring guru guests from a variety of fields -- health, wellness, blogging, personal growth and empowerment, Law of Attraction, etc. The host is trained journalist Connie Bennett, who, after reluctantly letting go of her dangerous habit more than a decade ago, became a certified health coach, life coach, Sweet Freedom Coach, and author of the bestselling books, Sugar Shock and Beyond Sugar Shock.
    enConnie Bennett262 Episodes

    Episodes (262)

    Earth Day at 50 — What’s still missing? Is Coronavirus Tied to Climate Change?

    Earth Day at 50 — What’s still missing? Is Coronavirus Tied to Climate Change?

    As the Coronavirus continues to threaten us worldwide, we need to pay attention -- and take action -- on another, slower moving, but deadlier situation -- the climate crisis . "With Earth Week upon us, we now need to act with all the urgency of a global emergency," urges guest Betsy Rosenberg, a long-time eco-mediat trailblazer, who appears on the Gab with the Gurus Show as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Week. During this episode, Betsy -- who has covered the environmental beat for more than two decades -- will tell you: How much has changed since Earth Day was first observed in 1970.How the Coronavirus is connected to climate change.How the recent floods, wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricans are linked to the earth's atmosphere breaking down.How "the sky really IS falling."Why most Americans don't take the threat of climate change seriously.Why members of the mainstream media have been reluctant to cover the environment.What specific things each of us can do to take better care of our planet, especially during this challenging time of the Coronavirus. You're invited to share this show with your friends and loved ones.

    Heartbreak to Wholeness with Bestselling Author Kristine Carlson

    Heartbreak to Wholeness with Bestselling Author Kristine Carlson

    Kristine Carlson -- the New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and leader in the field of transformation -- achieved acclaim for the publishing industry phenomenon,  Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series with her now-late husband Dr. Richard Carlson, is joining the Gab with the Gurus Podcast to tell you how to heal and how to love.  Now author of the book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness, Kristine will tell you: * How to make the hero’s journey to joy after heartbreak if you're now suffering. * How to be a hero while suffering loss. * How to react or what to say to someone grieving the loss of a loved one through death or divorce. * Why you want to boldly face your heartbreak -- even if it scares, worries or depresses you. * How to come back from great pain --- or from feeling completely shattered --- to actually feeling whole again? * How and why to share your own heroic story of heartbreak and healing.  

    Happiness Guru Marci Shimoff Shares Top Tips to Be Happy

    Happiness Guru Marci Shimoff Shares Top Tips to Be Happy

    Marci Shimoff, author of the international bestsellers, Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason, and the woman's face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series. Her most recent release is Inkspirations for Women: Color Your World Happy.  Marci, a featured teacher in "The Secret
     and host of the PBS-TV show, "Happy for No Reason," will tell you how to dp one very simple thing every day that takes only a minute or two, but it will raise your current happiness set point; how to get over the "I'll be happy when..." syndrome; face a challenging time such as the death of a loved one or your divorce; do the simple Inner-Ease Technique; and what percentage of most people's thoughts are negative. Become happier, even if you're faced by many challenges.

    Holistic Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn Tells You How to Have a Healthy Heart

    Holistic Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn Tells You How to Have a Healthy Heart

    February is American Heart Month, and it's time to talk about heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, one in four deaths are due to heart disease. But heart disease often can be prevented by making healthy choices. In this Gab with the Gurus Show, we talk to Dr. Joel Kahn, America's Healthy Heart Doc, who practices a unique brand of Eastern and Western medicine. Dr. Kahn, who is author of The Plant Based Solution, The Whole Heart Solution and Dead Execs Don't Get Bonuses, is founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, owner of GreenSpace Cafe in Royal Oak and Ferndale, Michigan and a professor at Wayne State University Medical School. Dr. Kahn will tell you: How big a problem is heart disease? What do you think is the biggest misconception about heart disease? How can you know if it's silently developing? What is the power of a plant diet on heart health? How can eating too much sugar impact heart disease?  What is the connection between sexual health and heart health? And more.  Tell your friends and loved ones about this Gab with the Gurus episode to help people Have a Healthy Heart.

    Upgrade Your Vibes with Robyn Openshaw

    Upgrade Your Vibes with Robyn Openshaw

    You know how you feel depleted or energized when you eat certain foods or hang out with certain people? Likewise, you may feel melancholy or happy while imbibing other foods or thinking various thoughts. In Vibe: Unlock the Energetic Frequencies of Limitless Health, Love & Success, Openshaw — a former psychotherapist, university professor, author of 15 books and healthy living advocate — tells you how foods have vibes, which can impact both your physical and emotional health. The “Green Smoothie Girl” — also the name of her popular site GreenSmoothieGirl.com — appears on the Gab with the Gurus Show to help you make simple tweaks so you can raise your vibes, get more energy and feel better. In this show, Robyn will tell you: How everything has its own vibration and frequency.How you can help raise or lower the energy and vibration of yourself and others.How whole foods have a higher vibration than processed foods.How you can raise your vibration and energy levels.How understanding that vibrational frequency is fundamental to being happy and to supercharging your health, work and relationships.How you can make vibrations work for you.How to deal with negative emotions when you’re trying to have higher vibes. Join us live or listen later, at your convenience. Help your friends and family members by telling them about this provocative podcast.

    Addicted to Your Cell? Discover “The Power of Off” with Dr. Nancy Colier

    Addicted to Your Cell? Discover “The Power of Off” with Dr. Nancy Colier

    If you frequently check your cell phone, computer and other electronic devices, you want to learn from the insightful Dr. Nancy Colier, an expert in mindfulness practices and author of the fascinating book, The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World. Dr. Colier—a psychotherapist, interfaith minister, author and veteran meditator—will help you discover: Discover if you’re addicted to your cell phone, computer and other technological gizmos.How technology can harm your relationships and how you can use your tech devices to nurture them  instead.5 big dangers that lie in wait if you continue to be so plugged in.How to become more mindful while still using technology.How to do a harmless, easy digital detox program to take back control of your life and launch a healthier relationship with your favorite tech gadgets. This Gab with the Gurus interview is a must-listen for most of our tech-reliant friends or relatives. Share it with them now.

    Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson Tells You How to Be Happy, Thin and Free

    Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson Tells You How to Be Happy, Thin and Free

    If you you want to lose weight -- and have been having challenges keeping off the pounds -- you want to listen to the inspiring, fascinating Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., an expert in the psychology of eating and author of the book, Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free,. Dr. Thompson, who is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and President of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss, will share what it takes to keep off your excess weight for good. In our interview, Dr. Thompson -- the founder of Bright Line Eating -- Susan will tell you about the psychology and neuroscience of sustainable weight loss. You'll discover: How the Standard American Diet hijacks and rewires the brain.How your brain is blocking you from losing weight. What two foods flood your brain with excess dopamine.5 ways that you can replenish your willpower.How to Rebound After Relapse.Susan's rock-bottom moment and how she has kept 60 pounds off for 13 years. How sticking to four "Bright Lines" helps you shed pounds and release cravings. What could trigger a relapse.How you want to discover where you stand on the Food Susceptibility Scale. If you have friends or relatives, who struggle with weight, tell them about this show, which they can listen to here.  

    Halloween Tips for Parents

    Halloween Tips for Parents

    In this special Halloween show, a team of experts -- "The FlyLady" Marla Cilley, Dr. Lisa Hark; Leanne Ely, CNC and Dr. Jill R. Baron -- will help you parents figure out how to deal with your Little Sugar Monsters after they come home from all their trick-or-treating and sugar-gorging. Then, we'll give you juicy ideas on what to do with all those sugar-filled candies! Please note that this show, during which you'll get some fabulous pointers on how to handle Halloween night, is a replay of a previous show, when it was called the Stop Sugar Shock Radio Show. This is a rerun of a popular previous Halloween show.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gabwiththegurus/2010/10/27/halt-halloween-sugar-shock-flylady-marla-cilley-dr-lisa-hark-leeanne-ely-offer-tips

    Jayson and Mira Calton Explain Their Micronutrient Miracle Plan

    Jayson and Mira Calton Explain Their Micronutrient Miracle Plan

    My guests on today's Gab with the Gurus Show are celebrity nutritionists Jayson B. Calton Ph.D. and Mira Calton CN, leading experts in micronutrients and dietary supplement science. The Caltons are authors of Naked Calories, Rich Food, Poor Food, and their provocative new book, The Micronutrient Miracle: The 18-Day Plan to Lose Weight, Increase Your Energy, and Reverse Disease. In this Gab with the Gurus Show, the Caltons -- who operate Calton Nutrition and The Calton Institute of Lifestyle Medicine in Florida -- will tell you: The most important nutrients to consume.How being low on micronutrients can harm you.How Mira developed advanced osteoporosis by age 30 but reversed it with Jayson's help.Which nutrients people most need.How your diet can make you deficient on certain micronutrients. Spread the word about this exciting show.

    Damon Gameau of "That Sugar Film" Blows the Lid on Processed Foods

    Damon Gameau of "That Sugar Film" Blows the Lid on Processed Foods

    If you eat processed foods out of boxes, cans, jars, and packages, you must watch That Sugar Film, an amusing, new shockumentary (shocking documentary), which reveals how eating allegedly "healthy foods" can, in fact, demolish your health. Australian Director/actor Damon Gameau -- who is today's special Gab with the Gurus guest -- will blow you away when you discover what happened to his poor body in a mere 60 days, when he consumes only so-called "healthy foods." That Sugar Film -- which opens today in 11 United States cities -- features Gameau, who courageously treats himself like a human guinea pig while she poisons himself with six weeks of consuming some 40 teaspoons of sugar a day from processed foods. On this Gab with the Gurus Show, discover: How Damon gained some 20 pounds in only 6 weeks of eating allegedly healthy foods.How Damon got addicted to sugar even without eating any sweets!What most shocked Gameau about his hidden sugars-eating odyssey.How eating only Sneaky Hidden Sugars made wider, manic, confused, fuzzy-headed, aloof and lethargic.How supermarkets are full of processed foods full of Sneaky Hidden Sugars.How he cleaned up his diet after his life-threatening sugar odyssey.What most people, who eat processed foods need to know. Spread the word about this important Gab with the Gurus Show to your friends and family members.  Then share your comments on my Sugar Shock Blog, or on Facebook here and here.

    Is Your Diet a Disaster? Professor Traci Mann Blasts Weight-Loss Myths

    Is Your Diet a Disaster? Professor Traci Mann Blasts Weight-Loss Myths

    Are you tired of your diet always failing? Traci Mann, Ph.D., psychology professor and author of the new book, Secrets from the Eating Lab, will tell you on this Gab with the Gurus Show why you need to approach weight loss differently.  Dr. Mann, founder of the Health and Eating Lab at the University of Minnesota, will discuss: The myth of will power;How to ignore a tasty cookie;Why you keep gaining weight you’ve lost;2 simple strategies to eat healthily;What we can learn from a lean pig.How diets can be bad for you;How stress affects your weight;How healthy does not necessarily mean skinny. Spread the word about this Gab with the Gurus Show to your frustrated friends and relatives, who keep failing at their diets. Photo credit: Traci's author photo by Richard Wadey-James

    Dr. Dennis W. Thomas on Whole Pet Healing

    Dr. Dennis W. Thomas on Whole Pet Healing

    Dog and cat owners, this Gab with the Gurus Show is for you!  My guest today is Dr. Dennis Thomas, a 30-year veterinarian, who will open your eyes in a big way about how to care for your beloved pet. On this Gab with the Gurus, Dr. Thomas, author of the new book, Whole-Pet Healing, will tell you: Why after more than 20 years of being a traditional practiciing veterarian, Dr. Thomas began treating pets holistically to develop a comprehensive head-to-tail program. Why he uses such unique healing modalities as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic therapy, energy medicine, nutritional counseling, and mind/body healing on people's cats, dogs and other pets. What he believes is the biggest problem of traditional veterinary medicine and why holistic pet care is important. Why he objects to the phrase “pet ownership” and what we should use instead. The top 3 ways pets can be treated holistically How pets don’t suffer, but we do What essential oils are best for your pet How you can balance your pet’s body Tell your friends and colleagues with pets about this fascinating show.

    Get Energy All Day with Yuri Elkaim

    Get Energy All Day with Yuri Elkaim

    Do you poop out late morning or late in the afternoon? In short, are you often dragging in an energy slump? Wouldn't it be AWESOME to have loads of zip and zest all day long? Learn how to get steady oomph, thanks to today's guest, Yuri Elkaim, author of the book, The All-Day Energy Diet, which helps you overcome exhaustion and come back to life. At the same time, you'll lose weight effortlessly and reclaim or improve your health. Yuri has spent a whopping 14-plus immersed in the subject of energy and helping hundreds of thousands of men and women just like you. As you, of course, know, energy gives you the foundation for a great life and amazing health. Join us live or later, at your convenience, on this Gab with the Gurus Show, to find out how to get energy all day long with Yuri Elkaim. Yuri will give you: Tips to double your energy in 7 days or less.Ideas to improve your health. FYI, join us to discover how to get 10 amazing bonuses worth $511 from Yuri, too, when you grab your copy of the book. Please pass the word to your pooped out friends and relatives, who need this valuable information.

    Dieting's 7 Deadly Sins with Dr. Yoni Freedhoff

    Dieting's 7 Deadly Sins with Dr. Yoni Freedhoff

    Ninety percent of all diets end in failure. If you've been struggling to lose weight, you\'ll want to listen to this Gab with the Gurus Show with nutrition and obesity expert Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, author of the book, The Diet Fix. Dr. Freedhoff has helped dejected dieters to shed weight once and for all. In fact, they've even been enjoying an 81% success rate in keeping off their unwanted weight. In our Gab with the Gurus Show, you will leaern: Dieting's 7 Deadly Sins. (As many as we can discuss during the show.) ·        How Dr. Freedhoff manages his own cravings for wings and fries to show how to maintain a healthy relationship with your “danger” foods.Some of modern-day dieting's most common myths.A brief history of dieting, with special emphasis on the first popular diet in 1863, which was a low-carb diet.You'll discover how for the past 50 years as dieting has soared, obesity rates have nearly quadrupled. Listen to this Gab with the Gurus Show live or later, at your convenience. .

    David Kessler Tells You How to Heal Your Heart

    David Kessler Tells You How to Heal Your Heart

    David Kessler -- one of the most well-known experts and lecturers on death and grieving today -- is my guest on today's Gab with the Gurus Show. David will discuss the empowering ideas in his newest book, You Can Heal Your Heart, which he wrote with self-empowerment luminary Louise Hay. In our show, David will: Discuss emotions and thoughts that occur when a relationship leaves you brokenhearted, a marriage ends in divorce, or a loved one dies.Tell you how to develop greater self-awareness and compassion.Share valuable tools to face your losses or challenges. You can listen to this show live or later. Spread the word to your friends.

    E-Squared Author Pam Grout on the Power of Your Thoughts

    E-Squared Author Pam Grout on the Power of Your Thoughts

    Pam Grout, author of the New York Times bestseller E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, is today’s the Gab with the Gurus guest. A travel writer and a student of the Course in Miracles, Pam’s experiences led her share her nine do-it-yourself energy experiments to prove that your thoughts create your reality. On this show, you will learn how changing your mindset can lead to positive health benefits.  Pam will tell you: Why she compares God to electricity.How to let the universe do the heavy lifting or why "the how" is not up to you.Prove that the universe has your back.What she does every morning as a spiritual practice.The importance of gratitude.Why she wrote a book about energy and spirituality.Some of the biggest myths about God.The importance of making your dreams a reality fun. Listen to this Gab with the Gurus show at your convenience.  Please spread the word about this show to your friends and colleagues.

    The Sugar Detox with Dr. Patricia Farris

    The Sugar Detox with Dr. Patricia Farris

    Sugar addiction is getting more and more pervasive these days, and today, my guest, dermatologist Patricia Farris, M.D., F.A.A.D. will discuss this legal substance, which can wreak havoc on your health and skin. Dr. Farris is co-author with Brooke Alpert, M.S., R.D., C.D.N. and of The Sugar Detox: Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Look Years Younger. In this Gab with the Gurus Show, you will learn: How too much sugar can cause wrinkles.How to repair your sugar-damaged skin.Whether sugar causes more damage than sun to your skin.Why a nutritionist and dermatologist partnered to write this book, The Sugar Detox.How you can pamper yourself with a sea mud mask to help you get through the first three days off sugarHow exercise hellps control your blood sugar.And more. is good for your skin. (You'll look better by not eating sweets.) Listen live to this show or later, at your convenience. Spread the word to your friends and fans, too.

    Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much With Colette Baron-Reid

    Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much With Colette Baron-Reid

    Colette Baron-Reid, author of Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much, is today’s Gab with the Gurus guest. Colette is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor educator, and best-selling author, who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential, and purpose. On today’s Gab with the Gurus Show, you will learn:  How emotional eating is not about the food.How to set healthy boundaries.How your thoughts can make you fat or think.What the connection is between stress and cortisol.How to let go of self-bullying, which will help you release the weight.How do discover radical self-acceptance. Listen to this show live or later, at your convenience. Please spread the word about this show to your friends and colleagues.

    Lean Body, Fat Wallet with Danna Demetre

    Lean Body, Fat Wallet with Danna Demetre

    On Today's Gab with the Gurus Show with speaker author Danna Demetre, you will learn a powerful concept -- the same four powerful habits can help you transform both your physical and fiscal health at the same time. In other words, what's good for the body is good for the wallet. Danna, is a popular Christian speaker and co-author with Ellie Kay of the new book, Lean Body, Fat Wallet. In today's Gab with the Gurus Show with Danna Demetre, you will discover: How you can practice four simple habits to create both physical and fiscal health.Why two experts on different topics decided to join forces to present a unifying theme in a book.The power of the "You Are What You Think Habit" and how it's vital to help you improve your health, slim down, dump debt and build greater financial security.How the 3D Habit applies to both health and wealth.The effectiveness of the The In and Out Habit to trim your body and fatten your wallet.The difference between setting a goal and actually living that new lifestyle, day  in, day out.How to make both good health and wealth a habit.The most important thing to do if you want to have a lean body and fat wallet. Listen to this show live or later, at your convenience. Please spread the word about this show to your friends and colleagues.  

    Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Why with Dr. Nicole Avena

    Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Why with Dr. Nicole Avena

    Do you find it hard to say no to sugary foods? If so, you may be addicted to sugar. Learn about the fascinating new research from neuroscientist and addiction expert Nicole Avena, Ph.D., who will tell you why it can be tough to lose weight:

    Overeating palatable foods can produce changes in the brain and behavior that resemble addiction.  Dr. Avena -- who received a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology from Princeton University and had a postdoctoral fellowship in molecular biology at The Rockefeller University in New York City --is the author of Why Diets Fail: Because You're Addicted to Sugar.  Get ready to be fascinated by this intriguing neuroscientist, who will tell you how to overcome your sugar addiction for good.